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Pyramid Chambers of the 21st Century The Lost Knowledge of the Angels Co-Authored by William Brown and Jim Grapek The Pavilion: The Next Face of Health & Well-being

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Pyramid Chambers of the 21st Century The Lost Knowledge of the Angels

Co-Authored by William Brown and Jim Grapek

The Pavilion: The Next Face of Health & Well-being

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About the Authors

William “Bill” Brown

Bill Brown, a civil engineer by profession, is becoming a known

figure in the worlds of sacred geometry and Egyptology. A long

time student of mythology and seeker of the ancient mysteries,

Bill's civil engineering background and more than 52 trips to

Giza, Egypt, have helped him to unravel many of the secret

codes surrounding Giza, itself.

Bill building life sized pyramids and geometric structures in the

1990's. By continually testing them for their energetic properties

using the best science available, he was able to learn how different geometries affected

people. This ultimately enabled him to develop the advanced, health and consciousness

supporting geometric devices he is building today.

Bill's work was never fully about Egypt. His intention all along was to uncover the secrets

of the pyramids and put them to good use. How were the ancient Egyptians able to

manipulate the cosmic energies to not only give them a high culture, but enable them to

live in harmony for thousands of years? Today, Bill believes he has uncovered those

secrets. Bill can be reached at: [email protected]

Jim Grapek

Jim Grapek is a writer/producer (science and health) with

network television credits; he’s the founder of The Pavilion; is a

student of the metaphysical and the anomalous, and is a

certified advanced student of BioGeometry. Jim studied directly

under both Dr. Karim, and Dr. Robert Gilbert. As an investigative

producer, Jim's focus has been on finding and bringing forward

the best, life-supporting solutions out there to create a healthier

and better world. He has filmed Bill Brown’s work in Egypt and

continues to be a fan and supporter.

Jim resides in suburban Maryland and can be reached at: [email protected]

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Pyramid Chambers of the 21st Century The Lost Knowledge of the Angels

(‘Angels’ pronounced Old English style with hard ‘G’)

“This is pretty cool stuff and really gets you thinking. I doubt anybody can deny that there’s a fabulous, mystical, life force we need to tune into and utilize for the betterment of humanity and our world.

It’s a known fact that the entire human body is made of energy… and is a conductor of energy. We’re fundamentally fractal crystalline structures with all sorts of receptors and generators, the most notable being our powerful DNA. I’ve been playing with this energy and working to figure out the role geometry plays in this for some 20 years. I still have plenty to learn and that’s okay, because I can’t think of a more fun, challenging, and satisfying way to spend my time.”

~ Bill Brown

WILLIAM M. BROWN William ‘Bill’ Brown had no particular interest in Egypt or pyramids for the longest time. Then one night, back in 1997, all of that changed. Images of the pyramids… even ‘films’ of himself designing the 4th Dynasty 2nd Pyramid for the Giza Pharaoh – suddenly played in Bill’s mind. Whether it was a dream, a vision, or perhaps a glimpse of a past life, regardless of what one believes, one thing is for certain: Bill somehow gained an inner knowing of Egypt, the pyramids, and Giza, in particular.

In the time since then, Bill has made more than 52 trips to Giza, many of them with his wife and partner Lucyna Lobos Brown – a gifted intuitive (and a pretty good massage therapist, too!). Together they’ve been able to identify antiquities, tombs, and make geometric correlations that are helping to re-write Egypt’s true history, much of which has not been revealed to the public.

Because Bill and Lucyna’s work has been picked up by National Geographic Television, Polish Television – Lucyna is from Poland -- and growing number of outlets, thousands… perhaps millions have now heard their story about the Ancient Ones, and their journey continues.

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Even Dr. Zahi Hawass, the former head of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, had enough confidence in Bill and Lucyna’s findings that for one of their projects, connected with the Fayum Hawara pyramid restoration back in 2007, Hawass broke with tradition and ordered that a front end loader be used -- rather than hand carried buckets -- to unearth hundreds of priceless artifacts. This was the first time he had ever done that, because he trusted the accuracy of their research. In their small effort to share and spread this knowledge, they’ve made more than 50 presentations on three continents since 2006.

