PUTNAM FADELESS DYESnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0tr154/data/0243.pdf · the pores, the cause of many ......

J THE JEFFERSONIAN. JEFFERSONTOVVN, KY. WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Need Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Brookfield, Mo. "Two years ago I was unable to do any kind of work and onlv weisrhed 118 pounds. My trouble I i DacK to tne time that women may expect nature to bring on them the Change of Life. I got a bottle of dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and it made me feel much better, and I have contin- ued its use. I am to you for the trood health am now eniovintr." Mrs. Saraii Lousigxoxt. 414 S. Livingston Street, Iirookfield, Mo. The Chanpre of Life is the most criti cal period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at tbia time invites disease and pain. "Women everywhere should remem- ber that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so suc- cessfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from na- tive roots and herbs. For 30 years it has been curing wo- men from the worst forms of female ills inflammation, ulceration, dis- placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari- ties, periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden- tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, 3Iass. Her advice is free, and always helpful Accepting Misfortune. There are many ways of misfortune as many, indeed, as there are generous feelings or thoughts to be found on the earth; and every one of those thoughts, every one of those feelings, has a magic wand that trans- forms, on the threshold, the features and vestments of sorrow. Job would have said. "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord;" and Marcus Aure- - lius, perhaps, "If it be no longer al- lowed me to love those I loved high above all, it is doubtless that I may learn to love those whom I love not yet." Maeterlinck. For the Skin and Scalp. Because of its delicate, emollient, sanative, antiseptic properties derived from Cuticura Ointment, united with the purest of cleansing ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors, Cuticura Soap is unrivaled for pre- serving, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands, and, as- sisted by Cuticura Ointment, for dis- pelling itching, irritation and inflam- mation and preventing clogging of the pores, the cause of many disfigur- ing facial eruptions. All who delight in a clear skin, soft, white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair, will find that Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment realize every ex- pectation. Cuticura Remedies are sold throughout the world. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole proprietors, Boston, Mass. Send to them for the latest Cuticura Book, an authority on the best care of the skin, scalp and hair. It is mailed free on request. By the old method of salvage the rents and breaks in the hull of the vessel were closed and the water pumped out. By the latest system the ship is rid of water by pumping air into the holds, which floats the The city of Winnipeg built over a swamp. dates very grateful accepting is literally is the word to remember when you need a remedy QUGHSCOLDS Bad Breath ' 'For months I had great trouble with my stomach ami used all kinds of medicines. My tongue has been actually as green as grass, my breath having a bad odor. Two weeks ago a friend recommended Cascarets and after using them I can willingly and cheerfully say that they have entirely cured me. I therefore let you know that I 6hall recommend them to anyone suffer- ing from such troubles." Chas. H. Hd-per- n, 114 E. 7th St., New York, N. Y. Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The pen-nin- e tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. S23 WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED T Hntil.i.onlul pat er cunttlnlng hundreds ot manlageable peo de fiomall iieo'lons. rich, p. , young, old, Ptotastants, Catholics, mailed, sealed, free. C. X. GUNNELS, TOLEDO. OHIO UfaUTCn SEIOND-HAN- BAGS AND BUK-I- I Ail I L 11 LAP; any kind, nv quantity, anywbe e. Write 10- - price-"- . RICHMOND BAG CO., INC., Richmond. Ta. P. N. U. 12, 1910. PATENTS PATENTS WntnofiE.rolcmnn.WBsri. t K .W.. f li .u est references. Best results. Capitalize yonr brains. Advice and book W free. Special of- fers. Personal serrices. Patents advertised free. R. B.Owen, Washington, D.C. nDOPQY DISCOTEEY; J l 0 I WI (tm quick rrllrf aid eoni mm. BMk or tnn lih ud rV tratanat Or. IL IL UUI'I 8058, Box B. AtlaaU. tta. Bronchial Troches A convenient and effeetrre remedr lot Courhj and Hoanencn. Invaluable in Bronchial and LungTroubla it on request. II' to JOHN I. BROWN it SON, Bocton. Man. GREAT MEMORIAL HALL. Pittsburg's Notable and Costly Sol- diers and Sailors' Monument. Pittsburg is erecting at a cost of 11,400,000 a great and noteworthy memorial hall in honor of the sollders and sailors of Allegheny County. This will be, It Is asserted, the first soldiers and sailors' building erected In this country in which the purely monu- mental Idea has been treated so as to AND SAILORS OF ALLEGHENY PA. Being Erected in at a of $1,400,000. of New City, Architects. be practicable for public use. The architects are Palmer & The building is being erected on the Schenley property, facing Fifth ave- nue, and will contain an of architectural spaciousness that will be one of the st in this country and will accommodate five thousand persons. The dinner hall will accom five thousand tip notebook gallery will be inscribed the names of soldiers and sailors of Al- legheny County. The memorial hall will be specially for its- artistic There will be placed in a Army post room, in quartered oak, a mural decoration by T. de Thul-stru- p depicting the final charge of the Pennsylvania cavalry, led by Colonel Schoolmaker, at the Battle of Howard Pyie has just sketches for a mural decoration of the back of the platform in the audi- - torium, eighty feet long and twenty feet high. On the exterior of the building, over the front door, will be placed a huge bronze sitting figure of valor, nineteen feet high, executed by Charles Keck, the sculptor. There will also be put in appro- - , . , . . . - ; i x i i a .1 priate places memorial iauiei.s tie- - tablet of the famous telegraph corps, of which Andrew Carnegie was a member. The approach to the building will be treated in a parkway scheme, 600 feet by 4 00 feet, so as to contain bal- ustrades, benches and a high flagpole. peace monument may be erected In the place. The main body of the building is 150 feet square; its height is about 180 feet, and it is built of sandstone. Curative Suggestion. Lecturing in Paris on the "Mira- cles of Lourdes," the Abbe Conde limited the curative power of "sug- gestion" to functional as distinct from organic and asserted that 650 eases of organic disease, chiefly cancer and