ProvRem Full Cases

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  • 7/25/2019 ProvRem Full Cases


    G.R. No. L-252 March 30, 1946

    TRANQUILINO CALO and DOROTEO SAN JOSE, petitioners,vs.ARSENIO C. ROLDAN, Judge of irst Instan!e of Laguna, RE"INO RELO#A and TEODULA $ARTOLO%E,respondents.

    &osi'o D. Tana(ega for petitioners.Estanis(ao A. ernande) for respondents Re(ova and $arto(o'e.

    No appearan!e for respondent Judge.

    ERIA, J.*

    T+is is a petition for rit of !ertiorari against t+e respondent Judge Arsenio C. Ro(dan of t+e Court irst Instan!e ofLaguna, on t+e ground t+at t+e (atter +as e-!eeded +is urisdi!tion or a!ted it+ grave a/use of dis!retion inappointing a re!eiver of !ertain (ands and t+eir fruits +i!+, a!!ording to t+e !o'p(ainant fi(ed /0 t+e ot+errespondents, as p(aintiffs, against petitioners, as defendants, in !ase No. 1234, ere in t+e a!tua( possession of and/e(ong to said p(aintiffs.

    T+e !o'p(aint fi(ed /0 p(aintiffs and respondents against defendants and petitioners in t+e Court of irst Instan!e ofLaguna reads as fo((os*

    4. T+at t+e p(aintiffs and t+e defendants are a(( of (ega( age, i(ipino !iti)ens, and residents of 5i(a, Laguna6 t+ep(aintiffs are +us/and and ife..

    7. T+at t+e p(aintiff spouses are t+e oners and t+e possessors of t+e fo((oing des!ri/ed par!e(s of (and, to it*.

    - - - - - - - - -

    8. T+at par!e( No. 9a: des!ri/ed a/ove is no an unp(anted ri!e (and and par!e( No. 9/: des!ri/ed in t+e !o'p(aint is a!o!onut (and, /ot+ under t+e possession of t+e p(aintiffs..

    ;. T+at t+e defendants, it+out an0 (ega( rig+t +atsoever and in !onnivan!e it+ ea!+ ot+er, t+roug+ t+e use of for!e,stea(t+, t+reats and inti'idation, intend or are intending to enter and or< or +arvest +atever e-isting fruits 'a0 no/e found in t+e (ands a/ove='entioned in vio(ation of p(aintiff>s in t+is !ase ineffe!tua(..

    3. T+at un(ess defendants are /arred, restrained, enoined, and pro+i/ited fro' entering or +arvesting t+e (ands oror

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    T+e defendants fi(ed an opposition dated August , 42;3, to t+e issuan!e of t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 inun!tion pra0edfor in t+e a/ove=uoted !o'p(aint, on t+e ground t+at t+e0 are oners of t+e (ands and +ave /een in a!tua(possession t+ereof sin!e t+e 0ear 42736 and t+eir anser to t+e !o'p(aint fi(ed on August 4;, 42;3, t+e0 reiterate t+att+e0 are t+e oners and ere t+en in a!tua( possession of said propert0, and t+at t+e p(aintiffs +ave never /een inpossession t+ereof.

    T+e +earing of t+e petition for pre(i'inar0 inun!tion as +e(d on August 2, 42;3, at +i!+ eviden!e as introdu!ed /0/ot+ parties. After t+e +earing, Judge Ri((ora)a, t+en presiding over t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Laguna, denied t+epetition on t+e ground t+at t+e defendants ere in a!tua( possession of said (ands. A 'otion for re!onsideration as

    fi(ed /0 p(aintiffs on August 7@, 42;3, /ut said 'otion +ad not 0et, up to t+e +earing of t+e present !ase, /een de!idedeit+er /0 Judge Ri((ora)a, +o as assigned to anot+er !ourt, or /0 t+e respondent udge.

    T+e p(aintiffs 9respondents: fi(ed on Septe'/er ;, 42;3, a rep(0 to defendants> anser in +i!+, a'ong ot+ers, t+e0reiterate t+eir a((egation in t+e !o'p(aint t+at t+e0 are possessors in good fait+ of t+e properties in uestion.

    And on De!e'/er 41, p(aintiffs fi(ed an urgent petition e-=parte pra0ing t+at p(aintiffs> 'otion for re!onsideration of t+eorder den0ing t+eir petition for pre(i'inar0 inun!tion /e granted and or for t+e appoint'ent of a re!eiver of t+eproperties des!ri/ed in t+e !o'p(aint, on t+e ground t+at 9a: t+e p(aintiffs +ave an interest in t+e properties in uestion,and t+e fruits t+ereof ere in danger of /eing (ost un(ess a re!eiver as appointed6 and t+at 9/: t+e appoint'ent of are!eiver as t+e 'ost !onvenient and feasi/(e 'eans of preserving, ad'inistering and or disposing of t+e propertiesin (itigation +i!+ in!(uded t+eir fruits. Respondents Judge Ro(dan, on t+e sa'e date, De!e'/er 41, 42;3, de!idedt+at t+e !ourt ou(d !onsider t+e 'otion for re!onsideration in due ti'e, and granted t+e petition for appoint'ent of

    and appointed a re!eiver in t+e !ase.

    T+e uestion to /e deter'ined in t+e present spe!ia( !ivi( a!tion of !ertiorari is, +et+er or not t+e respondent udgea!ted in e-!ess of +is urisdi!tion or it+ grave a/use of dis!retion in issuing t+e order appointing a re!eiver in t+e!ase No. 1234 of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Laguna6 for it is evident t+at t+ere is no appea( or an0 ot+er p(ain,speed0, and adeuate re'ed0 in t+e ordinar0 !ourse of t+e (a against t+e said order, +i!+ is an in!identa( orinter(o!utor0 one.

    It is a truis' in (ega( pro!edure t+at +at deter'ines t+e nature of an a!tion fi(ed in t+e !ourts are t+e fa!ts a((eged int+e !o'p(aint as !onstituting t+e !ause of t+e a!tion. T+e fa!ts averred as a defense in t+e defendant>s anser do notand !an not deter'ine or !+ange t+e nature of t+e p(aintiff>s a!tion. T+e t+eor0 adopted /0 t+e p(aintiff in +is !o'p(aintis one t+ing, and t+at of t+e defendant in +is anser is anot+er. T+e p(aintiff +as to esta/(is+ or prove +is t+eor0 or!ause of a!tion in order to o/tain t+e re'ed0 +e pra0s for6 and t+e defendant +is t+eor0, if ne!essar0, in order to

    defeat t+e !(ai' or a!tion of t+e p(aintiff..

    A!!ording to t+e !o'p(aint fi(ed in t+e said !ase No. 1234, t+e p(aintiff>s a!tion is one of ordinar0 inun!tion, for t+ep(aintiffs a((ege t+at t+e0 are t+e oners of t+e (ands t+erein des!ri/ed, and ere in a!tua( possession t+ereof, andt+at Ft+e defendants it+out an0 (ega( rig+t +atever and in !onnivan!e it+ ea!+ ot+er, t+roug+ t+e use of for!e,stea(t+, t+reat and inti'idation, intend or are intending to enter and or< or +arvest +atever e-isting fruits 'a0 /efound in t+e (ands a/ove 'entioned in vio(ation of p(aintiffs> proprietar0 rig+ts t+ereto6F and pra0s Ft+at t+e defendants,t+eir agents, servants, representatives, and ot+er persons a!ting for or in t+eir /e+a(f, /e restrained, enoined andpro+i/ited fro' entering in, interfering it+, or in an0 a0 ta a!tion !orro/orated /0 t+e fa!t t+at t+e0 petitioned in t+e sa'e !o'p(aint for apre(i'inar0 pro+i/itor0 inun!tion, +i!+ as denied /0 t+e !ourt in its order dated August 41, 42;3, and t+at t+e

    p(aintiffs, in t+eir 'otion for re!onsideration of said order fi(ed on August 7@ of t+e sa'e 0ear, and in t+eir urgentpetition dated De!e'/er 41, 'oving t+e !ourt to grant said 'otion for re!onsideration, reiterated t+at t+e0 ere a!tua(possessors of t+e (and in uestion.

    T+e fa!t t+at p(aintiffs, in t+eir rep(0 dated Septe'/er ;, after reiterating t+eir a((egation or !(ai' t+at t+e0 are t+eoners in fee si'p(e and possessors in good fait+ of t+e properties in uestion, pra0 t+at t+e0 /e de!(ared t+e onersin fee si'p(e, +as not !+anged t+e nature of t+e a!tion a((eged in t+e !o'p(aint or added a ne !ause of a!tiont+ereto6 /e!ause t+e a((egations in p(aintiffs> rep(0 ere in anser to defendants> defenses, and t+e nature of p(aintiffs>!ause of a!tion, as set fort+ in t+eir !o'p(aint, as not and !ou(d not /e a'ended or !+anged /0 t+e rep(0, +i!+p(aintiffs +ad t+e rig+t to present as a 'atter of !ourse. A p(aintiff !an not, after defendant>s anser, a'end +is!o'p(aint /0 !+anging t+e !ause of a!tion or adding a ne one it+out previous(0 o/taining (eave of !ourt 9se!tion 7,Ru(e 41:..

    Respondents> !ontention in paragrap+ I of t+eir anser t+at t+e a!tion fi(ed /0 t+e' against petitioners in t+e !ase No.1234 of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Laguna is not on(0 for inun!tion, /ut a(so to uiet tit(e over t+e to par!e(s of(and des!ri/ed in t+e !o'p(aint, is untena/(e for t+e reasons stated in t+e previous paragrap+. $esides, an euita/(e


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    a!tion to uiet tit(e, in order to prevent +arrass'ent /0 !ontinued assertion of adverse tit(e, or to prote!t t+e p(aintiff>s(ega( tit(e and possession, 'a0 /e fi(ed in !ourts of euit0 9and our !ourts are a(so of euit0:, on(0 +ere no ot+erre'ed0 at (a e-ists or +ere t+e (ega( re'ed0 invos !o'p(aint !onsists in restraining t+e !o''ission or!ontinuan!e of t+e a!t !o'p(ained of, eit+er perpetua((0 or for a (i'ited period, and t+e ot+er !onditions reuired /0

    se!tion 8 of Ru(e ?@ are present. T+e purpose of t+is provisiona( re'ed0 is to preserve t+e status uo of t+e t+ingssu/e!t of t+e a!tion or t+e re(ation /eteen t+e parties, in order to prote!t t+e rig+ts of t+e p(aintiff respe!ting t+esu/e!t of t+e a!tion during t+e penden!0 of t+e suit. $e!ause, ot+erise or if no pre(i'inar0 pro+i/ition inun!tionere issued, t+e defendant 'a0, /efore fina( udg'ent, do or !ontinue t+e doing of t+e a!t +i!+ t+e p(aintiff ass a!tion to re!over possession of t+e sa'e propert0 fai(s, in order to prote!tt+e p(aintiff>s rig+t of possession of said propert0, or prevent t+e defendant fro' da'aging, destro0ing or disposing oft+e sa'e during t+e penden!0 of t+e suit.

    Undou/ted(0, a!!ording to (a, t+e provisiona( re'ed0 proper to p(aintiffs> a!tion of inun!tion is a pre(i'inar0

    pro+i/itor0 inun!tion, if p(aintiff>s t+eor0, as set fort+ in t+e !o'p(aint, t+at +e is t+e oner and in a!tua( possession oft+e pre'ises is !orre!t. $ut as t+e (oer !ourt found at t+e +earing of t+e said petition for pre(i'inar0 inun!tion t+att+e defendants ere in possession of t+e (ands, t+e (oer !ourt a!ted in a!!ordan!e it+ (a in den0ing t+e petition,a(t+oug+ t+eir 'otion for re!onsideration, +i!+ as sti(( pending at t+e ti'e t+e petition in t+e present !ase as+eard in t+is !ourt, p(aintiffs insist t+at t+e0 are in a!tua( possession of t+e (ands and, t+erefore, of t+e fruits t+ereof.

    ro' t+e foregoing it appears evident t+at t+e respondent udge a!ted in e-!ess of +is urisdi!tion in appointing are!eiver in !ase No. 1234 of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Laguna. Appoint'ent of a re!eiver is not proper or does not(ie in an a!tion of inun!tion su!+ as t+e one fi(ed /0 t+e p(aintiff. T+e petition for appoint'ent of a re!eiver fi(ed /0 t+ep(aintiffs 9E-+i/it I of t+e petition: is /ased on t+e ground t+at it is t+e 'ost !onvenient and feasi/(e 'eans ofpreserving, ad'inistering and disposing of t+e properties in (itigation6 and a!!ording to p(aintiffs> t+eor0 or a((egationsin t+eir !o'p(aint, neit+er t+e (ands nor t+e pa(a0 +arvested t+erein, are in (itigation. T+e (itigation or issue raised /0p(aintiffs in t+eir !o'p(aint is not t+e oners+ip or possession of t+e (ands and t+eir fruits. It is +et+er or not

    defendants intend or ere intending to enter or or< or +arvest +atever e-isting fruits !ou(d t+en /e found in t+e(ands des!ri/ed in t+e !o'p(aint, a((eged to /e t+e e-!(usive propert0 and in t+e a!tua( possession of t+e p(aintiffs. It isa 'atter not on(0 of (a /ut of p(ain !o''on sense t+at a p(aintiff i(( not and (ega((0 !an not as< for t+e appoint'ent


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    or re!eiver of propert0 +i!+ +e a((eges to /e(ong to +i' and to /e a!tua((0 in +is possession. or t+e oner andpossessor of a propert0 is 'ore interested t+an persons in preserving and ad'inistering it.

