Pt3 English Paper

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Transcript of Pt3 English Paper

  • 8/10/2019 Pt3 English Paper


    Section A

    (20 MARKS)

    (Time suggested : 15 minutes)

    Question 1-10 are based on the text.

    Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. The correct word must not

    change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in the text.

  • 8/10/2019 Pt3 English Paper


    Section B

    (20 MARKS)

    (Time suggested : 25 minutes)

  • 8/10/2019 Pt3 English Paper


    Section C

    (15 MARKS)

    (Time suggested : 25 minutes)

    Quastion 21-27 are based on the article Achoo!

    Achoo! We all sneeze sometimes. Sneezing is a reflex that your body does

    automatically. That means you cannot make yourself sneeze or stop one once it has started.

    When you sneeze, your body is trying to get rid of bad things in your nose, such as bacteria.

    You have extra germs when you have a cold, so you sneeze a lot more. You might also sneeze

    when you smell pepper! Inside your nose, there are hundreds of tiny hairs. These hairs filter

    the air you breathe. Sometimes dust and pollen find their way through these hairs and bother

    your nasal passages. The nerves in the lining of your nose tell your brain that something is

    invading your body.

    Your brain, lungs, nose, mouth, and the muscles of your upper body work together toblow away the invaders with a sneeze. When you sneeze, germs from your nose get blown

    into the air. Using a tissue or sneezing into your sleeve captures most of these germs. It is

    very important to wash your hands after you sneeze into them, especially during cold and flu


    Do you ever sneeze when you walk into bright sunlight? Some people say that

    happens to them often. Scientists believe the UV rays of the sun irritate the nose lining of

    these people so they sneeze. If someone nearby sneezes, remember to tell them Gesundheit!

    That is a funny-looking word which is pronounced gezz-oont-hite. It is the German word

    that wishes someone good health after sneezing.

    21. Which parts of your body work together when you sneeze?


    __________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    22. What does the German word Gesundheit mean?

    _________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    23. Why do people sneeze when they walk into bright sunlight?


    _______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    24. The word it in the last sentence refer to ____________________________________

    (1 mark)

  • 8/10/2019 Pt3 English Paper


    25. Fill in the table with appropriate words/phrases from the letter

    Meaning Word/Phrase

    fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles

    of earth

    bundle of fibrous tissue in a humanTo eliminate

    (3 marks)

    26. Complete the web with information from the article.

    (6 marks)

    27. State 3 other suggestion on how to keep your body healthy.

    i. ______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    ii. ______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    iii. ______________________________________________________ (1 mark)





  • 8/10/2019 Pt3 English Paper


    Section D

    (45 MARKS)

    (Time suggested : 55 minutes)

    Part 1 : Shorter writing task

    You should spend 20 minutes on this question

    In about 100 words, write about daily routine based on the notes above.




















    Annes Daily Routine

    8 am wake up, had breakfast

    10 am take bath, surf the internet

    1 pm take lunch

    2 pm watch television

    4 pm guitar lesson

    5 pm play netball

    8 pm do homework and revision

    10 pm go to bed

  • 8/10/2019 Pt3 English Paper
