PSE Resident PhD Students’...

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales École des Ponts ParisTech École Normale Supérieure Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique PSE Resident PhD Students’ Guide December 2010

Transcript of PSE Resident PhD Students’...

Page 1: PSE Resident PhD Students’ · Rachida AHMIDEZ Béatrice HAVET Computing Support: José SASTRE David SMADJA

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique École des Hautes Études en Sciences SocialesÉcole des Ponts ParisTech École Normale Supérieure

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique

PSE Resident PhD Students’ Guide

December 2010

Page 2: PSE Resident PhD Students’ · Rachida AHMIDEZ Béatrice HAVET Computing Support: José SASTRE David SMADJA
Page 3: PSE Resident PhD Students’ · Rachida AHMIDEZ Béatrice HAVET Computing Support: José SASTRE David SMADJA



Background ..................................................................................3The Organisation of the Doctoral Programme ..............................4The PhD Thesis ............................................................................5


Academic Registration..................................................................6University Registration..................................................................6Resident PhD Students at PSE ....................................................6The ENS Multifunction Card .........................................................7


The Obligations of a PhD Student ................................................8The Timetable of Your Thesis Plan ...............................................9Supervision and Support of Your PhD Project ..............................10Courses ........................................................................................11The Thesis Pre-defence ...............................................................12The PhD Defence .........................................................................12Dissemination of Your Research ..................................................13Dealing with Conflict .....................................................................14Stopping Your PhD Project ...........................................................14


Funding the First Three Years of the PhD ....................................15Post-doctoral Funding ..................................................................19


Student Clubs ...............................................................................21The ENS Jourdan library ..............................................................21Electronic subscriptions ................................................................21Computer Services .......................................................................22Canteen ........................................................................................22Health and Safety .........................................................................22Work-related Issues ......................................................................23Research Support Staff ................................................................25Main Research Staff Contacts ......................................................26

Our thanks to Clément IMBERT and Marc SANGNIER, who initiated this Guide



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The staff at PSE-UMR8545 consists of 48 tenured researchers, 17 associated researchers, 6 post-doctoral students, 66 PhD students and 12 administrative support staff.

PSE-UMR8545 is the result of a merger on the 1st of January 2005 between four research centres which were already present on the Jourdan campus:

- DELTA, UMR8545 (CNRS-EHESS-ENS);- CERAS, URA2036 (CNRS-ENPC);- The two parts of CEPREMAP, URA922 et 928 (CNRS-

CEPREMAP);- And, since the 1st of January 2010, LEA (INRA).

PSE-UMR8545 is managed by: - The Director: Pierre-Yves GEOFFARD; - The Deputy Director: Akiko SUWA-EISENMANN;- The General Secretary: Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.

The management team is backed up by the PSE Council, which has a consultative role and in which there are two elected student members. The PSE Council operates



Paris-Jourdan Sciences Économiques (PSE), which is a mixed research unit of the CNRS (UMR8545), is a key element in the constitution of an internationally renowned Centre of Excellence in Economics in Paris, combining academic research, both theore-tical and applied, with the application of this research to concrete problems and a teaching programme at the Masters and PhD level.

PSE-UMR8545 is a host institution for students registered for a PhD in one of the PSE’s governing institutions:

- The Doctoral APE (Analyse et Politique Économiques) programme: EHESS, ENS and Université Paris 1;

- The Master APE (Analyse et Politique Économiques) programme: EHESS, ENS, ENSAE, École Polytech-nique, École des Ponts ParisTech and HEC Paris;

- The PPD Master (Politiques Publiques et Dévelop-pement) programme: EHESS and École des Ponts ParisTech.


PSE Council

ManagementDirector: Pierre-Yves GOEOFFARDDeputy Director: Akiko SUWA-EISENMANN

General Secretary:Marie-Christine PAOLETTI

Research SupportSecretarial Staff:


Accountancy:Rachida AHMIDEZBéatrice HAVET

Computing Support:José SASTREDavid SMADJA

Documentation - Webmeister:Caroline BAUER

Coordination EEP-PSE:Catherine GERARDIN

Statistical Support:Bénédicte GOURAUDMaaj FALL

Graduate Office of the APE et PPD Masters Programmes


Research Domains1. Economic Theory

Group Leader: Olivier COMPTE2. Macroeconomics

Group Leader: Daniel COHEN3. Public Economics, Labour Economics and

InequalityGroup Leader: Andrew CLARK

4. Markets, Risks and Organisations nomie industrielleGroup Leader: Gabrielle DEMANGE

5. Development Economics, Economic Geo-graphy and International IntegrationGroup Leader: Thierry VERDIER

6. Economic HistorayGroup Leaders: Pierre-Cyrille HAUTCOEUR et Gilles POSTEL-VINAY

The Organizational Chart of PSE - UMR8545

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PSE Resident PhD Students’ Guide

The Organizational Chart of the APE doctoral programme

ManagementJérôme POUYET

Secretarial supportFrance ARTOIS-MBAYEMarie-Christine PAOLETTI

PhD Student Research Support- Thesis supervisor

- Thesis Committee:. Thesis Supervisor belonging to PSE-UMR8545. Two other researchers, of which at least one

belongs to PSE-UMR8545

- PhD Training Council:. Director of the Doctoral Programme. Directors of the APE, ETE and PPD Masters

Programmes. Pedagogical Director of the APE Masters

Programme. Director of the EDEPS. Director of the ETAPE programme of the EDEPS. The Directors of PSE-UMR8545 and CES-

UMR8174, and the Deputy Director of PSE - UMR8545

. Job Market Units France and international PSE-UMR8545

. Two PhD student representatives


democratically, and gives its opinion on all questions relating to scientific policy, the management of resources, and the organisation and functioning of the Centre.

The research carried out at PSE-UMR8545 covers almost all aspects of modern Economic Science and contempo-rary economic problems. Research at PSE is based on the methodological approach of theoretical modelling and empirical validation.

Research is split up into six different domains:- Economic Theory;- Macroeconomics;

- Public Economics, Labour Economics and Inequality;- Markets, Risks and Organisations;- Development Economics, Economic Geography and

International Integration;- Economic History.

These research domains overlap to a certain extent, and are not fixed over time, responding to the emergence of new fields of inquiry in Economics.

PSE-UMR8545 has five governing bodies: - The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

(CNRS);- The École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

(EHESS);- The École des Ponts ParisTech;- The École Normale Supérieure (ENS);- And the Institut National de la Recherche Agrono-

mique (INRA).

PSE-UMR8545 is closely integrated into the École d’Éco-nomie de Paris - Paris School of Economics (EEP-PSE). This latter is a Scientific Research Foundation, created on the 21st of December 2006 in the context of the «loi de programme pour la recherche» of the same year. The EEP is a «Réseau thématique de recherche avancée» (RTRA), or Advanced Thematic Research Network, consisting of PSE-UMR8545 and a part of the Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne (CES-UMR8174) of the Uni-versity of Paris 1 with its ETE postgraduate programme.

More information is available at: PSE-UMR8545 http://www.pse.ens.frEEP-PSE http:/

The Organisation of the Doctoral Programme

The APE doctoral programme is a constituent part of the ETAPE doctoral programme n°465 in the École Doctorale d’Économie Panthéon-Sorbonne (EDEPS). The APE programme is co-accredited by the EHESS, the ENS and the Université Paris 1; the programme is labelled EEP-PSE. From the administrative viewpoint, the PhD students enrolled in the programme are responsible to the EHESS or their original research establishment.

The doctoral programme is directed by Jérôme POUYET, with the help of a PhD Training Council.

The PhD Training Council meets twice a year. Its main


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objectives are to:- Co-ordinate PhD Student Research Support and the

doctoral teaching programme;- Organise Advanced PhD Conferences, research

seminars and working groups;- Ensure that the PhD obligations are being fulfilled;- Organise Research Partnerships and Exchanges;- Follow the placement of PhD students;- Decide on students’ continuing registration in the PhD

programme.The council is composed of:

- Jérôme POUYET, Director of the APE Doctoral and Masters Programmes;

- Éric MAURIN, Director of the PPD Masters Pro-gramme;

- Lionel FONTAGNÉ, Director of the ETE Masters Programme;

- Sylvie LAMBERT, Pedagogical Director of the APE Masters Programme;

- Jean-Marc TALLON, Director of CES-UMR8174;- Pierre-Yves GEOFFARD, Director of PSE-UMR8545

and Deputy Director of EEP-PSE;- Akiko SUWA-EISENMANN, Deputy Director of

PSE-UMR8545;- Bruno AMABLE, Director of EDEPS;- Bertrand WIGNIOLLE, Director of the ETAPE

programme of the EDEPS;- Christophe CHAMLEY, Director of the Job Market

Units PSE-UMR8545;- Luc ARRONDEL, Job Market Unit PSE-UMR8545;- Raphaël GODEFROY, Job Market Unit PSE-

UMR8545;- Two elected PhD student representatives.

