psych notes mcat 2015

Emile Durkheim (founding father of sociology)- developed “anomie”- the disintegration of the influence of social norms on individuals. But NORMALLY…. Individuals followed functionalism……. manifest (overt) functions- intended and obvious consequences Latent FUNCTIONS- unintended or less obvious consequences For example: schools= manifest (formal education) latent (social knowledge) Deviance- based on the cultural norm AND IS NOT INHERENT(marrying first cousins) but not all deviance is “bad/criminal” mental illness is deviance SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONALISM AND SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONALISM ARE MICRO… LEVEL THEORIES of societies. Social constructionalism(middle finger)- are interested in the construction of perceived social realities through social interactions…. Basically you are a man because someone told you that you were a man…. These social intrepretations must be restated many things… and are mapped through knowledge and human choices…. FOCUSES ON LANGUAGE. Weak social constructionalism- brute facts quarks make up electrons… institutional facts… paper with value (money) Strong social constructionalism- EVERYTHING is a institutional facts…. Our reality is what we create it to be. Symbolic interactionalism (the tree/ant example)- relates the individual with greater social structure with a focus on communication. The action is depends on meaning…. And experiences… the meanings can CHANGE through experiences. BACK STAGE/ FRONT STAGE… Dramaturgical perspective/approach- individuals play certain roles when interacting with others. Impression management is the conscious or unconscious process where individuals manage their own image by influence others because of different roles…. Self-schema- stable set of beliefs, expereicnes, and generalizamation about one’s self…. Self-identity- an OVERALL understanding of one’s self


mcat 2015 mcat prep

Transcript of psych notes mcat 2015

Emile Durkheim (founding father of sociology)- developed anomie- the disintegration of the influence of social norms on individuals. But N!"#$$%&. 'ndividuals follo(ed functionalism&&. manifest (overt) functions- intended and o)vious conse*uences Latent +,N-.'N/- unintended or less o)vious conse*uences +or e0ample1 schools2 manifest (formal education) latent (social kno(ledge) Deviance- )ased on the cultural norm #ND '/ N. INHERENT& (marrying first cousins) )ut not all deviance is )ad3criminal mental illness is deviance SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONALISM AND SM!OLIC INTERACTIONALISM ARE MICRO" LE#EL THEORIES of societies$ /ocial constructionalism(middle finger)- are interested in the construction of perceived social realities through social interactions&. Basically you are a man )ecause someone told youthat you (ere a man&. .hese social intrepretations must )e restatedmany things& and are mapped through kno(ledge and human choices&. +-,/E/ N $#N4,#4E.5eak social constructionalism- )rute facts *uarks make up electrons& institutional facts& paper(ith value (money) /trong social constructionalism- E6E!%.7'N4 is a institutional facts&. ur reality is (hat (e create it to )e. /ym)olic interactionalism (the tree3ant e0ample)- relates the individual (ith greater social structure (ith a focus on communication. .he action is depends on meaning&. #nd e0periences& the meanings can -7#N4E through e0periences. !AC% STA&E' (RONT STA&E" Dramatur)ica* +ers+ective'a++roac,- in-ivi-ua*s +*a. certain ro*es /,en interactin) /it, ot,ers$ Im+ression mana)ement is t,e conscious or unconscious +rocess /,ere in-ivi-ua*s mana)e t,eir o/n ima)e 0. inf*uence ot,ers 0ecause of -ifferent ro*es"$ /elf-schema- sta)le set of )eliefs8 e0pereicnes8 and generali9amation a)out one:s self&. /elf-identity- an 6E!#$$ understanding of one:s self+eminism2 conflict theory /ociali9ation- process )y (hich an individual ac*uires the norms8 values8 customs8 ideologies8 and )ehaviors of his or her society. 'ndoctrination- coercive form of learning ((hen you go to catholic school as a kid) /ocial facilitation- (hen an individual can perform )etter3(orse (hen he3she is in a group !etter- /,en t,e tas1 is sim+*e to t,e in-ivi-ua* 2orse- /,en it is t,e first time -oin) it" in front of senior +rofessiona*s "inorities- less access to health care facilities )ased on geographic location8 socioeconomic status8 and dangerous environments 5e are more likely to attri)ute to environment if E6E!%NE is doing it&. r if it rarely happens&. r if it only happens in a specific environment&. !ational choice and social e0change theories- take into account economic considerations (hen decision-making& !ational choice- e0trinsic (measura)le costs)& profit&. #dvancement in education/ocial e0change theories- e0trinsic as (ell as intrinsic&. (non-measurea)le costs) like friendship and companionship&. +undamental attri)ution error- )lames individuals for their )ehaviors and not environment #ctor3)server Bias- )lames ourselves )ut )ecause of our environment&. /elf-serving )ias- attri)ute success to ourselves&. )ut failures on others (like the teacher) ptimism )ias- things happen )ad to others )ut not ourselves. /tanley "ilgram- o)edience (ith authority figure /olomon #sch- conformity theory B.7 used confederates to deceive people ascri)ed status- is something you didn:t have to (ork for to get the status of& (female8 - resident&.8 6ietnamese) #chieved status is (hat you earned& -Doctor/ource characteristic in Ela)oration $ikelihood "odel of persuasion is the ethos of the speaker is taken into account&. -entral3peripheral- central2 the main message (message characteristic); peripheral- ho( he looks&. -entralE.