PTIMIZING AND SATISFICING THE INTERPLAY …...Esteve Almirall ESADE Business School, Universitat...

RESEARCH ARTICLE OPTIMIZING AND SATISFICING: THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN PLATFORM ARCHITECTURE AND PRODUCERSDESIGN STRATEGIES FOR PLATFORM PERFORMANCE Sabine Brunswicker Research Center for Open Digital Innovation, Purdue University, 516 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 49706 U.S.A. {[email protected]} Esteve Almirall ESADE Business School, Universitat Ramon Llull, Av. Toree Blanca 59, SantCugat-Barcelona, SPAIN {[email protected]} Ann Majchrzak Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 U.S.A. {[email protected]} Appendix A Summary of Robustness Checks We performed a series of simulations that were examining the robustness of our model specification (Davis et al. 2007). In particular, we explored whether the results would change if we modified the search heuristic h (see Table 3 in the main document) and the design moves (hill- climbing and long-jump) that define how agents search the design space when combining design elements into apps. We implemented three major robustness analyses: First, we examined the robustness of our binary representation of long-jump and hill-climbing as two dichotomous search moves, modeled in accordance with Levinthal (1997). To do so, we explored the effects of an alternative continuous representation following Billinger et al. (2013). Second, we examined the robustness of our assumption about the average amount of resources for long-jumps (R) that each agent has available when moving through the iterative search process (Billinger et al. 2013; March 1981; Rivkin 2000). Third, we also explored whether a simple categorical function to model failure-induced jumps is appropriate given alternative probabilistic models suggested in the literature on search and decision making (Greve 1998, 2002; Hu et al. 2011; Lant 1992). We will briefly report the results of these three robustness checks. Robustness Check 1: Alternative Modeling of Local Versus Distant Search In our simulations reported in the main document, we modeled hill-climbing and long-jumps as dichotomous facets of local versus distant search, following the line of research of Levinthal (1997). Our agents randomly change a design element in their design vector d = <d1,…,d16>. The type of search move (hill-climbing or long-jump) defines how many decision variables they change. If they are hill-climbing, they change only one element, but if they engage in a long-jump, they randomly change several (up to six) design elements in their vector. We labeled this as a “greedy” model in our simulation model, and also in the code itself. As an alternative approach, we implemented and tested Billinger et al.’s (2013) approach to modeling different facets of search. In this alternative approach, the agents gradually adjust their search distance starting with an initial search distance of three that is then adjusted according to their success. We labeled this modeling as adaptive” (and the code respectively). In essence, this implies that if agents could find a higher position, they became more conservative and MIS Quarterly Vol. 43 No. 4—Appendices/December 2019 A1

Transcript of PTIMIZING AND SATISFICING THE INTERPLAY …...Esteve Almirall ESADE Business School, Universitat...

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Sabine BrunswickerResearch Center for Open Digital Innovation, Purdue University, 516 Northwestern Avenue,

West Lafayette, IN 49706 U.S.A. {[email protected]}

Esteve AlmirallESADE Business School, Universitat Ramon Llull, Av. Toree Blanca 59,

SantCugat-Barcelona, SPAIN {[email protected]}

Ann MajchrzakMarshall School of Business, University of Southern California,

Los Angeles, CA 90089 U.S.A. {[email protected]}

Appendix A

Summary of Robustness Checks

We performed a series of simulations that were examining the robustness of our model specification (Davis et al. 2007). In particular, weexplored whether the results would change if we modified the search heuristic h (see Table 3 in the main document) and the design moves (hill-climbing and long-jump) that define how agents search the design space when combining design elements into apps. We implemented threemajor robustness analyses: First, we examined the robustness of our binary representation of long-jump and hill-climbing as two dichotomoussearch moves, modeled in accordance with Levinthal (1997). To do so, we explored the effects of an alternative continuous representationfollowing Billinger et al. (2013). Second, we examined the robustness of our assumption about the average amount of resources for long-jumps(R) that each agent has available when moving through the iterative search process (Billinger et al. 2013; March 1981; Rivkin 2000). Third,we also explored whether a simple categorical function to model failure-induced jumps is appropriate given alternative probabilistic modelssuggested in the literature on search and decision making (Greve 1998, 2002; Hu et al. 2011; Lant 1992). We will briefly report the resultsof these three robustness checks.

