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    Mentored by a King

    Mentored by a King

    by: John Benjamin

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    Mentored by a King

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    Mentored by a King


    Have you ever felt like a prisoner of a circumstance? Hopeless?

    Afraid? or in survival mood? Mentored by a king is written with

    You in mind, the information is extremely riveting, real and very

    passionate so that big transformation will take place within your

    soul, it also very practical and intuitive so that it can serve as acompanion, to help you navigate through life successfully. If you

    have lived for any period on the earth, there are times when you will

    face difficulties, and the challenges of life can be misunderstood and

    very unpredictable, how do you handle these tough times? What if

    you had someone who had all the answers that would take you by the

    hand and literally committing to never ever leave you? What do you

    do, when you face tough questions that need answers? Who do you

    call on? What guarantees that are reliable and trustworthy? Some of

    these and many more questions are imbedded within the contents of

    this book, and it is my goal that it serves to enlighten and give you

    a safe practical approach when facing a challenge or about make a

    decision. It is written for every one the husband, wife, single or young

    adult, older person, highly successful and underprivileged. After

    completing its contents you will experience the necessary courage,

    will power and reasons that will enable you to have the confidenceand commitment to apply the principles outlined. We live in a very

    insensitive, fragmented and chaotic world, and our daily decisions

    are the basis why we are, what we are and where are. It is my prayer

    that this book brings fulfillment from here on. In it, we hope you will

    unfold the true navigation system that is already built within you to

    travel and overcome the tough times in life.

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    Mentored by a King


    Chapter One.........................................................................The Gift of Life

    Chapter Two..............................................................................The Journey

    Chapter Three.........................................................................The Invitation

    Chapter Four...............................................................................Mentorship

    Chapter Five........................................................................No Failure Here

    Chapter Six................................................Show Me; Like Father Like Son

    Chapter Seven.............................................................................Acceptance

    Chapter Eight..............................................................................Role Model

    Chapter Nine..................................................................Repentance Process

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    Mentored by a King

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    Mentored by a King

    and sisters, with extra ordinary birth challenges, we all came here the

    same way, to emphasize the fact that as adults, each of us play a daily

    conscious or subconscious role in the results that we have achieved.In the various stages of life, somewhere along the path, from

    birth to death, you and I are in the spotlight, and are either conceiving

    a thought, about to make a decision taking an action, forming a habit

    that may yield a desired result. Therefore, we all live and die by the

    choices we make. As infants, we are controlled by others. As youth,

    we are influenced by peers and friends. As adults, we take charge and

    assume control and make decisions however we see fit.The foregone is really important because as you read on, you

    will find that even in all these disparities of life great treasures are

    discovered, the inspiration to achieve and to inspire is birthed on a

    constant basis, new industries and entities come to bear there is much

    hope and demands create desire.

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    Mentored by a King

    Chapter 2The Journey

    Without coveting others, those of us in societywho are inventors of entities, industries and things that

    make life better should be applauded and rewarded for the

    unselfish positive contribution to our community. There is

    that farmer all he knows is to plant and cultivate crops but

    also depends heavily on that special excavating equipment

    designed by some one in another country that he needs to

    clear new land to grow food that has to be harvested by

    additional equipment so that it could be distributed to the

    masses. The doctor who has studied medicine for 12 years

    and up but also depends on power plants to power up his newpiece of technological equipment that would provide help

    for that aged person with a rear traumatic health challenge

    and what about those who pursue careers in advance science

    and technology, that help us with communication systems

    that make staying in touch easier. I think of industries like

    Microsoft who has helped changed the way business ownersdo business around the world. In the natural sense we see the

    residual benefit that others enjoy by the end product.

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    Mentored by a King

    Therefore, it must be concluded that the true wealth

    of a society, is held within the minds of the inhabitants, and

    in any community where dictatorial restrictions are imposedon the people that force them to become co dependants on

    the self made institutions, is a society that is doomed to

    ruin; And in a society, there are problem makers and problem

    solvers, you are either a part of the solution or a part of the

    problem and that society, it is not the geographical location

    in which you live. In any community, individuals are more

    valuable than things, every product, as valuable as it is, isfirst in thought, then acted upon, overcoming obstacles with

    intent to benefit others will be rewarded. Wealth developed

    will be rewarded, and anyone, including you, who is willing

    to produce a tangible or intangible product that benefits the

    masses will be most certain be appreciated in one form or

    another. In the entertainment industry we see the rise ofcertain artist as they provide songs that appeal to the every

    day issues of life. Some talk about their own personal lives

    and some talk about others. The masses are hungry waiting

    and willing to reward you if you are sensitive to a specific


    In this book, you learn the principles of less selfthat will cause you to see life through the Kings eyes. Your

    purpose will be redirected away from self, to serving others.

    Your motivation will be enhanced when you commit to be

    instructed with His ideas and methods for behavioral change.

    In your own life, can you honestly say that others

    benefit from its purpose? Is it a shared dimension? The

    answers to these questions are held deep inside and most ofthese questions will be answered. Your value is necessary and

    needed. Your input is not wasted.

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    Mentored by a King

    Although we face many challenges in life, we should

    try to create solutions that will help others. With an

    outgrown attitude, the reality output is necessary forfurther generations. Lets say you had an option to live a

    thousand years on earth, would you make the decisions that

    you are currently making? Would they provide wholesome

    entertainment, leadership or inspiration? Your habits should

    be a desired duplication for others to follow. Is your language

    the choice words that shape a better future. The instructions

    intertwined therein are to extend an olive branch to you sothat you see life through the eyes of a King. and consequently

    become a protg.

    We live in a society filled with all kinds of backgrounds.

    Some of us are bred up in various geographical and

    cultural locations which eventually shape our thinking and

    lifestyles, and some times we are stagnated because of ourdeeply entrenched beliefs which are a comfort zone. Change

    then becomes necessary although it is not easy, because

    it threatens the comfort zone that you are used to, it is

    necessary for production because it is insanity to continue to

    do the same things and expect different results.

    Some of the changes necessary for real productivitymay be a change of environment, a change of relationships

    and a change of information, for example the things we

    hear and hang around on a continuous basis are extremely

    influential in the way we think the things we say and the

    decisions we make, seeing life through the eyes of a king is to

    see your self at a position of power and influence redefining

    the fact that you are not a victim of a circumstance but avictor in a situation, a person who has evolved to a position

    of power. We emphasize three main changes that are

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    Mentored by a King

    crucially important as follows

    ENVIRONMENT. Your environment can be a placeof pity, or potency, it is best be described as an incubation,

    as in the case of a seed planted in a nursery special care and

    attention is provided so that the seed receive proper nutrients

    in the soil, special lighting, water and time is allowed so that

    maximum reproduction take place, however, if that same

    seed is in an environment that has none of the above it will

    not develop, it is very remarkable that although the seed ispregnant with potential yet without the right environment it

    remains unproductive in its form so it is with you and your

    environment, what and who you hang around, influences your

    behavior dont think that your friends or what you allow to

    enter into your ears and heart do not influence you. Do your

    self a favor: Take heed what you hear

    RELATIONSHIPS. We will go into it in more dept

    later but we want to emphasize the importance of the quality

    of relationships that you keep, and we mean those who are

    closest to you as within your inner circle and then how you

    relate to others those who are in your outer circle there isa saying birds of feather flock together, or this one, show me

    your friends and I will show you where you are going or who

    you are, the people or places you keep company with define

    your future, it is risky business to keep close company with

    someone whose belief system decries the moral conscience

    of a great community or who persecutes the body of Christ,

    or is not supporting or helping you to become all that youcan become both mentally spiritually and physically fit

    The question is should I have friends? The answer is defined

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    Mentored by a King

    by the out come you want.