tuberculosis, had been cured at the shrine. For Renovating Goods. process for the of dress goods or other fabrics has been invented hy a Missouri man. The ap- paratus consists of a stand, like a r ' i 'jtt'i ! I L ' IX " Illl Pencil of Many Hues. One of the most Ingenious little de- vices recently put on the market la that shown in the cut. This device, the invention of a Maryland man, a combination marking crayon, lumber gauge and tally pencil. First, there is a long, thin tube with an opening large enough to receive a lead pency. At the other end is an enlarged tubu- - . lar holder for crayon, the crayon-re- - ceiver end forming a shoulder, which. MEMORIAL HALL FOR SOLDIERS COUNTY, It is Pittsburg Cost bostel, York Hornbostel. auditorium large noteworthy Grand Win- chester. symbolical A completely A renovating is Palmer & Horn- - makes a stop when the tube is drawn across the edge of a board, for in- stance. Along the tube a scale is marked, by means of which the thick- ness of a board may be measured, as between the shoulder and the marks on the gauge. The crayon is for marking boards and the pencil for re- cording the various necessary data in modate more. In a owner's features. treated finished disease Handy For Lumbermen. men this little implement is very use- ful, as it relieves them of the neces- sity of keeping vest pockets stuffed with a veritable of pencils, and rules, and also saves them the time otherwise wasted in hunting for each of these imple- ments as it is required. Philadelphia Record. Religious Teachers in States. There are 30,000 religious teach- ers in the States giving their lives to teaching. The pay of these should average $500 a year, making a total of $15,000,000 a year. Now, this sum represents, at only five cent, interest, a capital of $300,000,-00- 0, which the teaching orders of the gives to Catholic education. Catholic Columbian Record. SAPE! Tourist "I wonder at your allowing people to mount that ruin." Native "It's quite safe, sir. It was only built last year." For lumbr"-- - the arsenal crayons United United per church reading desk, with roller attached to the lower end. The goods are placed on this stand and drawn up as the work progresses. The actual work of renovating is done by sand blast, propelled through a tube with fan-shap- ed mouth. The sand is propelled through the tube by compressed air, which may be supplied by a foot pimp, and is directed first against the direction of the nap of the fabric and afterward with the direction of the nap. This results in a cleaning out of all extraneous material, and after this is done the particles of sand and other substances can be easily removed by brushing or by blast of air. The advantage of using the sand is that It works Its way under the nap as air would not do. After thig treatment the goods are chemically cleaned.-Bosto- n Post. The industrr of making lebkuchen, or honey cake, is worth to the German j city of Nuremburg about one million dollars a year. 0 a a a a i TRIALS oftAe NEEDEM5 TAKE AWAY THESE INDIQE, juth aiui-- r isnoi rii ru STIBLE 99910 2ffl (WHY JOHN VOU ALWAYS! , yMjpfc GMV0URMAP BE LO S N f Jm& mM WONDERFUL HOW THOSE) V3f PAW PAW PILLS GIVE ONE RESOLVED THAT INDIGESTION MAKFS A MAN KANrr rru unn iulivlwiim MUNYONJ 'AW PAW LAXATIVE PILLS BRING HFMTH GOOD CHEER IO PILLS 10 Jiunyon'B Paw Paw PUN coax the liver into activity by gentle methods. They do not scour, gripe or weaken. They are a tonic to the stomach, liver and nerves; invigorate Instead of weaken. They en- rich the blood and enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that 1 put Into it. These pills contain no calo- mel; they are soothing, healing and stim- ulating. For sale by all druggists in 10c and 25c sizes. If yon need medical ad- vice, write Mrnyon's Doctors. They will advise to the best of their ability abso- lutely free of Charge. MtJNYON'S, SSd and Jefferssa Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. HEElflND COUNTERS MADE OF STEEL FOR HIKERS, QUARRYMEN, FARMERS AND ALL MEN WHO DO ROUGH WORK Light and easily attached. Will pay for thera-ielv- several times over. They outlast the shoes. Any cobbler can put them on or your shoe dealer has shoes already fitted with them. Write for booklet that tells all about them. UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO. BOSTON, MASS. An umbrella opened on the stage is supposed to bring bad luck and many actors would hesitate about wearing new shoes on the first night of a play. Mrs. WinsloVs Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. 12 Where They Worship Noah. It a lecture before the Royal Geo- graphical society, Captain Bertram Dickson said there is a large sanc- tuary at the top of Jebel Judi, where every year in August is held a great fete, attended by thousands of ener- getic Moslems, Christians and Yezid-is- , "who climb the steepest trails for 7,000 feet, in the terrific heat, to do homage to Noah. This mountain seems to have been held sacred at all times, and certainly it has a wonderful awesome fascintation about it, with its huge precipices and jagged, tangled crags watching over the vast Mesopo-tamia- n plain. The local villagers can show one the exact spot where Noah descended, while in one village, the Hassana, they showed his grave, and the vineyard where he is reputed to have indulged over freely in the juice of the grape." The owner of this declared that the vines have pass- ed from father to son ever since. London Evening Standard. Old Ohio Orchards. The Ohio Agricultural College has scored at least one practical hit which bears directly upon the current prob- lem of high prices. A discouraged farmer was on the point of allowing an unprofitable apple onchard to be cut down for firewood. Officers of the college secured from him the priv- ilege of taking an acre of this orchard for a year and giving it a scientific treatment, which meant little more than careful pruning and spraying. The result was a net return, over all expenses, of $475. What a little ap- plied intelligence did for this orchard might readily be done for thousands of others now given over to the rav- ages of insect pests and disease. New York Evening Post. A LITTLE THING Changes the Home Feeling. Coffee blots out the sunshine from many a home by making the mother, or some other member of the house- hold, dyspeptic, nervous and irritable. There are thousands of cases where the proof is absolutely undeniable. Here is one. A Wis. mother writes: "I was taught to drink coffee at an early age, and also at an early age became a victim to headaches, and as I grew to womanhood these head- aches became a part of me, as I was scarcely ever free from them. "About, five years ago a friend urged me to try Postum. I made the trial and the result was so satisfac- tory that we have used it ever since. "My husband and little daughter were subject to bilious attacks, but they have both been entirely free from them since we began using Pos- tum instead