Administrative support for the APE Doctoral Pro-gramme is provided by Marie-Christine PAOLETTI and France ARTOIS-MBAYE.Marie-Christine PAOLETTI is responsible for:

- Welcoming new PhD students and following their administrative progress;

- The organisation of PSE Advanced PhD Conferences: setting up the programme, student registration, logis-tics, the diffusion of information (after ratifying which courses to open) to PhD students from ETAPE and the other Doctoral programmes of partner institutions, ensuring that registered students follow the courses, etc.;

- The organisation of thesis committees;- The organisation of the dossier for continuing in the

PhD programme;

- Preparation for the job market: training, help in sen-ding out dossiers etc.;

- The organisation of training courses in English and in communication;

- Relationship with the PhD Training Council;- Collecting administrative and pedagogical data regar-

ding the PhD programme;- Statistical monitoring of the progress of past PhD

students.France ARTOIS-MBAYE is responsible for:

- Student registration at the EHESS;- Registration in the Masters courses, research

seminars, working groups and Advanced PhD Confe-rences;

- Entering information into EHESS administrative forms.

Contacts: Marie-Christine PAOLETTI; France ARTOIS-MBAYE

More information is available at: EDEPS PhD Student Guide

The PhD Thesis

The APE Doctoral Programme lasts in principle for three years. The programme consists essentially in the writing of a PhD thesis, supervised by a member of PSE-UMR8545.The thesis may be presented under one of two different types of formats:

- Format 1: a monograph (the treatment of a subject in a global and exhaustive manner) or;

- Format 2: an introduction, at least three research papers and a conclusion; the research articles may be independent of each other, dealing with one or a number of different research areas in theoretical, empirical or historical economics.

In the APE Doctoral Programme, PhD theses are most often prepared in English under Format 2. However, the PhD regulations require that the thesis contain an extended summary (around 30 pages) in French.

More information is available at: EHESS Thesis Charterèses160309.pdfEDEPS


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PSE Resident PhD Students’ Guide


Academic Rgistration

The academic registration dossier should be completed and handed in to France ARTOIS-MBAYE by the 31st of October 2010. This dossier consists of:

- The signed academic registration form from the EHESS as well as a printed PhD research project (2 to 3 pages long);

- A CV ;- A detailed description of previous degrees attained,

including in particular the courses that were taken (if possible including a description of the course content and the textbooks used) and a copy of the degree certificate (except for the baccalauréat) and the grade sheet from the baccalauréat and all ensuing academic years. These grade sheets should be stamped by the university, and are accepted in French, English, Spa-nish and Italian; grade sheets in all other languages have to be translated by an official translator;

- A recommendation letter from the PhD supervisor;- An «extrait d’acte de naissance» (for French students)

or a birth certificate (for Foreign students), or a copy of the «livret de famille».

Do not forget to have your registration dossier signed by your PhD supervisor.

Useful document:The registration form from the EHESS

University Registration

The APE Doctoral Programme is responsible to the EHESS. Certain PhD students are responsible to their original research establishment, such as the École des Ponts ParisTech, are not registered at the EHESS.

First registrationAs soon as your academic registration as a PhD student

at the EHESS is accepted, you will receive a university registration dossier through the post. This registration dossier is to be dropped off at the EHESS, where you will pay the fees regarding tuition, student social security coverage, and preventive medicine. You are required to submit your thesis topic on line to the Central Thesis Registry («fichier central des theses»: FCT).

Second and Third YearYour dossier is automatically submitted if your PhD Supervisor has authorised you to carry on with your PhD work after your appraisal with your thesis committee. Registration is compulsory.You do not have to resubmit your thesis subject (except if this latter has changed). You only have to complete your registration dossier and pay your tuition fees.

The PhD Defence YearAfter three years of PhD registration, registration is no longer compulsory. However, it is required in the year that you defend your PhD.

Handing in your registration or re-registration dossier:EHESS – Bureau 605 at the registrar’s office54 bd Raspail 75006 Paris - Tel.: 01 49 54 25 25Opening Hours: 09h00-12h00 / 14h00-16h00Tuition fees at the EHESS in the 2010-2011 academic year are:

- PhD: 359€;- Subscription for student social security coverage:

200€;- Subscription for preventive medicine: 4.57€. Useful document:

Fichier central des thèses (FCT)

Resident PhD Students at PSE

For both budgetary and space reasons, only a certain number of PhD students are accepted as Resident PhD Students at PSE.


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This status is awarded after selection for two years fol-lowing the Masters programme or a first year of a PhD programme at a foreign university (European Doctoral Programme: EDP); in other cases it is awarded for one year. It is renewable for one year following a written request. If you obtain this status for a two-year period, then it will be re-evaluated after your first-year appraisal with your thesis committee (see page 10).Resident PhD Students have the right to:

- Shared office space with a computer;- Access to a variety of resources (computer, photoco-

pying, telephone, office supplies, etc.);- Conference support (up to 700€ per year for a presen-

tation at large conferences, plus 300€ in the case of the EEA-ESEM conference).

The application dossier consists of:- A formal letter requesting this status, both concise and

reasoned;- A CV setting out in particular the registration, funding

and status of the thesis; - A short note setting out progress on the PhD or a

description of your thesis project, the research domain to which your PhD work is attached, and the written opinion of your PhD supervisor.

Decisions regarding PSE Resident PhD Students are taken by a jury after consultation with the PhD supervi-sors in question. This jury is composed of:

- Pierre-Yves GEOFFARD, Director of PSE-UMR8545 and Deputy Director of EEP-PSE;

- Jérôme POUYET, Director of the APE Doctoral and Masters Programmes;

- Éric MAURIN, Director of the PPD Masters Pro-gramme;

- Akiko SUWA-EISENMANN, Deputy Director of PSE-UMR8545.

The criteria taken into account include:- The opinion of the PhD supervisor and the quality of

the academic dossier;- Whether PhD funding has been obtained (compul-

sory);- The balance between different PhD supervisors and

research domains.

This same jury also decides on:- Requests for additional years of Resident PhD Stu-

dent status;- The cancellation of Resident PhD Student status

(which applies to students who have not fulfilled the

obligations of the 2nd year of the programme);- The maximum number of resident PhD students

who can be accommodated.The application dossier should be submitted to Marie-Christine PAOLETTI by the 30th of Sep-tember 2010.

Contact:Marie-Christine PAOLETTI

More information is available at: Information Resident PhD Students at PSE

The ENS Multifunction Card

The ENS Multifunction Card allows you to:- Eat at the ENS restaurant;- Borrow books and journals in ENS libraries.

You will not be able to obtain a Multifunction Card if you do not have a valid student card for the current academic year.

Obtaining a cardRequests for an ENS card are made on line via the Alouette platform (accessible only from the ENS). You should have a digital version of a valid student card for the current academic year with you. The electronic demand for an ENS card will be approved by Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.

Renewing a cardCard renewal requires a form available on the ENS intranet (accessible only from the ENS) or from Marie-Christine PAOLETTI. Card renewal takes place at the logistic service of the campus Jourdan. You will need:

- A valid student card for the 2010-2011 academic year;

- The paper form filled out, and signed by Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.

Contacts: Marie-Christine PAOLETTI; Logistic service – ENS Campus Jourdan – Ground floor of the main building

Useful document: Online Form to obtain a card Intranet

Page 10: PSE Resident PhD Students’ · Rachida AHMIDEZ Béatrice HAVET Computing Support: José SASTRE David SMADJA

PSE Resident PhD Students’ Guide

The PhD is a key stage in the research process. The benchmark duration of a PhD is three years, but exten-sions may be granted (in Economics, many PhD theses take four years).

The Obligations of a PhD Student

When you start a PhD, you commit yourself to respect the PhD charter. This latter sets out your rights and duties.

