Properties of Square Numbers (Class 8) (Audio in Hindi)

Properties of Square Numbers By Parth Nagpal

Transcript of Properties of Square Numbers (Class 8) (Audio in Hindi)

  1. 1. Properties of Square Numbers By Parth Nagpal
  2. 2. What is a Square Number? A number when multiplied with itself gives a square number. For Example, 2 2 = 4 3 3 = 9
  3. 3. Look at this table Number Square Number Square 1 1 11 121 2 4 12 144 3 9 13 169 4 16 14 196 5 25 15 225 6 36 16 256 7 49 17 289 8 64 18 324 9 81 19 361 10 100 20 400
  4. 4. Some Properties of Square Numbers The unit digit of a number ending in 0 is always 0. The unit digit of a number ending in 1 or 9 is always 1. The unit digit of a number ending in 2 or 8 is always 4. The unit digit of a number ending in 5 is always 5. The unit digit of a number ending in 4 or 6 is always 6. The unit digit of a number ending in 3 or 7 is always 9. So, the unit digit of a square number is always 0,1,4,5,6,9.
  5. 5. Examples Number Square 10 100 20 400 Number Square 9 81 11 121 Number Square 12 144 18 324 Number Square 14 196 16 256 Number Square 5 25 15 225 Number Square 13 169 17 289
  6. 6. Practice Questions Q1. Square of which of the following numbers will have 1 in its unit place? 29, 25, 18, 31, 49, 52, 21, 55 Q2. Square of which of the following numbers will have 6 in its unit place? 24, 85, 13, 76, 54, 41, 58, 66 Q3. Square of which of the following numbers will have 9 in its unit place? 36, 23, 77, 84, 47, 53, 67, 22