of coffee. I no longer have headaches and my health is per- fect." If some of these nervous, tired, ir- ritable women would only leave off coffee absolutely and try Postum they would find a wonderful change in their life. It would then be filled with sunshine and happiness rather than weariness and discontent. And think what an effect It would have on the family, for the mood of the moth- er is largely responsible for Qe tem- per of the children. Read "The Road to Wellville," In pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and foil of human Interest. "YE EDITOR'S" MARRIAGE. How the Proprietor at the Clark Coun- ty Sentinel Announced It. A. E. Olmstead, who publishes a weekly Democratic paper at the little town of Borden, Ind., and who recently took unto himself a wife, thus narra- tes the fact in the last issue of hts paper, the Clark County Sentinel. "Mrs. Lucy Hurst McKinley, widow of the late Francis McKinley, and your humble servant, 'ye editor,' on last Saturday Joined partnership in the bonds of matrimony. The new firm will continue the publication of the Sentinel as heretofore, and all bills and accounts, for both advertising and subscription, will be thankfully re- ceived and receipted for by either member of the new firm." Indianap- olis News. Government vs. Brewers. The biggest brewer in England states that the consumption of beer has decreased in five years by more than 2,000,000 barrels from 32 to 26 gallons a head of population. His manager says: "The government has made up its mind to damn brewers if possible. We have made up our minds to damn this government; it win be impossible for us ever to pay a dividend so long as we have the leg-- I islation the present government wants to force upon us." New York Press. Australia will borrow ?5,000.000 for the development of railroads, mines and rnihlic works. Color poods brlfhftoT faster dye. Ono ThcT wntrr ' ..ther any without ripping Write to Meac.i and MOMtoK Co.. (juiocv True Hospitality. A woman who possesses a charm- ing temper and cordial manners is sure to be popular. Said a witty Bos- ton woman: "I do like to have people Lehave as if they were glad to see me, whether they are or not. I think a hostess should speak in a pleasunt tone, even if she only says. 'My dear Mrs. I am perfectly delight- ed to see you! Do sit right down on this bent pin!" " Harper's Bazar. Piles Cured in O to 1 1 Days. Pazo ointment is KBsranteed to eure any rase ofltchiniHliud, Pleedi tig orProtrudinfr Piles in 0 to 14 duysor money lelundod. 50c The Power of Oratory. Can one imagine a more thrilling and exhilarating pleasure than that of swaying with one's words a listening host of people, warming or cooling their passions, bendin? their thoughts and wiils in the direction of one's own thoughts and will, even as Bryan did at the Chicago convention in 1896? This power has wrought mightily for both good and evil, and it is astonL-n-in- that nowadays so few speakers should themselves to wield skil- fully such an effective weapon. Every lawyer, every preacher, every politi- cian, every man, in fact, who has oc- casion to address audiences, ought to study the technique of oratory so that he can at will, within his own sphere and limitations, interest and persuade his hearers. Scribner's Magazine. Profits in Beef. Swift & Co., one of the great Chica- go packing concerns, paid last year 7 per cent on a capital of $00,000,000 which is $10,000,000 greater than It was a year ago. Whether the capital represents anything more than the in- vestment in the business is not stated, but the dividend absorbed less than half of the profits, a large sum being carried to surplus. The earnings ex- ceeded 15 per cent last year and the year before, and were 12.60 per cent in 1907. Another packing concern is re- ported to have acquired half a dozen of the largest independent meat con- cerns in New York city, so that the process of reducing competition, both in the purchase of cattle and the sale of meats, promises to continue, and we may expect higher prices and still larger net profits. Philadelphia Rec ord. 3r inviaorate stomach, liver bowels Sugar-coate- tiuy granules, easy to take. Do not gripe. Tennyson and the Ladies. Mrs. Thackeray Ritchie was at Aid-wort- h the next time 1 was there and we were entertained 1 for the sec- ond time-- by the phonograph, into which, as the poet remarked, "they made me spout things!." Mrs. Ritchie was trying to listen, I think, to the bugle song from "The Princess" and was consequently impervious to his re iterated request to make room for him beside her on the sofa, when he re- marked with the most comical gesture of mock impatience, "the woman's written so many books, she can't un- derstand common English." Decided- ly he enjoyed testing the capacity of his lady friends in the matter of "tak-- j ing chaff." Presently his baby grand-- ; son, tne little Lionel Hallam, was brought in a bright love- ly boy. had him in my arms, when his grandfather bade me turn him to the light that Mrs. Ritchie might see him better, adding, "I always feel of a baby like that that it will be the father of a finer race. Putnam's. Winter Use Allen's Foot-Eas- e. The antiseptic powder. Your feet feel un- comfortable, nervops and often cold and damp. If you have sweating, sore feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kas- Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. 25 cents. Sample sent free. Address Allen S. Olm- sted. Roy, N. Y. No More Ragtime In Parks. Ragtime in the New York parks must go. Mayor Gaynor's new park commissioner has decided that the $80,000 appropriated each year for park music in Manhattan must here- after buy music of higher quality than has been the rule under Tammany ad- ministration. After a consultation with two well-know- n orchestra lead- ers the commissioner decided that the cost for classical music would no greater than for ragtime and accord ingly ruled that the classics must pre- - aummate. British on Skates. England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales are all in the throes of an epi demic of the American roller skating rink. In Bristol the rink, which was established under American manage- ment in a large building erected for the purpose, paid for itself on the first four months. New York City has more automo- biles run at public expense than any other three cities in the world. The City Council of Cincinnati is planning a subway to connect the Dul- lness section of the city with the ou-Irin- g residential sections. Fortune Telling World. Does not take into consideration the one essential to worn an's happiness womanly health. The woman who neglects her health is neglecting the very foundation of all good fortune. For without health love loses its lustre and gold is but dross. Womanly health lost or impaired may generally be regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This Prescription has, tor over 90 years, been curir.g delicate, weak, pain-wracke- d women, by the hundreds of thousands and this too in the privacy of their homes without their having to submit to indeli- cate questionings and offensively repug- nant examinations. