Protecting your everyday when you need it most

* Source: MetLife protection portfolio period 25th December 2020 to 24th December 2021. Figures based on UK working days during this period. Protecting your everyday when you need it most

Transcript of Protecting your everyday when you need it most

* Source: MetLife protection portfolio period 25th December 2020 to 24th December 2021. Figures based on UK working days during this period.

Protecting your everyday when you need it most

The true value of Individual Protection3

25 Hospitalisation due to virus £3,780

Fractured wrist £1,00026

Cancer diagnosis £33,10027

Fall from sofa £2,00028

Child illnesses and accidents

8 90 days spent in hospital £22,500

85 days spent in hospital £21,2509

COVID-19 hospitalisation £22,50010

Tuberculosis diagnosis £6,50011

15 Accident at home and hospitalisation £9,750

Motorcycle accident £18,60017

Fall down the stairs £2,25019

Roadside accident £114,00020

Accidents and injuries

32 Cycling accident £1,500

Ligament tear playing rugby £3,00030

Dislocation playing rugby £3,50031

Mountain bike accident £17,40033

Ruptured tendon playing football £2,00034

Fall from a horse £22,00035

Adult sporting injuries

Hospital stays due to sickness

Claims in numbers4


Fall from ladder £22,00018

Hospitalisation and funeral benefit £27,50012

COVID-19 hospitalisation £12,90013

Broken bones £2,00021

Accidental death and broken bones £174,40022

16 Fall from building £49,400

24 Broken bones £2,0007 Arthritis hospitalisation £10,350

Our claims philosophy is built on the trust that one day, when you really need it, we will deliver what you expect of us - to pay your claim in a timely manner, with no fuss and with an understanding of what has happened to you. Here are some examples of how we have fulfilled that promise to our customers and helped them when they really needed it.

The policy terms and conditions, benefits, and premiums of cover can differ between policies. On each case study we’ve noted when the policy was purchased, so it’s clear which version of the policy the benefit payment relates to.

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome3

Hospitalisation claims paid

Broken bones claims paid

Total number of days paid for hospital stays

Total claims paid

Total value of claims paid

4 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome





* Source: MetLife protection portfolio period 25th December 2020 to 24th December 2021. Figures based on UK working days during this period.

Active lifestyleclaims paid

Funeral benefitclaims paid

Child claims paid

Broken bonesclaims paid


child adult

Hospitalisationclaims paid


child adult

5 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome


* Source: MetLife protection portfolio period 25th December 2020 to 24th December 2021. Figures based on UK working days during this period.

6 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr K’s adviser called us to tell us his client had spent a total of 69 days in hospital due to osteomyelitis (arthritis of the hip).

Because his client had three units of cover, MetLife paid £150 for each of those days.


Because the client had been a policyholder for more than 12 months, MetLife was able to pay the claim for hospitalisation.

The claim form was received on the 6th September and was paid the following week.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped the client keep their life on track while they were receiving treatment a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr R, a Builder, took out 5 units of cover withus in June 2017.

A year later, MetLife was told that hehad suffered a stroke and was in hospital.

The claim form was received on 15th October 2018and we paid the claim in full on 18th October 2018.


The policyholder was in hospital for a total of 112days meaning he was able to claim the maximum90 day hospitalisation benefit.

MetLife paid a total £22,500.

This payment was made to support Mr R duringhis recovery following his stroke.

Mr R’s policy was over 12 months old meaning hewas eligible to claim for UK hospitalisation benefitdue to sickness.

What MetLife did Payment

We were able to support him with a payment of


Policy purchased prior to 8th February 2018

Watch MetLife in action:Meet Mr R

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr A has sickle cell disease. This is a conditionaffecting red blood cells which, alongside othersymptoms, can cause painful episodes called‘sickle cell crises’ which can be very severe andlast for up to a week.

Over a period of 6 months, he was admittedto hospital in relation to sickle cell on 6separate occasions.

In total, he was admitted to hospital for 85 days,ranging from admissions of 8 to 17 days each time.