Robustness Check 1: Alternative Modeling of Local Versus Distant Search

In our simulations reported in the main document, we modeled hill-climbing and long-jumps as dichotomous facets of local versus distantsearch, following the line of research of Levinthal (1997). Our agents randomly change a design element in their design vector d = <d1,…,d16>. The type of search move (hill-climbing or long-jump) defines how many decision variables they change. If they are hill-climbing, they changeonly one element, but if they engage in a long-jump, they randomly change several (up to six) design elements in their vector. We labeled thisas a “greedy” model in our simulation model, and also in the code itself. As an alternative approach, we implemented and tested Billinger etal.’s (2013) approach to modeling different facets of search. In this alternative approach, the agents gradually adjust their search distancestarting with an initial search distance of three that is then adjusted according to their success. We labeled this modeling as adaptive” (and the code respectively). In essence, this implies that if agents could find a higher position, they became more conservative and

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Brunswicker et al./Optimizing and Satisficing

gradually reduced the search distance over time. On the contrary, if agents are unsuccessful, they became more risk-taking by increasing theirsearch distance gradually. Thus, our agents rapidly take many long-jumps at high levels of coupling. The use of what we call adaptive in ourcode resulted in a higher number of iterations, and slightly less pronounced results. However, the general insights gained from our simulationsremain the same. Only minor differences could be detected. We judged our results as robust after completing these robustness checks.

Robustness Check 2: Varying the Level of Resources for Long-Jumps

The second aspect that we explored was resources for long-jumps available to our agents (March and Shapira 1992). Indeed, prior studiesextending Levinthal’s the NK model highlight that bold long-jumps are limited by the resources available to the agent (Billinger et al. 2013;Rivkin 2000). Further, this theoretical assumption is also consistent with empirical insights. Major design moves are resource intensive, andaccrue technological debt (Gilette 2011; Woodard et al. 2013). Developing a radically new app takes time, money, and energy, and suchresources deplete. Thus, we explored different scenarios by limiting the number of long-jumps available to each agent from 25, 50,100, to 250. Obviously more resources for long-jumps altered the results significantly, particularly at the lower end of the spectrum: If resources were reallylow (10 or 25 jumps as average), agents quickly suffered from too little resources to engage in long-jumps even if they aspired to jump becausethey were below their competitive aspiration. We learned that a minimum of 50 long-jumps is necessary to allow developers to cope with higherlevels of coupling. If the amount of resources available is really high (e.g., 500 long-jumps as average), the differences in the effect ofproducers’ design strategies (optimizing versus satisficing) unfold in an even more pronounced way. The downside of optimizing is even moreobvious: platforms with optimizing producers perform significantly lower, and the outcome is even more skewed such that only a few starsare clearly separated from the rest of the population. However, general trends and transition points were similar, and we learned that, onplatforms where “extra” effort and major design moves are needed (tight coupling), very high levels of resources for risk-taking long-jumpscan be very detrimental.

Robustness Check 3: Probabilistic Function for Failure-Induced Long-Jumps

Finally, we also explored the impact of a probabilistic model for failure-induced long-jumps as a function of one agent’s distance from theperformance target associated with his competitive aspiration. Prior research on adaptive aspirations has concluded that both individuals andorganizations often follow a simple heuristic when judging their performance as failure, and taking distant moves depending on their relativestanding. They encode any value above their aspiration as a success and thus hill-climb (and the opposite for any value below as failure, trig-gering long-jumps). However, following prior work by Greve (2002) and other recent studies on adaptive aspirations (Hu et al. 2011; Lant1992), we also pursued a probabilistic representation of the rule. We provided a higher probability for an agent making long-jumps if the agentis farther away from the agent’s competitive aspiration (which can be either an optimizing or a satisificing one). In our probabilistic modeling,the ones that are separated from their aspiration by the greatest distance had a probability of 0.9 to engage in a long-jump; the ones that werecloser to their aspiration had only 0.1 probability of taking a long-jump. The probability was linearly distributed between 0.1 and 0.9, inaccordance with the constant-slope response model proposed by Greve (1998). The results obtained in the experiments with a probabilisticmodeling approach were completely consistent with the ones obtained when agents follow a categorical decision rule.

Appendix B

Note on Simulation Length

Our simulation ends when all the agents exhausted their resources available for long-jumps (the maximum number of long-jumps available tothem) or when no agent changes the position after a full iteration. The length of the simulations varies depending on K, the tightness of couplingof the elements in the platform, and other treatment conditions. For the reported number of simulations (based on an average maximum numberof long-jumps of 100), the number of design iterations ranged from 6 to 500.