#) 'n primary groups- it is e0pressive function&. Because it helps develop morals and emotions&. 'nstrumental function is leadership and completion of the task Environmenta* in3ustice- 57EN poor minorities have to live in )ad environments that causes disease #>>$'-#.'N3E?#">$E + EN6'!N"EN.#$ 'N@,/.'-E1 (hen minority live in these environemnts and are o)ese )ecause they do not have access to good3nutritious food .7'/ '/ (OOD DESERTDemographic .ransition& (hen high )irth #ND death rates lo(er&. Due to industriali9ation "eritocracy- society (here individual status can go up or do(n )ased on accomplishments& -aste system is (here individual status is defined at )irth and (ill remain there +!E6E!. -lass system- B.7 accomplishments and )irth rights. -ultural competence- include minority3socioeconomic )ackgrounds&. groups in )iomedical research /u)ur)ani9ation- people moving to su)ur)s (areas around the cities3ur)an settings) -ounter-ur)ani9ation su)ur) to rural&. /u)-replacement fertility (hen net )irth rate is NE4#.'6E&. (more deaths than )irth rates) >opulation-lag effect is (hen the net is AE! +ecundity refers to the reproductive potential of a single (omen -oloni9ation- form of immigration (here a group of people arrives to a place (here it is already settled and proceeds to dominate and e0ploit the indigenous people 'nvoluntary migration- (here the Europeans (ill actually force the native americans out of their land&. (trail of tears) +alse consensus- (hen you think you:re right& )ut everyone around completely disagrees -onfirmation )ias- is looking for information to support your o(n previously kno(n opinions& Belief )ias- (hen one =udges a situation on the plausi)ility of the event instead of the actually logical facts E4am+*e of 0e*ief 0ias 5 a** ,umans are morta** Socrates is ,uman Socrates is morta* A** teena)e )ir*s are am0itious teena)e )ir*s stu-. ,ar- T,erefore6 )ir*s stu-. ,ar- 0ecause t,e. are am0itious #)solute poverty- is the measure of the )are minimum for su)sistence&. ne disadvantage of using this num)er is that poverty threshold in developed nations tend to higher !elative poverty- measure of poverty compared to other families; defined as an ina)ility to meet the average standard of living (ithin a society Deductive- )road to specific (top-do(n) 'nductive- specific to )road ()ottom up) >anic disorder- (hen the patient has /B8 heart palpitations8 and various panic attacks -onversion disorder- (hen there is no physiological disorder and his disorder is )ought )y traumatic event /omati9ation- same thing as conversion disorder Bthere is no physiological disorder&.C )ut& it doesn:t have to )e a traumatic event that occurs. 7idden curriculum- the latent values of education& and (hen the latent values )ecomes o)vious (hen they are in conflict (ith the overt& +or e0ample1 the doctor does a complete physical of the patient& )ut then is suspicious of the patients. .eacher-e0pectancy&. 7o( much the teachers e0pect out of the students (ill effect ho( much3ho( little treatment the teacher (ill provide to the students"ores- are N. la(s& )ut ho( society distinguishes it:s morals8 they are highly important and strictly enforced& so (hen they are violated&. E0treme conse*uences of (sanctions) are acted. +olk(ays- kinda like mores& (here if they are allo(ed then society is happy& and even (hen they are )roken& society doesn:t really care& +ormal norms- $#5/&. +eminist perspective2 conflict theory )ecause the perspective is interested in the persistent gender ine*ualities8 (hich is compara)le to the interest of conflict theories. gatekeeper effect is the media:s (ay of censoring (hat (ill )e on on their medias&. (latent conse*uence) neurocognitive disorder- al9hemisers8 huntingtons8 and parkinsons -ompliance- is done to avoid punishments or get re(ards& if punishment or re(ards are gone& then the decision3)ehavior (ill change 'dentification )ehavior- you (ant to )e more like the other person 'nternali9ation )ehavior- internali9ed )ehavior& rarely deviants from (hat their morals are +eral children- children that (ere raised (ithout parents and )asically in the (ild (.#!A#N) 7arry and "argaret harlo(- monkey e0periment involving neglect and nuture"ary ains(orth- the parents and child a)use& if the )a)y cries (hen the mother leaves. .rust vs. mistrust- infants 'nitiative vs guilt- preschool- e0ploring #utonomyvs shame and dou)t- toilet training @ames-$ange- physiogical and )ehavior emotions -anon and )ard- physioglical and emotions at the same time; they are independent of each other/-7#-7.E!-/'N4E!