Provocative statements around energy

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Provocative statements.

Do not take them as conclusions,

just a list of statements found on internet.

Taiwan: HVDC connections to other countries ?I askedseveral times.

Some people toldme: this willnever happen, becauseof political issues.

Others saidIt will be done,because it is good foreveryone.

Active seismic faults run across the island, and some environmentalists argue Taiwan is unsuited for nuclear plants.[1]

Nuclear power in Taiwan orno nuclear power in Taiwan ?

4,000 Times as Many People Die Per Unit of Coal Energy as Per Unit of Nuclear Energy

Casualties ///// FUKUSHIMAAccording to the Japanese Government, over 160,000 people in the general population were screened in March 2011 for radiation exposure and no case was found which affects health.[318]Thirty workers conducting operations at the plant had exposure levels greater than 100 mSv.[319]As of September 2011, six workers at the Fukushima Daiichi site have exceeded lifetime legal limits for radiation and more than 300 have received significant radiation doses.[320]Still, there were no deaths or serious injuries due to direct radiation exposures. Cancer deaths due to accumulated radiation exposures cannot be ruled out, and according to one expert, might be in the order of 100 cases.[321]Frank N. von Hippel, a U.S. scientist, has estimated that on the order of 1,000 people will die from cancer as a result of their exposure to radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi disaster, that is, an increase of 0.1 percent in the incidence of cancer, and much less than the approximately 20,000 people killed directly by the earthquake and tsunami. Because contaminated milk was interdicted in Japan the number of (mostly non-fatal) thyroid cancer cases will probably be less than 1 percent of similar cases at Chernobyl. Von Hippel added that fear of ionizing radiation could have long-term psychological effects on a large portion of the population in the contaminated areas.[67]

According to Wikipedia in French+English, the casualties at Fukushima:
