Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront

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Transcript of Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront



    Presented by:

    Nancy J. Williams, Project ManagerVeronica O. Davis, PE

    March 26, 2011

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Introduction Alexandria Waterfront Plan Overview Public Involvement ProcessThe ChallengeThe Plan

    The Adaptation Lessons Learned Discussion


  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Daingerfield Island to Jones Point Unique role throughout history

    Alexandria Waterfront Plan

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    Builds on past planning efforts Community revitalized by the arts

    Alexandria Waterfront Plan

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    Multiple stakeholders along WaterfrontCityResidentsBusinessNonprofitsNational Park Service

    Regulatory and Legal ToolsLand use agreementsZoning/historic district/height districts

    The Challenge: Balancing Interests

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    Connecting a Revitalized Waterfront tosurroundings in a harmonious way:

    Good Neighbor to Old Town, North Old Town, City atlarge, Region

    Avoiding Impacts: Scale/Traffic/Parking/Noise/RiverSensitivity to Areas Past: History/ArchitectureSustainable Future: Economical and EnvironmentalMaximizing Public Benefit: Amenity for all

    Opportunity: Connectivity

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Waterfront as a Citywide amenityAccessibility to the waterfront: visual and physicalActivities for all age groupsAbility to traverse the waterfront along the waters


    Programming and activation of parksWater-based activities Art and History unifying features

    The Challenge: Citywide Amenity

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    6 Community Meetings

    Kick-off Meeting Lessons Learned from around the world Community visioning Community Open House Concept Plan Design SchematicPublic Review Period

    Public Involvement: The Plan

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    6 Community Meetings 2 Walking Tours 1 Boat Tour Trip to NYC 4 theme nights Public Comment period

    Public Involvement: The Adaptation

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront



  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Meeting #1 of 6

    Kick-off eventGroups/organization were given 2 minutesVision for WaterfrontGuiding principles for the Plan

    Community Open Mike Forum

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Purpose: give the community an opportunity to talkfirst

    Lessons LearnedOpportunity to listenShape guiding principlesAcknowledge concerns and brainstorm solutions

    Community Open Mike Forum

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    Meeting #2 of 6

    Expert PanelWaterfronts from aroundthe world

    Best practicesLessons learned

    Community Forum Expert Panel

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    Lessons LearnedCommunity enjoyed seeing what has been doneShow examples of comparable communitiesHistorical ContextSizeScale

    Show elements of extreme examples

    Community Forum

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    View of Waterfront from the water Discussed history, zoning & development sites

    Boat Tour

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    Representatives from all City Agencies Walked from Robinson Terminal to Terminal Challenges and opportunities

    Walking Tour #1

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    Waterfront Committee Annual Walking Tour 40 citizens walked from Robinson Terminal to


    Historic places & buildings

    Walking Tour #2

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    Lessons LearnedHelps people understand issues when they can see itExplore community from different perspectivesAllows community to provide feedback


  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Meeting #3 of 6

    Over 100 people attended

    Day long visioning exerciseRed/Green DotDrawing on maps

    Community Visioning Workshop

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    Lessons LearnedSkilled facilitators are importantManage the discussion without guiding itMake sure everyone at tables participatesAllow community to draw on maps and measure their


    Document feedback through plenary session andwebsite

    Community Visioning

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    Field Trip to NYC

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    5 out of 7 Planning Commissioners Board of Architectural Review Parks & Recreation Commission Arts Commission Waterfront Committee

    Field Trip to NYC

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Lessons LearnedExperience is more powerful than photos Important that leadership from stakeholder groups


    Have local representative guide tourQuestionsLessons learned

    Field Trip to NYC

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    Meeting #4 of 6

    Presented maps & concepts based on all outreacheventsOver 100 people in attendance

    Community Open House

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    Open House Activity Map

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Purpose: to gather input from community expertsand lay persons on important components

    History, Arts, and Marina NightOutreach to specific interest groupsWorkshop format

    Theme Nights

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Outreach to all commissions with history in mission Purpose: Focus on how to reflect history in the plan Historical maps of the waterfront Identified places and historic buildingsCommunity used post-it notes

    Waterfront historywhite paper followed

    Theme Night: History

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Outreach to commercial and private boatingcommunities and local Waterfront Committee

    Purpose:Understand operational needs and financial

    requirements of a viable marina and local vision

    Use of meeting to share consultant data Use of meeting to get practical information from

    boaters, other users: water taxis, passengers of

    local cruises, and Waterfront Committee

    Theme Night: Marina

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Outreach to arts community Purpose: Integrate art into Waterfront PlanDetermine how to incorporate art and to marry it with

    history and other cultural resources

    Art Walk white paper followed

    Theme Night: Arts

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Meeting #5 of 6

    Concept Plan - Vision IllustratedGoals/IdeasConceptual Drawing w/Activity NodesPiers and Marina at Food of King

    Public Plaza at Foot of KingExpansion of Parks Improvement of Parks Identification of Development Sites/Uses

    Community Meeting: Concept Plan

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    Concept Plan Design

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Meeting #6 of 6

    Plan Design

    Use of scaled modelUse of schematic design for core areaUse of illustrative perspectivesProvided time for group feedback sessions &plenary session

    Community Meeting: Plan Design

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    Plan Design

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Lessons Learned last two meetings

    Use of media for outreach and informationUse of other technology for outreachEffective use of visual toolsTie products to previous agreed upon visioning

    goals and objectives reinforce oftenKeep lines of communication open

    Community Meetings: 5 and 6

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Tours were excellent tool; All tours beforecommunity visioning

    Ongoing citywide outreach clear message Communicate often with neighboring stakeholders Efficient use of technology for outreach

    Effective use of visual tools model; illustratives Keep community leaders involved and informed Provide ongoing mechanism for feedback Demonstrate that community has been heard

    General Lessons Confirmed

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    Staff attendance at commission, board & civicassociation meetings

    One-on-One and small group meetings by request Meeting with individual property owners Social and traditional media

    Additional Outreach

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront


    Plan is released First Public Hearing Alexandria Planning

    CommissionApril 5, 2011May 3, 2011

    City Council to

    Public Review Period

  • 8/7/2019 Public Involvement in Alexandria Waterfront



    Nancy J. Williams, Project Manager

    [email protected]

    Veronica O. Davis, PE

    [email protected]