Psm behavior tier 3 083012

TIER 3 •Behavior Contracts •Functional Behavior Assessments to develop Behavior Intervention Plans 1



Transcript of Psm behavior tier 3 083012

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•Behavior Contracts•Functional Behavior Assessments to develop Behavior Intervention Plans


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Remember…This step involves other staff and personnel as needed (parents, teachers, counselors, social workers, administrators, and/or nurse)


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Data Decision Rules

• Need them to address:• Teachers initiating the behavioral support

process• Student data initiating the process• Progress and goal completion rules• Tertiary intervention effectiveness guidelines

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Who is appropriate for Tertiary/Tier 3 Interventions?

• Specific chronic social, emotional, and behavioral challenges needing tertiary supports can be defined as:– More than 5 absences in a 30 day period– 3 or more counseling referrals in a 30 day period– 3 or more tardies per subject/ per 9 weeks– 6 or more office discipline referrals

• Discuss with your team possible data decision rules for your school.

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Suggestions for the Process…

Support and Follow throughFollow progress on identified studentProvide support as needed

Third Meeting (30-60 minutes)Evaluate effectiveness of BIPModify BIP as necessary

Second Meeting (60 minutes)Discuss assessment findingsDesign BIP

Implement BIP

AssessmentConduct simple FBA (30 minutes)Conduct full FBA if needed (90 min.)Prepare to report findings

Initial Meeting (15 minutes)Take and review referralForm Behavior TeamProvide support to BT as needed

PSM Team

PSM Team

Behavior Team

Behavior Team

Behavior Team

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Possible Strategies/Interventions

Keep in mind, student should have gone through secondary/tier 2 interventions prior to tertiary/tier 3 interventions are determined.

• Behavior contracts• Functional Behavior Assessments – Behavior

Intervention Plan


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Implementation Inventory

• Evaluates all three levels of implementation• Considers Systems, Data, and Practices• Goal is 80% in each area• Use this evaluation to continue to develop and

strengthen all three levels of your problem solving model.

• Implementation Inventory Link


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Behavioral Contracts

• Clarify behavioral expectations for students and staff to carry out the intervention plan

• Include the student in designing the contract to increase motivation

• Include parents in planning and reinforcement

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Steps for Designing Behavior Contracts

1. List student behavior(s) preferably one– Can be reduced or increased – behavioral goals should usually be stated in positive, goal-oriented

terms. – Clearly defined , observable– Collection of behavior data

2. Reinforcement– a statement or section that explains the minimum conditions under

which the student will earn a point, sticker, or other token for showing appropriate behaviors.

– Amount of behavior– Amount of reinforcement

(Wright, 2011; Jenson, Rhode, Reavis, 1994)


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Steps for Designing Behavior Contracts

3. Collection of reinforcers and data– Describe when the student will be able to redeem points earned for

reward/recognition– How will this be documented

4. Bonus and penalty clauses (optional) – can provide extra incentives for the student to follow the contract– offers the student some type of additional 'pay-off' for consistently

reaching behavioral targets– a penalty clause may prescribe a penalty for serious problem behavior

(Wright, 2011; Jenson, Rhode, Reavis, 1994)

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Steps for Designing Behavior Contracts

5. Negotiate and Document Terms– Discuss the plan and responsibilities of the student and staff– Date to review contract progress

6. Areas for signature. – both teacher and student signatures– Other staff, parents, administrators

(Wright, 2011; Jenson, Rhode, Reavis, 1994)

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Behavior Contract

• Individualized class or school behavior plan– Adjust goals– Prerequisite skills– Shorter time periods– More frequent reinforcement

• Contract to address performance deficit


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Sample Contracts


My Contract:

Race to 20!These are m

y goals:

These are my consequences

if I don’t meet my goals:

These are my rewards if I meet my goals:


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Functional Behavior Assessment & Behavior Intervention Plans

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FB(A) – What is it?

Functional Behavior Assessment

The process of determining the cause (function) of behaviors that interfere with learning.

The FBA uses data that could include: interviews (student, teacher, parent), direct observations, and a review of student records to develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).

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Who ??? Participates in the FBA/BIP process?

• Any individual with knowledge of and an interest in the student’s success can participate in the FBA/BIP process.

• This includes, but is not limited to, Teachers

Administration Counselors Parents Student

Psychologist Community members Other agency personnel

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How??FBA -Planning Meeting

• PSM team will hold a planning meeting.

