PUPIL HANDBOOK 2011-2012 - Trinity School · Pupil Handbook 2011 – 2012 . 2 Table of Contents ......

Trinity School Pupil Handbook 2011 – 2012

Transcript of PUPIL HANDBOOK 2011-2012 - Trinity School · Pupil Handbook 2011 – 2012 . 2 Table of Contents ......

Page 1: PUPIL HANDBOOK 2011-2012 - Trinity School · Pupil Handbook 2011 – 2012 . 2 Table of Contents ... from home, from church and from school is the basis for whole-person development

Trinity School

Pupil Handbook

2011 – 2012

Page 2: PUPIL HANDBOOK 2011-2012 - Trinity School · Pupil Handbook 2011 – 2012 . 2 Table of Contents ... from home, from church and from school is the basis for whole-person development


Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. 2

Welcome from all the staff of Trinity School ............................................................................... 3

Plan of School ................................................................................................................................... 4

Teaching Staff .................................................................................................................................... 6

The School Day - Monday – Friday ............................................................................................... 7

Equipment and Presentation of Work ......................................................................................... 12

Homework / Homework Timetable / Missed Work ................................................................ 13

Memory Verses ................................................................................................................................ 15

Head Boy, Head Girl, Prefects and Form Captains................................................................... 16

Medical Matters ............................................................................................................................... 16

Lunchtime Routines ....................................................................................................................... 16

Daily Tasks ....................................................................................................................................... 17

House System .................................................................................................................................. 18

Trophies ........................................................................................................................................... 19

Uniform Matters ............................................................................................................................. 23

Changing Room Rules .................................................................................................................... 26

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Welcome from all the staff of Trinity School Welcome to the new school year! We trust you had a great summer and are now looking forward to the challenges and activities of this new academic year. We would like you to welcome our new staff: Mrs D Barthee, teaching mainly English and Drama; additional support for Year 11 French with Mr D Sheppard; and Mr J van As is now with us full-time, primarily with Year 7. The main timetable change is that the first slot in the day, 8:25-8:55am is now allocated to assemblies and memory verses as indicated on page 15 The House System was a great success last year and we hope you will find it as helpful and challenging this year. Please look at page 18 for new details. Exciting announcement: This year we have a Head Boy and Head Girl! Please keep this book carefully as you will need to refer to it throughout the year. The School Staff

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Plan of School

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Dates for the Academic Year 2010-2011 Week Date

Autumn Term 2011 1, 2 Sep Staff training 1 5 Sep 2 12 Sep 3 19 Sep Education Sunday and Parent/Staff Gathering on 25 September 4 26 Sep

Half Term Break: 3 October – 7 October World Skills on Wednesday 5 October for 20 pupils

ISA East Anglia Junior Swimming Gala on Thursday 6 October 5 10 Oct 6 17 Oct 7 24 Oct 8 31 Oct East Anglia Senior Swimming Gala on Thursday 3 November

Half Term Break: 7 November – 11 November 9 14 Nov Assessment/Test Week 10 21 Nov Whole School Assembly with PCRL on Wednesday 23 November 11 28 Nov Yr12-13 ‘Roadster’ Event on 1 December 12 5 Dec Carol Concerts 10, 11 December

13 a 12 Dec Christmas Fun Wed/Th/Fri Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 14 December Showcase Evening on Thursday 15 December

Christmas Break: 19 December – 3 January Spring Term 2011

3 Jan Staff training day and SMT Meeting 13 b 4 Jan

14 9 Jan TRINITY SCHOOL 30TH BIRTHDAY PARTY on Wednesday 11th Jan Senior School Parent Evening Thursday 12 January

15 16 Jan Senior School Parent Evening Wednesday 18 January 16 23 Jan 17 30 Jan Education Sunday and Parent/Staff Gathering on 5 February 18 6 Feb

Half Term Break: 13 February – 17 February 19 20 Feb Assessment/Test Week and Mocks 20 27 Feb Whole School Assembly with PCRL on Wednesday 1 March 21 5 Mar 22 12 Mar 23 19 Mar 24 26 Mar

Easter Break: 2 April – 13 April Summer Term 2012

25 16 April Careers and Options Evening Y7-13 on Thursday 19 April 26 23 April 27 30 April Study Leave Commences for Y11-13 (tbc) 28 7 May (Bank Holiday Mon)

29 14 May (I)GSCE AND A LEVEL EXAMS START Education Sunday and Parent/Staff Gathering on 20 May

30 21 May

31 28 May Assessment/Test Week Whole School Assembly with PCRL on Wednesday 30 May

Half Term Break: 4 June – 8 June 32 11 Jun 33 18 Jun

34 25 Jun Open Evening on Wednesday 27 June Prize Giving Evening on Thursday 28 June ISA Festival of Sport 29 June – 1 July 2012

