Psoido com

What do you think about the data you give away, about your privacy ? What do you think about the data your things transmit to global networks ?

Transcript of Psoido com

What do you think about the data you give away,

about your privacy ?

What do you think about the data your things transmit to global networks ?

Privacy vs. Analysis


More value for things & users, BUT:

More data for manufacturers

& services, BUT:

The IoT market of everything creates

A market of everything … for everybody

Anonymity + privacy Data protection + analysis

Strong need to decouple the process


•Wearables •Connected cars •Smart grid/home sensors •Fitness tracker •Smart watches •tbc.

•Manufactures of sensors •Smart grid providers •BigData analysts •Sensor services •Web services (registers users) •tbc.

A job to get done …

Data producer = data owner Data collector = data analyst

Create clear ownership + anonymized data = data sovereignty


•Access to services •Anonymous authentication •Control over own data

•Access to sensor data/user data •Security compliance •Better product/service

• patented method for anonymization & pseodonymization of users & things

• service combined with reliable user differentiation for data mining

• strictly considering the approach of privacy & security by design

• development in cooperation with Fraunhofer security experts

psoidoA job for:

How to the market?

• offering privacy enhancing technologies • enabling privacy compliant analytics • with domain specific modeling of BigData analyses

-> samples for applications at the end






psoido service

Win / Win: more & better data + security & privacy = bigger value

psoido core

User or Sensor

Makes authentication and defines WHAT data for WHICH services ans stays in control

of the data



Data Analyst

Gets compliant data without conflicts to

personal data but the ability to differentiate

The privacy platform for billions of things & users

The conciliation of privacy, security & BigData

we care for privacy

It´s a right for everyone …

Companies need to address these privacy concerns and be prepared for changes in data protection regulation. … Consumers and employees are increasingly concerned about how the data might be used, and the risk of criminals stealing it during a breach. Companies need to address these privacy concerns and be prepared for changes in data protection regulation.

!Verizon Study: State of the Market


None of us should accept that the government or a company or anybody should have access to all of our private information. This is a basic human right. We all have a right to privacy.

!Tim Cook, CEO Apple Inc.

Interview with „The Telegraph“ February 2015

I don’t want to live in a world where there’s no privacy, and therefore no room for intellectual exploration and creativity.

!Edward Snowden, Data Analyst & Security Expert

Interview with CNN Politics June 2013

Democracy and innovation depend on creativity and the open exchange of diverse ideas, but fear of a loss of privacy can stifle those processes.

!Dr. John Launchbury, DARPA Program Manager

Press release „Brandeis Program“ March 2015