Proposal progression




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Jamie DrummondJohn Paul Dowling

How can design be used to create social influence and alter perceptions?

The project will explore the idea that individuals are subtly influenced by the imagery and communications that surround them. This alters collective perceptions and causes a change in how people think about particular things. The project will aim to understand how individuals and organisations use visual communication to further their interests or inspire free thinking and how they make use of the assets available to them to achieve these means. My process so far has included exploring a number of subjects through creating outcomes relevant to research. Different design techniques like animation and sculpture have been used respectively to look at the perception of the size of the observable universe and political distraction; how outrageous stories about the prime minister effectively stole the headlines from more important social issues occurring simultaneously. These research routes have lead me to look into Illusionary phenomena; how we are deceived by our perception. Perception its self and how it is malleable and receptive to outside influence. This all links back to my interests in graphic design and how imagery, communication and symbolism can be used to persuade and alter perceptions. Research is gathered using a number of different methods. Looking at articles, video, imagery, books, Web, Sound, practitioners and public figures. including correspondence with professionals and those of considerable knowledge in the areas of psychology, politics and visual communications. Design, persuasion, symbolism, imagery and communication are some of my biggest areas of interest in graphics. I'm keen to understand the relationship between intended communication and subjective perception of that information. this project aims to fully investigate the effects that design has on an individuals thought process and how that translates to change across populations. We are often unaware of how advertising, propaganda, symbolism, and visual communication creeps into our collective subconscious and influences us subtly throughout our exposure to it. This project will aim to expose those influences and analyse them in order create a bigger picture of how the world of design can shape our opinions, thoughts, personalities, political affiliations, diets, religions, biases and to some extent our identities. Blek Le Rat and Banksy are both well known for highlighting political and social issues/injustices in their artworks. Their work encourages people to think for themselves and challenge preconceptions. This is something that really inspires me as I see a lot of contemporary design that works to keep minds closed, distracted and locked into norms. This is something I think is unhealthy for the progression of our societies into the future and is something I would like to work against. Whilst I want to use design for good, throughout history it has proven to be a dangerous tool when in the wrong hands. Joseph Goebbels was Reich minister of propaganda in Nazi germany in world war 2 and whilst their ideologies are inexcusable, it is undeniable that the propaganda produced by Goebbels in collaboration with Hitler over the course of world war two had a drastic impact on the minds of the population, encouraging them to actively engage in anti-Semitism, Racism, Mass murder and many more atrocities. This is a prime example of the kind of power visual imagery, communication and symbolism can have over a population. and how that can alter the course of human history. With these concepts in mind, it is my thinking that upon graduation I would like to work for myself or a small group that creates artistic communications in order to change perceptions of accepted paradigms and social norms. Design is used by corporations, and those in power to further their political and economic interests. I want thoroughly explore this concept and its opposite; The use of art and design to inspire free thinking outside of the structures that have been put in place by the ruling classes.