35 30 June – 6

July School Camp

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Teaching Staff

Subject Teachers Art and Design Mrs K Russell/ J Linnecar /Mrs J Cleminson Biology Dr D Imhof /Dr H Pring Business Studies Mr J Cope / Mr E Giachardi /Mr D Atter Chemistry Dr S Cox / Mrs E Esho / Dr D Imhof Computing / ICT Mrs V De Coster / Mrs C Jamieson D&T: Sewing and Craft Mrs J Linnecar / Mrs J McGahon D& T: Woodwork Mr D Austin Divinity / Religious Studies

Mrs R Coleman/ Mr J van As/Mrs D Barthee

English /Literature Mrs D Barthee/Mrs S Mathai / Mrs S Weil French Mrs M McKeown/Mr D Sheppard Geography Mr J van As/Mr R Whitaker History Mr J van As/Mrs D Barthee/Mrs R Coleman Home Economics: Food and Nutrition

Mrs J van Enckevort

Home Economics: Child Development

Mrs J van Enckevort/Mrs R Coleman

Mathematics / Statistics Dr A Cooper / Mr D Liniker / Mr P Russell / Mr R Whitaker Music Mrs V Cheesman Physical Education Mrs J de Klerk / Mrs J Lee / Mrs E Reid / Mrs V Yardy / Mr

J Potter/Mr D Yardy Physics Mr P Russell Text Processing Mrs V De Coster/.Mrs M McKeown

Form Teachers Each year group has a form teacher who will help you organise your day to day activities from handing in homework each morning, issuing and discussing your weekly progress as shown on your green slips, hearing your memory verses and answering any concerns and worries you might have. This year the following teachers have been allocated: Year 7 Mr van As Year 8 Mrs D Barthee Year 9 Mr P Russell Year 10 Mr R Whitaker Year 11 Mrs E Coleman Year 12 Dr D Imhof Year 13 Dr D Imhof

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The School Day - Monday – Friday

Times 08:15am Registration 08:25 – 8:55am Mon: Written Memory Verse

Tues: Chapel Wed: Oral Memory Verse Thurs: Assembly Fri: Memory Verse Assembly

09:00 - 09:50am Lesson 1 09:50am - 10:40am Lesson 2 10:40am - 10:55am Break 11:00am - 11:50am Lesson 3 11:50am - 12:40pm Lesson 4 12:40pm - 1:40pm Lunch/break 1:45pm - 1:50pm Registration 1:50pm - 2:40pm Lesson 5

On Wednesdays, Sport commences at 1:30pm 2:40pm - 3:30pm Lesson 6 3:45pm - 6:00pm Prep available for Years 11, 12, 13 in ICT Room and

for those who have been given permission. This does not apply to Fridays.

Registration You must be in your form-room for registration at 8:15 am and 1:45 pm. At morning registration your homework book and homework must be given to your form teacher for checking.

Break Times

Morning Break

Morning break is from 10:40am to 10:55am in the Dining Hall and courtyard (except Years 12 and 13 who may use the Common Room). All drinks and tuck must be consumed in the Dining Hall or in the courtyard (weather permitting). Please place rubbish in the bins provided. Food and drink must not be taken over to the cloakrooms. There are to be no ball games in the courtyard.

Lunchtime break

Lunchtime break is from 12:40pm to 1:35pm. In dry weather lunchtime break is taken on the field and/or asphalt area. Trainers must be worn if you are involved in a physical activity and/or you are on the grass. Football boots are not to be worn. In wet weather lunchtime break is taken in the Sports Hall. Please consult the duty teacher in the Dining Hall to ascertain whether it is wet weather break.

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Punctuality Punctuality is an important part of self-discipline and is essential to good time management. You are expected to arrive at school in time for registration at 8:15am. Pupils arriving before 8:00am should wait in the Dining Hall. If you arrive in the classroom after 8:15am you will be marked late in the school register. If you arrive at school after 8:25am you must report to the School Office, giving a reason for your lateness. You are also expected to be punctual at all your lessons, especially to individual music lessons.

Packing for the Day/School Bags When packing books for the day please keep your load to a minimum for the safety of your back. Return books to your locker if you do not need to take them home. You should keep your school bag with you all day except at lunchtimes when it should be placed in your form room. BAGS SHOULD NEVER BE LEFT IN THE CORRIDORS.

Books, Lockers, Boxes Textbooks are issued for your use. These should be named, and you are responsible to look after them and return them at the end of the course. You are expected to keep your lockers or box tidy. Your form teacher will check this from time to time.

Authorised Absence An absentee authorisation form should be completed at least 48 hours in advance if you need to be out of school for any reason. These may be obtained from the School Office or your form teacher or downloaded from the website. If you are leaving the site for an authorised absence e.g. music exam, you must report to the School Office both when you leave and when you return. This is very important for fire regulations.

Absence Notes You must bring a dated and addressed note to your form teacher if you are absent from school stating the reason for your absence. It is important that this note is on a separate sheet of paper and not written in the homework notebook. If you are going to be unable to do sport, a written note from your parent must be provided for the form teacher, who will pass it on to the sport’s teacher. Prolonged absence from sport must be validated by a medical practitioner’s letter.

