Puffed-up Pride.Sample

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  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-up Pride.Sample


  • 8/7/2019 Puffed-up Pride.Sample


    The opinions expessed in this manuscipt ae solely the opinions of the autho and do not epesent the opinions o thoughts of the publishe.

    FootBeaeChaacte on Display Seies

    Pint-size Paables

    Puffed-up Pide

    Copyight 2009. FootBeae Seies Ministy. P.O. Box 280835, Nashville, Tennessee 37228. Joyce Ann Evans. All ights eseved.

    No pat of this book may be epoduced, stoed in a etieval system, o tansmitted by any means without the witten pemission of the autho.

    Sciptue taken fom the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyight 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by pemission of Zondevan.

    All ights eseved.

    ISBN: 978-1-61658-699-7


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    4 Pint-size Parables(Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Puffed-up Pride

    Mrs. Poodles class waited quietly for the dismissal bell. But, minutes

    before the sound could sweep the quiet halls, FB heard a familiar voice.

    Attention everyone! the voice commanded. Its time for the afternoon


    FB locked his eyes on the black box. It buzzed over his head. He listened

    while excitement oozed from Principal Buckey Beavers voice.

    The Wacky Wildcats are coming tomorrow! he shouted through the

    speaker. They will compete in our Winter Break Ice Skate. Our own Lucy

    Ladybug won second place last year, he said. This year Meadow Wood is

    expecting first place, he hinted at Lucy.

    Lucy took his hint. She knew she was the best on the team. FB watched

    Lucy quickly hop from her seat and bow before her cheering classmates.

    He saw a prideful grin sweep across her snooty face.

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    6 Pint-size Parables(Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Puffed-up Pride

    The bell rang, ending Lucys prideful performance. FB noticed that the

    chairs quickly emptied, but Lucys pride didnt.

    FB loved ice skating. He knew he needed his teammates help. He ran

    and met Lucy near the coat rack. He smiled at her and pleaded his case.

    Coach said I need to practice. Can you help me later? he begged Lucy.

    Lucy became upset. She didnt want to help him.

    Lucy snatched her jacket off the rack. Practice with you again? I think

    not! she fussed. Besides, I need to shop for new ice skates.

    She gave him the brush-off. FB, its too late for your figure eight! she

    insulted. Although practice does make perfect...just look at me!

    FB watched Lucy switch her dark-pink crocs into heelys. She skated a

    perfect figure eight. Sadness swept FBs face, like shame swept his heart.

    He watched the snooty skater slip out of sight.

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    8 Pint-size Parables(Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Puffed-up Pride

    Lucy skated through the crowd. She jumped a forgotten lunch box.

    She hung a sharp left at the corner. She swerved and missed the gray

    water fountain. When she did, she spotted Eva at the lockers. Her pride

    spotted another chance to show off.

    Screech! Lucy slammed on her brakes in front of Eva.

    Eva jumped. She yelled, Geez, Lucy! Yous almost hits me!

    Lucy laughed. The near-collision seemed humorous. Dont worry,

    Eva! I got this! she bragged.

    Eva grabbed her backpack. Yous ready for tomorrow? she asked.

    Duh! answered the prideful Lucy. She snubbed, Peep this!

    Lucy raced across the floor. She spun another perfect figure eight

    and boasted, Youre looking at the best, no matter the rest!

    Lucys pride pushed her onward.

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    10 Pint-size Parables(Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Puffed-up Pride

    Lucy danced through the snow, like thoughts of winning danced in

    her head. When she reached the school bus, Lucy spotted Mookey and

    Duncan taking pictures. Lucys pride demanded their attention.

    Lucy slid beside Mookey. She bragged to Duncan, Take a picture of

    me! Ill surely make school news tomorrow!

    She posed for the camera.

    Mookey quickly hopped out of her way. He told the high-and-mighty

    Lucy, Whoa, girl! Quit buggin!

    Mookey noticed her snooty attitude. So did Duncan. Anger gripped

    him. He looked Lucy in the eyes and shouted, FB might win tomorrow!

    Hes really that good!

    Lucy laughed. The thought of FB winning seemed humorous. Lucys

    pride was in control of her words.

    FB...win? Against me? she mocked. Yeah, right! No competition!

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    12 Pint-size Parables(Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Puffed-up Pride

    Suddenly, Lucy noticed the boys stepping backwards. Their mouths

    hung open and their eyes looked surprised. Lucy slowly turned around

    and looked behind her. There stood FB, her unworthy teammate. He

    had heard every prideful word. Shame swept his heart a second time.

    FB bowed his head and slowly stepped onto the bus. He sat alone that

    day. Lucys words were as cold as the seat beneath his bottom.

    FB sat there, feeling hopeless. He sighed, Maybe I should just quit

    before I embarrass myself and Principal Beaver.

    FB turned and looked out the frost-covered window. Ill never be as

    good as Lucy, he mumbled.

    Tears welled up in his eyes. That cold December day, FB decided to

    quit the thing he loved the most.