The policyholder holds 5 units of cover and hasheld his policy for over 12 months, therefore heis able to claim hospitalisation for sickness.

MetLife reviewed Mr A’s claim, using hospitaldischarge summaries for each of the 6 relatedhospital admissions.

MetLife paid out a total of £21,250 for 6 staysin hospital due to sickness.

What MetLife did Payment

We were able to support him with a payment of


Policy purchased prior to 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr M, a Care Assistant, was admitted into hospitalhaving contracted COVID-19.

He sadly spent 95 days in hospital including timespent on a ventilator.


The policyholder held 5 units of cover andheld his policy for over 12 months so was ableto claim for hospitalisation for sickness.

MetLife assessed the claim and paid atotal of £22,250 for the maximum 90 daysfor hospitalisation.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped him focus on his recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased prior to 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mrs S, a Nurse, was diagnosed with tuberculosisafter two weeks of suffering with a cough andhigh fever.

She was admitted to hospital on 2 separateoccasions, initially for 9 days and later for 6days. She had a computerised tomography (CT)scan to identify the condition.


The policyholder held 2 units of cover includingOptional Healthcare Cover.

MetLife assessed the claim and paid a total of£6,500, consisting of £5,000 for the diagnosisof tuberculosis under the Optional HealthcareCover and £1,500 for the 15 days spent in hospital.

This was paid within 10 working days.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped her focus on her recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr G, a health counsellor, took out a policy with five units of cover. He was hospitalised due to liver cancer on the 18th December and remained in hospital until the 19th March.

MetLife were notified in March, and the claim for hospitalisation was paid three days after the claim was received.


MetLife initially paid for 90 days of hospitalisation at £250 a day, totalling £22,500. However, in May, MetLife were made aware that Mr G had passed away, and a further payment of £5,000 was made to his estate.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped him and his family through difficult times with payments totalling

12 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Policy purchased on or between 8th February 2018 and 15th October 2021

Mrs W, a Chef, was admitted to hospital1st February 2021 due to COVID-19. She stayedin hospital with this condition until sadly passing away on the 8th April 2021.


The policyholder held 3 units of cover at a cost of£24 per month.

MetLife paid £3,000 funeral benefit, and £9,900hospitalisation benefit as Mrs W was an in-patientfor 66 days.

MetLife received the information they needed onthe 12th May 2021 and the claim was paid to theestate of Mrs W on the 14th May 2021.

What MetLife did Payment

We were able to make a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

14 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mrs G, a housewife, fell over accidentally at home. She broke a tibia and fibula and had to spend nine days in hospital as a result.


MetLife paid for both major bone breaks as well as her hospital stay of nine days. Because she had five units of cover, the benefit for the broken bones totalled £7,500, and the hospitalisation benefit was £2,250.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped her recover from her injuries with payments totalling

15 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Policy purchased on or between 8th February 2018 and 15th October 2021

Mr E, a Window Cleaner, was working when he fellfrom a 7 storey building onto a glass roof.

He sustained fractures to multiple spinal bones,his left arm, hip, shoulder, elbow and jaw.

He spent 19 days in hospital receiving treatment.


The policyholder held 4 units of cover.

We assessed the claim and paid a total of£49,400 which consisted of £45,600 forbroken bones and £3,800 for hospitalisation.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped him to focus on his recovery by supporting him with a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr T, an A&E Team Leader, was riding hismotorcycle to work when he was hit by anoncoming vehicle. He was badly injured andsustained breaks to 7 major bones.

He was airlifted to a local trauma centre wherehe spent 46 days in hospital.


The policyholder held 2 units of cover.

We assessed his claim and paid out a total of£18,600 consisting of £14,000 for broken bonesand £4,600 for hospital stays.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped him with focus on his recovery with a payment of

17 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Watch MetLife in action:Meet Mr T

Policy purchased between 1st August 2011 and 12th July 2013

Whilst on a construction site, Mr K was workingup a ladder at a height of 3 metres.