From the pedagogical standpoint, you have to:- Let your PhD supervisor know regularly about your

progress and make all written documents available when they are requested (progress reports, written chapters etc.);

- Follow and pass three 24 hours Masters courses in the first two years of the PhD;

- Take part in Advanced PhD Conferences (APE, ETE, OFPR and PSE) independently of the theme that is covered (very strongly encouraged);

- Regularly go to at least two research seminars per year;

- Participate in one working group (very strongly encou-raged);

- Set up your thesis committee in the first six months of your first PhD year;

- Present your work (in English) in an internal seminar each year;

- Submit (by the 30th of August) a short annual report and explain it (in September) during your appraisal with your thesis committee. You will submit all articles and chapters already written, as well as a summary report of a few pages describing your research pro-gress and your plan for the remainder of your thesis (articles and chapters to be written).

You can consult your PhD supervisor and your thesis committee to decide on the Masters courses, Advanced PhD Conferences, seminars and workgroups that you should follow.


From the ethical standpoint, you are required to:- Respect the ethical rules and principles of collective

life (with respect to integrity, cleanliness and safety);- Sign and respect the computer charter of the ENS;- Respect and conform to the rules of the use of data on

individuals: respect your undertakings with respect to the scientific managers regarding access to data, the INSEE data secrecy committee, etc.;

- Respect intellectual property rights (all relevant copy-rights).

More information is available at: Masters courses

- APE : 51.php?choix=2

- PPD : spip.php?article142

- ETE : economie-pantheon-sorbonne/formation-doctorale/

Advanced PhD Conferences- APE :

61.php?choix=1- ETE :

htm- OFPR : PSE : Useful documents:

EHESS PhD Charterèses160309.pdfENS Computer Charter to the rules regarding research in a public-sector establishment - Cercle AJIR Students’ guide to the writing and presentation of theses (2007) - MESR - DAJ CNRS


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The Timetable of Your Thesis Plan


What you should be doing What you should be presen-ting

What your PhD super-visor should do

First YearSeptember Ensure your academic and university registration

Submit your thesis topic to the FCTChoose your courses to follow

Follow your research work

September to March

Set up your thesis committee by choosing two suitable researchers in addition to your PhD supervisor

During the Year Follow and pass three Masters courses (over two years)Take part in Advanced PhD Conferences, two research seminars and one working group

Present at an internal re-search seminar (for example, a literature survey)

30th August Submit your short annual report and other documents for your first-year appraisal with your thesis committee

Second YearSeptember Renew your academic registration Write a summary report fol-

lowing your first-year appraisal with your thesis committee

Follow your research work

During the Year Follow and pass three Masters courses (over two years)Take part in Advanced PhD Conferences, two research seminars and one working group

Present at an internal research seminar

Contact the job market unit (if relevant)June Finish following and passing three Masters courses (over

two years)30th August Submit your short annual report and other documents for

your second-year appraisal with your thesis committeeThird YearSeptember Renew your academic registration Write a summary report

following your second-year appraisal with your thesis committee

Follow your research work

During the Year Take part in Advanced PhD Conferences, two research seminars and one working group

Present at an internal research seminar

30th August Submit your short annual report and other documents for your third-year appraisal with your thesis committee

PhD Defence YearSeptember- October

Renew your academic registration Write a summary report fol-lowing your third-year apprai-sal with your thesis commit-tee, which can be transformed into a pre-defence

Follow your research work

Present your dossier to the job market unit

January Present your job market paper at the AEA and other meetings

J-8 months Set up your PhD jury Confirm your PhD juryJ-7 months Send your thesis to your pre-defence juryJ-6 months Have your thesis pre-defence

behind closed doorsSend your summary report of the pre-defence to the pre-defence juryCarry out the modifications proposed by the pre-defence jury to your thesisSubmit your request for PhD defence authorisation to the President of the EHESS

J-3 months Send your thesis to the defence jury and to the Graduate Office of the EHESS

J Defend your thesisAfter J Sent a PDF version of your thesis any made corrections

with the authorization forms of dissemmination on Internet

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PSE Resident PhD Students’ Guide

Supervision and Support of Your PhD project

PhD supervision is overseen by your PhD supervisor, whose role is to:

- Follow you in the organisation and accomplishment of your PhD project;

- Discuss and confirm deadlines, a work plan, results and new research directions with you;

- Make bibliographic, scientific and methodological re-commendations;

- Oversee the relationship with the PhD partners, if there are any, even if part of this relationship manage-ment is delegated to the student;

- Make sure that you are integrated into a research do-main, that you progressively acquire autonomy in your work, and that you respect your obligations;

- Help you set out your career plan by discussing your thesis committee and your job market submissions; and to put you in contact with professional colleagues.

Your PhD supervisor has to belong to PSE-UMR8545.

The progress of your PhD thesis is monitored by your thesis committee (« comité de thèse»). This committee consists of your supervisor and two other researchers, of whom at least one must belong to PSE-UMR8545. The names of these latter two researchers should be indi-cated to Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.

The role of the thesis committee is to:- Ensure that you have fulfilled all of your obligations

with respect to Masters courses, Advanced PhD Conferences, seminars and working groups;

- Follow your research work;- Encourage the integration of your research work into

a professional and scientific landscape that is wider than that the host institution;

- Reinforce the accompanying role of senior resear-chers during your PhD.

The thesis committee meets once a year in September. During this meeting you will describe the progress that you have made in your research and your future research plans. Following this appraisal meeting, you will prepare a summary report which describes the various points, criticisms and recommendations that were brought up during the meeting. This summary report is to be ratified by your thesis com-

mittee, and then sent to Marie-Christine PAOLETTI. The members of the thesis committee can participate in the pre-defence jury (see p. 12) and the job market unit (see below).

The PhD Training Council (see p. 4) also plays a role in supervising your PhD progress in conjunction with your thesis committee (see above).

The job market unit is an institution which helps new PhDs find jobs.

Starting from the 2nd year of your thesis, if you wish to follow an academic career, you can avail yourself of this unit by contacting Christophe CHAMLEY.

The job market unit will help you to:- Find, amongst others, a job as an Assistant Professor

abroad and/or a Post-doctoral position;- Set out a strategy to find a job on the French labour

market, whether academic or not (qualification for a job as a Maître de Conférences, Bank of France, OECD, jobs in the French Administration, etc.).

The job market unit consists of:- Christophe CHAMLEY, Director of the job market unit;- Raphaël GODEFFROY; - Luc ARRONDEL.

The job market unit:- Targets organisations to which you can submit your

recruitment dossier;- Organises mock interviews for the job market;- Helps you to present your work in a job-market format;- Helps you to revise and put into correct English your

job market paper;- Helps you to prepare your dossier: CV, letter of moti-

vation, recommendation letters (thesis supervisor, Christophe Chamley, and others), job market paper and others, and a summary report on your research (if necessary).

For the English correction of your work, contact Akiko SUWA-EISENMANN.For the administrative aspects of your job market submis-sions, see Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.At the beginning of January each year, two international conferences are organised, in the US in January and in Europe in November.


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The doctoriales are seminars which introduce the bu-siness world. These meetings are the occasion for PhD students to prepare their future career.

More information is available at: Econjobmarket in International Economics and Finance (RIEF) http://rief.univ-paris1.frAssociation Française de Science Economique (AFSE)http://www.afse.frJamboree (EDP) Development Research Network (EUDN)


Course registration takes place at the beginning of the academic year and should be settled with France AR-TOIS-MBAYE by the 15th of December 2010.

CoursesIn the first two years of the PhD you have to follow and pass three 24 hours APE, PPD or ETE Masters courses. You are responsible for informing Marie-Christine PAO-LETTI and France ARTOIS-MBAYE of the grades that you have obtained in these courses before your annual appraisal with your thesis committee.

Advanced PhD ConferencesYou are very strongly recommended to follow the 12 hours Advanced PhD Conferences proposed by APE, ETE, OFPR and PSE.The Advanced PhD Conferences proposed by PSE are given by visiting professors at PSE-UMR8545, or by pro-fessors who are invited in order to present these courses.

