Proposal for Basin Analysis

Aycan Yildirim 9/16/2013 GEO 522 Sedimentary Basin Analysis A Brief Proposal of Term Paper  The Black Warrior Basin, located in Alabama an d Mississippi, is a Paleozoic foreland  basin bounded by the Alleghanian (on the east and southeast) and Ouachita (on the southwest) thrust belts, and the Nashville Dome (on the north; Thomas, 1976, 1985). The basin extends about 190 miles north to south and 220 miles east to west and covers about 35,000 mi 2 (90,000 km 2 )area (Hatch and Pawlewicz, 2007). The Black Warrior Basin developed during the Paleozoic construction of Pangaea as collisions occurred on the eastern and southern margins of the Laurentian landmass. The Ouachita Embayment underwent multiple stages of active rifting during the development of the Rheic and Iapetus Oceans as evidenced by the Mississippi Valley Graben and the Birmingham Graben systems (Thomas, 1988; Thomas and Whiting, 1994; Murphy et al., 2006; Groshong et al., 2010). The region continued as a passive margin for 200 million years with an extensive carbonate platform until the Ouachita terrane accretion event occurred in the Late Mississippian. Today, the Ouachita fold and thrust belt stretches from the Alabama Promontory through western Texas, but it has mostly eroded and is buried by Cenozoic sediments of the Gulf Coastal Plain in Alabama and Mississippi (Pashin and Gastaldo, 2009). The Black Warrior Basin is a homocline that dips southwest beneath the Ouachita thrust front (Thomas and Whiting, 1994). The load from the Ouachita thrust belt created a depression in the adjacent crust, also known as a foredeep, causing a peripheral bulge to propagate in a northeasterly direction (Moores and Twiss, 1992; Watts, 1992; Ettensohn and Pashin, 1993; Turcotte and Schubert, 2002). Synorogenic sediments infilled the foredeep adjacent to the Ouachita thrust front. The clastic wedge extends no rtheast to the Nashville Dome. On the eastern margin of Laurentia, Appalachian Mountain building ev ents span from Ordovician through the Pennsylvanian time, ending with the Alleghanian orogen confining the Black Warrior Basin to its present location. This created two primary sediment sources for the Black Warrior Basin; the Ouachita orogen from the southwest and the Alleghanian orogen from the east and southeast (Thomas, 2004; Thomas, 2006; Pashin and Gastaldo, 2009; Groshong et al, 2010). The collision

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GEO 522

Sedimentary Basin Analysis

A Brief Proposal of Term Paper 

The Black Warrior Basin, located in Alabama and Mississippi, is a Paleozoic foreland basin bounded by the Alleghanian (on the east and southeast) and Ouachita (on the southwest)

thrust belts, and the Nashville Dome (on the north; Thomas, 1976, 1985). The basin extends

about 190 miles north to south and 220 miles east to west and covers about 35,000 mi2(90,000

km2)area (Hatch and Pawlewicz, 2007).

The Black Warrior Basin developed during the Paleozoic construction of Pangaea as

collisions occurred on the eastern and southern margins of the Laurentian landmass. The

Ouachita Embayment underwent multiple stages of active rifting during the development of theRheic and Iapetus Oceans as evidenced by the Mississippi Valley Graben and the Birmingham

Graben systems (Thomas, 1988; Thomas and Whiting, 1994; Murphy et al., 2006; Groshong et

al., 2010). The region continued as a passive margin for 200 million years with an extensive

carbonate platform until the Ouachita terrane accretion event occurred in the Late Mississippian.

Today, the Ouachita fold and thrust belt stretches from the Alabama Promontory through western

Texas, but it has mostly eroded and is buried by Cenozoic sediments of the Gulf Coastal Plain in

Alabama and Mississippi (Pashin and Gastaldo, 2009).

The Black Warrior Basin is a homocline that dips southwest beneath the Ouachita thrust

front (Thomas and Whiting, 1994). The load from the Ouachita thrust belt created a depression

in the adjacent crust, also known as a foredeep, causing a peripheral bulge to propagate in a

northeasterly direction (Moores and Twiss, 1992; Watts, 1992; Ettensohn and Pashin, 1993;

Turcotte and Schubert, 2002). Synorogenic sediments infilled the foredeep adjacent to the

Ouachita thrust front. The clastic wedge extends northeast to the Nashville Dome. On the eastern

margin of Laurentia, Appalachian Mountain building events span from Ordovician through the

Pennsylvanian time, ending with the Alleghanian orogen confining the Black Warrior Basin to

its present location. This created two primary sediment sources for the Black Warrior Basin; the

Ouachita orogen from the southwest and the Alleghanian orogen from the east and southeast

(Thomas, 2004; Thomas, 2006; Pashin and Gastaldo, 2009; Groshong et al, 2010). The collision

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of Laurentia and Gondwana concluded Alleghanian-Ouachita orogenesis, which lead to an era of 

erosion and subsidence in Early Pennsylvanian time (Miall, 2008).