    $esides, even if t+e p(aintiffs +ad a'ended t+eir !o'p(aint and a((eged t+at t+e (ands and pa(a0 +arvested t+erein are/eing !(ai'ed /0 t+e defendants, and !onseuent(0 t+e oners+ip and possession t+ereof ere in (itigation, itappearing t+at t+e defendants 9no petitioners: ere in possession of t+e (ands and +ad p(anted t+e !rop or pa(a0+arvested t+erein, as a((eged in paragrap+ ? 9a: and 9/: of t+e petition fi(ed in t+is !ourt and not denied /0 t+erespondent in paragrap+ 7 of +is anser, t+e respondent udge ou(d +ave a!ted in e-!ess of +is urisdi!tion or it+ agrave a/use of dis!retion in appointing a re!eiver t+ereof. $e!ause re(ief /0 a0 of re!eivers+ip is euita/(e in nature,

    and a !ourt of euit0 i(( not ordinari(0 appoint a re!eiver +ere t+e rig+ts of t+e parties depend on t+e deter'inationof adverse !(ai's of (ega( tit(e to rea( propert0 and one part0 is in possession 938 C. J., p. 7?:. T+e present !ase fa((sit+in t+is ru(e..

    In t+e !ase of %endo)a vs. Are((ano and $. de Are((ano, t+is !ourt said*

    Appoint'ents of re!eivers of rea( estate in !ases of t+is petition t+at respondents Re(ova /e punis+ed for !onte'pt of !ourt for +aving diso/e0ed t+einun!tion issued /0 t+is !ourt against t+e respondents reuiring t+e' to desist and refrain fro' enfor!ing t+e order ofre!eivers+ip and entering t+e pa(a0 t+erein, it appearing fro' t+e eviden!e in t+e re!ord t+at t+e pa(a0 as +arvested/0 t+e re!eiver and not /0 said respondents, t+e petition for !onte'pt of !ourt is denied. So ordered, it+ !ostsagainst t+e respondents.

    %oran, C. J., O)aeta, Jarani((a, De Jo0a, 5a/(o, 5erfe!to, i(ado, and $eng)on, JJ., !on!ur.


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    G.R. No. L-48756 September 11, 1982

    .O. "LASS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., petitioner,vs.TE ONORA$LE %ANUEL #ALEN&UELA, Judge of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Ri)a(, and ANTONIO D. 5IN&ON,respondents.

    "ui((er'o E. Aragones for petitioner.

    Ru/en #. Lope) for respondent Antonio D. 5in)on.

    CONCE5CION, JR., J.*

    5etition for !ertiorari to annu( and set aside t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent issued /0 t+e respondent Judge in Civi(Case No. 32@7=5 of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Ri)a(, entit(ed* Antonio D. 5in)on p(aintiff, versus .O. "(assConstru!tion Co., In!., and ennet+ O. "(ass, defendants, and for t+e re(ease of t+e a'ount of 581,42@.@@, +i!++ad /een deposited it+ t+e C(er< of Court, to t+e petitioner.

    On O!to/er ?, 4211, an a!tion as instituted in t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Ri)a( /0 Antonio D. 5in)on to re!overfro' ennet+ O. "(ass t+e su' of 581,42@.@@, a((eged to /e t+e agreed renta(s of +is tru!

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    irst, t+ere as no ground for t+e issuan!e of t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent. Se!tion 4, Ru(e 31 of t+e RevisedRu(es of Court, +i!+ enu'erates t+e grounds for t+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent, reads, as fo((os*

    Se!. 4. "rounds upon +i!+ atta!+'ent 'a0 issue. A p(aintiff or an0 proper part0 'a0, at t+e !o''en!e'ent oft+e a!tion or at an0 ti'e t+ereafter, +ave t+e propert0 of t+e adverse part0 atta!+ed as se!urit0 for t+e satisfa!tion ofan0 udg'ent t+at 'a0 /e re!overed in t+e fo((oing !ases*

    9a: In an a!tion for t+e re!over0 of 'one0 or da'ages on a !ause of a!tion arising fro' !ontra!t, e-press or i'p(ied,against a part0 +o is a/out to depart fro' t+e 5+i(ippines it+ intent to defraud +is !reditor6

    9/: In an a!tion for 'one0 or propert0 e'/e))(ed or fraudu(ent(0 'isapp(ied or !onverted to +is on use /0 apu/(i! offi!er, or an offi!er of a !orporation, or an attorne0, fa!tor, /ro

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    T+ere /eing no s+oing, 'u!+ (ess an a((egation, t+at t+e defendants are a/out to depart fro' t+e 5+i(ippines it+intent to defraud t+eir !reditor, or t+at t+e0 are non=resident a(iens, t+e atta!+'ent of t+eir properties is not ustified.

    Se!ond, t+e affidavit su/'itted /0 5in)on does not !o'p(0 it+ t+e Ru(es. Under t+e Ru(es, an affidavit for atta!+'ent'ust state t+at 9a: suffi!ient !ause of a!tion e-ists, 9/: t+e !ase is one of t+ose 'entioned in Se!tion I 9a: of Ru(e 3169!: t+ere is no ot+er suffi!ient se!urit0 >or t+e !(ai' soug+t to /e enfor!ed /0 t+e a!tion, and 9d: t+e a'ount due to t+eapp(i!ant for atta!+'ent or t+e va(ue of t+e propert0 t+e possession of +i!+ +e is entit(ed to re!over, is as 'u!+ ast+e su' for +i!+ t+e order is granted a/ove a(( (ega( !ounter!(ai's. Se!tion 8, Ru(e 31 of t+e Revised Ru(es of Courtreads. as fo((os*

    Se!tion 8. Affidavit and /ond reuired.An order of atta!+'ent s+a(( /e granted on(0 +en it is 'ade to appear /0 t+eaffidavit of t+e app(i!ant, or of so'e person +o persona((0

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    udg'ent t+at t+e atta!+ing !reditor 'a0 re!over in t+e a!tion. Upon t+e fi(ing of su!+ !ounter=/ond, !op0 t+ereof s+a((fort+it+ /e served on t+e atta!+ing !reditor or +is (a0er. Upon t+e dis!+arge of an atta!+'ent in a!!ordan!e it+t+e provisions of t+is se!tion t+e propert0 atta!+ed, or t+e pro!eeds of an0 sa(e t+ereof, s+a(( /e de(ivered to t+e part0'as propert0 and at t+e sa'e ti'e give

    t+e p(aintiff se!urit0 for an0 udg'ent t+at 'a0 /e o/tained against t+e defendant. 43

    BEREORE, t+e petition is "RANTED and t+e rit pra0ed for is issued. T+e orders issued /0 t+e respondent Judgeon O!to/er 44, 42142, Januar0 7?, 421, and e/ruar0 8, 421 in Civi( Case No. 32@7=5 of t+e Court of irst Instan!eof Ri)a(, insofar as t+e0 re(ate to t+e issuan!e of t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent, s+ou(d /e as t+e0 are +ere/0ANNULLED and SET ASIDE and t+e respondents are +ere/0 ordered to fort+it+ re(ease t+e garnis+ed a'ount of581,42@.@@ to t+e petitioner. T+e te'porar0 restraining order, +eretofore issued, is +ere/0 (ifted and set aside. Costsagainst t+e private respondent Antonio D. 5in)on.



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    G.R. No. L-894 J!" 30, 1947

    LUIS . "ENERAL, petitioner,vs.JOSE R. DE #ENECIA, Judge of irst Instan!e of Ca'arines Sur, and 5ETRA #DA. DE RUEDAS, a(so representingErnesto, Ar'ando and "ra!ia 9'inors:, respondents.

    Cea, $(an!af(or and Cea for petitioner.Jose %. 5eKas for respondents Ruedas.

    No appearan!e for t+e respondent udge.

    $EN"&ON, J.*

    5etition for !ertiorari to annu( t+e order of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Ca'arines Sur den0ing t+e 'otion to dis'isst+e !o'p(aint, and to va!ate t+e atta!+'ent issued, in !ivi( !ase No. 8?; t+erein entit(ed, FRuedas vs. Luis ."enera(.F

    T+at !o'p(aint as fi(ed on June ;, 42;?, to re!over t+e va(ue of a pro'issor0 note, orded as fo((os*

    or va(ue re!eived, I pro'ise to pa0 %r. "regorio Ruedas t+e a'ount of four t+ousand pesos 95;,@@@:, in 5+i(ippine!urren!0 it+in si- 9?: 'ont+s after pea!e +as /een de!(ared and govern'ent esta/(is+ed in t+e 5+i(ippines.

    Naga, Ca'arines Sur, Septe'/er 73, 42;;.

    9Sgd.: LUIS . "ENERALIt pra0ed additiona((0 for pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent of defendant>s propert0, upon t+e a((egation t+at t+e (atter as a/outto dispose of +is assets to defraud !reditors. To da0s (ater, t+e rit of atta!+'ent as issued upon t+e fi(ing of asuita/(e /ond.

    aving /een served it+ su''ons, t+e defendant t+erein, Luis . "enera(, su/'itted, on June 44, 42;?, a 'otionpra0ing for dis'issa( of t+e !o'p(aint and disso(ution of t+e atta!+'ent. e !(ai'ed it as pre'ature, in vie of t+eprovisions of t+e de/t 'oratoriu' orders of t+e 5resident of t+e 5+i(ippines 9E-e!utive Orders Nos. 73 and 87 of42;3:. Denia( of t+is 'otion and of t+e su/seuent p(ea for re!onsideration, pro'pted t+e institution of t+is spe!ia( !ivi(a!tion, +i!+ e find to /e 'eritorious, for t+e reason t+at t+e atta!+'ent as i'provident(0 per'itted, t+e de/t /eingit+in t+e ter's of t+e de!ree of 'oratoriu' 9E-e!utive Order No. 87:.

    It is our vie t+at, upon o/e!tion /0 t+e de/tor, no !ourt 'a0 no pro!eed to +ear a !o'p(aint t+at see$rien, 85+i(., 476 Dire!tor of Co''er!e and Industr0 vs. Con!ep!ion, ;8 5+i(., 8;6 Or/eta vs. Sotto, supra.:


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    B+erefore, t+e rit of atta!+'ent is uas+ed and t+e !o'p(aint is dis'issed. Costs for petitioner. So ordered.


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    G.R. No. L-67715 J!" 11, 1986

    BILLIA% ALAIN %IAILE and TE ON. ELI #. $AR$ERS, in +is !apa!it0 as 5residing Judge, RTC of %ani(a,$ran!+ III, petitioners=appe((ants,vs.ELAINE %. DE LENCQUESAIN" and ER#E DE LENCQUESAIN", respondents=appe((ees.

    5ARAS, J.*

    T+is petition is an appea( /0 !ertiorari fro' t+e De!ision of t+e Inter'ediate Appe((ate Court in AC=".R. S5. No. @424;+i!+ de!(ared nu((=and void, t+e Order of t+e on. Judge e(i- #. $ar/ers, issued in Civi( Case No. 8=4?72, datedApri( 4;, 428, granting petitioner>s app(i!ation for t+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent and t+e Order datedSepte'/er 48, 428 den0ing respondent>s 'otion to (ift said atta!+'ent.

    T+e pertinent fa!ts t+at gave rise to t+e instant petition are as fo((os* 5etitioner Bi((ia' A(ain %iai(+e, +is sisters%oniue %iai(+e Si!+ere, E(aine %iai(+e de Len!uesaing and t+eir 'ot+er, %ada'e #i!toria D. %iai(+e are !o=oners of severa( registered rea( properties (o!ated in %etro %ani(a. $0 !o''on !onsent of t+e said !o=oners,petitioner Bi((ia' A(ain +as /een ad'inistering said properties sin!e 42?@. As %ada'e #i!toria D. %iai(+e, +erdaug+ter %oniue and son Bi((ia' A(ain 9+erein petitioner: fai(ed to se!ure an out=of !ourt partition t+ereof due to t+euni((ingness or opposition of respondent E(aine, t+e0 fi(ed in t+e Court of irst Instan!e of %ani(a 9no Regiona( Tria(Court: an a!tion for 5artition, +i!+ as do!

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    /ut it as denied +en!e, t+is present petition +i!+ as given due !ourse in t+e Reso(ution of t+is Court datede/ruar0 ?, 423.

    Be find t+e petition 'erit(ess. T+e 'ost i'portant issue raised /0 petitioner is +et+er or not t+e Inter'ediateAppe((ate Court erred in !onstruing Se!tion 4 par. 9f: Ru(e 31 of t+e Ru(es of Court to /e app(i!a/(e on(0 in !ase t+e!(ai' of t+e p(aintiff is for (iuidated da'ages 9and t+erefore not +ere +e sees !(ai' it !annot /e said t+at said !(ai' is over and a/ove a(( (ega( !ounter!(ai'st+at defendant 'a0 +ave against p(aintiff, one of t+e indispensa/(e reuire'ents for t+e issuan!e of a rit ofatta!+'ent +i!+ s+ou(d /e stated in t+e affidavit of app(i!ant as reuired in Se!. 8 of Ru(e 31 or a((eged in t+everified !o'p(aint of p(aintiff. T+e atta!+'ent issued in t+e !ase as t+erefore nu(( and void.

    Be agree.