- physiological emotions physiological (emotions are a com)ination of physiological arousal and the )rain that la)els the states) /tarts at physiological arousal D la)eling emotions /ocial loafing- B#/'-#$$% #N7&. Doesn:t do (ork in the group #)senteeism- is the a)sence of taking responsi)ility for duties& )ut is descri)e in a pattern of actions& Deindividuation- (hen you more likely to moan E people (hen your friends are around Diffusion of responsi)ility- is the aspect of )ystander effect that states that an individual (ill not intervene )ecause they )elieve someone else (ill do it#c*uisition converting an unconditional response to a conditional one 7istrionic- e0cessive emotionality and attention-seeking )ehavior Narcissistic- thinks they are the shit& and a lack of empathy for others /chi9oid- detached from social relationships ()ut they don:t mind their isolation) and only e0hi)ita fe( emotions >ersonality disorders- is characteri9ed )y a set of personality traits that deviates from cultural norms8 impairs functioning8 and causes distress Borderline personality disorder- unsta)le self-image and interpersonal relationship8 and feelings of emptiness and efforts to a)andonment+earful avoidant attachment style- loves the emotion contact )et(een friends8 )ut 6E!% fearful3 paranoid of other people:s intentions and doesn:t e0press emotions a lot #n0ious-preoccupied1 (ants the emotional connections (ith others8 )ut fears he3she is not good enoughB)asically a )itchCprimacy effect- remem)ers the first item!ecency effect- remem)ers the last item /chi9otypal personality disorder- acute discomfort in interpersonal relationship (here they have odd eccentric )ehavior including constricted or inappropriate affect; magical or paranoid thinking; and odd )eliefs8 speech8 )ehavior8 appearance8 and perception & )ut have support from immediate family mem)ers #ntisocial personality disorder- acts of aggression against people or animals; deli)erate property descturciton; lying or theft/chi9oid- detached from social relationships and detached from close relationships& )ut not odd or completely eccentric /ensory memory (Echoic or iconic) must pass through the !ROAD!ENT (ILTER in order to )ecome short term memory (iconic and echoic memory are short term) $ong term1Episodic memory- .hat:s another story& ':m no story teller (type of auto)iographical events3E?>$'-'. "E"!%) >rocedural memory F riding a )ike /emantic memory- factual information .he Big +ive personalities1 -E#N -penness -- conscientiousness E- e0traversion #- #greea)le N- neuroticism- a)ility to control3handle stress (E".'N#$ !E/'$'EN-E) (personality trait characteri9ed )y an0iety8 fear8 moodiness8 (orry8 envy8 frustration8 =ealousy8 and loneliness 5orking memory and long term memory- stored in 7RE-(RONTAL CORTE8 HI77OCAM7US- is involved in making ne( memories and adding emotional association (ith those memories >sychoanalytic theory- .7E ,N-N/-',/ "'ND. 7umanist theory- emphasi9es an individual inherent drive to(ard self-actuali9ation& focuses on healthy personality developments. 7umans are inherently good. Behaviorist perspective- people are a )lank slates and then environment refinrocements their personality through operative and classical conditioning /ocial cognitive perspective- environment3)ehavioral3cognitive all effect personality .rait perspective- each individual possesses traits that are sta)le and enduringGGGG 5.+. /timulus reactions1 /ensiti9ation- sensitivity increases as stimulus increases 7a)ituation- sensitivity decreases as stimulus decreases Disha)ituation- (hen the stimulus is removed& and then reaction is gone& )ut (hen stimulus comes )ack&. .he reaction comes )ack& /"E.'"E/ E6EN /.!N4E!. E0tinction- unconditional conditional unconditional B'. '/ -">$E.E$% 4NE&.C #s ha)ituation continues& e0tinction is )ound to happen& /pontaneous recovery is (hen the conditioned stimulus triggers the same conditioned response as)efore. #c*uisition- unconditional conditional/timulus is al(ays trying to )e -ND'.'NED&.. .he food is the unconditioned response in the case of the dog and )ell3salivation #gorapho)ia- frear of em)arrassment or ina)lility to escape a certain situation&. -auses an0iety disorders N. # "D D'/!DE! E?#">$E of /-'#$ >7B'#1 /ocial pho)ia is an unreasona)le8 paraly9ing fear of feeling em)arrassed or humiliated (hile one is (atched )y others.-yclothymic disorder- same thing as )ipolar disorder .ypes of reinforcements1 (i4e- ratio- reinforced every nth responseused car dealer gets HIII for every HI car sold #aria0*e ratio- reinforced N #6E!#4E every nth response8 )ut not on each nth response. slot machines& )ecause though the =ackpot is constant&. .he num)er of times of lever pulling is varia)le) fi4e- interva*- reinforced after n amount of time re(arded after HJ minutes of rat pushing the lever varia0*e interva*- reinforced N #6E!#4E every nth response8 B,. not #$5#%/ on the nth amount of< you might )e a)le to catch a fish in J minutes& )ut the ne0t one might take an hour& schi9ophrenia- positive and negative symptoms positive- seeing things that are not there&. (delusions8 hallucinations8 and negative- lack of )ehaviors- (losing interest aka avo*ition)8 feeling out of touch)catatonic )ehavior(they are rigid and stuck&. /tuck in time) B' .7'NK '.:/ NE4#.'6ECBo)o dolls (#l)ert Bandura)- child (ho o)serve adult )ehavior (ill model that )ehavior (ith or 5'.7,. re(ards geared to(ard that )ehavior vicarious reinforcement is our tendency to repeat or duplicate )ehaviors for (hich others are )eing re(arded; copying )ehaviors )ecause someone else received a re(ard #l9heimer Disease (#D)- >la*ues8 tangles in corte08 #$5#%/ dementia>arkinson:s Disease (>D)- 'mpaired movement (N. #D)8 lose of dopamine in the su)stantia nigra8 DE"EN.'