Puget Sound Argus. - Washington Secretary of State · nlld tben r.nll';l) t'Xpreseiolllor regret...

-- l .. Puget Sound Argus. .. , '. ---------' GOODS! _., - .. t.:AI"f.II.)I, 11.\\ "·.lltl), II>ll CHURCH "OTIC." I ..'''' .1 t Jill.!; II'; If. Un. J. B. At<EX.mIU'., ;\. l\eeidcuoo. MtuI. E. S. }o'OlrJ.J:UI NEW .. SlItiKfllction f,!'unrnutcOO. Port 'fOWDIOI\'1, W. T. Furnished Bedrooms D ,A, :a;, C} or A. ""rr, II.U. WllI ••1l ",r tUh, 1,n" .,.I:OMIt, ,,' .1U'h .... JIII1\, I.' tllUlo,( \h '."',1'" II IU'h. 'I"to ""ot Ie III 101 !'A.-.I " ... ,,,1' ---,---- Doll u tilt! lliltorlll08 of Lillo/"In Ilml'OllrJ1clll would h:ITll r6tmiLa1 froll) pBrftllilJr: the filet that the one .plit raiLi tur a IhiuJj' whtlll a boy, aud tho other drove tl CI\(lflll-tl'tI1l-lr th01 bid kllown ut tbu d"t:tlu'i! now ,)ilJ(X)".red to II 10\\'11 oriRia. Hot '1iI1, that UC'tltlu't pmTelit any ono r","u lJuyillf,t l:1)(HI811t RECllll'ED ,\ I.l\",e Swek of GTIOC:F.",RIES CIlUltCU suvlcr.s: l?irat SundR1 in l.ont. Morl1inR at II o·doc". At. 7 o'clock. Sunday llCbool nt 2. P. M. \,.'ee,k·tlay I'unioo WodnellCIBY e'ftming nt 7 o'ulook; }'ri<ln, Arternoon IIt:J o·dock. Munnfacturerof BEER AND LAOER BEER. 'Whtl.l,nNol1 fltl" At the Lowest Rate8 for Cash. CI 1't,01l:lLoor OWi\Gr of Wt,shlngton Br;vmy, :: r.J>lijCOI'"r. t"11t:ltCII ServiOOfJ nt the WlulI.l hanrs. mornitl$t nnd c)'euin:c, oolldl\Ct.ctl by Ruv.::I. 11. TOt.ld, pIlator, &hbn.thSuhool at. 1',:11. CIIUIlCJr .. Mmniu5C ScrTice, II A. l\t. 811ubutl:l behool, :.1:1/\ P. M. J':vclling &:rvice, 7 1'. M. Wook-nigbt So"ice, Tl1lt\1llbtr, 7;00 P.M, naY, .J"'II. RtUu. Pr.t>kr. f.iI 'l'O LET. with or "iltlflut IJoant , 'l'ermil D,Jotlornt('. Appl, to Mnr. , ,.,. 'rnekcr, "illwrua!iDllal HOllllC," ],'00' or Zill Zig. pACIFIC. COAST . 81%\M81111' COMIJAN) I Victoria, Port Townsc"d, Sa31t1e, TI- loma and OiYIDnia, On the IOlh, tOfh.t :ll1Ih tlft'H'rf OIilUl Wh .. 1I. I 'h',·rll ... 1,1."," ",,"'h.v. II .. , lulIt.llI.'lniC 110.,- In"" fl' t. I,." II Tlo"'1 \ " Th 1, .., ,\ , .r frel .. hl nr f'" -'-' -" .:-.:... - _. ---...;...:=-:- X",I,·rlnUll. 'l'Lt' H,.i 1""1\1.'0 lit llilJOOhll)oJllition whelJ lIu r"R"lI""l Slur JJillo "tclllllf1r "'t"'t!llrluu.I, Qnrl in Wntlbillgt'm. III.' hunl " Ill' tim' !C'UII Uel:JI-'rry, s.,ih.'ll (rom AIlI ....wp Fl'b.li. tor blilH!' cIOtnLIi;thmellt \fitll nil tutlltviolitv N,.,,, YOlk. JX\lllntln<Jllth llo'ooh, uhcre of nil old I!portsmllll, Illul wbnte"l't Ihtl loottlo III &tIitt III bllve tuum1 iK I ..."t WILH'lltirely hb o,,"u IntllL Wheth- ill &mlhlmmploll (,'Ountr, BlIull\ut"l. cr htl 'oven' or 1I0f, Utj "ill lie f. ----.. wamhll'r tv tho (lllli oflli'J dll}'lI." _0\ Wreoked CongrenmR.n. :\Ir. Ollff\eldo tlE'rtlllulv ItCbiuvetl -_. Uflfl' h} JliA brilliant IIl1'·;II8. ROO, halt ht! '1',;' \'/II/£,jo Clrrou;,'{", ttu,ll.'r HII! kApt lIim&clf tree from the (lo,lulnntinnt. CIUo\'I' l'fJI,titlll. hltlt tlw fallol\;uj(jIIMl·(·/I. ill" II cmoo hrillhmt :llul iUllinl!ucnce o( the Jrnming t.llblc. might bll,'tl IIhll holll tho proull )X.II'Iilion lou. ci\izlill of WUIOhiul(toll '!','rrilory: OilOf' O(iCUpil'l.lllB the lctloling pnblic- ml\ll ·'Tbt"· l'mlucllh, K(,lItllUI:,·, pllb- in Wnllhit4ltl)1l 'l'erritM}·. He !)Uld "'Un!" lIl"tHrYlloont tim proprIetor Ilf II wLCI Ilvitlenw of aimilnr hllellt" WlInbliJlll CfItnl!liilhmcnt. in WntlhUI¢UIl. thOlll'h hlunilintc.,j U)' ti18 dowuflill ot 116 illl dl'tiCrioc'tl nil ii KelltuukillD, th"fo.lh.'r, IIlld II fIlun with 8 thnt !Ill Lilli b....eu II Stnt.v Bcuntor in KUlilnuk}', "'jUl' nL IInu time of u It.'adlnll ne'Walm· IlCr.IlIIl,p,Ul\f pI'Cuoher in theOhtiJilltinll tillllfCU, artorwanJlI 8 memoor of Cutt· gr(:1iM 'rom tl W<llltem slate, 1I1id 1\ min· tive 0( n IJrlllli<hmt· 01 tile UllilCiI MInk..; tLllt Le tJisJikl'll hill Iltt.'tk.ut O','Clll"lli"I' vor, lUuub. uut be ehliolri 1I1l1t when ht' CRm. ttl hll WlIllt'lllil'I\! illL" 11llimilnr fllLublil!Lmtlllt flnJ tl,:i.'COO ont'll every dullRr be bud in th ... world, IIml he ill bollnrl DOW to itlt. "'fOfl. n wry olever Wnshingtoll OOrrCl:lIIOUllclIl·. in IUlllrtio!c entii!ed '\Vn.'Okll of at the Cllpital' 80IllC }'CllnlllllO, mcu- lionet.! Illi!; tl.t-ooo)Cl'C66mun nmonjj' othor of min. It itt !laving IW\\' /I rllU Hlrongh tho CaliforniA prClld, mOllt or thenl UDOuM('iOU!lllf 100 tact llint the persall in flllOMlion was a formor U1t!mb4:r or tho Culifllrni'll('uill1atunl. i'lH.-h"Jiu.iOllrl\cld,. lu CRrly life II/ "'lUI "hllt 1<uo"o (lll Il CUnlpl.Jiolli"'· prenobf'r l\/lI1 W,1Ii edllcntloJ IIlr thill 01111 11« tlJ,ill prord.'lioll for UUlt of 1111", cmm: tu C,htomiol ill carly UII)& RIlII wa,., sbt")tUy "ftt" hiM urrhnl, l'lool.:.'l1 wHIt) leg-i.ill- tun' from, wc b< IilJ\'C, OJllJ of the millilU( conu1iflll, H" hf\J. ul'«1, to do witb tm' liNt t"'OIlil\ell\iolt of too Inwt' or tlli,. Htal.·. He Nt'lr", d h, KClIlltuk), took n Ilrollliu('nt I'nrt in politic8 of thul Shit.:!, wu. .. elootoo to ild Irlli"lntnre, nnr] thell clime book to thr J'nciUe OOlltit lit thu lIIJlIlffioueomcnt or tbe Duellanl'''' "dmillillltRtion, M llooeiTcr 01 filiI I.nuJ. Omen lit OI)'mpirL UndJ'r tllfl Prc iJ.flno)' (if Mr. Linoolll Ilu wus Snr Yl'yor (lonerHI of WMhlugtOJI 'fClritOl'). ""bi"h W33 rolill1Jui3lwd on bill electIOn l>elcWnto to OllDl,I'l'tSll. He 8et\'(,11 bo t')rm.. in Clllll\Cit}·: .llS I\PIKJilltloU Collector or Cust"IU.'l; tor Pl.\Wlt Sullllf.1, l.'Ot iuto 8Qme trouble lIllU left IUt· 'ferritor)', uoinJ.:' to Wallbingtou Cit} Ul\tl bL'COmioW n prOrt'8i!iODIlI gnmblcr. 'J'h"r\' ilt R "ood denl or tbe J(nllooll him. HI) illl mun or very decided nbili\i olllth'atetlliternry ta"tc& lIUlI rt'lnnrka· btl oMtvriMI ',llcllt. 'llhole llh.! vcry (,1\11' W11,1OOd IIUhli<llll>C"kol'll M bu is, I:-Ikctb{' whole OOllllt'1' tllrOIl'l'brolll. lIe wiilbol,1 lUI nudience ot ruulo!'h bnokw<JotJl:Imen to-- ",ethor for I' hea:l)' three hOUNl' apcech nlld tben r.nll';l) t'Xpreseiolll or regret Umt ho LIlll eIIJl'l\. CoUtu: WlUI once p13c<.\1 nt (l lDurkod di,mJvnntlt',"(l by tlle con· tnult 1.'etwccu thcm 83 pllblia 1I1lf'lllu!l'l1. On lIj vi!ilit, whon f:lpe"ktlr ot tile tloU8C ot l\cllre.'40lItntiTe8, to tbOPlll1iJlO cnMt, nt II f,f1'f1l1l.1 dinncr WM I.'i"un him hy the Colonial II11tboritiea. Colfal did bi8 beIIt ill bill tlinner tllble 8poct:b. but be WM 1\0.) fur 1'1 t!lt/ yurT (',lllltl'r.m brilliaut t<\l:t or Gnt/lelde, wh'l .... M nl"O Ut'r UrllnOl"ff'ltIi>j.... I,r'''.M.. n IIn411ht' V .. II. i.'tl' H,IIt it "'1l1li tUjlio of l,'Onerlll J'lIOJh !OJ"" Well'" t'H.·.....',,{\, I·u·. I':s..'r.... 'lll .. l·Ulft'k1Il' , oomnWll',at bl1 l'.Iptlltit. WLCII Lie 110'1\6 ELDER. lu ('( he kaYo II ted " IJt leetll rCB UJ II r 011 tho NorlhCrlI 1)". \. J "r l. Ilt tt'qllellt ot tlml eo, "'1 "', wltltJlJ tlitly l'fOv.. .,,1 or ti ... .tt in lLIt iutnrml\'ioo 08 to tho '1 (,t tile NutI:' IIn.1 tho lICifm· ltAcd·.. ,n uf Ihe c1imatio ellnul.'t!'! (If Wbk'l, there h,ll beell lIIUdl IAipulllr tin. , ...1 on Af'CulUlt or tho bj"b IIlI itude tbrouuh which It p!UI'le{1. Uut "illI llli r:,c-The 1''''U'_I'1\'" :01('<11,,4,11" .W .uJ hi" tulentil whtch, pllIp'rly 11""111 "":'1110' I,r w"nl.t h..... ,,,,, I h,," tnrtun•• ".1 San FranciscJ 1Ia VlCtorl" tume. ho id waut in" ill motAI tlltribulcl4, TIki Ilf\rt (,r th1! It,)". that be 11'1'..1 euti"'Cll inlo 1\ Jfllwblill,(t hUllile in WI'lIhiujlloll lIod t!l<:n Ilt'el't.'\l u "II uon.oellilt!. He i" II hum 1t8mbll'r RUlI ella 110" r rill him. ol tile hl]lf'illlltiuD wlllcb t"nnlil 111m' tor hiJn. ru WlIIJlJinlj'to. 'fortllor)' Ill' WILlI known nil 8 DlOlll invetemt" poker Bod wonl,lm:tko lip II K101& whcl(" CV('f anJ ",hl'llCfcr he MItM IInll ."" 1Il1l. l",i,,1. 'l'hcrt! 'M8i1 nut \I particlo r il.IIO' l'cb. 7.- 11 j" rcpotteJ tll'lt thu Iltmmcr Kcnnmuire Uf\I1tJe, from umJI'u to lihllll}ltln.i .. iA tho ::iuaa eRll... l. ill hlflt, Her were II.'lTl'tJ, but mllnY or Ibe C'rew wero tlrowned. .\ beM:, [laic prev"i1eJ 011 the co".t todny. millf'lf ClIllIHlitiCi tu"t> u1'oh·in.<r or lift!. ... flMtI lIIlllurtu,-. U.iti41. iml-",ri" tu' JlInnar)' int"rwel'-! 'wei J,nUl\r)" (If IAloit )l"r ..t::l,it':'.lX_1, Tbe O:tporu increlJlOO .£7,1 ,000 11IIritli:" tbe II mo IlCriOIL 1l1.. lu,t,.,. llll Iht' IIil'L '1'" .. \llIrthfot'1I """'In" 1.11111\ ru"t. \\" ."11I <ufU,",. FeU. 5. 1I1I"'OOt1, I'll ill 8Qw'ucrim; thl1 n d«(·IRr· iUI: f"rffO\t..d 'lKo Kl'I.Ull. ... '1.1 to \nt' '''rILt!rh t'neilll.' Ihli/road til. ILl 1 SurHlUrn Plv·iU,: ('omllnu:, it r'llmll 10lJuy I)l nvo or lIi'l mCII her('. 'l'tll'Y Rl1l e1mrr, lceen Nf'II. lUlU hln'tl l)()ou aLlu 10 l,rovcnt ar/iQlI tbl\twflnltl.,-i\'o Ih,' 11\111111) lUI 1)I'I"0rttl. nity t" 111,\ '1\l1'8hou o( rorfeit lire. llUlIImt'r, Heed, tUll'liOMloom. "'hole wu!! IIIC.1 up II n'lJOrt \fllil'" sil:ull\l bTU hllro vr Ihe committee. 'l'bi" tt'11t)rt llllUliul,1 th"t tlltl SurlLt'nlPncilill bad !lot ('\Implied ""ith tlle culHlilioll8 of tl.e enOrWl)II!l $(rlillt .'t,OOO,OOJ oorell or Inml. but nd· Jc.l lLere ''fIlJI DO "'ft.f ill "hloh lee(ielntioll COUlll hurry up the {'Qmple- tioll of U.le rond; thtlrtltlJf\-', tbu (,.'Omroit· tee blkl Ill) leil.; .. llltiou to olfllt. l'MlI tloJged tbo mutter \till' ... ·118 IlllJruillC\1 to the oommittee, whiolJ, "AA a rl'flOlu· HOD doomriDil'tbe unellrned Illnd tor· reittl<1. All that tho frieuda of the relfO· lillian t1lat it be upurloo baoL: to tilt! HOUle eitoor /\themely Ot tU'f'Umbly, This wQlllJ b"v(I enabled tbe lIQtllltl to bllve eDttlred illto R lliscil/!' lion of tho wbole mlltter, bllt tbia Wltl jUllt whAt the 10bL" diJ not wout. 'fo· In,, tbe rl.'I'()lulioll Will laid Oil t.he to'lbl;, loy thl' Jmlioiary Committee, in oUler "tONK smotltllml, Ht:.'CJ ond ihe olbt·'" vl)lillJ: tor Kuoh lIetion. 'l'bull l!Io 1101180 i .. pte'feuwu truro dbcllkIillJ{ null votill,q' upon tho pto(X.aoo rMl.llnlion of far, tditure, Gilt.! thf' ('f thi'! 101Jh)" are uVN fur Ulilll'OC ion. ('nttlna ur W""'I1l't"OTvy. Fev. il,-.\ hill WM in· troolll't..>J ttull relerro'<1 w.lu) I" lbp Ilt Un' Interior froll} iAAn· patent;J to ."11,>,,. ItIlrb rQlkb h"vfI !lilt I'(!(OII (,<-Iru_ 111,-11'\1 "ithiu Ihe MIM'CiI]('J lill"'" 1'1'0110,.111... to) til." \ y '\'1I.I"d ... W Pub..t-l1..:l'l'f'!oA:ullltiTtl :\(ur.lo.). or lloIIll'lI, hU>lll I.If"· 5ChellKl tllr bUlltllllB n. nav)' ,,·iU1(lul. .... pell!O(l lJJ Illc joj'UVl'rnmeot. Ho fuvors the ioUl'! rot tho tllwy l"'rJ. which be sa,.s be tLhlk'l wOt.IJ brill/! Itt Icut lell mil· h01l1l. of thht !tliluunt 1\\ 4 crllt wOlltl1 )'iehl UfIO,lXXl. ")'lw G"1'l.!rumollt JIll"'" 111111l'ONi,lt{'\t tnr tho mahll-,uUOl'C of tlw nhuut II 'I'hn /jmount 8\\llal to Uk) illh'n.."lt Iluuld IUltlUJ U t. Mt,Jr..., Ii;!}!! tlmt. i: maillten:1I1l.'c IIp\Jr'JI,rialion ilI1IJJ&l lo couch rhll\ ""1)11111 be dcri,·c.a from '00 lUUIH'} ro)t,.'tll\'('(! trom l!ttl lillie or YlIrtlllO wl/uill kl tu.rn out flyery hm yenra n "led Vl."t\.'i('} or tbe nilillt IlIIPro"Wd ploo. 1:f1}':J tho a"l", of thu rAnl will unJoubtally; work tI h'U1[11"lnlr} iJdllr)' to thoi!tl who Il.rtt ent· plo)'oo Ulcreilt, bllt in II abort tim'l tue IIllN:,1'i eN wtllllllllo11lJto.lly tle'folop iu· IllIdtrit!8 Oil the !)rollerty tllut wilJ ,lfive etllpIOlllUeT1U,) nllfCllt UIIIIl' Ulore th-llU 1If6 now uu tho lilly rull uf tho )'81'11. Jlil rXI>cricll''C OIL tho Affaifll Com· s:aitloo letltlll tdln tll bclim'o thnt thtl atone, nnw eJpeudl'\l lit nil tbu IlllVy Yltnl8. if 1iliplieJ 10 U:e purpoflc. w'llllli lIu bufficil.!ot to mnintaiu the t\lllt luin. eipnlollell in tho 1Il000t )lorred ortler. l:MJUtltors Miller l'IlIJ FRrley IIDIY &-ere- t.lry Clmo'lhn tl.MlllY nbtJllt geltinli' a rcet)IlJnlOl,llItioll of 1I1lPI'Oprilliion for lbe MlJlIltdoock. Tile woultl I.Ut nUlk'" liny flU UV' subject, but tliVOfb ludl ou 0Pllflllir.U· tj, !I&J'IH' A •• It. I oltle hall ham tllllnl) OlJ Bonru"· month 1'e:ICh colltnlninu II 'Klnon tid:l.lf Oil whit'b "16 wrillen folln .... iuK w"hl .. Ollr IIhipi.ln 5:rt'llt Tho IOl4IOtll 1m. d. I fllml'\1inlu 11"1,, ii nc;."" HOI W.\Sm)ooT1,)S, F{'lJ, 5, COUI- on tJOilll,"C, weiJr'IIi" (111\1 lUen!inrfllll. III ill ruoroisli.' Blloplo·d uJ Ji vuto 6 to 2 thtl 'lillowili/of rt'llolltliO!l'l, Ami illiltructed tht' t'lll\irUll-lu to tlJem I,; tho Iiollfll): RC1'olt.'lXi, 'I'h.at it iB iutlzp€!>.Ueut U. dill· (,(OlitiIl1l@C\)iun;{lllllltl0.tlxitllillU"ln.... R.. 'j'hAt ull coiu now ilJ tbe 'l'l1',Ul1Q, ""100P\iDIl uo I\mouut Hot ex' prr celJt. ur the. uul'!lt-lllltliUK gn..uul)llck circullition, lilt u redemilliuu 'uml: al80 t'.'CCCptilill nU rlluolA beM for the r' .. l.... ruplinu or llold nnllljilvllr (lertin· euWs. wLicli shoulJ be ul!l. .. llu tilt! JUI),' ment of out.b1odin(l' !>cariDi obo Iit.tlilioiliof tbe OovctulUtlnt, tlllbjoot. to 11.0811 ''l.II.! pII)'mcut, &.. it the judgment of IhlM nnmmit.to) thllt it in inezllfllUent to 11111!"ltlud t1w eoinago of the atnndnrd ,ilyer dollllr ulldu eti,tinr.l"w.ll, nntllUl, in lhe of 'J're.ll.llur)·uOleiol" HUlt IItlJitioflAl '\'"nul. rooul for tho Iluto atm· uf coill" "!IuoM be JIl'OTided. 'rhal tliis oonunitteo I'()C- oUllnt·ud tllat. the oommiUoo 011 al)lu()- printioll'" apllNllrinw Stich uun ILC lht>)' "hllll ho IIdvilM.\l ia 1l000000000r,' for proyi.l. lIoob lItldlliolH,1 \'Ilua room, aud wo furlll"r rcc\llllioomi tbat Incb ll,)diti.onll \'IIUlt tOOlil sbould be 10013too in the Mi,,"i""ippi nt 'mdl i1ointorpoinlll ,hnll he ddllf'lnill<.'l.\ lo.l'tlll! St-ofl't:'ry or We (froat lJlQ.. ,,1 t,") ,ut'l'cnlt nlletll\llJ Im.. tllll 11111 II fur north n.1I11 tcllll'vrRf)" rOI' Uu-b. IJUVIl rille w It hril't but lill){ ,Ichalc, ill the l'IUltlO of wilil'11 liurrowli of Mictliglill un,l na'l.lallof In!liar:m indulb,"Ctl itl8l)me H'IY lillllrl' Out'" 0,1 r, "'hii'll ,'r nt"d o<.nlldJt:rB\.ole ('Icit'went. th", m"tioll to l:IUt,lP ",I th.' nllea lIoud 1/0.'1'11 the bill wall I)}' 1!)1 ).t.'U3 to Jill nap. T ELE RAPIIiU. Argus 'lilt.: Dr. L. T Daily U't LuH" WUt \oI".'IJlltl) .U.·",t . lu him, 1'CI T"W"t"Ntl,. 'K:r KIT "" , "t I tol •• n .. lM':\It·. ..........\ttT,·iJ m.'.!"' 'l, .... I·I:ru ... n'll·" .... J ..lt,', ..m ('o,ully: ' .. 1'",I... t1 ,J.J.II, \ 1111 !'t.'l'uwn1Ullll J. II, l'n" toJ,.,ve',.l. I·"",n.. , l1,,'i 1I11ul.' .. I- 1'tH'1 l: , •. 'Il"r., [I. D, '(lrl,I .. "I,I·.I,t ',till I,•• ••, fI '.:111.1'''11 .\. 11.1'1.1111' III..,. i'ort ... nd Tt'rrlturlilll r:.\1'f;I' I' .\IJ\"KK'1'[llr"Q, .. ' 'I"ll (Iuln h, ..r.\I .. >.dfLl"u .. tJ.(' "l>""'lll"TI' I' .... rllon •••• •••. •••• ••••..• w • '.,.... 1.11 IV III\U"" II ".,lIon, lO.1lUe &.ro:"rol')t",! 11)' r,uh. All A\'''(ll!lItr St'ttl"ll J(olltljly. ""UtL'IOl·.u .. IM4.TPI ()11.,.. •...•..... ,:/.'" I Tltt\- .. I.I'U' ••••• r--!lI: fllr WJlllh 3.IM OliO! 1IlIl,.lh I."'" 11 ...\l\I.,.t"'. Ir I't, 1IIe.lk. ''::' III ...t••••t') Tf:'U'" u.' '11'& .' .s:' IN I"1\,..-, mn"th"" •• rl., t\ .••• I.I!V u"" Ill"nl!' ..... :1/" '''. 'Ilh 10 .... U,- \I«&y' lp A.hM''''' . ..aJ .... \\,'1. A .. ',1. 01)101,,1. \ II Ih. It.... .. .. .1, .. I .11. llv Io.ll, I I ... "'. ...'tl· .-, h,IT" \ltn,,,,,-} ••I, K. "'11";1. \1; til.l \\ ,Iii, l' ......t. •• I II. ll·"r.m.l. ... H., .• ll .. .. •. .'''''_ I' Oltldl-·Ii. J"i t:Vhlty VIlIi,·.Y ,ufort'I'uwu u\l, WwdJiul:lOn Weekly Argus. 1111 Ofl1ce: Corner 01 W.11er arill QUlll'y SftLtt-., l"nrL ·run·It"CIlI't. 'v. '1'. O. W, HARTMAN Llt...--' II hill btl IIlJ.,,, , I I.' In •• 1"'1 •••,., ,,1.1l arlll. ..c"'IIII"1l I. (,J' V"blh .llon .. ' '"' lo''''' o'!",.,. 10 'b·' ,·,·It.'l t'1"lot<._ \ ("lIYllr .., '1 I" ""pllttlyln lUI 1'""" .. \ 'l1li',,0111_ u..-, '1'"1.1 hOI'" bl, "r tI·, 1...:-11:). 1'<,.,1•• VIII U:I "1I111\,'.lIt,lo. \LI.I>' W.l!lI(. 11111"r or ... J'hHJriNOI'. s= ATTllRNl:Y ANO COUNSElOR AT LAW, Olympia - Wa'h, Terr, N, S, PORTER, ATTO UN EY-A I'-LA W, OLYHVI4, 1'1'. T. li'r }:Jmclico lwforu the Lao\1 OffiCt.'ft U 81>l'Cinlty.