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. Ail correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Great Family Doctor Book, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, newly revised edition 1000 pages, answers in Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, ought to know about. Sect free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of 21 one-ce- nt stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps. No. No t NEW For Eve. DISTEMPER rure an! pwMtv preventive, no marter now bre, ewj a ar InfecttM or "expo-...- Liquid, driven on the tons-tie- ; act on the Blora and OlMda, expels MlMMI from the txdy. L'urew Distemper In c and Shep and Cholera In poultry. LarKt -- elllni? lire Mock remedy. Curs a Grippe anion if human beifur and ii a un KMuev remlv. and a bottle; and M a eMM, Cut this Keep ir. Mm-- io yoor who will (ret It you. free txk.tet, CMMH and Cuxe. iSpMcial agent wanted. MEDICAL CO.. ggSESSSi GOSHEN. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES more colors any other IOC package celors all fibers. dve coU! VoG can dye for free booklet Colors. Hill llliuola train all 12 In Le be when 8nre SPALDiNG'S ATiiLETIC LIBRARY SERIES No. 1 Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide. No. 202 Bam to Hay Base BaX 223 How to Bat. No. 232 How to Run Bases. 230 How to Pitch. 22J How Catch. No. 225 How to Play First Rase. No. 226 How to Play Second Base. 227 How to Play Third Base. No. 22S How to Play Shortstop. No. 224 Uow to Play the Outfield. OTHER on Almuiac OH CrlCcet ScannlyanI No. 4 Spalding Ottd i Lawn Tennis Guide national 1 !h G. & YORK PA. PITrSiUitG, PA. BUfFALO, NEWAa.C, J. Eolzootlc he STOI1I MX BASE BALL BOOas. ("fiftCl SYKACCJSS, BOSTON, MASS. BAL riMOXE, MO. D.C ATu TA. GA. NiW OSLEA.Ua. Jir, MUd. MJNT3EAL, CANADA. Longest Masonry Span. The longest masonry span in the world is said be the Grafton Bridge. now being completed by the city Auckland, New Zealand. It is 910 feet long and 40 feet wide, and the arch has a span of 320 feet and a roadwav elevation of 147 feet above the lowest part the valley which crosses. bi.iiiiper. A. middle To Cure a Cold in One Dav Take Laxative Hromo Uuinine Tablets. UranNta refund moiiev it fails cure. K, .(irove's signature each liox. 2oe. Career Cut Short. tne Boston Dank clerk wno on a $12 salary gave suppers carried a "roll" of $15,000 and display ed other symptoms of budding finan cial genius has had his career blight ed by the failure of the bank to stand the strain. has been lost to society by the untimely extinction of this youth. New York Color Cure for Lunacy. Dr. Ponza, director of the lunatic asylum at Italv, has cur- ed many of his insane patients by con- fining them in of some uniform color. Patients suffering from acute have become cheerful after in a red room. Free to Our Readers. Wr.te Murine Kye ttemndv Co., Chicago, for illustrated Eye Book Kree. Write all abou Vour Eye Trouble and they will advise the Propvr Applica- tion of the Murine Evu Hemedies in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell yon that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength- ens Weak Eyes DoaWt Sm-irt- , Soothes Eve Pain, and sells for Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes, for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. Sacred cattle are and shipped to Paris to help out the scar- city of beef. In far away are great herds, several millions of cousins to India's breed of sacred hump cattle, and the far-seei- French, as protectors of pronounce the meat of these animals equal beef. 12 Itch cured in 30 minutes by WoolfoitPi Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. druggist. At 27 John Calvin wrote his "In stitutes of Christian Top-lad- y, "Rock of Ages," led his brilliant and Eli Whit ney invented the cotton gin. At Germany, is a rose bruh bearing 10,000 buds. Shipping Fever Catarrhal ISA.. A FLAVOR tnat 13 nsed the kitt m I'moa or vanilla. v dissolving grar.nlated sngiriu water adil in g a;i! ine, del ic iooa hv ti is ma'.o and a svr-.i- belter than r:3pli Mapleir. soM by grocers. Send Hasp for i d and recipe Cook, -- i I. i. v... Sc. than in thnn an dye. apart. How Dye, Sals ti I at il No. No. No. No. jOc. No.1A Base Ball Record. How to Organize a H.VI League, How to Organize a P.a.;. ' " How to Manage a Base Bali Club. No. 231 1 How to Train a Base Ball Tam. HowtoC.iptainaBaseBallTeam. How to Umpire a Game. L Technical Base Ball Terms. No. 219 Ready Reckonerof Base Ball Percentage. PRICE OF EACH BOOK IO CENTS SEASONABLE 13 Spil line's Athletic Not 3 Sp il iln-f'-- i Mil PHILADcXPHIA, WASJtNTON, LA. f to of of Promising champagne Something promising Alessandria, rooms melancholia confinement slaughtered Madagascar Madagascar, to At Religion;" Napoleon campaign, Freiburg, ar.d p C Spalding's Has1 No 5 il.llnaN uraclal Golf OuMa. No. 177 U .v to swi;n No. 4J1 : - 5 Tor ill ial $11 l "c ti. Y. ti. Y. ti. it IB ut. if to is on as to H ia 2c -- 5. nd to lb Sr, Spalding "Official National League' azo. c. s. pat. . Ball Official of the Game lor over Tliirty Years SPALDING BROS. CHICAGO, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ST. LOUIS, MO. KA MSA j Cirif, MO. CINCINNATI, O. DENVER, CJL. CLEVELAND, O. MIVNiA.'jLlS, MINN. COLUM3Ji. O. ST. PAUL, MINN. SirfLE, WASH. LONDON, ENGLAND. Leone Back An aching back is instantly relieved by an application of Sloan's This liniment takes the place of massage and is better than sticky It penetrates 'without rubbing through the skin and muscular tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood, relieves congestion, and gives permanent as well as temporary relief. Here's the Proof. Mr. James C. Lee, of 1100 9th St., S. K., Washington, D.C, writes : "Thirty years ago I fell from a scaffold ant serf, ously i;ijiir.-- my hack. I suffered terri- bly at times ; from the small of my back all around my stomach was just as if I had been beaten with a club. I ufed every plaster I could et with no relief. Sloan's Liniment took the pain right out, and I can now do as much ladder work as any man in the shop, thanks to Sloan's Liniment Mr. J. P. Evaxs, of Mt. Alrv. f! says: "After being afflicted for ihre years with rheumatism, I used Sloan Liniment, and w:la mra.! i-.-.t well, am glad to sav I haven't bees with rheumatism ilnce. Mr was badly sw from my hlo to my knee. One-ha- lf a bottle took'tha yam anu swelling out. Sloan's Liniment has no equal as a remedy for Rheu- matism, Neuralgia or any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints. Prices, 25c, 50c. md $1.00 Slnan'i book on horaea, cattle, sheep, and poultry seat free. Addreria Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Fever-- Ball For Liniment. plasters. and and troubled lig lien 0

