Pub off p. 25

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Transcript of Pub off p. 25

  • 8/11/2019 Pub off p. 25



    Construction of restrictions on eligibility

    1) Presumption in favor of eligibility


    Presumption in favor of the eligibility of a person who has been elected or

    appointed to public office

    i. Unless excluded therefrom by some legal disqualifications

    2) Basis of presumption

    a. Public policy


    Basic and universally accepted rule provisions which tend to limit the

    candidacy of any person must be construed in favor of:

    i. Right of voters to exercise their choice

    ii. Right to aspire and hold public office


    Rule of liberal construction


    Right to public office is strictly construed against ineligibility

    b. General rule citizens have the right to hold officei. Exception ineligibility

    c. A citizen may not be deprived of this right without proof of some

    disqualification especially declared by law.

    Time of possession of qualifications


    When must the qualifications to a public office exist?

    1) Where the time is specified by the constitution or law follow the stipulation


    Where the time is NOT specified by the constitution of law


    Some courts eligibility = capacity to hold office, as opposed to the capacity

    of being elected of appointed

    i. Therefore, it must be possessed at the time of commencement of

    the term or induction into office


    Disqualification at the time of appointment or election isimmaterial

    b. Other courts eligibility must exist at the time of election or appointment

    c. Where the provision refers to holding of officerather than eligibility to office

    = commencement of the term of induction into office

    3) Where qualification must always exist

    a. At the commencement of the term and during the occupancy

    Own note: the disagreement is as to when should a person start having it, but

    either way, at the commencement of the term, he is supposed to possess it.

    b. Qualification prescribed for elective office cannot be erased by the

    electorate alone

    i. The will of the people as expressed in the ballot cannot cure the

    vice of ineligibility


    However, in Frivaldo vs. COMELEC, it was held that Sec. 39 of the LGC which

    speaks of Qualifications of Elective Officials does not specify any particular

    time or date when the candidate must possess citizenship, unlike that for



    Therefore, it must be possessed at the time of proclamation and at

    the start of his term

    Removal of disqualification during term

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    Courts have not agreed on this matter

    Particular Qualifications and Disqualifications

    Qualifications usually required of public officers

    - Qualifications for public office are continuing requirements = must be possessed at the

    time of appointment or election, or assumption of office, and during the officers entire


    Usual Formal Qualifications Required:

    1) Citizenship

    a. General principle aliens are not eligible to public office, unless the privilege is

    extended to them by statute


    The enforcement of this principle does NOT need the aid of statutory or

    constitutional enactments

    ii. The government is instituted by the citizens for their liberty and

    protection, and it is to be administered, and its powers and functions

    exercised only by them through their agency.




    Age limit for certain offices, may, by constitutional or statutory provisions, be

    placed beyond the period of majority.

    b. Requirement of certain age as a qualification is founded on public policy.


    Right of suffrage


    The right to suffrage is usually not granted to non-citizens, hence, by making

    being an elector or voter as a qualification for public office, it is in effect,

    excluding non-citizens from qualifying for public office.


    2 viewsi.

    when the law is silent on qualifications to office understood as only

    electors are eligible

    ii. all persons are equally eligible unless excluded (De leon says that this is

    true with respect to age qualification below the minimum voting age





    Residence and Domicile synonymous

    b. Both means: intention to reside, personal presence, and conduct indicative of

    such intention.




    Statutes may prescribe educational qualifications when they reasonably relateto the specialized demands of an office

    6) Ability to read and write


    This qualification may lawfully be made since there is no constitutional

    prohibition against it.

    7) Political Affiliation

    a. Normally proscribed.


    The constitution and existing laws sometimes require as a condition of eligibility

    to certain offices nomination by membership in a political party or group.

    Religious qualifications prohibited


    Religious beliefs or opinions cannot be made a test of political right and privilege

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    1) U.S. Supreme Court

    a. It invades the freedom of belief and religion

    b. No state interest could be discerned which would justify the burden upon

    the free exercise of religion imposed by the restriction


    Philippine Consti expressly provides that no religious test shall be required for theexercise of civil and political rights

    a. Religious test one that demands the avowal or repudiation of certainreligious beliefs before the performance of any act




    Before, the Revised Administrative Code of 1917 and the deicion in Pamil

    vs. Teleron held that a priest cannot be elected as a municipal mayor = No

    such provision now in the Administrative Code of 1987

    Power of Congress to imposed property qualifications


    Two views:


    The view that it is constitutional;a. The legislature has the power to impose property qualifications upon office

    holders unless inhibited by the Constitution

    2) The view that it is unconstitutional


    It constitutes an invidious discrimination against no-landowners


    A sort of economic gerrymandering which runs afoul of the equal protection

    and due process guarantees

    ( See reviewer for the qualifications for specific positions)

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    Disqualification to hold public office

    - Individuals who lack any of the qualifications prescribed by the Constitution or by law

    for a public office are ineligible or disqualified from holding such office.