Transcript of Puget Sound Argus. - Washington Secretary of State · nlld tben r.nll';l) t'Xpreseiolllor regret...



Puget Sound Argus.

.., '.



_., --'-:'~ -..~~

t.:AI"f.II.)I, 11.\\ "·.lltl), II>ll


I ..'''' .1 tJill.!; II'; If.

Un. J. B. At<EX• .mIU'., ~[. ;\.l\eeidcuoo. MtuI. E. S. }o'OlrJ.J:UI


~.. SlItiKfllction f,!'unrnutcOO.Port 'fOWDIOI\'1, W. T.

Furnished Bedrooms

D ,A, :a;, C} or A.""rr, II.U. ,"tlIlS~;.

WllI ••1l ",r

tUh, 1,n" .,.I:OMIt, ,,' .1U'h ....JIII1\,

I.' tllUlo,( \ h '."',1'" IIIU'h. 'I"to ""ot Ie III 101 !'A.-.I " ...,,,1'

---,----Doll url.~ tilt! lliltorlll08 of Lillo/"In

Ilml'OllrJ1clll would h:ITll r6tmiLa1 froll)pBrftllilJr: the filet that the one .plit raiLitur a IhiuJj' whtlll a boy, aud tho otherdrove tl CI\(lflll-tl'tI1l-lr th01 bid kllownut tbu d"t:tlu'i! now ,)ilJ(X)".redto nUnch~) II 10\\'11 oriRia. Hot'1iI1, that UC'tltlu't pmTelit any ono r","ulJuyillf,t l:1)(HI811t C1in~r't •

RECllll'ED,\ I.l\",e Swek of


Io:rl~·()I'.\I. CIlUltCU suvlcr.s:

l?irat SundR1 in l.ont.Morl1inR ~tyIL'Cfl at II o·doc"."~volliu" ~r'fic(l At. 7 o'clock.Sunday llCbool nt 2. P. M.

\,.'ee,k·tlay I'unioo WodnellCIBY e'ftmingnt 7 o'ulook; }'ri<ln, Arternoon IIt:Jo·dock.

Munnfacturerof tbc~tQllnlil.rvl



'Whtl.l,nNol1 fltl"

At the Lowest Rate8 for Cash.CI AUL~S ~ISI(NIJEIS,

1't,01l:lLoor B-a.Js.ory~

OWi\Gr of Wt,shlngton Br;vmy,:: ~

~h~ruODl!lT r.J>lijCOI'"r. t"11t:ltCIIServiOOfJ nt the WlulI.l hanrs. mornitl$t

nnd c)'euin:c, oolldl\Ct.ctl by Ruv.::I. 11.TOt.ld, pIlator, &hbn.thSuhool at. ~:16 1',:11.

l'Itt:311"T~;IlI,\:\' CIIUIlCJr 8~:U\'II..a:."~Mmniu5C ScrTice, II A. l\t.811ubutl:l behool, :.1:1/\ P. M.J':vclling &:rvice, 7 1'. M.Wook-nigbt So"ice,Tl1lt\1llbtr, 7;00 P.M,

naY, .J"'II. RtUu. Pr.t>kr.

f.iI 'l'O LET. with or "iltlflut IJoant, 'l'ermil D,Jotlornt('. Appl, to Mnr.

, ,.,. 'rnekcr, "illwrua!iDllal HOllllC,"

],'00' or Zill Zig.


81%\M81111' COMIJAN) I

Victoria, Port Townsc"d, Sa31t1e, TI­loma and OiYIDnia,

On the IOlh, tOfh.t :ll1Ih tlft'H'rf ~l OIilUl

Wh..1I. lh~ I 'h',·rll ... 1,1.","",,"'h.v. II .. , "'.II~'''I·'lulIt.llI.'lniC 110.,- In"" fl' t.

I,." IITlo"'1 \

"Th 1, .. , ,\

, .r frel ..hl nr f'"

-'-':.:.-=~_. -".:-.:...-_.---...;...:=-:-

Il/lr~·. Slo.'l!ll~r X",I,·rlnUll. 'l'Lt' H,.i 1""1\1.'0 lit llilJOOhll)oJllition whelJ lIu r"R"lI""lSlur JJillo "tclllllf1r "'t"'t!llrluu.I, Qnrl in Wntlbillgt'm. III.' hunl " Ill' tim' !C'UIIUel:JI-'rry, s.,ih.'ll (rom AIlI ....wp Fl'b.li. tor blilH!' cIOtnLIi;thmellt \fitll nil tutlltviolitvN,.,,, YOlk. JX\lllntln<Jllth llo'ooh, uhcre of nil old I!portsmllll, Illul wbnte"l't h~Ihtl loottlo III &tIitt III bllve 1~'l1l tuum1 iK I..."t WILH'lltirely hb o,,"u IntllL Wheth-ill &mlhlmmploll (,'Ountr, BlIull\ut"l. cr htl ~ulJl 'oven' or 1I0f, Utj "ill lie f.

----.. wamhll'r tv tho (lllli oflli'J dll}'lI."

_0\ Wreoked CongrenmR.n. :\Ir. Ollff\eldo tlE'rtlllulv ItCbiuvetl Wt~t·

-_. Uflfl' h} JliA brilliant IIl1'·;II8. ROO, halt ht!'1',;' \'/II/£,jo Clrrou;,'{", ttu,ll.'r HII! kApt lIim&clf tree from the (lo,lulnntinnt.

CIUo\'I' l'fJI,titlll. hltlt tlw fallol\;uj(jIIMl·(·/I.ill" II cmoo hrillhmt :llul tli~:ill.;,:ltisll€'t,1 iUllinl!ucnce o( the Jrnming t.llblc. might

bll,'tl IIhll holll tho proull )X.II'Iilion lou.ci\izlill of WUIOhiul(toll '!','rrilory: OilOf' O(iCUpil'l.lllB the lctloling pnblic- ml\ll

·'Tbt"· l'mlucllh, K(,lItllUI:,·, .V~"I·"" pllb- in Wnllhit4ltl)1l 'l'erritM}·. He !)Uld "'Un!"li~ll~ lIl"tHrYlloont tim proprIetor Ilf II wLCI ~inl Ilvitlenw of aimilnr hllellt"WlInbliJlll CfItnl!liilhmcnt. in WntlhUI¢UIl. thOlll'h hlunilintc.,j U)' ti18 dowuflill ott'it~·. 116 illl dl'tiCrioc'tl nil ii KelltuukillD, th"fo.lh.'r,IIlld II fIlun with 8 Li"lor~'; thnt !Ill Lillib....eu II Stnt.v Bcuntor in KUlilnuk}', "'jUl'

nL IInu time ll(lito~ of u It.'adlnll ne'Walm·IlCr.IlIIl,p,Ul\f pI'Cuoher in theOhtiJilltinlltillllfCU, artorwanJlI 8 memoor of Cutt·gr(:1iM 'rom tl W<llltem slate, 1I1id 1\ min·tive 0( n IJrlllli<hmt· 01 tile UllilCiI MInk.. ;tLllt Le tJisJikl'll hill Iltt.'tk.ut O','Clll"lli"I'vor, lUuub. uut be ehliolri 1I1l1t when ht'CRm. ttl Wftl~hin'ltoll, hll WlIllt'lllil'I\! illL"11llimilnr fllLublil!Lmtlllt flnJ tl,:i.'COO ont'llevery dullRr be bud in th... world, IIml heill bollnrl DOW to itlt. "'fOfl. Jtnm~dl, nwry olever Wnshingtoll OOrrCl:lIIOUllclIl·.in IUlllrtio!c entii!ed '\Vn.'Okll of ~ooktJat the Cllpital' 80IllC ~wo }'CllnlllllO, mcu­lionet.! Illi!; tl.t-ooo)Cl'C66mun nmonjj' othort:~nmples of min. It itt !laving IW\\' /I

rllU Hlrongh tho CaliforniA prClld, mOlltor thenl UDOuM('iOU!lllf 100 tact llint thepersall in flllOMlion was a formor U1t!mb4:ror tho Culifllrni'll('uill1atunl. Hi~ H111~

i'lH.-h"Jiu.iOllrl\cld,. lu CRrly life II/"'lUI "hllt i~ 1<uo"o (lll Il CUnlpl.Jiolli"'·prenobf'r l\/lI1 W,1Ii edllcntloJ IIlr thill 01111iulZ""~ 1~I.'tI,nny ColI~w 11« "~ndOIlNtlJ,ill prord.'lioll for UUlt of 1111", cmm: tuC,htomiol ill carly UII)& RIlII wa,., sbt")tUy"ftt" hiM urrhnl, l'lool.:.'l1 wHIt) leg-i.ill­tun' from, wc b< IilJ\'C, OJllJ of the millilU(conu1iflll, H" hf\J. ul'«1, 1l1m:"eU.lin~ todo witb tm' liNt t"'OIlil\ell\iolt of too Inwt'or tlli,. Htal.·. He Nt'lr", d lI~nin h,KClIlltuk), took n Ilrollliu('nt I'nrt in Ih~·

politic8 of thul Shit.:!, wu... elootoo to ildIrlli"lntnre, nnr] thell clime book to thrJ'nciUe OOlltit lit thu lIIJlIlffioueomcnt or tbeDuellanl'''' "dmillillltRtion, M llooeiTcr 01

filiI I.nuJ. Omen lit OI)'mpirL UndJ'r tllflPrc iJ.flno)' (if Mr. Linoolll Ilu wus SnrYl'yor (lonerHI of WMhlugtOJI 'fClritOl').""bi"h W33 rolill1Jui3lwd on bill electIOn1I~ l>elcWnto to OllDl,I'l'tSll. He 8et\'(,11 bo

t')rm.. in ~llllt Clllll\Cit}·: .llS I\PIKJilltloUCollector or Cust"IU.'l; tor Pl.\Wlt Sullllf.1,bll~ l.'Ot iuto 8Qme trouble lIllU left IUt·'ferritor)', uoinJ.:' to Wallbingtou Cit} Ul\tlbL'COmioW n prOrt'8i!iODIlI gnmblcr. 'J'h"r\'ilt R"ood denl or tbe J(nllooll Ilbou~ him.HI) illl mun or very decided nbili\iolllth'atetlliternry ta"tc& lIUlI rt'lnnrka·btl oMtvriMI ',llcllt. 'llhole llh.! vcry (,1\11'W11,1OOd IIUhli<llll>C"kol'll M bu is, I:-Ikctb{'whole OOllllt'1' tllrOIl'l'brolll. lIe wiilbol,1lUI nudience ot ruulo!'h bnokw<JotJl:Imen to-­",ethor for I' hea:l)' three hOUNl' apcechnlld tben r.nll';l) t'Xpreseiolll or regret Umtho LIlll eIIJl'l\. CoUtu: WlUI once p13c<.\1nt (l lDurkod di,mJvnntlt',"(l by tlle con·tnult 1.'etwccu thcm 83 pllblia 1I1lf'lllu!l'l1.On lIj vi!ilit, whon f:lpe"ktlr ot tile tloU8C

ot l\cllre.'40lItntiTe8, to tbOPlll1iJlO cnMt,

nt Vic~riK, II f,f1'f1l1l.1 dinncr WM I.'i"unhim hy the Colonial II11tboritiea. Colfaldid bi8 beIIt ill bill tlinner tllble 8poct:b.but be WM 1\0.) fur allrr'II~§o,;,1 1'1 t!lt/ yurT (',lllltl'r.mbrilliaut t<\l:t or Gnt/lelde, wh'l ....M nl"O Ut'r UrllnOl"ff'ltIi>j....I,r'''.M.. n IIn411ht' V ..II. i.'tl' ~" H,IIt it "'1l1li • tUjlio of l,'Onerlll J'lIOJh !OJ"" Well'" t'H.·.....',,{\, I·u·. I':s..'r....

'lll .. l·Ulft'k1Il' , ~lO;'tm'II'jI·.

oomnWll',at bl1 l'.Iptlltit. WLCII Lie 110'1\6 GED~. ELDER.lu ('( he kaYo II ted " IJt leetll rCBUJ II r ,cih~ 011 tho NorlhCrlI 1)".\. ~n.: J "rl . Ilt t1~ tt'qllellt ot tlmleo, "'1 "', wltltJlJ tlitly l'fOv...,,1 orti ...• .tt ~ in lLIt iutnrml\'ioo 08 totho '1 • (,t tile NutI:' IIn.1 tho lICifm·ltAcd·.. ,n uf Ihe c1imatio ellnul.'t!'!(If Wbk'l, there h,ll beell lIIUdl IAipulllrtin. ,...1 on Af'CulUlt or tho bj"b IIlI itudetbrouuh which It p!UI'le{1. Uut "illI llli r:,c-The 1''''U'_I'1\'" :01('<11,,4,11" .W .uJhi" tulentil whtch, pllIp'rly muulI~l'lI. 11""111 "":'1110' I,r

w"nl.t h.....,,,,, I h,," tnrtun••".1 San FranciscJ 1Ia VlCtorl"tume. ho id waut in" ill motAI tlltribulcl4,TIki Ilf\rt (,r th1! It,)". that be 11'1'..1 euti"'Cllinlo 1\ Jfllwblill,(t hUllile in WI'lIhiujllolllIod t!l<:n Ilt'el't.'\l u "II uon.oellilt!. He i"II hum 1t8mbll'r RUlI ella 110" r rill him.~Il ol tile hl]lf'illlltiuD wlllcb t"nnlil 111m'tor hiJn. ru WlIIJlJinlj'to. 'fortllor)' Ill'WILlI known nil 8 DlOlll invetemt" pokerIlhl~'er Bod wonl,lm:tko lip II K101& whcl("CV('f anJ ",hl'llCfcr he MItM IInll ."" 1Il1l.l",i,,1. 'l'hcrt! 'M8i1 nut \I particlo r il.IIO'

Lt).·wu~. l'cb. 7.- 11 j" rcpotteJ tll'ltthu Iltmmcr Kcnnmuire Uf\I1tJe, fromumJI'u to lihllll}ltln.i .. iA tho ::iuaa eRll... l.ill hlflt, Her ptL"tell~ef» were II.'lTl'tJ, butmllnY or Ibe C'rew wero tlrowned. .\beM:, [laic prev"i1eJ 011 the co".t todny.~Y('r81 millf'lf ClIllIHlitiCi tu"t> ~l"Orl.C,l,

u1'oh·in.<r IrI~ or lift!.

... flMtI lIIlllurtu,-.U.iti41. iml-",ri" tu' JlInnar)' int"rwel'-!

'wei J,nUl\r)" (If IAloit )l"r ..t::l,it':'.lX_1,Tbe O:tporu increlJlOO .£7,1 ,000 11IIritli:"tbe II mo IlCriOIL

1l1..lu,t,.,. llll Iht' IIil'L

'1'".. \llIrthfot'1I """'In" 1.11111\ ru"t.\\" ."11I <ufU,",. FeU. 5. l~'t!il 1I1I"'OOt1,

I'll ill 8Qw'ucrim; thl1 n ~UllltjOll d«(·IRr·iUI: f"rffO\t..d 'lKo ull~:mJW IHud,~ Kl'I.Ull....'1.1 to \nt' '''rILt!rh t'neilll.' Ihli/road til.dll~·. ILl1 SurHlUrn Plv·iU,: ('omllnu:,

II~" it r'llmll 10lJuy I)l nvo or lIi'l mCIIher('. 'l'tll'Y Rl1l e1mrr, lceen Nf'II. lUlUhln'tl l)()ou aLlu 10 l,rovcnt nll~' ar/iQlItbl\twflnltl.,-i\'o Ih,' 11\111111) lUI 1)I'I"0rttl.nity t" tlil'l·IUi..~ 111,\ '1\l1'8hou o( rorfeitlire. lja~_lt llUlIImt'r, Heed, tUll'liOMloom.mith.~, IhoJmli{:illr,.~b~ "'hole 1ll111~,.

wu!! n·t~tf'l.."l, IIIC.1 up II n'lJOrt \fllil'"~'M sil:ull\l bTU hllro nlr.j<lrit~ vr Ihecommittee. 'l'bi" tt'11t)rt llllUliul,1 th"ttlltl SurlLt'nlPncilill bad !lot ('\Implied""ith tlle culHlilioll8 of tl.e enOrWl)II!l$(rlillt .'t,OOO,OOJ oorell or Inml. but nd·Jc.l t"n~ lLere ''fIlJI DO "'ft.f ill "hlohlee(ielntioll COUlll hurry up the {'Qmple­tioll of U.le rond; thtlrtltlJf\-', tbu (,.'Omroit·tee blkl Ill) leil.;..llltiou to olfllt. l'MlItloJged tbo mutter \till' ...·118 IlllJruillC\1to the oommittee, whiolJ, "AA a rl'flOlu·HOD doomriDil'tbe unellrned Illnd tor·reittl<1. All that tho frieuda of the relfO·lillian YlUllod.~ t1lat it be upurloobaoL: to tilt! HOUle eitoor /\themely Ot

tU'f'Umbly, This wQlllJ b"v(I enabledtbe lIQtllltl to bllve eDttlred illto R lliscil/!'lion of tho wbole mlltter, bllt tbia Wltl

jUllt whAt the 10bL" diJ not wout. 'fo·In,, tbe rl.'I'()lulioll Will laid Oil t.he to'lbl;,loy thl' Jmlioiary Committee, in oUler"tONK smotltllml, Ht:.'CJ ond ihe olbt·'"vl)lillJ: tor Kuoh lIetion. 'l'bull l!Io 1101180i .. pte'feuwu truro dbcllkIillJ{ null votill,q'upon tho pto(X.aoo rMl.llnlion of far,tditure, Gilt.! thf' IRho~ ('f thi'! 101Jh)" areuVN fur Ulilll'OC ion.

('nttlna ur C~lI'lU'II"!.

W""'I1l't"OTvy. Fev. il,-.\ hill WM in·troolll't..>J ttull relerro'<1 w.lu) I" I'n.·~eut

lbp S~lrt'l14ry Ilt Un' Interior froll} iAAn·m~ patent;J to l(lud·~rant rr.i11otul~

."11,>,,. ItIlrb rQlkb h"vfI !lilt I'(!(OII (,<-Iru_

111,-11'\1 "ithiu Ihe MIM'CiI]('J lill"'"1'1'0110,.111... to) ~It til." ~a \ y '\'1I.I"d ...

W ~"lll:OOl'U:'l, Pub..t-l1..:l'l'f'!oA:ullltiTtl:\(ur.lo.). or lloIIll'lI, hU>lll I.If"· 5ChellKl tllr

bUlltllllB n. nav)' ,,·iU1(lul. io'rc:J~ .... pell!O(l

lJJ Illc joj'UVl'rnmeot. Ho fuvors the ioUl'!rot tho ~tOII tllwy l"'rJ. which be sa,.sbe tLhlk'l wOt.IJ brill/! Itt Icut lell mil·h01l1l. Jllvl.'~tnlf'nl of thht !tliluunt 1\\ 4I~r crllt wOlltl1 )'iehl UfIO,lXXl. ")'lwG"1'l.!rumollt JIll"'" 111111l'ONi,lt{'\t tnr thomahll-,uUOl'C of tlw ~"llrd nhuut ~JOO,OOO

II n~l\r. 'I'hn /jmount 8\\llal to Uk))"~r1~ illh'n.."lt Iluuld IUltlUJ ~,tl.,().U t. Mt,Jr..., Ii;!}!! tlmt. i: tlu~ maillten:1I1l.'cIIp\Jr'JI,rialion ilI1IJJ&l lo couch y~r'",

illter~"l rhll\ ""1)11111 be dcri,·c.a from '00lUUIH'} ro)t,.'tll\'('(! trom l!ttl lillie or lh~

YlIrtlllO wl/uill KlUlrlUl~:(l kl tu.rn outflyery hm yenra n "led Vl."t\.'i('} or tbenilillt IlIIPro"Wd ploo. H~ 1:f1}':J tho a"l",of thu rAnl will unJoubtally; work tI

h'U1[11"lnlr} iJdllr)' to thoi!tl who Il.rtt ent·plo)'oo Ulcreilt, bllt in II abort tim'l tueIIllN:,1'i eN wtllllllllo11lJto.lly tle'folop iu·IllIdtrit!8 Oil the !)rollerty tllut wilJ ,lfiveetllpIOlllUeT1U,) nllfCllt UIIIIl' Ulore th-llU1If6 now uu tho lilly rull uf tho )'81'11. JlilrXI>cricll''C OIL tho NI~fl\l Affaifll Com·s:aitloo letltlll tdln tll bclim'o thnt thtlatone, nnw eJpeudl'\l lit nil tbu IlllVyYltnl8. if 1iliplieJ 10 U:e purpoflc. w'lllllilIu bufficil.!ot to mnintaiu the t\lllt luin.eipnlollell in tho 1Il000t )lorred ortler.l:MJUtltors Miller l'IlIJ FRrley IIDIY &-ere­t.lry Clmo'lhn tl.MlllY nbtJllt geltinli' arcet)IlJnlOl,llItioll of 1I1lPI'Oprilliion forlbe MlJlIltdoock. Tile ~retllry woultlI.Ut nUlk'" liny ~bmmCI1{In.tiHI\ flU UV'subject, but tliVOfb ludl ou 0Pllflllir.U·tj, •

!I&J'IH' A••thl'l''"·",~k.