Research seminarsYou are required to follow at least two research seminars each year.You have to present your research at least once a year in English in an internal research seminar. The research seminars can be chosen amongst those

PSE Seminars Name / Seminar Organiser Administrative CorrespondentExternal Development / M. GURGAND – S. LAMBERT B. HAVETExternal Macroeconomics / M. RANCIÈRE – J.-O. HAIRAULT C. ALRIVIEExternal Public policy and labor / L. BEHAGHEL M.-H. LEBRETONExternal Trade / T. VERDIER – A. SUWA-EISENMANN - L. FONTAGNÉ B. HAVETInterne Histoire Economique / P.-C. HAUTCOEUR – G. POSTEL-VINAY M. CARDOVILLEInternal TOM / F. KOESSLER I. LELIÈVREInternal Lunch Economie Appliquée / T. PIKETTY C. ALRIVIE - M. CARDOVILLEInternal EPCI / D. GATTI M. CARDOVILLE - E. GUILLAUDInternal Lunch économie internationale / T. VERDIER – M. CROZET -


Internal Théorie des jeux / F. KOESSLER I. LELIÈVREInternal Economie et psychologie / C. SENIK – G. HOLLARD M.-H. LEBRETON

Working Groups Name / Seminar Organiser Administrative CorrespondentWorking Group ONG / T. VERDIER M. CARDOVILLE - M. LIMARDIWorking Group Risques / A. CHASSAGNON M.-H. LEBRETON

Working Group Eco de la santé / R. GODEFROY M.-H. LEBRETONWorking Group Theory / D. MARTIMORT I. LELIÈVREWorking Group Macro / J. IMBS C. ALRIVIE

There are also Working Groups set up by PhD students:Working Groups Name / Seminar Organiser

Working Group PSI PSE / M. SANGNIERWorking Group Casual Friday Development / C. IMBERTWorking Group Histoire éco / E. MONNET

In addition, Andrew CLARK organises regular WIP (Work In Progress) meetings, and Romain RANCIÈRE organises Macro Retreat two or three times per year.


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PSE Resident PhD Students’ Guide

that are offered on the Jourdan campus or by the EDEPS.

Working groups You are very strongly recommended to follow at least one working group each year.

Useful document: Summary course sheet

The Thesis Pre-defence

The pre-defence is organised six months before the actual defence, and takes place behind closed doors. The pre-defence is set up with your PhD supervisor as soon as your work is deemed by the latter to be suffi-ciently close to being defended.

The pre-defence is when your PhD rapporteurs are de-signated with your PhD supervisor. These rapporteurs must be external to PSE-UMR8545.

The pre-defence jury is composed of your PhD supervi-sor, your two rapporteurs for your PhD jury, and potenti-ally other researchers who will feature in your PhD jury.

At the end of the pre-defence, you have to write a sum-mary report which sets out:

- The remarks made by the jury;- The changes to be made to the thesis;- The way in which you are going to make these

changes in order to satisfy the jury.

According to the changes that are required, the pre-de-fence jury may:

- Ask you to pre-defend your work a second time, or;- Propose that the PhD supervisor proceed and choose

a defence date.

The PhD Defence

In the APE doctoral programme, theses are written in En-glish. However, the PhD regulations require that the the-sis contain an extended summary (around 30 pages) in French.

To defend your PhD, you have to:- Have written at least three original research ar-


- Have received the authorisation of your PhD su-pervisor and your pre-defence jury;

- Have chosen, with the help of your PhD supervi-sor, your PhD jury.

The composition of your PhD jury is proposed by your PhD supervisor according to the administrative rules and procedures. The jury consists of three to eight members, including your PhD supervisor and potentially your two 2 rapporteurs from the pre-defence jury. The jury members are chosen for their scientific competence (at least half of the French or Foreign members need to be external to the EHESS and the EDEPS, there needs to be at least one representative of the EHESS, and at least 50% of jury members have to be Professors or equivalent).

Your PhD supervisor cannot serve as either President of the jury or as one of your rapporteurs.

Your bound thesis should be submitted to the Graduate Office of the EHESS in order for the President of the EHESS to authorise the defence.At the same time, either you or your PhD supervisor should transmit the composition of your PhD jury to the Graduate Office of the EHESS.Once you have received the authorisation of the EHESS, the following documents should be submitted to the Gra-duate Office of the EHESS 3 months before your defence: three bound copies of your thesis, two registration forms of defended theses for the FCT, and paper copies of your thesis abstract of one or two pages (including the PhD title and the authors name). A PDF version of your thesis should be sent to Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.

You also have to send a paper copy of your thesis to your jury members, at least three months before the defence date.

After your PhD defense, you should be sent to Marie-Christine PAOLETTI a PDF version of your thesis any made corrections with the authorization forms of dissem-mination on Internet.

More information is available at: The procedure for submitting PhD theses at the EHESS

Useful Document:Information guide for PhD defences


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Beware: If you wish to present a dossier for the Maître de Conférences competition, you have to obtain the qualification of the relevant section of the Conseil natio-nal des universités (CNU). This qualification is valid for four years. Qualification decisions are made once a year. You must have defended your thesis before the 31st of December of the year in which you wish to request this qualification. Qualification requests are submitted using the Galaxie application:

Dissemination of Your Research

You should seek the approval of your PhD supervisor before all dissemination of your research (Working Papers, articles, conference presentations).

All of your publications and presentations linked to your work as a PhD student should explicitly mention the fol-lowing affiliation:

Paris School of Economics, 48 boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris (FRANCE)

Don’t forget to respect intellectual property rights and the confidentiality of research.

Working papersWorking papers are original and finished pieces of work, published or unpublished. They are accessible on line, and allow rapid access to the most recent research re-sults.

Receiving working papersYou can sign up to receive lists of recent working papers in Economics via e-mail at the following addresses:

- RePEc -;- NBER -;- CEPR Discussion Papers -


Publishing working papersYou should write at least three original working papers during the thesis period in order to be able to defend your PhD. These working papers are published electronically. To do so, they should be submitted to the open archive HAL-

SHS ( These working pa-pers will automatically be included in RePEc (if you are registered with RePEc you can then claim them as your own on your RePEc profile page).Your working papers will equally appear on the HAL por-tals of PSE-UMR8545 and l’EEP-PSE.

PhD ThesisThesis having received the imprimatur of the jury are dis-semminated on Internet (institutional site, TEL( This deposit requires your accep-tance. You have to sent a PDF version of your thesis, any made corrections, to Marie-Christine PAOLETTI with the authorization forms of dissemmination on Internet.

HAL-SHSRegistering in the archiveWhen you register in HAL-SHS, in order for your work to automatically appear in RePEc, you have to choose the discipline «Economics and Finance». When you submit a working paper, you can add «Methods and Statistics» as a discipline, and an interdisciplinary theme.

Submitting to the archive. By yourself:Working papers are registered in HAL-SHS as «integral text documents».The affiliations to be mentioned in the bibliographical note of HAL-SHS are:

- Paris-Jourdan Sciences Économiques - UMR8545;- École d’Économie de Paris - Paris School of Eco-

nomics (EEP-PSE);- the establishment where you are registered for

your PhD (EHESS, Université Paris I, École des Ponts ParisTech etc.).

. By a librarian (documentalist):If you want PSE to take care of your submission, you should send the following by e-mail:

- Your working paper in PDF format; - An abstract in French;- An abstract in English;- JEL keywords (

class_system.php);- The interdisciplinary theme predefined in HAL-SHS (if

you so desire);- The establishment where you are registered for your

PhD.In this case you should nonetheless register in HAL-SHS.


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RePecRePEc ( is a harvester. In order for RePEc to collect information about your research, you should register then under the Paris School of Economics.

Contacts: Your PhD supervisor; Caroline BAUER; Marie-Hélène LEBRETON

More information is available at: Practical guide for submitting papers to HAL-SHS – CES-UMR8174

Conference Presentations and Article SubmissionThe PhD student takes care of these procedures them-selves.

PSE-UMR8545 covers conference travel, hotel, registra-tion submission fees up to the maximum amount defined by the PSE Resident PhD Student statutes of 700€ per year for at large conferences, plus 300€ in the case of the EEA-ESEM conference).

Before any conference travel you should ask for an «ordre de mission» from Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.Train or plane tickets can be reserved by the Adminis-trator Rachida AMHIDEZ or one of the research secre-taries (Béatrice HAVET, Marie-Hélène LEBRETON and Isabelle LELIÈVRE).

During your trip, don’t forget to keep all of your bills and transport tickets in order to be reimbursed.

When you return from your trip, fill out your expenses claim form and give this with your original bills and tickets to Rachida AMHIDEZ.

