
Purposes Rodolf Dreikurs “ We should realize that a misbehaving child is only a discouraged child trying to find his place; he is acting on the faulty logic that his misbehavior will give him the social acceptance which he desires” (Dreikurs & Cassel, 1972, p.32 ) Rudolf Dreikurs classroom discipline models explains that his ideas for working with children on the use of logical consequences. The first purpose of this model is to determine students motives. Clliford (2008) argues that Dreikurs believed that discipline is based on mutual respect and understanding. As a teacher we should be able to understand the learners need as all students have the desire to feel what they value and to feel what they can contribute to the classroom. This supports Dreikurs theory as he believes that all human beings have a primary need to belong and feel part of a group. Hence, when we are able to understand the students needs, they feel respected this motivates students to behave beneficially. .The second purpose of this theory is to help teachers to understand their student’s motives. Dreikurs theory which is the democratic discipline encourages the students to be given a choice rather than be forced to behave as directed. C.M Charles (1991), in his book Building Classroom Discipline supports this point of view as he argues that discipline at its best is seen in student self-control. When the students are given a choice, they tend to think which helps them to understand their needs. For example, when the teacher and students collaborate to make decisions, a good discipline is obtain in


Model Kounin

Transcript of Purposes

PurposesRodolf Dreikurs We should realize that a misbehaving child is only a discouraged child trying to find his place; he is acting on the faulty logic that his misbehavior will give him the social acceptance which he desires(Dreikurs & Cassel, 1972, p.32 )Rudolf Dreikurs classroom discipline models explains that his ideas for working with children on the use of logical consequences. The first purpose of this model is to determine students motives. Clliford (2008) argues that Dreikurs believed that discipline is based on mutual respect and understanding. As a teacher we should be able to understand the learners need as all students have the desire to feel what they value and to feel what they can contribute to the classroom. This supports Dreikurs theory as he believes that all human beings have a primary need to belong and feel part of a group. Hence, when we are able to understand the students needs, they feel respected this motivates students to behave beneficially..The second purpose of this theory is to help teachers to understand their students motives. Dreikurs theory which is the democratic discipline encourages the students to be given a choice rather than be forced to behave as directed. C.M Charles (1991), in his book Building Classroom Discipline supports this point of view as he argues that discipline at its best is seen in student self-control. When the students are given a choice, they tend to think which helps them to understand their needs. For example, when the teacher and students collaborate to make decisions, a good discipline is obtain in the classroom. On the other hand, lack of understanding in students will lead to misbehavior the classroom. Next, Dreikurs theory helps students exchange their mistaken goals for useful ones with the teachers guidance. As a teacher, we should be able to identify the mistaken goal. Firstly, teachers can observe their own response to the misbehavior and at the same time observe the students reactions too. Then, the teacher should confront the mistaken goal. This can be done by providing an explanation together with a discussion. For example, if a student often disturbs others in the class for attention seeking, the teacher talks or explains the negative impacts of his behavior to him. By doing this, students usually examine and change their behavior. In short, Rudolf Dreikurs focuses discipline through democratic teaching.Jacob KouninJacob Kounin main idea of his theory is to improve discipline through lesson management. This model is also known as preventive discipline. Kounin explains his purpose and the need of teachers monitoring and supervision when carrying out activities in the classroom. Furthermore, Kounin shares his opinion that the efficiency and performance of the activities necessary for good classroom management. In other words, this model gives an overview that teachers can control students' behavior by monitoring teaching and learning activities carefully. For instance, teachers need to provide interesting teaching and learning activities during the teaching and learning process so undesirable behavior among students can be avoided. In other words, the teachers should be skillful in observing the classroom at all times in a way to combat discipline problems.the business of running a classroom is a complicated technology having to do wih developing a nonsatiatiating learning program; programming for the progress, challenge, and variety in learning activities; intiatiang and mainting movement in classroom tasks with smoothness and momentum; coping with more than one even simultaneously observing and emiting feedback for many different events.. (1971,pp.144-145)This quotation above explains the second purpose of Kounin model as the emphasis is given on teachers in combating discipline problems. C.M Charles (1991), in his book Building Classroom Discipline argues that Kounin discipline model talks also on ideas on withitness, overlapping, group alerting, momentum and smoothness as the purpose of producing a conducive learning by involving the students. Here, it is important for the teacher to control the entire class, and groups of students and individual students. For example, as teacher should be able to use variety of strategies and techniques to engage students in teaching and learning process. Therefore, teachers should be able to make them available at all times in order to prevent discipline problems among the students. In short, Kounins Discipline Model focuses on the teacher awareness in monitoring student movement in the classroom in order to assimilate teaching with disciplining the students.

Comparing and Contract

Strength and Weakness of Kounin Discipline modelThere are few strength and weakness that been identified. The first strength of Kounin Discipline model is that the model presents methods of withitness and organization that teachers can use in their classrooms. Withitness, also described as having eyes in the back of your head, demonstrates to students that teachers know what is going on at all times and can intervene promptly and accurately when inappropriate behavior threatens to become disruptive (Keane, 1984; Marzano, 2007, p. 137). For example, teacher can call the students name to make sure they concentrate during the lesson. This means the teacher should be aware of what is going on in all parts of the classroom at all times. This method helps the teacher to be alert on students movement and have a control of the classroom. Besides that, Kounin theory argues that effective teachers keep students attentive and actively involved. This is because teachers should be able to attend to two activities at the same time. This has a purpose of discarding students satiation (boredom) in the classroom. Moreover, teachers should have the ability to provide smooth transition between activities. For instance, if there is a gap during the learning process, the changes students misbehave is more. Thus, a teacher should be able to carry out many enjoyable and challenging activities.Group alerting is strength of this model. This helps to gain the attention of students.C.M Charles (1991), in his book Building Classroom Discipline supported Kounin model as Kounin made an outstanding contribution concerning the relation of classroom management to students behavior. Therefore, group alerting also allows teachers to present to students expectations that they have for the class. Thus, it helps to prevent discipline problems in the classroom.On the other hand, several weaknesses are seen through Kounin discipline model. Firstly, teachers can lose track of time when performing a lesson. For example, when the teacher trying to attend two activities at the same time, he or she might run of time. Hence, this leads the classroom being not organized well. Another example, teachers can get distracted by students or other outside variables such as the phone rings, someone walks into the classroom, students cries and so on. Hence, it will affect the control of discipline when the teacher is distracted.Secondly, the teachers eyes are impossible to be on every student at all times. This is merely because the teacher can lose control over a distracting student. This means the teacher should be extra aware of what is going on in all parts of the classroom at all times so that students movement is controlled. For example, as a teacher we should be able to use variety of strategies and techniques to engage students in teaching and learning process. Therefore, teachers should be able to make them available at all times in order to avoid discipline problems among the students. Last but not least, Kounin model stress the need of skillful teacher in succeeding this theory. It is a merely seen as a weakness of the theory as Kounin model as the emphasis is given on teachers in combating discipline problems. C.M Charles (1991), in his book Building Classroom Discipline argues that Kounin discipline model talks also on ideas on withitness, overlapping, group alerting, momentum and smoothness as the purpose of producing a conducive learning by involving the students. This consumes time to produce a skillful and experience teacher in mastering Kounin discipline model. Consequently, this shows that this theory does not help students become personally responsible for their behavior. StrengthWeakness

1. The model presents methods of withitness and organization. ( aware on the students behavior)

1. Teachers can lose track of time when performing a lesson.

2. Teachers keep students attentive and actively involved.2.Teachers eyes are impossible to be on every student at all times.

3. Group alerting3. The teacher needs to be experienced and skillful in implementing this theory.