It. I oltle hall ham tllllnl) OlJ Bonru"·month 1'e:ICh colltnlninu II 'Klnon tid:l.lfOil whit'b "16 wrillen t1lf~ folln .... iuK w"hl.. ~

Ollr IIhipi.ln 5:rt'llt di~ln'lltl. Tho IOl4IOtll1m. d. ~tro,.t.'\I. I fllml'\1inlu 11"1,, ii nc;.""

HOI ~I'.

W.\Sm)ooT1,)S, F{'lJ, 5, ··'rh6IIfllI~1l COUI­

mitl~t} on tJOilll,"C, weiJr'IIi" (111\1 lUen!inrfllll.III ill ruoroisli.' Blloplo·d uJ Ji vuto (~r 6 to 2thtl 'lillowili/of rt'llolltliO!l'l, Ami illiltructedtht' t'lll\irUll-lu to r\l.~rt tlJem I,; thoIiollfll):

RC1'olt.'lXi, 'I'h.at it iB iutlzp€!>.Ueut U. dill·(,(OlitiIl1l@C\)iun;{lllllltl0.tlxitllillU"ln....

R..IW)/t~", 'j'hAt ull coiu now ilJ tbe'l'l1',Ul1Q, ""100P\iDIl uo I\mouut Hot ex'l~t·Jiu:.':lS prr celJt. ur the. uul'!lt-lllltliUKgn..uul)llck circullition, lilt u redemilliuu'uml: al80 t'.'CCCptilill nU rlluolA beM forthe r'.. l....ruplinu or llold nnllljilvllr (lertin·euWs. wLicli shoulJ be ul!l...llu tilt! JUI),'

ment of out.b1odin(l' ir.t~n::Jt !>cariDi oboIit.tlilioiliof tbe OovctulUtlnt, tlllbjoot. to11.0811 ''l.II.! pII)'mcut, &... it i~ the judgmentof IhlM nnmmit.to) thllt it in inezllfllUentto 11111!"ltlud t1w eoinago of the atnndnrd,ilyer dollllr ulldu eti,tinr.l"w.ll, nntllUl,in lhe jlll~,~nt of 'J're.ll.llur)·uOleiol" HUltIItlJitioflAl '\'"nul. rooul for tho Iluto atm·uf coill" "!IuoM be JIl'OTided.

J(tMJlt'~d, 'rhal tliis oonunitteo I'()C­

oUllnt·ud tllat. the oommiUoo 011 al)lu()­printioll'" apllNllrinw Stich uun ILC lht>)'"hllll ho IIdvilM.\l ia 1l000000000r,' for proyi.l.iu~ lIoob lItldlliolH,1 \'Ilua room, aud wofurlll"r rcc\llllioomi tbat Incb ll,)diti.onll\'IIUlt tOOlil sbould be 10013too in the

Mi,,"i""ippi Ynll~y nt 'mdl i1ointorpoinlll~ ,hnll he ddllf'lnill<.'l.\ lo.l'tlll! St-ofl't:'ryor We '1'n·~ury.

(froat lJlQ.. ,,1 t,") ,ut'l'cnlt lh~ nlletll\llJIm..~ tllll 11111 6lltllUlj~hillg II 'rtlrritu~) furnorth j).lcl)tI~ n.1I11 p['()vi,lill~ tcllll'vrRf)"l."lJv(>rml~ut rOI' Uu-b. 't'hi~ IJUVIl rille wIt hril't but iur(>r~ lill){ ,Ichalc, ill thel'IUltlO of wilil'11 liurrowli of Mictliglillun,l na'l.lallof In!liar:m indulb,"Ctl itl8l)meH'IY lillllrl' 1611l~.II.t~ tO~M\1 Out'" 0,1 r,"'hii'll ,'r nt"d o<.nlldJt:rB\.ole ('Icit'went.th", m"tioll to l:IUt,lP ",I th.' nllea lIoud 1/0.'1'11the bill wall l"",,~ I)}' 1!)1 ).t.'U3 to Jill nap.

TELE RAPIIiU.Congro88lonal~


Dr. L. T


~ttorD.eyU't LuH"WUt \oI".'IJlltl) .U.·",t 1ll1l.111l1.ln.·~ 1,'t'U~[tltl

. lu him,

1'CI T"W"t"Ntl,. \~KH".'f';I'"'K:r KIT "" ,

"t I tol ••n.. lM':\It·.

..........\ttT,·iJ m.'.!"' 'l, ll'~.II\.... I·I:ru ...n'll·" ....J ..lt,', ..m ('o,ully:

~~I,'~:';;~ '..":.:,tt71;,S;,r,~ r.:;-;',r::~!;,..rl\l.1'",I... t1 J~d.: ,J.J.II, \ 1111 ll"lI.~I,'n !'t.'l'uwn1Ullll"~',hl' J. II, ~1t'C"'1l" l'n" toJ,.,ve',.l.I·"",n.. , l1,,'i 1I11ul.' .."'b.;l'II""I.I.,~: I- t~"'lll"., 1'tH'1 lI1~.-"I.ry.

l: , :,1·'.~11111 ~•.'Il"r., [I. D, '(lrl,I.."I,I·.I,t ',tillI,•• ~ ••, fI ~ '.:111.1'''11 H!.w.~rJ; .\. 11.1'1.1111'III..,. i'ort "~,.u...nd

Tt'rrlturlilll Onll'er~.

r:.\1'f;I' I' .\IJ\"KK'1'[llr"Q,

.. ' 'I"ll(Iuln h, ..r.\I ..>.dfLl"u ..tJ.(' "l>""'lll"TI' I' .... rllon •••• •••. •••• ••••..• w

• '.,....1.11 .,I~erll-~"MI,I,. IV III\U"" II ".,lIon,lO.1lUe &.ro:"rol')t",! 11)' r,uh.

All A\'''(ll!lItr St'ttl"ll J(olltljly.

""UtL'IOl·.u..rltJ.~ IM4.TPI()11.,..~r, •...•..... ,:/.'" ITltt\-.. I.I'U' lh~ ••••• r--!lI:fllr WJlllh 3.IM OliO! 1IlIl,.lh I."'"


Ir I't, 1IIe.lk. ''::' ~'~~~::~~~~t1(lI,~ III...t••••t')

Tf:'U'" u.' !'ot:.~'IU1"1·I()S=

'11'& 1~af..... .' .s:' IN I"1\,..-, mn"th"" •• ',~, rl.,t \ :.I~~!""" .••• I.I!V u"" Ill"nl!' ..... :1/" '''.

~1o'1:1. •'Ilh 10 ....·~I·

U,- \I«&y' lp A.hM''''' . ..aJ

Il~"'", .... \\,'1. A ~t· .. ',1. 01)101,,1.~"TU'-'~. \ II Ih. It.... ..l~.rt.~.\I.\ ..~:"J .1, ..I .11. llv Io.ll, I I..."'. 1I"l'lo.h.~. ~ ...'tl·.-, h,IT" \ltn,,,,,-} ••I, K. "'11";1. \1; til.l \\ ,Iii,l' ~ ......t. •• I II. ll·"r.m.l. !"~.11'"

~~:/ J,""!~ICY ...H., ~\~'.,~,~~~.~~";,I,:~\\ .•ll.... •. .'''''_ I' H"~I. Oltldl-·Ii.

J"i "I:IIf.I~ilKIt t:Vhlty VIlIi,·.Y

,ufort'I'uwu u\l, WwdJiul:lOn 'l't.'rritor~.

Weekly Argus.1111

Ofl1ce: Corner 01 W.11er arill QUlll'y SftLtt-.,

l"nrL ·run·It"CIlI't. 'v. '1'.


Llt...--' II

~,..,,,'.-Ll!"'BI wtlu~I.·I,)n. hill btl IIlJ.,,, , II.' In •• I"'I'<J~~"L" 1"'1 •••,., ,,1.1l ~lll arlll.~u'..c"'IIII"1l \l;~ I. (,J' .111J~, V"blh .llon .. ' '"'lo''''' o'!",.,. 10 'b·' ,·,·It.'l t'1"lot<._ \ ("lIYllr ~lth.. ,~.r-r'" '1 I" 'n.ll~·1 ""pllttlyln lUI 1'""" "'"~'o.. \ 'l1li',,0111_ u..-, '1'"1.1 hOI'" lI~IU. tl~U bl, "r tI·,1...:-11:). ~"Ol:''''' 1'<,.,1•• VIII f~ U:I "1I111\,'.lIt,lo.

\LI.I>' W.l!lI(.11111"r or ... J'hHJriNOI'.

s= •


Olympia • - Wa'h, Terr,


OLYHVI4, 1'1'. T.

li'r }:Jmclico lwforu the Lao\1 OffiCt.'ftU81>l'Cinlty.



JOJU T. :HIIlIlI ....

rtilAP 'llt.llly .nd a ...1, )1.,1..., Price f ..,Plrrr Ilrtldp 1A'lf.1P or ..Ikl,


111l'onTEil 01'

Stoves, TinwElJre,PUMPS, IRON PIPE.

House FurnishingIIA RDW A Itl-:.


n .. t"r Hlr"el., , ••..rl ·rU"II!tpl .

\ll~m,,,,,pie II,,· .'wRy' VOl thoI UI.Ullt tor 1 hRUt". '0 lnt"Q1""lt .. In"........ au,I'n hltl*' 1."'''"1''.. .. lilli, ' th, ,.. , .. hIt duuoJl,III.jt,.....Ih,·,"'tll"·'llllllll... '.'II,·.ln 'II ""In". \\."" ',,, ~,.·,'Il'blll,," III .~11.".

m"tt..,. \'":1'',,''' ""It) lIun, \I'lIl,.·tt,I.·r'III,,1~,rl. III 'n"k , 'r II' tl~hl III Ib,' r """ lo... lfll.....~n)· "'1<' ,"\ll ,I, Ill' ....,I.: I ",\It·,lr 'ro'tIl Ih.. h.1.!.Ir!. '1'1", ltIi·h,,· •• "till'" hI"":lhal' I'" Illll'""nllllllly ....II. -. t.llwu.I, .. "ul dl turll\.h...1 II•••,\" "I..... h.. ",..:' :.'. f.,I•• " '" ,I. .. Il"'u...) r~I".Il ...\ "II •·.. 11 ,I ',,,,,' "II' .. hur.. I hllll I" Ill,' • 0''', ;,runl> p,n. 'I~'''' "",It ","_ nul h,ll'''1 alh II a.. ,1:.11 1t,1 I. n,'.,I ...1 .. ItI In"', .\,hh,.~ :,1'...... .t,'",. I', lI1n"<I. '~:.. nt, ~-:- If

Tbl· I·"l,"l.r :-:l.l:~'~,l:t,i ...1;"\lI~"'11 IIltpl!"p ~",I

f 1f.~11 ~t,':\I~;i~ ";..::U ~"~';:~II:~~II~I:n ~:~\,::~:~ ";~".to'Il.It', .... ')' ,\l!"llll'lll I.. I.. ~,,,t.,t~,

UClutll., "II b "I'" ilhnllll.....,li h. Ill.. t1.." to' .......1;..1 ••.~ .. 'Iolh." r.'.p,.

,\II.~ J. lJ"I.I ••\llll;o;O, I'f"p'r,


,yo : 9i

RE' !1,sN'S ill !tI


lilt· Ii.",


k:a'e Cij g

al.crtl. Oar•• aa.l a •••r .lua")"J1oln 'l'ho .....n·:J·1 c:;<cat I"'n.b"n.u.,. fot' lIao. and E_.t.ellup. qaiok aalll'ella'ble.

l'ITCUER'S CASTOltu\'Is not Xarcollc. Chlhlrcngrow fat UI)OU, 1Uoth~r-t I:~:(',

Ullt! Ph~'slclaus recu:lltlle::tlC.\STOIU.\. Itrl'::uJUi.Clft~o

nowel~ cUrt's ';'Iml Colli:.nllar" J"e,'erbJIU~tSlOU .:.«)­.tro)·" \Vorms.



WEI DE :r.IEYI::l.·5 CA­TARR.H Cu..... " CoacUt.Uou.lAIIUdote for thh t.rri1tJ••alQ"

,tiT. bT Ab,oJ'PUoD~ Th...u~lmportaat Disco,.olT .taco VI\C­eiD.aUoa. OUt,or l'l:llllodl•• ::-'.1:r.u.y. C.tarr:S. 1111. eftTe; to.~

~T .taa:. 'It.lore COlUl:.CII'UOZl..t, ta.

Bu.-Uti nllil Loth:illS: b~' i1 ,III~" ",'.-,,'k or1I10nlli. ;\.fl·at.. l>l'rrt: 1 tu unl\'r

lit all hnllr.<.1'11I1'i1l unn'J:It!'i II:\" t:\·,:nl,,.Tl'U:.

tid Mila. L~;:\lt~a:I). l'rolJ'r,

1'0.":1' tlF'FH'i: r:l'I~~PIX(l.

\\',TI'U Srl.•'I.T, I'Cltl ·1·.lwn..t·I .•I, \V,T

~ l\ f'IImrl()1ln,1Ilf the virtue nt nor:mJ"llrlllll.1I111111;;la, nll1111lruke( vellmv doell;, ,,'lIh Ibe'",II,11l ofllOllllth nll.1 "'In, aU/lOwl'r(1I1 hloooL.llHtkluA', JIOOII~lellnllln~, III.. IIf''''l\lI.'1tnlulnltf:1"lIIlml", It I. the I'llrcttl. "al",I, .tlld InIWMy wayflIIlIllOllt .. fTOll;t,ull.hclltlln: IUf!1H..dill) known or 1\\ Qll"blo I" lit" IlUloIlr. The""lonrel or IIl11JI.'lnl'i ant' dll:lIIi~lr,. bll\·;t1ll'\'t1r rrOthu'I!.1 flO \'a1t'nhln " rpln!'(ly. aor11llU IlO pol.·m 10 ,'Ule nil 1I1ttl·I•.II1!ll 'I'ltlllrlnlCrrnlllllllpllrll hlotl("1. It Cllrt'S 8o.·rtJ(III... andaUllA'rofllloll.'l.1I 4lt''''A, J':r)'1I11H!hl!!, HOH\ur HI. Antholly'a "·IN'. I'hllillea luntto'.re-Krull", PUlilnle", Blolrhe•• II0Ua..­TllniOMl. TeU"" 11111110..... Sntt. Uhflum.f41'"I.I.heft,l. Itlll.worm, Uken. SorHoItiletlmllolbm

tl'IjIf'rnrIRI 1>1111'11'1-1', Neu_

r"lala, "~en'ft It Wl'ukne"!Iflllllllllrrelllu­ItHltlc•••JIIounflke. Afl'eellolla ut theU\·CI'. J»)'''JM'\11l11lo Elnaclnthm, an(JGIlDer,,1 I)eull 11.

ny III If'archlllQ' "011 rll'lUllllnlt 'lnalltl""h Illlrlf"l1 IIUl the ftllli corruptloll!! whichronlllminale Ii'll blOfloI. Ill'lll I'all<t4l dpmJllo!~m_nt IIl1d !Iemy. h ;olhnnllll.f'll "n.1 f"lllth'fl~

lillt ,'11.1 (norllon_. It pmrnnte" 1'1tI"'J:Y QUit'lrI'I,~h. It ""'lor"" IIntl pl'>"l'ef"''' hl"lIllh.It InlLlJ.eJI IIIlW 1If.. ami "Il(lJr IhfOlllthnlll lho:Jwholllll)'Il"'m, So llufT"fI"t r"~1n anytllfwo&M\wbJ<oh .rt...." from IlIIllllrilyof the blOfloI neet:l" Ita1r. ,,·!lowllllo!lntAnm'. 8"'1l-"",,,,,,,,u.LAI air trlQI. Itenll mlll'r. tho earlier Ulotrbl, Ihe '1)etoIller tbe cur,.,

II. n\l:'tp8 h.u heen turnbhed til ph.r-idanJI1l\,,.rlwh..lVl: 1\1\.111'1"1, rf'Nll;l"nldlllC I" ,uJIfI"orlor 'lua.lltlt.·!I, ..lrnlDltler It In 1l1elr procllCeo

For DfOArlr rort" r""n AT..:.'I 8.~Jt''''''A­IIIt,LA h..... hrfn w 11~11 • .'II'd. anilit now JM"!'"~ the l'Or.ildl'ncfl nr million' of reofllewhn have U~rieR<"elI beadW from I;, mar·

__-~~~:.~~~~If~.~~~~~~'~_ "elloull curat 1"11 rinu .

I Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer .. Co.,PnKUcal and A ••lytle.1 c ...tRlau,

Lowtfl, Mall.IOLD .1" .loLL It'IIt:Wlt1"t ."a......ua•.


L __

Bxclw /I fie lJrokel'.SIl'i:JlIl lJlsbwwetl,

DII. C. W HUN1',



Carrying U. S. MailJll\nd rUllOn~efl,

~Len"'t'~ Port ToWn8Cod eyer1 (1"1 fit ~ r.311. DlHkinu elOllO t:onnedioM with theteamer }o'flll"\ie at l'ull(l1'. wndinSl.

W, s..SEAYEY. Proprietor.

Jt'OOE Lc:>wis rl't''''IlII~' ~~I\'t' Ow Yn·killl:l."i!lIHlI hili \'jews uf till' rllt~ll(lll11tlN (ur pru.:lllf'1' froll\ that l:'l'CIIUUin till' fulluwiul-:' lI'I'1>,·I:lu";III1;:'·: "Afil'rllilippiub grniu frulll tbi~ \'ull,·y tuAill"'wul'tli. II I\h-tum't' o[ MlllH' tIt)Illih~-t, IIml from J~itlitl\li mlll'Y tu,\illsworth. II tliltlluIC" uf 1H) lI1ill'r:.this ~"'llill wUllll! still lK' lIbout ~oumile" frum Purthlul1 Ilud 1'\'1'11 Ull

rcuohillJ; J>()rtlnlld it wunltl bo Itoont.:10 mile!'! from th~ .1':\, 011 t1lf' ullll't'Iml1t1, ~(>jllg' act'lllJS II' ClI!l('U 1.' mouo­taill~ it j" "'Illy (I'iO wilt,!,! rrUIU h.'rl.· toSI'IIUIl" IIml,'\'(Hl U 1i'8M distlLllCU fmmKilitml \'ullei to tho f1Ullle pointBrain CIIU thf'r(lrIJr,' btl IlIm!1l11/ltJI'08Sto SCllttlu rur 0110 thml. II"'S~ on thoton thull to POl't)1I1l11 llU,1 whi'll ittcuchos Selltllu it is worth OHi' IloHllrmoru on the ton thnn ill PUl'tlullll, hucllngo it CUll Ix· "hippt-<I frolll S(luttl"to Li\'prplk>1 (or U1H' dollar If'N4tJlltheton tbnn from l'orllllllli. Shil'!4 "niliuto tho lmroot' of Sl'ntth' in limn)'instnnc(':I without CWII tll(la'Si~t1I1ICl'

of u tow btxlt. '1'0 /o:,·t \.(...:'t!.'!t1 in nlillout OOl'it8 nut exc('t'lling ;:-:l;;o. WhC'fO

0'1.'1. to ,,;..·t \'l'l"St'lli in olld llut of .I'ul'l·Inud cu:.l~ not h'ilri 1)11\11 ~lnll(l. A !!olliplbat drnw, O\'cr 1M f,'d u[ \\u!l'r linn.·not. CCtlUij iutu lht' Columbia riwr.wberea:<, II .lIhiJllllrlY t'ul('r th(\ hnrhurof St.\:lttl~ rohurdll'fill or it.. lonna;:"..\ sbiJ) nmy lnon~ "l' to Ollr harbordraWIng ~5 (,"l't, cn'lt nt low titl,·. )(r.Villard hiltllil'1f lllL~ bt..'l'll furtlod iutoa llfl\cticnlltbnnclonluf'llt of tho (;0).nlllbia all nil outlet to tll(l 0Ct'11tl wlll'1lho bllnls ItX\OOU tons uf iron fruRI Til­COlOlI to 1\1\11£1111\ und fr III 1\.lllulllllup till' ri\'('r for tl.!tO in fllilruad CUll~tnletioJt. U)' thi" rlllll,.1 IilMlUl nrrl\lI;::;-I'llleut lItJ 1il\\'t'!O $'.!.Al O\'t'f uhnt it\\ould COHt him to 111'ill~ it UIJ theColumbia by way of PUI t1uml

Will be in Port TOWllltl!nJ ftlrftin on orlIoout FEJJHUAJtY lI.th. 'l'lmnkiuw tilepublic for Iibcrul /XltronalCO. t hope tooommlllki Ibeir etln IdcllOO in future.

001 ll, W, J.IUN'r.

HENRY LA mES,Commission and

Shipping Merchant, &

T'UT IUl'KISO COI'OIl fin bellulcllly u",,1by Sbttllw'~ Cure. W••·:."nlfoJ ~I. &old 1111••1Im" ,U;O.

III " ... \loa "'lenof'lIe ""11"111"ti.\ST4 HU8.l. Cal.. 1),'1:. ... IBbO.

S 11. H, W.AllSElI « 00.: SiI" J hl"cuseJ \'Ollr Sate Ki,ltwv nntl Li"er vure,81ltl find it ull ~ou fllllllU r.ur it i.n IIMlteytrvuLlo. h. T. I' "'S:.lll,

Pre.ident Sautll lto.in BUIlk.

Senator George H. Pendleton.

STAT!.!!MA." op ct\'lt Sl:R\·tC! RE.roRM.

Grorge H. Ponilleton is the:fOn ofN8tbntlll'I U~no IJl'ndlelon, formcr.I)' a Cunj..~I>sl'IUI\D. He W:t:l born ntCincinnati, Ohio. on the twents fifthof Jnl)'• .1&1'), Ho recch' IUJ UCd'

demic.ll OOtlClltiOU. rt'ud low nud waslklmilh.."I1 to tho bur, After hn\'inglIN'lI II member of tllo Ohio Scnntl' io.1854 umllg,j51 hl' WM "Iectlod tu Coo·J:rl'S.'~ n!l II deUtocrnt, lUlll8l'r\'t.'i.1 in theThirty·fifth, l'hirtY-lJixth. 'l'hirt)"·ll6n>nth und TlIirt.f-eighlh VonST~"f'8. 'l'l.lts KiWi' hUll a seat ill thetlOllSO of HCllr('Sentnliw'S continuously from DI..'Ccmber 7, 18,j7 to Mlll'ob ill18M. WbelJl in 18&&. lhmcrnl Uco.B. :l!cClcllnn rnn UDSUCClOSS(lllly (ortbo PI'QIlidenc.)·, Ororgo H. Pendle­ton'l! nRllla wus on tho snmu ticket fortho Vice'Presidency. 10 la6~ Mr.PcndJ€'ton wus l\IJPoiutcd "ico prcsident of the (il'utllok)'Ceutrnl HailrondCOlUl>:\II)" Hi:! term of onico U~ aUnih'Cl StntL':I Scnntof IJOKIUI on thefourth of March. Itl67. Ho is tho fiUC'COIlSOt' of StulIll'.)' Mutll.lcwll.