Contacts : Your PhD supervisor; Marie-Christine PAOLETTI; Rachi-da AMHIDEZ; Béatrice HAVET; Marie-Hélène LEBRETON; Isabelle LELIÈVRE

More information is available at: Conference announcements

Useful Documents:Request for an « ordre de mission »

Expenses Claims Form

Dealing with Conflict

You may have conflicts with members of your thesis com-mittee or other people in the research centre. These can be dealt with privately via a meeting including, if neces-sary, the Director of PSE.

If conflict persists between you and your thesis supervi-sor, the Director of the APE Doctoral and Masters Pro-grammes can act as an arbitrator.

Contacts : Your PhD supervisor; Jérôme POUYET; Pierre-Yves GEOFFARD; Marie-Christine PAOLETTI

More information is available at:EHESS Thesis Charterèses160309.pdf

Stopping Your PhD Project

You may, for a variety of reasons, wish to stop your PhD. This decision should be taken after discussion with your thesis committee.

If you have a PhD contract or a contract with a firm, you can:

- resign by writing a resignation letter;- be fired following a motivated request for the same

from your scientific supervisors.

In either case, you should inform your thesis committee, the EDEPS and Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.

Contacts: Your PhD supervisor; EDEPS; Marie-Christine PAO-LETTI

More information is available at: Décret n°86-83 du 17 janvier 1986


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This part of the guide presents a non-exhaustive list of a certain number of grants and exchanges.

More information is available at: The research funding guide of the ANDES of programmes and grants – Campus France

Funding of the First Three Years of the PhD

Specific Establishment GrantsStudents from the ENS and École Polytechnique have the possibility of obtaining grants from their original re-search establishment.

PhD Contract This has replaced the Ministerial Research AllowanceType: PhD GrantPurpose: This grant allows PhD students to devote them-selves to their research work, which can be combined with other tasks such as teaching (for example the « oni-torat »), work in a private firm (for example, the « doc-torant conseil »), Scientific and technical information or application of research findingsTarget audience: PhD studentsDuration: 3 years (+1 additional year under exceptional conditions)Amount: Public law fixed-term contract of 3 years1 676.55€ gross per month (minimum) for research only, and 2 014.63€ gross per month (minimum) if additional tasks are performedConditions: The contract must be signed within six months after the start of the PhD (except in exceptional circumstances). It is not compulsory to have finished the Masters degree when you apply for this grantDeadline: May/June 2010 when you are taking the se-cond year of a Research Masters degree

More information is available at: The Graduate Office of your Research Masters pro-grammee-DGESIP

DIM Éco (Domaine d’Intérêt Majeur Sciences Écono-miques) GrantsType: PhD GrantFunding Body: Région Île-de-FrancePurpose: To fund selected projects in research establish-ments in the Île-de-France regionTarget audience: PhD students in their 1st or 2nd year in an Île-de-France PhD programmeAmount: A net salary of at least 1 450€ per month for a maximum of three years (grants 100% financed by the Île-de-France region are paid directly by the research establishment)Duration: 3 years maximumConditions: Be in the the 1st or 2nd year of in an Île-de-France PhD programme in the year when the application is madeThis grant cannot be combined with other sources of fi-nance apart from short-term workDeadline: The middle of August

More information is available: By sending a request to EEP-PSE 48 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris, or by electronic mail at the address [email protected] Éco

Conventions industrielles de formation par la re-cherche (CIFRE)Type: PhD GrantFunding Body: ANRT – Service CIFREPurpose: These grants allow PhDs to be prepared in the context of a partnership between a firm and a public


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research centre. The goal is to encourage research pro-grammes that are carried out jointly with research centres that are external to the firm. Target audience: PhD studentsDuration: 3 yearsAmount: Salaried worker in the firm with a permanent or fixed-term contract of three years. The gross salary is a minimum of 23 484€ per year (the firm receives a fixed annual subsidy of 14 000€)Conditions: You must hold a Masters degree and be in the first year of your PhDGo to work in a firm as defined under French LawThe job must count as your first professional experienceYou must be engaged full-time in researchYou cannot combine this grant with a PhD contractNo nationality conditions are imposedYou should be registered in a French research centre or a foreign centre (in the case of joint PhD supervision)Waiting period: Allow two months for the application to be processed

More information is available at: ANRT CIFRE - 41 bd des Capucines 75002 ParisTel.: 01 55 35 25 60 - Fax: 01 55 35 25 55 E-mail: [email protected] ANRT

Co-financed INRA GrantsType: PhD Grant Funding Body: INRA – Social Science, Agriculture and Nutrition, Space and Environment Department (Dépar-tement de sciences sociales, agriculture et alimentation, espace et environnement: SA2E)Purpose: To co-finance theses with another public or pri-vate institution, a community organisation or an RTRATarget audience: PhD studentsDuration: 3 years (2 +1)Amount: 1 681€ gross per monthConditions: You must be in the first year of your PhDDeadline: Middle of June

More information is available from:The INRA researchers at PSE-UMR8545

AXA GrantsType: PhD GrantFunding Body: The AXA Research FundPurpose: To encourage the development of top scien-tific leaders, from the start of their academic career by

allocating 30 PhD grants, 30 post-doctoral grants, and a number of CIFRE grants each yearTarget audience: PhD studentsConditions: To work on one of the themes that are fi-nancedTo be associated with a research centreDeadline: April

More information is available from:Fonds AXA pour la recherche

EIFFEL GrantsType: Professional mobility grant for foreign studentsFunding Body: Foreign MinistryPurpose: To fund the continuing PhD work of jointly-su-pervised students in French research centresTarget audience: Foreign PhD studentsAmount: Salary of 1 400€ (including one round trip and social-security coverage; tuition fees are not covered)Duration: 10 months in France Conditions: Foreign students only (dual nationality does not count)The candidate must be presented by the French research centreBe under 35 years oldBe a student in a priority field of study abroad relative to those who are already in FranceBe jointly-supervised with a foreign academic partner (preferably in the 2nd or 3rd year of the PhD)Not benefit from a French Government grant in the context of another programmeNot be presented by more than one French research centre

More information is available from:Centre français pour l’accueil et les échanges internatio-naux - Bureau de l’enseignement supérieur28 rue de la Grange aux Belles 75018 ParisTel.: 01 40 40 58 58 - Courriel : [email protected]Égide

EDP Exchange Programme (not funded)Type: Exchange Programme Funding Body: The European Doctoral Program networkPurpose: Promote exchanges between PhD students in the EDP networkTarget audience: PhD studentsAreas covered: Exchanges take place between the fol-


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lowing institutions: Université Catholique de Louvain (Bel-gium); École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (France); Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univer-sität Bonn (Germany); European University Institute, Florence (Italy); Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain); London School of Economics (United Kingdom); Tel Aviv University (Israel)Deadline: Middle of March

More information is available from:Jérôme POUYET at PSE-UMR8545European Doctoral Program

European Grants for the Mobility and Training of Young Researchers. Actors, Markets, and Institutions in Developing Countries: A micro-empirical approach (AMID) – 1st September 2008/31st August 2012Type: Mobility GrantFunding Body: European Commission 7th PCRDPurpose: Improve the career prospects of young pu-blic- and private-sector researchers via the establishment of initial training networksTarget audience: PhD studentsAmount: Up to 33 800€ per year + mobility bonus + travelDuration: 3 to 36 months Conditions: To be in the first four years of the PhDTo be writing a thesis in one of the following institutions: Bocconi University, Milan (Italy); Paris School of Econo-mics (France); Faculté Universitaire Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur (Belgium); London School of Economics and Political Science, London (United Kingdom); Univer-sity of Stockholm (Sweden)

More information is available from:Anna PIETKA - [email protected]://

EHESS Cultural Areas GrantType: Field work grantFunding Body: Minister of ResearchPurpose: To train specialists in research areas of both scientific and geographic priority, by part-funding short-duration research trips which are essential for the prepa-ration of the PhDTarget audience: PhD studentsDuration: 3 to 12 weeksConditions: Does not cover conferences or seminars given abroad

Be in the 1st to 3rd year of the PhDTo have taken and passed a two-year Masters pro-gramme in France or to have an equivalent qualification from a signatory country of the European Higher Educa-tion Area (European Union member countries + Andor-ra, Iceland, Norway, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Turkey, and the Vatican)Not to have previously benefited from an EHESS Cultural Areas GrantTo have a signed joint PhD agreement in the case of joint PhD supervisionTo carry out the research trip in the 2nd or 3rd year of the PhD and before the PhD defenceAmount: 1 000€ to 3 000€ according to the destinationDeadline: May

