Psalm 119.docx

Psalm 119 Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD. 2. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. 3. They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways. 4. Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. 5. O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! 6. Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments. 7. I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments. 8. I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not utterly. 9. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. 10. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. 11. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. 12. Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes. 13. With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. 14. I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. 15. I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways. 16. I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.

Transcript of Psalm 119.docx

Psalm 119Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.2. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with thewhole heart.3. hey also do no ini!uity" they walk in his ways.#. hou hast $ommanded us to keep thy pre$epts dili%ently.&. O that my ways were dire$ted to keep thy statutes'(. hen shall ) not *e ashamed, when ) ha+e respe$t unto all thy$ommandments.,. ) will praise thee with upri%htness of heart, when ) shall ha+e learned thyri%hteous -ud%ments... ) will keep thy statutes" O forsake me not utterly.9. /herewithal shall a youn% man $leanse his way0 *y takin% heed theretoa$$ordin% to thy word.11. /ith my whole heart ha+e ) sou%ht thee" O let me not wander from thy$ommandments.11. hy word ha+e ) hid in mine heart, that ) mi%ht not sin a%ainst thee.12. Blessed art thou, O LORD" tea$h me thy statutes.13. /ith my lips ha+e ) de$lared all the -ud%ments of thy mouth.1#. ) ha+e re-oi$ed in the way of thy testimonies, as mu$h as in all ri$hes.1&. ) will meditate in thy pre$epts, and ha+e respe$t unto thy ways.1(. ) will deli%ht myself in thy statutes" ) will not for%et thy word.1,. Deal *ountifully with thy ser+ant, that ) may li+e, and keep thy word.1.. Open thou mine eyes, that ) may *ehold wondrous thin%s out of thy law.19. ) am a stran%er in the earth" hide not thy $ommandments from me.21. 2y soul *reaketh for the lon%in% that it hath unto thy -ud%ments at alltimes.21. hou hast re*uked the proud that are $ursed, whi$h do err from thy$ommandments.22. Remo+e fromme reproa$h and $ontempt3 for ) ha+e kept thytestimonies.23. Prin$es also did sit and speak a%ainst me" *ut thy ser+ant did meditatein thy statutes.2#. hy testimonies also are my deli%ht and my $ounselors.2&. 2y soul $lea+eth unto the dust" !ui$ken thou me a$$ordin% to thy word.2(. ) ha+e de$lared my ways, and thou heardest me" tea$h me thy statutes.2,. 2ake me to understand the way of thy pre$epts" so shall ) talk of thywondrous works.2.. 2y soul melteth for hea+iness" stren%then thou me a$$ordin% unto thyword.29. Remo+e from me the way of lyin%" and %rant me thy law %ra$iously.31. ) ha+e $hosen the way of truth" thy -ud%ments ha+e ) laid *efore me.31.) ha+e stu$k unto thy testimonies" O LORD, put me not to shame.32. ) will run the way of thy $ommandments, when thou shalt enlar%e myheart.33. ea$h me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes3 and ) shall keep it unto theend.3#. 4i+e me understandin%, and ) shall keep thy law3 yea, ) shall o*ser+e itwith my whole heart.3&. 2akemeto%ointhepathof thy$ommandments3forthereindo)deli%ht.3(. )n$line my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to $o+etousness.3,. urn away mine eyes from *eholdin% +anity3 and !ui$ken thou me in thyway.3.. 5ta*lish thy word unto thy ser+ant, who is de+oted to thy fear.39. urn away my reproa$h whi$h ) fear" for thy -ud%ments are %ood.