    Se!tion 4 of Ru(e 31 of t+e Ru(es of Court provides

    SEC. 4. "rounds upon +i!+ atta!+'ent 'a0 issue. A p(aintiff or an0 proper part0 'a0, at t+e !o''en!e'ent of t+ea!tion or at an0 ti'e t+ereafter, +ave t+e propert0 of t+e adverse part0 atta!+ed as se!urit0 for t+e satisfa!tion of an0udg'ent t+at 'a0 /e re!overed in t+e fo((oing !ases*

    9a: In an a!tion for t+e re!over0 of 'one0 or da'ages on a !ause of a!tion arising fro'!ontra!t, e-press ori'p(ied, against a part0 +o is a/out to depart fro' t+e 5+i(ippines it+ intent to defraud +is !reditors6

    9/: In an a!tion for 'one0 or propert0 e'/e))(ed or fraudu(ent(0 'isapp(ied or !onverted to +is on use /0 apu/(i! offi!er, or an offi!er of a !orporation or an attorne0, fa!tor, /ro

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    G.R. N#. 123638 J$e 15, 2005

    INSULAR SA#IN"S $AN, 5etitioner,vs.COURT O A55EALS, JUD"E O%AR U. A%IN, in +is !apa!it0 as 5residing Judge of $ran!+ 483 of t+e Regiona(Tria( Court of %a

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    Si'p(0 put, t+e issue is +et+er or not t+e CA erred in not ru(ing t+at t+e tria( !ourt !o''itted grave a/use ofdis!retion in den0ing petitioners 'otion to dis!+arge atta!+'ent /0 !ounter=/ond in t+e a'ount of 547,?@@,@@@.@@.

    Sa0s t+e tria( !ourt in its Order of June 48, 422;*

    F--- 9T:+e !ounter=/ond posted /0 GpetitionerH Insu(ar Savings $an< s+ou(d in!(ude t+e unse!ured portion ofGrespondentsH !(ai' of 547,?@@,@@@.@@ as agreed /0 'eans of ar/itration /eteen GrespondentH and GpetitionerH6A!tua( da'ages at 73 per!ent per annu' of unse!ured a'ount of !(ai' fro' O!to/er 74, 4224 in t+e a'ount of51,71,3@@.@@6 Lega( interest of 47 per!ent per annu' fro' O!to/er 74, 4224 in t+e a'ount of 58,@3,7@@.@@6E-e'p(ar0 da'ages in t+e a'ount of 57,@@@,@@@.@@6 and attorne0s fees and e-penses of (itigation in t+e a'ount of54,@@@,@@@.@@ it+ a tota( a'ount of 571,781,1@@.@@ 9Ad(aan vs. To'o(, 4; SCRA 84 9422@:F.

    5etitioner, on t+e ot+er +and, argues t+at t+e starting point in !o'puting t+e a'ount of !ounter=/ond is t+e a'ount oft+e respondents de'and or !(ai' on(0, in t+is !ase 573,7@@,@@@.@@, e-!(uding !ontingent e-penses and un(iuidateda'ount of da'ages. And sin!e t+ere as a 'utua( agree'ent /eteen t+e parties to te'porari(0, /ut eua((0, divide/eteen t+e'se(ves t+e said a'ount pending and su/e!t to t+e fina( out!o'e of t+e ar/itration, t+e a'ount of547,?@@,@@@.@@ s+ou(d, so petitioner argues, /e t+e /asis for !o'puting t+e a'ount of t+e !ounter=/ond.

    T+e Court ru(es for t+e petitioner.

    T+e t+en pertinent provision of Ru(e 31 95re(i'inar0 Atta!+'ent: of t+e Ru(es of Court under +i!+ t+e appe((ate !ourtissued its assai(ed de!ision and reso(ution, provides as fo((os*

    FSEC. 47. Dis!+arge of atta!+'ent upon giving !ounter=/ond. P At an0 ti'e after an order of atta!+'ent +as /eengranted, t+e part0 +ose propert0 +as /een atta!+ed, . . . 'a0 upon reasona/(e noti!e to t+e app(i!ant, app(0 to t+eudge +o granted t+e order or to t+e udge of t+e !ourt +i!+ t+e a!tion is pending, for an order dis!+arging t+eatta!+'ent +o((0 or in part on t+e se!urit0 given. T+e udge s+a((, after +earing, order t+e dis!+arge of t+e atta!+'entif a !as+ deposit is 'ade, or a !ounter=/ond e-e!uted to t+e atta!+ing !reditor is fi(ed, on /e+a(f of t+e adverse part0,it+ t+e !(er< or udge of t+e !ourt +ere t+e app(i!ation is 'ade in an a'ount eua( to t+e va(ue of t+e propert0atta!+ed as deter'ined /0 t+e udge, to se!ure t+e pa0'ent of an0 udg'ent t+at t+e atta!+ing !reditor 'a0 re!over

    in t+e a!tion. - - - . S+ou(d su!+ !ounter=/ond for an0 reason /e found to /e, or /e!o'e insuffi!ient, and t+e part0furnis+ing t+e sa'e fai( to fi(e an additiona( !ounter=/ond, t+e atta!+ing part0 'a0 app(0 for a ne order ofatta!+'entF; 9E'p+asis supp(ied:.;

    As 'a0 /e noted, t+e a'ount of t+e !ounter=atta!+'ent /ond is, under t+e ter's of t+e aforeuoted Se!tion 47, to /e'easured against t+e va(ue of t+e atta!+ed propert0, as deter'ined /0 t+e udge to se!ure t+e pa0'ent of an0udg'ent t+at t+e atta!+ing !reditor 'a0 re!over in t+e a!tion. A(/eit not e-p(i!it(0 stated in t+e sa'e se!tion andit+out ne!essari(0 di'inis+ing t+e sound dis!retion of t+e issuing udge on 'atters of /ond approva(, t+ere !an /e noserious o/e!tion, in turn, to t+e proposition t+at t+e atta!+ed propert0 = and (ogi!a((0 t+e !ounter=/ond ne!essar0 todis!+arge t+e (ien on su!+ propert0 = s+ou(d as 'u!+ as possi/(e !orrespond in va(ue to, or appro-i'ate(0 'at!+ t+eatta!+ing !reditors prin!ipa( !(ai'. E(se, e-!essive atta!+'ent, +i!+ oug+t to /e avoided at a(( ti'es, s+a(( ensue. Ase +e(d in Asun!ion vs. Court of Appea(s*3

    FBe, +oever, find t+e !ounter=atta!+'ent /ond in t+e a'ount of 58@4,283.;4 reuired of t+e private respondent /0t+e tria( !ourt as rat+er e-!essive under t+e !ir!u'stan!es. Considering t+at t+e prin!ipa( a'ounts !(ai'ed /0 t+epetitioner . . . tota( on(0 543,?3.@@, and t+at +e +ad posted a /ond of on(0 5@,@@@.@@ for t+e issuan!e of t+e rit ofpre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent, e dee' it reasona/(e to (oer t+e a'ount of t+e !ounter=atta!+'ent /ond to /e posted /0t+e private respondent . . . to t+e su' of 543,?3.@@.F

    T+e fo((oing e-!erpts fro' errera, RE%EDIAL LAB, #o(. #II, 4221 ed., p. ?4, !iting retired Justi!e Jose M. eria,drive +o'e t+e sa'e point arti!u(ated in Asun!ion*

    FT+e s+eriff is reuired to atta!+ on(0 so 'u!+ of t+e propert0 of t+e part0 against +o' t+e order is issued as 'a0 /esuffi!ient to satisf0 t+e app(i!ants de'and, t+e a'ount of +i!+ is stated in t+e order, un(ess a deposit is 'ade or a!ounter=/ond is given eua( to said a'ount. oever, if t+e va(ue of t+e propert0 to /e atta!+ed is (ess t+an t+ea'ount of t+e de'and, t+e a'ount of t+e app(i!ants /ond 'a0 /e eua( to t+e va(ue of said propert0, and t+e a'ount

    of t+e adverse part0s deposit or !ounter=/ond 'a0 /e eua( to t+e app(i!ants /ond. T+e rit of pre(i'inar0atta!+'ent is issued upon approva( of t+e reuisite /ondF. 9E'p+asis supp(


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    Turning to t+e !ase at /ar, t+e re!ords s+o t+at t+e prin!ipa( !(ai' of respondent, as p(aintiff a uo, is in t+e a'ountof 573,7@@,@@@.@@,? representing t+e t+ree 98: unfunded !+e!

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    G.R. No. L-43772 J$e 15, 1935

    ISIDRO TAN 9a(ias Tan Lit:, petitioner,vs.RANCISCO &ANDUETA, Judge of irst Instan!es of %ani(a, t+e DIRECTOR O 5RISON AND TIU CAM 9a(ias Tania:, respondents.

    Laure(, De( Rosario and Sa/ido for petitioner.5a('a and "uevara for respondents.

    DIA&, J.*

    Isidro Tan 9a(ias Tan Lit:, +o is at present !onfined in $i(i/id 5rison, pra0s t+at +e /e re(eased fro' !onfine'enta((eging t+at +e is deprived of +is (i/ert0 /0 virtue of an i((ega( order entered in !ivi( !ase No. ;17? of t+e Court of irstInstan!e of %ani(a, /0 t+e respondent udge, ran!is!o &andueta. T+e order referred to as issued /0 t+e saidrespondent on %a0 41, 4283, t+e dispositive part of +i!+ reads*

    T+e !ourt finds t+e defendant in !onte'pt of !ourt and order t+at, pending t+e deposit /0 +i' of t+e a'ount of547,@@@ a/ove='entioned in t+e order of %a0 ?, 4283, or t+e fi(ing of a /ond in t+e aforesaid a'ount, +e i(( not /ere(eased.

    T+e fa!ts a((eged in t+e p(eadings 'a0 /e /rief(0 stated as fo((os* In !ase No. ;17? of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of

    %ani(a, t+e respondent Tiu C+a0 9a(ias Tan ia:, as p(aintiff, o/tained a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent against t+epetitioner Isidro Tan 9a(ias Tan Lit: upon t+e fi(ing of a /ond in t+e a'ount of 53,@@@. T+e respondent udge issued saidrit on e/ruar0 7?, 4283, aut+ori)ing t+e atta!+'ent of t+e properties of t+e defendant Isidro Tan 9a(ias Tan Lit: to t+ea'ount of 577,3@@. Upon 'otion of said defendant, t+e respondent udge issued an order on Apri( 4, 4283, (ifting t+erit of atta!+'ent !onditioned on t+e fi(ing of a !ounter /ond in t+e a'ount of 53,@@@. After sundr0 pro!eedings/roug+t a/out /0 a 'otion of re!onsideration presented /0 t+e defendant, as

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    against t+e defendant, t+at is, t+e petitioner Isidro Tan 9a(ias Tan Lit:, t+e uestion of +et+er or not t+e respondent TiuC+a0 9a(ias Tan ia: is entit(ed to t+e a'ount !(ai'ed /0 +i' as p(aintiff in t+e said !ase, /eing sti(( pending reso(ution.

    Respondents> !ontention t+at t+e respondent udge pro!eeded a!!ording to (a in reuiring an additiona( !ounter/ond of 547,@@@ and in (ater ordering t+e !onfine'ent of t+e petitioner pending t+e fi(ing of said /ond or t+e deposit ofan eua( a'ount it+ t+e /an

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    G.R. No. L-23237 No%ember 14, 1925

    BALTER E. OLSEN CO., p(aintiff=appe((ee,vs.BALTER E. OLSEN, defendant=appe((ant.

    Ross, Laren!e and Se(p+ and Antonio T. Carras!oso, Jr., for appe((ant."i//s and %!Donoug+ for appe((ee.

    #ILLA=REAL, J.*

    T+is is an appea( ta$rien, 8 5+i(., 47.:

    B+i(e it is true t+at an order den0ing a 'otion for t+e annu('ent of a pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent is not su/e!t to reviet+roug+ an appea( independent(0 fro' t+e prin!ipa( !ase, it not !onsisting a fina( order, 0et +en t+e rit of pre(i'inar0atta!+'ent /e!o'es fina( /0 virtue of a fina( udg'ent rendered in t+e prin!ipa( !ase, said rit is su/e!t to revieoint(0 it+ t+e udg'ent rendered in t+e prin!ipa( !ase t+roug+ an ordinar0 appea(. T+e appe((ate !ourt +as t+e poerto revo

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    of 54@@ per s+are for +i'se(f and %ar

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    G.R. No. L-31163 No%ember 6, 1929

    UR$ANO SANTOS, p(aintiff=appe((ee,vs.JOSE C. $ERNA$E, ET AL., defendants.5A$LO TION"SON and TE 5RO#INCIAL SERI O $ULACAN, appe((ants.

    Ar!adio Eer!ito and "uevara, ran!is!o and Re!to for appe((ants.Euse/io Orense And Ni!o(as $e('onte for appe((ee.

    #ILLA=REAL, J.*

    T+is appea( as tas are+ouse /0 t+e p(aintiff Ur/ano Santos 11 !avansand 8 s fi(ing t+eproper /ond, t+e s+eriff pro!eeded it+ t+e atta!+'ent, giving rise to t+e present !o'p(aint.

