Proteins 2006-2007 Contains elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen Proteins: End in -ase.


Transcript of Proteins 2006-2007 Contains elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen Proteins: End in -ase.

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  • Proteins
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  • 2006-2007 Contains elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen Proteins: End in -ase
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  • Proteins Function: many different functions Cell structure, cell metabolism Fight disease, form bone, muscle Protein shape determines protein function LOSE SHAPE=LOSE FUNCTION
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  • Proteins amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid 20 different amino acids Monomer subunits of proteins are amino acids held together by covalent peptide bonds amino acid=carbon with amino group (-NH 2 ) and carboxyl groups (-COOH) on opposite ends. = protein
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  • Amino acid chains Proteins amino acids chained into a polymer
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  • Protein Examples: Enzymes- act as catalyst (speed up) Hemoglobin- iron in red blood cells- carry oxygen Lactase- in intestine, helps you digest milk. Given to people with lactose intolerance, Insulin- regulates glucose in the blood Hair- helps with structure and keeps them healthy
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  • Test for Proteins Buiret solution (turns bluish-purple)
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  • Proteins Have 4 Levels of Organization A. Amino Acid chain B. Twisting/folding of the amino acid within the chain C. Folding of the actual chain D. If there are multiple chains, the chain rearrange themselves into specific arrangements.