    INFORMATION. It is critical, it is the soundingboard that reinforces your belief system it is what others told

    you when you were young i.e. your parents or other trusted

    others, it is also what you hear on a continuous basis, some

    things that you hear just one time may not necessarily sink in

    your heart immediately but if you hear it over and over again

    you may debate it for a while or even agree with it and some

    how it could become part of your personality or style orbelief system. We will talk more about that later on as well

    Key point: We become a part of the environment cultivated around

    us, the relationships that we keep and the things we hear.

    Mentored by a Kingis about lifting you from whereyou are and getting you to become what you were destined

    to become, it is for the young adult who needs a sense

    of belonging and direction, it is for the middle age adult

    who is exhausted and have reached a place of real fatigue,

    for the individual overburdened by debt and needs relief,

    it is for that individual in prison surrounded by negativecircumstances and yet deep within their soul want a sense of

    belonging and acceptance, for those of you reading this book,

    congratulations, we believe that help has arrived, because

    there is a King willing to help mentor you on a path of real

    productivity and direction and with a change of behavior and

    the ability to make some adjustments, you will get to the real

    pinnacle of life where you will see and live your life throughyour Kings eyes and ideas, we will show you how to get there.

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    Mentored by a King

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    Mentored by a King

    Chapter 3The Invitation

    Hi! Welcome, at the end of the previous chapter we

    described ten of hundreds of millions of people who wouldbest described themselves as victims of a circumstance and

    it all became what it is because of a series if decisions made,

    in your own life do you wish that you had made a different

    decision about your spouse? Your career? A major purchase?

    what is it about you now that you wish you had not done

    or could have done differently, life is full of choices and

    every day we make one whether knowingly good or bad and

    every one with its own consequence, so the question is who

    are you? How do others describe you? What defines your

    identity? What is your true worth and value? We live in a

    complex society, some are categorized by race, color, ethnicity

    creed, some demonstrate a value system based on stereo

    types, standards, statistics, bank accounts, geographicallodging locations, influential positions of authority, yet

    all of these noble attributes are short lived and with all

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    Mentored by a King

    these disparities of life, how does one defined a person true

    value system? If this is not addressed and we advertently

    accept the foregone we could almost certainly or eventuallydeveloped assembly lines that create humans with no real


    Therefore a persons true worth and value cannot

    be defined by any outward tangible products but by the

    unseen capabilities held deep within their soul, historically

    it was asked what shall a man give in exchange for his

    soul? Another question, what shall it profit a man if hegains the whole world and yet looses his soul? in these two

    simultaneous rhetorical questions it seems to me that the soul

    factor (you and me) has advantages superior than the access

    or amalgamation of all possible tangible stuff put together,

    not saying that there is any thing wrong with the acquisition

    itself, but that the acquisition is not a stand alone barometerfor defining your true worth and value, then what is more

    valuable than the acquisition of the whole world? Before

    we answer that question let us review, so that the following

    statements will reinforce the importance the You factor, the

    question; what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world?

    seems almost redundant, because one could asked whatcould be wrong with such an idea and having all of it at my

    disposal would it not add value to me the answer could be

    yes and no but let us go on to the next question so that we

    will clarify what shall a man give in exchange his soul? it

    seems to me that the answer is within these two questions

    indicating that you could gain the whole world; all the

    money, the real estate, the banking and insurance institutions,technology and all the medical facilities combined the but its

    worth could not be used as an exchange for your soul which

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    Mentored by a King

    means that your soul has a superior value than all of the

    world resources put together combined.

    I know that I was repetitive here but I wanted todemonstrate to you as you read so that you understand the

    magnificence of the resources around you, yet your soul is

    more valuable and more important, all of the above resources

    are there for the service of mankind and not for man to

    serve it; when I discover that truth years ago it changed my

    view from a pitiful to a powerful state of thinking, the way

    you see yourself is critical it defines your attitude and youraltitude.

    In the third chapter we wanted to extend to you an

    invitation to the luster and lifestyle of a King and we did not

    care what your background, ethnicity, or race was, but rather

    we knew that there was something very unique and attractive

    about you that were far more valuable than things that moneycan buy.

    There are some things note worthy about a King he

    is described as some one in authority a ruler of a nation

    or state, a man who is supreme or highly successful in

    some field; when a ruler of a nation speaks his words are

    weighty even the tone in which he speaks is judged andevery word carefully analyzed, his words are generally

    spoken with authority and they affect the lives millions, when

    the president of the United States delivers the address at

    the state of the union almost every thing he says is about

    creating new industries in the coming months or years and

    some for life time. This is to show the power of the spoken

    word.I chose to title the book Mentored by a King

    because not only did I wanted to generate an interest to the

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    Mentored by a King

    masses but I also wanted to get you to see yourself being

    the one mentored by the King so that your life will go from

    where it is now to what it can become, if and when I chooseto be mentored by the King then I have an opportunity to

    visit with and observe Him however; for me to benefit, it will

    also require me to commit to some core values and principles

    in order for me to benefit as a protg. In the following

    chapters we will show some of the intuitive mechanics

    adaptable for real behavioral change. You will learn the

    language, the life styles and the legacies of a KingA proven historic statement that will demand your

    connectivity in order for you to reap the benefits as protg,

    and you will have to learn to deny yourself and follow the


    The invitation extended to you is to ask you to come,

    however it goes far beyond that, it is also identifying the youthat has been messed up and agreeing to be converted for



    In order to be mentored by a king the requirementsare two ways, you either have to be born into His family or

    go through the process of adoption, and although any one is

    invited the methods are the same.