# as disease progresses8 gait ((alking a)normality) and tremors8 facial e0pression and movementcastration an4iet.. +reud theori9ed that morality developed in young males out of a fear of their father:s disapproval and the resulting an0iety that their father (ould castrate them as punishment;to avoid this8 the )oy attempts to )ecome more like his father8 and to identify (ith him rather thanto pursue his mother as a se0ual o)=ectsuppression- act of voluntarily (ithholding ideas3feelings from conscious a(areness repression- act of involuntarily (ithholding ideas depression and )ipolar disorder- B.7 #!E >E!/N#$'.% disorders #n0iety disorders1 >anic disorder8 -D8 >./D8 pho)ias"/. >!E6E$#N. "ood disorders- depression8 )ipolar >ersonality- )orderline personality disorder; antisocial personality disorder8 dissociative identity disorder Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder)- alternates among t(o or more distinct personality states (or identities)8 only one of (hich interacts (ith other people at any one time+reud- >sycho/e0ual ral(feeding3sucking)8 anal(toilet training)8 phallic(oedius3electra)8 latent(none)8 genital (se0ual maturity) Erikson- >sychosocial (conficts) .rust vs mistrust 'ndepdence vs guilt 'ndustry vs inferiority 'dentify vs role confusion 'ntimacy vs isolation 4eneration vs separation 'ntegrity vs despair'nstinct theory- all physiological )ehavior Drive reduction theory physiological in order to reduction unmet tension ()oth innate and conscious )ehavior)-K'N4 +D 57EN %, #!E 7,N4!% '/ # D!'6E& N. # 'NN#.E !E/>N/E. /econdary reinforcers are one main criticism of the Drive !eduction .heory8 )ecause these are other types of reinforcers that do not directly reduce physiological and )iological drives."oney as a secondary reinforcer can )uy things that (ould reduce physiological drives8 such as )uying food to reduce hunger8 )ut there is no direct connection )et(een a secondary reinforcer and a reduction in drive8 only an indirect connection through the primary reinforcer."aslo( the pyramid& .aste aversion conditioning- individual avoids eating foods that have made him3her ill; foods associated (ith illness -hildren (ith autism often display repetitive )ehavior )ut do N. have difficulties (ith sustained attention&. #K# they do not have #DD&. r #D7D.he Diagnosis of #/D (autism spectrum disorders) is made during toddlerhood (HL-MI months) Denial- occurs (hen parents outright refusal to admit the e0istence of a painful e0perience&. (postpartum depression) this is different from repression )ecause repression involves memroeis that are held in the /,B-N/-',/ and (e are not clearly thinking of it. !ole conflict- /7,$D ' BE # /.,DEN.& ! # +!#. B!&. !ole e0it happens in the case of disengagement from a role that is important to a personNs sense ofself; for e0ample8 a mother might e0perience role e0it as a result of )irth )ecause she e0its the role of a pregnant (oman !ole strain- happens in the case of a SIN&LEEEEE status that has conflicting e0pectations associated (ith it; for e0ample8 a mother might e0perience role strain due to the struggle )et(een the e0pectation to sho( compassion to her children (hile also )eing e0pected to discipline them for poor )ehavior.he #rousal .heory of "otivation suggests that individuals are motivated to change their )ehavior to achieve their optimal level of arousal8 (hich means they (ill (ork to increase or decrease arousal.%erkes-Dodson $a( states that increased arousal can help improve performance8 )ut at the point (hen arousal )ecomes e0cessive8 performance diminishes/timulus generali9ation- (hen a conditioned stimulus has )een generali9ed to a response for everything&.. !esponse generali9ation- (hen an organism emits a different response to a conditioned stimulus !esponse discrimination- is (hen the invidiual can discern )et(een the conditioned stimulus and other stuff 'mplicit memories- are memories that e0plain completely procedural or motor tasks aka hard to e0plain3nondeclarative8 only measured indirectly E0plicit memory- facts and num)ers and shitE0ample1 episodic memory >roactive interference- (hen old material interferes (ith ne( material!etroactive interference- (hen ne( material interferes (ith old material /ource monitor error- is (here you thought you heard the information from&. But you:re 5!N4. /tate-dependent learning is a phenomenon in (hich material learned in one state (physical8 emotional8 pharmaceutical) is )est recalled (hile in that state8 (hich e0plains (hy those taking the test in the same room in (hich they studied out-performed those taking the test in a ne( environment./erial recall is remem)ering (ords or events in the order they occurred.he episodic )uffer mediates )et(een the long-term memory and the central e0ecutive in Baddeley:s model8 and helps give chronological order to memories and stories.he phonological loop is the part of Baddeley:s model of (orking memory that deals (ith remem)ering auditory information8 and (ould )e involved in repeating an auditory message over and over mentally..he dual coding hypothesis suggests that it is easier to remem)er (ords (ith associated images than either (ords or images alone; )y encoding )oth a visual mental representation of an associated (ord8 there are more connections made to the memory and an opportunity to process the information at a deeper levelBoth emotional and non-emotional memory are su)=ected to reconstruction 7ermann E))inghaus- forgetting curve; intial time of learning the information2 forgetting information is rapidly lost8 )ut as time continues the rate of forgetting levels off .he practice effect refers to the improvements made in performance on any task (ith repetition orrepeated practice; this effect (ould suggest that if the children (ere give identical or very similar tasks for each trial8 their performance should improve to some degree =ust )ecause of repeated e0posure to the pro)lems "aintenance and repetition8 )oth processes of simply repeating information to oneself8 allo(s one to keep the information in short-term memory )ut often does not cause the information to enter the long-term memoryEla)oration (semantic net(orking) is (hen you compare the information you already kno( to information that you =ust learned& it )ecomes $N4 .E!" "E"!