More information is available from:Your Graduate Office

EHESS Education Commission Type: Field work grantFunding Body: EHESSPurpose: To help low-income studentsTarget audience: PhD studentsDuration: One-off grant available during the preparation of the PhD thesisConditions: Means-testedThis grant may be used for the reprinting of the thesis

More information is available from:Véronique CONUAU - EHESSTel.: 01 49 54 26 93 - Fax : 01 49 54 23 90Courriel : [email protected]

Student Mobility Grants from the Île-de-France Re-gion (AMIE-RIDF)Type: Mobility grantFunding Body: Région Île-de-FrancePurpose: Provide support for foreign research trips Zones: Exchanges within and outside of EuropeTarget audience: PhD studentsDuration: 2 to 10 consecutive months (courses and field-work)Amount: 426€ per monthConditions: Covers all countries with which the EHESS has exchange agreementsBe a student at the final undergraduate or postgraduate level (L3 – M – D) or a student admitted to one of these levels at the time when the application is submittedCarry out study or research abroad, or follow a training


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course abroadHave a French « quotient familial » below 19 000€ on the 2008 tax notice (the « quotient familial » is overall net income divided by the number of tax units)

More information is available from:Véronique CONUAU – EHESSTel.: 01 49 54 26 93 - Fax : 01 49 54 23 90Courriel : [email protected]

PED – CNRS PhD GrantType: Mobility grant for foreign studentsFunding Body: CNRSPurpose: To fund the PhD work of foreign students in French CNRS research centres, with priority being gi-ven to research centres that have set up research pro-grammes with teams from Developing countries (Pays en développement: PED) in ZSP areas (Zone de solidarité prioritaire: audience: PhD students from ZSP educated in their home country or in FranceConditions: To have a Research Masters degree or an equivalent degree from the student’s home countryTo not yet have started the PhDNo age conditions applyNot to hold double nationalityDeadline: Middle of June

More information is available from:CNRS - DRI - Mme Dominique PROUTEAU3 rue Michel Ange 75794 Paris cedex 16E-mail: [email protected] - DRI

ERASMUS Doctoral Mobility GrantType: Mobility grant for leaving PhD studentsTarget audience: PhD studentsPurpose: Provide support for foreign research tripsZone: Exchanges within EuropeDuration: 3 to 12 monthsAmount: Between 100€ and 170€ per month according to circumstances (whether the student is a grant-holder, whether the student benefits from the aide à la mobilité étudiante (AMIE))No tuition fees in the host universityConditions: Not to have previously participated in an ERASMUS programmeTo be a national of one of the following countries: the 27 member countries of the European Union; the three

countries of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liech-tenstein and Norway); a candidate country for European Union membership; Turkey; to be a refugee or stateless; or hold a permanent residence permit (with a minimum validity of 10 years in the case of France)To be in general in the 2nd year of the PhDTo have a research project which has been validated by your PhD supervisor

More information is available from:Véronique CONUAU – EHESS Tel.: 01 49 54 26 93 - Fax : 01 49 54 23 90Courriel : [email protected]

ERASMUS Parisian Municipality GrantType: Mobility grant for leaving PhD studentsFunding Body: The city of ParisPurpose: Provide support for Parisian students participa-ting in the ERASMUS mobility programmeZone: Exchanges within EuropeTarget audience: PhD students according to incomeDuration: 3 to 12 monthsAmount: 160€ per month according to circumstances (whether the student is a grant-holder, whether the stu-dent benefits from the AMIE programme)Conditions: To be carrying out an ERASMUS exchange programmeTo be a student in a Parisian universityHave a quotient familial below 18 398€ on the 2008 tax noticeDeadline: 1st October (for departures in the 1st semester); 1st December (for departures in the 2nd semester)

More information is available from:Maison Internationale 58 bd Arago 75013 Paris - Tel.: 01 44 07 76 73E-mail: [email protected]

CIERA Study Trips to GermanyType: Mobility grant for leaving PhD studentsFunding Body: CIERAPurpose: Provide partial or total support for research trips to Germany in partnership with DAAD and MESRZones: Exchanges in Germany, Austria and SwitzerlandTarget audience: PhD studentsConditions: Be working on a subject that concerns Ger-many or other German-speaking countriesFind a host institution and scientific supportProvide justification (courses, previous trips) of a suffi-cient knowledge of German

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Deadline: End of AprilSession: June

More information is available from:Virginie RANSINAN - Maison de la recherche, 28 rue Serpente 75006 Paris Tel.: 01 53 10 57 37 – E-mail: [email protected]://

Post-doctoral Funding

DIM Éco (Domaine d’Intérêt Majeur Sciences Écono-miques) GrantsType: Post-doc GrantFunding Body: Région Île-de-FrancePurpose: To fund selected projects in research establish-ments in the Île-de-France regionTarget audience: Junior post-doctoral studentsAmount: A net salary of at least 2 100€ per month for a maximum of three years (grants 100% financed by the Île-de-France region are paid directly by the research establishment)Duration: 1 to 3 yearsConditions: To have defended the PhD thesis within the past five yearsThis grant cannot be combined with other sources of fi-nance apart from short-term workDeadline: Middle of August

More information is available from:By sending a request to EEP-PSE 48 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris, or by electronic mail at the address [email protected] Éco

AXA GrantsType: Post-doc GrantFunding Body: The AXA Research FundPurpose: To encourage the development of top scien-tific leaders, from the start of their academic career by allocating 30 PhD grants, 30 post-doctoral grants, and a number of CIFRE grants each yearTarget audience: Post-doctoral studentsConditions: To work on one of the themes that are fi-nancedTo be associated with a research centreDeadline: October

More information is available from:AXA Research Fund

City of Paris Research GrantsType: Mobility grants for foreign researchersFunding Body: the city of ParisTarget audience: Junior and senior post-doctoral stu-dentsPurpose: To support new and existing research projects between research centres in foreign cities and those in Paris intra murosDuration: 3 to 12 months (juniors) / 2 to 6 months (se-niors)Amount: Allowance between 2 500€ (junior) and 3 000€ (senior + fixed amount towards a return trip between the home country and France + medical coverage + help in finding accommodation)Conditions: To hold a PhD degreeThis grant cannot be combined with another grant or salaryNot to already live in FranceNot to have previously received a grant from the city of Paris or Fernand BraudelTo be associated with a research centre in the home country where they imperatively have to live and workFind a host research centre which was not selected at N-1 (not eligible) or in previous programmes (non priority)Deadline: March

More information is available from:Mairie de Paris

European Grants for the Mobility and Training of Young Researchers. Actors, Markets, and Institutions in Developing Countries: A micro-empirical approach (AMID) – 1st September 2008/31st August 2012Type: Mobility GrantFunding Body: European Commission 7th PCRDPurpose: Improve the career prospects of young pu-blic- and private-sector researchers via the establishment of initial training networksTarget audience: Junior post-doctoral studentsAmount: Up to 52 000€ per year + mobility bonus + travelDuration: 3 to 12 monthsConditions: Not to have more than five years research experienceTo have written a PhD thesis in one of the following ins-


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titutions: Bocconi University, Milan (Italy); Paris School of Economics (France); Faculté Universitaire Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur (Belgium); London School of Econo-mics and Political Science, London (United Kingdom); University of Stockholm (Sweden)

More information is available from:Anna PIETKA - [email protected]://

ATERAn « attaché temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche » (ATER) is a contract worker who carries out 128 hours of teaching, or 192 hours of classwork, or 288 hours of labo-ratory supervision per year.

More information is available from:Ministère de l’éducation


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Student Clubs

Two student clubs exist which students, PhD students and researchers at EEP-PSE can join:

- The Students’ Club: the EEP-PSE Students’ Club takes charge of new students, and animates student life throughout the year (via sporting and cultural events, amongst others);

- The Alumni Club: the EEP-PSE Alumni Club brings together a network of researchers across the world.

Both clubs can be joined via the Linkedin social network.

