Protein Intake in Volleyball Players. Introduction Recommendations for endurance athletes is 1.2-...


Transcript of Protein Intake in Volleyball Players. Introduction Recommendations for endurance athletes is 1.2-...

Protein Intake in Volleyball Players


• Recommendations for endurance athletes is 1.2-1.4g/kg

• Growing female athletes need to be sure it is met

• Is overall caloric intake representative of protein intake?

• “ Protein metabolism during and after exercise is affect by sex, age, intensity, duration, and type of exercise, energy intake… Protein intake for adults older than 18 is 10-15% of total calories.” ASCM

The impact of feedback on dietary intake and body composition of college women volleyball players over a competitive


• Dietary intake from 15 NCAA volleyball players over the course of two seasons.

• First season received no feedback, second did.

• Players were consuming les than, or just at the recommended protein intake (1.2g/kg-1.4g/kg) in first season.

• After feedback, player’s overall energy intake dropped; protein mostly stayed the same.

Eating Behaviors, Nutritional Status, and Menstrual Function in Elite

Female Adolescent Volleyball Players

• 23 nationally ranked volleyball players surveyed.

• 12 fell short of the protein recommendation (1.2-2.0).

• 10 fell short of recommended energy intake.

• 52% felt pressure to lose weight, or maintain low body weight.

Macro- and micro-nutrient intake of adolescent Greek female volleyball


• 65 adolescent Greek volleyball players were surveyed.

• All players met the recommendations for protein given in the study (1.0g/kg-1.2g/kg), but not adequate amounts according to the ACSM recommendations.

• Protein recommendations for this study were set lower than in previous two studies.


• Evidence overwhelmingly indicates adequate nutrient intake is essential for optimal performance.

• Many volleyball players not consuming enough protein

• Recommended solution is to supplement with protein powder or bar.

• “Recommending protein intakes in excess of the RDA to maintain optimal physical performance is commonly done in practice.” ACSM

• With education, athletes can achieve adequate protein and energy intake from food, reducing change of overconsumption.

• Anderson, D. (2010). The impact of feedback on dietary intake and body composition of college women volleyball players over a competitive season. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(8), 2220-6.

• Beals, K. (2002) Eating Behaviors, Nutritional Status, and Menstrual Function in Elite Female Adolescent Volleyball Players. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 102(9), 1293-1296

• Holway, F. (2011). Sport-specific nutrition: Practical strategies for team sports . Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(1), 115-125.

• "Nutrition and Athletic Performance." Medicine & Science in Sports $ Exercise 41.3 (2009): 709-31. Print.

• Papadopoulo, S., Papadopoulo, S., & Gallos, G. (2002). Macro- and micro-nutrient intake of adolescent Greek female volleyball players. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism , 12, 71-78.