Bill’s successful career as a civil engineer in the Washington DC area was the perfect foundation for his later work on pyramids. His familiarity with geometry, architectural structures, and computer aided design programs (CAD), combined with his new insights on Egypt enabled him to do everything from triangulating buried tombs and hidden chambers, to uncovering some of Egypt’s greatest


One of those secrets involved the precise placement and positioning of the pyramids – both on the earth’s surface (relative to our celestial neighbors) and within the earth’s magnetic field. As Bill began to work on his 21st century pyramid chambers, he realized he would need to factor this in for any current day designs to be effective. New calculations were needed; for the position of the pyramids, in relation to the heavens and earth’s slowly moving magnetic field, had shifted over the eons.

Around 2003, between trips to Egypt, Bill began building human scaled pyramids and geometric structures. Continually testing their energetic properties, he was able to gain an understanding about how different geometries affected human energy systems and health – something known and used by the Egyptian temple priests. Since then, Bill has focused his attention on recreating and updating the original pyramid designs in order to serve our 21st century society. His latest breakthrough, the merger of icosahedron and the double pyramid – really an octahedron – reveals new secrets about their energetic properties.

With the help of more sophisticated science, such as GDV cameras and BioGeometry, his measurements as to the effects these designs had on objects and people became more accurate. Bill looked at things such as changes in physical properties, energy patterns, coherence, and for humans, a number of health and vitality factors, as well. His latest iteration of pyramid chamber technology, what he calls the ICOSA 8, brings several prime geometric designs together within a pyramid structure to engineer a space that can balance energies and return things to ‘the center’; to homeostasis.

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GEOMETRY: At the Foundation of Reality It appears that the importance of geometry, something known and taught by the ancients, is coming into vogue once again. In 2013, Andrew Hodges, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University wrote,

"The revelation that particle interactions, the most basic events in nature, may be consequences of geometry, advances a decades-long effort to reformulate quantum field theory - the body of laws describing elementary particles and their interactions."

Ironically, Hodges’ statement echoes those taught in many classical mystical traditions – that each of the various “Planes of Nature” which make up the whole of reality – including the Physical, Vital, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual planes – have their own unique geometries. This was also at the foundation of the Egyptian temple science, and they incorporated this knowledge into their everyday lives in practical ways. Of course, there is no more visible testament to geometry than their great pyramids. The Egyptian temple science was a more ‘holistic’ or ‘whole-system’ type of science than the science we know today. It included both our quantitative component, which was electromagnetic based and limited by the speed of light, as well as a qualitative component that took into account other dimensions or ‘planes of nature’ and was based on faster-than-light ‘subtle’ energy vibrations. They were, and are, like two sides

of the same coin; together they constitute a ‘whole’ – both mathematically and intuitively. Unfortunately, the qualitative component

of their rich body of science – the basis for our science today (for Pythagoras was educated in Egypt) – mysteriously vanished from the mainstream.

This more complete science model used by the Egyptians used gave them a much broader understanding of the world around them than quantitative science alone -- what we rely on today -- is capable of. Interestingly, the Egyptians’ brand of science seems to have some commonalities with quantum physics… and string theory, in particular. Today, of course, the speed of light is no longer seen as an absolute limit; it’s a boundary defining the upper limits of this physical reality. Quarks, Leptons, Neutrinos, and even our own thoughts… have been shown to travel faster

than the speed of light with no time lag at all between two distant points. Einstein called this ‘spooky action at a distance’. Another mind-bending discovery is that photons can be in two places at once, something known as a non-local effect.

The takeaway here, though, is that the Egyptians very advanced body of science enabled them to live in harmony with the world around them for thousands of years. Meanwhile, using just the quantitative

Credit: BioGeometry, Inc.

Quality is determined by the relationship

(angle) between Amplitude and Wavelength.

Credit: BioGeometry, Inc.

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component has managed to bring our modern civilization to the brink of destruction in a mere 200 years. We must follow suit… or perish.

