Puerto Rico Government Issues RFQ for UPR …...fondo de becas para los estudiantes de la...

GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority Contact: Iván Caraballo • Tel : (787) 379-8023 email: [email protected] PRESS RELEASE Friday, November 8, 2019 Puerto Rico Government Issues RFQ for UPR Scholarship Fund Management (San Juan, Puerto Rico) – Today, Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced and Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF) Executive Director Omar J. Marrero announced the release of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for firms interested in providing management and investment services for a new scholarship fund, created by virtue of the UPR Fiscal Plan, for the students of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR). This RFQ is the result of extensive negotiations between AAFAF and the Fiscal Oversight and Management Board (FOMB) aimed at finding and gathering funds from General Fund line items in order to provide scholarships to college students, both undergraduate and graduate, in the principal public university of the Island. The scholarship fund will receive between $35 million and $50 million per fiscal year through FY2022-2023, for a total of approximately $214 million projected through the five-year period, as stated both in the University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan and the Certified Fiscal Plan for the Central Government. “Similar to what happened with the Christmas bonus for public employees this fiscal year, the Government has responsibly identified the funds needed to ensure that the University of Puerto Rico continue facilitating and playing its traditional role as the principal means of social mobility in the Island, despite the fiscal challenges that we are facing as a government,” Vázquez Garced stated. Marrero expressed, “These annual appropriations clearly show this Administration’s unwavering commitment to guaranteeing access to public higher education to students who show the need for a government scholarship in order to attend college”.

Transcript of Puerto Rico Government Issues RFQ for UPR …...fondo de becas para los estudiantes de la...

Page 1: Puerto Rico Government Issues RFQ for UPR …...fondo de becas para los estudiantes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) establecido por virtud del Plan Fiscal de la Institución.


Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority

Contact: Iván Caraballo • Tel : (787) 379-8023 • email : [email protected]







Friday, November 8, 2019

Puerto Rico Government Issues RFQ for UPR Scholarship Fund Management

(San Juan, Puerto Rico) – Today, Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez

Garced and Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF) Executive

Director Omar J. Marrero announced the release of a Request for Qualifications

(RFQ) for firms interested in providing management and investment services

for a new scholarship fund, created by virtue of the UPR Fiscal Plan, for the

students of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR).

This RFQ is the result of extensive negotiations between AAFAF and the Fiscal

Oversight and Management Board (FOMB) aimed at finding and gathering

funds from General Fund line items in order to provide scholarships to college

students, both undergraduate and graduate, in the principal public university

of the Island.

The scholarship fund will receive between $35 million and $50 million per

fiscal year through FY2022-2023, for a total of approximately $214 million

projected through the five-year period, as stated both in the University of

Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan and the Certified Fiscal Plan for the Central


“Similar to what happened with the Christmas bonus for public employees this

fiscal year, the Government has responsibly identified the funds needed to

ensure that the University of Puerto Rico continue facilitating and playing its

traditional role as the principal means of social mobility in the Island, despite

the fiscal challenges that we are facing as a government,” Vázquez Garced


Marrero expressed, “These annual appropriations clearly show this

Administration’s unwavering commitment to guaranteeing access to public

higher education to students who show the need for a government scholarship

in order to attend college”.

Page 2: Puerto Rico Government Issues RFQ for UPR …...fondo de becas para los estudiantes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) establecido por virtud del Plan Fiscal de la Institución.


Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority

Contact: Iván Caraballo • Tel : (787) 379-8023 • email : [email protected]







UPR President Dr. Jorge Haddock expressed his gratitude for all the efforts

towards finally completing this process, since this initiative will supplement

scholarships and other aids the institution provides to students. “I am pleased

to learn that this very important initiative for the University of Puerto Rico

and, particularly, for its students, has reached this stage. This will allow for the

efficient and prompt management and distribution of these scholarships to

our students,” the UPR President indicated.