    It does not appear t+at t+e sa!s are+ouse, /ore an0 'ars are+ouse 4,@7? !avans and 2 s propert0, +i!+ as a!!ording(0 issued, and t+edefendant>s propert0, in!(uding t+e 27; !avans and 84

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    se!tion 7 of t+e Code of Civi( 5ro!edure of t+e effe!t t+at Ft+e provisions of t+is Code, and t+e pro!eedings under it,s+a(( /e (i/era((0 !onstrued, in order to pro'ote its o/e!t and assist t+e parties in o/taining speed0 usti!e.F

    Li/era((0 !onstruing, t+erefore, t+e a/ove !ited provisions of se!tion 7?7 of t+e Code of Civi( 5ro!edure, t+e rit ofatta!+'ent app(ied for /0 5a/(o Tiongson against t+e propert0 of Jose C. $erna/e 'a0 /e !onstrued as a !(ai' fort+e de(iver0 of t+e sa!

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    G.R. No. 101163 Ja$ar" 11, 1993

    STATE IN#EST%ENT OUSE, INC., petitioner,vs.COURT O A55EALS and NORA $. %OULIC, respondents.

    Es!o/er, A(on Asso!iates for petitioner.

    %artin D. 5anta(eon for private respondents.


    T+e (ia/i(it0 to a +o(der in due !ourse of t+e draer of !+e!

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    T+e eviden!e !(ear(0 s+os t+at* 9a: on t+eir fa!es t+e post=dated !+e!S a!tuations (eave 'u!+ to /e desired. S+e did not retrieve t+e !+e!

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    draee /an< to avoid (ia/i(it0 on t+e !+e!

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    G.R. No. L-35990 J$e 17, 1981

    A$OITI& CO%5ANM, INC., ONORA$LE #ICENTE N. CUSI JR., Judge of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Davao,and t+e 5RO#INCIAL SERI O DA#AO DEL SUR, petitioners,vs.COTA$ATO $US CO%5ANM, INC., respondent.

    DE CASTRO, J.*

    T+e instant petition ste''ed fro' Civi( Case No. 1872 of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Davao 9$ran!+ 4: in +i!+ arit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent as issued e-=parte /0 t+e Court on t+e strengt+ of an affidavit of 'erit atta!+ed to t+everified !o'p(aint fi(ed /0 petitioner +erein, A/oiti) Co., In!., on Nove'/er 7, 4214, as p(aintiff in said !ase, for t+e!o((e!tion of 'one0 in t+e su' of 5 433,182.;4, +i!+ defendant t+erein, t+e respondent in t+e instant !ase, Cota/ato$us Co., oed t+e said petitioner.

    $0 virtue of t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent, t+e provin!ia( s+eriff atta!+ed persona( properties of t+e defendant /us!o'pan0 !onsisting of so'e /uses, 'a!+iner0 and euip'ent. T+e ground for t+e issuan!e of t+e rit is, as a((egedin t+e !o'p(aint and t+e affidavit of 'erit e-e!uted /0 t+e Assistant %anager of petitioner, t+at t+e defendant F+asre'oved or disposed of its properties or assets, or is a/out to do so, it+ intent to defraud its !reditors.F

    Respondent !o'pan0 fi(ed in t+e (oer !ourt an FUrgent %otion to Disso(ve or Quas+ Brit of Atta!+'entF to +i!+as atta!+ed an affidavit e-e!uted /0 its Assistant %anager, $a(dovino Lag/ao, a((eging a'ong ot+er t+ings t+at Ft+eCota/ato $us Co'pan0 +as not /een se((ing or disposing of its properties, neit+er does it intend to do so, 'u!+ (essto defraud its !reditors6 t+at a(so t+e Cota/ato $us Co'pan0, In!. +as /een a!uiring and /u0ing 'ore assetsF. Anopposition and a supp(e'enta( opposition ere fi(ed to t+e urgent 'otion. T+e (oer !ourt denied t+e 'otion stating inits Order t+at Ft+e testi'on0 of $a(dovino Lag/ao, itness for t+e defendant, !orro/orates t+e fa!ts in t+e p(aintiff>saffidavit instead of disproving or s+oing t+e' to /e untrue.F

    A 'otion for re!onsideration as fi(ed /0 t+e defendant /us !o'pan0 /ut t+e (oer !ourt denied it. en!e, t+edefendant ent to t+e Court of Appea(s on a petition for !ertiorari a((eging grave a/use of dis!retion on t+e part of+erein respondent Judge, on. #i!ente R. Cusi Jr. On giving due !ourse to t+e petition, t+e Court of Appea(s issued arestraining order restraining t+e tria( !ourt fro' enfor!ing furt+er t+e rit of atta!+'ent and fro' pro!eeding it+ t+e+earing of Civi( Case No. 1872. In its de!ision pro'u(gated on O!to/er 8, 4214, t+e Court of Appea(s de!(ared Fnu((

    and void t+e orderrit of atta!+'ent dated Nove'/er 8, 4214 and t+e orders of De!e'/er 7, 4214, as e(( as t+at ofDe!e'/er 44, 4214, ordered t+e re(ease of t+e atta!+ed properties, and 'ade t+e restraining order origina((0 issuedper'anent.

    T+e present re!ourse is an appea( /0 !ertiorari fro' t+e de!ision of t+e Court of Appea(s reversing t+e assai(ed ordersof t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Davao, 9$ran!+ I:, petitioner assigning against t+e (oer !ourt t+e fo((oing errors*









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    T+e uestions raised are 'ain(0, if not so(e(0, fa!tua( revo(ving on +et+er respondent /us !o'pan0 +as in fa!tre'oved its properties, or is a/out to do so, in fraud of its !reditors. T+is /eing so, t+e findings of t+e Court of Appea(son said issues of fa!ts are genera((0 !onsidered !on!(usive and fina(, and s+ou(d no (onger /e distur/ed. oever, Begave due !ourse to t+e petition /e!ause it raises a(so a (ega( uestion of +et+er t+e rit of atta!+'ent as proper(0issued upon a s+oing t+at defendant is on t+e verge of inso(ven!0 and 'a0 no (onger satisf0 its ust de/ts it+outissuing t+e rit. T+is 'a0 /e inferred fro' t+e e'p+asis (aid /0 petitioner on t+e fa!t t+at even for t+e 'eas(0 a'ountof 5 ?8;.@@ pa0'ent t+ereof as 'ade it+ a persona( !+e!< of t+e respondent !o'pan0>s president and 'aorit0sto!

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    ordered to i''ediate(0 pro!eed it+ t+e +earing of Civi( Case No. 1872 and de!ide it in a!!ordan!e it+ t+e (a andt+e eviden!e. No spe!ia( pronoun!e'ent as to !osts.



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    G.R. No. L-29280 &'(t 11, 1988

    5EO5LE>S $AN AND TRUST CO%5ANM, p(aintiff=appe((ee,vs.SM#EL>S INCOR5ORATED, ANTONIO M. SMMA5 and AN"EL M SMMA5, defendants=appe((ants.

    Araneta, %endo)a 5apa for p(aintiff=appe((ee.

    Quas+a, Asperi(ia, &afra, Ta0ag An!+eta for defendants=appe((ants.

    5ARAS, J.*

    T+is is an appea( fro' t+e de!ision dated %a0 4?, 42? rendered /0 t+e Court of irst Instan!e of %ani(a, $ran!+ IIin Civi( Case No. ?@23, t+e de!reta( portion of +i!+ states*

    IN #IEB O TE ORE"OIN", udg'ent is rendered senten!ing a(( t+e defendants to pa0 t+e p(aintiff oint(0 andsevera((0 t+e su' of 5?@4,?88.@4 it+ interest t+ereon at t+e rate of 44 per annu' fro' June 41, 42?1, unti( t+e+o(e a'ount is paid, p(us 4@ of t+e tota( a'ount due for attorne0>s fees and t+e !osts of suit. S+ou(d t+edefendants fai( to pa0 t+e sa'e to t+e p(aintiff, t+en it is ordered t+at a(( t+e effe!ts, 'ateria(s and sto!s In!orporated i'paired, and offered toe-e!ute a rea( estate 'ortgage on +is rea( propert0 (o!ated in $a!oor, Cavite. %r. De (as A(as !onsented, and so t+eRea( Estate %ortgage, 'ars In!orporated as 5?@4,?88.@4, t+e /rea

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    not ant to agree if t+e dis'issa( ou(d 'ean a(so t+e dis'issa( of t+eir !ounter!(ai' Against t+e p(aintiff. en!e, tria(pro!eeded.

    As regards t+e (ia/i(ities of t+e defendants, t+ere is no dispute t+at a !redit (ine to t+e 'a-i'u' a'ount of52@@,@@@.@@ as granted to t+e defendant !orporation on t+e guarant0 of t+e 'er!+andise or sto!

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    T+e pertinent provision of t+e !ontra!t is uoted as fo((os*

    T+at t+e !+atte( 'ortgage e-e!uted /0 S0ve(>s In!. 9Do!. No. ;82, $oo< No. I, Series of 42?3, Notar0 5u/(i! Jose C.%erris, %ani(a:6 rea( estate 'ortgage e-e!uted /0 Ange( #. S00ap and Rita #. S00ap 9Do!. No. ;;4, 5age No. 2@,$oo< No. I, Series of 42?3, Notar0 5u/(i! Jose C. %erris, %ani(a: s+a(( re'ain in fu(( for!e and s+a(( not /e i'paired /0t+is 'ortgage 9par. 3, E-+i/itFA,F E'p+asis ours:.

    It is !(ear, t+erefore, t+at a novation as not intended. T+e rea( estate 'ortgage as evident(0 ta

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    G.R. No(. 65957-58 J!" 5, 1994

    ELEA&AR #. ADLABAN and ELENA S. ADLABAN, petitioners,vs.on. Judge RA%ON A%. TORRES, as 5residing Judge of $ran!+ ?, Regiona( Tria( Court Ce/u Cit0, A$OITI& CO%5ANM, INC. and TE 5RO#INCIAL SERIS O CE$U, DA#AO, RI&AL and %ETRO %ANILA, Respe!tive(0,respondents.

    5a/(o 5. "ar!ia for petitioners.

    Isaias 5. Di!di!an and S0(va ". Aguirre=5aderanga for A/oiti) Co., In!.

    QUIASON, J.*

    T+is is a petitioner for !ertiorari and 'anda'us it+ pre(i'inar0 inun!tion or restraining order to nu((if0* 94: t+e Orderdated Septe'/er 4;, 428 of respondent Judge Ra'on A'. Torres of t+e Regiona( Tria( Court, $ran!+ ?, Ce/u Cit0,in Civi( Case No. CE$=443 and t+e Order dated Septe'/er 7?, 428 of Judge E'i(io A. Ja!into of $ran!+ 78 of t+esa'e !ourt in Civi( Case No. CE$=44?, +i!+ granted t+e 'otion for t+e issuan!e of rits of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'entfor t+e sei)ure of t+e propert0 of petitioners /0 respondent 5rovin!ia( S+eriffs6 and 97: t+e Order dated De!e'/er 47,428 of respondent Judge Ra'on A'. Torres in t+e !onso(idated !ases, Civi( Case No. CE$=443 and Civi( Case No.



    In a !o'p(aint dated Apri( 7;, 427 fi(ed it+ t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Ce/u, no Regiona( Tria( Court, 9Civi( CaseNo. R=741?4:, respondent A/oiti) and Co'pan0, In!. 9A/oiti): soug+t to !o((e!t fro' petitioners a su' of 'one0representing pa0'ents for* 94: t+e unpaid a'orti)ations of a (oan6 97: te!+ni!a( and 'anageria( servi!es rendered6 and98: t+e unpaid insta(('ents of t+e euip'ent provided /0 respondent A/oiti) to petitioners 9Ro((o, p. 81:.

    A!ting on t+e e- parte app(i!ation for atta!+'ent, t+e E-e!utive Judge of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Ce/u, issuedon %a0 4;, 427, an order dire!ting t+e issuan!e of t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent against t+e propert0 ofpetitioners upon t+e fi(ing /0 respondent A/oiti) of an atta!+'ent /ond.

    Su/seuent(0, t+e !ase as raff(ed to $ran!+ 44 of t+e Court of irst Instan!e of Ce/u, +i!+ issued a rit ofatta!+'ent addressed to t+e 5rovin!ia( S+eriffs of Ce/u and t+e Cit0 S+eriff of Davao Cit0. It as t+e S+eriff of DavaoCit0 +o enfor!ed t+e rit of atta!+'ent, resu(ting in t+e sei)ure of +eav0 !onstru!tion euip'ent, 'otor ve+i!(espare parts, and ot+er persona( propert0 it+ t+e aggregate va(ue of 543,@@@,@@@.@@. T+e said !ourt a(so granted t+e'otion of respondent A/oiti) to ta

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    of t+e rit of sei)ure, t+e retrieva( of t+e propert0 sei)ed, and t+e dis'issa( of t+e !o'p(aint. e a(so averred t+at t+epropert0 sei)ed ere in !ustodia (egis /0 virtue of t+e rit of atta!+'ent issued /0 $ran!+ 44. is o'ni/us 'otion asdenied. Su/seuent(0, +e fi(ed a 'otion for re!onsideration +i!+ as not granted.

    T+e denia( of +is o'ni/us 'otion (ed petitioner E(ea)ar Ad(aan to fi(e a petition for !ertiorari and 'anda'us in t+eSupre'e Court 9".R. No. ?8773:. T+e T+ird Division of t+is Court ru(ed on Apri( 8, 422@ t+at sin!e atta!+'ent is anan!i((ar0 re'ed0, t+e it+draa( of t+e !o'p(aint (eft it it+ no (eg to stand on. T+us, t+e Court disposed of t+e !aseas fo((os*

    BEREORE, in vie of t+e foregoing, t+is Court ru(es t+at t+e atta!+ed properties (eft in t+e !ustod0 of privaterespondent A/oiti) and Co'pan0, In!. /e returned to petitioner E(ea)ar #. Ad(aan it+out preudi!e to t+e out!o'eof t+e !ases fi(ed /0 /ot+ parties 9Ro((o, p. 87;:.