#1. Behold, ) ha+e lon%ed after thy pre$epts" !ui$ken me in thyri%hteousness.#1. Let thy mer$ies $ome also unto me, O LORD, e+en thy sal+ation,a$$ordin% to thy word.#2. 5o shall ) ha+e wherewith to answer him that reproa$heth me" for ) trustin thy word.#3. 6nd take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth3 for ) ha+e hopedin thy -ud%ments.##. 5o shall ) keep thy law $ontinually for e+er and e+er.#&. 6nd ) will walk at li*erty" for ) seek thy pre$epts.#(. ) will speak of thy testimonies also *efore kin%s, and will not *eashamed.#,. 6nd ) will deli%ht myself in thy $ommandments, whi$h ) ha+e lo+ed.#.. 2y hands also will ) lift up unto thy $ommandments, whi$h ) ha+e lo+ed3and ) will meditate in thy statutes.#9. Remem*er the word unto thy ser+ant, upon whi$h thou hast $aused meto hope.&1. his is my $omfort in my affli$tion" for thy word hath !ui$kened me.&1. he proud ha+e had me %reatly in derision" yet ha+e ) not de$lined fromthy law.&2. ) remem*ered thy -ud%ments of old, O LORD3 and ha+e $omfortedmyself.&3. 7orror hath taken hold upon me *e$ause of the wi$ked that forsake thylaw.. hy statutes ha+e *een my son%s in the house of my pil%rima%e.&&. ) ha+e remem*ered thy name, O LORD, in the ni%ht, and ha+e kept thylaw.&(. his ) had, *e$ause ) kept thy pre$epts.&,. hou art my portion, O LORD" ) ha+e said that ) would keep thy words.&.. ) intreated thy fa+our withmy whole heart" *e mer$iful unto mea$$ordin% to thy word.&9. ) thou%ht on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.(1. ) made haste, and delayed not to keep thy $ommandments.(1. he *ands of the wi$ked ha+e ro**ed me" *ut ) ha+e not for%otten thylaw.(2. 6t midni%ht ) will rise to %i+e thanks unto thee *e$ause of thy ri%hteous-ud%ments.(3. ) am a $ompanion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thypre$epts.(#. he earth, O LORD, is full of thy mer$y" tea$h me thy statutes.(&. hou hast dealt well with thy ser+ant, O LORD, a$$ordin% unto thy word.((. ea$hme%ood -ud%ment andknowled%e" for ) ha+e *elie+ed thy$ommandments.(,. Before ) was affli$ted ) went astray" *ut now ha+e ) kept thy word.(.. hou art %ood, and doest %ood3 tea$h me thy statutes.(9. he proud ha+e for%ed a lie a%ainst me" *ut ) will keep thy pre$epts withmy whole heart.,1. heir heart is as fat as %rease3 *ut ) deli%ht in thy law.,1. )t is%oodfor methat ) ha+e*eenaffli$ted3that ) mi%ht learnthystatutes.,2. helaw ofthymouthis*etteruntomethan thousandsof %old andsil+er.,3. hy hands ha+e made me and fashioned me" %i+e me understandin%,that ) may learn thy $ommandments.,#. heythat feartheewill *e%ladwhentheyseeme3*e$ause)ha+ehoped in thy word.,&. ) know, O LORD, that thy -ud%ments are ri%ht, and that thou infaithfulness hast affli$ted me.,(. Let, ) pray thee, thy mer$iful kindness *e for my $omfort, a$$ordin% tothy word unto thy ser+ant.,,. Let thy tender mer$ies $ome unto me, that ) may li+e" for thy law is mydeli%ht.,.. Let the proud *e ashamed3 for they dealt per+ersely with me without a$ause" *ut ) will meditate in thy pre$epts.,9. Let those that fear thee turn unto me, and those that ha+e known thytestimonies..1. Let my heart *e sound in thy statutes3 that ) *e not ashamed..1. 2y soul fainteth for thy sal+ation" *ut ) hope in thy word..2. 2ine eyes fail for thy word, sayin%, /hen wilt thou $omfort me0.3. 8or ) am *e$ome like a *ottle in the smoke3 yet do ) not for%et thystatutes..#. 7owmany are the days of thy ser+ant0 when wilt thou e9e$ute-ud%ment on them that perse$ute me0.&. he proud ha+e di%%ed pits for me, whi$h are not after thy law..(. 6ll thy $ommandments are faithful" they perse$ute me wron%fully3 helpthou me..,. heyhadalmost $onsumedmeuponearth3 *ut ) forsooknot thypre$epts.... :ui$ken me after thy lo+in%kindness3 so shall) keep the testimony ofthy mouth..9. 