In Figure B1, we provide an overview of the length of the simulations for different levels of coupling (K), no constraint (C = 0), and speed ofadjustment of S = 1 and S = 10. The length of the simulation increases as K increases. Further, with a higher S, we see that the number ofiterations decreases as K increases. If we increase C, the simulations also become shorter. The average number of iterations was 311 acrossall simulation experiments. Thus, on average the simulations ended before the maximum length of 500 iterations because agents had exploitedtheir resources for long-jumps or had settled on the design with the highest fitness.

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Brunswicker et al./Optimizing and Satisficing

Figure B1. Overview of Length of Simulations

Appendix C

Simulation Code

Summary Information

Our computational model extends the traditional NK Model used by Levinthal (1997). In this pseudocode, we present the main loop of thesimulations with variations.

The code is optimized for speed. Therefore, the code is as simple as possible using extremely simple logical structures. NK landscapes aremapped into a vector with a single index. Agents are depicted as a structure and also arranged as a vector of this structure. The program iswritten in Julia, a very fast dynamic programming language for high-performance numerical analysis.

The resulting algorithm is simple. For each simulation a landscape is created. Then 1,000 agents are randomly placed on it. For each iterationand each agent, a movement is executed. Hill-climbing is first attempted. If hill-climbing is not possible because the agent has reached a localmaximum, a long-jump is executed in accordance with the behavioral rules specified for the agents. These movements are continued until theend of the simulation (when no movements are left).

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Table C1. Summary of Code Structure (Pseudo-Code)

type agentposition # position in the NK landscape searchdistance # (initially 3, only in case of adaptive jumps with changing radius

#in accordance with Billinger et al. 2013, not used for greedy)maxJumps #each agent has a max number of jumps numJumps #the number of long-jumps that has done the agent so far


for constraints = none, 2 bits, 4 bits, 6 bitsfor aspiration point = none, medianAgent, topAgent

for K = 0..15for experiments = 1..500landscape = create a landscape(N = 16, K, constraints)Deploy 1000 agents in random locations in the landscapewhile there are still changes AND there are iterations left

find aspiration point # either top, median or none if hill-climbing for each agent

# hill-climbing Search at distance 1 for the best design with platform constraintsIf none better found AND fitness(agent)<aspiration pointjump by randomly changing between 2..6 bitsagent.numJumps++there are changes = TRUE




The Implementation in Julia (version v 0.4)



function BestStrategy(strategy,ag,iN) # BestStrategy - Looks for the best possible strategy of the agents #Return # newStg -> New Strategy to implement#Inputs# strategy-> 1)Incremental + greedy (max fitness)# 2)Incremental + fitter (better fitness with fitness' prob.)# 3)Pattern selection# ag -> Agent to be considered# iN -> Range of bits to consider e.g., beginning: end (depends if some components are fixed ...)


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#if (strategy == 1 || strategy == 2 || strategy==3 || strategy==4 || strategy==5)

# Incremental + greedylStg=ListStrategies(ag.stg,iN,1)

for lS=1:size(lStg)[1]if (Fitness(lStg[lS]) > maxFit)



#endreturn newStgend


function BitGet(i,nbit)# BitGet Returns the value of a certain bit # Returns:# 0,1 -> value of the bit # Inputs:# i -> integer to consider# nbit -> number of bit to consider


if (i & int32(2^(nbit-1))) >0return 1

elsereturn 0




function BitSet(i,nbit,val)# BitSet Returns i with nbit set to val# Returns:# i -> i with nbit set to val # Inputs:# i -> integer to consider# nbit -> number of bit to consider# val -> value to set (0,1)


if val==1i=i|2^(nbit-1)



return i


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function ListStrategies(stgO,iN,M)# ListStrategies From a given strategy, lists all strategies that differ in M or less components # Returns:# lStg -> vector with all possible strategies# Inputs:# stgO -> original strategy# iN -> elements (bits) to be considered in the set# M -> maximum number of components in which strategies can differ=1;xM=M


if (xM>size(iN,1))xM=size(iN,1)


for i=1:xMcombi=collect(combinations(iN,i))n_combi=size(combi,1)s_combi=size(combi[1],2)

