Public speaking

Hello friends, how are you...?? we are from group 3. we will presentation about ”group communication” The memeber of group: Ade Purnama Sari Ade Putri Adrean Fals Syafril Mulia

Transcript of Public speaking

Page 1: Public speaking

Hello friends, how are you...??we are from group 3. we will presentation about

”group communication”

The memeber of group:•Ade Purnama Sari•Ade Putri•Adrean Fals•Syafril Mulia

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Group Communication

If you are like most people, your participate in some form of group discussion almost daily. There are

kinds of group discussion. They may be planned or spontaneous, structure

or un structure, formal or informal, permanent or temporary.

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In general, discussion has four functions:

Social DiscussionTherapeutic Discussion

Educative Discussion

Problem-Solving Discussion

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The six basic types of discussion are the round

table, the panel, the symposium, the lecture

forum, the dialogue, and the interview.

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The Round Table

The Lecture Forum

The Interview

The Dialogue

The Panel The Symposium


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Additional suggestions for Role-Playing: 1. You gave just graduated and are

being interviewed for your first job.2. A persistent salesman refuses to

leave when you tell me to.3. A policeman is about to ticket your

car as you arrive on the scene.4. A clerk who waited on you 15

minutes ago now refuses to accept a return because you misplace the receipt.

5. A teacher wrongfully accuses you of cheating.

6. A friend denies that he owes you $20.

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To a great



depends on the



discussion fail



have little

knowledge of

the subject and,


little to offer in

solving the


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Selecting a role-playing

problem. The problems

below, which we have used

for our classes, have been

prepared with today’s

college student in mind.

Additional problems may be

developed by members of a

group in a discussion

situation, or by individual

students as part of a class


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Following are the duties of a participant in a discussion:

Listen Carefully

Be PreparedBe Participate

Share the Spotlight

Be Friendly

Be Cooperative

Be Objective

Stick to the Point

Use Time Wisely

Speak Clearly

Be Natural

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Most discussion forms require a moderator. Seven spesific duties of a moderator are listed here:

1. Star the discussion by introducing the topic and the lecturer or discussion participants to the audience.

2. Diret the discussion by seeing to it that the subject is adequately discussed and taht the group moves steadily toward a solution or conclusion.

3. Encourage partipation. Members who do not take part in the discussion contribute little or nothing to the outcome.

4. Resolve conflict by using tact and diplomacy to minimize tension.

5. Control the time to make sure all aspects of the problem are discussed.

6. Provide transitions and summaries to help participants see what has been accomplished and what remains to be done.

7. Take charge of the forum period. Field all questions, rephrasing when necessary.

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Identifying the Problem

The first step in problem-solving discussion is to have the members pinpoint the problem. Many discussion fail because the problem is not clearly understood by all. Next, the problem must be carefully worded.

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Analyzing the Problem

After identifying and wording the problem, the nature and causes of the problem should

explored. The process analysis usually requires research.

The final step in analysis is to decide on guidelines to evaluate proposed solution. These

guidelines should be agreed upon before possible solution are proposed. A typical list of

guidelines might include: it must be safe, it must be affordable, it must be obtainable, and it

must not create new problems.

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Finding the Best Solution

A this point members of the

group should suggest possible

solutions. It is a good idea to

identify as many solution as

possible before evaluating any

of them. An effective way to

compile an adequate list of

solution by using a technique

called brainstroming.

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Actuating the Solution

Once the group has agreed on a solution, it is necessary to take action. Perhaps the proposed

solution will take the form of an oral report to the the major and city council or to your instrutor

and the rest of the class.

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The best way to develop ability in group discussion is throgh guide practice. The

use case problems as discussion quetions is an effective way of the

stimulating this practice. These problem are typical of those that occur in everyday life and are the kinds of

situations you are likelyto encounter at school, at work, or at home.

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The discussion rating forms shown in Figures

11-1 and 11-2 are disgned for both student

and instructor evaluation.

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1. Can you give example about the dialogue?( Restuti Dewi Putri)

2. Explain about the way using case problems and give me example?( fitri yanti)

3. How to run round table discussion?( Retno permata sari)

4. What are you goal to show video and explain the video?(Irwatur)

5. Why the function of discussion make the therapeutic of discussion?(rahmi jufri)

6. What the different about role-playing in drama wit role playing in discussion?(mentari tanifa)