Puppet Test Driven Development with Travis CI and Docker

Puppet Test Driven Development with Travis CI and Docker Raphaël Pinson & Mickaël Canévet

Transcript of Puppet Test Driven Development with Travis CI and Docker

Puppet Test Driven Developmentwith Travis CI and Docker

Raphaël Pinson & Mickaël Canévet

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Who are we ?

■ Raphaël Pinson○ @raphink

○ Infrastructure Developer & Training Leader

■ Mickaël Canévet○ @mickaelcanevet

○ Infrastructure Developer

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■ Swiss/French company

■ Open-source development/integration expert

■ ~ 60 employees

■ Puppet user and contributor since 2008

■ Main contributor to the Puppet Forge

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Camptocamp Infrastructure Department

■ ~ 10 systems engineers

■ Fully Puppetized Workflow

■ Openstack/Docker/AWS/ELK

■ Puppet Labs / Red Hat / AWS partner

■ Activities :○ Hosting

○ Consulting

○ Development / Integration

○ Training

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Test Driven Development Basics

■ 3 types of tests :○ Unit tests

○ Integration tests

○ Acceptance tests

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Test Driven Development in Puppet

■ Unit tests○ catalog compilation and assertions

○ using rspec-puppet

■ Integration tests○ unit tests on profiles/roles

■ Acceptance tests○ catalog application and system assertions

○ using beaker and serverspec/specinfra

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Red, Green, Refactor

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Puppet TDD module dev demo

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Travis CI integration

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Travis CI integration

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Continuous Deployment to the Forge

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Continuous Deployment to the Forge

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Other contributions to Puppet Ecosystem

■ Rspec-puppet-facts

■ Facterdb

■ Augeas / Augeasproviders

■ Catalog-diff-viewer

■ R10k-dashboard

■ Puppet-lint plugins

■ Puppet-ghostbuster

■ Puppetfile-updater

■ …

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Questions ?

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