Church Attendance Church involvement is a crucial element in the ethos of the school. The combined input from home, from church and from school is the basis for whole-person development of the pupils. Hence all pupils should attend their church’s meetings. You are expected to dress smartly at all meetings, respecting the Christian ethos of the school. Sixth Form girls may wear make-up.

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Meeting Notes A notebook will be provided; notes recording the main points of the sermon (including references) should be taken at all church services. Please write your notes neatly in black, blue, or pencil and do not use your book for additional notes or ‘doodles’. Should you be on camera, crèche or a similar responsibility, or absent from a service and are unable to take notes, a note should be written in the book giving an explanation. These notes should be handed in at registration on a Monday morning for marking.

Fire Alarm A continuous bell will ring in the event of a fire. You should exit in silence at the closest exit following the procedures that your teacher has instructed you in and make your way to the back field. A copy of these procedures is on the back of every classroom door. Please always treat this siren seriously.

Clubs A number of lunchtime and after school clubs will be run at various points in the year which you may be interested to join. Please consult the notice board at the entrance to the Dining Hall for up-to-date information.

Code of Conduct You are expected to behave in a responsible and Christian manner as shown by your commitment to the Code of Conduct below:

1 I will love and serve the Lord, my God, with my whole heart. 2 I will seek to share the love of God with others. 3 I will be a willing helper, looking to the needs of others. 4 I will show respect to teachers, other adults, and pupils. 5 I will treat other pupils with consideration, encouragement, and support. 6 I will live in a manner that sets a good example for others. 7 I will be honest and truthful, with care for the language I use. 8 I will respect the school and other people’s property. 9 I will be punctual in attendance and completion of work. 10 I will dress in a smart, modest and tidy manner according to the school uniform

rules. 11 I will respect the body God gave me, participate in healthy activities and use it to

serve him. 12 I will do my best in whatever my hand finds to do.

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Relating to each other Having an encouraging and supportive attitude towards each other you will find builds up other pupils and blesses you! The Bible teaches us to bring grace to our hearers whenever we speak. (Ephesians 4:29) Physical and verbal abuse (e.g. the cruel use of nicknames or making fun of other pupils) or any form of bullying, including cyber-bullying is totally unacceptable and will be promptly addressed. Bullying is any behaviour which deliberately hurts or upsets another person. Pupils are encouraged to report any incidents to a member of staff or prefect. Staff will help and intervene at any time and will address the issue with both parties.

In lessons and around school you should

• Be on time to school and to lessons

• Bring everything you need to the lessons

• Be polite and respectful to staff giving way on the stairs and opening doors

• Not talk when the teacher is addressing the class

• Put your hand up to ask questions

• Listen carefully and follow instructions

• Be aware swearing is not acceptable in any conversation with other pupils or staff

• Move around the school quietly and orderly, making sure to keep to the left in corridors and on the stairs. Do not cut across the lawns.

• On arrival at school, please do not cut across the fields as this brings mud and grass into the buildings. STICK TO THE PATHS.

• For safety reasons not run inside any of the buildings

• Never in any circumstances leave the school grounds without permission

• Treat school books and property carefully

• Not bring chewing gum onto the premises of Trinity School

• Put all litter – whether it is yours or some you may come across - in the bins

• Eat all food/drink in the Dining Hall or Courtyard, not in cloakrooms/classrooms.

• Seek permission on each occasion to use music practise rooms.

• Remember the following areas are out of bounds: the classrooms after school hours and weekends; the staff room and kitchen; the swimming pool area, forest areas and the bank on the front lawn; the garden and equipment sheds; building materials and machinery at all times.

Bringing things to school

• You should not bring valuable items or large sums of money to school.

• You should make sure all your personal property is clearly named.

• You should not bring magazines, MP3 players, iPods, mobile phones or laptops into school. Special permission may be obtained in appropriate circumstances.

• When permission is given to bring a mobile phone to school (e.g. as a safety measure during travelling) it must be deposited in the school office during school hours.

Lost Property

• If you find lost property please put the item in the lost property box in the Dining Room, unless it is valuable, in which case please deliver it to the School Office.

• If you have lost an item of property, check your own bag carefully first and then check the lost property box in the dining room.

• Items of lost property that are not claimed after two weeks will be disposed of.

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• Senior pupils may ride bicycles to school providing they wear a safety helmet and a fluorescent vest/sash and the bicycle has working lights.

• Bicycles should be dismounted at the cark park and walked up to the racks by the Sports Hall.

• Permission must be granted from the School Office and a form completed before a bicycle can be brought onto the premises; bicycles must not be left overnight.

• No learner drivers are allowed on the site under any circumstances.

• Permission must be sought from Mr Whitaker to bring a car onto the premises and an authorisation form completed.

Using school computers

• School computers should not be used at anytime for personal use, e.g. e-mails, social networking, shopping etc

• Do not play games on the computers.