One just needs to look at any chemistry text to see the importance geometry plays in our world. Linus Pauling’s definitive 1947 textbook ‘General Chemistry” could, to a large extent, just as easily have been formatted as a textbook on applied geometry. It shows how molecular angles and geometric patterns affect chemical properties. And the ancient Egyptians wrote this: Energy plus shape defines function. Today, university level molecular geometry courses teach students about the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in molecules. It’s a big deal. A substance’s reactivity, polarity, phase of matter, color, magnetism, and biological activity, are all determined by its geometry.

Just for fun, Tesla’s Multiplication Map on the right comes courtesy of CBS News. This amazing, lost drawing was found in early 2016 in Arizona. It’s a geometric ‘math spiral’ or ‘multiplication map’ that contains all the numbers in a simple-to-use system. Some of the pieces are already familiar to us… but a few others are not. One mathematician, wrote: “The spiral not only explores multiplication as an interwoven web, but it offers a visual understanding of how all numbers are self-organized into 12 positions of compositability.” (Note that the diagram is dated 12/12/12… that would be 1912!) Egyptian Temple Science Gets Boost By French

The secrets of the Egyptian temple sciences eventually found their way into the science of Universal Harmonics. And quite recently, in the mid 1900’s, a group of French scientists tried to reconstruct the original Egyptian body of science. In the process, they experimented with the effects that various geometric shapes had on the world around them. One shape was the hemisphere… which is

mathematically equivalent, for practical purposes, to the pyramid. They also discovered a powerful, new, invisible energy quality that was more dangerous and penetrating than X rays. They believed it was related to cosmic rays and called this energy quality Negative Green. On a 2D compass or representation, Negative Green is at the bottom – directly opposite Green, which is why the French called it Negative Green -- even though it has nothing to do with the color green. What’s relevant to all of us here and those interested in pyramids, is that these French scientists, most notably Leon Chaumery,

discovered that upside down hemispheres and pyramids – again, equivalent in terms of their

properties -- attracted the harmful Vertical component of this Negative Green energy quality. They also discovered that it could be eliminated by making minor adjustments to the geometry. That’s why the sides of the Egyptian pyramids have a slight, half degree indentation, and why the hemispheric domes capping

Credit: BioGeometry, Inc.

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many of the world’s mosques and churches employ an architectural correction of some sort, such as a spire or cross on top, to eliminate this Vertical Negative Green. Otherwise, it would sicken the congregants inside. In the following illustrations you can see that correction in the Great Pyramid design, and that every dome on the mosque has a geometric correction on top. Most lay people and even architects today are unaware of this because the information was lost or hidden. Yet, go back 500 years and I believe it was pretty much common knowledge… right up until the early 1800’s.

Still, Vertical Negative Green radiation is cumulative and can do worse than just sicken. A stack of upside down experimental hemispheres in front of Dr. Chaumery’s desk – what almost looks like wooden

children’s toys to us -- generated enough Vertical Negative Green to kill him. When they found him, his body was severely dehydrated

and partially mummified. Apparently, he hadn’t yet learned that the Egyptians used Vertical Negative Green in their mummification process. So it is critical we correct any and all pyramids. Following on the work of these French scientists and others, Dr. Ibrahim Karim, the renowned Egyptian architect and Doctor of Science, went on to further

refine this body of knowledge into the 21st century science of BioGeometry™. In the last thirty years, using sophisticated measuring tools and good observational science to gather hard data, Dr. Karim has proven what Oxford’s Hodges theorized and the ancient Egyptians knew; that energy plus geometric shape determines function: “Geometry defines function.” It’s because by understanding how these geometries and planes of nature function you can learn to detect, measure, and transmute -- though resonance… the natural, invisible forces around you. Think of these planes -- the physical, emotional, mental plane and so on, as kind of independent dimensions which together make up the fabric of reality. Working with them you can harmonize and balance all facets of life and even improve, and make safer, every advanced technology we have today.