for j=1:n_combi n_stg=stgO for t=1:s_combi

if (n_stg & 2^(combi[j,t][1]-1)) == 0 # if (bitget(n_stg,combi[j,t])==0)

n_stg=(n_stg | 2^(combi[j,t][1]-1)) # n_stg=bitset(n_stg,combi[j,t]); else

n_stg=(n_stg $ 2^(combi[j,t][1]-1)) # n_stg=bitset(n_stg,combi[j,t],0); end end

if i==1 && j==1 # first timelStg[1]=n_stg

else push!(lStg,n_stg)

end endendreturn lStgend

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#--------------------------------------------------------------------------function CreaLandscape(N,K)# CreaLandscape Creates a landscape N-K (see Kauffman)# Returns:# m_cs->max interactions# CS -> global variable that contains vector dependencies# CV -> global variable that contains random number used to build the# landscape# Inputs:# N -> number of different components of the Strategy# K -> number of components of wich every single component depends on

#global landscape#global cs#global maxLand




#Random with repetitionfor i=[1:N]


cs[i,:]=[i tmp[tmp1[1:K]]']## cs(i,:)=sort(cs(i,:))end


for i=[0:(dosaN-1)]valor=0;for j=[1:N]

ind=0;for p=[1:(K+1)]

# pm=int32(2^cs[j,p])# println(i," ",pm," ",i&pm," ",ind|pm)

if (i & int32(2^(cs[j,p]-1))) >0ind=(ind | 2^(p-1))

end# if (bitget(i,cs(j,p))==1)# ind=bitset(ind,p,1);# end



landscape[i+1]=valor/Nif (landscape[i+1]>maxval)


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maxLand=i+1endif (landscape[i+1]<minval)




return landscapeend


function Fitness(stg)# Fitness Returns the fitness of an strategy # Returns:# fit -> fitness corresponding to the strategy of the agent# corresponds to the strategy of the agent + 1 into the landscape# Inputs:# stg -> strategy of the agent

global landscape


return fit


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#--------------------------------------------------------------------------function Simula(strategy,ag,aex...)# Simula Performs a simulation depending on the Strategy# -> strategy=1 - Hill-climbing# -> strategy=2 - Hill-climbing with info about avg Fitness of the Landscape# Returns:# ag -> structure of agents# bestCases -> final benchmark# Inputs:# strategy -> 0= Hill-climbing - used as a baseline# 1= Hill-climbing with restricted bits# 2= Hill-climbing with explorers using max fitness found w restricted bits# 3= Hill-climbing with explorers using avg fitness found w restricted bits# 4= Hill-climbing using Best Cases from explorers# 5= Hill-climbing from Best Cases extracted from the agents themselves# ag -> structure of agents# aex -> structure of the explorers or number of array of agents to consider for Best Cases

# required global variables# landscape -> the vector representing the landscape# N -> number of different components of the Strategy# K -> number of components of which every single component depends on

global landscapeglobal N, K

global nBestCases

global _fixbits, _freebits,_fixvalglobal _dpivot



#counting iterations_niter=0

if strategy==1 || strategy==0# Do Hill-climbing canvi=true

while canvicanvi=falsefor i=1:nagents

if strategy==0newStg=BestStrategy(strategy, ag[i],[1:N])

elsenewStg=BestStrategy(strategy, ag[i], _freebits)

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endif newStg != ag[i].stg



endreturn (ag, _niter)


if (strategy==2 || strategy==3 || strategy==4)# Do Hill-climbing with Explorers with the max fitness found by the explorersex=aex[1]e=size(ex,1)if (strategy==2 || strategy==3)

avgEx=0for i=1:e

if strategy==2if Fitness(ex[i].stg)>avgEx



endendif strategy==3


# @printf("avgEx %4f\n",avgEx)else

#Select the best cases found by explorersbestCases=zeros(e)for i=1:e




while canvicanvi=falseif _dpivot>0

#find minimum fitness_minfit=9.0for i=1:nagents

if Fitness(ag[i].stg)<_minfit_minfit=Fitness(ag[i].stg)


end for i=1:nagents

if ag[i].nPivot<ag[i].mPivotnewStg=BestStrategy(strategy, ag[i], _freebits)if newStg != ag[i].stg


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else# @printf("agent %2d tBCase %2d nPivot %2d mPivot %2d \n",i,ag[i].tBCase,ag[i].nPivot,ag[i].mPivot)

if ((strategy== 2 || strategy==3) && Fitness(newStg)<avgEx) ||( strategy==4 && Fitness(newStg)<bestCases[ag[i].tBCase] )