% /preading activation is a model that suggest thinking a)out ideas allo(s for the priming of ne(ideas to )e learned easier -arl rogers- humanistic approach of personality& everyone is going to )e self-actuali9ed>arasomnia- a)normal )ehavior that occurs during sleep E0ample1 night terrors Dyssomnias- sleep apnea8 insomnia8 and narcolepsy #ttitude is effected )y #B- #- affect (emotion) B- )ehavior tendencies -- -ognition (thoughts)#ttitude )ecome a good predictor of )ehavior (hen social influences are minimal (alone)8 (hen people self-reflect to strengthen those attitudes8 and (hen the geranl )ehavior pattern is noted N. the analysis of the specific )ehaviors T,e reticu*ar activatin) s.stem (RAS)8 (hich is located in the mid)rain8 controls alertness and arousal..halamus is the relay station -ognitive dissonance- (hen an individual feels tension (hen t(o thoughts3)eliefs are conflicting& it is necessary to eliminate this to esta)lish self-(orth3self-identity %erkes-Dodson $a( suggest that you (ill do )etter on the real "-#. than the practice ones )ecause there is a little nervousness involved& .here is a relationship )et(een performance and arousal&. 'ncreased arousal can help improve performance8 )ut only up to a certain point. #t the point (hen arousal )ecomes e0cessive8 performance diminishes. #tonia- skeletal muscle paralysis (!E") NO- sleep spindles# cross-sectional study is o)servational and involves comparisons of different population groups (ithin a single point in time.A study in which participants are observed at different points over time is considered a longitudinal studyCORRELATION DOES NOT MEAN CAUSATION" (UNDAMENTAL RULE O( 7SCHOLO& +unctional fi0edness- # specific type of mental set that involves us only )eing a)le to see solutions to a pro)lem that involve using o)=ects in their normal or e0pected manner is kno(n as functiona* fi4e-ness. 5ith functional fi0edness8 there is a tendency to perceive the functions of o)=ects as fi0ed and unchanging8 (hich prevents us from using o)=ects in novel or innovative (ays to potentially solve pro)lems. Belief perseverance is the tendency to re=ect convincing proof and )ecome even more tenaciouslyfirm a)out an e0isting idea8 even despite contradictory evidence .he availa)ility heuristic is a tendency to make =udgments )ased on ho( readily availa)le information is in our memories. 'f a memory is readily availa)le8 (e may think the idea is more common than it actually is.# confirmation )ias is a type of cognitive error that involves favoring information that confirms previously e0isting )eliefs; this occurs (hen she pays attention to the information that upholds her ideas a)out stem cell research and ignores the information that challenges her e0isting )eliefs. .he representativeness heuristic (stereotyping) occurs (hen one estimates the likelihood of an event occurring )y comparing it to an e0isting mental prototype; these prototypes are (hat each person thinks are the most relevant or typical e0ample of a particular event or o)=ect.O*faction is the only sense that does not synapse (ith the thalamus )efore reaching its primary processing corte0. .he olfactory )ul) of the frontal lo)e is connected directly to the nasal cavity )y the olfactory nerve (cranial nerve ')left hemisphere (here Broca:s area is locali9ed8 so he (ill not )e a)le to say (hat the shape is. Blindsight8 the a)ility to accurately guess (hat an o)=ect is (ithout consciously seeing it8 tends to occur in patients (ith primary visual corte0 damage and (ould not )e seen (ith a split )rain patient as his visual system is intact.!ight hemisphere- visual processing .he a)ility to produce fluent )ut meaningless spoken or (ritten language is indicative of damage to 5ernicke:s area8 located in the left temporal lo)e in right-handed individuals/ignal detection theory tests look for su)=ects to correctly identify the presence or a)sence of a signal amidst )ackground noise; they do not test for the presence of noise itself. 5hen a su)=ect correctly detects a signal that is present8 that is kno(n as a hit. 5hen a su)=ect detects the a)sence of a signal that is truly a)sent8 that is kno(n as a correct re=ection. 5hen a su)=ect detects a signal as present that is actually a)sent8 this is kno(n as a false alarm. /apir-(horf hypothesis- .he idea that language encodes cultural and cognitive properties that affect the (ay that people think8 such that speakers of different languages (ill tend to think and )ehave differently depending on the language they use8 is kno(n as t,e Sa+ir92,orf ,.