Appendix E Pump Test Report

Transcript of PUMP TEST REPORT.pdf

Appendix E Pump Test Report


Prepared For:

Legacy Ridge

August 2007

Prepared By:

LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. Professional Ground-Water and Environmental Engineering Services

4 Research Drive, Suite 301 Shelton, CT 06484


Page INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................1 DRILLING EXPLORATION PROGRAM.....................................................................................1

Bedrock Aquifer...................................................................................................................2 Sand and Gravel Aquifer......................................................................................................2

TW-A ...............................................................................................................................................3 PW-1 ................................................................................................................................................3 INSTALLATION OF PIEZOMETER ............................................................................................3 INSTALLATION OF PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS....................................................................4 24+ HOUR PUMPING TEST .........................................................................................................4 WELL MONITORING PROGRAM...............................................................................................5 Long-Term Yield of PW-1...................................................................................................6 WATER QUALITY.........................................................................................................................6 CONCLUSIONS..............................................................................................................................6



Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc (LBG) conducted an additional groundwater

exploration program, aquifer testing program, and groundwater quality assessment on the Legacy

Ridge parcel in the Town of Woodbury, NY. The objective of the groundwater exploration

program was to locate, install test wells and perform aquifer performance test to demonstrate

sufficient yield to augment the existing water-supply sources. Figure 1 shows the location of the

site in the Town of Woodbury, Orange County, New York along with the existing production

wells, test wells, monitoring wells, and piezometers used during the aquifer performance test.


The additional exploration program conducted by LBG included test well drilling

completed in both the bedrock and sand and gravel aquifers from March to June 2007. To date,

three bedrock test wells and two sand and gravel test wells have been completed. The following

is a discussion of the preliminary yield estimate of the test wells from the bedrock and sand and

gravel aquifers, including data from a 24+ hour pumping test event conducted on a successful

high-yield sand and gravel well (PW-1).

A previous ground-water exploration program conducted by HDR Engineering, Inc.

(HDR) in 2005 on the study parcel developed three successful sand and gravel production wells

identified as TW-1, TW-2 and TW-4; with respective yields of 290, 120 and 34 gpm. The wells

are shown on figure 1.

Details of the well completion reports of the existing water supply wells and monitoring

wells completed under the supervision of HDR are provided in the report “Groundwater

Exploration and Hydrogeologic Report, Town of Woodbury, Orange County, NY by HDR, Inc.,

January 2006”.

-2- Bedrock Aquifer

The bedrock geologic map from the Orange County New York, Ground-Water Resources

Study (LBG, May 1995) shows complex bedrock geology on the study parcel. The initial

bedrock well drilling program considered an area north of Trout Brook Road and west of Route 9

(Mineral Spring Road). A prominent northeast to southwest trending trust fault bisects this

portion of the study parcel, separating a granitic gneiss bedrock unit on the north of the fault; and

Undifferentiated Lower Devonian and Silurian Rocks consisting of sandstone, shale and

conglomerate rock units on the southern side of the fault.

Fracture-trace maps were interpreted with additional layers of topography; bedrock

geology; underling faults; geologic contacts; wells inventoried; sand and gravel deposits; and

State and Federal wetlands to locate favorable locations to target high-yielding bedrock well.

Locations which exhibit more than one of the above features are considered to be promising for

drilling high-yielding bedrock well and the sites initially considered on the study parcel for

drilling test wells exhibited a number of these favorable features.

Three bedrock test wells were drilled by Turnbull Well Drilling, Inc. from March to April

of 2007 under the supervision of LBG. Bedrock test wells 1, 2 and 3 (BRW-1, 2, and 3) are

shown on Figure 1. The well completion reports are presented in Appendix I. All three bedrock

test wells yielded about 30 gpm at termination of drilling. The project team decided to terminate

the bedrock test well drilling at completion of BRW-3, considering the well yields were

considered marginal for the development of public water-supply sources.