The sedimentary strata start with the lower-to-middle Cambrian Rome formation that

unconformably overlies the basement rocks in the basin (Kidd, 1975). The Rome formation is

underlain by passive margin carbonate succession including Conasauga limestone, Ketona

dolomite, and carbonate rocks of Knox group (Benson and Mink, 1983). During assembly of the

Pangea, relatively thinner, laterally variable succession of shallow-marine facies including

Stones River group and Chattonoga Shale deposited under the control of Taconic (Ordovician-

Sillurian) and Acadian (Devonian-Mississippian) orogenies (Benson and Mink, 1983). Quachita

orogeny has initiated along the southwestern margin of the promontory during Mississippian

time. Hence, the Black Warrior basin is considered as affected by mainly Quachita orogeny,

since Appalachian thrust and sediment loads have not impinged on the southeastern part of the

 basin until Early Pennsylvanian (Thomas, 1989; Thomas, 2007; Pashin and Gastaldo, 2009). The

Pennsylvanian Pottsville formation, a fluvial to marginal marine unit, lies on the succession of 

Mississippian units (Raymond et al., 1988). Mississippian succession consists of, from oldest to

youngest, Fort Payne Chert, Tuscumbia limestone, Pride Mountain formation, Bangor limestone,

and Parkwood formation (Raymond et al., 1988).

Grosshong et al. (2010) studied the structure of the Black Warrior basin, and points out

two styles which are “thin-skinned extensional styles” and “basement-involved extension styles”.

Thin-skinned extensional detachments are Lower Pottsville detachment, the faults are of the

ramp-flat style and restricted to Pennsylvanian strata, and base Ketona-Knox detachment, the

faults are interpreted as listric. Basement-involved normal faults are observed on a couple of 

regional seismic-reflection profiles.

The Black Warrior basin plays an important economic role because of conventional oil

and gas reserves, as well as rich coal and coalbed-methane resources. According to theassessment of U.S Geological Survey, made by Hatch and Pawlewicz in 2007, two total

 petroleum systems (TPS) were identified within the Black Warrior Basin Province: the

Chattonooga Shale/Floyd Shale – Paleozoic TPS and Pottsville Coal TPS. Investigation of 

 potential source rocks in the middle and upper Paleozoic rocks of the Black Warrior basin

indicates that shale formations from Devonian through Pennsylvanian age have potential to

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generate hydrocarbon, however, the Chattanooga Shale is overmature in some fields (Carroll et

al., 1995).

Petrophysical studies show that coaly shales from the Pottsville and Parkwood formations

contain sufficient organic material to be considered gas-prone, and tend to be rich in terrestrial,

type III kerogen. By contrast, shales from the Floyd and Chattanooga Formations tend to be rich

in marine, oil prone, type II kerogen(Carroll et al., 1995). In addition, the Floyd Shale is the main

source of oil in the Black Warrior basin because of its thickness and lateral continuous.

Mancini et al.(1983) described the primary exploration targets within the Black Warrior 

 basin as Upper Mississippian sandstone reservoirs, Carter and Lewis sandstones. The Lewis

sandstone is the first sandstone of the Floyd or Pride Mountain formations and is interpreted as

marine bars deposited by tidally induced currents acting on a shallow marine storm traversed

shelf. The Lewis marine bars consist of a central bar lithofacies, which are thick sequence of 

sand accumulations, and bar margin lithofacies, comprised of muds that occur between sand

 bodies. The Carter is a lower sandstone unit in the Parkwood Formation and is interpreted as

deltaic deposits, which were deposited primarily as lower delta plain bar finger and distal bar 


Petroleum traps in the Black Warrior basin of Alabama are primarily combination traps

involving anticlines, faulted anticlines, high-angle normal faults, and favorable stratigraphy.

Most of the oil and gas fields in the basin, such as East Detroit, West Fayette, Fairview,

Beaverton, etc., involve both a stratigraphic and structural component (Mancini et al., 1983). In

2007, the USGS estimated means of 8,511 billion cubic feet of gas, 5,9 million barrels of oil, and

7,6 barrels of total natural gas liquids for the Black Warrior basin.

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