    A historic statement would read like this except a

    man be born again he cannot see the King and even though

    this statement is scorned and laughed at by some we will

    explain some of the benefits later on, but it is worth notingand imperative that to be mentored by the king you have to

    be born again into the family or through adoption, in order

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    Mentored by a King

    words you have to be willing to become like an infant again

    so that you can learn some new things and thus experience

    a new outcome, the old you has failed miserably, we talkedabout being afraid and in survival mood and our opening

    statements, which were not meant to leave you exposed but

    to also provide a complete resolution out, and since many of

    you reading may not have been born into His family the next

    best option for you is the adoption process

    In order for there to be changes you must be willing to

    become as an adopted child so that you can learn thelanguage lifestyles and the legacies of the King

    The adoption process in our community has been

    established and regulated by local government agencies

    for the sole purpose of providing for the protection of the

    children involved, there are countless remarkable stories

    of both parents and children who have experienced greatsuccess through the complex intricate adoption process,

    and then there are those who have not. the purpose of this

    analogy is to show the qualitative similarity and outcome

    in the adoption process because some may be asking the

    question how do I get mentored by a King

    As you may be aware the adoption process is in place inour civil society, for the sole purpose of providing homes

    for children who need loving parents to care for them, for

    parents who wish to extend their families and for those

    cannot have children of their own

    In my own limited experience with others I knew s who

    were foster parents, I took note of some similarities even

    within this cross cultural phenomenon, meaning that therewere parents who adopted children from different races and

    backgrounds, and yet it is this uniqueness that make the

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    Mentored by a King

    process what it is, even though some of the adoption process

    may be for a short season, it was most gratifying for the

    parents I knew, some became very passionate about their newextended families with the ability to impart a part of their

    parenting skills to a child or children that needed parental

    care that they became very attached to them over a period

    of time that when the time was up to give up the child there

    was the painful emotional experience to part with the child, it

    was because of the physiological adjustments that had to be

    made, the emotional involvement in the child upbringing andthe comfort that the child or children experienced during the

    period of time.

    In fact there are countless case studies of parents who

    express tremendous joy and fulfillment they experience in

    being a part of raising and adopting children in some cases

    children from across racial lines who had already adoptedthe language of their own biological parents, but now in

    their new environment they had to learn new languages

    and behaviors that are critical in the adoption process, it

    important to take note, because it is all a part of the reasons

    why that emphasis is so important. In the adoption process

    the various adopting agencies want to ensure that the parentsare a good fit to nurture the children ensuring their safety

    through background checks, and sound environmental

    conditions. The local government agencies ensure that

    food supplies and low cost medical treatment are available

    throughout the adoption process simply because they want

    to ensure that the adoption process is well suited for both the

    parents and the children involved.It is important that we share this with you because

    we talked about being born again and it means becoming

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    Mentored by a King

    is influenced by its stratospheric view. You put this same

    structure in a valley and dwarfed by two mountains then its

    value changes. What you do and say in life is mainly becauseof your view or perception of life, and every day we have

    an option to either be miserable and cause misery or master

    the difficulties and help others because of our own personal


    What if you saw life from the kings view? Or what

    if you were the President of the United States for one day?

    What would you do differently about yourself today? Oneof the main reasons why we get frustrated is because of how

    we feel or perceive things and are out of control, but the true

    reality is always your perception, you can always do things

    differently you can walk speak or act differently in every

    situation. I am not saying it is always easily done, but it is

    doable. If my perception is what I have concluded it is, thenthat is what it is with me, whether I am right or wrong.

    Your true worth and value is never hinged on your

    socio-economic or biological background nor the ivy league

    to which you belong or on the mass fortunes bequeathed to

    you by your fathers but rather your true worth and value is

    coherent to the truth that has already been established waybeyond ancient history, when it was declared and recorded

    that we should make man in our own image and in our own

    likeness Gen 1- 26

    Mentored by a Kingis to bring you in relationship

    with yourself and identifying the real value attached to

    you and then bit by bit exposing you to that value system

    and elevating you to the place of supreme importance andchoosing to see and function in life through the eyes of a


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    Mentored by a King

    Value system one. You are a superior product

    The theory of a superior product identifies the need to see

    value and self worth for what it truly is, that we are allhere for the purpose of influencing and affecting others for

    the goodwill of mankind, that my words and actions are

    also of superior value and that they help make the world

    a better place to live in, that other human species around

    me have a shared destiny, whether they are aware of it or

    not, and because of its true definition my views actions and

    approach brings me to a higher place of service, positiveinfluence exertive compassion, temperance and restraint.

    Our community is largely appalled at the low expectations

    of people of influence in our community accused of some

    impropriety, because of the respect and honor that is

    rightfully designated to that person or position, think of

    some one in your own community who has been regarded asa person of influence and distinction i.e. an elected official, a

    rabbi, a priest, pastor or clergyman and was accused of some

    allegation, there is the immediate shock and wonder that

    races through our minds about whether the allegation is true

    or not and in some cases we hoped that it would not be true

    or that it had never happen it is simply because of our trustand expectation of such a person in such a position, so it is

    with you. Your demands and output dictate what you expect

    so if you have expected the status quo and are living for the

    moment and are a complainer or gossiper and have a defeated

    and miserably mentality, do you know that this is exactly

    what you are attracting? However, what if you decide to be a

    trail blazer? To inspire promote and help others to find truefulfillment and a great reason for living. I often read the

    biographies of great men and women who overcame the odds

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    Mentored by a King

    and went on to achieve and lived and exemplified life and

    influenced a path for others to follow.

    I introduced the concept of a superior product, andin the next few moments we will continue to emphasize the

    importance of harnessing that theory for what it is.

    Let me stress here that life does have its challenges

    but I have learned that because of my superior thinking,

    commitment and submission to my mentor I have learned to

    trust His discretion because He is trust worthy, it has been

    tried and proven that His promises are guaranteed and themore I submit to follow his advice counsel and guidance for

    my life, my confidence levels increases and I become more

    solution oriented that is why you are reading this book today,

    it is a result of my association with Him. so, no matter where

    you are at this time in life we want you to see your self as

    an important superior and valuable product not because ofacademic education or success that you have achieved but

    because of the original intent and design. You are extremely

    important to life.

    In the kings world there is plenty of room for you

    and can fit right in, in fact you can become first in line to be

    received considered and accepted and with great delight youwill find the grand welcome experience, your qualification is

    your acceptance not your birth place I may be repetitive here

    again but I am trying to make a significant point this book is

    written in such a way that you will leap frog from a mundane

    give up life to a more exciting journey toward achieving and

    becoming influential in your every day affairs responsibilities

    and relationships. I must caution you that if your image hasbeen tarnished by circumstance and you cannot see the real

    value attached yet lets continue on because by the close of

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    Mentored by a King

    this book you will.

    You must begin to see your self as equally valuable

    as the King himself for there to be lasting and permanentchange, that your worth and value is never measured in silver

    and gold or ethnicity, but on the ideals and intent of your

    maker, can you begin to feel the surge of power permeating

    deep within? Can you begin to see that real change is possible

    for you? When that truth is believed for what it is, your

    approach to life will have new meaning, your state, standards,

    taste and tolerance will go to new levels because your life isabout what your king wants, what He advises, you will find a

    level of respect self importance, excellence, virtue, positive

    influence, power, and the need to share that experience with

    others, the experience becomes very magnetized, there is

    new joy now there is an abundance of laughter your soul

    becomes lighter, not that there has been any physical changesbut there has been an extreme mental change, depression

    days are over in your world there is sunshine now, a new

    perspective, a new vision, a conquering spirit and more so,

    lasting peace, the things that money cannot buy.