Scntllot' Pon<1Jotoll'8 (;i~i1 SorvioeHufofm Bill, IUlll-'llded and pUil.!ll.'<1 bytho Senntc, )UUJ boou pl\llscd by theHousc, It. pro\'idelt for tho uppoint·Uleut of 1\ CUlllUlittce of thrt'O Illom·lJcrs. not more tbun two of .....hom lire(0 bt-olOllJ{ to the some political purt.)'.The COlUlllifi&iuu is to designato ex­cxamining cUlDlUittl't.'M lIftl'f consultu·lion with thl' CulJinet oJlic~~r, clt<:twmgcoUl'CtOt or JJO!Ihllu.~tor for lXMitiolloill 1\'IIO~ uRICI' the l'xnruillntiou! II.reto}).., m&1c EXUllliuutiODll are to beoompetiliYo nD11 on tho Iille of thopracticul duticlt of tho pO!!luon forwhich tl.lerl' is colUpl,tiliun, All ap·pointlll(lllll\ rf'loo\'sls nUll trlln~f~n

are to he r('portlltl to lbe oollimiss.iou.So l>t!t'SOU npll'0intCl<l by lhl\ IJrlosideutand oontirmLod b1 tbe ' nlll(' iii to betl.le llubject uf an flx8lllinalion. AI"poiutnJl'ul:t uro tu be apportioUl:.e:ttunolll;' the vUriou8 Slllt~ and Terri·turil'il on thl' \)hi. of population uuJapplicunti lUusl be btmaJidt n'5illl'ntriot tb~looulilil'SU1uUro u tbuir hom.·s.So luora tlnm 1\\u 11l(llllhHll uf the~IUO flllnily enn ,,~t II1tU tbe 8mne

J..'nKle ill on1lJll1>hc ullict.'. .wy ex·uminl'-r ""ho in his t"elJUrt bo"'~ ani·lllllil a':'''8in t auy earuJiliuto is to 00dl.'l'lllll1 ",viII.)' ur .lUi~ll'lIweuno,. Andlil\hle to tine or illJ.prl·,mUlenl. .He·C'Ollllllf.'lldAtionl!. o[ (;OD~fCIl6nt\ln aroto hnve 00 wl'ighl whntc\"'r with nol'lulIlining lKJ.'fll. 'J'lll'rl' if' to 00 np<triod of probutiou fur every op­l)tJilltt.l('. A&'I('tnIUOulll for politiclIlpUf"""'-l'! nrl"' 11ruhibited tUieler peulll·ty. und no cl('rk or othl'r olli.ce l.lold(lri~ 10 Ixo r\·lIlu\·...><1 from ul1icl! Uf other.wi"l:! injufI'tIIK'CI\Ul'It! uf UOli pllrtlcilJutiou III 1>tJliticlll workuf 1IllJ L;iutl,

II U.\"l)J: Ii S I ....• 1.\T£.\'1"/U.\":;', nimP\! (,,-lWt-r "Reulllll'tl, Till! tailtu6 of :1<; f'xl~·rj··tl('(,,-1 oil In!'n. tllf"~'l'Oudl1dtJ1m' IIr U'l',"Ubl('l) 'nilit' r"l' 1111. l.'l-1

J'H,..rl<tKI I.,.""~r'" "I ,,,. I.MI 1);Htrl.. hllllw:uh .1ll.1 t., .. I,I'" I'f.l"" of gr~1n al Wt'4'l,; tlll'~.' j..:'l'llth'u\\.tl n-Ct.ill'll lit r'~;'I~:~:~~I~,~;'.ae;t~:,~.~·::.nl,~.~~",;~l:~:~h:11 t.r.,,· I'rl'\,"11I I In' l'nllp:lII~ tbLi Ul' lit r' t t 11 I I fir I "'rb., 1:\101 "'n I', ar i:l 11.,. ImlMI' or ~ "If'~a 'IUI~\' a ur~,· oJ.v IlllloN\","!, ;'~I .:'.I~~ ;,;~. :~'::~·"l.: h:': :,' ,:~ 't ~',:t ;I:~

. I ,InV"llt:un Ullo pr ;\1':.11 1I"C.'. Ur.Ont- hUllII'- mal'illlU·r.v. 111111 \lolll "flll/HI'I.,'" ,"" •• ,',' ,'. .... ..,\Ult rt,'au I'I\HIU '11' hft"" "-¥11 WOII••I f. ... n "

hw~ 1t3.1 .:\\"'I~llll"t 11m\! l~n,I allt:ntloll prtl(~~,,-I tu hllI1,.' \1. \.'It'lllilt'lltto vII ,It·' I .. "",'" ',~.r., • 'to IIIfull." I r.,l Ii, 10 Illll"'rl,llt h"lIlt-. To.) to if.llI'IO\lU-t 11..' ;::1111 whwh t .....af,. his Ih,...,. 1.1IId,.. TIII'~ 1·',II,.ul.·f th,·1It ,.f "'!~II ~'~, r ,',.. ( :. "1'."! I'."t"1"Ihtl""",.rlh··h·t'·I,h'n,·, Ih"lholl()o I I t I I I. tI IT ,• n"lll'''Allllh''~'I .•.,,~~wllll'b:'MlItteu\I'I\''I!t'' loI.'l·all~"lh: 1o<'t r,II' I"!U II' ,.... r, .....,»~,' ••.\:' ,.rlo:l'"\l'!l. til" "k"trl" ht-ht ~n,1 thl' 1'} ·t.'m 1.,1 hilt Ilh. l'i ,.~llw. ,I hun f~mllhf'llUor6 ".lmn ftl;.:'lllal'. n.. III tl~.: \'hl.ull .. ,'t'" 4' II , ".,'t,"f "\'11\11 .• ,'11'111,,1'111.. Iltll'lt-l h.' ....'T':tpli.\'. , . ItlUII" IIf til\' '·1\"t. J !I•. !\lI\'('!lUI,11\11 ul ,,1,1.-11 lu.\., I....·u l'"lld}·,I,·••'flhul '''\~..;.II ·.111·\., t I \·:tt·,fnllll\'l'IlII',IL I:rpth..rstlr" nut ..a\'ill;': Illlll;h uh,'l11 Nt •

1 I f I f 111\. 011\,'1,,1"111 h~'t.I"'lllI't'u hr.JUg-llt \\1.,., 1'",\· "",'"J I ;,1", hilt It 1"'11IIt,. lII~JSJth,lt I • lr I nnl'll' "~ lir.. pn ,,"!:' ;l.

, to tl('-ftr UIIoo'li '0It1\ • '\I'ml Illnt...rtullt ,Jrollllhlt:t Imt in thi' ••arl.\· :Ol,rill'. th,·."hlih'f\r 1.'1: ,"'-11,'1 11.ll.hl·. tho r<J Int! ...hl\\",' he. II .uu.....Ji}'" .ll,t 011 (Ouly tuiJ.e..l "ill t'lUl,ln,\' n hlr~I' r"r\'" \I 111,'\1 lIull

l'o.'\·n IIUI, 'I~ Ih...,,\ ..rW.,l\ll.IINJlr.Wt."Itil Mo._II" iWJltll"·Il~ ...ut... The u.... :0, tart th,' \\ork nt PnYltl,lnp ~'l\'nnll'."l

1:11 Ill" .111, h••u II.I It lloll.".I.lIo\·t;' llr"'l'~tl~ f' , ,I't rCl'lIl II .. h.' ..:, IIl1hz.'.1, Hil.'I. rlth('r 11"')' '! 'IU 1.1Irl'o~·YlltllllrI~ l arK~

all"ul 1.\1 'uti••:", IU the aflll IIl1tl 1 I t f "Mt~r81~" l'1\wIUlllntOI\'lIl/lll\tol'>lllJlIo"l n por·",'1,-r,'·01. .\nwoo.;" Ihu nl'lISt UllP"JltUI~ ~ I\:ll • I. l\' .'flll " I ~ . tion of th... illl, l,:III,'.• t " .."111 .!i ..... ,,,•.1I1"! lin" IUII""\l'ffi{'lIllf or ~"lthl.· J,h.·... (lulrll!t· of 1tt1lt1.ll), 1... olleIII Ill" Ulllnllt" Illro IIf \111"1111;%''11 Jluhl\. ot th.1 UUl t CtlllIIUOII. Ilu.1 ""Mil'" IUllde in

II I 'I'" L .. , _I" 'I, Ihill WII\' nr'J ..:url·lll ..h· d\l~l(mtand uJ!e·rll j "'r III ~ "I .. n"lill '1'''' .1",1 ." 'I' ',.

11"'1''' ~Ilh''tlll. Ull'!UUo

II 'h..: 11t'1I11"tII.I (Ill. :\f ..hlll..I"'l,\I"! tur "I,"OI~" IiIM!Cll1l

fOhell t'~t 11.,,1\ nalloJl .... I.....n"r lIud Iligb. !11:rp*" ,nroJ II ....... IUI.J,. L.,· wU:lUg hme­]\'.1l,1l",11I.1 "",WUlI. 'l"ctU COI'lIJ8. in "'lll\·r. 'hJ!lloI'\\·l.oJ. IIlullI, <'lc., with lIOGp11"SI~llitr nut! ,tnrllIJltll.V, llfil cqulll 10 o.lro!luly 1111.1 ~.

Ibtl Lt.''!'l hurll' R,.,I .-hell. Rm.l ure nOIfcxtclll'i\'t'ly 11l1UlllflU:hltCo.I. 'l'he p~lnc.i.

fIIl.l flcloru.", r"r t1lt.~ llInl.illg of rnubcrI·OWIJ.t are lOi.'lltt.'t.1 ill CoJlllilCticuL ThouUlterilll pl'OIluOl.'fl b)" IlLlil Uti"" vroceuIJOll!k!l>I!l..l 1A.'!lulill\· qUlllitiell. h ""Ill'

mure perltllltJy ellUltio thlln COUlmonI,atlutcbolll', r'cllilltcJ lhtl llchvD of tho1ll'l.Huo.rl iluh'\'utl uf Ihol mlltt'rittl, Wl.lI

helt.e.r ,nhlt II r,~Li, the Weftr !lnd \ell ofItA lIurfl\Ce lUltl IlfCllel\·;;''<.1 itl ttc1ibilityIItllll temverntutt's. Then Mr. JSl!lson(luodr~U' IJat~nted AI'rOl'l.'M for solidify.log ruhber. Wilking it I!.lt&OCJlhble 10auy form of proc:Ji18 u( DlaUllflictUro.

The nut iO'feutiul.l of 4UYlmpor~co.... a 1l'!osing wachine. .lJeggcd IhoeauJlu1e by b..nd were wlLDufaclureti inI.fge qWlOtili~A a long lime before theto ,euliao of this machwe; but the man·nfactw-e 'Il1l.a, IIIlI1 iI. COufiUOlI chiell." tolllell'. bclotll and .bt>ej, lUlJ to the oooflf­,'r kinda o( IAdi~' .hoer. Lynn, theRrut centefof lholW\awaclureollailict'IIhQell. ,... never CJl~'tiied to lOy edentIn tJUl nULDufaoture o( Pf~ged shOMoThe introducUon o( thill machine largo.11 iucreued the ptOO'1ction, and, ofroune. diminiabeJ, t.b.. rod of prodllct.'Cbere h.\·~ beta mftDy improyemcntl iuthe ahtcbiug lDolCbwe, tho product orig.lot.1ly o( Ult~ IIlcchauica.l genilUl of DiulIowe. Thi.i macbwe ..1UI fin, pcrfec:t-­l.d in 18-W.

A pto«N !wi receDUy been pI\entedH' the United States b1 which abol iaIllade a' a low ele••ltion. b1 forcing ....trong ClU'rent o( air upon i' &I it fan.tOto the wdter. Anotb~r import&llt. uao10 wbich leAll j" Illlt. i& the praparntiuuof dde ol lead or white lead .... pig.meut. Itl Uli» brandl ot tbe lead iJulWJo­lo'.V" U,i» countr,. LU6lI a J=romineo, ed

l,ruL.ulya lending pw.ition... tho prr.c.lice of pninting dweUiug hoUlell 111 moreC\,wmon Ulan illlWy olber country.

'J'bo &&faly drum. MoUier new in"en­I,iou, ia a &lIM1 J~\itl8 whicb guardallgll.luat acciJout ari.log trow anch tIe­rlmgtlweut ill ehmltor moehinery, or'"I.UUO olntrlldioll in U1e hatchway.whl!rebJ the rAlI(!I ma1 be uoooilod fromtlte mAlo drum o( UU~ engine, whilt! tho"lit rIlUUIUw temporllnly lodgod at •.grtate.r or leea diltanc:e from tbe buttom.Jt i. Il1IJC1 • perfoot. H(llguanl agllinat tlilt

ItlOo-nlpW deecent. of Ule cu, in C&IO tb.1~1t or al'I11-.rt. of U1e b'farwS (l(lDncct-­1'(1 with the engine .bould give ".Y. orIr rM too f...~ Lltho ear1l:1~u[ tlJu.optntor.

Orl'.at. ImproYe,menl.a ba,.e been.made in Uil; melbo.1l cf cou.tructionliwl for iron aalc. making them Un­1<I'~gllabll to ahDOIt auy aJlpblJlco in'U18 by the IDOlit. upcrl burglU»., Thelloo..,. whicb ant ~er.Jll the wm!oOlDt of the ute. UI eonatructed of.,.lalt'll ftC) dt1fe-t.li1~d lionel DUmg oorre.­l'ondinRlr bto the jamba that Ibe ..t!dge,the ...lI"dCU... imp" ment u.ed by theI,urglu, it pl'lfaetly Ixnrr:rleu llgainJotIh... lD. wbJ..Ie the ab.."tt.rne1 W1th whiC!btlM':1 fit olfcrJ DO upporlnnit1 (or olD't'rnjce hUD .bicb lJill'Oogl,cenoe orlUl,..ther uplOlli"e dUlll C'all be iutruJu.:etl'n,It \MxI1 or Ole ,at" belDg aJao ron­~I~ted 01 altern.tot pial'" of iron,.... ~Ma.1 iroa a.ntl lLeeI. t!arbonizeJ andII«arhOOlzoJ .tt-tl lind c:rJ,r..1 steel.f ~teoet:1 t..osetht!l' h, boltA from the in·.,,1... clrecth'e1r prcl"enla Lbcnl bc>llli.(lI,·...d by .1~llt""'h 'ml1l""". j'nlluiell."uk·lent... or any other bnrg:ariolu lb.

"t.ru.meoL Tln·ir 11n.....lIoo( UICIJiIIt'S art!alao tecUred by a Blimp; of ClJtICrtlle,which make. tbem lI.blluilltel1 Ilr...ofagainat both 8m &Uti damp, III M.hliunto tb.. tire-Ilroof filling the u.tE!Jl lIro ProspectIng For Ou.rurnishetl .ith i.uJllruy~d ('()whinllt;oll ....".. T.ctllQ.I...-;I"'.'.1locka, nri(!'1.1 (t1" U1l"h ut...~ \lJuuy of Jl ifl \\1.11 kll(lwn thnl tll(I I\lll'l"tnutlwbtcb are IUPll!i!tl lIiw an I\IllOlUatic J:mtlll'n=. i'~ til" f;lIIltlll~ Stull,lurdrotary movement, 1I1l11 COIlIlel}l~ uti! ~luIlJltr,1 011 ("olllllilll~·. vf I'I'tlll".\·I·

ope.kMWlo.r"....,lu),.;r..ur.)Ivinlll0 \'lhill. IW\I' III'l'll flJr I'IJIIll' 11Ii.Jllth~

"...ing 'M1I~~"'--"" 1(.',ii.l'.rl't:~llll"J,!i', So"",1 ror ,h"r..u~"",tt""" . :,bcm lJJ I'I~r~, ... ~!:, 'n"1r.llt#J1~tl't\'l4"lt~M\:'".n roeeu et ill"cuk'tl • 1......1 t1','" {II,. li\M'ru~'~ +lltfl'l1l,01t4f1i'l~~f P18~2 Dyo l' ' t.!t:1 I hll.1 III :-'111"011 ('''llUt\' 1I1l.II,r,·! ft'I,;lr

n I r. allngtnVcn .nl.pat- ILJ.!IlIJ.n"ll'\'tltth.~r')I1J:hl~. llllU)'rnted a I(eam Illo... or tlLrtb'pW\'e:n,ung ,lttltlll t\lttll.. th.,) hn\t.' tll .• \1lI1....1 .....11.·GlN'hine. t.n be uNuelled by IklW1at.d "itll'rl.L1"lilLl1l.Cnr J 1~)U! 1.01' \\Lid.! Itlrul.



UIlWK01 II'.lIul "111. tP






MlIrk Sheldon, ",. II Flnol l-lt ....l..AlllInl t(JII I!II

J, w. t:rANS. So.!l) 1'0011 l-lh'1'ft."J,"I'M fur tbot UIlIlW'oll('.1lod

UIOVO!I' alll! tlal.'f -I'lf M "

We. 11\11 undl'l"l..'ltl!d. bu" t... ,.... 11 •~.'llnkl' b'1IIId~ ot ~J'( ell. t'OTTtl' ,.,

.,1.. In Ibll lZIIlrkl'l•••.tt.CIArk'lIIiO. N. T."Npooll oU••

To be Ille Ut:~T. W••Iooobd lbalr' LW flL \\ II.til be ....,\~T COLON.

The Shlg'l'r "Iuofurllrfnr l'.,.1165nl"'r fll'Mt., I'


fI~\'I~.~Te\\'ART l'l1"OI'll,ClIIC.\110 III ~ll.; II,


Buy the Best!UNEQUA ED

_t· tt_

J[jJND OR ,lr.U'I/1. \'1-;SEvVIKG,

S,Ulta:r, 1111.1., 111 A.,., HILI:"'0. G:lt 3(.ARKf.T ~Tl:"LT

f>llll'L ......-r...-.. ,.".White', :-Or. litCrowlI, \\·il-nn.Virtor, Wl'(\ll,PC'Crl('..~. Flo,,' ,Sil{wliit Sillh"t'r. Hurl(' • butt


(,'. SII,\WLo :tO~"~lld ~1rH'I,

AI.'elll fur Ih.. ttr.~I"'C.TtJ:'" ."" k'l\'JOll~ ~" ... llll{ 'II. I......

.'OR S.H••: In'

Watel'man & li:atz.POUT TOWXSEXD. \I T


\"011 1..... _1.1\1 110:.. -111 Ih" untwor JII,n'l jo:••u)'wUUI)' Auditor. 111 J"m~ 4I.8>'1·.n, J. I'.. \'01.1_ • <:bh",-.t Inlln:h"hl, III .\11" I..,. It~ •t'lIlllt!~t! "'"Ilman.

'I'he Illlrtiel arri\"ed thill morninlt fromVictorill,alUl wor.:! mnrried, UIIU thcllwcntto tile CUlItom UOlt~, whero they rc­eei\"cu further Illl.perK in eOIUlootioll withthe importlltlt. event. 'l'ho p.'\rtiell willmako B brilinl tour to Portland,lomor·ro'l\·.

Try the "Riaing Star" Tea

Thill brand ot Tell is importt'd dirl'C1hom JlIflan. (Juokct1 o:s:pfell.4ly forWlltf"r·1Il11i1 .~ Katz. lwd I!Uld by them Mil 1\' 011PU,l.,'t!t So'.IUd. £\'er)' pAckage ijj brnlld·I!o.l "Waterman k Klitz," null iN Jeuarllu­le«I to he lIuperior to 801 'l't!a 8O!J inWlIl\hillgton TCl'ritory. 'l'r)' it and COll'

\'iuoo plllrlel\·l'6.J)';.lU&w WATRItHAS k KATZ.

l'rAnntl·~n. I A. OA.:r-.-- T•• 111 .. 1 ••• ~.

OOl'(lL,\"':- FlllTlI. In Ih•• """"11o'rI,1I In'\., ..... I...p. fOr •

T~I:t~~\~~I.I.~ui:~.lj,~~~·I'l:,:~~~I1~~~·~ill:~ ~::. :~,~t)'~ti..,,,".: n:a.: t 1<; ~ ,.~h, .\. firth. bUlh oll'lan Juan I.h.n'\. ~r~.. t ,..n.. ... ~

Mnrrill~ thlltllrelltfountnin nl tdicily. ~:~\~~ ~:~t:'II::;1" r. ;.: ..11ll1l1~1I1lIn)'illj.l'OlirII1l timeot Int".lIl11lll )',,11, CIt)' •the 1I11ited fnmily oircle or our estccm",-)

neighbor, ~lr. Hobert firth. Lettie. Mr... :~~~t.II:~~,I;:;I';~~~:.IIIl1nl,) ClIlhollll, Nu. I; Hobbie. No. 2; "h'., u.II60" II .

Uels).. 1\11'8. A. W. D:,vid!fUli. ~o. 1I; Rnl!now the hUlL hut tlol the IUllJolt. JI-'8/lir-, HILL'S MANUAL~frl. Jnu Firth, :\u.4. Well. the iecret f:dtlr:~I~I~I~.:r.I~~~O::::::-.~~of thi!lllcnllliul runy be-6TidenUy il'l- II!;;:; ~~t';i~l:~: "'1~I~L'r.oott:"~Il" 14'",tont the I'XCl'Ili'IlC)' of the !amily Iinel\ll'l' ~l1r... "'111111'111", l'llblir .-.tt,~, ..,is wcll kIlOWII. Mr. Firth lJt'ill~ the ··J."O<HI. ~,l:~'::,rt~~ :~',i k~~~III~;~ :u:.f\.:=~~:,-,,: •.:c:lieflt mno of men." nlHl elluh fmir dllllll'h' In''U u"", lto~ ~uIUIIH'. \tllall"'"ttlr "u l{ullo Illll3 wi' a glltla l'Ii'(liR'r~.'· ~If'~';;' f11~r.I~'"lr~'n~Il~J:,~h!~a'~:i·.... ,

'fiij llnhl tllat the 811m of u1l, t1Ul~ mllkes ~~!!.~el~~oll~r.l~',~' It'~!~~~];''..':,~\~ 0 I'

n true mllll hnppy, ClOIIRi~IM in the weill,·.·'.'."'.'.".·.· _chOOllill~ "f h wif,', U this be 80 thenJuhn i8 haJlII~·. for he Will 51ltl in JetIIlie n""ife uomelitic. GOO nml IlUre, Mr.DOIIl:I1\8 i8 II yOllug merdlltnt.jllllt. enter·iug thtl businc!\iI nreno. Rnd if in thE! ftC·

ll'Ctiolluf his stock in Irudo 110 manifcllt&M good tlUlle nnd judQ:lllcot n8 iu thechoice or bielife's companion. we enn Illlfe·Jy rl!COmmend his goode lI>I A. 1; a con·llCqui'nt r/l.Uy of clistomo:fiS \'l·ith a bril{btRnd prosperuUB futuro in Lhe mercnntiloliue. A. IIl11ulJerof frif'Dd8lll1lH!mblt.1i 10witnetlll the illte~tin:1oercmtlll)"at IheclORe of whioh "Tlltl auld kirk hammerNlmke the bell, and chimed out i~ joollntlIUIl..ic. in cadence BWCCt." As t!:ttl wed·tlell pai r PfI.6J+ei.l tbrougll tliA Iine of frieuw;the)' "trcwed tbeir pathway with hestwiill.U!1I for their future. "Hail ..cudedloV(~ lll)'lIteriOTl~ law.lrue souf(,'t!o! earth·

y bliilll." A RUlllJlhlOilll fOl)flst Willi 11M­

\'i,lt'll I1t the hOilIJitnblo hOllIe of Mrs.Ito1),'rt OoU.trlhil. whero n l!lr~o !lumherof rrielilb I1l1d ill\'itOli. h'\tesLi wore ph'al!'nullyenlerlflined. •.......

A HAPPY THOUGHT.It ""!l II bnllpy thout;'ht tbllt 100 to

lhe prudnetioll ot a cnoCClllrnled truit1t~·rltp.1IOhnmllt'll.!l in iliJ oature lllnt itlUlly he j;i\'cn either 10 motber or herbahe. ruJi Ilf'd nlike b)' bolli. llud of 8t111h.....onlierrnl emellcy Ihlll fill who tllke itrrel brhlltter And Im!Jpior. }'or Sule b\'N, U. HiII.t Sun. •

l·lt(lI'l'. \\'11001'11'(1 COI'OIi aurl lIt1tncillll'hlllll,..IIMI..l)' f'I11Il~1!l1 b1 ~bllllb·. CIlI'>!. :lull! 1;11I•• tlmer.t Cu.