• Always get permission from a teacher to use the internet. Use the internet sensibly and carefully.

• You should not reveal your password to anybody else, and should make every effort to select a password that you will remember – don’t rely on an administrator being able to change the password at short notice.

• Do not use another person’s account.

• Personal laptops or devices should not, under any circumstances, be connected to the school network.

• After each session, you must switch off your computer by shutting down properly (unless instructed otherwise by a teacher), make sure you replace your chair, leave the keyboard, mouse and mat tidily and remove all personal belongings, including rubbish.

• If you come across someone else’s locked computer, you should not turn it off in order to use the computer, as this may lead to loss of files.

• If a computer is not working properly, or does not appear to have the correct software installed, you should notify the system administrator via the teacher or a member of staff.

• You must not change any settings on any computers – including screen savers, wallpaper and desktop settings. You should not create shortcuts on the desktop.

• Memory sticks may be used on the school computers for the purpose of transporting school work only, and must not contain personal files such as photos, music, computer programs etc. All memory sticks must be clearly named.

• Only send a print command once; ask a teacher if it does not print first time. You should conserve supplies such as paper and printer ink. All documents printed out should be collected and you should print to a black and white printer, unless a teacher specifically instructs you to print in colour.

• You must print out any work completed at home before you come to school.

• All documents must be saved in your ‘H’ drive. Documents must not be stored in the ‘My Documents’ folder, on the desktop or anywhere on a local PC.

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Equipment and Presentation of Work

Items to have in school at all times You will need to have the following items in school at all times. These items should be clearly named and carried within a clearly named pencil case. Remember you are not allowed to borrow items from another pupil, with or without permission.

• Bible in Bible case (King James Version)

• Fountain pen and cartridges or roller pen plus a spare pen

• 30cm Ruler

• Protractor, pair of compasses

• Calculator to be purchased through school (years 7 to 11)

• Pencil

• Coloured Pencils

• Red pen

• Scissors

• Glue Stick

• Pencil sharpener

• Rubber

• Memory Stick compatible with school equipment

(All these items may be purchased from the school office except the Bible and Bible cases and memory sticks.)

Presentation Rules When presenting your work remember to:

• Always present your work neatly.

• Name your work carefully if it is on lined paper.

• Write in blue or black ink using a fountain pen or roller pen.

• DO NOT use biro except in your rough books.

• Underline your headings and dates neatly in red.

• Date your work on the right hand side of the page.

• When correcting your work the teachers will use the following notation p=punctuation error; sp=spelling error; //NP=paragraph needed.

• If you make a mistake in your work cross it through carefully with a ruler – Tippex and correcting pens are not allowed in school and must not be used in any school work.

• Keep your exercise/text books free of graffiti.

• Remember to look after school items carefully – if you damage, abuse or lose a textbook or exercise book you will be charged for it.

• When sharpening a pencil please put all pencil sharpenings in the bin, not on the floor, similarly for pencil rubbings.

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Homework / Homework Timetable / Missed Work Homework is set according to the homework timetable, should be completed on the night set (unless the teacher concerned specifically gives you an extension) and checked by your parents before the homework book is signed. If for any legitimate reason you are unable to complete your homework ask your parent(s) to write a short dated note on a separate sheet of paper explaining the situation. This note should be handed in with the homework notebook. Use your weekly diary to carefully record your homework. Write down the specific details as your teacher gives it to you. This is particularly important as you begin your GCSE or A Level studies as you may find your homework set over a period of days so it is important you make a careful note of the due date. You are expected to make up any work missed due to absence; please see the relevant teachers on your return to school.

Helpful hints when tackling homework

• Try to do your homework as soon as you get home.

• Find a quiet place to study free from distractions such as the TV.

• Take a short break between subjects or you may find your concentration wanders.

• Make sure homework handed in on file paper is clearly labelled with your full name and the teacher to whom the homework is going, and is in a plastic wallet.

Reaching your goals Work is set in a way that will challenge and develop your abilities. At times the workload can seem heavy, but it is important for you to set a plan that will meet deadlines and enable you to show your best effort. Remember to do today everything that can be done today – don’t postpone tasks. Coursework deadlines are set to help you manage your work. You must keep to them. Your parents will receive a short ‘Progress Report’ once in the Autumn Term and once in the Spring Term, so it is important that you work steadily throughout the year. If you have concerns about your work, please speak to the subject teachers and be prepared to do as they ask of you!