• Team members should come prepared to discuss 3 main topics:

1. Student Strengths

2. Target behavior

3. Situational events

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Target BehaviorMust answer 3 fundamental ?s 1. What is the child doing? 2. When/under what conditions is the child

demonstrating the behavior? 3. How often is the child demonstrating this

behavior? (frequency)

(ex. Johnny yells and curses when given an assignment that requires him to read independently on 2 out of 4 assignments.)

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Activity…For the following examples, come up with some questions that may help to refine

the target behavior…

• Trish is so aggressive.

• Stella doesn’t pay attention.

• Chance is always bothering others.

• Maggie’s lab projects are a mess.

• Carlos is so disruptive.

• Timmy is lazy.

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Teacher concern Target Behavior

Trish is aggressive. Trish hits other students duringrecess when she does not get herWay, 3 out of 5 days.

Carlos is disruptive. Carlos makes irrelevant andinappropriate comments duringclass discussion 75% of the time.

Jan is hyperactive. Jan blurts out answers withoutraising her hand during whole group instruction, 3-5 times during a 60 minute class period.

The Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice, 1998

the behavior -> when/under what conditions -> how often

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Situational Events

These are immediate and time bound events, such as recent divorce, new student in class, changes in the family dynamics, or student relocation to a new school.

In some cases these events can be identified and discussed so that interventions can be put in place immediately. If effective, there may be no need to move forward with the FBA/BIP process.

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FBA/BIP Process

Step 1: Data


Step 2:FBA


Step 3: Create a Behavior

Intervention Plan (BIP)

Step 4: Review the


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How??FBA Getting Started

If the team feels that it is necessary

to complete the FBA/BIP process

proceed with the following:

• Initial meeting held to assign roles and responsibilities in conducting the FBA.

• FBA notification letter

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How?? - Assessment


Environmental Inventory

Observations (frequency, intensity, duration)

Student, Parent, Teacher Interview(setting and function)

Record Review(academic performance, discipline referrals, evaluation information)

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Functional Behavior Analysis

(FBA) Form

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How?? - FBA Analysis

Must identify the following:


(ex. works well with peers, has great vocabulary skills, is a good classroom helper)

Description of any Situational Events

These are immediate and time bound events, such as recent divorce, new student in class, changes in the family dynamics, or student relocation to a new school.

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FBA Analysis Continued…

Description of Target Behavior (Must be measurable, observable, and repeatable)

What is the child doing? When/under what

conditions is the child doing it? How often is the child doing it? (frequency) (ex. Johnny yells and curses when given an assignment

that requires him to read independently on 2 out of 4 assignments.)

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FBA Analysis Continued…

Frequency, Intensity, and Duration

(Frequency – 3x a day, 12 x in a 45 minute period, Intensity – On a scale of 1 -5 (1 = low, 5 = high) Duration – Approximately 5 minutes, the entire


Previous Interventions

(What has been tried in the past? Seating or schedule changes, peer buddies, support during transitions)

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FBA Analysis Continued…

Setting Events/Precipitating Factors

Slow Triggers – (pervasive antecedents) such as medication issues, home issues, lack of social skills, academic issues

Fast Triggers – (immediate triggers) what preceded the behavior such as peer interactions, new assignments/tasks, unstructured activities, noises, lights

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FBA Analysis Continued…


Typical responses by the school – do they reinforce the function of the behavior?

How does the student respond to the consequence(s)?

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1. GAIN or OBTAIN – could tangible, social, sensory, or attention from adults or peers

2. ESCAPE or AVOID SOMETHING – could be a task, person, situation, sensory stimulation, social interaction, attention, etc.

What is the function /cause of acting out behavior?

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Completing an FBA provides a hypothesis…

• When Perry is getting little attention in a large group in the classroom, he is likely to shout profanities and throw things to get peer attention. The less attention Perry has received during the day, the more likely this pattern is to occur.

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Determining the function of the behavior

• In your small group, read over the example analysis (Michael) and determine the function of the behavior.

– 1. GAIN or OBTAIN – could tangible, social, sensory, or attention from adults or peers

– 2. ESCAPE or AVOID SOMETHING – could be a task, person, situation, sensory stimulation, social interaction, attention, etc.

Workbookpg,. 47

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What is the function of Michael’s behavior?