    Please take note: your worth and value cannot be minimizedto any unfulfilled dreams or disappointments of the past.

    Remember these empowering words that we make

    man in our image and likeness the ability to conceive

    that thought and to give birth to it is a courageous act

    of discipline and self empowerment, that, in life you are

    supposed to win.

    From time to time life will be met with difficulties, roadblocks, set backs, defeat and danger but with a mind set

    engaged in submission and close association with your

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    Mentored by a King

    mentor you will be coached with the mechanics on how

    to navigate through the uncertainties, your hope will be

    ignited, your strength will be restored and new energy willthrive because He will not let you down, He has an eternal

    commitment and investment in you.

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    Mentored by a King

    Chapter 4


    Mentorship has its privileges. Have you ever seen

    the frustration on the face of a child at Christmas time with

    a gift that they were exited about but needs to be assembled?

    The instructions are usually enclosed all the pieces are in the

    box the end result is to have a complete working toy, but the

    frustration stems from the lack of knowledge or have you

    ever experience the same thing in your life when you have

    gotten frustrated about your own personal mismanagement?This chapter is filled with knots and bolts about you

    and how to take charge in discomforting situations when and

    where it seems that you are out of control that may not have

    been recognized.

    I want to start by with a historic ancient story about

    a young man who was informed by his father about hisinheritance that he would receive at the age of maturity to

    do, whatever hed wish, and he did, and at the age of maturity

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    Mentored by a King

    he took his inheritance and went about his life, and with a

    little mismanagement here and there, made some bad choices

    and became a beggar, this summation is the story of thelives of millions of some of our brothers and sisters living

    in our community, lives who have made the wrong turn and

    desperately needs help.

    The wrong decisions are themselves are the summation

    of wrong thoughts, ideas, and influence around that boy.

    I introduce the principle of influence and affect and their

    relevance in the lives of each one of us, on a daily basis. Life

    is choice driven, and we live and die by the choices that we make

    -Dr I V Hilliard.

    Every decision is influenced by something or some

    one and mentored by a King is really about retraining you

    to have the highest thought patterns about you, others, and

    everything that you do because your realities of life is reallyabout your perceptions, let us go on to imagine a world with

    no violence, stealing, adultery, murders, false witness, and so

    on. Let us reexamine the idea of having the highest thought

    patterns about you in a real life situation, because the reality

    is, you always have options at your disposal to execute, are

    they easy? not often always, are they achievable? With trialspersistence and tenacity you will experience a difference, Let

    us give a reference point, about a relationship in the context

    of husband /wife or girl friend /boyfriend let me caution that

    You cannot control another persons behavior, whether they

    are words or actions and therefore, you must free your self

    from that frustrating idea, however, what you can control

    is your reaction to it, yes, you have power over what you door say in reference to someone else misfortunes about you,

    as you read on, and study the information that we are about

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    to share with you, we want to emphasize that they are often

    contrary to popular opinions and beliefs but the results are

    achievable that is why we have put the information together.I chose the structure of family relations because it is one of

    the most complex issues today, although it is the nucleus by

    which our society and communities are formed, identified,

    and recognized even by major institutions like governments

    and other influential entities including insurance companies,

    educational and medical facilities, and so indeed, the family

    component is the fabric of our society, in the case of husbandand wife when the two becomes one; up to this writing this is

    still a mystery to me, but as I unfold it I recognize that there

    is so much to celebrate in this union, the idea of sharing your

    life with some one of the opposite sex is definitely a complex

    issue, but then it is also very rewarding because of the

    differences and compliments of fellowship, caring, sharingand the possibilities of reproduction of a second generation

    that is afforded in it, there are lasting and rewarding

    benefits that come from this union, I have made these small

    observations to bolster the reasons why so much has been

    said and written about family life, and yet this institution is

    under so much attack both from without, either by legislationinstituted and the right of free speech i.e. the ballot box,

    and from within, the parties in the union who subrogates it.

    In this situation we will attempt to do a little diagnosis to

    identify the real problems and offer some powerful techniques

    for bringing a measure of hope and reconciliation.

    For the sake of being specific let us address the parties

    in a legitimate relationship, the man and the woman, the manis supposedly the head of the woman and this has long been

    established to give rise to the man so that he will assume the

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    ancient history.

    His name is Abraham and rightfully so, known as the

    father of faith and father of us all, he and his wife were givenan intrusive promise that they would have children and that

    promise was initiated to them at a time when it appeared

    that they had biologically passed the age of having children

    of their own on, accounting that the woman was barren, so

    Abraham was faced with the challenge of dealing with his

    wife inability to have a child at that age, it was recorded that

    she had passed the age of child bearing.He had this intrusive promise of having a child with

    his wife, and when he communicated to his her, she laughed

    at the idea as if to say, that he was either crazy or had lost his

    mind about that thought, it was at that time he was inspired

    to initiate the language and attitude associated with that

    promise by beginning to call Sarah what she was going to be,although she was not. He had to see himself with the reality

    of the promise being fulfilled and enjoying it even though

    nothing had physically changed yet, because his feelings or

    emotions would follow his words.

    Key point: Your feelings always follow your words

    What would happen to Abraham is that, he would have

    to focus on the promise, rather than the problem, and begin

    by literally calling (saying) Sarah what she was going to be,

    as though she was, his attitude and language had to change

    both toward the promise giver and his wife, from feeling and

    being frustrated with her barrenness, to her bearing children,and to appreciate her for what she would become, this

    would allow him to express his energy on the possibilities

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    of the promise becoming a reality, than magnifying the

    impossibilities of the situation.

    This spiritual law must be applied in your situationand will work each and every time for the person willing to

    commit to obey Gods word regardless of the difficulties that

    you face, His spoken word is always pregnant with potential

    and the soil on which is falls, which is your heart, is the

    determine factor, that will allow its fruition, let us visit the

    text in question so that we can validate this truth. Romans

    4:17, As it is written I have made thee a Father of many nations,

    before him whom he believed even God, who quickeneth the dead

    and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Who

    against hope believed in hope that he might become the Father of

    many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy

    seed be. And being not weak in faith he considered not his own body

    now dead, when he was a hundred years old, neither the deadnessof Sarahs womb. He staggered not at the promise of God through

    unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God.

    Abraham had every reason and right to give up, even

    though He had a great promise, and you must understand

    that the promise he had, was the spoken word he had receive

    from God about his biological legacy, however, the naturalconditions he faced were very contrary to the potential of the

    promise, and in this situation, his wife verbal and biological

    situation appeared as a non contributing factor, He was also

    old, therefore, he could have accepted the natural situation, or

    he could have agreed with the promise giver, and as stated he

    chose to agree with the promise giver by ignoring the natural

    challenges and laying claim to the promise by giving glory toGod for it becoming a reality, despite of the circumstances.

