Pupils are People - Copy (2)


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Transcript of Pupils are People - Copy (2)

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To provide all our young people with a first class education that both appreciates them as individuals and develops their values, characters, skills, knowledge and understanding.

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The target driven climate means teachers are judged heavily on outcomes and classroom practice.Therefore more time has to be spent on marking and planning often at the expense of non department issues.As a result pastoral care can decline so students as individuals become not so well known, understood and supported.Staff then are less likely to fully understand and connect effectively with the individuals they teach.As a result the development of the student can be more limited or too much focussed on purely academic outcomes. .

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Events in their lives influence student emotions. These emotions drive their thinking which influences behaviour and thereby consequent attitudes which in turn are major dictators of performance.

To impact on performance ,we need to support staff so they can fully understand each of their students and develop in them the right skills to enhance student learning and their future contributions to society.

A curriculum that incorporates development of all our intelligences and develops PLTs in a coordinated way is based placed to provide the best education for each student.

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Society needs young people with academic and vocational qualifications .It is right that the teaching profession is held significantly responsible for this.

More importantly though, society requires young people who are honest, caring, loyal and generous. These young people need to have their passions awoken, their interpersonal skills developed and their values embedded so they become independent, involved, resilient, hard working individuals who work well with others to achieve the caring, sustainable society we all want to live in.

As teachers we have a key role in achieving this aim although it is easy to lose sight of this in today’s system given the current demands on teachers’ time.

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Pupils are People builds its programmes and support around four core values that underpin our philosophy on education, namely:

Care- Of others and the environment.

Discipline- To do the right thing; even when the easy thing is more appealing!

Commitment- To other people and to being involved and seeing things through.

Sustainability- By living our lives in a way that enables all to keep developing whilst not compromising our environment or other people, either now or in the future.

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We: specialise in engaging pupils in all aspects of life. place emphasis on personalising support to individualstudents thereby enabling each of them to grow and fulfil all their potential whilst allowing you the time to focus on other priorities. have clear values underpinning an educational philosophy that is

designed to support students and staff in these challenging times.

offer excellent value for money including a free no obligation 1 hour initial consultation.

Go to www.pupilsarepeople.comnow to find out more. What have you to lose?!