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Homework timetable Please note that: In addition to the subjects listed below reading will be encouraged throughout the week for years 7-9. Year

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Music English Literature ICT English Skills

Art or Food and Nutrition French English Revise Oral MV

Maths CAP Divinity - RE

Maths Biology or Physics French

Physics or Chemistry History Div – Bible Geography Revise written MV


Music English Literature English

French Maths CAP Art or Food & Nutrition Revise Oral MV

Maths Geography ICT

Physics or Biology French Div - RE

History English Skills Div – Bible Chemistry or Biology Revise Written Memory Verse


History Music French

Geography English Literature or Art or Food & Nutrition Maths Revise Oral MV

English Skills Maths ICT

French Div – Bible English

Chemistry or Physics Biology or Chemistry Div – RE CAP Revise written MV


ICT Food & Nutrition or French Physics or Drama

Chemistry or English Lit or Afrikaans English History Maths Revise Oral MV

RS Maths English Lit or Afrikaans

English Geography or Child Development Art or Statistics

Biology Geography or Child Development PE Theory History RS Revise Written Memory Verse


French Maths Chemistry or Child Development or Geography Biology

Physics English Lit or Food and Nutrition Revise Oral MV

ICT English French

French English Art or History or Statistics

Maths PE Theory RS Geography Revise Written Memory Verse

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Memory Verses Learning the Memory Verses is an essential element of the school curriculum and this task should be taken very seriously; not only will you be storing the Word of God in your minds you will also be training your memory – a skill that you will find very useful as you go through the school and when you leave school.

Memory Verse Procedure Written memory verses are written in pencil on an A4 sheet of paper given to you and supervised by your form teacher. Should you miss writing out your verse, please arrange with your form teacher at the earliest opportunity when you can do so. The date, your name and the verses being written e.g. Jeremiah 31 v 31-34 must be clearly written and underlined. Oral memory verses will be said on Wednesday mornings 8:25-8:55am. Make sure you are prepared for them. Some exemptions will be made for Years 11-13 during the summer exams.

Memory Verses for 2011-2012 Dates Oral Written

Autumn Term: 5th September – 30th September Acts 17 v 24-31 Romans 5 v 1-11 Autumn Term: 10th October – 4th November Psalm 103 v 1-12 Acts 17 v 24-31 Autumn Term: 14th November – 16th December Ephesians 2 v 1-9 Psalm 103 v 1-12 Spring Term: 9th January – 10th February John 3 v 5-16 Ephesians 2 v 1-9 Spring Term: 20th February – 30th March Isaiah 53 v 1-9 John 3 v 5-16 Summer Term: 16th April – 1st June Romans 8 v 1-10 Isaiah 53 v 1-9 Summer Term:11th June – 29th June Camp MV Romans 8 v 1-10 2012 September Genesis 3 v 1-8 Romans 8 v 1-10

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Head Boy, Head Girl, Prefects and Form Captains

Head Boy Head Girl The Head Boy and Head Girl have a leading role in organising the contribution that the Sixth Form make to the school and in being ambassadors for the school.

Prefects Prefects have been assigned various positions of responsibility and should be respected as any member of staff. The position of prefect is available to Years 12 and 13.

Form Captains Form captains and vice-captains will be appointed on a termly basis by the form teacher. They will play an important role in helping the form teacher in administrative tasks and encouraging the form to achieve in all areas.

Medical Matters If you become unwell at school you should report to the teacher whose lesson you are in or your form teacher who will make appropriate arrangements. If you have a particular reason why you cannot take part in a normal school activity you need to bring a signed letter from home to inform the school. For ongoing problems, a letter from a medical practitioner is requested. A letter is also needed when requesting special diets at lunchtime. If you need to take medicine in school please leave it in the school office for safe keeping. The school will not be responsible for administering it.

Mrs Rees Mrs Rees is the school nurse who will keep a check on any medical matters and arrange immunisations for you. (Older pupils are able to book a private appointment to see the visiting Nurse through Mrs Rees if they so wish).

Sick Room The sick room is available for you to use under the instruction of either a teacher or the school nurse. Please do not go there without informing a member of staff.

Lunchtime Routines The Dining Hall is a very busy place as it is used not only for lunch but also break times, assemblies, drama, and sport when it is wet outside. It is very important, therefore, that it is kept clean and tidy, and all tables and chairs are put away when not being used.

Lunch Lunch begins at 12:40pm. Please be seated at the tables allocated to your House until instructed to collect your main course from the servery. Desserts/fruit should only be collected when your main

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course is eaten. House Captains are responsible for ensuring pupils clear away their plates, stack their chairs and help wipe and put the tables away BEFORE leaving the Dining Hall.

Daily Tasks To facilitate the smooth running of the school, to encourage a sense of pride in the school and to develop responsibility Years 7-13 are asked to be involved with a number of daily tasks on a rotation basis:

Job A 8:00 - 8:15

• Put away any deliveries (milk, vegetables etc)

Job B 10:40 - 10:50

• Set up tables and chairs in Dining Hall.