+ot,esis$inguist Noam C,oms1. proposed that humans are )orn hard-(ired to learn language8 and suggested this a)ility (as due to the presence of a language ac*uisition device ($#D)8 an innate feature uni*ue to the human mind that allo(s people to gain mastery of language from limited e0posure during the sensitive developmental years in early childhood.B. +. /kinner8 on the other hand8 )elieved that humans learn language through a series of operant conditioning steps and stages8 (herein young children are praised for making sounds that resem)le (ords and eventually are conditioned through shaping to produce language.>arallel processing- 5hen (atching a movie or other comple0 visual stimulus8 a** of t,e e*ements (form6 -e+t,6 co*or6 movement) are +rocesse- simu*taneous*.. .his process is referred to as parallel processing. #ccording to Baddeley:s model8 (orking memory consists of four componentsPa phonological loop8 a visuospatial sketchpad8 an episodic )uffer8 and a central e0ecutive. .he phonological loop allo(s us to repeat ver)al information to help us remem)er it. .he visuospatial sketchpad serves asimilar purpose for visuospatial information through the use of mental images. .he episodic )uffer is (here information in the (orking memory can interact (ith information in long-term memory. +or e0ample8 if a doctor sees a rare condition much like the one she sa( in residency years ago8 she is a)le to make this connection through the interaction )et(een her memory of residency and her current visual e0perience in the episodic )uffer. Echoic memory8 (hich is not a component of Baddeley:s model8 is a component of sensory memory that is specific to retaining auditory information.Korsakoff:s syndrome- alcoholism3 affects long term memory !E" sleep- there is no E"4 activity and N K comple0es or theta (aves (K comple0es are in NONucleus accum)ens- re(ard center2 dopamine centers Dissociative fugue (a type of dissociative disorder)- sufferes of dissociative fugue tend ot (ander or travel and often esta)lish ne( identities )ased on (ho they )elieve they are Delusional disorder- psychotic illness that is characteri9ed )y non-)i9arre delusions8 (ith no accompanying hallucinations8 mood distur)ances8 or flattening of affect; /ocial net(ork theory- people:s net(ork are important and necessary for the spread of ideas and resources; there is much strength in (eak ties )ecause (eak ties allo( the sharing of ne( resources to a vast net(ork&.. although strong ties have advantages8 there is a sense of redundancy (ith the information and resources provided; generally people:s strong ties have infmration that the person is already a(are of since they are part of the same cluster "ead- final step to forming a self is the a)ility of seeing oneself&.. ' is the o)server (hile "E is the o)served&. .he "e prevents the ' from violating social norms "e can )e reflected&. But ' can not self-reflect& )ecause ' is self& .he opponent-process theory (as first developed )y E(ald 7ering. 7e noted that there are color com)inations that (e never see8 such as reddish-green or yello(ish-)lue. pponent-process theory suggests that color perception is controlled )y the activity of three opponent systems. 'n the theory8 he postulated a)out three independent receptor types (hich all have opposing pairs1 (hite and )lack8 )lue and yello(8 and red and green.>ositive correlation means the correlation coefficient Branges from -H to HC is greater than 9ero& and negative is vice versa B,. "/. '">!.#N.$%&. -!!E$#.'N DE/ N. '">$% -#,/#.'N 'nsight2 light )ul) When measures vary but the scores are consistent, that is inter-method reliability, which is absent in this case.Test-retest reliability is only applicable when the first and second measures are identical (i.e., the questions are the same on each test).The child is most likely in the preoperational stage, which ranges from 2-7 years old and is featured by animism, the tendency to give non-human objects human characteristics. She is also exhibiting egocentrism, or the tendency to focus on her own thoughts & emotions.The Whorfian hypothesis is that language determines thought; the idea of linguistic determinism.This psychologist supports the idea that thought determines language.Universalists/nativist believe that thought determines language.Language is inherent Elevated activation of the right hemisphere is associated with social withdrawal and isolation.Elevated activation of the left hemisphere is associated with positive emotions.The evaluation of a potential threat as stressful or not occurs in the first stageof appraisal.The evaluation of a potential threat as stressful occurs during primary appraisal.The General Adaptation Syndrome theorizes that: As proposed by Hans Selye, and supported by his research, the physiological response to stress is universaltarget cells of lower motor neurons polydysia The Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon explains how people have a tendency to agree to a small action and comply later on with a larger action. At first the smoker only agreed to remain sober for one week. He remained in the company of people who didnt smoke and over time, his cognitions and behaviors changed his attitudes towards smoking, which lasted longer than one week.Displacement is a defense mechanism that shifts aggressive impulses to a less threatening target. It redirects emotion to a safer