    An appointment of an ineligible or unqualified person is a nullity.


    Disqualification may arise from a variety of causes like:1) Mental or physical incapacity

    a. Blind not necessarily disqualified


    Misconduct or a crime

    a. To assure public confidence in the integrity of the government

    b. Persons convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude are usually

    disqualified from holding public office to promote honesty and integrity in



    On violation of municipal or city ordinance

    i. To qualify as a crime must involve at least a certain degree of evildoing, immoral conduct, corruption, malice, or want of principles

    reasonably related to the requirements of the public office.


    It does not mean that only violations of statute enacted by thenational legislature can give rise to crimes as employed in the lawon public officers

    iii. Distinction on violations of laws of municipal corporations

    1. Acts NOT essentially criminal

    a. Municipal regulations relations for the promotion

    of peace, good order, health, safety, and comfort of


    b. Acts intrinsically punishable as a public offense

    3) Impeachment

    a. Judgment of Impeachment is limited to removal from office and

    disqualification to hold any office under the Republic of the Philippines

    4) Removal or suspension from office

    a. Includes acts which would disqualify one from holding office


    The question is: whether the suspension or removal itself operates to

    disqualify one from holding the same or another office.


    Where there is no law declaring ineligibility for such cause, the

    courts may not impose the disability

    ii. Generally, removed officials are barred from election or

    appointment to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term


    This also applies when the official resigns in anticipation of

    a removal


    Previous term of office imposed upon certain officersa. President not eligible for re-election


    A person who has succeeded as President is disqualified only If he

    has served as such for more than 4 yrs

    b. Chairmen and Commissioners of

    i. Civil Service

    ii. COMELEC




    Ombudsman and his Deputies


    In addition, not qualified to run for any office in the

    election immediately succeeding their cessation from office

    6) Consecutive terms


    VP not more than 2 consecutive termsb.

    Senator not more than 2 consecutive

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    Member of HOR not more than 3

    d. Elective officials, except barangay officials term of office 3 yrs; not morethan 3 consecutive terms

    7) Holding more than one office




    prevent offices of public trust from accumulating in a single personii. prevent individuals from deriving pecuniary benefit by virtue of

    their dual position-holding

    b. A person who accepts and qualifies for a second and incompatible office is

    deemed to vacate, or by implication, to resign from the first office.


    Same rule even if positions are not incompatible if the law prohibits

    a 2ndposition

    c. Limits on the right to hold more than one office at the same time

    i. President, VP, members of the cabinet (their deputies and

    assistants) not to hold any other office during tenure


    Senators or members of the HOR not to hold office or

    employment in the govt, its subdivisions, agency, instrumentality,

    including gocc


    Members of SC and other courts established by law not to be

    designated in any agency performing quasi-judicial or

    administrative functions


    Members of Consti Commissions not to hold any other office or

    employment during tenure

    v. Ombudsman and his deputies same as ivvi. Appointive official same as ii, EXCEPT when allowed by law or by

    the primary functions of his positions


    Members of the AFP in active service not be appointed or

    designated in any capacity to a civilian position in the govt

    8) Relationship with the appointing power - Appointments should be based solely on

    merit and fitness uninfluenced by any personal or filial considerationa.

    The Consti prohibits the Pres from appointing his close relatives to high

    positions in the govt

    i. Spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity within the 4thcivil


    ii. Prohib on being appointed as: mems of the Constitutional

    Commission, Office of the Ombudsman, Secretaries, Undersec,

    Chairmen or heads of bureaus and offices, including GOCCs and

    their subsidiaries

    b. Civil Service Decree

    i. All appointments in the govt, including GOCC made in favor of the

    relative of the appointing or recommending authority or the chief

    of the bureau, or of persons exercising immediate supervision over

    him, are prohibitedii. Relative within 3rddegree of consanguinity or affinity

    iii. Not applicable if already appointed then got married.

    c. Exemptions


    Persons employed in a confidential capacity



    iii. Physicians

    iv. Members of the AFP


    Office newly created or the emoluments of which have been increased


    Prohib on appointment of senators or mems of HOR


    Create new office = Congress must itself cause it to exist or bring it into




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    prevent an individual legislator from profiting by an action taken

    by him with bad motives

    ii. prevent all legislators from being influence by either conscious or

    unconscious motives

    d. emolument = does not refer to fixed salary alone


    Being an elective officiala. No elective official is eligible to any public office or position during his


    b. Purpose: minimize spoils system


    Having been a candidate to an elective position


    Candidate who lost in an election shall not, within one year after election, be

    appointed to any office in the govt or any GOCC

    b. Directed against political lame-ducksc. Members of Consti Comm must not have been candidates to any elective

    position in the elections immediately preceding their appointment

    12)Under the LGC


    Disqualified from running any elective local position