Job C before 10:45

• Empty dishwasher in the Domestic Science Room

Job D 1:00 - 1:30

• Put away cleaned tables and chairs

• Sweep Dining Hall and Servery (mop if necessary the areas that need it)

• Empty bins in Dining Hall, Servery and Kitchen

• Take cardboard from kitchen to the Blue Recycling bin

• Wash cutlery

• Clear plates and bowls into bins

• Take any washing up to the kitchen & do any that needs to be done

• Clean and dry yellow tables

Job E 3:30 - 3:45

• Close windows and shutters in the main building

• Clean Domestic Science Room, load and start dishwasher

• Clean Sixth Form Common Room Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Job A Year 12/13 Job B Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Job C Year 12/13 Year 12/13 Year 12/13 Year 12/13 Year 12/13 Job D Cedar Elm Maple Oak Year 12/13 Job E Year 12/13 Year 12/13 Year 12/13 Year 12/13 Year 12/13

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House System The Senior School is divided into four houses, Maple (Red), Oak (Blue), Cedar (Green) and Elm (Yellow). Your aim is to earn House Points over each five weekly period throughout the year, as an individual challenge for yourself and to contribute to your House.

How do you earn points? Oral Memory verse:

2 points for perfect, 1 point for a pass.

Written Memory verse:

2 points for perfect, 1 point for a pass.

Meeting notes: Handed in on Mondays and expressed clearly Homework diary: Handed in daily and signed Academic : Individual progress and excellence in class work or homework Physical: Progress, achievement, or exceptional effort in physical activity/sport. Citizenship: Notable contribution to the school in care and respect for each other,

showing reliability, punctuality, honesty and a strong moral stance. Service: Helping in a way that is ‘going the extra mile’. Competitions: There will be a variety of challenges between the Houses in which

points may be gained for team effort. Teachers will issue green slips for House Point gains, yellow slips for losses, and red slips for Penalties. It is possible to lose House Points through such things as poor behaviour, lateness, sloppy work, laziness, or not doing rota duties. Penalties should be a rare occurrence and will be given, with a loss of 2 House Points, for things such as disobedience, dishonesty, rudeness, disrespect, bad behaviour, late to school twice in one week and failing to submit coursework on time without a good reason. In the event of a serious occurrence, detentions may be issued at the discretion of the Head teacher. These are normally served before school. There is a new category as from September 2011 of a blue slip which counts as the loss of one house point and is issued when homework is not handed in on time or is incomplete. All the slips will go to the Form Teacher to be recorded and then given to you to take home. Penalty slips must be signed by parents/guardians and returned. You should aim to earn at least 5 – 10 House Points each week. You will receive a weekly slip that summarises how well you have done in your memory verses, meeting notes and your personal house point tally. Totals for each House are given in Thursday assemblies. There will be individual certificates of achievement for gaining 50, 100, etc points, and recognition for the winning House. Your individual points tally will continue to accumulate throughout the year. The House competition will begin again each term. The ‘Pass’ standards for your Memory Verses are as follows: Year 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Oral Scripture (max errors) 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 Written Scripture (max errors) 10 10 8 5 5 5 5

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Memory verse is very important, and if you say and write your verses perfectly for three/four/five consecutive weeks you will receive a special certificate.

Trinity School House List


Abraham Atter Bobby Hancock Ben Holland Joshua Smith

Judah Aworeni Kristinas Veskutonis Oliver Palmer Timothy Onanuga

Phoebe van der Merwe Ema Stankevice Divine Olomo Lase Oluga

Andrew Whitcombe Stephanie Cross Megan Cope Ikanniwa Faseyi

Lara Esquivel Peter Barthee Fola Alasi Tobi Kuyini

Joshua Austin Lola Adesiyan Abigail Oluwasanya Matthew Callcut

Peyi Olugbodi Damola Fenuyi Eneikan Akpan Shane van As

Alex Holland Zachary Thomas Abigail Barthee Adetola Obembe

Thembi Mundanda Rebekah Whealy Luke Gardiner Nathaniel Atter

Louise Ola Danielle Hancock Jared Patel May-Li Mackinnon

Joanne Gayle Estelle Purkis Emma Janavicius Samantha Purkis

Ify Okafor Sjoerd van de Loo Timothy Ooi Gerben van de Loo

Alice McGahon David Whealy Yemi Fenuyi Joshua Gardiner

Philip Barthee Tamsyn Ooi

End of year subject prizes Prizes will be awarded in various subjects for exceptional performance.

Trophies Trophies are awarded annually in several categories:

Johnson Memorial Trophy for Excellence This trophy was donated by Mr Ken Johnson. “We wanted to give something to the school that rewarded all-round effort and achievement rather than success in any one solitary subject or area”. The criteria set for the award are: Physical: the pupil shows commitment to sport, is a good ambassador for the school and understands the importance of being fit and healthy by keeping fit and eating well. Academic: the pupil presents exemplary work that goes beyond the norm and is presented to an excellent standard. Citizenship: the pupil is reliable and honest, with a strong moral sense. Service: the pupil cheerfully helps when required and is always willing to lend a hand. Spiritual: the pupil shows a strong commitment to Bible studies, memory verse, meeting notes and church attendance. Winner 2003-2003: Bethany Rees Winner 2003-2004: Emma Weil Winner 2004-2005: Not Awarded Winner 2005-2006: Stephen Cooper