Sand and Gravel Aquifer

Layne Christensen Company (Layne) was contracted in April of 2007 to drill test well

locations in the sand and gravel aquifer, north of Trout Brook on the study parcel. The initial

drilling program completed three test borings (TB-1, 2 and 3) in the vicinity of BRW-1. Sand

and gravel aquifer material was encountered in this area during drilling; however, the material

was determined to not be suitable for the development of a high-yielding well. The test boring

reports for TB-1, 2 and 3 are presented in Appendix II.

LBG supervised the drilling of the two additional test borings and test wells drilled by

Layne in June of 2007. The two six inch diameter test wells were completed as TW-A and PW-1

-3- (figure 1). The test boring reports and well construction diagrams for TW-A and PW-1 are

located in Appendix II.


TW-A was completed at a depth of 112 feet below land surface (bls). The well was

screened from 102 to 110 feet bls with a 60-slot stainless steel screen. The well was screened in

suitable sand and gravel aquifer material. A dense gray clay layer about 40-feet in thickness was

encountered at a depth of 10 to 50 feet bls. The underlying bedrock was encountered at 112 feet

bls and was composed of sandstone. The well was developed with repeated surging and



PW-1 was completed at a depth of 87 feet bls. The well screen was set at 80 to 87 feet

bls with a 90-slot stainless steel screen. The well was screened in suitable sand and gravel

aquifer material. Similarly a dense gray clay layer about 20-feet in thickness was encountered at

a depth of 10 to 30 feet bls. The bedrock was encountered at 90 feet bls and was composed of

black shale. The well was developed with repeated surging and pumping. The initial pumping

conducted during development indicated PW-1 had the higher yield potential, therefore, a short-

term 24-hour pumping test was recommended on this well to determine the yield potential of a

larger diameter production well.


A 1.25-inch diameter piezometer (PZ-A) was installed in the middle of the Trout Brook

at a distance of about 60 feet from the test well (PW-1). A 12- inch length stainless steel screen

(with drive point and coupled steel pipe) was driven into the bottom of the stream sediments to a

depth of 3.73 feet. The piezometer was developed by repeated well surging. The location of

PZ-A is shown of figure 1.



Prior to the aquifer performance test, pressure transducers (mini-trolls from Insitu, Inc.)

were installed on June 25, 2007 in existing production wells (TW-1, TW-3, and TW-4);

monitoring wells (MW-2, MW-5, BRW-1), and in 12 Trout Brook Rd. (offsite homeowner well);

TW-A, and inside and outside of the piezometer, PZ-A. These pressure transducers provided

background water levels prior to, during and after the pumping tests at 1-minute intervals.


On June 27, 2007 at 10:14 hours the pumping test event on PW-1 began at a rate at

250 gallons per minute (gpm). The static water level just before pumping the well was 6.5 feet

below top of casing (TOC) and the pump was set at a depth of 79 feet TOC. The casing stickup

was 1.67 feet above the grade. The water was discharged 300-feet downstream of the PW-1 in

the Trout Brook (figure 1). The flow rate for the well were measured with pipe orifice weir at

15-minute intervals during the first hour of the test, and hourly for the balance of the test. The

flow rate was constant through out the test at 250 gpm. At the 250 gpm pumping rate, the

stabilized water level just prior to shutdown of the test (June 28, 2007 at 13:09 hours) was

reported to be 28.13 feet. It should be noted that the test was extended an additional three hours

for a total pumping duration of about 27 hours. The total drawdown at the end of the 27-hour

pumping test was 21.6 feet. At about 1400 hours on June 27, 2007, a slight rain (drizzle)

occurred at the site for 30-minutes, however, the rain did not affect the water- level data for PW-

1, monitoring wells and piezometer. Water- level data measured during the pumping test and

hydrograph for PW-1 are given in Appendix III.