Dr. Ibrahim Karim, ScD

BioGeometry Founder

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Through the practical application of qualitative science you can neutralize toxins – from pesticides in foods to electromagnetic and even nuclear radiation. You can detect and transmute harmful geopathic energies, and you can even reduce and in some cases eliminate, the harmful side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Dr. Karim explains it this way: "This spiritual, or 'sacred' energy is a sort of transcendental energy, or agent, that affects space time. It belongs to no religion, no belief, no creed, yet is at the core of every belief on earth. In itself, it is very abstract. Yet, with the proper tools and understandings we can work with this spiritual energy in practical ways -- to live in harmony with our world and the universe around us. BioGeometry™ bridges science and spirituality. …it is an enhancement to modern technology. We are simply changing the quality of whatever energy it might be. Imagine a world where the electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere had a healing effect instead of a harmful effect… where we could increase crop yields by increasing the sacred life force of the plants and no chemicals were needed. This science enables us to do this." In experiments with BioGeometry™ performed at Cairo’s National Research Center and elsewhere, for example, researchers demonstrated that geometric forms alone could affect life functions. This BioGeometry™ cube, for example, used in experiments performed at the Egyptian National Research Center, kept mice held in radioactive cages healthy, while those in cages without the cubes contracted cancer and grew large tumors.

It’s up to all of us to help bring this information forward. Reuniting the science and math of quantity and quality will give us a powerful, ‘whole-istic’ science model that will enable us to better interact with, and heal, the world around us.

Dr. Karim eventually identified something akin to a centering, or balancing force; a highly beneficial energy quality consisting of a higher harmonic of gold, a higher harmonic of ultraviolet, and horizontal (as oppsed to vertical) Negative Green. The horizontal (as in ‘magnetic’) component of negative green actually acts more like a spiritual carrier wave. This triad of energies, Dr. Karim found, was in every one of our cells and chakras… it eminated from the world’s sacred sites, healing places, and even from the tombs of saints. And this energy vibration seemed to move whatever was in its path, towards balance… or center. Dr. Karim called this beneficial, life supporting energy quality ‘BG3’, short for the ‘BioGeometry™ Three’. Interestingly, BG3 also eminates from the center of every physical object in our reality. Is this how the unified field or Source/God energy comes through into our physical space? Nobody knows for certain, yet it seems to make sense. The big takeaway here, though, is that this BG3 quality, when focused and applied, promotes growth, vitality and well-being. Test after test performed around the world on people, animals, and plants (crops and orchards), have proved this conclusively. Brown’s ICOSA 8, tested using BioGeometry™ tools, generates that strong BG3 quality. THE EFFECTS OF PYRAMIDS

Today, thanks to BioGeometry and increasingly sophisticated testing equipment that can measure subtle energies, a new scientific paradigm is emerging which is giving us a deeper understanding of the ancient pyramids.

BioGeometry™ Cube

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But back around the late 1950’s to the early 1970’s, there was also keen interest in pyramids, and an explosion of research showing they exhibited unusual energetic properties. Generally speaking, researchers concurred that the energy within pyramids seemed to affect living systems, from plants to humans. It could alter the mass of liquids and solids. What was this energy? What was causing it? What materials worked best? What angles worked best? These are questions that today’s researchers and designers have made much progress on. Still, there is more to learn... or perhaps we should say, “rediscover”. Most of the researchers from that period believed the pyramids focused cosmic

energy – especially tachyons – to the general end of supporting life and bringing

both living and non-living systems into balance. And ignore the naysayers: NASA

was so impressed with the pyramid’s ability to attract and focus cosmic rays that

they designed, and were issued a patent for, a cosmic ray collector made of a

series of pyramids.

Even the US Dept. of Agriculture experimented with pyramids, reporting in their farm bulletin in the 1950’s

on a study that revealed 30-inch pyramids placed in pastures reduced flies and other flying pests of

livestock by 70%. Perhaps it’s time to start using them again?

An abbreviated list of study findings and anecdotal stories include:

Aluminum foil placed within a pyramid would firstly block the energetic effects until it finally

became saturated with this formative pyramid energy (FPE). Once that happened, food items,

for example that were wrapped in the aluminum foil outside of the pyramid would stay preserved

for quite some time without the need for refrigeration.

Contaminated milk placed within the pyramid showed a drop of as much as 16% of the harmful

bacteria, while identical samples placed outside the pyramid continued to develop additional

bacteria. The same was found true of standard bacteria-containing water samples.

It was found that where abnormalities existed in human blood specimens, the blood was brought

into the normal range when the donor was exposed for a brief period of time to pyramid space.