~!~ t!~?~~, cj~I~~~~1:11,1~~;lrtl~~;;aJ;.:~t·~~ldb1 I.-Ilm"r.t ~'".


D3ndru~ Pre\ems Hair FallingOut and Makes Hair Grow

On Bald Heads!

llamo on the!til extcDul'll


~r. F:, ~uter 1inllli" t tomorto'l\' night.

CoUlOn l'ommi88ioncrK' mMlillil' tOlln)'.

X"..... 'I'nooma is to ha\'c" roller·slmt-in~ riuk,:

WI.; urc inui'hlcJ 10 tho purser of I eDAkola for fl\ToNl.

'J'Ut: ~1. E. enlertninmeut will bo t1lt~

C\'Cllt ot lldtl wcek.'fIn: .J>illlllltoh Icav('6 ror Neah Day

and wn)' ports. tunillht.Ib.\o .....hnt Mr, l~an.-l~ 1I1\Yll allout,

"UOUtlO to rent." 1'hiB ill" IIlllehtlid 0''''

portlluit)'.l\I n, Rothschild nrriVL'\l

Ullllotll, Y~lcnll11 afturviait tu all f'mnoiseo.

Wlmsr.!'IJ)A¥ ne.t, llilinlt Allb WCl.lnetl­dll>', tile lhilt. day of Lollt, there will be,li,inc sen'icc in St. l'I\u1'8 church atWOO A. )1. .o\11lO uurillll the ftOWlOD ofLont there wllt ho ovening flCrvillO Rt j

u'c1ock m'ery WeduCI!\llIY, Ilnl' au utter·IlOOU ;;tlr\'ico at 9 o'c1ookevor)' FriJa.v.

CIIS!lI(lNl:}~ per Dakotn: A 0 S gIJkj:,'ll.; llartlett &: Co" H:l9j EiHCnhol~ a75;o A :SwilL, 10; 0 I" Clnill •• 1; IlothscbilJ.:li Ureen.t. Juhll!l\lO. 1; J"". JoncN. ~l;

JUJ:l,. Gilmore. !: MI'!t. H A Webster, ~;

lIiIl.t &n. 3iPS froo Co., 116; Plum·mer&Tcrry.'l;l:!!\·,J l16id, liS M No·Inn, GO; Stur. 1; Wlltermllll & Knh. 2:16:Wc)'mollth \~ ;\101T1lIt, Wj Zt.'6 Tai, W:\\' F ,t: Co., 1.

'I'm: tun ot skaliuM' on ~lJnlline ice Wn&

cllju:n'li lJy lIl,'rOllt. mlillY lu\'el'!t ur tbnt..purl, 011 ncighborillW' pomb. )'C8tenlay•lIId tIm dAy berore, It iBllOmuthillj(rureIII 1ICl.l two MJlcll>J or tlklltillg w(luther inUlle wintN ill Udll (IIi mille, Scicnli6bt.howc\'cr, clllim to know thut lho weatllerill lid" InliLtltle is gradually ullliurgo·illg Ii ebllll,l."C, our willtel'8 beooDliugcold­llr and our MlllllmefIJ warmer.


Weekly Argus.


:s__ ~_ __ _ _

1·'OIlIl'iI\Uu·d",.·1I nlilly.

IT i!l l£lifllN tbllt Iho ne..... hlrllucO atJrondalo will he IlI'ulW tu wllrw up infloout two wo{'kll.

}'.ualt,"·£~ i~ tho nRllle or" ne\\' lown·!'lite. ,,·ith Il'reflt tJ~I>eclntion!l, loiJ ulTllelir WhatcoDl by Dlinici HnrriJi.

'l'lIlU1lcnmer HOlM) met wilh nn neci·,lent to hor Illnchill"'r)'. IIml "'118 lowedback 10 Unioll wharr todl1)' by the IDiMIlIltch,

'f1lY. IlChuolicr Murio E: 8mitlJ. 101\J­00 with :Wj thnll~nnJ teet. of Il1mllerrrum UtAllllldy. t"JIInd tor lJouoluln,leu\'clI for llel\ tonil;ht,

B\' BchllllJ:O illiho P. 0, Co's 'uhl'r·ti~elllolltit will be ll~Ort th'\lllr, GaurllilJobllltOn iB tickut n;lulI~ a~ SoaUlu, in·It~atl nr \\'. U. PtnlJltrcy.

'fIlE \·"IIIUhll rillA' I\lhcrti-«!\1 inIlUlt evellin,:'i! Al\UU!I \,:\& tnllnd by ~(r,

F. W. l'oI.l)'ll'rO\·o willi rollUrtuJ lit thi~

umet! to,hl)', l\ullduf: like aJ.\'tJrlil!lillJ.:'

L.'lT c\'('ninJ: tho Good 'femlllnrs'lodj,fI'lit tbi~ ,,!rwo WIU IUI,l(Illl'nted hy the reoCllptiHlI fir thr\m !lOIN lIl,mhers rrom thoere'"' of tim ~hill n,lUic! Uarllc-'i nuw I)'.ill~ ill our burhor,

:'ttILM. Vr P,ltlol iii takill~ S~atllo h~'

,;torm. U... r !to('lufI·t! at Ihut plu..:c lifl'

lli\'l'll at Yl'illt .• Ilull. a Illrl,'O alill com·lUolliHlI1l IJIllitl illJ,:, yet rrUI'l'd,1 IIrtJ lIill'htl)IltrllL...llIway for want of room. HtlnJ. hl'lIIli\'l'rli:-plllrnt elllrwhcfP.

Jp 1111)' olle WUlllit ttl rPCOTQr a 101lt 01

slul< ulloal. Jim f'nrlu:lI: i!i the mnn IvelUlllo~" 1(eurill!: vf Ol,l' lwJilla' ~ntll~Kll'\lill rr,llfl Umillh C '(uUlui,l BUIU' tim'nj,,'tJ, hehrt8 Ii'llo 01111 "lilill hllllt" ror itA fl1l\' \hyK n~o i10 il'IIL l\ clew, IUld BnOll LAST w\.'Ck n delc~ation of ull·SouodIllilfl~III•• ltOOliro tho Ilrizo which he J.i~1 ,Iij.;nitnrietl or tho ordtlr of Kuights 01tln,lilll: it H 'Crot' I in II b.Htl Iiell1\\' DIl\l. ")'lhiLl:t went to Viclorin to iostitute II~n,Id." h wu~ t,rulubl)' llwlon trom tlu lodlle of tl.mt IIr':::lniZlItion there. Anriti~b Bide by rlllllIW1l1ll11i1"rs. lIn nick,. rUlllur that tho tn)'lllcriOltS fQllowt'

AS' e.loltrtll,fll notl'1I a rel>orl frow Ihr \\'C'fl,! fenilln£' 011 1I0me IIlUrderoulI lOis·Vielorirl Culrl/ll~I, tluH a vcs'M!l is a"hon ,illn erf'nlcd flome nlr.rm amOl.lll tlll'between :Kcah nil)' flmi CallO Fluttery. "hluwli1el1 Britillhl'I'iI," nlld it is J.oubtlC8ll00 the American sille. lIod tlmt till' IlIck~' tllr the invndof8 Ihnt thrir !rueWolcott Wl'llt to the re.'tlJltO or Ihe wr('Ck charaotcr W[L<t finally lIlIti:lfactorily ex­flllllPOiO 1 10 btl the lIhip 'fhctll1lI1\1 Jllnlncd or they lUiuht June erc thi...Wo leontthat the ftllJOrt itt n ral,o;e one. onlfllnenk'l1 110100 ot tho neighboriogand lhat no vc.Mol ill rtllllU~e Ii~ ur nClt! Irt."ClI 00 IJcOOUIl Hill.tbo IMlillt ill.licltle:.1. BelliJ.cll, thl! Wol USE of those pI0/l.8II11\ impromptuoolt "'l'n\ on It cruise Amon!: Iho l!lIn ll(l('inll:lUheriul{lI, where you fcel!tt C!lllCJUlill illlalld, ou other 1J1I:4illrll~, lIo'hh All the 'i\'orld, took 1l]1I1,'O on Sntllr·

'fill: OIUI of the Mtum...hil1 'ra(.'oma W!U 11111 eT<lIlI11U III the fCtlhlcnoo or i\(r. WM l'om"ll}te Illlllrilrillo to cverylJOll)' n, H. II, r.ellfncd. ill the IM1riI\ onll.'Cl huilt!·aU)'lbillJ( COlllJ well he, No fOlolllY or ina. It Wll.i a celebultiOIl o'r tllo IItWell·

ollJcrwilkl 1I11fr\\'orlf,hlc wl'ntllllr 111111 inter. teIJlllh lJirlhday or mMter Willie .Learn·,"enCl.I to reuder Iter "uy:laC a )It'rjlum, ed, clilest lIOIi or Iho l'06t. ~1Mter, Arlerone, and Mile Wllil oOlr'lnituitlt.'\1 by II vel. tha IIIl11al Krcctin$:'ll. OOn,l:flltlllntioll!l,erRn lIuilor. IIll R\.'('tJIIlJlliRhl'i! nn\'illa{or ,'1'., Ill... e\"eniog WM oool\pilllll'letll!lllltl)'"'II,, hlld 8#'fVe\1 with llilllillt'tion in thc with illH}i!I! (lllllle!J, inler6Jl(1fl1ed. with mll·U. S, conlit ilIU\'olY ~"iC6. Certninly he lIicnn lila Iliuno b1 MilMl DaiBY LellnlCl.l,WII.II ll.!1 well lll~llluilltcd with tIm flllllcn~ who i8 dow'lopint{ Ilrollcieney in \halnllY uUloor on the const. 'l'I1O t1i1ll1sler nOOHnll'lillhment.. At II u'c](\Ilk tlto com·rail on I)' ho nllt.'OlIut,"'\1 tur 011 tho l!u!ory pnny IJrt.'i:Klllt were ill\'iled inlo the llin·of (lerl'Cllin~ illslrulOOIl~. 'fho 10It1l ill II inA' room whrro a "elWnlllS alld wbole·MOriull" oneolltlli,le or ilol flnlluoia! belir. ~11ll0 roPl\llt WI\K Ilprend. The yottnl1illgon tllUO, P, H. H. Uo. It illl n 111\<1 hod wbodill tho hOlION on thi" 00·blolt' to tho Q'rowin: eOlluncrol'l or 1'llHot C:l:<iOD ucportClI hilD.w.Ir with Uecomin~

Hound. 'fit, TfI,Nmn WIl!l t1u~ tlneet civllil)' 1II::J. dill'nl (lV('n r4l1J,l'I.'f'fit that )'l'f1lellJnllbip ever eolOinR to IhCfll! Wllll'l')I: repQrtcr l1eeitlt lill tim "inllcr mnn"tllm WJ18 bmn IlClt', uml hAil jll"Unk,.[t1lfOT "'lUI fully IlllilOflC'l.I. 1\(n.)· bi••huJowRl'Mt cnrgo, con8iNtillb 0' :l..MlOWnsor,,(!al 1I1l\'er be leII~, allllll\a~ 1110 eJitntlJ uf mnll·trom tho C. ·P. H, n, (·u', rniuo bllCk of huo..l 1111011 1\'hich Imllo'ill MOOI1 f'llh'r bel\ew TIIOOIDIl. 'l'ho lotallolill will be !lot 10 him 1111 lIppr''('i,ltcd opporlunity 1'1fur tfllln II. qunrter or n miWulI (lolluhI, IIchie\'e honor Alld rUIll~ in thill fl'rowing

'fnp. NV.AII n.\\' ~fAlt, lh'tT&.-Tlto norlhwCll1.PI)~t-{lltl'1UOf!IICU i!l rnth"'r MWl'I,JOIl the "lh:.Ar CATI'IIv,e WI"F~" ror ItIlmemAl! lYlntrnctut'8 011 lho rout!! IJetw4\ell wl'Oks pUlIt. a l'OUIJlll lIt ChinCMO tlll'r·Port'L·own:jl'UJ. And Noah Hll)'. 011.1 SII~8 C~HlIlIII from Scall!u nll.1 one from Port- l~r~l'lI_ h~f!n" b," lIuh' hair on lIT. IT.ld ~..ntli t Ihey bl\\'u h'Ceivi:'l( jI('\'llrnl (''O!Il- tlllli h;l\'o 1:Il,,'('n in Vicl"ril\ bill· Im·I\"....·I(1I1 f.::Wlh lIy 1l.(1l:t nn.. bOl:It!~

plninlA 'Wilt IlntrOlJ1I in Clalanl emlllly iug nnd rlMlin,tl wil h ('rrtnin III. lI\'::~J, :~~r ~~\r .t~l:ll:!, ~~~ '::r.!\~;l:' !~ll:..l~C>II~I.lIIbout the M'rca~ irrc~lIlarilyof dolivurill)l mOIllI"')'I,,1 t1I1UlIk'I", nrrll!'lll the II CI1I'>'~ d,~~:~~~,"oJ:I"r~:I~~'~~::\~Tcn D;l1',m[lile. We nre IlQ /lIlvocu'e or npolu;{ilSl brill)' dl:Cp. 1\8 n 1't'~lIlt lIr thilllrij.)j(':tttl 1I11""1'~ Ill.. l'rllI! rl""'l1 ami .:10'.. , Ib" IIltlr ...'~1lIfor oM. worn all' plu,"'!! of .tennwrd, ll' ('Il11rtl!llip, t!lf('ol1 Ilairs of Im'in,tl ht!:lrtA :tJllt~lh~ltn:::l~;Il~;;:~::;;ell:r.;r"'ln~~dl~I~~I"whiclt ScoLile hall thll({Ir.ll't!.~t IIMIKlrliflll Wf'tlJ r.)rmnllf nnitL..1 in marrin::o thcre lIml ..h.... ld bl! hili.... In 4!\t'"'' fIlIUIl",ot OO}' plaoo 011 tba S\Jllml. Rut in the II rl'W dllY,l :11'0, ar (',I:\liuj.: to 11m ritc:l or ,~~;h~;~~U~,~,I: r.r:l1t~.!~~ ~1r;'~~I~:\lr~~ll:~r;:'~~',~I~iustallC't! of the Di~(liltch. tho Mnillliellm. II,., ('II iw'-'J n,1 hdciIl. l'-llb~rq IIontly. ~~','i7~ ~~ n~ 1:~.~i"::III;h~:~·:I~~~~::~ 1:~ltlb~II~:.i~"';;er W Ncnb Day; Ibo hili jll'lt beeu thor. two /If 1'1+'"'' C'l·IlIlI.'~ "'('orl' re-married b, -";,1.,. A.1i 10llt Il'"",'r ur drulOl,lIt fllr It '1''''1,1

. 1'. ' II llIilli..l..r "' Ihr ,..0",",1 ill Victorin, Itc. IlIl'wL lu 1111'.~~~~~~o~I:'.:~i;i:~ [~~~W 1~~~·ltll:~;llb; cor,lilll: 1.<' th,' rllt'.. (l! Ill" t'hrirltillu roo "N/" },', '/i~;~o~:;'tL,* M~ f!..';/:,/WTTI.,.,',

li"iun nll<.1 1I1f' lu\\':" olr Uril il'h ('(11""1>,',,. I' 'r.tllll~ n"lrrlll:/ 'n'In' "I r.uc~ nlll I oond '1./1 r. I I: \ III 'I.boon l.'illCCflho "a'l t\f!It huilt The grellt .. ' "nil. ...,..I"T "I .:, o~ I,. 1,)' ",I;~".••. IIlIIm" 'T- l'I'"nndvexlltiolllldeloYltowhiell tllo l1"'n' Thuolllf'rcotl[ll..: IYI'r>1 mluril,1 ul Ihill \\'11.1.1.\\1 "01l1'}:lt. nll"''''Il;.I'h'''"".,t!fM IUlve boolllllllo)·llIJl.ttJ lillrill< her ro. I""rt tullllY by ,"101(10'" SW,III. frnm"dillic. Sl"nlt('" III''''' Iud l'I'''lIrl,tl>l'. ::~~~I~I~I" ~ f ~I ~ I

I I "ult Towu<o!nll, h·;I·.. ,n.,oto)ll T~rdlor1· 1:tIl kl> I' II Itt I ......i';';'~;TJlnir8 at SellUltllmv" Uccu tho 1'010 caliA" Iy Illilln nrri\'l1 ,jf III' prtrl~' la'r,' nn t1ll!ir -, ....:._________ ~~7~.~.;;." ..~:..wblclthn'iprenlllt\!d Ihu Dill,IRIch bdll': way hOIll", 'I·h.· nl1llh'r \I'll" tlllloinlly NEW - ~::~:.;~ .~.:.~':""00 tho routo a mullth lIilli"(!. Now tllnt "nhmltl, ...1 to CIJJI('{'lor Ua ..h who luok it GOODS \1,.100 ,,.'.,., ,-=c-~::".-:.

I I' t J 1 I I ....,.·al". i .' 1she i. in rnlluiul: eOllllhicll n~nill \Vi:' 11ft'. 1I.1Il. I'r II. "~'lT~rn IlII . rrlll i'r.'" n I e· I~ .~ (' L', 1 ,. I.', 0 ~;;~l: ~~:;'".diet Ihllt Ihe.ilI cnrrv tho UlllilJl with 1"1~\l1lI I'cr'lllltllll{ tbf' Ii-II '1110 lall,1 lind ......, A "1' .\l~,.,,~-I"'-'.'-" 1''''lrl\)' II '1U'I'lrl'loClllarit)', Ilr')tnJltnell~ amillispllttlh. If' ri'mllllllllMHl IIIt'n'lIIl1 lUI II(~"I "llh~, \' III '11 ,lIo'l\'ever her OWlIl.nt tllil inthl'8U rell"iru' t fllel<.ry IIf»Jr- 1"1. ~ltllt Iht, 11lI~~I,lUlh G I-t 0 C I~ l~ I E S y~'::., :,. I ••lUoulll. tbculho Illlhiio willtnke thl! lOnL. ,,','fl' 1.ll'R.'lmnj,.l, r"'"I, nlrl of Iho rull".' _'~II_ 11~'I~ I ... \ Itcr illllllllLl,Olllhl'l'lb:llllluitablellh'MI. Stutl·lI. ,,'ho lI'f'r,~ IIl1t al't',~·t,·l h) Ibn latf' PEt.OVXBXON'S. ~~1~-:':·~., ,ori: t~thflcolltmct. It Will hcnll illu'l- l'hin"",\ fl'''lri':illll 11'.(; '11, that th~ \\liloll .. "·.,n~.,It." I ".'!II"trlitiftn lit till' "Pllinil'lI! ot the fHk'lI." "i\t'll \\f'll'! '''IIHI jf,/~ nllli legall)' fmr· At the Lowest nates for Cash, tll~::"~Nuw that the /'OAt {lItdU"tw'u Illu Iril'd. 01111 lint imporll'l rur imm"r,i1 pltr· II \ I" I." 1.""'1.' ...·11'.. ' ." r I t I I 11 (. ,.,.~ ", ." •., "",

etnrIL'lll!,II'4 l'to;UU~lOt thclUU "'6 Ito'''' It jJot, ..r", l\~ !Unn:r 0 t lrI m.·... l.I'" "U11.... ~'.~ ~ I' I :J?loD.Clor Da.ko.l.·y.

will cUlllilillti ttl kool' tlto 1I11bk.t h"ror(' ,nrf' d."'f' WIVl'8 ,..'ft':11 Illlitt'l IlIl' or Rtho peolplo till t!1l\~ r1,~et n' ulll K.drllif ,ItO( io\i. nllf S '('rclnr~' I""l:.t'r, or lilt' L', H. Owner or \Ut.:hi:l;tC:l E~awa~y t

f1leltDOr:r owneJ nt' 8"llUlo nro con· 1 't'rrl\l<nry Ilt'IlQrtnlt:llf, IIlllll'r tlJlle' ~,f BY1}oJe,nl.loJ to lllf) huM yarol. ,filly 211. 1i'l..14:, III which flt.··lr Ihe' \'lurll<t: r&D:iII

"II wHf' tnkt'llhf' (.'llllllitlfl!l ()~ hrr hnll'f" ) Oil .ant th" hctlt t(',1 III I'.. t l·uwn. Ikll)ll," C.lf('ful llrltCr1lltluali Ilr them ;\Iaunra(.'~nft!ror Ihe IJdtt 'Jnltlit,· tl' ",. I

101111. J.:11 Iv JII~ .'OIlC!'· "1'1"·<110.' ~t'lltral' I"t're InlY'1I nlltl f1!"ll, Jlll.ever, tor flltllre BEER AND LAGER BEER. I ~: ..~ 1 ,UIIlf'l. Ho Will 'urfll"h \"'\1 With til .. r , r 'I '. I r- Hnti.. rnl.ti.... ,." 'rn,.·' ~'. ,~ \\ '""PI' •• ,.- ,l •• , Jnl''\'1 t,:, '"r .. ' if' ", I" " .. ,.,. n . I" nlt('C'lal.' , ....tl •. ; :.':1 ... ' •. ; , _I.


U. W.I"l.Iol'l. ('fl., ' ...·111 •.l'ort Town,,·nd.UcI. t. 1.~.

ChUla" Bark A,yostru'l.

Nft~~\~~;'I~~,~,::~,rr:.,1:''';~~~a~~'~ti ~Z:""11.111 lie "-'_loon"ll,",l,,, d ..ht ....lllta<.ltll.l.'the c"'''. Yo~. LDll'oIlOl'r.


Ship Challenller.,.Ii,. rliI'UIl"LI'M••

·"I~·~";r_~.~l~r,;~~:,':; :::'~1~~~~~ ~~~tN"· 01 tl" .1"'1'" ... ,.,." ,",......_1.

It )I, ~"~J'ULI.~ ....1.efII. W. h~LllI~" t ' •.\::"r,:·rent 'T,lI."rIll 'I. IJ'1. ;,1

8hlp Carrollton.~r;'f'l 1'''''I.t~·l··d,

l\.n:ITIU;I: 't'1I1'. 1·.... I~r ... l~ :>(IU rnl: l:~l' d..r-IlCu,.,1 .J("",~.1I Itt'" "LojV" 1I~1l1 ..,1,"_1 ",UIIO\I ""'r.. 'II_II'ltllor ....l:hl ... (Onll'..deo1

... '''''I.lll.... ,~llrf'o~)4~11 'rnA' llElt.)t.U:""It. \1'. 1I~l.Itl~ "I'.....Wenl"

I'vr\·r" ..n 'n'l •.\ ..\·.·~;.I"·:.

SHIP ELDORADO.~'n)Jo Hiu lie JllllOdo.

V,IoMI, C:lu1lllltd to R. W. dcl.~n • Co.

C"l/t. II. W. iJe (.14...,. ''lIrl. 1':. A. ~If""~C.pl. J. )f. (.:1,.\11•.:.

R. W. de Lion &. Co.,~ 'l'llIJl>DOftliS,

In 1111 Pe,.01 'M ......, IioMm".

$bippillg;' ~'lnl!lil>ion ~h d!dnl,Fr'wn un, lon1'elo:l'I!r"'nce In tbJI,"-jlle,!'t

vfl;fUllnllllell _11'1~lli"'.

OFFICE, Nt. Wl'iltf. OUlll'" Street,PORT TOWNSE"D, W. T.

Ship John Bunyan.• ,'rom tiblHllClml.

N·:l:;"~~l~~J~~;~~~Zi~~~l~:-'J(n·~::~;' ~~lid ,YllllH l'e!lpou'lhlll fur,h,I".WIlInu:ll"l 1.01t!l\lul'tlu!l'lI(;rllnlWllllhe""hlllllrl,.