After the pumping test was terminated (June 28, 2007 at 13:09 hours), recovery

measurements were collected in PW-1 for a period of approximately 94-hours. During the

recovery period, a rain event occurred overnight on June 28, 2007, which is evident on the

hydrograph for PZ-OUT (stream stage) in the Trout Brook. Based on the rain gage at West

Point, New York (which is 15 miles east of the site), there was only 0.14 inches of rain on June

28, 2007. The rain did not have a discernible recharge effect on the recovery of the ground-

water level. The hydrographs provided in Appendix III show the water level in PW-1 recovered

-5- from a final pumping water level of 28.12 feet to 7.3 feet (which is 96.3% of pre-pumping

condition) within 24-hours. Considering a slight region water- level decline was observed in the

monitoring wells prior to the start of the test, which likely continued during the testing period

and following shutdown, the well is assumed to be fully recovered at about 24 hours from

shutdown of the test.


During the pumping test program conducted on PW-1 an onsite and offsite well

monitoring program was conducted. The purpose of the monitoring program was to determine if

the pumping of PW-1 for 24+ hours at a rate of 250 gpm would significantly affect water- level

and/or yields of existing onsite production well (TW-1, TW-3 and TW-4) and neighboring offsite

wells. LBG also installed PZ-A in Trout Brook to determine any hydraulic connection with the

sand and gravel aquifer and stream under pumping conditions. The hydrographs for the

monitoring wells and piezometer are located in Appendix IV. A majority of the monitoring

wells indicated a regional declining water-level trend prior to, during and following completion

of the test on PW-1.

The piezometer (PZ-IN) installed in the Trout Brook, showed about 0.4 feet of drawdown

during the pump test, however, there was no discernible change in the stream stage (PZ-OUT)

due to the pumping effect. Though there was minor drawdown in the piezometer, the stage in

the Trout Brook was not impacted and this indicates that there is no significant effective

groundwater and surface water interaction as a result of ground-water withdrawals from PW-1.

The hydrograph for 12 Trout Brook Road (offsite homeowner well), located

approximately 1000 feet southwest from the pumping well (PW-1), indicated about 0.75 feet of

drawdown during the test, as a result of ground-water withdrawal from PW-1. Monitoring well

TW-A located at a distance of only 220 feet northwest of the pumping well PW-1 showed

approximately 9.5 feet of drawdown during the test.

BRW-1 which is a flowing well completed in bedrock, located 1250 feet southeast of

PW-1, showed no discernible impact during the test. This indicates no hydraulic connection

between the sand and gravel aquifer and bedrock aquifer, as expected.


MW-5, a sand and gravel monitoring well, located 1875 feet southeast of PW-1, showed

no discernible impacts form the pumping of PW-1. TW-1, a 14- inch diameter production well

located 1950 feet northwest of PW-1 shows no discernible water level drawdown due to

pumping PW-1. TW-3 is a 14-inch diameter production well located 1400 feet northwest of

PW-1, also showed no discernible change in the water level due to pumping from PW-1.

Similarly, TW-4, a 14- inch diameter production well located 1630 feet northwest of PW-1,

showed no discernible impact due to the pumping at PW-1. MW-2 is a monitoring well located

1565 feet northwest of PW-1 and the hydrograph showed no discernible impact from the

pumping of PW-1.

Long-Term Yield of PW-1

The specific capacity of the PW-1 after 27-hour of pumping was 11.6 gpm/ft. The

maximum safe yield estimate (assuming drawdown to be five feet above the top of the screen) is

812 gpm. Therefore based on the maximum safe yield calculation, PW-1 can safely maintain a

pumping rate of 250 gpm even during extended drought conditions.


On June 28, 2007 at about10 hours water quality samples were collected from PW-1 and

were delivered to Orange County Laboratory Analytical Services (OCL) at 11:30 hours on June

28, 2007 for all parameters required by the New York State Sanitary Code Part 5, Subpart 5-1.