# @printf("Old strategy %7f New strategy %7f",ag[i].stg,newStg)# @printf("Aixo no hauria de passar Fitness(newStg) %7f avgEx %7f dif %7f \n",Fitness(newStg),avgEx,avgEx-Fitness(newStg))

# Jump_jump=falseif _dpivot==0


else #only 1 proportional negative is consideredif (strategy==2 || strategy ==3)


_p=(Fitness(ag[i].stg)-_minfit)/(bestCases[ag[i].tBCase]-_minfit)end _p=1-_pif rand()<=_p


endif _jump==true

btC=int(rand()*4)+2 #bt 2..6 bitsfor j=1:btC

bC=int(rand()*(length(_freebits)-1))+1 if BitGet(ag[i].stg,_freebits[bC])==0 # Flip







endreturn (ag, _niter)


if (strategy==5)# Do Hill-climbing using Best Cases crowdsourced from the agents themselvesex=aex[1]e=size(ex,1)bestCases=zeros(e)for i=1:e


# for i=1:length(bestCases)

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# @printf("Best Case %2d %2.5f \n",i,bestCases[i])# end

avgF=0for i=1:nagents

avgF=avgF+Fitness(ag[i].stg) endavgF=avgF/nagents

# @printf("Init %3d Average fitness of Best Cases %2.5f Agents %2.5f\n",e,mean(bestCases[1:5]),avgF)


while canvicanvi=falseif _dpivot>0

#find minimum fitness_minfit=9.0for i=1:nagents

if Fitness(ag[i].stg)<_minfit_minfit=Fitness(ag[i].stg)


end # @printf("We have _minfit \n")

for i=1:nagentsif ag[i].nPivot<ag[i].mPivot

newStg=BestStrategy(strategy, ag[i], _freebits)if newStg != ag[i].stg


else# @printf("Are we going to jump? Fitness(newStg) %5f bestCases[ag[i].tBCase] %5f\n",Fitness(newStg),bestCases[ag[i].tBCase])

if Fitness(newStg)<bestCases[ag[i].tBCase]# @printf("Are we going to jump 2?\n")# @printf("agent %2d tBCase %2d nPivot %2d mPivot %2d \n",i,ag[i].tBCase,ag[i].nPivot,ag[i].mPivot)# @printf("Fitness(newStg) %4f bestCases[ag[i].tBCase] %4f \n",Fitness(newStg),bestCases[ag[i].tBCase])

# Jump_jump=falseif _dpivot==0


else #only 1 proportional negative is considered_p=(Fitness(ag[i].stg)-_minfit)/(bestCases[ag[i].tBCase]-_minfit)

end _p=1-_pif rand()<=_p

_jump=trueendif _jump==true

btC=int(rand()*4)+2 #bt 2..6 bitsfor j=1:btC

bC=int(rand()*(length(_freebits)-1))+1 if BitGet(ag[i].stg,_freebits[bC])==0 # Flip


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end end



bestCases=zeros(e)for i=1:e


end# avgF=0# for i=1:nagents# avgF=avgF+Fitness(ag[i].stg) # end# avgF=avgF/nagents

# @printf(" ... Average fitness of Best Cases %2.5f Agents %2.5f jumps %4d\n",mean(bestCases[1:5]),avgF,njump)# for i=1:nagents# if Fitness(ag[i].stg)<bestCases[ag[i].tBCase]

#tobat# @printf(">>> agent %3d fitness %2.4f tBCase %2d fitness Best Case %2.4f nPivots %3d maxPivots %3d \n",# i,Fitness(ag[i].stg),ag[i].tBCase,bestCases[ag[i].tBCase],ag[i].nPivot,ag[i].mPivot)# end# end