Transcript of PUTNAM FADELESS DYESnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0tr154/data/0243.pdf · the pores, the cause of many ......

Page 1: PUTNAM FADELESS DYESnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0tr154/data/0243.pdf · the pores, the cause of many ... in a clear skin, soft, white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair,






Need Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound

Brookfield, Mo. "Two years ago Iwas unable to do any kind of work andonlv weisrhed 118 pounds. My trouble


i DacK to tnetime that womenmay expect natureto bring on themthe Change of Life.I got a bottle of

dia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Com-pound and it mademe feel much better,and I have contin-ued its use. I am

to youfor the trood health

am now eniovintr." Mrs. SaraiiLousigxoxt. 414 S. Livingston Street,Iirookfield, Mo.

The Chanpre of Life is the most critical period of a woman's existence, andneglect of health at tbia time invitesdisease and pain.

"Women everywhere should remem-ber that there is no other remedyknown to medicine that will so suc-

cessfully carry women through thistrying period as Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound, made from na-tive roots and herbs.

For 30 years it has been curing wo-men from the worst forms of femaleills inflammation, ulceration, dis-placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari-ties, periodic pains, backache, andnervous prostration.

If you would like special adviceabout your case write a confiden-tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, atLynn, 3Iass. Her advice is free,and always helpful

Accepting Misfortune.There are many ways of

misfortune as many, indeed, as thereare generous feelings or thoughts tobe found on the earth; and every oneof those thoughts, every one of thosefeelings, has a magic wand that trans-forms, on the threshold, the featuresand vestments of sorrow. Job wouldhave said. "The Lord gave, and theLord hath taken away; blessed be thename of the Lord;" and Marcus Aure- -lius, perhaps, "If it be no longer al-

lowed me to love those I loved highabove all, it is doubtless that I maylearn to love those whom I love notyet." Maeterlinck.

For the Skin and Scalp.Because of its delicate, emollient,

sanative, antiseptic properties derivedfrom Cuticura Ointment, united withthe purest of cleansing ingredientsand most refreshing of flower odors,Cuticura Soap is unrivaled for pre-serving, purifying and beautifying theskin, scalp, hair and hands, and, as-

sisted by Cuticura Ointment, for dis-

pelling itching, irritation and inflam-mation and preventing clogging ofthe pores, the cause of many disfigur-ing facial eruptions. All who delightin a clear skin, soft, white hands, aclean, wholesome scalp and live, glossyhair, will find that Cuticura Soap andCuticura Ointment realize every ex-

pectation. Cuticura Remedies aresold throughout the world. PotterDrug & Chem. Corp., sole proprietors,Boston, Mass. Send to them for thelatest Cuticura Book, an authority onthe best care of the skin, scalp andhair. It is mailed free on request.

By the old method of salvage therents and breaks in the hull of thevessel were closed and the waterpumped out. By the latest systemthe ship is rid of water by pumpingair into the holds, which floats the

The city of Winnipegbuilt over a swamp.


very grateful


is literally

is the word to rememberwhen you need a remedy


Bad Breath' 'For months I had great trouble with mystomach ami used all kinds of medicines.My tongue has been actually as green asgrass, my breath having a bad odor. Twoweeks ago a friend recommended Cascaretsand after using them I can willingly andcheerfully say that they have entirelycured me. I therefore let you know that I6hall recommend them to anyone suffer-ing from such troubles." Chas. H. Hd-per- n,

114 E. 7th St., New York, N. Y.Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good,Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe.10c. 25c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The pen-nin- e

tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed tocure or your money back. S23


Hntil.i.onlul pat er cunttlnlng hundreds otmanlageable peo de fiomall

iieo'lons. rich, p. , young, old, Ptotastants,Catholics, mailed, sealed, free.


UfaUTCn SEIOND-HAN- BAGS AND BUK-I- IAil I L 11 LAP; any kind, nv quantity,

anywbe e. Write 10- - price-"- . RICHMONDBAG CO., INC., Richmond. Ta.

P. N. U. 12, 1910.



WntnofiE.rolcmnn.WBsri. tK .W.. f li .u

est references. Best results.

Capitalize yonr brains. Adviceand book W free. Special of-fers. Personal serrices. Patents

advertised free. R. B.Owen, Washington, D.C.

nDOPQY DISCOTEEY;J l 0 I W I (tm quick rrllrf aid eonimm. BMk or tnn lih ud rV tratanatOr. IL IL UUI'I 8058, Box B. AtlaaU. tta.

Bronchial TrochesA convenient and effeetrre remedr lot Courhj andHoanencn. Invaluable in Bronchial and LungTroubla

it on request.



JOHN I. BROWN it SON, Bocton. Man.


Pittsburg's Notable and Costly Sol-

diers and Sailors' Monument.Pittsburg is erecting at a cost of

11,400,000 a great and noteworthymemorial hall in honor of the solldersand sailors of Allegheny County. Thiswill be, It Is asserted, the first soldiersand sailors' building erected In thiscountry in which the purely monu-mental Idea has been treated so as to


Being Erected in at a of $1,400,000.of New City, Architects.

be practicable for public use. Thearchitects are Palmer &

The building is being erected on theSchenley property, facing Fifth ave-

nue, and will contain anof architectural spaciousness that willbe one of the st in this countryand will accommodate five thousandpersons. The dinner hall will accom

five thousand tip notebookgallery will be inscribed the

names of soldiers and sailors of Al-

legheny County.The memorial hall will be specially

for its- artisticThere will be placed in a Armypost room, in quartered oak,a mural decoration by T. de Thul-stru- p

depicting the final charge of thePennsylvania cavalry, led by ColonelSchoolmaker, at the Battle of

Howard Pyie has justsketches for a mural decoration of theback of the platform in the audi- -

torium, eighty feet long and twentyfeet high.

On the exterior of the building,over the front door, will be placed ahuge bronze sitting figureof valor, nineteen feet high, executedby Charles Keck, the sculptor.

There will also be put in appro- -, . , . . .- ; i x i i a .1priate places memorial iauiei.s tie--

tablet of the famous telegraph corps,of which Andrew Carnegie was amember.