Meanwhile, UPR Philanthropy Vice President Margarita Méndez pointed out

that this initiative will guarantee that the selected entity has investment and

award policies similar to those of the UPR Endowment Fund; therefore, the

process will be in line with institutional guidelines and regulations.

The RFQ sets 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2019 as the deadline for

interested parties to submit credentials. To download the RFQ, interested

parties should visit aafaf.pr.gov.

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Page 3: Puerto Rico Government Issues RFQ for UPR …...fondo de becas para los estudiantes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) establecido por virtud del Plan Fiscal de la Institución.


Autoridad de Asesoría Financiera y Agencia Fiscal de Puerto Rico

Contacto: Iván Caraballo • Tel : (787) 379-8023 • email : [email protected]










viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019

Gobierno publica solicitud de cualificaciones para

firmas de administración del Fondo para Becas (San Juan, Puerto Rico) –La gobernadora de Puerto Rico Wanda Vázquez Garced y el director ejecutivo de la Autoridad de Asesoría Financiera y Agencia Fiscal de Puerto Rico (AAFAF) Omar J. Marrero anunciaron hoy la publicación de una solicitud de cualificaciones (RFQ, en inglés) para firmas independientes interesadas en proveer servicios de administración e inversión de un nuevo fondo de becas para los estudiantes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) establecido por virtud del Plan Fiscal de la Institución.

Dicho RFQ es el resultado de extensas negociaciones entre la AAFAF y la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal (JSF) dirigidas a identificar y allegar partidas del Fondo General del Gobierno para proveer becas de estudios universitarios, tanto a nivel subgraduado como posgraduado, en la principal entidad universitaria pública de la Isla.

El fondo para becas oscila entre los $35 millones a $50 millones por año fiscal hasta el año fiscal 2022-23, para un total de $214 millones estimados al cabo de los cinco años, según se desprende tanto del Plan Fiscal de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, como del Plan Fiscal Certificado para el Gobierno central.

“De manera similar a como sucedió con el bono de Navidad para los empleados públicos este año fiscal, el Gobierno ha identificado responsablemente los fondos necesarios para garantizar que la Universidad de Puerto Rico continúe facilitando y ejerciendo su rol histórico como principal herramienta de movilidad social en la Isla, a pesar de los retos fiscales que enfrentamos como Gobierno”, expresó Vázquez Garced.

Marrero indicó: “Estas asignaciones anuales muestran concretamente el compromiso inquebrantable de esta Administración con garantizar el acceso a la educación universitaria pública a los estudiantes que demuestren necesidad de obtener una subvención gubernamental para cursar sus estudios universitarios”.

Por su parte, el presidente de la UPR, doctor Jorge Haddock agradeció las gestiones realizadas para finalmente completar este proceso, ya que esta iniciativa suplementará las becas y otras ayudas que ofrece la institución al estudiantado. “Me place saber que esta iniciativa tan importante para la

Page 4: Puerto Rico Government Issues RFQ for UPR …...fondo de becas para los estudiantes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) establecido por virtud del Plan Fiscal de la Institución.


Autoridad de Asesoría Financiera y Agencia Fiscal de Puerto Rico

Contacto: Iván Caraballo • Tel : (787) 379-8023 • email : [email protected]










Universidad de Puerto Rico y en especial para sus estudiantes haya llegado a esta etapa. Esto nos proveerá eficiencia y agilidad en la administración y distribución de estas becas a nuestros estudiantes.”, destacó el presidente. Entre tanto, la vicepresidenta de Filantropía de la UPR, Margarita Méndez, destacó que la iniciativa garantizará que la entidad a ser seleccionada tenga políticas comparables de inversión y otorgación a las del Fondo Dotal de la UPR, para que el proceso sea cónsono con las guías y reglamentos institucionales. El RFQ establece que las partes interesadas tienen hasta las 5:00 p.m. del viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2019 para someter sus cualificaciones. Para descargar el documento del RFQ, los interesados deben acceder a aafaf.pr.gov.

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