Contacts: [email protected]://

More information is available from: Tonia LASTAPIS - Communication - CES-UMR8174Tel.: 01 44 07 82 03 E-mail: [email protected]

The ENS Jourdan library

The ENS Jourdan library is located on the first floor of the main building on the Jourdan campus. The journal library is located in the basement of Building B.The library collection includes:

- 145 000 books;- 400 current journals in History, Geography, Philoso-

phy, Sociology, Anthropology, Law and Economics;- 30 packages of electronic resources (electronic books,

on-line encyclopedias, on-line journals, etc.) acces-sible only via a computer connection on campus;

- Manuals for current year courses available for bor-rowing.

Practical information:Access to the catalogue of the Jourdan library*frf~S2

Access to the catalogue of ENS electronic resources*frf~S9Library rules

Opening hours: - From Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm, and Satur-

day from 9am to 12.30pm and1.30pm to 5pm (restric-ted opening hours during the Christmas and Easter academic holidays, the first week of September and the last week of August);

- Closed in August;- The journal library is shut Wednesday afternoons (it is

however possible to gain access via the central library on presentation of your ENS multifunction card).

Contacts: ENS Jourdan library48 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris - Tel.: 01 43 13 61 09Marie-Zélia CHABOY (information desk) or Clarisse PRADEL (head librarian)

Electronic subscriptions

PSE-UMR8545 has electronic access to the main Econo-mic journals via:

- The BiblioSHS archive;- The ENS Jourdan library (around 20 journals);- The INRA electronic data and journal platform.

Contact: Caroline BAUER

More information is available from: Guided visit to BiblioSHS to the electronic resources of the Jourdan library INRA electronic data and journal platform


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Computer Services

To use the computer resources of PSE-UMR8545 (mail and webpage) you are required to request an account from Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.The use of computer resources requires that you:

- Sign the ENS computer charter;- Obtain the authorisation of the computer service of

PSE-UMR8545 before installing programmes on your computer or to order particular programmes;

- Respect the laws of data protection and the ENS com-puter charter (;

- Make sure that you leave equipment (such as prin-ters) in good working order and inform computer ser-vices of any problems;

- Do not use accents when naming your files, and use the underscore (_) instead of white space.

All computer users are responsible for the use made of the resources to which they have access. You are thus responsible for:

- The confidentiality of data and documents to which you have access during your stay at PSE;

- The security of all of your files and your e-mails.

To protect yourself right from the outset, you can follow a number of basic security procedures:

- Be careful in your e-mail exchanges (these latter can be used in a court of law);

- Back up your data at least once a week onto a CD, USB key or external hard drive;

- Do not transport sensitive data on unreliable media (portable computers, USB keys, external hard drives etc.);

- Do not leave your session open when leaving an open-access computer;

- Do not leave personal data in files with public access;- Use secure passwords that are at least eight charac-

ters long including letters, numbers and punctuation, and do not save passwords on computers;

- Do not open e-mails from people you do not know, nor any attached files from unknown sources;

- Do not use your computer as a server;- Protect your e-mail address against spams, viruses

and other problems by replacing the @ by ‘[AT]’.If you notice any strange behaviour by your computer, or unwarranted requests for information, contact computer service immediately.

Contacts: José SASTRE ou David SMADJA [email protected]

More information is available at: ENS Computer Charter


There is an ENS canteen on the Jourdan campus. To eat in the canteen you will need your ENS multifunction card with sufficient credit on it. You can credit your card at the electronic terminal in the entry hall (next to the lodge) and at the bursars office on the ground floor of the main building (opening hours: 9am to 1.45pm from Monday to Friday, apart from Wednesday from 9am to 12pm).Canteen opening hours: Monday to Friday from 12pm to 1.45pm / Student tariff: 3.80€

There are also a number of places on the Jourdan cam-pus where you can take a break:

- Building A – 2nd floor in the communal area (coffee machine and kettle, fridge in the toilet area);

- Building A – 1st floor (microwave and fridge in the toilet area);

- Building B – ground floor, in the cafeteria (coffee ma-chine, microwave and fridge).

- Building E – 2nd floor in the corridor (coffee machine and kettle, fridge in the toilet area).

As a student, you also have the right to eat in the universi-ty restaurants run by the CROUS (

Health and Safety

Responsibility for the health and safety of PSE-UMR8545 staff lies with the Director of the research centre, Pierre-Yves GEOFFARD with the assistance of the staff mem-ber in charge (« agent chargé de la mise en œuvre »: ACMO), who currently has yet to be named, and the health and safety officer and the occupational physician. The ACMO is appointed by the Director of the research centre, following the recommendation of the PSE Council. The ACMO is in charge of the application of the security regulations.You should pay attention to your own security, as well as that of those around you. If you think that your work situa-tion represents a health risk you should tell the ACMO.


Page 25: PSE Resident PhD Students’ · Rachida AHMIDEZ Béatrice HAVET Computing Support: José SASTRE David SMADJA


Make sure that you respect the basic rules of security with respect to:

- Working with computer screens;- Fire risks;- Electrical risks.

Smoking in PSE buildings is not permitted.

A health and safety register is available for you to note any observations or suggestions regarding risk preven-tion and the improvement of working conditions. The General Secretary also has a special register in which serious hazards can be recorded.Emergency numbers are as follows:

- SAMU (ambulance): 015 (or 15 from a direct line, or 112 from a portable telephone);

- Fire Brigade: 018 (or 18 from a direct line);- In all cases (fire, accidents, etc.) you should call the

internal emergency number 44 44 or 0 01 43 13 61 01.There is also an ENS health and safety committee, of which the Director of the School is the President. This committee considers all aspects of health and safety at the School in order to improve the education of both stu-dents and staff. This committee also examines occupa-tional hazards.

Contacts: Marie-Christine PAOLETTI or the ACMO of PSE-UMR8545

More information is available at: ENS Health and Safety Committee: [email protected] Rules and ProceduresENS Rules and Procedures and Safety – CNRS Délégation Paris A

Work-related Issues

Accidents at WorkIn all cases you should fill out the declaration of a student and university work accident (form CERFA 60.3682). Do not forget to inform the ACMO about your accident and to give the declaration to Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.

Contact: Marie-Christine PAOLETTI

Useful Document: Declaration of a student and university work accident

Social SecurityStudent social security reimburses health expenditure in the case of illness or pregnancy over the period of the academic year (1st October of year n to the 30th of Sep-tember of year n+1).Social security coverage comes under the authority of the President of the University. This coverage is obligatory for those between16 and 28 years old. According to circums-tances, the student may be obliged to pay the fixed subs-cription fee (200€). This fee is transferred to the URSSAF.

If you are not working and you are less than 28 years old when you register for your first year:

If you do not have an employment contract when you register, you have to join one of the student social security services (for example the SMEREP or the LMDE). These services manage your social security coverage and your mutual insurance coverage (if you have one).

If you are working or you have a PhD contract:If your contract has been signed when you register for your first year, and covers the entire academic year (with a minimum of 120 hours per term), you will be covered by the general social security scheme. You have the possibility of taking out mutual insurance coverage (SMEREP, LMDE, etc.).

More information is available at: URSSAF http://www.urssaf.frSMEREP http://www.smerep.frLMDE

HolidaysMaternity/Paternity/Adoption LeaveYou do not have a PhD Contract:

You are not entitled to any paid leave.You have a PhD Contract:

A PhD student who has been working under this contract for at least six months has the right to paid Maternity/Paternity/Adoption leave of a duration fixed by the Social Security Administration. During this pe-riod of leave the student receives full pay.

Annual HolidaysYou do not have a PhD Contract:

You are entitled to the standard university holidays.You have a PhD Contract:


Page 26: PSE Resident PhD Students’ · Rachida AHMIDEZ Béatrice HAVET Computing Support: José SASTRE David SMADJA

PSE Resident PhD Students’ Guide

According to your tenure in your contract, you have the same rights to annual holidays and leave days in the cadre of the « réduction du temps de travail » (RTT) as other research centre staff members. The condi-tions of these holidays are defined by the research centre and its governing bodies.To put in a request for leave, fill out the appropriate form at least two days before the leave period and give it to Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.

Contact: Marie-Christine PAOLETTI

Useful Document: Leave Request Form

More information is available at: Décret n°86-83 du 17 janvier 1986

Sickness absenceYou should notify Marie-Christine PAOLETTI of any sic-kness absence by e-mail.Your medical certificate should be sent within 48h by post to your social security centre and to Marie-Christine PAOLETTI.