The approach to the building willbe treated in a parkway scheme, 600feet by 4 00 feet, so as to contain bal-

ustrades, benches and a high flagpole.peace monument may be erected

In the place.The main body of the building is

150 feet square; its height is about180 feet, and it is built of sandstone.

Curative Suggestion.Lecturing in Paris on the "Mira-

cles of Lourdes," the Abbe Condelimited the curative power of "sug-gestion" to functional as distinctfrom organic and assertedthat 650 eases of organic disease,chiefly cancer and tuberculosis, hadbeen cured at the shrine.

For Renovating Goods.process for the of

dress goods or other fabrics has beeninvented hy a Missouri man. The ap-

paratus consists of a stand, like ar 'i




' IX " Illl

Pencil of Many Hues.One of the most Ingenious little de-

vices recently put on the market lathat shown in the cut. This device,the invention of a Maryland man, acombination marking crayon, lumbergauge and tally pencil. First, thereis a long, thin tube with an openinglarge enough to receive a lead pency.At the other end is an enlarged tubu- - .

lar holder for crayon, the crayon-re- -ceiver end forming a shoulder, which.


It is Pittsburg Costbostel, York










A renovating


Palmer & Horn- -

makes a stop when the tube is drawnacross the edge of a board, for in-

stance. Along the tube a scale ismarked, by means of which the thick-ness of a board may be measured, asbetween the shoulder and the markson the gauge. The crayon is formarking boards and the pencil for re-

cording the various necessary data inmodate more. In a owner's





Handy For Lumbermen.

men this little implement is very use-ful, as it relieves them of the neces-sity of keeping vest pocketsstuffed with a veritable ofpencils, and rules, and alsosaves them the time otherwise wastedin hunting for each of these imple-ments as it is required. PhiladelphiaRecord.

Religious Teachers in States.There are 30,000 religious teach-

ers in the States giving theirlives to teaching. The pay of theseshould average $500 a year, makinga total of $15,000,000 a year. Now,this sum represents, at only fivecent, interest, a capital of $300,000,-00- 0,

which the teaching orders of thegives to Catholic education.

Catholic Columbian Record.


Tourist "I wonder at your allowing people to mount that ruin."Native "It's quite safe, sir. It was only built last year."

For lumbr"-- -







reading desk, with roller attachedto the lower end. The goods areplaced on this stand and drawn up asthe work progresses.

The actual work of renovating isdone by sand blast, propelledthrough a tube with fan-shap- ed

mouth. The sand is propelled throughthe tube by compressed air, whichmay be supplied by a foot pimp, andis directed first against the directionof the nap of the fabric and afterwardwith the direction of the nap.

This results in a cleaning out of allextraneous material, and after this isdone the particles of sand and othersubstances can be easily removed bybrushing or by blast of air. Theadvantage of using the sand is that Itworks Its way under the nap as airwould not do. After thig treatmentthe goods are chemically cleaned.-Bosto- n


The industrr of making lebkuchen,or honey cake, is worth to the German

j city of Nuremburg about one milliondollars a year.






TRIALS oftAe NEEDEM5TAKE AWAY THESE INDIQE,juth aiui-- r isnoi rii ru

STIBLE 99910






GOOD CHEER IO PILLS 10Jiunyon'B Paw Paw PUN coax the liver

into activity by gentle methods. They donot scour, gripe or weaken. They are atonic to the stomach, liver and nerves;invigorate Instead of weaken. They en-rich the blood and enable the stomach toget all the nourishment from food that 1

put Into it. These pills contain no calo-mel; they are soothing, healing and stim-ulating. For sale by all druggists in 10cand 25c sizes. If yon need medical ad-vice, write Mrnyon's Doctors. They willadvise to the best of their ability abso-lutely free of Charge. MtJNYON'S, SSdand Jefferssa Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.




Light and easily attached. Will pay for thera-ielv-

several times over. They outlast the shoes.Any cobbler can put them on or your shoe dealerhas shoes already fitted with them.

Write for booklet that tells all about them.UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO.


An umbrella opened on the stage issupposed to bring bad luck and manyactors would hesitate about wearingnew shoes on the first night of a play.

Mrs. WinsloVs Soothing Syrup for Childrenteething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma-tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle.

12Where They Worship Noah.

It a lecture before the Royal Geo-graphical society, Captain BertramDickson said there is a large sanc-tuary at the top of Jebel Judi, whereevery year in August is held a greatfete, attended by thousands of ener-getic Moslems, Christians and Yezid-is- ,

"who climb the steepest trails for7,000 feet, in the terrific heat, to dohomage to Noah. This mountainseems to have been held sacred at alltimes, and certainly it has a wonderfulawesome fascintation about it, withits huge precipices and jagged, tangledcrags watching over the vast Mesopo-tamia- n

plain. The local villagerscan show one the exact spot whereNoah descended, while in one village,the Hassana, they showed his grave,and the vineyard where he is reputedto have indulged over freely in thejuice of the grape." The owner ofthis declared that the vines have pass-ed from father to son ever since.London Evening Standard.

Old Ohio Orchards.The Ohio Agricultural College has

scored at least one practical hit whichbears directly upon the current prob-lem of high prices. A discouragedfarmer was on the point of allowingan unprofitable apple onchard to becut down for firewood. Officers ofthe college secured from him the priv-ilege of taking an acre of this orchardfor a year and giving it a scientifictreatment, which meant little morethan careful pruning and spraying.The result was a net return, over allexpenses, of $475. What a little ap-plied intelligence did for this orchardmight readily be done for thousandsof others now given over to the rav-ages of insect pests and disease.New York Evening Post.

A LITTLE THINGChanges the Home Feeling.

Coffee blots out the sunshine frommany a home by making the mother,or some other member of the house-hold, dyspeptic, nervous and irritable.There are thousands of cases wherethe proof is absolutely undeniable.Here is one.

A Wis. mother writes:"I was taught to drink coffee at

an early age, and also at an early agebecame a victim to headaches, and asI grew to womanhood these head-

aches became a part of me, as I wasscarcely ever free from them.

"About, five years ago a friendurged me to try Postum. I made thetrial and the result was so satisfac-tory that we have used it ever since.