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Winner 2006-2007: Stephen Cooper Winner 2007-2008: Ana Johnson Winner 2008-2009: Rachel Jamieson Winner 2009-2010: Tessmin Ooi 2010-2011 Not awarded

David Rees Trophy Donated by Nicky Rees in memory of Dave for perseverance and endurance. Winner 2002-2003: Grace Brown Winner 2003-2004: Lucy Weil Winner 2004-2005: Annabel Ola Winner 2005-2006: Sophie Rees Winner 2006-2007: Oscar Selfridge Winner 2007-2008: Tumi Sotire Winner 2008-2009: Tessmin Ooi Winner 2009-2010: Joshua Tumbridge Winner 2010-2011: Alicia Esquivel

Excellence in Physical Education Awarded for commitment to sport and showing an understanding of the need to eat healthily and keep one’s body in good physical condition. Winner 2002-2003: Grace Brown Winner 2003-2004: Abigail Embling Winner 2004-2005: Rachel Jamieson Winner 2005-2006: Rachel Jamieson Winner 2006-2007: Rachel Jamieson Winner 2007-2008: Oscar Selfridge Winner 2008-2009: Michael Barthee Winner 2009-2010: Evangeline Collier Winner 2010-2011: Evangeline Collier/Jared Patel

Excellence in Academic Performance Awarded for outstanding achievement in schoolwork

Winners 2002-2003: Jannah Van Der Pol/Timothy Hodge Winner 2003-2004: Joanna Hunt Winner 2004-2005: Ymjke Van Der Pol Winner 2005-2006: Daan De Coster Winner 2006-2007: Daan De Coster Winner 2007-2008: Tracie Ooi Winner 2008-2009: Tracie Ooi Winner 2009-2010: Renske Van De Loo Winner 2010-2011: Tessmin Ooi/Danielle Ola

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Excellence in Citizenship Awarded for being exemplary in keeping to school rules and conducting oneself in a manner befitting a Christian. Winners 2002-2003: Tim Jamieson/Leah Cheesman Winner 2003-2004: Bethany Rees Winner 2004-2005: Renske Van De Loo Winner 2005-2006: Sarah Gray Winner 2006-2007: Rachael Anslow Winner 2007-2008: Amy Wilkinson/Sade Ademakinwa Winner 2008-2009: Renske Van De Loo Winner 2009-2010: Charlotte Callcut Winner 2010-2011: Grace Collier/David Whealy

Excellence in Service Awarded for showing a willingness to serve others and go the extra mile. Winners 2002-2003: Stephen Smith/Ronell De Klerk Winner 2003-2004: Tim Jamieson Winner 2004-2005: Sarah Gray Winner 2005-2006: Not Awarded Winner 2006-2007: Ben Hodge Winner 2007-2008: Felicity Love Winner 2008-2009: Joshua Tumbridge Winner 2009-2010: Michael Barthee Winner 2010-2011: Alice McGahon/Philip Barthee

Excellence in Bible Studies Awarded for excellent work in Bible search, Bible study and meeting notes. Winner 2002-2003: Esther Mathai Winner 2003-2004: Roseanna Cooke Winner 2004-2005: Oyinwonuola Alabi Winner 2005-2006: Danielle Ola Winner 2006-2007: Ana Johnson Winner 2007-2008: Oyinwonuola Alabi Winner 2008-2009: Danielle Ola Winner 2009-2010: Beatrice Selfridge Winner 2010-2011: Emma Janavicius

Girls Progress Award Awarded for significant progress made during the year. Winner 2002-2003: Hannah Mckeown Winner 2003-2004: Renske Van De Loo Winner 2004-2005: Sarah Brown Winner 2005-2006: Kathryn Macken Winner 2006-2007: Charlotte Callcut Winner 2007-2008: Emma Sijuwade

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Winner 2008-2009: Stefania Cerro Winner 2009-2010: Estelle Purkis Winner 2010-2011: Joanne Gayle

Boys Progress Award Awarded for significant progress made during the year. Winner 2002-2003: Matthew Weil Winner 2003-2004: Joshua Whealy Winner 2004-2005: Edward Brown Winner 2005-2006: Prince Bediako Winner 2006-2007: Michael Barthee Winner 2007-2008: James Du Val Winner 2008-2009: Philip Barthee Winner 2009-2010: Damola Fenuyi Winner 2010-2011: Thembi Mundanda

Oral Scripture Prize Awarded for the most perfect oral scriptures over the year. Winner 2002-2003 Rachel Jamieson Winner 2003-2004: Ymkje Van Der Pol Winner 2004-2005: Renske Van De Loo Winner 2005-2006: Oyinwonuola Alabi Winner 2006-2007: Oliver Esquivel Winner 2007-2008: Oyinwonuola Alabi Winner 2009-2010: Joanne Gayle Winner 2010-2011: May-Li MacKinnon