He fell, sustaining 5 spinal fractures as well as 5broken ribs. He spent 20 days in hospital receivingtreatment for his injuries.


The policyholder held 4 units of cover.

Following assessment of his claim, we paid£15,000 for the major broken spinal bones,£3,000 for the minor broken rib bones and£4,000 for hospitalisation.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped Mr K focus on his recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

It was a Sunday afternoon at home whenMs L tripped coming down the stairs and fell.

She broke her wrist during the fall.


The policyholder held 3 units of cover.

We assessed the claim within 6 working daysand paid £2,250 for a major broken bone.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped her focus on her recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr G, a self-employed HGV driver, was drivinga pick-up lorry when he had to stop to checksomething on his vehicle. Whilst checking, he washit by a lorry, sustaining a range of serious injuries.

Mr G fractured 20 major broken bones including hispelvis, tibia, fibula and scapula.

He fractured 14 spinal bones, 2 wrist bones and 6minor bones including his ribs. Mr G needed tospend 32 days in hospital.


The policyholder held 5 units of cover.

MetLife assessed his claim and paid a total of£114,000 consisting of £100,000 for the majorbroken bones, £6,000 for the minor brokenbones and £8,000 for hospitalisation.

Mr G has now been discharged from hospital andis recovering from his injuries.

What MetLife did Payment

We were able to help him focus on his recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased prior to 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr D, a taxi driver, was in Poland when he hadan accident riding his motorbike. He slipped inheavy rain and was hit by an oncoming car.

Mr D broke his right radius and ulna bones(in the arm).


The policyholder held 2 units of cover costing£14 per month.

His MetLife policy paid £1,000 for eachbroken bone.

What MetLife did Payment

We were able to help Mr D focus on his recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased prior to 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr S was riding his motorbike when he had acollision with another vehicle. The customersustained serious injuries including breaking16 bones and sadly passed away after the accident.

MetLife paid the estate of Mr S £14,400 forthe broken bones and £160,000 for theaccidental death.


The policyholder held 4 units of covercosting £32 per month.

MetLife paid the estate of Mr S £14,400for the broken bones and £160,000 for theaccidental death.

What MetLife did Payment

We were able to make a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

23 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr B contacted his adviser when his daughter had an accident during her first week back at school. She had fallen from the monkey bars in the school playground and had broken a radius and ulna in her wrist.


Because each bone was a major bone, and Mr B had four units of cover including optional Child Cover, MetLife was able to pay £1,000 for each break.

Mr B received a total benefit of £2,000 eight working days after MetLife first received the claim.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped him focus on his daughter’s recovery with a payment of

24 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Mr and Mrs C’s son was diagnosed with abacterial infection and sepsis.

Their son spent 18 days in hospital and laterneeded to be readmitted for a further 62 days.


Both Mr and Mrs C had added Optional ChildCover to their individual policies, meaning theirson was covered by 3 units across 2 policies.

We paid £2,520 for the current versionof MultiProtect and £1,260 on an older policyfor hospitalisation benefit due to sickness.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped the family focus on their son’s recovery with a payment of


One policy was purchased prior to 8th February 2018 and the other on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr D’s daughter was playing at school whenshe fell and fractured a wrist.


The policyholder held 4 units of cover, includingOptional Child Cover.

He completed and returned the claim form andwithin 2 days, the claim was assessed and paid.

We paid £1,000 for a major broken bone.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped them focus on their daughter’s recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr P contacted us to advise that sadly,his son had been diagnosed with cancer.


The policyholder held 5 units of cover, includingOptional Child Cover.

His son spent 81 days in hospital over 2separate admissions.

We paid £8,100 for the time in hospital and£25,000 for the child cancer diagnosis.

Mr P called us later in the year to advise thathis son was making a good recovery and washoping to return to University.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped the family focus on his recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr and Mrs G’s child slipped and fell from asofa at home, breaking 2 bones in their wrist.