"My husband and little daughterwere subject to bilious attacks, butthey have both been entirely freefrom them since we began using Pos-

tum instead of coffee. I no longerhave headaches and my health is per-

fect."If some of these nervous, tired, ir-

ritable women would only leave offcoffee absolutely and try Postum theywould find a wonderful change intheir life. It would then be filledwith sunshine and happiness ratherthan weariness and discontent. Andthink what an effect It would have onthe family, for the mood of the moth-er is largely responsible for Qe tem-per of the children.

Read "The Road to Wellville," Inpkgs. "There's a Reason."

Ever read the above letter? A newone appears from time to time. Theyare genuine, true, and foil of humanInterest.


How the Proprietor at the Clark Coun-

ty Sentinel Announced It.

A. E. Olmstead, who publishes aweekly Democratic paper at the littletown of Borden, Ind., and who recentlytook unto himself a wife, thus narra-tes the fact in the last issue of htspaper, the Clark County Sentinel.

"Mrs. Lucy Hurst McKinley, widowof the late Francis McKinley, andyour humble servant, 'ye editor,' onlast Saturday Joined partnership inthe bonds of matrimony. The newfirm will continue the publication ofthe Sentinel as heretofore, and all billsand accounts, for both advertising andsubscription, will be thankfully re-ceived and receipted for by eithermember of the new firm." Indianap-olis News.

Government vs. Brewers.The biggest brewer in England

states that the consumption of beerhas decreased in five years by morethan 2,000,000 barrels from 32 to 26gallons a head of population. Hismanager says: "The government hasmade up its mind to damn brewers ifpossible. We have made up ourminds to damn this government; itwin be impossible for us ever to paya dividend so long as we have the leg-- I

islation the present government wantsto force upon us." New York Press.

Australia will borrow ?5,000.000 forthe development of railroads, minesand rnihlic works.

Color poods brlfhftoT faster dye. Ono ThcT wntrr ' ..therany without ripping Write to Meac.i and MOMtoK Co.. (juiocv

True Hospitality.A woman who possesses a charm-

ing temper and cordial manners issure to be popular. Said a witty Bos-ton woman: "I do like to have peopleLehave as if they were glad to see me,whether they are or not. I think ahostess should speak in a pleasunttone, even if she only says. 'My dearMrs. I am perfectly delight-ed to see you! Do sit right down onthis bent pin!" " Harper's Bazar.

Piles Cured in O to 1 1 Days.Pazo ointment is KBsranteed to eure anyrase ofltchiniHliud, Pleedi tig orProtrudinfrPiles in 0 to 14 duysor money lelundod. 50c

The Power of Oratory.Can one imagine a more thrilling

and exhilarating pleasure than that ofswaying with one's words a listeninghost of people, warming or coolingtheir passions, bendin? their thoughtsand wiils in the direction of one'sown thoughts and will, even as Bryandid at the Chicago convention in 1896?This power has wrought mightily forboth good and evil, and it is astonL-n-in-

that nowadays so few speakersshould themselves to wield skil-fully such an effective weapon. Everylawyer, every preacher, every politi-cian, every man, in fact, who has oc-

casion to address audiences, ought tostudy the technique of oratory so thathe can at will, within his own sphereand limitations, interest and persuadehis hearers. Scribner's Magazine.

Profits in Beef.Swift & Co., one of the great Chica-

go packing concerns, paid last year7 per cent on a capital of $00,000,000which is $10,000,000 greater than Itwas a year ago. Whether the capitalrepresents anything more than the in-

vestment in the business is not stated,but the dividend absorbed less thanhalf of the profits, a large sum beingcarried to surplus. The earnings ex-

ceeded 15 per cent last year and theyear before, and were 12.60 per cent in1907. Another packing concern is re-ported to have acquired half a dozenof the largest independent meat con-cerns in New York city, so that theprocess of reducing competition, bothin the purchase of cattle and the saleof meats, promises to continue, and wemay expect higher prices and stilllarger net profits. Philadelphia Record.

3rinviaorate stomach, liver bowelsSugar-coate- tiuy granules, easy to take.Do not gripe.

Tennyson and the Ladies.Mrs. Thackeray Ritchie was at Aid-wort- h

the next time 1 was there andwe were entertained 1 for the sec-

ond time-- by the phonograph, intowhich, as the poet remarked, "theymade me spout things!." Mrs. Ritchiewas trying to listen, I think, to thebugle song from "The Princess" andwas consequently impervious to his reiterated request to make room for himbeside her on the sofa, when he re-

marked with the most comical gestureof mock impatience, "the woman'swritten so many books, she can't un-

derstand common English." Decided-ly he enjoyed testing the capacity ofhis lady friends in the matter of "tak-- jing chaff." Presently his baby grand-- ;son, tne little LionelHallam, was brought in a bright love-ly boy. had him in my arms, whenhis grandfather bade me turn him tothe light that Mrs. Ritchie might seehim better, adding, "I always feel ofa baby like that that it will be thefather of a finer race. Putnam's.

Winter Use Allen's Foot-Eas- e.

The antiseptic powder. Your feet feel un-comfortable, nervops and often cold anddamp. If you have sweating, sore feet ortight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kas- Sold byall druggists and shoe stores. 25 cents.Sample sent free. Address Allen S. Olm-sted. Roy, N. Y.

No More Ragtime In Parks.Ragtime in the New York parks

must go. Mayor Gaynor's new parkcommissioner has decided that the$80,000 appropriated each year forpark music in Manhattan must here-after buy music of higher quality thanhas been the rule under Tammany ad-ministration. After a consultationwith two well-know- n orchestra lead-ers the commissioner decided that thecost for classical music would nogreater than for ragtime and accordingly ruled that the classics must pre- -


British on Skates.England, Scotland, Ireland and

Wales are all in the throes of an epidemic of the American roller skatingrink. In Bristol the rink, which wasestablished under American manage-ment in a large building erected forthe purpose, paid for itself on the firstfour months.

New York City has more automo-biles run at public expense than anyother three cities in the world.

The City Council of Cincinnati isplanning a subway to connect the Dul-lness section of the city with the ou-Irin- g

residential sections.

Fortune Telling


Does not take into consideration the one essential to wornan's happiness womanly health.

The woman who neglects her health is neglecting thevery foundation of all good fortune. For without healthlove loses its lustre and gold is but dross.

Womanly health lost or impaired may generally beregained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.