8or e+er, O LORD, thy word is settled in hea+en.91. hy faithfulness is unto all %enerations" thou hast esta*lished the earth,and it a*ideth.91. hey$ontinuethisdaya$$ordin%tothineordinan$es"forall arethyser+ants.92. ;nless thy law had *een my deli%hts, ) should then ha+e perished inmine affli$tion.93. ) will ne+er for%et thy pre$epts" for with them thou hast !ui$kened me.9#. ) am thine, sa+e me" for ) ha+e sou%ht thy pre$epts.9&. he wi$ked ha+e waited for me to destroy me" *ut ) will $onsider thytestimonies.9(. ) ha+e seen an end of all perfe$tion" *ut thy $ommandment is e9$eedin%*road.9,. O how lo+e ) thy law' it is my meditation all the day.9.. hou throu%h thy $ommandments hast made me wiser than mineenemies" for they are e+er with me.99. ) ha+e more understandin% than all my tea$hers" for thy testimonies aremy meditation.111. ) understand more than the an$ients, *e$ause ) keep thy pre$epts.111.) ha+e refrained my feet frome+ery e+ilway, that) mi%ht keepthyword.112. ) ha+e not departed from thy -ud%ments" for thou hast tau%ht me.113. 7ow sweet are thy words unto my taste' yea, sweeter than honey tomy mouth'11#. hrou%h thy pre$epts ) %et understandin%" therefore ) hate e+ery falseway.11&. hy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a li%ht unto my path.11(. ) ha+esworn, and) will performit, that ) will keepthyri%hteous-ud%ments.11,. ) amaffli$ted+erymu$h" !ui$kenme, O LORD, a$$ordin%untothyword.11.. 6$$ept, ) *esee$h thee, the freewill offerin%s of my mouth, O LORD, andtea$h me thy -ud%ments.119. 2y soul is $ontinually in my hand" yet do ) not for%et thy law.111. he wi$ked ha+e laid a snare for me" yet ) erred not from thy pre$epts.111. hy testimonies ha+e ) taken as an herita%e for e+er" for they are there-oi$in% of my heart.112. ) ha+e in$lined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway, e+en unto theend.113. ) hate +ain thou%hts" *ut thy law do ) lo+e.11#. hou art my hidin% pla$e and my shield" ) hope in thy word.11&. Depart from me, ye e+ildoers" for ) will keep the $ommandments of my4od.11(. ;phold me a$$ordin% unto thy word, that ) may li+e" and let me not *eashamed of my hope.11,.7old thou me up, and ) shall *e safe" and ) will ha+e respe$t unto thystatutes $ontinually.11.. hou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes" for theirde$eit is falsehood.119. hou puttest away allthe wi$ked of the earth like dross" therefore )lo+e thy testimonies.121. 2y flesh trem*leth for fear of thee3 and ) am afraid of thy -ud%ments.121. ) ha+e done -ud%ment and -usti$e" lea+e me not to mine oppressors.122. Be surety for thy ser+ant for %ood" let not the proud oppress me.123. 2ine eyes fail for thy sal+ation, and for the word of thy ri%hteousness.12#. Deal withthyser+ant a$$ordin%untothymer$y,andtea$hmethystatutes.12&. ) amthy ser+ant3 %i+eme understandin%, that ) may knowthytestimonies.12(. )t is time for thee, LORD, to work" for they ha+e made +oid thy law.12,. herefore ) lo+e thy $ommandments a*o+e %old3 yea, a*o+e fine %old.12.. herefore ) esteem all thy pre$epts $on$ernin% all thin%s to *e ri%ht3and ) hate e+ery false way.129. hy testimonies are wonderful" therefore doth my soul keep them.131. he entran$e of thy words %i+eth li%ht3 it %i+eth understandin% unto thesimple.131. ) opened my mouth, and panted" for ) lon%ed for thy $ommandments.132. Look thou upon me, and *e mer$iful unto me, as thou usest to do untothose that lo+e thy name.133. Order my steps in thy word" and let not any ini!uity ha+e dominiono+er me.13#. Deli+er me from the oppression of man" so will ) keep thy pre$epts.13&. 2ake thy fa$e to shine upon thy ser+ant3 and tea$h me thy statutes.13(. Ri+ers of waters run down mine eyes, *e$ause they keep not thy law.13,. Ri%hteous art thou, O LORD, and upri%ht are thy -ud%ments.13.. hytestimoniesthat thouhast $ommandedareri%hteousand+eryfaithful.139. 2y