Protecting Your Brand Reputation from Counterfeiters & Gray Marketers


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A brand is an important asset of any enterprise, and just like any other asset there is a need to protect it. There is a great amount of time, resources and money spent by organizations to establish their brand value in the market.

Transcript of Protecting Your Brand Reputation from Counterfeiters & Gray Marketers

Page 1: Protecting Your Brand Reputation from Counterfeiters & Gray Marketers

Protecting Your Brand Reputation from Counterfeiters & Gray Marketers

A brand is an important asset of any enterprise, and just like any other asset there is a need to

protect it. There is a great amount of time, resources and money spent by organizations to

establish their brand value in the market. But even as companies spend millions to build global

brands, the internet with its wide reach can easily put such brands at risk– resulting in not just

undermining the marketing investments they have made, but also eroding the brand and its

reputation and losing customer trust.

As globalization has given organizations greater exposure and a broader supply chain, organizations

today are struggling with key areas of risk, such as counterfeiting, sales channels management, and

channel pricing violations. With the increasing number of new products entering the market and

organizations going global and becoming more tech savvy, the challenges of counterfeiting are also

increasing tremendously. Both large and small manufacturers thus need to take proactive steps to

protect their sales channels and their brands from counterfeiting and gray market.

When products are counterfeited or sold on the gray market, there is an adverse effect on the

brand reputation of the company. Such companies stand to lose considerable market share as they

are unable to protect their brand reputation effectively. It is imperative for an enterprise to realize

the importance of brand reputation management, how it can impact short and long term revenue

goals and as a result, allocate resources to solve the problem. There is no dearth of online fraud

protection solutions in the market. Implementing efficient brand monitoring solutions ensure

protection of revenue by identifying and shutting down sites selling gray market, pirated or

counterfeited goods.

Effective brand protection solutions are a necessity, as they provide protection against fraudulent

products in the market and stop them from infringing on the brand. These solutions help to identify

the counterfeiting networks, deploy intelligent practices to effectively identify the violators, assess

the level of risks they pose and monitor their activities continuously.

Page 2: Protecting Your Brand Reputation from Counterfeiters & Gray Marketers

Look for a solution that can help such enterprises with:

● Automated monitoring of Internet activity through intelligent search agents

● Retrieval of information down to the product and individual listing level (based upon client


● Application of both technology-based and human analysis to insure data integrity

As today's counterfeiters are well-equipped and skilled, leading service providers offer global

enterprises effective anti-counterfeiting solutions that are not only intelligent and intuitive but also

one that spans across the enterprise. With a cohesive anti-counterfeiting strategy, these solutions

can offer enterprises complete brand protection.

Read More About: enterprise risk management, brand management, Anti-Fraud