PT Rylie Hannis

Martha’s Journey By: Rylie Hannis



Transcript of PT Rylie Hannis

It was a cold rainy day in Great Britain 1773. Martha Thomas and Crystal Thomas were working on

their farm when they got informed that William Thomas who was in battle in the colonies had gotten injured.

They were scared, terrified, and mad. The only other choice they had was to sneak off to the colonies.

When Martha and Crystal talked it over they knew it was right to go over to the colonies to help Wil-

liam, so they packed up all their belongings . It was 11pm when they went to the closest dock and snuck on a

boat that was going to the colonies. When they got on they saw how cramped the little boat was with hardly

any room. They also saw scared mothers like Martha with their children like Crystal. They found a tiny little

spot where they would be staying for the long boat ride. It was covered on top but not on the sides. They

even saw some slaves. They looked terrified. The hoped they would be safe there.

It was about 3 months into the journey. Martha saw that in her daughters eyes that she was scared.

Martha said to her ,”Crystal don't be scared, we’ll be just fine. Just pray and keep warm. I love you’’ that sunk

in a little but for the first time 10 year old Crystal Thomas saw people sick and dying, and she didn't want to

catch it so she did what her mother told her to, pray and keep warm. She did just that. Their clothes were

getting wet and worn out and they had no food. It was a very long journey.

Martha and Crystal's hope was getting very slim, but they still held on, then something amazing hap-

pened, the captain had spotted land!! Everyone was cheering and crying. They felt the boat jerk then it had

stopped! They were docked! One by one everyone had gotten off. Martha and Crystal were one of the last.

They were very excited to be on new land but also very scared with the war still going on. The new land was

nothing like Great Britain. Then they saw some of the war happen. It was horrible men were dropping every

second. Martha and Crystal were so scared they looked like the wanted to run.


Martha and Crystal traveled to New Hampshire where William was. Then they came to a building. The

building was for injured solders who fought in the war, so they had really big hope that William was in there.

The ran in the building. They saw William laying on a bed. They were so overjoyed that he was safe. They first

saw his leg all wrapped up and with yellow medicine all over it. Martha said ’’William I'm so happy to see you.

Are you doing ok?’’ ’’Father was the war very brutal ? Were a lot of people dying?’’ Crystal asked. William

was overthrown with questions but he was very happy to see them. After a couple weeks William was walk-

ing again. He overcame his injury! He survived!

William and his family were very skilled framers and over in Great Britain the weather was no good.

New Hampshire had great growing season weather. So the Thomas family decided that since they were al-

ready in New Hampshire, they would stay there, and that is just what they did.