Written Scripture Prize For the most perfect written scriptures over the year. Winner 2002-2003: Roseanna Cooke Winner 2003-2004: Rachel Jamieson Winner 2004-2005: Rachel Jamieson Winner 2005-2006: Rachel Jamieson Winner 2006-2007: Hannah Hoskin/ Oyinwonuola Alabi Winner 2007-2008: Rachel Jamieson Winner 2008-2009: Jessica Whealy Winner 2009-2010: Samantha Purkis Winner 2010-2011: Joanne Gayle/May-Li MacKinnon

Trinity School House Cup – Boys For the highest number of house points gained over the year Winner 2009-2010: Nathaniel Atter Winner 2010-2011: Nathaniel Atter

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Trinity School House Cup – Girls For the highest number of house points gained over the year Winner 2009-2010: Joanne Gayle Winner 2010-2011: May-Li MacKinnon

Uniform Matters

Uniform – General Rules

• You should wear correct uniform at all times: in school; to and from school; and in sports lessons

• Your uniform should be kept clean and neat.

• All items of uniform must be clearly named.

• Your blazer should be worn at all times unless permission has been given to remove it.

• Cyclists may wear school sports kit to travel to and from school



• Boys’ hair should be smart, worn off the collar and ears

• Boys are expected to be clean-shaven

• No hair gel or mousse is to be used

• No perms or colours are permitted

• No jewellery, wristbands, necklaces, ear-rings or studs to be worn

• Vests, if worn, should be all white and without patterns


• Girls’ hair longer than shoulder length should be worn tied back and off the face

• Hair ribbons, slides, bobbles and hair bands should be simple and in hair colour or navy

• No mousse or gel should be used

• No perms or hair colours (except for years 12 and 13 with Mr Whitaker’s prior written permission).

• As appropriate, hair may be braided, with a minimum of matching hair colour extensions in order to provide neat and effective hair care.

• No make-up, jewellery, wristbands, necklaces, ear-rings or studs should be worn in school

• Nails should be kept at a conservative length with no nail varnish

• Vests or Camisoles, if worn, should be all white and without a logo

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Items and suppliers

Senior Boys

Item Supplier

Navy 3-in-1 coat John Lewis

Blazer Badge

Henry Taylor Henry Taylor

School tie Henry Taylor

White Shirt – short or long sleeved Preferred supplier

Navy v-necked woollen jumper Preferred supplier

Dark Grey or Charcoal Trousers Preferred supplier

Navy/Black/Grey short socks Own choice

Black Shoes Own choice

Trainers – White, Blue or Black Own choice

Navy Gloves Henry Taylor or own choice

School Scarf Henry Taylor

Senior Girls

Item Supplier

Navy 3-in-1 coat (Duffel Coat if available)

Henry Taylor (School)

Blazer Henry Taylor

Badge Henry Taylor

School tie Henry Taylor

White blouse – long sleeve (winter) Preferred supplier list

White blouse – short sleeve (summer) Henry Taylor

Navy woollen jumper or cardigan Preferred supplier list

Tartan kilt Henry Taylor

Flesh coloured or opaque navy tights Own choice

Black Shoes – heels no higher than 2” Own choice

Trainers – white, blue or black Own choice

Navy Gloves Henry Taylor or own choice

School Scarf Henry Taylor

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Senior PE Kit

Outdoor Kit

Item Supplier

Navy Jersey Tracksuit with school logo Henry Taylor

Light Blue Polo Shirt with school logo Henry Taylor

Navy Football Shorts - BOYS Henry Taylor

Navy “Skort” - GIRLS Henry Taylor

Football Boots – BOYS (NO BLADES) Own choice

Navy Football Socks – BOYS Own choice

Shin pads Own choice

Indoor Kit & “Representing the School” Kit

Item Supplier

Navy/Light Blue Tracksuit Henry Taylor

Sky Blue Polo Shirt with school logo Henry Taylor

Navy Shorts with Red stripe School

Swimming Costume – GIRLS John Lewis

Swim Trunks – BOYS John Lewis

TT Trainers* if needed Own choice

TT Bat* if needed Own choice

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Changing Room Rules PE is a fabulous part of the school curriculum and the PE teachers have planned a varied programme for you over the year to enjoy. Please do your best to help things run smoothly by keeping the changing rooms clean and tidy. When changing for any PE activity, due to the confined space of changing areas both for PE and swimming you need to carefully adhere to the following procedure:


• Change quickly and carefully; you must not be late for lessons

• No muddy shoes are allowed in the changing rooms; please take them off at the door

• Do not borrow other people’s kit with or without permission; if you have forgotten your kit, own up and tell the teacher


• Collect sports bag from locker

• Change at benches, hang clothes on peg and put shoes and socks in your sports bag on the bench.

Changing Back

• Ensure all of your PE kit is put back in your sports bag which should be zipped up and placed back in the locker.

• No items should be left on benches or pegs

• Your PE teacher will check that the changing rooms are tidy BEFORE you are dismissed.

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Trinity School Brizes Park, Ongar Road

Kelvedon Hatch Brentwood

Essex, CM15 0DG

Tel: 01277 374123 www.trinityschool.ac

[email protected]

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