    Respondent A/oiti) fi(ed a 'otion for re!onsideration of t+e de!ision, !ontending t+at t+e rep(evin !ase as distin!tand separate fro' t+e !ase +ere t+e rit of atta!+'ent as issued. It argued t+at t+e rit of rep(evin, t+erefore,re'ained in for!e as t+e T+ird Division of t+e Supre'e Court +ad not found it i((ega(. T+e 'otion as, +oever, deniedit+ fina(it0 in t+e Reso(ution of Ju(0 44, 422@.

    Undaunted, respondent A/oiti) fi(ed a se!ond 'otion for re!onsideration it+ a pra0er t+at t+e dispositive portion oft+e de!ision /e !(arified. It asserted t+at /e!ause t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent as different fro' t+e rit ofrep(evin, e s+ou(d ru(e t+at t+e propert0 su/e!t of t+e (atter rit s+ou(d re'ain in !ustodia (egis of t+e !ourt issuingt+e said rit.

    In t+e Reso(ution dated Septe'/er 4@, 422@, t+e T+ird Division stated t+at Ft+e properties to /e returned to petitionerare on(0 t+ose +e(d /0 private respondent 9A/oiti): /0 virtue of t+e rit of atta!+'ent +i!+ +as /een de!(ared non=e-istent.F A!!ording(0, t+e dispositive portion of t+e Apri( 8, 422@ de!ision of t+e T+ird Division of t+is Court as'odified to read as fo((os*

    BEREORE, in vie of t+e foregoing, t+is Court ru(es t+at t+e properties in t+e !ustod0 of t+e private respondentA/oiti) Co'pan0 /0 virtue of t+e rit of atta!+'ent issued in Civi( Case No. R=741?4 /e returned to t+e petitioner,/ut properties in t+e !ustod0 of t+e private respondent /0 virtue of t+e rit of rep(evin issued in Civi( Case No. ?42=L/e !ontinued in !ustodia (egis of said !ourt pending (itigation t+erein.

    T+e De!ision in ".R. No. ?8773 +aving /e!o'e fina( and e-e!utor0, entr0 of udg'ent as 'ade on Nove'/er 43,422@. T+is s+ou(d +ave ter'inated t+e !ontrovers0 /eteen petitioners and respondent A/oiti) insofar as t+e

    Supre'e Court as !on!erned, /ut t+at as not to /e. On Septe'/er 2, 428 respondent A/oiti) fi(ed againstpetitioners to !o'p(aints for !o((e!tion of su's of 'one0 it+ pra0ers for t+e issuan!e of rits of atta!+'ent in t+eRegiona( Trai( Court, $ran!+ 78, Ce/u Cit0, do!

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    atta!+ed and said atta!+'ent as /eing uestioned /efore t+e Supre'e Court in ".R. No. ?8773, t+e fi(ing of t+e to!ases, as e(( as t+e issuan!e of t+e rits of atta!+'ent, !onstituted undue interferen!e it+ t+e pro!esses of t+is!ourt in t+e t+en pending petition invo(ving t+e sa'e propert0.

    Upon 'otion of respondent A/oiti), $ran!+ 78 issued on O!to/er 48, 428, an order dire!ting t+e transfer to $ran!+ ?of Civi( Case No. CE$=44? for !onso(idation it+ Civi( Case No. CE$=443.

    %ean+i(e, in its !o''ent on petitioners> 'otion to it++o(d t+e enfor!e'ent of t+e rits of atta!+'ent, respondentA/oiti) a((eged t+at t+e vo(untar0 dis'issa( of Civi( Case No. R=741?4 under Se!tion 4, Ru(e 41 of t+e Revised Ru(es

    of Court as it+out preudi!e to t+e institution of anot+er a!tion /ased on t+e sa'e su/e!t 'atter. It averred t+at t+eissuan!e of t+e rit of atta!+'ent as ustified /e!ause petitioners ere intending to defraud respondent A/oiti) /0'ortgaging 44 par!e(s of (and to t+e 5+i(ippine Co''er!ia( and Industria( $an< 95CI$: in !onsideration of t+e (oan of54,4@@,@@@.@@, t+ere/0 'a 'otion for re!onsiderationand dire!ting t+e s+eriffs of Ce/u, Davao and %etro %ani(a Fto pro!eed it+ t+e enfor!e'ent and i'p(e'entation oft+e rits of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent.F Respondent Judge ru(ed t+at t+e rits of atta!+'ent ere issued on t+e /asis of

    t+e supporting affidavits a((eging t+at petitioner +ad re'oved or disposed of t+eir propert0 it+ intent to defraudrespondent A/oiti) 9Ro((o, pp. 4@2=448:.

    On De!e'/er 43, petitioners fi(ed an e- parte 'otion pra0ing* 94: t+at t+e De!e'/er 47, 428 Order /e set for+earing6 97: t+at t+e0 /e given 43 da0s it+in +i!+ to eit+er fi(e a 'otion for re!onsideration or e(evate t+e 'atter tot+is Court or t+e t+en Inter'ediate Appe((ate Court6 and 98: t+at it+in t+e sa'e 43=da0 period t+e i'p(e'entation orenfor!e'ent of t+e rits of atta!+'ent /e +e(d in a/e0an!e.

    On t+e sa'e da0, respondent Judge issued an order +o(ding in a/e0an!e t+e enfor!e'ent of t+e rits of pre(i'inar0atta!+'ent in order to afford petitioners an opportunit0 to see< t+eir ot+er re'edies 9Ro((o, p. 44?:.

    On De!e'/er 71, petitioners fi(ed t+e instant petition for !ertiorari and 'anda'us. T+e0 a((eged t+at respondentJudge grave(0 a/used +is dis!retion in ordering t+e issuan!e of t+e rits of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent inas'u!+ as t+e

    rea( estate 'ortgage e-e!uted /0 t+e' in favor of 5CI$ did not !onstitute fraudu(ent re'ova(, !on!ea('ent ordisposition of propert0. T+e0 argued t+at granting t+e 'ortgage !onstituted re'ova( or disposition of propert0, it asnot per se a ground for atta!+'ent (a!

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    a((eged in t+e affidavit in support of t+e pra0er for t+e rit of atta!+'ent if not so spe!ifi!a((0 a((eged in t+e verified!o'p(aint. T+e affidavit su/'itted /0 respondent A/oiti) states*

    RE5U$LIC O TE 5ILI55INESCITM O CE$U ...............: S.S.

    I, RO%AN S. RONQUILLO, of (ega( age, 'arried and a resident of Ce/u Cit0, after /eing sorn in a!!ordan!e it+(a, +ere/0 depose and sa0*

    T+at I a' t+e #i!e=5resident of t+e p(aintiff !orporation in t+e a/ove=entit(ed !ase6

    T+at a suffi!ient !ause of a!tion e-ists against t+e defendants na'ed t+erein /e!ause t+e said defendants areinde/ted to t+e p(aintiffs in t+e a'ount of 548,;8@,732.4; e-!(usive of interests t+ereon and da'ages !(ai'ed6

    T+at t+e defendants +ave re'oved or disposed of t+eir properties it+ intent to defraud t+e p(aintiff, t+eir !reditor,/e!ause on %a0 71, 427 t+e0 e-e!uted a rea( estate 'ortgage in favor of 5+i(ippine Co''er!ia( and Industria( $ans !reditors is not ne!essari(0 s0non0'ous it+ fraudu(ent intent not to +onor ano/(igation 9Insu(ar $an< of Asia A'eri!a, In!. v. Court of Appea(s, 42@ SCRA ?72 G422@H:.

    Conseuent(0, +en petitioners fi(ed a 'otion for t+e re!onsideration of t+e order dire!ting t+e issuan!e of t+e rit ofatta!+'ent, respondent Judge s+ou(d +ave !onsidered it as a 'otion for t+e dis!+arge of t+e atta!+'ent and s+ou(d+ave !ondu!ted a +earing or reuired su/'ission of !ounter=affidavits fro' t+e petitioners, if on(0 to gat+er fa!ts insupport of t+e a((egation of fraud 9Jopi((o, Jr. v. Court of Appea(s, 4?1 SCRA 7;1 G42H:. T+is is +at Se!tion 48 ofRu(e 31 'andates.

    T+is pro!edure s+ou(d /e fo((oed /e!ause, as t+e Court +as ti'e and again said, atta!+'ent is a +ars+,e-traordinar0 and su''ar0 re'ed0 and t+e ru(es governing its issuan!e 'ust /e !onstrued stri!t(0 against t+eapp(i!ant. #eri(0, a rit of atta!+'ent !an on(0 /e granted on !on!rete and spe!ifi! grounds and not on genera(


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    aver'ents uoting perfun!tori(0 t+e ords of t+e Ru(es 9D.5. Lu/ Oi( %ar

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    G.R. No. L-37682 No%ember 26, 1932

    CLAUDE NEON LI"TS, EDERAL INC., U. S. A., petitioner,vs.5ILI55INE AD#ERTISIN" COR5ORATION and RANCISCO SANTA%ARIA, Judge of irst Instan!e of %ani(a,respondents.

    "i//s %!Donoug+ for petitioner.Courtne0 B+itne0 for respondents.

    $UTTE, J.*

    T+is !ase is to /e deter'ined upon t+e petition for rit of !ertiorari and t+e de'urrer t+ereto fi(ed /0 t+e respondents.T+e petition sets up to !auses of a!tion* one atta!

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    respondent 5+i(ippine Advertising Corporation, as t+e agent of t+e petitioner, on t+e date said atta!+'ent as (evied.Considered fro' a pra!ti!a( and e!ono'i! viepoint, its position in t+e /usiness !o''unit0 as indistinguis+a/(efro' t+at of a do'esti! !orporation.

    Se!tion 7;7 of t+e Code of Civi( 5ro!edure under +i!+ t+e petitioner>s propert0 as atta!+ed, reads as fo((os*

    Atta!+'ent. A p(aintiff 'a0, at t+e !o''en!e'ent of +is a!tion, or at an0 ti'e afterards, +ave t+e propert0 of t+edefendant atta!+ed as se!urit0 for t+e satisfa!tion of an0 udg'ent t+at 'a0 /e re!overed, un(ess t+e defendant givesse!urit0 to pa0 su!+ udg'ent, in t+e 'anner +ereinafter provided, in t+e fo((oing !ases.

    4. In a(( t+e !ases 'entioned in se!tion four +undred and te(ve, providing for t+e arrest of a defendant. $ut t+ep(aintiff 'ust 'a

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    atta!+'ent /ased on t+e so(e a((egation, +i!+ is easi(0 and safe(0 'ade, t+at t+e !orporation is Fnot residing in t+e5+i(ippine Is(andsF. 9Cf. uen)(e Streiff vs. #i((anueva, ;4 5+i(., ?44.:(ap+i(.net

    5aragrap+ 7 of se!tion ;7;, supra does not app(0 to a do'esti! !orporation. Our (as and urispruden!e indi!ate apurpose to assi'i(ate foreign !orporations, du(0 (i!ensed to do /usiness +ere, to t+e status of do'esti! !orporations.9Cf. Se!tion 18, A!t No. 4;32, and %ars+a(( Be((s Co. vs. enr0 B. E(ser Co., ;? 5+i(., 1@, 1?6 Mu Cong Eng vs.Trinidad, ;1 5+i(., 83, ;44.: Be t+in< it ou(d /e entire(0 out of (ine it+ t+is po(i!0 s+ou(d e 'a

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    G.R. No(. 79926-27 #ctober 17, 1991


    Ro!o, $unag, apunan %iga((os for petitioners.

    Ag!aoi(i Asso!iates for Citi/an

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    44. t+at /eing a 'er!+ant or trades'an +e 9C%I: +as genera((0 defau(ted in t+e pa0'ent of +is 9C%I>s: !urrento/(igations for a period of t+irt0 da0s6 . . .

    T+e petition as opposed /0 State Invest'ent ouse, In!. 9SII: and State inan!ing Center, In!. 9SCI:. 8 It !(ai'edt+at*

    4: t+e t+ree petitioner /ans La!< of Capa!it0 to Sue,F e!+oing t+e t+eor0 of SIIand SCI t+at t+e petitioner /an

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    $ot+ referred !ases, AC=".R. No. S5 @8?1; and AC=".R. No. C# @18@, ere !onso(idated /0 Reso(ution of t+eCourt of Appea(s dated Apri( 2, 42?, and De!ision t+ereon as pro'u(gated on Ju(0 4;, 421 /0 t+e ifteent+Division of said Court. 4

    T+e Appe((ate Court reversed t+e Tria( Court>s Order of O!to/er 4@, 428 and re'anded t+e !ase to it for furt+erpro!eedings. It ru(ed*

    4: t+at t+e purpose of t+e Inso(ven!0 La as Fto !onvert t+e assets of t+e /an

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    1: t+e %onetar0 $oard !an not appoint a !onservator or re!eiver for a foreign /an< or orders its (iuidation+aving on(0 t+e poer to revo

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    +ere its /usiness is done . . . ,F as /eing F(o!ated +ere its fran!+ises are e-er!ised . . . ,F and as /eing Fpresent+ere it is engaged in t+e prose!ution of t+e !orporate enterprise6F t+at a Fforeign !orporation (i!ensed to do /usinessin a state is a resident of an0 !ountr0 +ere it 'aintains an offi!e or agent for transa!tion of its usua( and !usto'ar0/usiness for venue purposes6F and t+at t+e Fne!essar0 e(e'ent in its signifi!ation is (o!a(it0 of e-isten!e.F 71 Courts+ave +e(d t+at Fa do'esti! !orporation is regarded as +aving a residen!e it+in t+e state at an0 p(a!e +ere it isengaged in t+e parti!u(ars of t+e !orporate enterprise, and not on(0 at its !+ief p(a!e or +o'e offi!e6F 7 t+at Fa!orporation 'a0 /e do'i!i(ed in one state and resident in anot+er6 its (ega( do'i!i( in t+e state of its !reation presentsno i'pedi'ent to its residen!e in a rea( and pra!ti!a( sense in t+e state of its /usiness a!tivities.F 72

    T+e foregoing propositions are in a!!ord it+ t+e di!tionar0 !on!ept of residen!e as app(ied to uridi!a( persons, ater' +i!+ appears to !o'pre+end per'anent as e(( as te'porar0 residen!e.