CII.\.~. E.IIlil{Kt:~:, MM'er.II. W.lll\I.IIIS .'tl·.I., .... "'t!l1t~

f'on '·o_"n",,·nrl. Jlln.ll.li*'~.

, I ... ·


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I~IJJn .. II'I': I, f (

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.IV~E: I, l"lSllf

~:,.I:·-,,~r, •• ~. • .........1....... " .tl '" , , I. ~. " .'" ,

~:':~:;:~:; h.:: ,; 'l'~":'~' :,' 'h~ :-,;" .. II, ,. .''''''01" .. ,.~,;., '11.'.'" ""_,110' ••'."'D..~......".I ..u ... ,,~, .......... , •• • I oC .\

l>K\U:W, 1,'--

J:~'l::~.~:'~ ':.,:I.,~ ','.'~';.'.~"':'~'.,.. i-":' I',11,,"1,.:·.. 1.. \ t"l. :' 11"'.Il" • ':'''1 '"l,.• l\ •• ;K,lal·" ,.. ..". l>' II

"".~ ~:~,:•••~:;.!'::, '; ~':'::. ,I,;:.' • .• ':0":~ ~

---------D. C. n. ROTH '('III.".

COX'lil.AU AOl;N'l' Qt-' fHAXf'}:, I (4,.1, I ,.\'ICB-COXIi(J1. or XIC.\HAliUA, I 'OS~' hi , t

vIl.;r·c,oX:olrJ. II'" I HAl;l .\ \

Port Townsend, W. '1 •-_._------ . ­_._---- --------



BfJTDh1/}ll!lLIJPort TOwn.ODd

SHIPFING and COMMISSION 1.KRmlA.Custom House Broker Ships DlSll;'~

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J,·lli •.•.., l:nnnt...t YI'j.:,·tnbl,.,.,FrlJucL Sllrdi .... f'-. Ol,,'!''', .\:1'

f)111"ill1.l,lhllll. ,'v----'.:'-'


.\. /\. P[I{T,\DU'~", JI:.



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W. T.

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t·••'. C...d"P.

All part!l 01 the :-Qn,. 0,





Antl.1I .rticillt (nr the ToileLQuick aaln and Im.1I pro6t1.




F. Albert ei\rl~ll

-flolle In IlIe-

Chat. C. Bartl.et.

Be:-.t Nlnnnel'.--AT--

FAR MER S' S TOR E'XEW Dl:xm:XESS. w. T. •

Jnrr UECElrF.1> IX .-\l)IlITtOS 'ro OLTH CsV"Lr Y FULL AKD)llete lltock I); Ue~f'rul. M('l'C'hurllli..~ the J..Mr...t,...i .;111 Jk'>it ~eloot~ll:i COy.

C' Clnllum: en!r lJNIII:M (u t1lalnm ('ulInl" lock 01~~e~~IU ~ o~~r SIO.lltl811it~ I Come lind ll4.'U uli; Cullen'.

.. J)r,' Olhlolh. •• .. .. .. F'nmiillrr.Boo!,s All.) HhOM. I ...... .. Slon' IT'Hill,,," Gild Shul Onnll. •• .. ~'''''''k811n, unrUe.('. I ~ ..... ~n' WlIreIfUCt<nl.'1l. •• Hilts And c .

• " ;SO"" !'it- .If'!".l'tnnl'!'. thtl bC't1t lllUI l'henpr;ot in the 1I'orlJ 1tl on eM\' ti~1!l 'tl Wtll!- lr...• • W\ lOll IUltre:o.t

N. B. Cumo Rnd IIoCe 11H> lin'" I"'l"Mn on l'ul:'('1 S.JIII d '11 '-.tbinll aDd evef)' tlURl./' from II l'OOX=SKIN to 1\ FAUll. I.' .... WI UIl)' an,.

..nr Drnfla lJoulol'hl nnd t!uld on Iibernll'!f1UIl.IHr

Watch. Clock andJewelry Repalrll:,


CiJElliCALS,l'llU SES,


OIL.Patent Medicine."f 811 kiudll.

A Lilige AliOrtmltllf.

,IOEXTH 1'011--Hurtfonl. Cumw«rcint, ltoynl, );orwil'h, l'uion 1I11~1 L(IDCMWrC I··ire !nlJur­

IllICu Cum!,:\lJil~l.)1l\riD~ lmmrnncu on CnrJ.;Ul..'5 to nil PI/rl.' uu the l':wi1ie Con:-ot cffnctl,.,j 8'

lhl.! LOW('I'iL Hll~.

·fr.\ttt"nlioll if' [lvtirul:trl)' ('KIII'<I to our Vlr,·,j nnJ Fir:.. Stuck rf WinN,_1 •• ,11..1. .~:~~ll.·.

~ '8U~O'~-"'~/"" 1."'\ U~........ y

Paints, Oils, Varnishes StationeryWhl.leMle 111Iel U~lall, by

N, D. HILL & SONPort Townsend,

~'~..' ~ ......,,,-. I ~-'::" .


, ,

*'KII4'POWDERAbsolutely Pure. '

Till. pn.. I'!.. 'n......r ur\oo•• " m."...1"f Ill'llll~U1.pttrlt,. ,1,,,I ..hl>l<- Nell..... )l~<IC<I__.lullll.1l, ... ..,.l1ll·"r "111'1·. I~,I ,.,lInOI hot .. 'ld 'n rO'l1116­!I""" .••.,. '·1 11' .. 1 .·1.'...... ·1·.... I'" I'"I' .. I, •• ,

.t .••••.•••••••. , j

An tlMiaUln' or I~rtller witb A amall

capiul in 16 bllAmeu 100R' flIlt.bliAbell.I""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~00& thmuKh ill·health h:l' nut liteuproperly lIuemled. A nit.hlle-ulJl.-df~lttJelllfl" Jr' rerred. "or fnrrher par·lieul.,. apply to o. a, AltOl"lI office.

"""""""~~~.,,..IC. C. BARTLETT d: CO.,PORT TOWNSEND. W. T.

Shipping and CommissionMerchantl._:WIIOI••:SAI.~: AND m:I'j\lI. 1J~:,U.lm..i IX:-

Df)' 000c1.. Gf'UCf'riNL,:1o'lto('y Gooch, l:inrdwnre.

Nohon:!, Crookl'I')',Ocnt~· Fnnliahing Oood!t, ToJLlIl'CO l\lt\.t t.:il!C'lI"'~

<.;lothing. Willi' ntht Li(luonc.Huts Rnd Cn~ Ship ClllUldl,·r,r•

13oot:4 Rud Shoes, I Wnlll'lIl"-'r•

FarmiDg Implementa, Doors and Windows, Cedar an i RodWooMoldlngs, Furniture, Musical Instruments, Jew·

elry, Sewing Machines, Also, a

IJllrgc Assortmcnt of GoodsNot enumerated which we will sell at theLowest Mar~Iet Prices.

.... lIf 11u' Ihint tiny thf'~'I \ '~ • ... ·1 I •. i.

- •.•.1\"


\1 ~II'" I HlllJ,h \\/1 .. lit tilt' JlII"'lurl} hut!\. About lHilllli~hl tlll')' n",·ok..I ... \\ ,j" I "1" IIr..l. I Ill'.' llud hl'urd Pttll1h' Ollt' cQ'i1.1{ ., 'flJo ti-I II I ;"1.1 III In..! ("U1111 n I ~"f'r! til(' 11J.wr:: tlw tig"r!::" 111 tbf'

l ' I • I h,oI,· .IUllll"; ('/L11,",1 ~orn~ll;'; tlll'y n~l.a..l the hOGlt ",lilt!1 r I In-I 01, "1,1."11 I" rllll llW/" hgl'r It W1I3. 1h.- tolJ. lht.'1ll tlml it

• Ukr ,lilt!. th,'.,· '~"'lIt U\'t'r III \\1I:l1t 11Irgt' lil:\'r ",hu 1l\','lI in tlw'I '·1...• .11l1l1.·.. ",'III up ~tl\i~ jllugll' Ul'lI.r till' ,iUllb '>' tllll.l alll'n

11 ,n" .!.•\\1l1"' .... rultllt·llrpt·tllllJ,:"S l:IUlI,' in till' Ilil-='ht nml ruhlK"d Ibt··11" 1.1,1,,,...111,,, IhulI:.. thut Iw 11IIf'1l of th"if l'lltill': /llld hi' ""lit !'O

~ ,...11" 1;11..· "1111 hllil. tv Itldrlh. hohl thllt no Olll' hll,1 )'l'l dUfl'lIIO nt·,I.. Ir. th.\111 "','r lu till' rl.l.tStUfl' t/l(Ok him thUllj;1t t!Jl'I'l' wu~ 1\ rewnrJ.

.:. I I "I til.. II • Iv~ Vnt.' huut!n·,t lIOUllt!.5 Otrl'f''l1 tor\I~ '111 ;"" •• ,1·I,Il·" ?1'lIlllrl)'lIlonlin~ IU:'l.lIl'l~th.

, 'I 1111 nlld ,·11111111.,1 lIl1t uf 111\' 'Ilum Italrh Fnitl Ihnt 1If' woulll nt1111,.-. \I. ,1"wl1 th.· 1"I'IlUI lu thl'It{'Ulpt. 10 kill Ihe tig£'f thuu,.:h bill

'10 .I"Hlllil. 111111 -"'Ilt lu thf' J'll~tllr(> to hUil \x>b"~.'tt him not tu rilik bill lift·." hlJ l'nq"'1 1J.'\l!ol. WI1\'1I he got ir.. lIuch 1\ ,1I11I;;('I''01l8 U1111"rtnkilli-l'. but

,'111 II.· ",'lIlu 1111' rllilro.'\lI ~tllliun tv bl' WI1.... imlUo\·uble. He ,1ecidl..;U to\I,; •• tl 1I1·"t tr~uu. In !tWltt tllrt'+.· lI~urt the next dl\~·. uOllnt Ollce tll.·gun

.1111111 Illt'trnllll'ntlic nloulo: nUll be 11I~ prl'pl\rlltiolll'l. A:i tlll'y ""re \u..'-,II ." 1 ," II, 'n lu Ih•• ('lty. Jluriug tor thl' l'll:pl"llitiun, nu l::ughtiL~ ...,,,..,:-:,..,.....,.""""""""""""...,.:-:""=-_~ "=...,."",..._

1'll1'~orth Stllr "'WI to wl'igu 1m· IDIlU "'bo WlUl ill the "iIInh"O at tbl' - -- -- ­"II 't' III II.UI 1'" ~ h·ll. Ullt H:ullll WIll> tiulI.'. clime in, l\nd ",h«D toltl tbut.1 II ..• \\hM( llt 1.lillt~ 0'1 lock l.hd W~lIl l~ull,h ""L~. broi11t: to tr)' to kill thi' l·. X.JUf.ltlUSII.," 1.0:11'>1 t'l \'01'" If hiS chl'st Wl~ nli tlHw hu sU1l1 tllIIt he shoulll like to ~ ERR ISH & C 0

~hl WllIII Wl\ol Iliol diSIllU)' whl'l' IICCOlDpI\n\' him, nUll it WI\iJ decidl.od \r.;iI • ,"h•• fl)lllhi thnt it WII'! nut Wbl!Nl L(' hnd thl\t he ~houht 1,"0 With them. '1'lm11,ft it wlll'n il lIud llltl'n .bronght 011 Il£'lt. luorniuu thl'l' Ht~rtt'lt., '1'11(.' )lurt). "'nOLl~ALI A~D UTAH. DEAlonl 111'.....1r<1. . Ill.! rnll 10 t.he CApt/UII lmll ~nsl~tl.od uf Hnll> 1. ll1. UUlde Rnd the l'":1ENERAL ~""ERell "Nn..k.",lllIlII vl'lll'ri' IllS c111'ft1 WII$. Hu r..nghshmlLn, wholll, tor tim prl'lIt'nt. U .l.. .l.':J.. i .l'".l. DJSEIIlld hllll tlll.llt hmllh-'t!1l tlIo\·I..d 110 ,":O.lihllll call Juhn. Tho)' Imd vru· F '•Ullt llu U1h'llhuuld IorU uU' With It, hut \'IMOli tor four dn~'II, fIJr thl')' l!:q (!ell'd <>. liJXTB A Q'D'ALXTY.Wilt Itl'VuM 1.M,-' llluvl'flback 1l0W tbat to lifll!ml Iie\'ura.! dn)'!'! ill bUlltiu!! Cor ~Iou~e. anel Ship Cal'I')el~ter:==.'T001s.Ill' hilll I'UI/ll' UII hUllrd. tbo tiJ..il!r. S ,~

t\WllI)I)IUinUld h\lforo tho IShip AWUI "\'(,!linK o~ .tho third <111.\', nil hip Chandlery, Croceries,1'11J'i tll"all.JlIlllt'ri cnlUe Oll ward nm! tht!~' "'t'rl! nlXllL1 KI\'lllrr up .1lUtill~ B001S AND,,!'m III' t,O Ill" t:lll'tUitl. nnll IIskt,'ll fUl'thlit lIuy, JfJhn, WI1U \\IL'I lIhem1, SHOES, I:Jl\O\'1810N~hlill it lie lIliJ;ht !lui I on lhut tiuip, for tht')' "'(,Ill iu :iiuj.('ll'lih·. l..'tlpil'!.l tilt! WINE:'lIP Clllltllin IOnid )'1':4, tlU ho welltolf tiger CI't1wlillJ; ItlUOII;.{ tilt' !uu'"l::'l'nSti a, LIQUORS. OIGARS, ETO,'0 tinll {nll,h. He Wt,lllt below, I1ml lloont tWCIlI)' feut fa'UIII HICI~I. Ill' Gen L-,' FUI~NI'-'I.:TI· G Gf ,lIll1t Itllll' 11Irr:ulJ..iiulo: tlll! things ill "tnnll)' hi' till.'!.I, tur it w!l'4 Ugt'C1'l1 ~ ~ 0.:1. J.: (' 1f

III ('\11"". lI11tlllSkL'lt hilll if hl\ llli;;IH lhnt tho til'lit UIHJ lSlll-'uld liro tirllt.th,' • ell0 CR glt l': (; 7;.1. J"'::'; JJI'. tj ll1~', .'''·1' II .. "'·'h"'I1"". too, HU1llh ,ni,1 'c>co,,,1 un. "'"0,,,1, nod the hi" ouo AgrIcultural Implements of all KI'nds' ... ftllli h Ih.';;nlltu put tllt'min, tb<· In...t.

~1":Ill"hil," .\lr. :\InifOu ""'Un just ,AM hi' mio;~d hill nim the gnido AT THE LOWEST PIUCI':S."llllll~ lluwn to bn'lIkClist Hud ISn)'iui-l': DrL"Cl. Just II!! he lirl'tl the til::'er"I \lIIIuJ!'r wit)· JIIIDL'M doosu't COIU\t ilP.1'IlUg nt lb~1U, Imd tlitly jltluptKl PORT TOWNSESO, WASJJINUrO.V 'l·b:JUUTORl".I"y, n: Wl\It~'r,gu cnllltim," Wulter, 1~..IlIt! 1I0ne tou IlQOn Cor hu Inuded 1>8

whv WItS .JIlIl\('ff )·uuugt.'r hrothcr rail ~Ide th~m. Hnt Halllh (""Ilu iM lIot •..,.....,.....,..-...----- ...__....""'~Iu Iht' fuvt uf lill' l.UfiI IIUlt called: I~ the l)lctl1rt!) llhlCl"Cl the IlHl7.zlo of - ~-·J:mll'!.'l,(''Vlllu 11o~'u tobt'l!l:I.kflllit-" but bUI gun to the t1a"4'r's b~ad lind lin~d,I'oc"I\·iu;.; nu IUbWI'r he rnn t~p to The ti~P'(!r rolled on.'r. not dl'ud, hut.hIlWa· NOlIL He!COOli clime lIown lDortu.l1)· wouudt'li. Ilud n l!hot frolu'1111" "trip of I)nper. till)'ing tbnt J?hU'll Utln, ~'hicl~ he hltd rl.'looded,

JalJl.. w.~ IlOt th(!I'l.', Ho Landl"Cl dlslULtchcd huu. fhl')' thcuJmx:ecd.Ih,' alifl of i'Dllf'rto hi~ futher who 00 to "kin him. Thl! noxt II)' the)'n':lil itnnll t.'XcllliUlfd tbntJtunes bud ~t Ollt f'!r tho villago .1.I£'fU'ing the.1111 IIWllY II) troil lmt thut ito was go. t1gi.'.l"l1 .~IU on "pole. "hen tho)' got11111 to rlll'~' him and ...;tl1 that he to the 1'1IIn;;c, tlw ~pJe, ll!l tbu1 tlRWhlUk hi" hnt ulld tCtJfl~ and went out. ~he tib~r'8 skil!, Crll.'ll out.·· Th\l.ti·~erIi~ ."n" t1in.'C'tl)· tu the railroad sta- Iii dcnd! tho tlJ({'r is ilend!" WCellhUb !tut II" f nod thllt thl! train hud tht')· hOO told tL1:'1Il tht'ir 8tO~', Dodjl1.... t ""'11'-' uud tbnt thero ~'ould aot thB re.....~rd was b'Oing to 00 p"id, itt .., auotht'r till noou 110 ho took the Wflg decided thRt 113 Uu.lplt bnJ 88vl'l1

.. I ;,'" l'Ol\Ch. fl'UriDg' thnt be would the otber.t' Ih'e:4, tIS \1t!1I "" bi:t OWII,l)OJt ('atch hilt AOD. but titill bopiDJr. by 1D0rtRlI~' wounding tho tiger. he\t 1;""1, abont tbrroe lUill"!S trom tilt) ~c~rVl>d tifty 11011011:4. John. for

1"11,.. tb~ loull:I.,l1roko ,lown nud be tinng tho death ..bot. dCiM!rvt!d thirt)·blklto .".tllkthert-'titolth~wnyover pound8;llllld the guido fur Kui(liug ~. a"abl., 1,··JCCM;i ..tooy lUll biU)' rOlLU, 80 when hi: !hem In the Jungle, tue ronu,ill-o:'ul (n thn city it WIW bult'plUlt elenD. lUg twellt~·.. •ti Wl'Il! riJ,'hl JOWll to t1hl whones, As the hger'l!I km belooged JOintlyantl t'n'luir'l'lt fur tim whllrfwlH.'re the to Rnlph, John lItld the Ktlido, JOhlll""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''!!1.\..rlh l..r wa~ but bo W/L8 told thut DOd: tho KU,idi! uecided .to !lfi!lOut

1M' b~l IIRilN liD hour or mON Sb'O 'bell' «hare In l~ to HnlVb 111 Rokuow.l...., ht' Wt.nt hOlllu on tho neJ.t trnin. ~gtUcllt of their t,'rt\htudu for theIr

1~'mnot Atop to tell ov..rything h\·L'ti.lh"1 blPIJ(-'Utod t.J Frllol: and Jum~ In two c1R~~8 Ra.lllh wtlnt to Calcut-­IIU t , \V)·n.W'. but I will teU IiOWO of tn, where ho tOl?k u vos~l.t)(mnd toIii•• IIlt~t ilupurtuut uf tho OVlJlltlJ., Jupun. Hlt loitnul I~ w ~k IU JIlpnn01,1' lillY tlll'Y wl'r" in "rough !:iCII, lind tben tooj,: n .IIIIlP for Now York,JIUI",~.wbO"'B14I1I!:Irlh" side of tho Mnd ultcr .11. qUIck lind IlrOflpcrous-luI'. M IIbl-'gll\''' n 1'lIlLlctCIl hlrl,lh f,,11 vOYRgo um\·etl there. Ho 1l1)Uut theowrhunrJ. Jn .ta.utly t1b:ro WI\~ ~cr_v night lit a b~tol and ill tt!O morningul "h".\' o...'rlllHu·d. buy oVllrbolln:~T, ~k the trRlU fur tho Cit)· bo hl\itand 1tJ\IJ!1a rlll!hl..",t to tho "itle of tb£' Kcull>d frOID. AM KOOn lilt ho J:COt thoro'I'" ·1 "'llh II (.'t.)l1 of N[ll'. olle cnd of bo took tho CUi'll for hill IlIltlve .towo,,,111•. 11 h,. IIINW to JUIUJ.04 who ""W it where he \'I'M welcoml'd. by 1111 hill for·• Illl I'IUU tu\\.mls it. DUL jUAt lit mer KCboolwnli..'l'. HlI1Vh told tlltllDIh t hi 1l1I('ot H 11)h floticud 1\ (.llIrk fin be bact. enoul::'~ of tbu 8CR, nnd lot u!'!au "llI,lI'J~/lrd JUUH~, l;U hp ClIlloJ If'tlTe hllU,.hoplug thnt ho will Dot ~O~Ilt -.\ Ilbnrk.l18h'.rk.'1 JIU(I('8 tiwmn to BCD ogDID."lllt "II hi" fuiH}I townrcl tlw rolKl C. Hr.RDIItT Sw.\t'c,whM'b h.. rf.ndwd lIt1,II'K'izoo DUd. Wll8 11 )'clln onLi 5 U1outh!l.Uaul.'l.I UII t'lO&U'.l. 'l'bl·l!.htU'k IDIlPpctla' b It";.. Al'II\I went ulJ,but hu ju."t1II1""4'lllbelll. lIowevl'r th", uisnp-Iltllnh'(lmuu"ter follow<.J tblll!hip for

.,.("rahla,& in bol"-,,,of uRuther andtlg".,. flh I~' th"t be nev~rgot.

lIat • Ilvr'" life WIM not whl\tIUJlm f>s.p..'Cl, ...l ami though be W:L!I·"n Nfr'r to ","0 lo ....'6 DCJW h8 wasll..rno bto did nul liko it 10 well.

u... tII~ht...1)('D in the Gulf ofU I 1t"lph a.ol:f" nnd }Il':ard "

.. "'''Ihug 8...1 running llbolllII"",,,,MI ...... lulllh.' out what it \"1l!I

t • no -"rm.:. tit) be w"nt OD drckb", Ib.. n~"4,w~ahout. Wbat

h... Dr)·rtf't' and e<Ju:!ilt-'rnntiunf" ott _II' 110 .I{"t· tu find th:lt tbe

n oftht'm inmMt"dJ'intlllJ1ll..'tI.It I'IlI ·b, WlLll nu," known. butw ('Un.loll do..-n the JI1Il:1t.· futlO1.I tha.t it Wa.ti It''l!'-,., t" 'I) "sllIi"Ct1llh t1l<, tiro. lor

~ In..: IIf 11K' fUn.'IU".it hOO~ ••1 ,110'1 luuk ~llI'h ~'OU(tA nnd

, , .. M tlll'1 I'lllllli Ijt't, "'hich• I' I 111 Ih.' bJnlil nlld t111'n•1" lit'" 10111 1111'111 allli J'l1~bl'll

•" It.. "1.1T1 Hnlllh "nd Jl\lnl'e• , • ,lid" ""1Il bllf.,l !till lUll not

In t,III .. 01 luI.' luh' to chrtnb"t.'.(. I' I.. I.. tlml Imt oft· (rom

I n:y I • ., (If t 11'111 ",pro lwnrdI •__, _111.-11 ('uIiIIUIlI'l1 Hnll'L

I J ',_. Ih,· ullll'r Lw., Wl're Iu:<t.J oj' ' ..1 til .. t'lIl1ll'lItliollll wcrt!;.. t fll tlY ,. "ro IM'h I-ark bonndH \f." tnllli .. hwh 1,lnCL.' ho r('·

t I. "I' ItR11lh Rn.1 hilt (,'01))• _ "It' , ••('It... 11)1 hy au Eng

h. I t~ I'kl fur I -tho Wh~'n

0;;" r" ('alt'ut1'l ltall'h "'~ut.. a,d wllh n 11 :11,' /oCuiLIf' tuI II) bllu L,' lolt ....ul for lJ<on·

r Yll5,




4'1I11~tM"ny un Illl.d Ih"



folll'lw~ Smith; hilt nnhnppily Smith liMtho pcrCllllllllo(llUr IIU cll.rh· lltllrt 1111,1 IIIlllJro illtlnlllle nC'llllliUillllCu wilh timt"!lIJlo:rFIpIIY III tho CUlIlIln·.

fhlll CllllS!) ~It"uld IJc' lli~mi~1IC11 lItlll~lIt hi 11m Pbitrict Court tu 1I~,.. I~ II\"r"lIlll'1ll'... IIP'lt'l'IrlIlWU. III Ihllt "olnt lwI,.fl Illu l'lhtl, IlUd Ihere he wl!ll1l1l1ti,lul1t.I~' tlxllo.'l,·l 10 Jlnd It Ull hill relurn.