In addition, because PW-1 is located 60 feet from a surface-water body (Trout Brook), the

analysis included microparticulate analysis (MPA) and Cryptosporadium & Giardia to determine

if the well is under the direct influences of surface-water bodies. The Surface Water Treatment

Rule is applied to any well under direct influence of surface-water bodies. The water-quality

report will be available within two weeks of the date of this report.


Based on the result of the 27-hour pumping test conducted on PW-1, the well can sustain

a yield of 250 gpm. The data indicated no discernible impact to the stream flow (stage) on Trout

-7- Brook. In addition, ground-water withdrawals from PW-1 during the test event indicated no

discernible impacts on the existing production wells (TW-1, TW-3 and TW-4). The data indicate

PW-1 can be pumped simultaneously with any of the existing production well (TW-1, TW-3 and


The hydrograph for the offsite homeowner well located at 12 Trout Brook Road indicated

minor water- level interference drawdown effects of about 0.75 feet from the pumping of PW-1.

The noted impacts will not impair the yield of this well. No significant offsite water- level

interference effects are expected from ground-water withdrawal from PW-1 up to 250 gpm in the

study region.

Following completion of a larger diameter production well in the vicinity of PW-1,

additional long-term testing (72-hour duration) will be conducted to confirm the yield of the well

at rates equal to (250 gpm) or higher than tested for PW-1. Additional monitoring will be

conducted to include onsite and offsite wells, including piezometers in Trout Brook to reaffirm

above conclusions related to potential impacts.


Hillol Guha, Ph.D., P.G., P.HGW Senior Hydrogeologist/Modeler

Reviewed by:

Thomas P. Cusack, CPG Principal

nv August 2, 2007 H:\Legacy Ridge\WELL COMPLETION REPORT.doc


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12 Trout Brook Road




DTrout Brook





GSuite 301

(203) 929-8555Shelton, Connecticut 06484

4 Research Drive










-------------------------------- 4 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 301

SHELTON, CT 06484 (203) 929-8555

FAX (203) 926-9140 www.lbgweb.com

August 20, 2007

Mr. Stuart E. Bassell, P.E., A.I.C.P. Senior Project Manager Lawler, Matusky & Skelly Engineers, LLP One Blue Hill Plaza P.O. Box 1509 Pearl River, NY 10965-8509 RE: Legacy Ridge Water-Quality Results, PW-1 Woodbury, New York Dear Mr. Bassell: Attached is copy of the laboratory results for the water-quality samples (Appendix I) collected during the pumping test completed on PW-1 located on the Legacy Ridge study parcel in Woodbury, New York. As required by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), the samples were analyzed for all parameters specified in the NYSDOH Sanitary Code, Part 5, Sub-part 5-1. In addition, PW-1 is located within 200 feet of a surface-water body which required the collected of a microparticulate analysis (MPA) to determine if the well is under the direct influence of surface water. The Surface Water Treatment rule is applied to any well under the direct influence of surface-water bodies. The water-quality results for PW-1 meets all New York State Drinking Water Standards. A sodium concentration of 16 mg/l (milligrams per liter) and a chloride concentration of 18 mg/l were reported for the well. Both concentrations are well below NYSDOH recommended concentration and maximum concentration levels (MCL) of 270 mg/l and 250 mg/l, respectively, for sodium and chloride. The MPA results for PW-1 reported no presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in the sample collected. The report also stated that no algal organisms exhibiting chlorophyll fluorescence, which area primary indicator of GWUDI (ground water under direct influence of surface water), were observed in the sample. Plant debris was noted in the sample. However, again no chlorophyll fluorescence was noted in the plant debris. These MPA results indicate that well PW-1 is at a low risk for GWUDI.

Mr. Stuart E. Bassell -2- August 20, 2007

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 203-929-8555. Very truly yours, LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. Stacy Stieber Hydrogeologist II SS:cmm Enclosures cc: M. Rosenzweig H:\Legacy Ridge\water-quality cover ltr.doc