– Avoid or escape task

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You may reveal interesting info…

Behavior only occurs:• During a certain time of day• When with a certain group of peers• When in a certain classroom• When round a certain teacher/staff member• When asked to do a certain task• Others?

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Link the BIP to the FBA…

• You have identified the function of the behavior (gain or avoid)

• Create a behavior plan that will address the function and teach the replacement behavior. This will continue to meet the student’s need to gain or avoid.

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Step 3

Behavior Intervention Plan

ABSS (BIP) form

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Behavior Intervention Plan Must Include:


Setting Event Strategies

Replacement Behavior

Adult/student Responsibilities


Continuum of Consequences

Data Collection & System to


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Components of a Behavioral Objective/ Replacement Behavior

1. Identify the learner (John will…)2. Identify the target behavior (state what the student will do)3. Identify the conditions of the intervention4. Identify criteria for acceptable performance

Johnny will ask to work with a peer or use the audio book when given an assignment that involves independent reading, 80% of the time.

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Is the behavior specific and Objective (IBSO)?

1. Can you count the number of times the behavior occurs in a 15 min. period, 1-hour, or 1 day? Or, can you count the number of minutes it takes for the child to perform the behavior? That is, can you tell someone the behavior occurred X number of times or X number of minutes in a day?

• Your answer should be yes…

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Is the behavior specific and Objective (IBSO)?

2. Will a stranger know exactly what to look for when you tell him the target behavior you are planning to modify? That is, can you actually see the child performing the behavior when it occurs?

• The answer should be yes…

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Is the behavior specific and Objective (IBSO)?

3. Can you break down the target behavior into smaller components, each of which is more specific and observable than the original target behavior?

• Your answer should be no…

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Your turn…

Write 1-3 replacement behaviors for your student example (Michael)

1. Identify the learner (Michael will…)2. Identify the target behavior (state what the student

will do)3. Identify the conditions of the intervention4. Identify criteria for acceptable performance

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• Replacement behaviors? – Follow directions without being yelling at the

teacher, 80% of the time.– Complete assignments75% of the time.– Participate in class by volunteering to answer

questions 3/5 days – Ask for assistance, a break or a different activity

when frustrated, 85% of the time.

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BIP or no BIP…that is the question…

• Review the sample BIP

• Discuss the usefulness of this plan

• What is missing???

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Would you consider this an individualized plan for a student?

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Examples of Environmental Interventions

• Have consist expectations and rules• Teach classroom routines and procedures• Move away from distraction• Create area to reduce distraction (lights, air

conditioning)• Seating arrangement• Chill Out area/space• Provided a peer during transitions or difficult times• Alter schedule• Adjust teacher proximity• Use a timer or buzzer to signal end of activity• Eliminate Attention for inappropriate behavior• Consider other environments (resource vs.

inclusion)• Speak to privately or in written form• Allow for movement

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Modifications, Instruction, and Interventions

• These are changes that are made by teacher, staff and/or administration to the environment and instructional presentation to promote demonstration of replacement behaviors.

• Replacement behaviors include what students will do. These modifications, instruction and interventions involve what teachers & staff will do.

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Teaching Replacement Behaviors

Adult/staff Responsibilities:What skill(s) will be taught?Who will teach the skill(s)?

Student Responsibilities:How will the student demonstrate

understanding and generalization of replacement behavior?How will the student self-monitor?

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Reinforcements/Rewards (Types)

Tangible Privilege Sensory Social

•Stickers•Tokens•Pencils•Armbands•“Bucks” •Food•Drink•Candy

•Homework pass•Access to media•Preferred activities•Teacher helper•Free time - (make is structured)

•Brushing•Listening to music•Tactile exposure•Swinging•Ball pit•Velcro

•Praise•Proximity•Physical contact•Written or verbal feedback•Seating

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Examples of Continuum of Consequences

Always begin with least severe.

• Warning• Does not earn point/token• Does not earn 2nd point/token & loss of

reward/privilege• Time-out in classroom• Parent contact • Time-out outside of classroom (ISS or Choices)• For those students whose behavior is danger to

self and others include a crisis plan or statement.

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What’s Next???