    T+e Court !annot t+us a!!ept t+e petitioners> t+eor0 t+at !orporations 'a0 not +ave a residen!e 9i.e., t+e p(a!e +eret+e0 operate and transa!t /usiness: separate fro' t+eir do'i!i(e 9i.e., t+e state of t+eir for'ation or organi)ation:, andt+at t+e0 'a0 /e !onsidered /0 ot+er states as residents on(0 for (i'ited and e-!(usive purposes. Of !ourse, aspetitioners !orre!t(0 aver, it is not rea((0 t+e grant of a (i!ense to a foreign !orporation to do /usiness in t+is !ountr0t+at 'a

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    Sti(( anot+er argu'ent put fort+ /0 t+e petitioners is t+at t+e t+ree /an fai(ure to in!orporate t+eir /ran!+es in t+e5+i(ippines into ne /an

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    G.R. No. L-825 J!" 20, 1948

    RO%AN %A$ANA", p(aintiff=appe((ant,vs.JOSE5 %. "ALLE%ORE, defendant=appe((ee.

    Santiago Catane for appe((ant.No appearan!e for appe((ee.

    TUASON, J.*

    T+is !ase, +ere on appea( fro' an order dis'issa( /0 t+e Court of irst Instan!e of O!!identa( %isa'is, raises t+euestion of t+e !ourt>s urisdi!tion. %ore spe!ifi!a((0, t+e uestion is +et+er t+e a!tion is in persona' or one in re'.T+e tria( !ourt opined t+at it is t+e first and t+at it F+as no aut+orit0 nor urisdi!tion to render udg'ent against t+e+erein defendant, Josep+ %. "a((e'ore for /eing a non=resident.

    T+e purpose of t+e a!tion is to re!over 5183.4, an a'ount said to +ave /een paid /0 t+e p(aintiff to t+e defendant forto par!e(s of (and +ose sa(e as afterard annu((ed. T+e defendant is said to /e residing in Los Ange(es,Ca(ifornia, U. S. A. e +as no propert0 in t+e 5+i(ippine e-!ept an a((eged de/t oing +i' /0 a resident of t+e'uni!ipa(it0 of O!!identa( %isa'is. T+is de/t, upon petition of t+e p(aintiff, after t+e fi(ing of t+e !o'p(aint and /eforet+e suit as dis'issed, as atta!+ed to t+e e-tent of p(aintiff>s !(ai' for t+e pa0'ent of +i!+ t+e a!tion as /roug+t.$ut t+e atta!+'ent as disso(ved in t+e sa'e order dis'issing t+e !ase.

    It as Att0. #a(eriano S. aa'ino +o +as a'i!us !uri fi(ed t+e 'otion to dis'iss and to set aside t+e atta!+'ent.T+ere is no appearan!e /efore t+is Court to oppose t+e appea(.

    Se!tion 7, Ru(e 3, of t+e Ru(es of Court provides*

    If an0 of t+e defendants does not reside and is not found in t+e 5+i(ippines, and t+e a!tion effe!ts t+e persona( statusof t+e p(aintiff, or an0 propert0 of t+e defendant (o!ated in t+e 5+i(ippines, t+e a!tion 'a0 /e !o''en!ed and tried int+e provin!e +ere t+e p(aintiff resides or t+e propert0, or an0 portion t+ereof, is situated or found.

    T+e 5+i(ippine (eading !ases in +i!+ t+is Ru(e, or its !ounterpart in t+e for'er Code of Civi( 5ro!edure, se!tion 811and 823, ere !ited and app(ied, are $an!o EspaKo(=i(ipino vs. 5a(an!a, 81 5+i(. 274, and S(ade 5er

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    su!+ (ien in t+e 'anner provided /0 (a pre!ise(0 as t+oug+ t+e propert0 +ad /een sei)ed upon atta!+'ent. 9Ro((ervs. o((0, 41? U.S., 82, ;@36 ;; La. ed., 37@.: It resu(ts t+at t+e 'ere !ir!u'stan!e t+at in an atta!+'ent t+epropert0 'a0 /e sei)ed at t+e in!eption of t+e pro!eedings, +i(e in t+e fore!(osure suit it is not tas o/(igations to its on !iti)ens, and t+e inuir0 !an t+en /e !arried on(0 to t+e e-tent ne!essar0 to !ontro(disposition of t+e propert0. If t+e non=resident +as no propert0 in t+e State, t+ere is not+ing upon +i!+ t+e tri/una(s!an adudi!ate. 9S(ade 5er

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    G.R. No. 115678 )ebrar" 23, 2001

    5ILI55INES $AN O CO%%UNICATIONS, petitioner,vs.ON. COURT O A55EALS and $ERNARDINO #ILLANUE#A, respondents.

    - ======================================== -

    ".R. No. 442178 e/ruar0 78, 7@@4

    5ILI55INE $AN O CO%%UNICATIONS, petitioner,vs.ON. COURT O A55EALS and ILI5INAS TETILE %ILLS, INC., respondents.


    $efore us are !onso(idated petitions for revie /ot+ fi(ed /0 5+i(ippine $an< of Co''uni!ations6 one against t+e %a07;, 422; De!ision of respondent Court of Appea(s in CA=".R. S5 No. 87?84 and t+e ot+er against its %ar!+ 84,4223 De!ision in CA=".R. S5 No. 871?7.7 $ot+ De!isions set aside and nu((ified t+e August 44, 4228 Order8 of t+eRegiona( Tria( Court of %ani(a, $ran!+ 1, granting t+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent in Civi( Case No.24=3?144.

    T+e !ase !o''en!ed it+ t+e fi(ing /0 petitioner, on Apri( , 4224, of a Co'p(aint against private respondent$ernardino #i((anueva, private respondent i(ipinas Te-ti(e %i((s and one So!+i #i((anueva 9no de!eased: /efore t+eRegiona( Tria( Court of %ani(a. In t+e said Co'p(aint, petitioner soug+t t+e pa0'ent of 57,7;;,27?.8@ representing t+epro!eeds or va(ue of various te-ti(e goods, t+e pur!+ase of +i!+ as !overed /0 irrevo!a/(e (etters of !redit and trustre!eipts e-e!uted /0 petitioner it+ private respondent i(ipinas Te-ti(e %i((s as o/(igor6 +i!+, in turn, ere !overed/0 suret0 agree'ents e-e!uted /0 private respondent $ernardino #i((anueva and So!+i #i((anueva. In t+eir Anser,private respondents ad'itted t+e e-isten!e of t+e suret0 agree'ents and trust re!eipts /ut !ountered t+at t+e0 +ada(read0 'ade pa0'ents on t+e a'ount de'anded and t+at t+e interest and ot+er !+arges i'posed /0 petitioner ereonerous.

    On %a0 84, 4228, petitioner fi(ed a %otion for Atta!+'ent,; !ontending t+at vio(ation of t+e trust re!eipts (a!onstitutes estafa, t+us providing ground for t+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent6 spe!ifi!a((0 underparagrap+s F/F and Fd,F Se!tion 4, Ru(e 31 of t+e Revised Ru(es of Court. 5etitioner furt+er !(ai'ed t+at atta!+'ent

    as ne!essar0 sin!e private respondents ere disposing of t+eir properties to its detri'ent as a !reditor. ina((0,petitioner offered to post a /ond for t+e issuan!e of su!+ rit of atta!+'ent.

    T+e %otion as du(0 opposed /0 private respondents and, after t+e fi(ing of a Rep(0 t+ereto /0 petitioner, t+e (oer!ourt issued its August 44, 4228 Order for t+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent, !onditioned upon t+e fi(ingof an atta!+'ent /ond. o((oing t+e denia( of t+e %otion for Re!onsideration fi(ed /0 private respondent i(ipinasTe-ti(e %i((s, /ot+ private respondents fi(ed separate petitions for !ertiorari /efore respondent Court assai(ing t+e ordergranting t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent.4Vp+i4.nWt

    $ot+ petitions ere granted, a(/eit on different grounds. In CA=".R. S5 No. 871?7, respondent Court of Appea(s ru(edt+at t+e (oer !ourt as gui(t0 of grave a/use of dis!retion in not !ondu!ting a +earing on t+e app(i!ation for a rit ofpre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent and not reuiring petitioner to su/stantiate its a((egations of fraud, e'/e))(e'ent or'isappropriation. On t+e ot+er +and, in CA=".R. S5 No. 87?8, respondent Court of Appea(s found t+at t+e grounds

    !ited /0 petitioner in its %otion do not provide suffi!ient /asis for t+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent, t+e0/eing 'ere genera( aver'ents. Respondent Court of appea(s +e(d t+at neit+er e'/e))(e'ent, 'isappropriation norin!ipient fraud 'a0 /e presu'ed6 t+e0 'ust /e esta/(is+ed in order for a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent to issue.

    en!e, t+e instant !onso(idated3 petitions !+arging t+at respondent Court of Appea(s erred in P

    F4. o(ding t+at t+ere as no suffi!ient /asis for t+e issuan!e of t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent in spite of t+ea((egations of fraud, e'/e))(e'ent and 'isappropriation of t+e pro!eeds or goods entrusted to t+e privaterespondents6

    7. Disregarding t+e fa!t t+at t+e fai(ure of T%I and #i((anueva to re'it t+e pro!eeds or return t+e goods entrusted, invio(ation of private respondents> fidu!iar0 dut0 as entrustee, !onstitute e'/e))(e'ent or 'isappropriation +i!+ is ava(id ground for t+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent.F?

    Be find no 'erit in t+e instant petitions.


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    To /egin it+, e are in a!!ord it+ respondent Court of Appea(s in CA=".R. S5 No. 87?8 t+at t+e %otion forAtta!+'ent fi(ed /0 petitioner and its supporting affidavit did not suffi!ient(0 esta/(is+ t+e grounds re(ied upon inapp(0ing for t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent.

    T+e %otion for Atta!+'ent of petitioner states t+at P

    4. T+e instant !ase is /ased on t+e fai(ure of defendants as entrustee to pa0 or re'it t+e pro!eeds of t+e goodsentrusted /0 p(aintiff to defendant as eviden!ed /0 t+e trust re!eipts 9Anne-es F$F, FCF and FDF of t+e !o'p(aint:, norto return t+e goods entrusted t+ereto, in vio(ation of t+eir fidu!iar0 dut0 as agent or entrustee6

    7. Under Se!tion 48 of 5.D. 443, as a'ended, vio(ation of t+e trust re!eipt (a !onstitute9s: estafa 9fraud andor de!eit:punis+a/(e under Arti!(e 843 par. 4G/H of t+e Revised 5ena( Code6

    8. On a!!ount of t+e foregoing, t+ere e-ist9s: va(id ground for t+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent underSe!tion 4 of Ru(e 31 of t+e Revised Ru(es of Court parti!u(ar(0 under su/=paragrap+s F/F and FdF, i.e. fore'/e))(e'ent or fraudu(ent 'isapp(i!ation or !onversion of 'one0 9pro!eeds: or propert0 9goods entrusted: /0 anagent 9entrustee: in vio(ation of +is fidu!iar0 dut0 as su!+, and against a part0 +o +as /een gui(t0 of fraud in!ontra!ting or in!urring t+e de/t or o/(igation6

    ;. T+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent is (i

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    ;. T+e instant !ase is one of t+ose 'entioned in Se!tion 4 of Ru(e 31 of t+e Revised Ru(es of Court +erein a ritof pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent 'a0 /e issued against t+e defendants, parti!u(ar(0 su/paragrap+s F/F and FdF of saidse!tion6

    3. T+ere is no ot+er suffi!ient se!urit0 for t+e !(ai' soug+t to /e enfor!ed /0 t+e instant !ase and t+e a'ount dueto +erein p(aintiff or t+e va(ue of t+e propert0 soug+t to /e re!overed is as 'u!+ as t+e su' for +i!+ t+e order foratta!+'ent is granted, a/ove a(( (ega( !ounter!(ai's.

    Again, it (a!s ina/i(it0 to pa0 or to !o'p(0 it+ t+e o/(igations.2 On t+e ot+er +and, as stressed, a/ove, fraud 'a0 /eg(eaned fro' a pre!on!eived p(an or intention not to pa0. T+is does not appear to /e so in t+e !ase at /ar. In fa!t, it isa((eged /0 private respondents t+at out of t+e tota( 5;42,?48.2? !overed /0 t+e su/e!t trust re!eipts, t+e a'ount of5;@@,@@@.@@ +ad a(read0 /een paid, (eaving on(0 542,?48.2? as /a(an!e. en!e, regard(ess of t+e argu'entsregarding pena(t0 and interest, it !an +ard(0 /e said t+at private respondents +ar/ored a pre!on!eived p(an orintention not to pa0 petitioner.