Contact: Marie-Christine PAOLETTI

HousingStudent housing:

- Student residences run by the CROUS ( priority for this housing is given to stu-dent grant-holders who have successfully completed two successive years of higher education;

- CROUS partners: housing reserved for student grant-holders selected by a CROUS commission (for example: Espacil Habitat, Société HLM, Cité Universi-taire, private accommodation);

- Private student residences, such as the OSE.

Student hostels:Rooms may be available in a number of different hostels such as those of the:

- Union nationale des maisons d’étudiants (UNME);- Young Workers Hostels («foyers de jeunes travail-

leurs»: ALJT).The CROUS also has a list of hostels.Renting in town:There are many different ways of finding rented accom-modation:

- The Classified housing advertisements of the CROUS which require a contract between the CROUS and the landlord;

- The ADELE reservation service for student accommo-dation (;

- Housing against rent or service: CEP entraide étu-diant ( ;

- Accommodation with a senior citizen in exchange for company and sharing housework: Association Pari-solidaire ( / Ensemble 2 générations (;

- Flat-sharing: see the sites « Appart à partager » ( and « Annonces collocations » (

Two types of housing benefit are proposed by the Caisse d’allocation familiale (CAF): APL (Aide Personnalisée au Logement) for regulated housing and ALS (Allocation Lo-gement à caractère Social) for housing satisfying a set of criteria (at least 9m² for one person and a minimum level of conveniences).You may be eligible for housing benefit if you have a ren-tal agreement, whether you are renting a room, in a hos-tel, flat-sharing or in a flat.

More information is available at: CAF CROUS

TransportAs a student you are eligible for the Imagine’R transport card if you are under 26 years old. This one-year card allows you to save at least 50% compared to a Navigo monthly pass.

More information is available at: RATP


Page 27: PSE Resident PhD Students’ · Rachida AHMIDEZ Béatrice HAVET Computing Support: José SASTRE David SMADJA


Name Job title Office What to do there


Administrator PSE-UMR8545

Bât. A, 1st floor, office 106 Tel.: 01 43 13 63 23 [email protected]

Request an « ordre de mission »Reimbursement of travel expensesTransport and hotel reservations


Research SecretaryEEP-PSE

Bât. B, 1st floor, office 1 Tel.: 01 43 13 63 50 [email protected]

Obtain information about seminars and working groups


Head of the Graduate Office


Bât. A, ground floor, office 3 Tel.: 01 43 13 63 43 [email protected]

Registration in the Masters programmeInforming of the grades that you have obtained in your courses

BAUER Caroline

Documentation Webmeister


Bât. A, 2nd floor, office 207Tel.: 01 43 13 63 76 [email protected]

Bibliographic and Documentation Help (HAL-SHS, Biblio-SHS etc.)Help regarding PAO and DAOModifications to the PSE websiteContinuing education registration


Research SecretaryPSE-UMR8545

Bât. A, 1st floor, office 102 Tel.: 01 43 13 63 18

[email protected]

Obtain information about seminars and working groups

EHESS Graduate Office of the EHESS

EHESSTel.: 01 49 54 25 25

Obtain an attestation of university attendance Administrative registrationSubmit the composition of your PhD jurySubmit your request for PhD defence authorisation


Secretary of the Graduate Office


Bât. A, ground floor, office 3 Tel.: 01 43 13 63 42 [email protected]

Make an announcement using the mailing list of the APE and PPD Masters programmes

HAVET Béatrice

Research SecretaryAdministrator


Bât. B, ground floor, office on the left

Tel.: 01 43 13 63 63 [email protected]

Obtain information about seminars and working groupsTransport and hotel reservations



CESTel.: 01 44 07 82 03

[email protected]

Obtain information about EEP-PSE student clubs


Research SecretaryPSE-UMR8545

Bât. E, 2nd floor, office 21 Tel.: 01 43 13 63 83 [email protected]

Obtain information about seminars and working groups Transport and hotel reservations

LEBRETON Marie-Hélène

Research SecretaryPSE-UMR8545

Bât. A, 1st floor, office 102 Tel.: 01 43 13 63 00 [email protected]

Obtain office keys, photocopier codes, stationery, entry codes to campus buildingsReserve presentation equipmentObtain information about seminars and working groupsTransport and hotel reservations

PAOLETTI Marie-Christine

General Secretary PSE-UMR8545

Bât. A, 2nd floor, office 205 Tel.: 01 43 13 63 34 [email protected]

Request an « ordre de mission » or an ENS Multi-function cardObtain an e-mail address @pse.ens.frMake an announcement using the PhD student mailing listDeclare your leaveDeclare sickness absence and send off medical certi-ficates ; declare work-related accidentsRequest PSE Resident Student statusDeclare the composition of your PhD juryInforming of the grades that you have obtained in your coursesAll other questions


Computer Services PSE-UMR8545

Bât. A, 1st floor, office 111 Tel.: 01 43 13 63 20

[email protected]

Computer problemsComputer programmes


Computer Services PSE-UMR8545

Bât. A, 2nd floor, office 207Tel.: 01 43 13 63 35

[email protected]

Computer problemsComputer programmes

Research Support Staff


Page 28: PSE Resident PhD Students’ · Rachida AHMIDEZ Béatrice HAVET Computing Support: José SASTRE David SMADJA

PSE Resident PhD Students’ Guide

Name Job title Office What to do there




Bât. A, 2nd floor, office 206Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Job Market Unit MemberMember of the APE PhD Training CouncilElected Member of the PSE Council




Bât. A, 2nd floor, office 212Tel.: 01 43 13 63 29

[email protected]

Group Leader of the Public Economics, Labour Eco-nomics and Inequality Research DomainAppointed Member of the PSE Council

CHAMLEY Christophe



Bât. A, 1st floor, office 112Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Head of Job Market Unit Member of the APE PhD Training Council Elected Member of the PSE Council

COMPTE Olivier

Researcher ENPC


Bât. E, 2nd floor, office 27Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Group Leader of the Economic Theory Research DomainAppointed Member of the PSE Council

COHEN Daniel



Bât. E, 1st floor, office on the left

Tel.: 01 43 13 62 08 ou 62 [email protected]

Group Leader of the Macroeconomics Research DomainAppointed Member of the PSE Council




Bât. B, ground floor, office on the left

Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Group Leader of the Markets, Risks and Organisa-tions Research Domain Appointed Member of the PSE Council

GEOFFARD Pierre-Yves



Bât. A, 2nd floor, office 214Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Director of PSE-UMR8545Ex officio member of the PSE CouncilDeputy Director of EEP-PSEMember of the APE PhD Training Council Member of the admission jury for PSE Resident PhD Students




Bât. A, 1st floor, office 114Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Job Market Unit MemberMember of the APE PhD Training Council




Bât. A, 1st floor, office 108Tel.: 01 43 13 63 01

[email protected]

Joint Group Leader of the Economic History Research DomainAppointed Member of the PSE Council




Bât. B, ground floor, office on the left

Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Pedagogical Director of the APE Masters ProgrammeMember of the APE PhD Training Council




Bât. B, 1st floor, office 105Tel.: 01 43 13 62 [email protected]

Director of the PPD Masters ProgrammeMember of the APE PhD Training CouncilMember of the admission jury for PSE Resident PhD Students




Bât. B, rdc, bur. gaucheTel.: 01 43 13 63 61

[email protected]

Joint Group Leader of the Economic History Research Domain




Bât. E, 2nd floor, office 22Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Director of the Doctoral Programme Director of the APE Masters Programme Director of the EDP Network for FranceMember of the APE PhD Training CouncilMember of the admission jury for PSE Resident PhD StudentsPermanent observer at the PSE Council


ResearcherÉcole des Ponts


Bât. A, 2nd floor, office 204Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Group Leader of the Development Economics, Econo-mic Geography and International Integration Research DomainAppointed member of the PSE Council




Bât. B, ground floor, office on the right

Tel.: 01 43 13 63 [email protected]

Deputy Director of PSE-UMR8545Ex officio member of the PSE CouncilMember of the APE PhD Training CouncilContact person for English translation and preparation of dossiers for the job market unitMember of the admission jury for PSE Resident PhD Students

Les principaux contacts Researchers


Page 29: PSE Resident PhD Students’ · Rachida AHMIDEZ Béatrice HAVET Computing Support: José SASTRE David SMADJA

Paris-Jourdan Sciences Économiques - UMR8545

48 boulevard Jourdan 75014 PARISTel.: 01 43 13 63 00 - Fax : 01 43 13 63 10