Fruits ripened faster yet remained edible longer when kept inside a pyramid. “We kept fresh,

fully ripened tomatoes for a month without any decay.”

Healing appeared to progress faster and with fewer complications when the person was

subjected to pyramid space.

Meditation was reportedly more effective when conducted inside a pyramid.

Plants grew at faster rates and seeds germinated in less than half the normal time.

Sleeping inside a pyramid reportedly reduced the length of time required for sleep and subjects

were more rested upon arising.

Skin temperature, as measured with a GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) device, was increased at the

body’s extremities while a subject was inside a pyramid.

NASA Cosmic Ray Collector

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Objects inside of pyramids lost a small percentage of their mass. A ten pound block of iron and a

ten pound bag of sugar, for example, lost 61 and 50 grams of weight respectively, after being

stored in the center of a pyramid for three weeks.

The edges of steel razor blades were restored overnight when placed inside a pyramid.

The above effects were observed in pyramids built from a variety of materials, suggesting that it is the

shape of the pyramid rather than what it is made of which is key – though metals did not work as well as

non-metallic organic surfaces. It was also believed that more energy entered the pyramid from the west

side and was strongest there, compared with the other directions; the east side being the weakest and

worst for growing.

What’s responsible for these effects? Cosmic rays? Tachyons? BG3? Perhaps it is all of these elements, and some we haven’t even discovered yet. OF ANGLES AND ANGELS

Now that it’s been rediscovered that geometry… angles… shape the energy’s function, it’s safe to say certain angles can be used to perform work; to do good things for us – like creating BG3. Coincidentally, there’s another word in the English language with the exact same letters as ‘angle’, but with only a minor transposition in their arrangement. Angel.

In fact, ‘angle’ was originally spelled ‘angel’ in Old English, though

they attributed different meanings to each. Two different words, two different meanings. Or is it possible we’re really looking at the same basic concept but just from two very different perspectives? …the perspective of modern Western man versus ancient Egyptian. The mystical traditions of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Taoism, and a few others ascribe many names to God; The Jewish Qabalah says God has 72 names … the Sufi say Allah has 99 names, and so on. Yet, as the initiates soon learn, these aren’t names so much as they are attributes of God.. Or of Source Energy… the Unified field or whatever you prefer to call reality. And look at that Arabic depiction in the illustration to the right. Geometry at its finest! The ancient Egyptians, according to some sources, worshipped 114 gods which they called Neters – a word equivalent of our word Nature. And don’t many connect God with Nature? Yet, all of these mystical names are really about identifying attributes of ‘All that Is’; they divide the world into the main qualities of creation. Moreover, these names were, and are, words of power. When voiced properly, as the initiates and holy men were trained, the resulting vibrational sound qualities were said to be able to move mountains, part the seas, and even levitate giant blocks of stone. Just myths? Too much evidence and anecdotes suggest otherwise. Besides, they are now able to levitate objects in labs using sound, alone. While sound – compression waves -- is considered the primary sense or energy by many authorities – “first there was the WORD” the Bible tells us -- it is but one of at least five qualities of scale that we can work with. For example, an energy quality can be expressed or experienced using the color scale, or by using

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shapes, or angles. Angles and Angels. Egyptian vs. Western. It’s all about creating a resonance with specific energetic, intelligent, vibrational qualities beyond our physical universe (or call it the heavenly realms if you will), in order to help achieve a particular goal. It makes even more sense when you consider that everything springs from this intelligent, conscious, unified field of infinite potential -- and that math and geometry are foundational to not only all of existence… but all of non-existence, too. Looking at cymatic or fractal patterning, it’s pretty clear that all of the expressions of physical life we see around us can be defined by these mathematical systems. Angles, really are it seems, angels. (And again, it’s worth noting that the early, Old English spelling of Angles was exactly the same as ‘Angels’… just said with a hard ‘G’) Bringing this full circle, building sacred or high minded geometric structures such as the ICOSA 8, in order to balance its occupants and harmonize them with the natural environment, can be seen as akin to putting people on a more direct route to a transcendental pathway

which reaches through to the ‘other side’, where our ‘higher selves’ and ‘helper angels’ reside. Moreover, the ICOSA 8 will use multiple qualities of scale

– light, sound, color and shape – for maximum balancing effect.