    He staggered not at the promise through unbelief but was

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    strong in faith giving glory to God. This profound truth

    must be imbedded in your heart soul and mind if your

    are going to conquer the dark, disappointment, defeatedmentality that has so often plagued and poison your thinking

    concerning the promises made to you. It must be understood

    that all the promises of God are received by faith, that is,

    speaking agreeing and acting with the promise as though it is

    a reality.

    That true spiritual practical leadership phenomenon

    has been the hallmark in many board rooms in majorinstitutions and entities today, when it would seem that

    desires and dreams would be aborted, because of logic, and

    challenges they would have to be averted and rekindled for

    the sake of bringing them to life, even though it would be

    normal to accept defeat. That tenacity of faith, is what we

    hope, will be rekindled in you as you unfold the pages of thisbook because we will show how much of it is still residing in

    you at this very hour.

    We are talking about the attitude, words and actions

    you choose in any given crisis that you face, and the fact

    is, you are always in control of your behavior, and it is

    a reflection of who you are subservient to, we are allsubservient to some one, or a belief system that transposes

    our decisions, that is why we have introduced the concept

    that mentorship has its privileges, and are endeavoring to

    help retrain your thinking to believe that your tomorrows are

    a reflection of your conceptions today. Therefore we suggest

    that you evaluate your decisions about the finest detail

    about your life, to begin and identify the areas that needadjustments.

    There is a real you, that is a new you ,it is a refined

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    you that is not easily agitated by the mishaps of life, but

    being a superior product you have the ability to make a sound

    judgment with a definitive precision.Achieving results in any viable endeavor may be

    daunting at times, and can be very contrary to the norm, but

    the end result is usually applauded even by the naysayer, so

    it imperative that you find the will power and the tenacity to

    bring it to pass. The reality of the new you coming to pass is

    based on your submission and association to the King.

    Let us say you want to travel to a foreign countrythat you had never been to, what would be your first moves?

    Some of them would be, to make inquires about that place

    of interest, which could include getting information from

    someone that you thought had the information that was

    reliable, that would ensure a safe journey.

    Let us ay you wanted to learn to play an instrumenti.e. a guitar or piano you would make inquiries from some

    one you thought had the answers to some of your initial

    questions, and so it is with every other inquisition you might

    have, the fact is the principles are the same, you would

    inquire for results from some one who you thought was

    trustworthy, or knew a thing or two about what you werelooking for, because deep within, when it comes to making

    a decision to follow or get directions from someone who

    has gone that pathway you want, you have to be instructed,

    coached or mentored to get there.

    There are direct and indirect mentors, every one or

    every thing you listen to or whose drumbeat you dance to,

    could be an indirect or direct mentor or coach take heedwhat you hear, your life decisions whether big or small are

    largely influenced by what you see, hear, taste and smell,

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    which affects or influences your behavioral output, show me

    your friends and Ill show you how you are thinking. Can you

    begin to think of who your mentors are? If you have any orwho could be? Your habits and pleasures are a direct results

    of the people, places or positions that you associate with, let

    us take a look at the commercial industries for a lesson or


    In the wide open market place, consumers are eager

    to spend their money for things that bring satisfaction or

    pleasures, and as a result the advertising industries oftenfind well known popular persons that they can identify, that

    would showcase or endorse their products, so that they can

    create a certain emotional feeling with that product, so that

    it would appeal to the general public. The rule of thumb is

    if the public have a good feeling about that individual, then

    their product could be a success, but if that person had a badpublicity report they would be pulled from that endorsement,

    so that the company and the general public would be

    protected. Products get their market support by the popular

    persons that they can get to endorse it. That emphasis, is at

    the heart of your true self, and it mirrors your value system

    whether in business, career or family relationships, as thesaying goes, you cannot hang with turkeys and fly with eagles

    at the same time, and there comes a time when you may have

    to make an unpopular or controversial decision about your

    life for the sake of influencing and defending the moral good

    of humanity on a whole.

    Key point: Your mentor mirrors the future you

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    As I write this book I often think about the teachers, coaches

    and mentors who influenced my own thinking, and for every

    failed decision I made, I think of my wayward self and forevery achievement, I think of the persons who had a positive

    influence, we all live and die by the choices that we make.

    He was a fisherman and was introduced by a

    compassionate caring and committed leader whose mission

    was to empower the people that he would make contact with,

    and he tells Peter follow me and I will make you (train you,

    coach you, influence and affect you) to become fishers of men.How would; Peter go from fishing fish to be fishers of men?

    He had to be taught by the world most influential leader on

    the plight and need of humanity and hoped that they would

    accept change. Peter would become a fisher of men

    We are a product of the people or things that we hang

    around there is greatness in all of us and for some it takestragedy and circumstance, for others it takes tenacity and

    compassion, however the need of mankind is the same,

    generation after generation.

    In the greatest book ever written there are countless

    reference points about those who chose to walk in the

    shadows of great men and women and who themselvesbecame great, they lived in the same chaotic world like

    you and I, yet there lives were transformed and changed

    because at the height of the tumultuous controversy and

    contradiction they followed, observed, and characterized their

    decisions by a person or entity who had already achieved that


    Who are you being mentored by? Now may be acritical time to do an emergency evaluation about your

    future and identify the persons that must be eradicated from

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    your life, and begin to emulate and submit to true spiritual

    authority, those who may be able to guide you to a deep real

    and radical relationship with God, because the essence ofit all, is not so much that you become great yourself, but

    that you show some one else the path to greatness, with the

    understanding, that we are all here by design for the purpose

    of enriching the lives of our fellow man, and that is done by

    electing to serve in another mans ministry or mission

    Why should I become subservient to another persons

    vision? There are many ways to answer that question, wellhave a more detail answer to that question in a later chapter,

    but the essential powerful opportunity is that, you may learn

    the art of commitment and submission you would expect

    from those who would follow your example especially when

    it is not comfortable. Let us look at a great reference point.

    Luke 16: 12 If therefore you have not been faithful in thatwhich is another mans who shall give you that which is

    your own, I did not want to get ahead of my self here but

    I wanted to drive the emphasis that you must resolve your

    commitment to faithfully serve in another persons vision for

    the sake of getting promoted yourself, and the truth is we all

    have the time to do so.Although this book is written in Houston Texas we

    want to emphasize this important global principle, because,

    there are mentors throughout the country and around the

    world, if you are reading it outside of the USA there are

    spiritual mentors in your own community that you can begin

    to develop a relationship with, even those whom you had

    despised through your own ignorance and rebellion, now maybe time to reconcile and begin to reconsider your position on

    these important life changing principles.

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    You may be saying I am old and set in my ways and

    that may be true, you can still adapt to the change, because

    we shared with you the reality and the relevance of beingborn again and the conversion that takes place thus allowing

    you to learn new information that is life transforming.

    Another aspect of coaching can be found in your

    local library, there is a vast amount of intellectual treasure

    and wealth available in a local library and most require

    your reading time or your can subscribe to the minimal

    subscription available, which in most cases, it is actually free,you can actually just go there and understudy the authors

    of great inventors builders and visionaries, who despite the

    surmountable odds against them overcame their challenges

    and were able to set the trail for others to follow, that may be

    a great place to consider.

