Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle. Adrenarche Regeneration of zona reticularis Production of...

Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle

Transcript of Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle. Adrenarche Regeneration of zona reticularis Production of...

Page 1: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.

Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle

Page 2: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.

Adrenarche Regeneration of zona reticularis Production of androgens (DHEAS,

DHEA, androstenedione) Gonadarche

Pulsatile release of GnRH from hypothalamus →

Anterior pituitary releases LH + FSH →

Ovaries produce estrogen

Adrenarche and Gonadarche

Page 3: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.

Thelarche: ↑ estrogen → breast development (10 yo)

Pubarche: ↑ androgens → pubic and axillary hair development (11 yo)

Menarche: ↑ estrogen → first menses (12 yo) Typically 2.5 years after thelarche Concerning if does not occur by age 15 or 3 years after thelarche

Growth spurt: ↑estrogen → ↑ GH and somatomedin c

Thelarche, Pubarche and Menarche

Page 4: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.

Onset of secondary sexual characteristics <8 yo

Central (gonadotropin-dependent) precocious puberty Premature activation of HPG axis Appropriate sexual characteristics (but early) ↑ linear growth, ↑ bone age, ↑ FSH, LH and estradiol 80-90% idiopathic in girls; some due to CNS lesions

Precocious Puberty

Page 5: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.

Peripheral (gonadotropin-independent) precocious puberty

Excess secretion of sex hormones from peripheral source Eg adrenal glands, ovaries, exogenous source, germ cell tumor

Possible normal sexual characteristics or virilization Causes include:

Ovarian cysts or tumors (granulosa theca cell) McCune-Albright Syndrome Primary hypothyroidism Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Adrenal tumor

Peripheral Precocious Puberty

Page 6: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.

Precocious Puberty Management

Page 7: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.

Premature thelarche Isolated breast development

Premature adrenarche Isolated male-hormone mediated sexual characteristics

Possibly just variant of normal puberty Continue to monitor

Isolated precocious puberty

Page 8: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.

Breasts I: prepubertal breasts II: palpable breast buds III: enlarged breasts / areola IV: areola forms mound on breasts V: adult breasts and areola recesses to

contour of breast

Pubic hair I: no pubic hair II: minimal hair mostly on labia majora III: hair becomes coarser and darker,

continues to spread IV: hair is adult like, has spread but spares

thighs V: hair extends to medial surface of thighs

Tanner Scale

Illustration by Michał Komorniczak; This file has been released into the Creative Commons 3.0. Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Page 9: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.

Average cycle: 28 ± 7 days Average menses: 4 days, 40 mL, 3-6 ppd

Menorrhagia: >7 days or >80 mL Metrorrhagia: frequent irregular intervals Menometrorrhagia: prolonged + irregular Oligomenorrhea: >35 days Polymenorrhea: <21days

Menstrual Cycle

Page 10: Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle.  Adrenarche  Regeneration of zona reticularis  Production of androgens (DHEAS, DHEA, androstenedione)  Gonadarche.