outlet or someone unrelated to the emotional situation, in order to avoid dealing directly with what is frightening or threatening. The girl yells at her roommate even though she is angry with her mother.Projection- project your ownideas onto other people Theory of Planned Behavior The implications of our actions are generally thought out before we engage in behavior and together with our intentions, subjective norms (what others think about our behavior), and perceived behavior control (how easy or difficult we think it is to control our behavior), we form an attitude and thus psychologists, the presence of others increases arousalit does not decrease it. Signal Detection Theory! The signal"to"noise ratio ! The operator#s alertness! The operator#s e$pectations Delta waves are characteristics of deep sleep %stages & and '(, not )*+ sleep, which while deep, is ,nown as -parado$ical sleep,. because the **G measures most resemble that of wa,efulness!E"- $K/ $'KE BE.# 5#6E/&. it looks like you:re a(ake)=ect permance8 egocentric8 conservation8 a)stract thinking /anguage is lateralized in the left hemisphere, particularly in right"handed individuals, so this deficit would not have been caused by a blow to the right hemisphere/anguage is in the dominant hemisphere 0!1! S,inner#s behaviorist model of language development proposed that children learn language through a series of positive reinforcements 2homs,y proposed something entirely contrary to this theory %choice D is correct(! 3oam 2homs,y proposed that all children are born with an innate ability to learn language %choice A is wrong( during the sensitive developmental years during early childhood %choice 2 is wrong(! 2homs,y also proposed that children learn language through mere e$posure to it, and do not need to be actively taught language %choice 0 is wrong(! -7"/K%-you can lack synta0 and sentence structure8 )ut it is still considered language ac*uisition )ecause you are )eing e0posed it&. The amygdala communicates with the hypothalamus, which controls the physiological aspects ofemotion, such as sweating and a racing heart -7,NK'N4 '/ N. # -,ED-!E-#$$& it is +!EE !E-#$$&.. for e$ample, remembering a long series of numbers by seeing it as a group of years chained togetherThe encoding"specificity principle states that information is most easily retrieved in the place where it was first learned! 1or e$ample, if one studies for a test in the library, that person would do better on the test if he or she too, the test in the library because that is where recall of the material would be best4ne of the hallmar,s of autistic spectrum disorder is that the person appears remote and indifferent to those around them, often failing to ma,e eye contact %choice 2 is correct(! f a child is not engaging in what *ri,son calls -associative play,. where he or she plays in groups of several people, it is li,ely the child is still under the age of about three years old and hasn#t matured from the parallel play stage, but is normal developmentally %choice A is wrong(! Telegraphic speech5the use of two to three word sentences5is also a sign that children are 6uite young, in this case 78"9' months, but is still a part of normal language development %choice0 is wrong(! +oral relativism is :iaget#s term for the stage children go through when they mature and recognize the importance of rules and cooperation in creating a wor,ing social system! This is also a normal developmental stage %choice D is wrong(! The familiarity effect, also ,nown as the mere"e$posure principle, is a psychological phenomenon that suggests that the degree to which someone li,es a novel ob;ect or stimuli increases with additional e$posures< therefore, the familiarity effect would predict that even if a participant didn#t particularly li,e the piece of music the first time they heard it, they would report li,ing it more after hearing it a second timendividuals do have the ability to selectively attend to a chosen stream of sensory information, and are capable of filtering unwanted information and ignoring it effectively, as described in the coc,tail party effect! This is especially true if the information is sub;ectively important, such as hearing one#s own name amidst the noise The learning perspective, which is attributed to 0! 1! S,inner, holds that adults have a significant impact on the speech of children when they reinforce infant babbling nteractionist theory, which is often related to =ygots,y, bridges the social and biological factors that contribute to language learning< 6ygotsky2 daddy pu99le The critical period hypothesis %also part of 2homs,y#s nativist theory( posits that children are more easily able to learn a language before a certain age! The e$act age is debatable, but all proponents of this approach agree that individuals have more difficulty ac6uiring language after they have reached a certain age %# cross-sectional study is o)servational and involves comparisons of different population groups (ithin a single point in time.A study in which participants are observed at different points over time is considered a longitudinal study The process that would best account for this phenomenon is that of synaptic pruning, which refers to the gradual elimination of neuronal synapses, or brain cell connections, that are not relevant to the infant#s developing brain! Thus, the synapses that