    Some of you reading this book may be confined toa prison cell and that means that there are demanding

    restrictions on your mobility, if within your confinement you

    are allowed to receive literature, you can request information

    from family friends or those in authority that may be granted

    to you, as you desire to find help in seeking to build new

    relationships, or if you have access to any media outlet thatare serving in real and radical spiritual matters you may be

    permitted to request information from them and can become

    transformed as you renew your mind for service within your

    confinement, because as you do, you will find that your will

    find courage and strength, and more so, you will begin to see

    the need to help somebody else, at that time you can begin to

    initiate a group study with others, and commit to these coreprinciples and watch your life change and then you will look

    back at how a small decision has blossomed into influencing

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    and affecting others.

    Then there are some who are out there in the free

    market place who need a sense of direction and purpose,this is where your life can go from the everyday beat down

    challenges of consumer survival to a life spring of beauty

    radiance and power with a strong determination that makes

    a difference. It will be reflected in the little things that you

    occupy your in, like being involved in your local church not

    just as a nominal member but as someone that can be counted

    on for volunteer service at will. And here is a real benefit toconsider, for those needing a why reason. Psalm 92:12-13;

    The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow

    like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house

    of the Lord shall flourish in the courts our God

    Mentored by a Kingis really about bringing out

    the best in you and the best from you so that those who reador hear about your life resume may consider, however, those

    who know your resolve might know how and what to do to

    overcome their own misfortunes, because life is really not

    necessarily what happens to you but how you react to what

    happens, which is based on your own perception, because

    what you do is always a reflection of who you are subservientto. It is important that you embrace the mantle to become an

    example of the believers in word in conversation in doctrine

    thereby displaying the light that shines as a beacon of hope.

    There is a powerful attraction about you, that has led

    the Almighty God to invest His own Son to offer an eternal

    sacrifice for you, your worth and value has an eternal destiny

    that warrants you looking at life beyond the immediatediscomforts of what to, or not to do, it is about becoming

    accountable to a leadership lifestyle that regenerates faith

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    that changes things, and unites family friends and builds


    The King for you, is to show you the new you that isdeep within, like the sea there is shallow water where humans

    swim and surf, and then there is the deep water where ships

    and submarines navigate, this analogy simply means that

    shallow waters cannot contain ships but deep waters can,

    this is what the King in you will be when you discover that

    abundance of power in you, because of your deepness you

    will have a compassionate caring and concern about the wellbeing of others, this is the new you, that is emboldened with

    power within, but is also subject to true spiritual authority.

    He was the greatest King who ever lived, but you

    would always hear him say I am about my Fathers business

    or he would say that I do the things I see my Father doing,

    your mentor is actually living the lifestyle you want, or he iswhere you want to get to, so it becomes necessary to practice

    his/her principles for purposeful behavioral change. This

    information is really about spiritual change so it important

    that we identify the scriptural verbatim that establishes this


    He that is of God hears Gods words, and why wouldyou want to hear Gods word, for two profound reasons;

    one; it has eternal value, and two; it answers your questions

    because your security in life is never hinged on the things

    that money can by but on the values initiated in His

    commandments and the real you is not what is seen through

    visualization but by the unseen characteristics invested at

    the initial formation of man. Have someone ever said to youyou dont know me. and that may true but you may want to

    debate that because the question is if I see you, how do you

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    say that you dont know me and the fact is our bodies are

    simply a house that shells our invisibility, which is the real

    you to which this statement holds true, 1cor 4; 18. While welook not at the things which are seen but the things which

    are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporal; but

    the things which are not seen are eternal.

    Therefore, it is safe to say that there is more about a

    person than what is physically noticed, which is the indelible

    reason, why a man should never be judged on the basis of

    his outward appearance, but on vast eternal investmentsforecasted even before he was made, only the maker of a

    thing can define its purpose. Until you truly agree with

    this truth, you cannot place the real premium value that is

    attached to man.

    His decisions are largely based on how he thinks, his

    thinking is based on what is right in his own eyes therefore,there is the need for him to be retrained to think differently

    about himself, in order for him maximize his opportunities,

    there is more about you that is not known than what is visual,

    the real you can be converted, renewed and adopted.

    When we talk about the real you which is not seen,

    we are talking about your spirit the invisible part about you,that capitulates life decisions, or your core value system

    which has been trained to think a certain way up till now, it

    is largely coherent to its environment which dominates its

    behavioral patterns, so therefore, what if I was willing to

    connect to new information that would necessitate change,

    because change is the product of human effort sustained by

    divine help (Dr I V Hilliard) and all men can change. Thatpneumatic view, is the sole reason why within the landscape

    of this culture there is so much hope within the circles of

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    Christendom, because we believe, that the moral fortitude

    that enrich our lives is the price we pay in our eternal

    freedoms entitled by the right to worship the Almighty God.When you begin to discover the new you, it is

    impossible to compare to the old, the new is filled with

    optimism opportunities and opulence, the old is mired with

    the corridors of complacency comparison and contention, it

    is to your best interest to get connected to the interest of the

    King, because when you do you will find faith purity family

    and a passionate caring for others that will display the truecharacteristics that make him what He really is.

    In the opening words of this chapter we started by

    saying that mentorship has its privileges, so what are the

    primary privileges you can expect to experience?

    1. A profound promise that He will keep his word,therefore he can be trusted

    2. A safe and secure pattern that will effect change

    3. Your view of others will not be the same

    4. Your dependence upon your King will not be


    4. A guaranteed plan of action that will yieldmeasurable results

    As you can see, the benefits of having a positive

    spiritual mentor far out ways the alternative because it

    brings you to a place of accountability and responsibility,

    because you can mirror your own life by the core standards

    in your mentor that are achievable, with the added ability tolift others from perishable predicaments, life is filled with

    mishaps, mistrust, selfishness, and fragmentation and there

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    is definitely a need to generate more mentors within our

    community, but the truth is not that there may be a shortage

    of mentors but that there may be a lack of true scripturallybased mentors that are brave enough to take the courage to

    lead in areas even across racial lines that bring new life and

    energy that benefits our society on a whole.

    This chapter cements the idea that we are not our own

    and that true power comes through association. Lets look

    at the reasons why some people form or become part of an

    organization, like a chamber of commerce, an Ivy league, asorority, or even gangs, because the thinking is that there is

    strength in numbers or that there is power in association,

    it helps identify the way a person thinks, therefore it is

    imperative that you align yourself with the one who not only

    has your natural interest at heart but more importantly your

    eternal destinationA scriptural spiritual mentor is a safe guide that will

    lead you in the way you should go, He or she is the mirror

    that foretells your future, he or she is a leader without which

    has no followers. He or she is a visionary that initiates new

    energy, and cultivates an expectation so that you can achieve

    your desired goal.Let us revisit Peter one more time again, and analyze

    his thinking, he was a fisher man that would turn into a fisher

    of men, he would have to learn every thing possible about

    that new vision initiated to him by the Messiah, therefore He

    would have to become a tentative student to the one initiating

    it, by observing and believing that it is possible to achieve. It

    meant that he would have to make some adjustments in histhinking, after all he knew how to catch fish as a profession

    crafted through experience, and I am sure that there were

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    times when he did not always experience a harvest, but now

    he would be introduced to this new venture, that he had no

    prior knowledge of.