.\!. l:, l'''n....U. H. nl~tri('1 AHornl1Y.

Cigars and 'robllccos,Ever opcI;Cll in Utili Cit,.,




)\'U hl\V1l 011 II.ltd 111111 hl!Jl In ~IOI..k aINu I

200,000Ilf Ihe nrifT /1/(.1.\"0.'.0/0' ('/fURllln the~I"rl;ol..\<1 w(1I10 I\nl hilI'\' III J11lf'1I1:>' Ira,'·dlll:l"ulfl'IllI<.ll ue 1.'1:11111 we .... t11 1ItJ1IUl 111111


vr·:tTl';TABLES.AI,o ('owed u...... r lUlU Pork. ~lIlokl'll:

~ft'llI"" Pork lU1I1 Bolo,l[lIl1. SIlUilIKc~, IIcllJmll~c.·t', Trill(', ell'., Clc.

ThaD. Jackman and F. Terry.

All Klnd. 01 Choice Me.te,--CoJl~tdntlyon l'iI.\Jld,­

L. Smith,1··'4·1H·I~ttn'.



A )'oung hilt)' competeot to tellchEoglish. Arithmotic, .\lU8I(1, l)rtIll'ilJK(~'roo:lllmi nnd .'IOllel), 11111" ~bndiuKfrom the CIlSt, And Prllctical Ooomf:tn',dCtlirea IlUllilll. •

Apply lit reiJillonce ofOAI'!'. J. Oll.3l0RI!,


I ba\"e on hand by tAr the 18rg~\ lltoekor uew Pieturo lHoultliogH, l"rnll)('ll,Hrnckt't work, etc., llt alt lu'" rnk'1l llIlAny. CIIIl aull 800 for YOllfllClf.


I IlRve II Ihree·year old J. Jeraey Dull.gentlc, "hil:h I would IIeI! or eXllhRn'l!for a like grade Durham. Addrt'1J8.

RE. Ru~.Leland, JefTctllOn 00., W, '1'.


T~~J:~~~::II)lt1i~~~~I'lI~I~~W't!or.'IS~, ;~ ..J~:r~"r It", ""·~NlrI". ot ...hl' ·1I111·~l!n. I" I'·." '·o,,·n.1101\11, W. '('.. oJll :-.\'nlIWA\.; IU.·)JI.1I d,..,."1 hI<111,.,..1,110.:1.111 Ih.. h01lr I<f:! P. 11.

A fllllllt!,u"lll'''''' ""II:".I"ll U !Il,·III.... "f lUi'pnrf\lll<:11 ..·111 Ltt h"lhl/hl bo·tortlill.. n.....llllr.

!'O:fvrtlflr """.hlell'.:i.\TII. D. 1111.1•. JolI...rtlI3l"'.

I'olrl Tn....IlOOlIJ", W. T.. J."IIIr,. tJ, I"''''~

Model Brief.

tiUM for Ihe Imlilllli>t, 011 tho 2rotllllitlmt theyc"nllollJO mmlc Illwfnl tni'Ill'hf''''' or IIOflicl,\'. It ill rllportCit Ihnt thercIHC O\'cr "illy diITtlrClllllullIllI, nmillilty,t11ft'C n':I'IlI'il.'i'. /lIl,1 UIJlVIll'llii I,t loo,11f1O

rndillliti inllll.l Luitcil HIIlI".., llUll ~"

ItppNljlriate II htlle ow'r $,),l~lll.hllt.l tuthl'IU llllHIlUllr. 'I'llI"' Hiolt.'[, II' whi('llIhtlrc nfl' :thuut an.IUI. lIre nit.' Wllr,,! 1111.

W\· hUI'j' uh'cll tllt'll $,",tf,OtlV U\'l'ry 'f'lIr -to k('(;p Ihl..·m fl'li~t.·' .\la: \'0(' 11,\1If: IIIt'~l1Ihl~ lJ.llldl'''.ll,," (·...n.

1111.111,,11, 111.ulIlt••. I~'•• "I' .'\1'1":1\1... \'''lIuwJAY OoUltl hllillllbitcnhl..'1l $100.000 1,1. "'klll~ ilhlluh'~ \·l1l1lb.r I, _I"l>lll •• ~1IM1. 1'1,,111

\lAnlit "rel·tim: lhe !)I,...Ji'1I11l1 tor Blirth. It)' 1.:lIlmu,\:,.,",•.=,.....",,..,..,,,,.,.ol.lI'iI 1ll1l1UIl ur "Lihflrt,· 11Il1i::lttellilllf RE~T !lot, life t~ IIWef'llillj.(' h\·. 1:0tilt! .....orld.'· Few mCII ill Nl.'w Yurk II '1I~ .. ll'tl ... flll •• ~' ..1I11.....01ll;lbf,l..\\'oul,1 mhos Ilt:l~ IHllUllll><i. :\lr. \'wl\dcr. 1lI1 1.1 101111 '1I1,lIn\.. 100,,, .. belml~

I" 0:""11.·.. ' llln... $I~l" " .... k Inhilt PUill Iho UX!ICIl.'!('8 of Lrillt;illU' lite, )'''It <""110""••"'1111111 r"~. ~11

olJi..lil>k O\'er f",m l::lo:~'lJt. Illlll nil Iii!! r,'II"I,...\. \,'" ~~il~·fll~I:i'.;~~~I,I:7,:I,~~~·ih~;~J~ll~:~~lilJcrnli,.\' will nlwlI.\'1I IX! recalled whon ar" m"l;lnj! r,WIlIl.... I.. ,ff... In.~~ tl< 1U1l1'I'l ••

IlIPIi. 1\",1 ht>u .. lI,Jlllrt, lIl.lkl' ~"'~I \1;1,.. lto<, I~,.

tlte 'hurt iH IIlloken or. it iA ::.~~\I"';~~I /:::I~:I:',ill~1 r~':I:~~~I~:~::I::~\~'1~~ i~~~prulll~1.J11l !IIr. OUlllll,lc>-if{l.' t" IlC rcmeln· ~1;T.t l't>.. )'orllulll. )I~hll:. ~; Ir

I....rell in ('nnnf'Ctlon with till! atntule.The IIlIIbition l~ l.'Offillll..-'Il11hlo.

'I'llf~ Tllcomn ;\,"/rJl: "Mr. \\'I'ir f'llilor

of the Pvrl 'l'f, ..... II!1l..'1l1 AmH'~, di:IIJlI'..'lC'!Ificn"illly the pflllKHnl ,?r ;\(ellHr.... JJUWllllUllli Wnleh to 8tJl . wl!Ckl)' paper Iherl'.He IIl1l" lhcw i9 1I0t IInfllciollt "'lIl'llIlI'lrnr tIm Imblk'lllioll8 at tlmt l}Oint, IIlldthut if lho llU'" Imllor i'!l !llarlo I, with therollillt ot nlllterinlly diminishing: tho in­como of tho Atlltva, the dnily L....Ii!ioli ofIhnt llnll('f will bu II18COlltinlle..J. OfeOllfilO nndnil,· Ill\[lCr could bl\ prillw.llit Purt'l'uwl\lIeml IllIdcr urdiu:Il'y cir·clIlllrllnnces. Wo dOltht. whethor thNI'iit another lIIlIn than i\fr. Wl'ir in 11li:.territory who oOlllllmnlCll n Ilnil,· pnperPIlY IliNe. Lnllt Jnl~·. wlsen I(e 1':iIi"11nt hi!'! nflice, we found III n wmldnll ur.hi;ltlnilr 011 n hnmllHC.i"l. nll,l IIf't limdowlI n:t n mnn who Wll'lllnril t,1 Will hi..WlI)·. I')uch n jUllrnnlillt n,'t·lI l\tJt r"urcUOIl'clilion. Utl Ill'OnI:t to hll\'l! Ihl'rl'lluillilell to III\~OeFH. tlU.l \\'lIrkiul: 11\1,1Ittn,.inl( qllliliticll, nuJ ir the two oliiNMlow~ f1houltl. be "1llnll,· giftCll, it \I'iIIbe II hnn! ll::h'. 'rOll 10 one Ihe,· willIlot be."

h II Iltte iMUO of Ihe l:lff/I'Utl'I';J1Ys\'elr:t, Illlhlil.!l",,1 in ~ew York, AlJpelU'~"n edilorilll re\'iew nr Itllbj<'Ct8lrelltal h)'It elurluj.(' the ~'cFlr IH8~; in one of thertlru~rllrll~OCUII~lhi' f"llowill~: "'EnrlyAmt'nclln Ucoli15 lin Sllr\'o>in~" iMel!itur·illllr trt'lItCll on )ltlA'e &12. "hilo fllrlller011 trinnlCnlaliOIl 1I11liinUII fom"" tho 81lb­ject or I'lliloriul comment. There ifll ohIOA('on~irlcrIl1J1~ omoullt of illrormntion rl'.11itill12 directly tn IUlneyill,ll', embodieli inolllt'r Rnl! coJlllternl tlllbjC'clil, which wlllbtl nIlPn,'Cintcd by O\'N)' inlt>Uiuellt f1l1r­"l·or. Amoug thOllo we runy IIpooih' Iheex lRlIKtiwl Cnrl'l'MIIOIllIi'llco or Mr. t.lml>.H. :i1l'lln lIud othe~ on the met rio chAinIIml itlllllli'll. Mr. !:h\'lIn 111111111110 honloo"l"t'ry rully u!lol!lur nllillienliunfll of lhem.,!,jnll~·lltem.thai io tho PllllCltof tit" Ell·{l/l/i'el'iny j.Yl.'u·.'t for the Iltlllt ~·flar. 1I'r

velllnre to .."". 0116 ot tho lIiml,lest millmO!lt COlnprehe\lllit'fllJ.~llOllitiollit ot thnt'1'-IleIJl everpllhliM!lcd IlIU.\' be round, (llld,i lit certlliu, thnt t11t'~10 letteI'M or "h.Fhflill will be t"oulllnlltly rl!ferrell to rnri11furmntion on the 8vliltcm of \rhich heiG ItO intelliR'cnt cn\l 2eRlouiI nil ndm­catc." 1\Ir. Swno iii a 1011 of JlldRO .Tnll.O. Swan. ot 'hilt IllfICl1, I\ml ill R IIf11ctil'fllen"inl't'r; lie JIM ct'idontly "lOude hismluk" in ooullooiion wiib Ibo metric lIye.lem.

In tim SlIptf'mo Courl, 1tfontnna T~r­rilory, JnIlIlAr,' Term, Utili.

DuiteJ StlltP.J\, PlnntilT 81\,1 Beripond-on' ,.,. Jubn U. Smitb, Def"dunt 'Dd FARMERS a. OAIRYMEN AnENTION l.Appt!lJant.. ,

Deft'nrlent wnll eOllvictetI in tha 'rbintDiMlrlcl Uollrt or tlellin" whiHkfly tu J II­difll\K, bul f1H('1I11PlI tmlll jR11 bt:rore I,m.fence Wn8 jlrnI!k'd Ilpon him, lIilt nltllr.lIi'y IIfterwufllFl moved fnr Anow trin!,',hioh WIIlt den:(l(I. whoreuJX)u he up.penll'll to thifll UJllrt

'file rll8ptJmleut IllO\'ClJ to ilillmillilillenllJh)1I1 IlIIlJl\ the foUowinll "rOlllnIH:'1 hnt no flnnl jlld"''1l1cnt 11Il1l TCt II(.'t'nft!llllem.1 ill the C,mrt beluw. 'fila OOllrthUll 110 jnrisdicti m or thi~ CfL'iO until tIlt!rcndiliull nt tinal jlldU'mcnt Ami Ih/.'briolJillltl' U,) IIf tim who)11I meorll. 10CAl., m.la: 17 001., 618; t6 OAL, <12; ~Cal.,·&Ol.

'rhe Appelhm' hIlA nVlli!(.'(1 hiuUJelf oftltllt 8[)tCif't< (lr bnil kllown ill er)mHlOUpllrllllll.'e ll.'t "I"lit' bail," the furCcitufil otwhieh hrlllJ:lI tbo Oo'ernomut. 110 rev­ennf'.

He hRII gouo tt) thtl Indiun couIII,.,·trom ....ooee bflurne 110 tnl.\'elltf relurnllvirtuoutl, 1111(1 bllt few rich. lIiil iacoll.fIIiJornt" l1epRrtllfO ItSI4 clcpriTt!tl tllo(1onrt IIf 1\ eA!lf'. the Unital Stllte-oj Mar.lI!tuliut II 1{l1~lIt, nnd bi8 WllllllOl of Itclient,

It iM " pre8umptio!l ot IlIw that ,,!I,'nAll nttcmey onteMl lin alll.llJnmllCO btl i!iJllly aUlhuriu.'lIlo do 1'0.

Dlit Ihllt (lrt'llllmillion ill wcn.k(!Ilf'l.l"Ilen II client ahnn,loml his CIIl>i' buroreilJllermiliAlioll.llIld thnt, tno. iu 1I1l1hIUI8I!01llly halite lIl!I to nel!l'lI'Ct tho plIrlhgei'i1iti<!8 limon.... "'Ilnlll!mon. Thill!~ n ~eriOIlIl cll!fl'--tor tho Unitl.~1 MtIltM.lhe Ilr~nL'Oot Rilpollllllt ill N'lI(MlCtfllllybut enrllf.'ilily IlUhcited. Let Ihe wlIn.Ilerer rt<llIrll. I,et hilll eeU~f! to prefl'rthe 11IInh~hi"" flf tho pmiril' to 1110 IIll u.,cumrorht Ilf th,' pClJilt·"linr\,. lJilll';lIIo'in 1111' pislricL Court ('lin th';ll 1)(> hilI' II II)' tcmUlllllell. /tlill II", Wilt bt.! ItllltnillyIre'll·lInk... 1.

1 hu 1lf'n4!At_rmt nll!4cllOO of nlilloll'allt i.II wni"llr hi nil c1nilll '" II IU'W trbl. 1I1111bi'lr,I.'<t1 A lucll: of hJlNt',4 ill jlldu _hiIlroN'f'dillj;(lt. I

'I'hflrlO i-l II" f'ltUit:, ill IIPI"'II11,,t·.-I l·.i' II ,.,.'1Ifill illll~rl1tion hili WIt ,ml\"lI'I,\,>,I, II' Ii, .'"at8il~illll' t(1 tllO (. JIIrl, hilt h.i-> 11'11,1," .t l..",...the .\Inrahnllllld hi~ Ih'IJIIli,'" t:", j" ..1"rth., wflrdlv·IUil.lleol. who {'f)l\t[FlIlIII!' n k'"1·111\'" .vult. 111'11 I rrnm Sllli!ll.·.. .

J:::olnity rollowll tLc law 1£1111 the 1.\1 I' t

.\..... '·11"'1'1 h,.l.j'Ih' f"lttlwill~ \."". I... wl'rj) lit JJhlllon

,~COl'MllIiJl WI Wl,lu"Vlu\';I';ll~hih :-hi!! .11l11ll1l1l111-1I1l. 1,.n,lillL'.1';n~lI~h hMk l.nl\tI.'r,lnt~. rt·pllirilll.....h"lldl hark, "'I'lu Cl>thul1t. rur hUll·

b<o••H.lr1c K.lm,,:-,.l 1 ':Iollllj.! Illmllf·r.SldJl :1. '\. 111l,11,'\·. lund 1:11"" ltttnlll'·r.Unrll Cliurh... II, li'('lIIW~', lu.nlwJ,; hUIl-

bi'l"'l'hi'lihlll Owulllllwiltlll:1'1l olT n IlOr·

H,m "r I...r l'IHIl'U, 1I1ul \lill iiI' hIWL'I1 ,I'lIrl Ulllk... ly fur r"!l'Ilrll. Sh'j ('~I" IhI rl,llJ;Itl ulI,l 11,111 for her dC'lliuuliullwithin I' ll1t1nth

Jlllrk .'1l1lllallit "hie' I arrh·(.'I1 Jail. to.dj.. ~'lIilillll' fur Iler ..ar~o II' &lUllIlrIl1r i'·('1lnl.

Ship.. Ericf''1l'1n nn I \")Jllcmito· IIrri\'I'lJI\Il. 2.~th tulolld .... ith I: "'h"ll II ill (·(,n'

Hark AUt·lua nrri\'l'll .11111. ~th, to10:IC:1 'II'HIt UnrlJlltl Uill cllul.

PI....'!Y.SOl:11 HAn::t TO New OnL=A:"l~­

The f"lIowillt! rolt'JII of plIl\.~ll~e hn\'Clx","nll"\II,"1 \J\'('f Ihe SlIlItltern J'ncilll'rno, from San r'ml:t·I!l(.'O, \'ia EI Pll.U,Hall ..\ntonin Ulllllh'lHtlln, t.. Ncw IIr·lenn"': lo"!r !lllll-('In!!.!! tiekt't .. with III nIl'O\'llr privilell"'j, S!)o(.OOi ij.C(1lltl·cln~ tick­etil ror n coutilllll'lllK trill. srhj. 'l'hcr rol­IOlViul: lIawed rott!a urll nuw in ollt.'il~ turIllI:lOl;I",U hy raH rrom Ntll\' Orlf.'anll, [m .•to New York City. For f1N!I·chu'~liekcl!lunlimitP.f1 aceorJin(f 10 rtlllte, $,),!t,\Q tl)S.&u.H5; Il~t·dl~":t tiok"l., limitcllllnd fl)rcoutinllOll'l tri,l. nil roulc", S~; fIIf'tl1lCIUlllI tickl'lll, Itm;wd nUll tor ('untillUlllllIIrlr, 11.11 roull'll,f:,'J2.25;thll'Ll.chl>l8 licktltil.limitotl Anll tor oontiuuoll~ trill. KitmntCH, S:?·I.60.

'l'm: imllurlnlion ot lin fllnt~~ It,.",' Moollnlry hDs illl'rellwod in II l'L'nmrkabledl,t:rt'e within the Inst ft'w ,·t'llm Tileimf..Or18 ill 1870 were 1.i.o7,00t1 ho:u'!t; iuIHdi 1,\)-2\1.11011 hoxi'lI; 1H77,2.1-I0,rJOOholl·lI;IqrS. 2.HiU.OOO hu:tcs: 1k79, 3.1~f).rrn

11011"'.1: I!'I.~. li,;{!)(),fAl,1 bo:teit; lIurl ill I 1.li.OO1,1I(JO bnxe>t.. Them nre Rbollt ~'O

ho~e8"" ('ommou tin Illnt(' to the IOllalou. 'l'wo ot tho tlhil'r 1'1111'1(.'8 fnr IheillcrolL'l"I1 demllllli tor till ill Ihe UltitetlSlutellllro) rlll\lid in Ihe ,tllltrmOlIl'l CUll·llHlk'ill,I\ll\try nnll the ijr ~wlh of the tiu·rooliug bllSiue8il.

Shill Tmqlloill, .... !lent Illcleu from NewTncOIllA, bfl!<lllrrived in LiTtlrptJf'J, afterII pa8Mb'O or four months and Iwol10''''

'l'm: D;lkoln broll~ht 210 pultileugtlfll1111,1 rot Willi or frehrhl on hllr Il18t trip,dilltributed a~ flJ'lo"'~; rre .1 t: Viclllr II,a.1~ tOllll: Port 1'ownflelld,fiiii Betlttle, 2'j(J;Tncomll, Ian; OI~'mlJin, nnli Stnilneonm,4li. Pnllll('n~erll: Vietorin. ,12: l'ort'l'llwnit(}tl,l. n; SI'nttle. loa; '{'uoulllll. 4 ;Olympitl, H). 'fhutIC L'fJminU' to IhispIneo w~re: D. 0, H. HUlh'JChild. Ollilt.,'M. Oilmor\!, H. H. Birkholm all\l wifoMIlII H. U. Llilinll'r.

Dtlrin~ tho ~'l'nr lAAI IlA"iI Ih(l New"nrlt SII,I. n \,ctlll{-'l Willi le>!!t i'VI'r.v 'ourhonr<l. whil.'h wllul.l make Rbunl :!,IOOtor til.' yl'llt. It Ull'I.l ;ta~':t thllt ill the)'car 187!)·liO Ihert! wero ·iNJ st,·.lInbuntoolliAiou3 in tho North AtlllntjeUoeUlI.. -----

C .. Il'I'I:\'GS.

IT ill8aid that l'u~nllllp i.!lKOOO lolJnl"On87,UOOhotcl.

SCAltLET [eve" 'Il r 'or (,J rl\mjlllnt iotim Ho~uu Uivor VIIIJOY, OttlJ:un.

IT i.l811il11hnt fIlii)' 7.000 10011 am nownt ""ork UII tile (Jallndiau !'Ilcilio lJllil·road.

l'Alrtlr.a lit Rlt'ilrWflt'lm hl\Vtlll r.nntrnct10 nlilko 7,OIJU,lJOtl briCk dltrillg the tiUI\)·

mer ~":I"lIUl.

Hc\·. JOfJt'jlh Cook hM IJ('{'n lttl'lllndtile "'orlJ ao,l i>l uJ,;ui1l1...'O.:ariu..: in Hoa­tun to tlN\ 'dull !lUU!.'I'H.

A S,l'rros"L blluk ill to ho e8tnbli>ih·I'll 01 ..bttJriu, willi ~(r. Utllz!"tu nnd utherPortlund ClljJitll1 ist!! A-I illCllrIlUrutorli.

lb.;v. N. V. Utter, rormorl;.' lJIIMlor ofUllit,. church, ill OI)'Ulllill. hll'4 III.'Cl'ptednelill to tholl:U1tnrnto ur Ihe chnfch ofthtl i\((Jt;IImb. iii ChicU/lu, ILt i.I lIalar)' or$.&,l»J IlCr nllnum.

N.lw'l'lll''''lnll IHlle II. hrcwf'rr, Mr. J.FUflil,j)ropril'tor. IIIII! it i,oj It:llli tu heIIlrl·.lIl~' n PiI,Till.:;:' ililititlliioll. Tho oWllurill tho Fnrat lIIan tl) onga.:e ill brewirl"at thtlt point, though ltc may t1':J~ IJo tho1/IlI1.

piW====':Illeh thllt 1l/'l1'C1i~f CUll be ntrurllNI, theI'ujltlliu iM urJ·,m....1 to pro(ll!I....1 10 Port·IUlill lit 1I1l1't', .lu,1 cuml' 1.J~·rtl wilh Ill(',Jr,"T. :\11 IlITC,;liij,ltioll IIf lhu ClIll"',"Ii'luiluo: to IhO llh; of th{! Th'Mltlrl willI.JClillldu lit Ihe "llrli,'lit po:-~ihlu IlIUI\lPlll.