A look at this graphic reveals not all pyramids are the same. As to the differences between the angles… that is something being studied. From Dr. Karim’s work, though, we’ve learned that different angles do have different properties. A 66 degree angle, for example, is excellent for neutralizing electromagnetic radiation, while a 90 degree angle is better for neutralizing certain geopathic vibrations and creating BG3. Though there are still many unknowns, the ICOSA 8, with its proprietary double pyramid angles, optimizes the highest balancing and centering forces. One of the exciting things about BioGeometry™ is that it allows us to test for, and work with, energies that are typically outside of our sensory range; our range is really quite limited. Dogs and many other animals, for example, can hear much higher frequencies than humans can. Assuming, if the numbers are right, that we can only sense maybe one tenth of one hundred millionth of the full energetic spectrum around us, we can use all the help we can get. That’s where BioGeometry can really shine, and it enabled Brown’s team to test their designs to see how they were or weren’t performing.

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It has been suggested that the regular icosahedron, not being found in nature, is the first example of a geometrical object that is the free creation of human thought. The earliest mention of the icosahedron seems to come from Euclid. A commentary in his writings ‘Elements’ speaks of the five, so-called Platonic figures. However, Euclid says they do not belong to Plato. Rather, three of the five come from the Pythagoreans -- the cube, the pyramid, and the dodecahedron. The octahedron and icosahedron were identified by Theaetetus.

After 25 years of study and research, Bill Brown discovered that the icosahedron shape was able to produce a strong balancing effect – more so than the other Platonic solids. Experimenting with various designs and models, Bill created what he calls the next generation of the icosahedron – incorporating dodecahedron geometries by using double platonic structures, and he’s placed the secrets of these geometries inside his new, 21st Century, double apex, Pyramid Gateway. CREATING THE PERFECT EQUILIBRIUM BioGeometry assessments Bill’s team performed on several geometric structures, including a pyramid (52 degree angle), an icosahedron, and the double pyramid ICOSA 8, demonstrated that the ICOSA 8 was the only structure able to generate a strong BG3 quality across all six planes – the physical, vital, emotional, mental, causal, and spiritual planes. In short, the ICOSA 8 design seems perfectly suited to bring people, or any living systems, into balance; helping to establish homeostasis and perfect equilibrium – thereby optimizing health and performance. This makes the IOCOSA 8 PYRAMID GATEWAY an ideal space for supporting healing, meditation, the arts, group activities, and whatever the imagination can conjure up!

ICOSA 8 BioGeometry™ testing results:








Stacked Comparison


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The ICOSA 8 is designed to match perfectly the exact architect’s design features of the Great Pyramid, Giza-Egypt and some. The ICOSA 8 is positioned inside a Great Pyramid such that the heart of anyone inside the chamber unit is located half way between the Queen’s and King’s chamber locations. A site has been procured and the first two-story GATEWAY is expected to be built here in the Chicago area, with construction beginning in the fall of 2016. The Deeper Issues

It turns out – using empirical observation AND by testing them with qualitative scientific tools -- that many if not most of our technologies are actually harmful – to us and to our world. Outside of the obvious problems with fossil fuel pollution, climate change, and the tragic oil and radiation catastrophes, research definitively shows that the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produced by our electricity – both AC and DC – are harmful to biological organisms. And the effects are cumulative. The Bio-Initiative Report (, written by a

consortium of top world scientists, explains that electromagnetic (EM) fields as low as 2 milligauss begin to harm us… and effects are cumulative. That’s much lower, for example, than the 100 milligauss one is exposed to riding in a late model car… or the 130 milligauss measured in a new hybrid or electric car. Of course, relatively strong EM fields aren’t just produced by today’s cars... and by our cell phones. Pretty much all facets of society run on, or are supported by, electricity. You’re not going to hear much about this in the news, though, at least not until enough people become educated about all of this. And because we can’t see, hear, taste, or smell this electromagnetic radiation, or pesticides – to add another toxic element -- we don’t think about it… unless a health challenge brings it to our attention. This is precisely why we need BioGeometry™, pyramids, the pioneering work of everyone involved in these areas, and public support and educational initiatives: To balance the energies around us and support planetary well-being.