    Key statement: You do not have to have all the knowledge of

    something for you to pursue and advance in that particular field.

    Even though Peters lifestyle was more ingrown

    and this new venture was quite the opposite, yet through

    conversion, adaptation, saturation and consecration hewould become the catalyst for change, not only his life but

    the multiplied millions of lives throughout past and present

    generations, weve seen how one man can make a difference

    and yes you can make a difference and we believe that the

    information in this book is to serve as an eye opener to see

    your value system to such level that you will begin to ask thequestion, where and how do I start.

    Mentored by a Kingis written to help you see your

    self as an instrument that can be molded for the purpose of

    being used by God so that when you have passed this life you

    will be remembered as one who made a difference.

    Let us read this ancient truth: A mans life consistethnot in the abundance of things he possess. As I unfold the

    secret truth in this, I found out that there are things about

    me that are beyond me, that my real life is not sustained by

    grits and groceries alone, and therefore it was worth the

    effort in finding more definition to this and evaluating what

    this other part of me is contained of and what it is sustained

    by.The reality is that you have no real connection to

    things, that they are tools for the use and service of man, real

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    value is best described by the one who makes it, if you can

    accept and go past that theory you will begin to realize the

    true value of your life and the potential investment in it, thatyou are a difference maker, that you can affect and influence

    others, that you are important, that your life has both

    meaning and purpose, these reinforcements are to help you

    not only see your self in all that powerful light but it helps

    you see children, young people, and others the same way, and

    that the Kings interest in you is to guide you to become a

    difference maker.Find a mentor and get as close to him or her as

    possible, listen, observe commit and support, even though

    you may not be able to get in their physical presence, you can

    be mentored from afar, and watch your change and evolve.

    Most successful people, even in the secular arenas, will

    ascribe praise to a person who helped them became what theyachieved, be it entertainment, sports, business, or career, it is

    simply because, when you associate with a person or an entity

    you are able to glean and learn from them.

    When you adopt that lifestyle change, every day that

    you wake up you realize the fulfillment that is afforded to you

    because of the other people whose lives you are able to touch,therefore your reasons for living is no longer what you can

    get today, but rather what you can give; For it is said It is

    more blessed to give than to receive.

    Today, you can make a commitment to be converted

    again, you are never to old or to young your mentor is

    already existing find him or her and when you do, get as

    much information you possible can listen to or read, becomeadaptable, your life will grow to new heights and new levels

    you will become king like because your true identity is kingship.

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    Mentored by a King

    chapter 5

    No Failures here

    I am writing this chapter so that in it, you will discoverthe underlying promise that guarantees your success. Have

    you ever considered a life without failing even though as you

    look around and in your own life you may have experiencednumerous failures! If I said that failure itself is all about

    perception, or as it is ordinarily accepted as a signpost to

    success. Do you believe that?

    I am going on a limb to suggest that failure itself

    is tied or connected to success and you may disagree, or

    you may be saying what are you talking about, you said nofailures here, and that is why this chapter is so important. I

    will give definition to what I mean.

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    Life has no real guarantees except what is

    implied applied, believed and applied therefore there are

    responsibilities on my part in order for me to get the benefit.Let us look at an example, you purchased an item from

    a retail outlet and the manufacturer implies that there is

    warranty to this product, but you must fill out a form so that

    the manufacturer can ascertain who the beneficiary to that

    guarantee is, so within a set period of time you must send

    the information in so that the manufacture can assign the

    guarantee to the product, having said that, do you know thateven though the manufacture has implied such guarantee, and

    you are entitled to one, it is of no effect to you except you

    follow the instructions, the guarantee is void even though the

    purchaser is entitled to one, until the consumer takes action

    and follow the specific instructions he cannot benefit form

    what is entitled to him.Let us look at another example; there are many

    prestigious acclamations for a person becoming a medical

    doctor, the prestige, notoriety and respect is worth noting,

    but until one chooses to spend time in medical training and

    develops mental focus, that benefit is not available to you. In

    order words without a full commitment in any thing for anything to anything you will have miserable results.

    Mentored by a kingpromises no failures here in

    principle and I have to go into my treasure chest and present

    you to the priceless pearls required to lay the foundation for

    what you are about to discover, these pearls are proven to

    work for whosoever is willing to work them, they are four

    pivotal reference points, I want you to take a hold of themand imbed them into your heart, mind body and soul. These

    four pearls are the key foundation for true success and with

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    a full commitment to these principles you should experience

    real success.

    1. This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth butyou shall meditate on it day and night that you may observe to do

    according to all that is written therein, for then thou shall make thy

    way prosperous and then thou shall have good success

    2. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the

    ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the sit of

    the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his

    law he meditates day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted

    by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season

    and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

    3. Therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life saying

    what shall ye eat or what shall ye drink nor yet for the body whatshall ye put on. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and all His

    righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

    4. Beloved, I wish above all things that ye prosper and be in

    health as thy soul prospers.

    Let us look at the common thread interwoven within the

    foregone, we see that success has been promised in each

    of the text, but for me to benefit. I have to do something,

    Blessed is he who heareth my word and doeth it, we said that

    there are no failures here and that may sound paradoxical,

    but it is not, because when we say that there are no failures

    here, we do not identify it to a person but an event, so if youfailed at something in the past it was not you who failed but

    the thing. If you look at it from that perspective it becomes

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    easy to restart your life where you are and begin fresh again

    as if to say you did not even experience failure at all, because

    the reality is every moment is a fresh new beginning.In looking at the four, foregone pearls we see that

    there are guarantees implied but in order for me to benefit

    I have to do some practical thing, and until I do what is

    required of me to do on a consistent basis the guarantees

    are void, however when they are performed we are saying

    that there are no failures here.

    We see the promises implied by the promisor but for itto be constituted to you, youll have to ensure that it lives in

    your being.

    In the first pearl we saw that the King tells the

    protg what he must do Meditate in the word day

    and night, and this is explained more in detail, but it is

    suggesting that the word of God becomes your internalcommercial consistently, in the second pearl we see that he

    is telling you do not have real close relationships with those

    who oppose righteousness, or who are not thinking along

    the same lines, in the third one we see that He is describing

    a person whose heart is established and the outcome and

    in the fourth pearl we see the ablaze to the one who iscommitted in righteousness, these compound truths are the

    bedrock within the fundamental body of Christ and works

    for the person who is wiling to work them

    Let us look at the practicality of what is implied to see

    how you could benefit, if you watch television lately there is

    something very rewarding for the producers, that is, they are

    able to capture the minds of the viewers by the value of thecommercials, they are in constant repetition, some are very

    funny I especially like the geico commercial, the point is, it is

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    played over and over again so that it forms an image in your

    mind about the validity offer, and in most cases it becomes

    what you generally accept as true or trustworthy,It becomes that through repetition, although you

    might not know any thing about their validity, yet you tend

    to believe it because of its repetition.