1,11'4" IIr th., ",Iri'lm ... hlll '1':II'llInl\ nrr4"IlIM ~III.',

l::lIl'/IIP. t:ln', I)j.('n .. Feh.:.!. t'hnrl"iII. \\"111I, It 1J1I1i14'U;..:N till 11\1' ,,1t'IIl11~uip'1'1,(' 'UlII. who IIrri\'cu hertJ ~·I·i'tknlll;".Illal"llq \'ollr c,lrN.''''llOuJcllt Ihal III IItl.I'!oIl·1e .\I~llhlll)' 111)011. Cnpt. Kurt'! filiidIII It IhlJ\· \\I'rl.\ :.!tI mih':IIo!r tlhorc, 1111,1 nld:t'rk nll'lallll wusiu tii~ht. lllltl l!llll tilt'c\·f'n;l/j.(' Wit'! lln~k hut nut r'll:":": thatl,elwcclI haU'I'r1i'tII'iI:ht 1l1lJ !lith.: Clillt.Kurlll tt'lm'l!. nll,llIlluut ~:I,j Iho tilupIllrllck tho I","ch ill Ihe 'ml"r lillu litIm'llkel'll. 'I'hc fiil~'olld mati' WUII Ull I iiI'hri,lj.('I' III the timu lltl' "'hill "I ruck, tmllIieluut Cllh~r JIl'O or 11('lIr Ihll Ilreakf<t"uulil lho tlhil) WIlli in lhelll. 'l'hu IIhip'II'll'l mukillloC IJctw...'/}t1 I:J nnd H miles llllh,mr at the limtlllhc8trnok: U hlJlIl'\' !!h'li

WM runllillU' llwl mulie II eUlllplcte henchO\'d her. Shu L'OmlllllnCl:ltl IIlRkin;r wa­IN Itillt in 1I1Jo1llt t ..u I,Hurd 11/11 Ilrt'll}11l1hn,1 to lell\'c Ihe tirUr(ltllll. III /I Hlwrttim,\ till lll" lltJlllit hill OUlI werl.! ~tll\'C.

·1'IIO...Jay lllurlliuK !Jnl/Illin I"lrl:! Illlldl'llIlulhtl"heach til uu fur llNti .. tIHIOf\. II"/.('ut Ihl' 11Il( S ,I 'J'heml1 ! ut lilt! UnJMU;\rh'ur to ....o til the wrl'ck, hut ..he ~,uld

IltJl rctltlh iL L.:aptllill Korl.il 11ll,1 Lislll~ll nlllJe i'very £'lfur\ on Tllelllill"lllurnilll: tu n'lurn tn lho "hip, hilt thel,clI\'y Hen ou tliC beach prt!\·tlllied themfrolll 'ivilll: J4Il, !Jilt on WLoJ.n~IIl\· thol>!lllt Il11CCI'\'1lcll ill uettill./ 10 tho 'lIhip,1111\1 when Mr. WI'II11 left 1111 hut lle';'t'llhllli bccn Illuded, IUlll the re'lL w,'ru pruh./lhly IUIIlIllt.1 thill 1'\·f\UiIlR. 'i'hu tillipillbrokell U1illlJllill.i. Her bow ill in 1Ma1ld lItt!ru in :ll) fl.'tJt or wnter. Sho Ill!"hl 'Il,lillA' tu tll(l 1I<1llthen,.t. Mr. Wei IIt1;iuk that tho lIhip 1l\)'1I llhollt /'lilt''Iwlrler lIf n mllf' from :lhorc. IIml willhu II total I'IAA. Weill! lIll,1 St"inh(Jrj:<'r\\"t'll'lho ollly jlMIICIlr:t>n;, DurinU' Ihl'IWfl dll,·ti lIlIlllllllhtll the" WI"'r..! un III"wreck thll Ilul,v {t><lIllhey hud Wlut Il f.,,,,CmCkl'f8. ~I r, \\'I'JJti ilJlI':tka ill 1110hil:he.. l I'm:zt,· of Cltpt. I\vrt.. /llill hillullk"'rll, al> lluin~ nil t1lr.lI"J11lll ho ,1011"tu rL'fII"UO Ihuill from the wreck. CliP'Iniu I\,,rlllllnr! ('r""' will 1'0tllO hore 10takl.! jms....:tgu rur Sun Frlltlei~o.

TI'I! lI!"n Ilrowl'lrd.E)ll'IItE OIT\" Fuu. U llil tllg Fear·

ICllS hll.!lllrrivcJ trom Ihe wrl'Ck or Ihtl'rncoma. Sino or Iheerell'wereIOilt,fllldlilt l\IIlIifllaut ollilinoor OrllOt di"J lifterlltltlillg B....hOl\l. 'I'he IIhip is completel,·IJrokell Ull. l>iolhinl2' call be 1111\'1',1from thtl wreek, Fit u bodlCII weN ree v·UCII, lIuli will be buri..'f1 10<1nr, EnU'icecr(Imut "'IL' buried ,·clilhlNln)'. Nuthilll:Ctlll be lIeen of the wreck but the loll oro)'linclf'r nt Imv ,,"IPr. He\'''ll men Wl'l'l'

IUrlt oft the fnro )'al\l whon tho Illllllt "{lilto\'urbullr,1. CUlll. Uill or lho tllM' }'enr­lc"ll, rCjlllfll1 th,lt ho willi tho tllQ'.lny intwelll,··ciwht fl.'etur wlltl'r, um1 CUll III be 'rlhe mco. 011 the wn,...lk calli,," to IhQln blltL'OIIM uot rondor them allY nll8illlnuce. IUt

tho hllt!110 Lont Ihnt evuM Ij,'o ill "ucha IIf'A lUI "'I\S runninu nt that lime. Ho8llW It bout Pllt olflrolll tho lJcuch, but itWlllt cnl~~lzlll.1before the~ ~ot to the wrl..'Cknd'd ofter tiluy j(ut lIithnre Iher riJ{btlx!Ihe l)(Jut flUJ lUllilo tbo attempt 1\ t;COOudtimo wilh like r~lIlllt. 'rbo Ili'tl wa,. 80hellvy thut no !Jont 1In::h IliI wos thorecould do 8UY JIUIJJ. VillI!. Hill thinkstlint it thtt lire hod nnd tht! J,:un furthroIThlR linell IlIId boon at tho 1IIIIco ofthe dilltu\ttlr 011 thellilY that thu\'olunlcercru.... went Lu Ihe Ahllmn l"r lhe U!ln • "IIrltUIIC 1000t 011 the ilI·rlltlllI1'llUOOlU wonhlhU\'e lH..'Cu 8UVl.."'1.

Ullll"at'th'd "'a" "11111....'rite follfl"in;, Jjll~ of vtlMCl>e WAll

IIlrikl'll rrom Ihtl nnvy rtl't'illhlr Ilu,illrIho prh\'iltinn!i flf tho llnvlllllpprGprill'timl At:t uf 1&"2, Ihl'y lx'ill/: unlit C{lrrurthl'r lI('n'ioo; '1'ho Ollnl:rl.'$". Guard.1\1I11i4n~, l\ltuittlChmlt'ttli, :inhille, OOlllllJC·IiCltt, In"l\, Nia~'lHn. Ore/otllll, OhhPOllllllyl\'ltllin, \'ir),iinin, }·'Ioritlu. NflwOrl"an'" COIOIIIIIlII, JIII'II. Smqllchnnllil.Ilurlinl:toll, Supply•• A nli·{ 'hllll, lJiotll'tor. f'rolic, tk>llI'f, l)wwl\t'c, Il"ninin, 0111l\folillduock. Nnrrn,ll,Ulllett. MllCk, '1'UII'carum.. Wllreetler. VSlllklniUlIll, 81\1l1ll'·lIlul, Snvununlt. Silnlcu, W~lllnin" AlldRollllOkl!. MO!lt of tllU \·t!8Ii('llt W"II·tillllt!\.1 will ho broken 011 tho IItookl,wltilu " fow will lJe Ilold lit R\letion,

'·"II"el .. "'lInk.O,lIlOII"", ,"'ub. 2.-A at"nmer flntI two

other v........"fllll wero wrt~ltcrl 1,'1<..11\1 orTLund)' 1II1aud, und tile orolll'.!!! dW\I·nL'l1.Alltlilltnncl1 WUi illl[lOf'>liblc,

Fn.Uf)tLI5, Pa., ill tho oil rl'.Ilionll, iNll.l:itnlcll ot'er tll6 diAOOt'ery ot 12i,OOO illilllU hr II re6klent who dOJr it liP "heroit hBit I",on buried innn ironche.t. MU8t

The ('f)JIIIA Klra f'otree ('rop. ot til" coin!! nrl'l Frclll'h, anu they beArI'AsM"A, JA1l, 2.&.-'fhe cofToo ~mp ,If Jntell rnnRing from 172!I to 17M, wbicb

o,l'Otn Hi~" for thi:t p'lI.r i~ e"llmiltml Rt ill the year "Fort :\llllmnult, nellrtlturo \I lUI12:;.10.1 qllilllnl~, or l~~ thAn 1'10 1101'1' Ci'nl, (.'omplclt:d by1i'r"llch lzOOIIlJ,IIf tlUI\\,urll.ll'e y~nr. It i~ heliol't.'lI Ihnt ••About uno·lllIU of thl:t nmOllut "ill mR'co Nt,,' 'l'nL'01n1l :\'1:11'14:' "U ill high tim~itM I'lit from the HUj)lIlJlicthrrHlM'h Lllnn.whi!.! thc r~llI11ilhloJr "ill 111III_i throuRh thnt Ibc oillinll Iwliey uf tho ~o\'crnmentI'UII[11 Art'llfl. Inilinll \'l'lW·11I ht_'lnLr 1,1· flhuuhl Ix: ehnll~l, 1111\1' till! Rborh:illCSMill,· ~Iuuterf'll to cnrr,. it to lilln Frnll' Illnol1\llll)(JlI UllllliUIlt! bnllis nil olher 1)1'0'f'i'lCU nllli Innlton. Lilllo (.'l'llrl'i', in ru·tUN'. "ill be lIhil'l)Ol.1 from Pnllluun lIy Ille. bluck uuJ 'l'i1ile. II ill not ouly nnrnilrOild. tlmlilluit]fil nttltlll.l" whiclL tho ll'fl\·~rn·

Tllll' 'iltoll Who 1I1Oat "'Itlllom. ment 110" hollll, townNllhill Chl~fJ, IJllt itfh. 1'.\Ur" FI'II 1.-'I'tm 2~th hallot. bv tcul! .. to futlti'r t1lnir hnlJitti nf illlf'IH''Ul.

whioh D. M.Hllhiuwnillllminlltflll, .. t'lflI!; llnll lll11illtain tllcm II' a l!l'llf'llflcllt (,'1'11·linbill,tJl; Wilhl"m.:jt); t:,III'. IIi, Ilub· flilion. Lot 1111'10 be,li.ofllli!Wl<ll!nll ,,"rdai)'lr,I,!1. Wllkf'lIiuhl. l. 'I'hirl,· dumllf'rlU~\',lk,1 for :irl'in. '1'111' rc"l ~'i'hl ,li\'i,!,,1 or t'nn,itn'~ MIIII pl;'I',,1 IIPOII fI I!('lf'!UlII­11t'lw'f'u ntlll'r rf'pllhli,'nn (';lIl!li,ll\h~... IHlrlill1.( Illuti.!!!, L)' gnllltill!-l'tllI'lI1!anll III~I\hin'" 11I'putlli"ll1l \'ut~ cnm,' rnml nil 1I(l\'l·rllll~· .• lind ir 1If'l."t"i!ar;.·.: Innkin!l atil'" olh.. r c.Uldi,lnt...... Thl' t"!JllnL'.· .. lilllitt...1 uP/lruprilltiOln to f',lu<'at.' Ihem.u, Ih{' 11l'U1OCrfll'4 108:lbin 111':':1111 1111 Ih~?jth 1I:1l1ot, ""h... , hn ':llill{'l1 rlll,iilh' 10 Ihul111h it Ii Jlluloll'll ),y 8lllUU ... hethorthe clIMft,. ~ ab I Is fI Ilrnmim'lIt !\nll IIlc lIlun..~· 1l1)f'lIt ill 1I1i-l Jirecliull 1111.'41Ifi'"lthy mlilltol,lClIIr,'r. nwl :"lllll" I'n",m bcclI IJrlJlilnhl,· f'll pi"' .....!. CllIlirm:J1l('1/lllrllct,lr At ."IllllwlI!N. II" hfi;'l 11"\'er Illll(.'OCk IJr tho hUlUOfl (ullilll1 !'f,"unittl ehflld fJlllf'e I'l/'t'llt In tho Ll'Jrl.'4latl1~. '. . 'II,' ;.. lI.irt~ nillO "ent4 o:d 3ud II lIntlTtI 1l:~kCd '10 ~~tr~ule \·lt~'W tit the nmller, .tnuf C ,uuwho IL hid OPPOiutlOO tu auy rU!UIN npp'rO('tIt\·



1I,,.·St:'WJ.'ill!snro)'o', l"oJo. ~.-l'hc lIflll'4n ri'­

IUrt ·,1 II lJ11l t I t'l'l :-)J Mt'l. ,.~!,tlJ:I'fllll::

3j,) II"'"' 1"1..1 r,m,I",. prlUl:llll\lIy 1" til,'Wcl\l :tllli S'IUlh,

MI.'L·o\lk v; :\dlV \'lIrk pnl"Ollti',1 \I Ill"·tIIm:11 "f th., L:Jumh..lr of COIU1ll"rIl1l ul:o,tl1ll' \'Ilrk ur.!lllllol \J'lI.1ltl.!H i'l U:I"" Ilbill liliiltlu~ Ih,' clliuag'l or ,hlvn Ji,l·Jiu lllh" I'tJ IlurtJ'lltlllb of tlUl p·lIpl....

I1111hiou.i \I'cr" IlrtJ~.llltJ,1 IlroJla'tllll.(a::tlin'it 1m' tmn"for tor 11\" r"w:llltJm;lriue nlllllif\l· ...IIVllI.Il alill ClI;Ht sllrl·".vJllr\·lc' .... ttl diu 1111,111 JJ"l'lvtI1IOnl.

Afwr tho IIJ'[J ,iutlllUIlI "f ('llnrr.:rjlson \11' IKl,tulU"J It/ll'l\llIriutillll hJlI. thoiliJuad W"llt 1I1111 uuIUlnlllt'1l "r Ihowlwleull lilt! t.lrill' 'IUI.'tlllOIl, tile poml·illl am"l\Ilnlellt hei_1-:' that olftlrtJlI b,.airier or 1\ UIl~.I'1Vlltlill, 10 lllcrllllsu thoJlIlV Oil t.1l111illl{ burl,s rru.1I IIJ to:!O Ilcru~Dl wJ \'lIlvrlllll. .

. "m~"T.:'

A jlliut rCi40lu i'lll ""l\i illtflllhIO,'11 illthe ~elllltu 1l1\J\11111H( lor 11.11 luut'udlilont,W tbo l,]ulI:Hutitioli to nllihtJrizu IhePt'CdiJt.'llt 10 \'I.'to 011" one ur moruiMU~ IllIUlllllJlrolJrll.lioll bill. 'l'he I'IHV.buwovtlr, will Iillt Illr...'l.'t ut!..ier (luriiollllQrlhJ Ilill.

Hullr IJrlJ.iuultlfln pclitiflll frum J'mr.Elliott "ull vlll,'r pmr';lIsorll uf .1 rillvaniI\...Hllg 'UHIL lItHlll l)IIt IHofe!l.!\11lml ns·I.ollomerll or 1·.tl'crlimc3: \.Ill elil.:ihlo fortllO IlO!IitiOli tlr :Sllpllrillt"lIllellt ot tlloUuitoo :itatei KlIVlll OlJ.icmIlAJr,v.

W"llUlS\Jros. ~'<JIJ. J.--Kdl,· or POIlU­1"lmulIl, a~kl',l t1lllt un lIuret.'wollt IJtleuWl\'d lutV \\'Ilt'reh,. thtlllUlhU !!hulllllIi' 1111111 II;X u'duclt m'er)' dll)' tlmt thuunitT 111ft i_~ Ilu!l.'r l.·oi..ddefUu"ll.

Murrl:4'Ill, or lUin(/lI'. tl.'llulrkC"C1 Ihllttllo rl'lllIci~ Willi II Ilr"per OIlC, lUlll !lmltllil tl,:r...'CUll1I1t t1lll1uld he Clllur\l,1 i lItV 11,.llr~ll hv hellv.

'llw jioUitl illcn Wi'at into II Cum­miUola uf tltit Whulo IIU I rl'~ulIl,d WlI­

ihlenltl"u Ilf tlm larilf hdl.'l'lu .\lthLH.\· tJ,'.lltoHt·~~ lta'4 Intl'tl'

Iluood II bill IUllhtHiziuL' tilt! I'rl'l'idt·"t,wllllnovllr II mililary r"~I'n'lllllJn I';n.OOmJunuil. omillot Ill........II'J h.t! tim "nrd)p;lr,IU~uI, 10 IIII"e Uhlllllrno tlllr\·oYL~I.

pllltl&CI, ftlllirnilll..'(j IIUlI trnllsflHNl1 10tl.iel:lecrotur.v ur tho Interior, fur bIlltJ Hitotl.ior Ilublio lumllt.

'i'bo HOIIMl Wnr OIRims Commlllf'tJdirectal tboll' cbllirwlIlI to rdllUrt h:lCktb~ biIlIIW\'idill(t' for tue 1I11)'111ellt or

chdmA 1lI110uutUlg in the lI.:u-relJllluto Sl'JlJ,OOJ.

'lhe J'rtlftiJont WIIH IIr(.';lfmlcJ withjoiut rmlOlutuJull or the uuwilllntilro orllhUOllllll rcilitiollillu tliu Ycllowrltolll.lNlltlollnl Park.

Dlalr lIl1tl .'Illhollo IlrL''lOlIlcd 1)f)lition.~

for tIllliollRI Rul t'J "''(lllllllOlIlll,hoou.,[lli(1lI'illJIJ IIrl.'tf{lllt~J IJtllilion" (I'lJm

lhe tlllw,nllOr H,lleOtll 11Ntl'llliul{ lI.flllillllttuOJiVllklll of thu '1urritury, nlill ll.-Ik­jlljl it.t aWula:liUII ...·Hh it!i pr...>t>(ml 1.ltJ1l1l·dnri6,

Vtl~\ prllflllulctl n ml'lneHi:l1 fnvo:inj(tbo t'ltcllliion uC tlio luuitil uf thu \'01·lowHtone Jlwrlc.

I\lorrill nlfored" ri!IIUlution 1'l111l1lCUd­irur I() IUIU'II ur the net of !"cbrllllrY 'L.~,1.178, as ulIllluritelt nnd dirt'Cl~ tLt! Sec·fJtAry nr tilt! 'rreMury to vuroliWMl.·I'er bulliou lit IUllIket luice, uut 1/.'bIlIbllu t\l'O lIlillioll dullu!". uor more Ihullt",ur million JolJnrlt wurth !Jer mOllth,aQd ClIlJ1:iC tllenl to 00 coiueu illiv Jul­11f'1l Il.!t rullt RIt IJUrcllllfk'll

The )11,,1'11•• 11 M4>llaturllhlp.

DL"M'OIT, Mil·h" Fl'b. a.-Lllllt, lIi~ht nClueilS III UUlUl)(Jrntio·(frt'flubll.ok Illl'nJ·lIerliur Ih" 1"lli"ll\lure Wlilt holJ,at whichHluut, tht!ir 1I01llinl't1 fur &/lI\lur, with­drdW' hillllll.lIlti III orJ\lr tu illTt! member.ur ihe fll~IOIl Illuty nil olllklrtullily lutv" Il;t they pltllLiftl'.t. l"Ollr lUIUollt werel&ken tUlillY wltb"nt resllit. 'rhu IIl!lt uneWIl:IIl .. rollllln: Fllrr~', fill, ~t/'lllt, to.OblllUllurlin. II, 8Cuttcritljl ·11. 011 theIlliIt lI"" IJaUnlit UII nll,mllit WII~ made!..lllllut n fll'liun stumllWO tuwn",1 Furry,hUI in;tlluttv nit" II CItlCll: by Iho dl'ftCr·tilll( of lIulrlO or till! IIWII nUlll, "'JIlI IUIIIhltllllrto fUWll ror him nud \\'110 ohnllJ,:Cl.Ithllir V,ltl"-I fur I'Clltt"1 i Ill( 1JIllJllillall'l'I. '.I'hilld'lmllflstrlllinu ..... lmILoJ to in,licltw IholFllrry wUllld I(IIM' IItlllrl.v Ortjllllllllllm3UY\'lJtelllli 110 wnuill unin. 'I'llc IIltl'mpt t.aerenlt· "llh'l'fl:Ii"lI ;n hili f,l\'vr \\'IUl nhrlll·!I'lnl'll. '1'111' .rt"ill!t cau'tl'lI a ':l'lll.:rul jJrll­!lu.'tlulllll'lt ~orr)'11 eIlOlIlL'C Ii hUIJtlI~I'htl L,·;tiliIAtliro 11M 1I1ljrlllrllt..1 to foula~h. IUI,1 it i" belioved ll11tJ WItI'1I theblllll re:li~'m'll(t4 II now HOjlllbhe;.l1l enu·dlJ1.lki wili WlI<JI...'CW!,I.

Ttl ne 11l\'lO.'Itl"alf1d.~\lf 1·'II,\:rtOIM1<l, Fell. H ·001, f·rll~l.

('nil ker. of tho (l'lIllr,il I'acillc. rL'Cl'iVl,,1(JmClllllwUee of the Il~§ ur tho 'l'11('umnt i... UI ,ruill\:. nl$.l II r&IUC' .. t from Capt..~ 'rt.. rur itl1trllclioll~ 'Ie ill1ln,..lhtl~l,.11"(1 "'J f"r tllrther IlarticlllurM or tlle."""L'Ck, lutl nil tn tholJO>t;lillility of 1I11V­IllllltlytllilJ.\l, iu lilt.! CfUllt ut "'hich h........nuI,J IIOnll "rooker'll to tho !WOllO iltOlltll,l, It tbM couditiou uf tUIl \,eIt~1 i:t

HunCh .·r:JI"lr ('0.1 C'onlillnl",• Articles uf illllllrtlorl\tivo of IJiu :South

IJr"irioCVRI c"mllllUy wero Iliull tuthlYwith thl! ubject ur oClluiriull' and Ilet'l'llIp­inw- coftl ulJilluitlerlll hilltld ill WIUlllin.:­toll 'l'crritUI'}',OIIlI Ci.lr"·III~ IIllll k'~llcrulb1l1iutlll", iuulllJIIiU tilt! 1Il111lllfnoturu ofculce, '.I'll" prllJI'Chlflt ut the llChelllu Ilro­po~ bllililifll{" 10111: trFllllway 10 carr"1110 pruJIIl't uf Uleir luilll'lI ttl IU'uillllJlcaluppin/.(' \luin"l frum WlItlllCO it Will Wt..lk'·11 to dlill FraulliMlO by tlLaCOnl!llllly'lIvtiIikJllI.

"p""'"d ••....IM"Il .."r """o••od.'lo._~... A.1.:rt l-'IIUClTOO.-}'t!b. 2.-C"usider.

nblll Iml'rU\'l'lUllut htu bden maUt! ill theatenmer WllnlllIKWU for tbUilCCOlUU101l1l­lion of NurtllWtlitJ)fUIlCllllllr tmlliu. ,Ful'\lBUt! aft i~ Ilrovicle witlJ Ilteilm helllcnl.Mho IInillJ Ou 'l'llIIlltlhty fur l'u~ut Soullelnnd relllrniull will touuh lit VICtorill. iiill lIuill that lilli hiUh I~rt char6oltl,S wt thohttltlr phllltJ IHI.. ilUlll.:ud lhe U\lt"llCr8 tomllke tlUl tiuIIIIJ IlilHr torlUinlul,



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