Teaching Strategies/Interventions

Roles & Responsibilities Of Student(s)

Roles & Responsibilities Of Staff

Educational & Environmental Changes/


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Teaching Strategies/Interventions

• Classroom Management• Instructional Strategies• Social Skills Instruction

• Utilize Reinforcement and fade once behavior is learned• Continuum of Consequences

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Ideas to keep things lively when teaching social skills/ replacement behaviors…

• Include games• Videotape what you are doing• Ask children to share stories about prosocial

behavior they see• Celebrate accomplishments• Connect activities to the children’s goals– more friends, a better academic performance, a safer


(Thornton et al., 2000)

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Now what???

Monitor the Student(All faculty should do this)

Collect Data(point systems, frequency charts,

discipline referrals)


(Minimum 30 days)

(STEP 4)Other Reasons to Revisit/Review

(no change in behavior, change in placement/school, annual review of the IEP, if student reaches behavioral goals)


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Step 4. BIP Plan Review Form

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-Dan Mulligan

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Information provided by Kelly Rogers, S. Psy.S. Behavior Consultant, Delta-School

Craft ISD.

Behavior Intervention PlanNOT WORKING: Possible Causes

Short term vs. long term focus (there is no “quick fix”) Poor FBA Focus on stopping behavior rather than teaching new

behavior Inconsistency in responding to behavior Using too much Verbal Input and not enough Visual Input Lack of DATA based decision making Not all relevant staff informed Not defining success Lack of available reinforcers and consequences

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Team Time

• Discuss and document your plan for Tertiary levels of support.

• Use the back of the BIP review to document:– BIP team– BIP training needed– Suggestions for strategies


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7Problem Solving (PSM) Process


5 43

2Step 7Analysis of theIntervention Planmake a team decision on the effectiveness of the intervention

Step 1Define the ProblemDevelop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem

Step 2Develop an Assessment PlanGenerate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem

Step 3Analysis of the Assessment PlanCreate a functional and multidimensional assessment to test the hypothesis

Step 4Generate a Goal StatementSpecific Description of the changes expected in student behavior

Step 5Develop an Intervention PlanBase interventions on best practices and research-proven strategies

Step 6 Implement the Intervention PlanProvide strategies, materials, and resources: include progress monitoring

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Using the Referrals by Student

Newton, J.S., Todd, A.W., Algozzine, K, Horner, R.H. & Algozzine, B. (2009). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon unpublished training manual.

Use the data to identify individual students in need of secondary &

tertiary supports.


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REVIEW PAPERWORK EXAMPLERefer to Tier II paperwork example


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Problem Solving Practice

• Use your disciplinary data to practice the problem solving process or use the example data in your workbook.

• Use the RtI Paperwork to assist you with the process.

WorkbookPg. 55-59

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Planning for Implementation


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Resources for Planning

• Review your data from each section of the Implementation Inventory.

• Develop your Tier 2 and 3 Action Plan– Include short and long term goals– Remember to continue to address Universal



WorkbookPg. 60-61

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FBA/BIP Websites:

Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice: Council for Exceptional Children: Wrights Law Colorado Department of Education: Conner’s Rating Scales Devereux Behavior Rating Scales Behavior: You can handle them all School Behavior Positive Behavior Support Intervention Central

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Texts and Reproducibles

Jenson, W., Rhode, G. & Reavis, K. (1994). The Tough Kid Tool Box . Sopris West Publishers.

Mahler, D. E. (2005). 204 Fold and Say Social Skills. Superduper Publishing Company.

Olson, J. (2005). Go-To Guide for Social Skills. Thinking Publications.

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References•Alberto, P.A. & Troutman, A.C. (2006). Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

•Bateman & Bateman (2006). A Principal’s Guide to Special Education.

•The Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice, 1998

•Chandler, L. & Dahlquist, C. (2006). Functional Assessment: Strategies to Prevent and Remediate Challenging Behavior in School Settings.

•Colorado Department of Education (2001). Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans: Questions and Answers.

•Holahan, T. & and Hussey, B. Training for Alternative Learning Environments, Instructors Guide.

•Lewis, T. Ph.D. Functional Behavioral Assessments: Moving Beyond Compliance to Create Comprehensive Positive Behavior Support Plans. University of Missouri - Columbia.

•Rogers, K. & S. Psy. S., Behavior Consultants, Delta-School Craft, ISD. (Information provided for Behavior Deficits & Excesses and Functions of Behavior handouts)

•Starin, S. Ph.D. Functional Behavioral Assessments: What, Why, When, Where, and Who? Wrightslaw.

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• Please complete your evaluation.• Thank you!