This Prescription has, tor over 90 years,been curir.g delicate, weak, pain-wracke- d

women, by the hundreds of thousandsand this too in the privacy of their homeswithout their having to submit to indeli-cate questionings and offensively repug-nant examinations.

Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free.Ail correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's DispensaryMedical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.

Dr. Pierce's Great Family Doctor Book, The People's Common SenseMedical Adviser, newly revised edition 1000 pages, answers inPlain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married,ought to know about. Sect free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of21 one-ce- nt stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps.

No.No t


For Eve.DISTEMPERrure an! pwMtv preventive, no marter now bre, ewj a ar

InfecttM or "expo-...- Liquid, driven on the tons-tie- ; act on the Blora andOlMda, expels MlMMI from the txdy. L'urew Distemper In cand Shep and Cholera In poultry. LarKt --elllni? lire Mock remedy. Curs

a Grippe anion if human beifur and ii a un KMuev remlv. and abottle; and M a eMM, Cut this Keep ir. Mm-- io yoorwho will (ret It you. free txk.tet, CMMH and Cuxe.iSpMcial agent wanted.


PUTNAM FADELESS DYESmore colors any other IOC package celors all fibers. dve coU! VoG

can dye for free booklet Colors. Hill llliuola









Base Ball Guide.No. 202 Bam to Hay Base BaX

223 How to Bat.No. 232 How to Run Bases.

230 How to Pitch.22J How Catch.

No. 225 How to Play First Rase.No. 226 How to Play Second Base.

227 How to Play Third Base.No. 22S How to Play Shortstop.No. 224 Uow to Play the Outfield.

OTHERon Almuiac OH CrlCcet

ScannlyanINo. 4 Spalding Ottd i Lawn Tennis Guide

national 1 !h














Longest Masonry Span.The longest masonry span in the

world is said be the Grafton Bridge.now being completed by the cityAuckland, New Zealand. It is 910feet long and 40 feet wide, and the

arch has a span of 320 feetand a roadwav elevation of 147 feetabove the lowest part the valleywhich crosses.




To Cure a Cold in One DavTake Laxative Hromo Uuinine Tablets.UranNta refund moiiev it fails cure.K, .(irove's signature each liox. 2oe.

Career Cut Short.tne Boston Dank clerk wno on a

$12 salary gave supperscarried a "roll" of $15,000 and displayed other symptoms of budding financial genius has had his career blighted by the failure of the bank to standthe strain. has been lostto society by the untimely extinctionof this youth. New York

Color Cure for Lunacy.Dr. Ponza, director of the lunatic

asylum at Italv, has cur-ed many of his insane patients by con-fining them in of some uniformcolor. Patients suffering from acute

have become cheerfulafter in a red room.

Free to Our Readers.Wr.te Murine Kye ttemndv Co., Chicago,

for illustrated Eye Book Kree.Write all abou Vour Eye Trouble andthey will advise the Propvr Applica-tion of the Murine Evu Hemedies in YourSpecial Case. Your Druggist will tell yonthat Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength-ens Weak Eyes DoaWt Sm-irt- , SoothesEve Pain, and sells for Try It in YourEyes and in Baby's Eyes, for Scaly Eyelidsand Granulation.

Sacred cattle are andshipped to Paris to help out the scar-city of beef. In far awayare great herds, several millions ofcousins to India's breed of sacredhump cattle, and the far-seei-

French, as protectors ofpronounce the meat of these animalsequal beef.

12Itch cured in 30 minutes by WoolfoitPi

Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. druggist.

At 27 John Calvin wrote his "Institutes of Christian Top-lad- y,

"Rock of Ages," ledhis brilliant and Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.

At Germany, is a rosebruh bearing 10,000 buds.

Shipping FeverCatarrhal


A FLAVOR tnat 13 nsed the kitt m I'moaor vanilla. v dissolving grar.nlated sngiriuwater adil in g a;i! ine, del ic iooa hv ti isma'.o and a svr-.i- belter than r:3pli Mapleir.

soM by grocers. Send Hasp for i d

and recipe Cook, -- i I. i. v... Sc.

than in thnn an dye.apart. How Dye, Sals ti








No.1A Base Ball Record.How to Organize a H.VI League,How to Organize a P.a.;. ' "How to Manage a Base Bali Club.

No. 231 1 How to Train a Base Ball Tam.HowtoC.iptainaBaseBallTeam.How to Umpire a Game.

L Technical Base Ball Terms.No. 219 Ready Reckonerof Base Ball Percentage.


SEASONABLE13 Spil line's Athletic Not 3 Sp il iln-f'-- i Mil




















ar.d p



No 5 il.llnaN uraclal Golf OuMa.No. 177 U .v to swi;nNo. 4J1 : -



ill ial$11 l


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IB ut.

if tois on

as to


ia 2c-- 5.






azo. c. s. pat. .


Officialof the Gamelor overTliirty Years




An aching back is instantlyrelieved by an application ofSloan's

This liniment takes the placeof massage and is better thansticky It penetrates

'without rubbing throughthe skin and muscular tissueright to the bone, quickens theblood, relieves congestion, andgives permanent as well astemporary relief.

Here's the Proof.Mr. James C. Lee, of 1100 9th St.,

S. K., Washington, D.C, writes : "Thirtyyears ago I fell from a scaffold ant serf,ously i;ijiir.-- my hack. I suffered terri-bly at times ; from the small of my backall around my stomach was just as if Ihad been beaten with a club. I ufedevery plaster I could et with no relief.Sloan's Liniment took the pain rightout, and I can now do as much ladderwork as any man in the shop, thanks to


Mr. J. P. Evaxs, of Mt. Alrv. f!says: "After being afflicted for ihreyears with rheumatism, I used SloanLiniment, and w:la mra.! i-.-.t

well, am glad to sav I haven't beeswith rheumatism ilnce. Mrwas badly sw from my hlo tomy knee. One-ha- lf a bottle took'tha

yam anu swelling out.Sloan's Linimenthas no equal as aremedy for Rheu-matism, Neuralgiaor any pain orstiffness in themuscles or joints.Prices, 25c, 50c. md $1.00

Slnan'i book onhoraea, cattle, sheep,and poultry seatfree. AddreriaDr. Earl S. Sloan,Boston, Mass., U.S.A.







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