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It’s Time to Re-Unify Science Must there always be tradeoffs in terms of health for our modern technologies? Absolutely not. Pythagoras learned about science’s qualitative component and tried to teach it. But as the records show, he was prevented from doing so. Finally, this ancient knowledge is being brought back to benefit mankind, and it’s our responsibility to help bring it forward.


Another project Bill has been working on the past several years is The Pavilion: An immersive, futuristic, Star Trek-like center designed to bring the best of science, integrative medicine, and the humanities, together… to nourish the body, mind, and soul and expand human potential. Two potential locations have been identified in the Washington DC area where the first Pavilion, conceived to be a central hub and differentiator for healthy and sustainable communities, is slated to be built.

The actual structure will be designed in conjunction with architect and BioGeometry founder Dr. Ibrahim Karim. This picture is an early stage artistic rendering based on my model and also generates a strong BG3 quality. Dr. Karim, along with the internationally renowned, DC-based architects TortiGallas and Partners, will develop the final design and plans and they’re hoping that the homes going up in the surrounding communities will incorporate BioGeometry design principles, as well. The Pavilion features a health club, spa, learning and arts center, a next generation integrative medicine facility, weekly Ted-like talks and social activities, and an organic restaurant, and even an organic wine bar. The Pavilion will also feature a nonprofit Life Sciences Center, where people can learn about relevant discoveries in science, health, and consciousness, that they’re not hearing about in the mainstream media. The unique Pavilion design is actually comprised of three different pyramids nestled together to form the outer shell. The interior space buildout contains 7 hyper-cubes. As an aside, hypercube structures are not supposed to be available in 3D space. By “unwrapping” them into 3D space, Bill believes we can create a space that incorporates the “5th element” of intensified feeling and sensory experience, produced from the multi-angle vibrations the hypercube generates. Bill hopes to test that theory soon.

Pythagoras, “Father” of Modern Science

The Pavilion, Opening in 2019

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Two ICOSA 8 chambers will be available in the Pavilion – one in the spa area and one in the building’s meditation space, precisely at the 6.5 degree ‘Pi Ray’ location akin to where a ‘King’s Chamber’ would be located. For more information on The Pavilion, please visit: THE ICOSA 8 Getting back to the ICOSA 8 PYRAMID GATEWAY, Bill Brown’s company, Puramis Inc., has found a domestic manufacturer and has begun taking orders. “These are ideal work spaces for health practitioners,” says Brown, and quips, “and a perfect gift for that special someone who has everything.”

Designer William (Bill) Brown, CEO, PURAMIS INCORPORATED (USA) ”Creating Advanced Geometric Structures for Balance and Healing.”

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Defining the HEART of Giza What treasures lay beneath the sand? Bill hopes the Egyptian government will reveal some of the one’s he’s discovered very soon. The following diagrams reveal the mathematics and geometry of the Giza plateau.

This is the geometric design layout of the Giza Plateau pyramid locations based on a golden means spiral

mirrored created by CAD program while working as a civil engineer for AMT in Rockville, MD. In 2004 after

my 2nd visit to Egypt. It forms a geometric RAM face image where the tips of the rams’ horns define

underground tomb locations not known by the general public.

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Tomb of Osiris




6C 6B6A















Zone #7 Zone














2006 GPR testing

detail location

areas at the Giza


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One of the RAM HORN tip locations near the 2nd Pyramid was defined in a vision by Bill in 1998, as a key

tomb image. Since then, it has been Bill’s passion to discover what was hidden there. Ground surveys,

mathematics, and ground penetrating radar have now revealed secrets to him that he hopes will soon

be brought to the public’s attention.

Bill Brown’s first book, The Giza Report 2008.

Pencil sketches in 1998

Dig Here ( in 1998)

-i]e[ ]e[i-

The second book, coming out fall

of 2016, reveals the secrets of the

buried tombs of the Eastern

Mastaba Field of the Great

Pyramid at the Giza Plateau, Egypt