would support processing of sounds that are not part of the infant#s native language are not stimulated, and they wither and die! Accordingly, when presented with novel, nuanced sounds, the infant may have difficulty 6uic,ly learning to discriminate between those sounds The researchers e$amined the influence of a parent>caregiver#s directives on a child#s behavior atvarious stages of development, which can be bro,en down into the elements of the person, the environment, and the behavior! The bidirectional influence that each of these components has on the others and the resulting learning or behavior that occurs is a process Albert 0andura termed reciprocal causation *$perience e$pectant s,ills are those that have been part of the human repertoire for a long time,so the brain is essentially hard"wired to produce them! As long as basic, universal needs are met,these e$perience e$pectant s,ills, such as language and visual perception, will evolve within the developing human practically automatically! n contrast, e$perience dependent s,ills sets are those that are newer to the human e$perience or limited to a particular culture, such as driving a car or carrying water ;ugs on one#s head! Accordingly, comprehension of verbal language would be considered e$perience e$pectant, while playing a culturally uni6ue game would be considered e$perience dependen Damage to 0roca#s area in an adult would produce an inability to produce both spo,en and written languageThe availability heuristic occurs when we rely on immediate e$amples that come to mind when trying to ma,e a decision or ;udgment! ?hen you overestimate the probability or li,elihood of something happening because you can thin, of e$amples of it happening %@@ thin,s he#ll hate State A because several people he#s met don#t li,e State A and want to transfer(, the availability heuristic has occurredA heuristic is defined as a mental rule"of"thumb, shortcut, or guideline that can be applied to problem solving which prevents us from having to try all possible options, but may lead to erroneous solutions %choice A is wrong(! A mental set is our tendency to approach situations in a certain way because that method wor,ed for us in the past< a mental set precludes the use of a step"by"step procedure because you are cutting corners to save time %choice 2 is wrong(! n signal detection theory, a typeerror occurs when the signal is present but the detector fails to respond< this is also ,nown as a miss %choice A is correct(! A false alarm occurs when the signal is not present, but the detector responds anyway< this is also ,nown as a typeerror or a false positiveKol)erg- morality Kluver-)ucy- 7%>E! !#$'.% ((hen you:re amayldya is missing)& /,-K/ E6E!%.7'N4 (hen you fail oralSocial network analysis helps us identify communities ties and key members within communities that are crucial to understanding channels of attitude and behavior change.Relative deprivation itself refers to the gap between what one has and what one expects, particularly in comparison to some specifc reference group in society.A rumination is a mood-congruent obsessive thought process (e.g., a person is sad and dwells on the circumstances that made them feel sad). Rumination is nottypically seen as an abnormal or irrational thought process, even while it may be harmful. Rumination is often associated with mental disorders like depression or anxiety.A compulsion is a repetitive behavior or action that is performed to decrease anxiety or relieve obsessive thoughts.A delusion is a false belief that is held even when there is evidence to the contrary. ndividuals who experience delusions typically lack the insight describedin the !uestion above. "elusions are also !ualitatively di#erent from the experience of $%"& instead of fearing contamination or harm from discarding items, individuals who experience delusions may believe that they have special powers or or are being persecuted.Thus, the phenomenon in the question is best described by the term obsession.any psychodynamic theories focus on how experiences in childhood shape adulthood. This is most likely a psychodynamic theory of persistent depressive disorder.vert- phenotype3outside causes'(ositive) refers to adding a stimulus.'*egative) refers to removing a stimulus.'Reinforcement) refers to increased fre!uency of a behavior.'(unishment) refers to decreased fre!uency of a behavior.Repression is a defense mechanism.Repression involves suppressing thoughts until they no longer a part of a person+s conscious mind.Repression is a key concept in theories from Sigmund !reud, the father of psychoanalytic theory."lassical conditioning ties one stimulus to another, while operant conditioning ties a behavior to a consequence # thus, only operant conditioning directly a$ects behavior.n an A"not"0 error, the individual perseveres in loo,ing for an ob;ect in a location where it was previously placed, even with the ,nowledge that it has been placed elsewhere! This is most common in infants under 79 months of age +orality is a set of standards of conduct that is specific to the social group one is embedded in! Socialization is the process by which one person becomes a member of a group, and learning themoral standards of the group is important to retaining group membershipThe rules governing emotional displays within a particular culture are called display rules