Putting On Lean Muscle Mass

Putting On Lean Muscle Mass


Putting On Lean Muscle Mass. There is A Little Science Behind it All. In order for muscles to get bigger there is a process that the body must undergo. Muscle filaments (within the muscle) must be torn through strength training and exercise - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Putting On Lean Muscle Mass

Putting On Lean Muscle Mass

Putting On Lean Muscle Mass

Ok, you gym rats, I know youre out there. This class will help you understand how to put on lean healthy muscle mass. This class can also be used in the context of those who have a hard time keeping on healthy weight.1There is A Little Science Behind it AllIn order for muscles to get bigger there is a process that the body must undergo.Muscle filaments (within the muscle) must be torn through strength training and exerciseThere must be enough amino acids (from protein) in the body to rebuild these small tears in the muscle filamentsThe muscle size increases when the muscle repairs the small tears larger than they were before in order to accommodate for more strain put on the muscleThis process = Larger Muscles!!!

2 Key IngredientsThere are 2 key ingredientsCaloric IntakeHealthy CaloriesProtein, What's the Big Deal?Strength TrainingMuscle Groups

Caloric IntakeBasically to increase weight you need to consume more calories than you burn.Equation for healthy weight gain:2 pounds a week= 1000 extra calories per day 1.5 pounds a week= 750 extra calories per day 1 pound a week= 500 extra calories per day.5 pounds a week =250 extra calories per day Use an online BMR calculator to find your daily calories needs to sustain the weight you are at right now then add these calories to your diet

Much like losing weight3500 calories= 1 pound Also like losing weight it is not recommended it gain weight to quickly gradual increases work the best Gradual increase- if you eat too many calories it will turn into fat because your body will store the calories instead of using them to rebuild muscle after it has been torn down in strength training

4Healthy CaloriesChoose calories that are rich in nutrients vs. empty caloriesIdeal diet for healthy weight gain would be balanced Low in sugar and unhealthy fatsModerate to high in protein Lean meats and nutsHigh in nutrient rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy productsWhole grains vs. refined grainsLow to moderate in carbohydratesComplex carbs are betterStill need carbs in the diet to provide energy

This was the first bullet point but I decided that it was too much on the slide so I thought You could just say it, we can add it back if you think we should.. Although you are trying to increase calorie intake, it is important to make sure you are eating the right amount and kind of calories. You want to gain muscle not fat!

5Protein, Whats the Big Deal?ProteinFor optimal weight gain, it is ideal to eat foods high in protein and low in sugars and processed foodsMuscles use amino acids found in protein to help rebuild muscles once they are torn downHowever, when broken down in the body proteins still turn to calories so an excess of leftover calories will turn into fat

Strength Training4-5 days a week to see resultsAlternating Muscle Groups to allow muscles to rebuild and restFor example, alternate lower and upper body workouts. For Example; you can choose any muscle groups to work on any day just make sure to alternate which groups are worked in order to allow for rest and muscle rebuilding.

Alternate lower and upper body workouts. One week work Upper body M/W/F and lower body T/R. The next week work Upper body T/R and Lower body M/W/F. This is just an example you can choose any muscle groups to work on any day just make sure to alternate which groups are worked in order to allow for rest and muscle rebuilding.7Muscle Groups

When strength training, it is important to work all major muscle groups in the body to achieve muscular symmetry. Major muscle groups to include:AbsUpper BodyBackChest ArmsShouldersLower BodyLegsButt and Hips

Muscular symmetry is important to balance strength throughout the body. Prevents injury. 8Benefits of Lean MuscleHigher MetabolismLess Back PainEveryday Tasks will Seem EasierLess Recovery TimeIncreased Bone Density

Higher metabolism- muscle has higher caloric needs so the more lean muscle mass you had the more calories you will needLess Back Pain- more lean muscle around the torso and upper back will help to support better posture and therefore less stress and strain on the back Everyday Tasks Will Seem Easier- When you are stronger everything seems easier, picking things up, carrying things, working in the yard, etc.Less Recovery Time- from physical work and or illness, when you are in better shape your body heals itself faster9