# return ag, bestCases[1:nBestCases]return (ag, _niter)


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# NKtransp -------# command line inputs# NKtransp.jl <nagents> <nexperiments> <maxTrials> <agentsRisk> <platformBits> <meanPivots> <forceAdopt># nagents Number of agents to be deployed in the landscape - typically 1000# nexperiments Number of experiments to perform - bt 100..1000# maxSearchTrials Max number of Search Trials - bt 100..1000# agentsRisk 0-> conservative. First they exhaust all incremental opportunities then engage in long-jumps# 1-> adaptive. They engage in adaptive behavior all the time and change their search radius. # platformBits Number of bits fixed devoted to the platform. # meanPivots Mean number of Pivots that agents will do. Normally distributed around meanPivots, std=1 # speed Speed of the update of the social benchmark 0-> static -1 ->every iteration n-> every n iterations#


global landscape, N, K

global _fixbits, _freebits,_fixval


#get parameters from command line argsif size(ARGS,1)!=7

@printf("Incorrent args in command line\n")@printf("NKtransp.jl <nagents> <nexperiments> <maxSearchTrials> <agentsRisk> <platformBits> <meanPivots> <speed>



_nag=parse(Int,ARGS[1])_nexp=parse(Int,ARGS[2])_mST=parse(Int,ARGS[3]) #normally 5* _nexp_agR=parse(Int,ARGS[4])_nfixbits=parse(Int,ARGS[5])_mPivots=parse(Int,ARGS[6])_speed=parse(Int,ARGS[7])

#Fix bits and assign them a value_fixbits=randperm(N)_freebits=_fixbits[1:end-_nfixbits]_fixbits=_fixbits[end-(_nfixbits-1):end]

_fixval=zeros(_nfixbits)for i in 1:_nfixbits


#File namefname="NK-""B"string(_agR)"Pl"string(_nfixbits)"Pv"string(_mPivots)"S"string(_speed)Libc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", time())


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write(fOutCsv,"N.Iter, #Bench, K, #Simu, Mean Fitness, Std Fitness, Search Distance\n")write(fOutCsvD,"N.Iter, #Bench, K, #Simu, #Agent, Fitness, Search Distance\n")

if _nfixbits!=0nB=6B=[-1 0 1 2 3 4]

elsenB=5B=[0 1 2 3 4]



type agentstg::Int64last::Int64sD::Int32mPivot::Int32nPivot::Int32



cB=1for b in B

for K=0:N-1 @printf("Benchmark %2d NKtransp K=%2d \n",b,K)flush(STDOUT)siter=0for t=1:_nexp

#Create a landscapelandscape=CreaLandscape(N,K)

# Put the agents on the floor for i=1:_nag

init=round(Int,rand()*(2^N-1))if b<0

#Baseline without restricted bitsag[i]=agent(init,init,0,0,0) # 0..2^N -1

else_ag=agent(init,init,0,0,0) # 0..2^N -1for j=1:length(_fixbits)


endag[i].sD=3 #initially we set the Search Distance to 3ag[i].mPivot=round(Int,randn()+_mPivots)ag[i].nPivot=Int(0)


MIS Quarterly Vol. 43 No. 4—Appendices/December 2019 A15

Page 16: PTIMIZING AND SATISFICING THE INTERPLAY …...Esteve Almirall ESADE Business School, Universitat Ramon Llull, Av. Toree Blanca 59, SantCugat-Barcelona, SPAIN {}

Brunswicker et al./Optimizing and Satisficing

ag, _niter, iterF=Simul(ag,b,_agR,_mST,_speed)

for i=1:_mSTmiterF[cB,K+1,i] += iterF[i]if iterF[i] !=0

niterF[cB,K+1,i] +=1end


for i=1:_nag# println(Fitness(ag[i].stg))aFit=Fitness(ag[i].stg)avgFit[cB,K+1,t]=avgFit[cB,K+1,t]+aFitaFitness[i]=aFit writecsv(fOutCsvD,[_niter b K t i aFit ag[i].sD])


writecsv(fOutCsv,[_niter b K t mean(aFitness) std(aFitness) mean(ag[].sD)])

# println(avgFit[K+1,t])end@printf("N. of iterations %3d, Fitness %4f, Search Distance %2d \n",siter/_nexp,mean(avgFit[cB,K+1,:]),mean(ag[].sD))flush(STDOUT)



for i=1:nBfor j=1:N

for k=1:_mSTif niterF[i,j,k] !=0





#for i=1:2^16# @printf("Landscape %5d %7.3f \n ",i,landscape[i])#end

#@printf("Max landscape min landscape %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f\n",maximum(landscape),minimum(landscape),mean(landscape))

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Page 17: PTIMIZING AND SATISFICING THE INTERPLAY …...Esteve Almirall ESADE Business School, Universitat Ramon Llull, Av. Toree Blanca 59, SantCugat-Barcelona, SPAIN {}

Brunswicker et al./Optimizing and Satisficing


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