The policyholder held 3 units of cover and Mrs Gheld 2 units of cover.

Both had added Optional Child Cover to theirpolicies meaning their child was covered by 5 units.

For 2 major broken bones, we paid £1,200under the father’s policy and £800 under themother’s policy.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped the family focus on their child’s recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased prior to 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

29 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr R, a fitness instructor, was playing semi-professional rugby when his foot got stuck in the pitch and caused a complete (grade 3) ligament tear.


MetLife received the claim form and assessed the claim. The policyholder held three units of cover, including optional Active Lifestyle Cover.

Because of this, MetLife was able to pay a total benefit of £3,000 for the torn ligament.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped him get back on his feet with a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Ms G, a Supermarket Cashier, was injuredplaying rugby. Seven months later she hadan magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanas she was still in pain.

The scan diagnosed a broken bone and adislocation in her shoulder.

Keyhole surgery was performed to repairthe dislocation.


The policyholder held 2 units of cover includingOptional Active Lifestyle Cover.

MetLife assessed the claim and paid a total of£3,500 consisting of £1,500 for the broken boneand £2,000 for the dislocation.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped her get back on her feet with a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr C, a Nurse, was out cycling one daywhen he turned into a road and was hit bya motorbike, fracturing a bone in his spine.


The policyholder held 2 units of cover.

Once the claim form was received, MetLifeassessed the claim and within 8 working days,paid Mr C £1,500 for one major broken bone.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped him with focus on his recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mr W, a self-employed carpenter and joiner, suffered injuries when he accidentally crashed his mountain bike.

He broke six major bones in his spine, seven bones in his ribs, and had to spend five days in hospital for treatment.


Because Mr W had three units of cover, we paid £13,500 for breaks to Mr W’s major bones, £3,150 for his broken ribs, as well as £750 in total for his five-day hospital stay.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped him recover from his injuries with payments totalling

33 Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Policy purchased on or between 8th February 2018 and 15th October 2021

Mr S was playing 7-a-side football withfriends at the weekend when he ruptured hisAchilles tendon.

He needed surgery to repair the tendon.


The policyholder purchased 2 units of coverincluding Optional Active Lifestyle Cover just 4months before he needed to claim.

Upon completion of the claim form and therelevant medical information supplied from thehospital, we paid £2,000 for a ruptured tendon.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped him focus on his recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased on or after 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Mrs D was out riding her horse one daywhen she was thrown off, sustainingserious injuries.


The policyholder held 2 units of cover.

As well as breaking a rib, Mrs D spent 14 daysin hospital and her spleen was removed.

She suffered further complications and neededto be admitted to hospital for a further 2 days.

We paid £20,000 for the loss of organ, £400for a minor broken bone and £1,600 for2 periods of hospitalisation.

What MetLife did Payment

We helped her focus on her recovery with a payment of


Policy purchased prior to 8th February 2018

Hospital stays Accidents & Injuries Child injuries Sports injuriesHome

Products and services are offered by MetLife Europe d.a.c. which is an affiliate of MetLife, Inc. and operates under the “MetLife” brand.MetLife Europe d.a.c. is a private company limited by shares and is registered in Ireland under company number 415123. Registered office at 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. UKbranch office at One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Branch registration number: BR008866. MetLife Europe d.a.c. (trading as MetLife) is authorised and regulated by Central Bankof Ireland. Deemed authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Detailsof the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, are available on the Financial Conduct Authority’swebsite.


Please note: Customer names have been anonymised in these real-life MetLife case studies. All policies are subject to policy terms and conditions; exclusions and limitations apply.

Claim payments are made subject to policy terms and conditions. The policy terms and conditions, benefits and premiums of cover purchased before 8th February 2018 differ from policiespurchased on or after 8th February 2018. On each case study, we have noted when the policy was purchased so it’s clear which version of the policy the benefit payout relates to.

Do you need support with a claim?We’re ready to help you.

Call: 01273 872 456 or 0800 917 0100Email: [email protected]