    T+e Court of Appea(s as !orre!t, t+erefore, in its finding in CA=".R. S5 No. 87?8 t+at neit+er petitioner>s %otion or

    its supporting Affidavit provides suffi!ient /asis for t+e issuan!e of t+e rit of atta!+'ent pra0ed for.

    Be a(so agree it+ respondent Court of Appea(s in CA=".R. S5 No. 871?7 t+at t+e (oer !ourt s+ou(d +ave!ondu!ted a +earing and reuired private petitioner to su/stantiate its a((egations of fraud, e'/e))(e'ent and'isappropriation.

    To reiterate, petitioner>s %otion for Atta!+'ent fai(s to 'eet t+e standard set in D.5. Lu/ Oi( %ar

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    nature. If a(( t+e reuisites for t+e granting of t+e rit are not present, t+en t+e !ourt +i!+ issues it a!ts in e-!ess ofits urisdi!tion.47

    BEREORE, for t+e foregoing reasons, t+e instant petitions are DENIED. T+e de!ision of t+e Court of Appea(s inCA=".R. S5 No. 87?8 and CA=".R. S5 No. 871?7 are AIR%ED. No pronoun!e'ent as to !osts.4Vp+i4.nWt



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    G.R. No. 175587 September 21, 2007


    D E C I S I O N


    T+is petition for revie assai(s t+e %a0 84, 7@@? De!ision4 of t+e Court of Appea(s in CA=".R. C# No. 17@@ affir'ingt+e August 8@, 7@@@ De!ision7 of t+e Regiona( Tria( Court of %a

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    9".R. No. 4;@?@3: dated Januar0 42, 7@@@.43 5etitioner fi(ed a 'otion for re!onsideration /ut as (i

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    T+e !ore issue for reso(ution is +et+er petitioner /an< is (ia/(e for da'ages for t+e i'proper issuan!e of t+e rit ofatta!+'ent against respondent.

    Be ru(e in t+e affir'ative.

    Notit+standing t+e fina( udg'ent t+at petitioner is gui(t0 of 'isrepresentation and suppression of a 'ateria( fa!t, t+e(atter !ontends t+at it a!ted in good fait+. 5etitioner a(so !ontends t+at even if respondent is !onsidered a resident oft+e 5+i(ippines, atta!+'ent is sti(( proper under Se!tion 4, paragrap+ 9f:, Ru(e 31 of t+e Ru(es of Court sin!e +e9respondent: is a resident +o is te'porari(0 out of t+e 5+i(ippines upon +o' servi!e of su''ons 'a0 /e effe!ted

    /0 pu/(i!ation.

    5etitioners !ontentions are it+out 'erit.

    B+i(e t+e fina( order of t+e tria( !ourt +i!+ uas+ed t+e rit did not !ategori!a((0 use t+e ord F/ad fait+F in!+ara!teri)ing t+e representations of petitioner, t+e tenor of said order evident(0 !onsiders t+e (atter to +ave a!ted in/ad fait+ /0 resorting to a de(i/erate strateg0 to 'is(ead t+e !ourt. T+us P

    In t+e +earings of t+e 'otion, and ora( argu'ents of !ounse(s /efore t+e Court, it appears t+at p(aintiff $AN t+roug+its !ontra!ting offi!ers #i!e 5resident Cora)on $. Nepo'u!eno and E-e!utive #i!e 5resident Jose Ra'on . Revi((a,persona((0 transa!ted it+ defendant 'ain(0 t+roug+ defendants per'anent residen!e in %ETRO=%ANILA, eit+er indefendants +o'e address in Que)on Cit0 or +is 'ain /usiness address at t+e Ro'u(o %a/anta $uenaventura Sa0o! De(os Ange(es in %AATI and +i(e at ti'es fo((o ups ere 'ade t+roug+ defendants te'porar0 +o'e and

    /usiness addresses in ong

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    fait+. T+e fa!ts and !ir!u'stan!es o'itted are +ig+(0 'ateria( and re(evant to t+e grant or denia( of rit of atta!+'entapp(ied for.

    ina((0, t+ere is no 'erit in petitioners !ontention t+at respondent !an /e !onsidered a resident +o is te'porari(0 outof t+e 5+i(ippines upon +o' servi!e of su''ons 'a0 /e effe!ted /0 pu/(i!ation, and t+erefore ua(ifies as a'ongt+ose against +o' a rit of atta!+'ent 'a0 /e issued under Se!tion 4, paragrap+ 9f:, Ru(e 31 of t+e Ru(es of Court+i!+ provides*

    9f: In an a!tion against a part0 - - - on +o' su''ons 'a0 /e served /0 pu/(i!ation.

    In so arguing, petitioner atte'pts to give t+e i'pression t+at a(t+oug+ it erroneous(0 invo

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    Se!. 4?. Residents te'porari(0 out of t+e 5+i(ippines. P B+en an a!tion is !o''en!ed against a defendant +oordinari(0 resides it+in t+e 5+i(ippines, /ut +o is te'porari(0 out of it, servi!e 'a0, /0 (eave of !ourt, /e a(so effe!tedout of t+e 5+i(ippines, as under t+e pre!eding se!tion.

    T+e pre!eding se!tion referred to in t+e a/ove provision is Se!tion 43 +i!+ provides for e-traterritoria( servi!e P 9a:persona( servi!e out of t+e 5+i(ippines, 9/: pu/(i!ation !oup(ed it+ t+e sending /0 registered 'ai( of t+e !op0 of t+esu''ons and t+e !ourt order to t+e (ast

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    vindi!ation of a rig+t. Indeed, no'ina( da'ages are da'ages in na'e on(0 and not in fa!t.81 T+e0 are re!overa/(e+ere so'e inur0 +as /een done /ut t+e pe!uniar0 va(ue of t+e da'age is not s+on /0 eviden!e and are t+ussu/e!t to t+e dis!retion of t+e !ourt a!!ording to t+e !ir!u'stan!es of t+e !ase.8

    In t+is !ase, t+e aard of no'ina( da'ages is proper !onsidering t+at t+e rig+t of respondent to use +is 'one0 +as/een vio(ated /0 its garnis+'ent. T+e a'ount of no'ina( da'ages 'ust, +oever, /e redu!ed fro' 57 'i((ion to53@,@@@.@@ !onsidering t+e s+ort period of 7 'ont+s during +i!+ t+e rit as in effe!t as e(( as t+e (a!< of eviden!eas to t+e a'ount garnis+ed.4Vp+i4


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    G.R. No. 171124 )ebrar" 13, 2008

    ALEJANDRO N" BEE, petitioner,vs.%ANUEL TANIANSEE, respondent.

    D E C I S I O N

    NACURA, J.*

    $efore t+e Court is a petition for revie on !ertiorari under Ru(e ;3 of t+e Ru(es of Court assai(ing t+e Septe'/er 4;,7@@3 De!ision4 of t+e Court of Appea(s 9CA: in CA=".R. S5 No. 2@48@ and its Januar0 ?, 7@@? Reso(ution7 den0ingt+e 'otion for re!onsideration t+ereof.

    T+e fa!ts are undisputed. 5etitioner A(eandro Ng Bee, a va(ued !(ient of Best'ont $an< 9no United Overseas$ans operations and transa!tions it+ its /orroers. e t+en dis!overed t+att+e !o'pan0 e-tended a (oan eua( to +is tota( 'one0 p(a!e'ent to a !orporation G5oer %ergeH it+ a su/s!ri/ed

    !apita( of on(0 581.3%. T+is !redit fa!i(it0 originated fro' anot+er (oan of a/out 54.3$ e-tended /0 Bin!orp to anot+er!orporation Gotti!< o(dingsH. B+en t+e (atter defau(ted in its o/(igation, Bin!orp instituted a !ase against it and itssuret0. Sett(e'ent as, +oever, rea!+ed in +i!+ otti!s president, Luis Juan L. #irata 9#irata:, assu'ed t+eo/(igation of t+e suret0.;

    Under t+e s!+e'e agreed upon /0 Bin!orp and otti!s president, petitioner>s 'one0 p(a!e'ents ere transferredit+out +is s fi(ing of a 53@%=/ond.2 T+e ritas, !onseuent(0, issued on Nove'/er ?, 7@@@.4@

    Arguing t+at t+e rit as i'proper(0 issued and t+at t+e /ond furnis+ed as gross(0 insuffi!ient, respondent, onDe!e'/er 77, 7@@@, 'oved for t+e dis!+arge of t+e atta!+'ent.44 T+e ot+er defendants (i

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    Ru(ing t+at t+e grounds raised ere a(read0 passed upon /0 it in t+e previous orders affir'ed /0 t+e CA and t+isCourt, and t+at t+e additiona( grounds ere respondent>s affir'ative defenses t+at proper(0 pertained to t+e 'erits oft+e !ase, t+e tria( !ourt denied t+e 'otion in its Januar0 ?, 7@@3 Order.78

    Bit+ t+e denia( of its 'otion for re!onsideration,7; respondent fi(ed a !ertiorari petition /efore t+e CA do!sproperties. No+ere in t+e said affidavit does petitioner 'ention t+e na'e of respondent and an0 spe!ifi! a!t!o''itted /0 t+e (atter to defraud t+e for'er. A rit of atta!+'ent !an on(0 /e granted on !on!rete and spe!ifi!grounds and not on genera( aver'ents uoting perfun!tori(0 t+e ords of t+e Ru(es. Connivan!e !annot a(so /e /asedon 'ere asso!iation /ut 'ust /e parti!u(ar(0 a((eged and esta/(is+ed as a fa!t. Respondent furt+er !ontends t+at t+etria( !ourt, in reso(ving t+e %otion to Dis!+arge Atta!+'ent, need not a!tua((0 de(ve into t+e 'erits of t+e !ase. A(( t+att+e !ourt +as to e-a'ine are t+e a((egations in t+e !o'p(aint and t+e supporting affidavit. 5etitioner !annot a(so re(0on t+e de!isions of t+e appe((ate !ourt in CA=".R. S5 No. 1;?4@ and t+is Court in ".R. No. 4?727 to support +is!(ai' /e!ause respondent is not a part0 to t+e said !ases.72

    Be agree it+ respondent>s !ontentions and den0 t+e petition.

    In t+e !ase at /en!+, t+e /asis of petitioner>s app(i!ation for t+e issuan!e of t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent againstt+e properties of respondent is Se!tion 49d: of Ru(e 31 of t+e Ru(es of Court +i!+ pertinent(0 reads*

    Se!tion 4. "rounds upon +i!+ atta!+'ent 'a0 issue.=At t+e !o''en!e'ent of t+e a!tion or at an0 ti'e /efore entr0of udg'ent, a p(aintiff or an0 proper part0 'a0 +ave t+e propert0 of t+e adverse part0 atta!+ed as se!urit0 for t+esatisfa!tion of an0 udg'ent t+at 'a0 /e re!overed in t+e fo((oing !ases*

    - - - -

    9d: In an a!tion against a part0 +o +as /een gui(t0 of a fraud in !ontra!ting t+e de/t or in!urring t+e o/(igation upon+i!+ t+e a!tion is /roug+t, or in t+e perfor'an!e t+ereof.

    or a rit of atta!+'ent to issue under t+is ru(e, t+e app(i!ant 'ust suffi!ient(0 s+o t+e fa!tua( !ir!u'stan!es of t+e

    a((eged fraud /e!ause fraudu(ent intent !annot /e inferred fro' t+e de/tor>s 'ere non=pa0'ent of t+e de/t or fai(ure to!o'p(0 it+ +is o/(igation.8@ T+e app(i!ant 'ust t+en /e a/(e to de'onstrate t+at t+e de/tor +as intended to defraudt+e !reditor.84 In Li/ert0 Insuran!e Corporation v. Court of Appea(s,87 e e-p(ained as fo((os*


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    To sustain an atta!+'ent on t+is ground, it 'ust /e s+on t+at t+e de/tor in !ontra!ting t+e de/t or in!urring t+eo/(igation intended to defraud t+e !reditor. T+e fraud 'ust re(ate to t+e e-e!ution of t+e agree'ent and 'ust +ave/een t+e reason +i!+ indu!ed t+e ot+er part0 into giving !onsent +i!+ +e ou(d not +ave ot+erise given. To!onstitute a ground for atta!+'ent in Se!tion 4 9d:, Ru(e 31 of t+e Ru(es of Court, fraud s+ou(d /e !o''itted upon!ontra!ting t+e o/(igation sued upon. A de/t is fraudu(ent(0 !ontra!ted if at t+e ti'e of !ontra!ting it t+e de/tor +as apre!on!eived p(an or intention not to pa0, as it is in t+is !ase. raud is a state of 'ind and need not /e proved /0dire!t eviden!e /ut 'a0 /e inferred fro' t+e !ir!u'stan!es attendant in ea!+ !ase.88

    In t+e instant !ase, petitioner>s O!to/er 47, 7@@@ Affidavit8; is /ereft of an0 fa!tua( state'ent t+at respondent!o''itted a fraud. T+e affidavit narrated on(0 t+e a((eged fraudu(ent transa!tion /eteen Bin!orp and #irata andor5oer %erge, +i!+, /0 t+e a0, e-p(ains +0 t+is Court, in ".R. No. 4?727, affir'ed t+e rit of atta!+'ent issuedagainst t+e (atter. As to t+e parti!ipation of respondent in t+e said transa!tion, t+e affidavit 'ere(0 states t+atrespondent, an offi!er and dire!tor of Bin!orp, !onnived it+ t+e ot+er defendants in t+e !ivi( !ase to defraudpetitioner of +is 'one0 p(a!e'ents. No ot+er fa!tua( aver'ent or !ir!u'stan!e detai(s +o respondent !o''itted afraud or +o +e !onnived it+ t+e ot+er defendants to !o''it a fraud in t+e transa!tion sued upon. In ot+er ords,petitioner +as not s+on an0 spe!ifi! a!t or deed to support t+e a((egation t+at respondent is gui(t0 of fraud.

    T+e affidavit, /eing t+e foundation of t+e rit,83 'ust !ontain su!+ parti!u(ars as to +o t+e fraud i'puted torespondent as !o''itted for t+e !ourt to de!ide +et+er or not to issue t+e rit.8? A/sent an0 state'ent of ot+erfa!tua( !ir!u'stan!es to s+o t+at respondent, at t+e ti'e of !ontra!ting t+e o/(igation, +ad a pre!on!eived p(an orintention not to pa0, or it+out an0 s+oing of +o respondent !o''itted t+e a((eged fraud, t+e genera( aver'ent in

    t+e affidavit t+at respondent is an offi!er and dire!tor of Bin!orp +o a((eged(0 !onnived it+ t+e ot+er defendants to!o''it a fraud, is insuffi!ient to support t+e issuan!e of a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent.81 In t+e app(i!ation for t+erit under t+e said ground, !o'pe((ing is t+e need to give a +int a/out +at !onstituted t+e fraud and +o it asperpetrated8 /e!ause esta/(is+ed is t+e ru(e t+at fraud is never presu'ed.82 #eri(0, t+e 'ere fa!t t+at respondent isan offi!er and dire!tor of t+e !o'pan0 does not ne!essari(0 give rise to t+e inferen!e t+at +e !o''itted a fraud or t+at+e !onnived it+ t+e ot+er defendants to !o''it a fraud. B+i(e under !ertain !ir!u'stan!es, !ourts 'a0 treat a!orporation as a 'ere aggroup'ent of persons, to +o' (ia/i(it0 i(( dire!t(0 atta!+, t+is is on(0 done +en t+erongdoing +as /een !(ear(0 and !onvin!ing(0 esta/(is+ed.;@

    Let it /e stressed t+at t+e provisiona( re'ed0 of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent is +ars+ and rigorous for it e-poses t+e de/torto +u'i(iation and anno0an!e.;4 T+e ru(es governing its issuan!e are, t+erefore, stri!t(0 !onstrued against t+eapp(i!ant,;7 su!+ t+at if t+e reuisites for its grant are not s+on to /e a(( present, t+e !ourt s+a(( refrain fro' issuingit, for, ot+erise, t+e !ourt +i!+ issues it a!ts in e-!ess of its urisdi!tion.;8 Li

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    G.R. No. 84034 *ecember 22, 1988

    AL$ERTO SIE#ERT, petitioner,vs.COURT O A55EALS, ON. JUD"E ARTE%ON D. LUNA and AURELIO CA%5OSANO, respondents.

    ing Adorio La Offi!es for petitioner.

    %oises C. a((os for private respondent.


    On 4 %a0 42 petitioner A(/erto Sievert a !iti)en and resident of t+e 5+i(ippines re!eived /0 'ai( a 5etition forIssuan!e of a 5re(i'inar0 Atta!+'ent fi(ed it+ t+e Regiona( Tria( Court of %ani(a $ran!+ 87 in Civi( Case No. =;;8;?. 5etitioner +ad not previous(0 re!eived an0 su''ons and an0 !op0 of a !o'p(aint against +i' in Civi( Case No.=;;8;?.

    On t+e da0 set for +earing of t+e 5etition for a 5re(i'inar0 Brit of Atta!+'ent, petitioner>s !ounse( ent /efore t+e tria(!ourt and entered a spe!ia( appearan!e for t+e (i'ited purpose of o/e!ting to t+e urisdi!tion of t+e !ourt. esi'u(taneous(0 fi(ed a ritten o/e!tion to t+e urisdi!tion of t+e tria( !ourt to +ear or a!t upon t+e 5etition for Issuan!e

    of a 5re(i'inar0 Brit of Atta!+'ent. In t+is ritten o/e!tion, petitioner pra0ed for denia( of t+at 5etition for (a!< ofurisdi!tion over t+e person of t+e petitioner 9defendant t+erein: upon t+e ground t+at sin!e no su''ons +ad /eenserved upon +i' in t+e 'ain !ase, no urisdi!tion over t+e person of t+e petitioner +ad /een a!uired /0 t+e tria( !ourt.

    T+e tria( !ourt denied t+e petitioner>s o/e!tion and issued in open !ourt an order +i!+, in re(evant part, read asfo((os*

    Under Se!tion 4, Ru(e 31, Ru(es of Court, it is !(ear t+at a p(aintiff or an0 proper part0 'a0 F... at t+e !o''en!e'entof t+e a!tion or at an0 ti'e t+ereafter, +ave t+e propert0 of t+e adverse part0 atta!+ed as t+e se!urit0 for t+esatisfa!tion of an0 udg'ent ...F T+is ru(e ou(d overru(e t+e !ontention t+at t+is Court +as no urisdi!tion to a!t on t+eapp(i!ation, a(t+oug+ if !ounse( for defendant so desire, s+e is given five 93: da0s fro' toda0 it+in +i!+ to su/'it+er furt+er position +0 t+e rit s+ou(d not /e issued, upon t+e re!eipt of +i!+ or e-piration of t+e period, t+epending in!ident s+a(( /e !onsidered su/'itted for reso(ution. 9Unders!oring in t+e origina(: 4

    T+ereupon, on t+e sa'e da0, petitioner fi(ed a 5etition for !ertiorari it+ t+e Court of Appea(s. On 48 Ju(0 42, t+erespondent appe((ate !ourt rendered a de!ision, nota/(e prin!ipa((0 for its /revit0, dis'issing t+e 5etition. T+e re(evantportion of t+e Court of Appea(s> de!ision is uoted /e(o*

    T+e grounds raised in t+is petition state t+at t+e !ourt a uo +ad not a!uired urisdi!tion over defendant 9nopetitioner: sin!e no su''ons +ad /een served on +i', and t+at respondent Judge +ad !o''itted a grave a/use ofdis!retion in issuing t+e uestioned order it+out urisdi!tion.

    In s+ort, t+e issue presented to us is +et+er respondent Judge 'a0 issue a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent againstpetitioner /efore su''ons is served on t+e (atter.

    Be ru(e for respondent Judge.

    Under Se!. 4, Ru(e 31, it is !(ear t+at, at t+e !o''en!e'ent of t+e a!tion, a part0 'a0 +ave t+e propert0 of t+eadverse part0 atta!+ed as se!urit0. T+e reso(ution of t+is issue depends, t+erefore, on +at is 'eant /0FCo''en!e'ent of t+e a!tion.F %oran, !iting A'eri!an urispruden!e on t+is point, stated t+us* FCo''en!e'ent ofa!tion. A!tion is !o''en!ed /0 fi(ing of t+e !o'p(aint, even t+oug+ su''ons is not issued unti( a (ater date.F9Co''ent on t+e Ru(es of Court, #o(. I, p. 43@, 4212:. T+us, a rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent 'a0 issue upon fi(ing oft+e !o'p(aint even /efore issuan!e of t+e su''ons.

    BEREORE, for (a!< of 'erit, t+e petition is +ere/0 denied and, a!!ording(0, dis'issed. 9E'p+asis supp(ied: 7

    T+e petitioner is no /efore t+is Court on a 5etition for Revie on Certiorari, assai(ing t+e a/ove=uoted de!ision oft+e Court of Appea(s. T+e petitioner assigns to 97: errors*

    4. T+e pro!eedings ta

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    7. T+e Court of Appea(s !o''itted a grave a/use of dis!retion a'ounting to (a!< of urisdi!tion in ru(ing t+at arit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent 'a0 issue upon fi(ing of t+e !o'p(aint even prior to issuan!e of t+e su''ons. 8

    T+e to 97: assign'ents of error re(ate to t+e sing(e issue +i!+ e per!eive to /e at sta

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    G.R. No. 93262 *ecember 29, 1991


    $reva $reva La Offi!es for petitioner.

    "o!=Ong Asso!iates for private respondents.

    NAR#ASA, J.*p

    Su/e!t of t+e appe((ate pro!eedings at /ar is t+e de!ision of t+e Court of Appea(s in CA=".R. Sp. No. 42?1 entit(edFQueens(and ote(, In!., et!. and Adarna v. Davao Lig+t 5oer Co., In!.,F pro'u(gated on %a0 ;, 422@. 4 T+atde!ision nu((ified and set aside t+e rit of pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent issued /0 t+e Regiona( Tria( Court of Davao Cit0 7 inCivi( Case No. 42348=2 on app(i!ation of t+e p(aintiff 9Davao Lig+t 5oer Co.:, /efore t+e servi!e of su''ons ont+e defendants 9+erein respondents Queens(and Co., In!. and Adarna:.

    o((oing is t+e !+rono(og0 of t+e undisputed 'ateria( fa!ts !u((ed fro' t+e Appe((ate Tri/una(>s udg'ent of %a0 ;,


    4. On %a0 7, 422 Davao Lig+t 5oer Co., In!. 9+ereafter, si'p(0 Davao Lig+t: fi(ed a verified !o'p(aint forre!over0 of a su' of 'one0 and da'ages against Queens(and ote(, et!. and Teodori!o Adarna 9do!

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    It ent on to sa0, !iting Sievert v. Court of Appea(s, 8 t+at Fin a pro!eedings in atta!+'ent,F t+e F!riti!a( ti'e +i!+'ust /e identified is . . . +en t+e tria( !ourt a!uires aut+orit0 under (a to a!t !oer!ive(0 against t+e defendant or +ispropert0 . . .6F and t+at Ft+e !riti!a( ti'e is t+e of t+e vesting of urisdi!tion in t+e !ourt over t+e person of t+e defendantin t+e 'ain !ase.F

    Reversa( of t+is De!ision of t+e Court of Appea(s of %a0 ;, 422@ is +at Davao Lig+t seesaut+orit0.

    T+e Court ru(es t+at t+e uestion 'ust /e ansered in t+e affir'ative and t+at !onseuent(0, t+e petition for revie i((+ave to /e granted.

    It is in!orre!t to t+eori)e t+at after an a!tion or pro!eeding +as /een !o''en!ed and urisdi!tion over t+e person oft+e p(aintiff +as /een vested in t+e !ourt, /ut /efore t+e a!uisition of urisdi!tion over t+e person of t+e defendant9eit+er /0 servi!e of su''ons or +is vo(untar0 su/'ission to t+e !ourt>s aut+orit0:, not+ing !an /e va(id(0 done /0 t+ep(aintiff or t+e !ourt. It is rong to assu'e t+at t+e va(idit0 of a!ts done during t+is period s+ou(d /e defendant on, or+e(d in suspension unti(, t+e a!tua( o/tention of urisdi!tion over t+e defendant>s person. T+e o/tention /0 t+e !ourt ofurisdi!tion over t+e person of t+e defendant is one t+ing6 uite anot+er is t+e a!uisition of urisdi!tion over t+e personof t+e p(aintiff or over t+e su/e!t='atter or nature of t+e a!tion, or t+e res or o/e!t +ereof.

    An a!tion or pro!eeding is !o''en!ed /0 t+e fi(ing of t+e !o'p(aint or ot+er initiator0 p(eading. ; $0 t+at a!t, t+eurisdi!tion of t+e !ourt over t+e su/e!t 'atter or nature of t+e a!tion or pro!eeding is invos poer and aut+orit0 t+at urisdi!tion is a!uired /0 t+e !ourt over +is person. 1 On t+eot+er +and, urisdi!tion over t+e person of t+e defendant is o/tained, as a/ove stated, /0 t+e servi!e of su''ons orot+er !oer!ive pro!ess upon +i' or /0 +is vo(untar0 su/'ission to t+e aut+orit0 of t+e !ourt.

    T+e events t+at fo((o t+e fi(ing of t+e !o'p(aint as a 'atter of routine are e((

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    In To(edo v. $urgos, 42 t+is Court ru(ed t+at a +earing on a 'otion or app(i!ation for pre(i'inar0 atta!+'ent is notgenera((0 ne!essar0 un(ess ot+erise dire!ted /0 t+e Tria( Court in its dis!retion. 7@ And in i(invest CreditCorporation v. Re(ova, 74 t+e Court de!(ared t+at F9n:ot+ing in t+e Ru(es of Court 'a

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    Se!. 48. Dis!+arge of atta!+'ent for i'proper or irregu(ar issuan!e. T+e part0 +ose propert0 +as /eenatta!+ed 'a0 a(so, at an0 ti'e eit+er $EORE or ATER t+e re(ease of t+e atta!+ed propert0, or /efore an0atta!+'ent s+a(( +ave /een a!tua((0 (evied, upon reasona/(e noti!e to t+e atta!+ing !reditor, app(0 to t+e udge +ogranted t+e order, or to t+e udge of t+e !ourt in +i!+ t+e a!tion is pending, for an order to dis!+arge t+e atta!+'enton t+e ground t+at t+e sa'e as i'proper(0 or irregu(ar(0