    Having established this let us see what it means in this

    context, because it is the fundamentals in this book, the King

    wants you to have what he has, wants you to see what he

    sees, and want you to do what he does, and so his languagehis lifestyle and his legacy has to be adopted in place of


    Let us visit Joshua, Moses was dead and the Israelites

    needed a leader so Joshua who lived in the shadows of

    Moses had to take the reigns in leading the people, all eyes

    is now on him, Moses had not completed the vision andthere could have been elements of frustration, therefore in

    order for Joshua to succeed he needed to demonstrate his

    commitment to spiritual authority, Moses is dead, so he

    could not depend on him however the vision had to go on,

    so therefore Joshua had to see himself just as Moses saw

    himself. The antidote for his success in leading the peoplewas to take the word of God at face value and play it in his

    heart and mind day and night like a commercial, until he

    saw himself becoming what was promised in the Word, it

    was where his strength would come, and it was what would

    establish his resolve.

    What happens to a person who hangs around

    something or some one you become it, like a commercialplayed over and over again you tend to believe it, it is so in

    your own life, the brands you pay for and wear, the music

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    you listen to and the neighborhoods you live or want to live

    in, it is primarily based on what you hear and believed, it is

    the reliance upon information you heard, and the testimonyof others stuck with you, and you acted on it and in many

    cases, in your life you are the end product of what you


    Joshuas success was tied to meditation in the book of

    the law day and night so that the profound reinforcements

    implied, would leap from the literacy and into his heart and

    mind and become all he was destined to become, and so it iswith you, what if you took the same commandment and do

    it, what would you become?

    Let us say that Joshua took the book of the law and

    did it for one full day and all day long but stopped. He would

    not be able to extend to the height or level that he could

    become which is hidden within the whole commitment.We see that there is a guarantee that he would succeed

    but we also see a requirement for that guarantee to take


    Let us look at another pearl. Blessed is the man that

    walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor sitteth in the

    seat of the scornful nor standeth in the way of the sinnersbut his delight is in the law of the lord and he shall be

    like a tree planted by the waters that brings fruit in his


    Again we see a guarantee implied but a requirement is

    necessary to bring it to pass, and often time your resolution

    may be to go alone until you can find others who believe

    what you believe, however the end result is always aboutpreparing you for the future. This text also gives you the

    picture of a tree bearing fruit, but the things to note is that

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    it is planted in nutritious soil that causes it to grow and

    blossom so that others can benefit from its fruit, although

    the fruit is what is enjoyed sometimes we fail to see what itis planted by.

    I said that there are no failures here, which is

    indicative of your full commitment to the foregone

    principles that will produce the desired results, you have to

    commit to it.

    Let us look at the third pearl Take no thought for

    your life what you shall eat drink or put o, but seek ye firstthe kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these

    things shall be added unto you, again we see the guarantee

    for fulfillment but a full commitment is required on your

    part so that you will succeed. This ultimate guarantee is

    instructing you to put your priorities right, that you make

    His business your business as a first priority, that His willbecomes your will, and the residue will be you will be

    provided for. I like to say it this way those things are already

    in the ware house with your name on it, you lay claim to it

    by your obedience.

    The fourth pearl indicates that your success or

    prosperity is surged when your soul prospers meaning whenyou meditate in the word day and night you become the

    power house of force that cannot be shaken. The prosperity

    of your soul is a matter of your responsibility, but as that

    happens you will have the language and will power to make

    the claim that comes through association and submission to

    your King.

    Let us see two reference points; One: He that believethon me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. Two:

    Therefore whoso heareth this sayings of mine and doeth

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    them Ill show what he is like, he is like a man who build his

    house on a rock and the floods came and the winds blew and

    beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon arock.

    Your life total fulfillment and success is definitely

    tied to your commitment and obedience to true spiritual


    Within the passages outlined, are forecasted promises

    of success implied by your

    King, but He requires you to execute them by yourallegiance surrender and obedience, therefore we cannot

    judge or desire another persons success by covetousness

    or jealousy but rather take your rightful place of true

    commitment and service in the Kings domain and let his

    word become the reality in your life, because he keeps his

    word, when you do, and teach others he will take you bythe hand, and say to you, well done thou good and faithful

    servant enter thou into the joy of the Lord Mat 25; 23

    He said Heaven and earth shall pass away but my

    word shall never pass away

    I know you want guarantees that are trustworthy, I

    encourage you to begin to see your life as an instrumentin the masters hand well equipped for service and as are

    a beneficiary of the commitments to righteousness as it is

    implied by your King, because in his kingdom there are no

    failures here;

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    chapter 6

    Like Father Like Son

    Mentored by a King, has many variations ofemotionalism, because of the contrast involved in the

    relationship, the Father is well advanced and knows it all,

    and the son has to be retrained to think like the Father; TheFather has to have compassion and patience with the son

    because of the ignorance and naive ness of the son, these

    ambiguities can be strenuous in the relationship for a while

    in retrospect to the Fathers expectation, you see the Father

    knows it all and the son has a road to travel, the training and

    adaptation process has to go on because the Father a vestedinterest in the development of the son, the son has to learn

    discipline through obedience.

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    Let us take a look at the relationship between Jesus

    and the Almighty Father and the teaching on prayer; In

    his teaching he says when you pray say Our Father tomean that you do have access to that quality relationship

    whether you are aware of, or function in its accessibility,

    that opportunity was not available to humanity in its full

    understanding prior to it being introduced by Christ.

    When he came to earth as the son of God the

    relationship was heavily guarded because of what he learned

    and understood about commitment, that as an example Hewas extremely committed to his Fathers will being done,

    even when there were extremely difficult request made by

    the Father; He faced the cross and asked that this cup passed

    but said nevertheless not my will but thine be done Let

    us look at the validity of the kind of relationship that was

    intact through this other story: The dead man sisters hadclose relationship with him, but that dead man who was

    their brother, was also a friend to him, they had heard or

    seen the many miracles that had taken place and so they held

    him accountable in part for their brothers death by saying

    if thou had been there our brother would not have died

    with their requisition at hand, and his commitment to thatrelationship they went to the grave where he was laid, and

    asked one of his sisters to move the stone , and at that time

    he says something very profound,

    Father I thank thee that thou has heard me, and I know

    that thou heareth me always John 11: 41b-42aalthough he

    was moved because of the relationship with that family,

    the emphasis here, is to highlight the magnitude of therelationship between the Father and the Son, when He

    said that I know that thou always hear me when I pray,

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    imposes the fact is that relationship was heavily guarded

    and protected by both the Father and the son, so that there

    would be no interference in the free flow of communicationbetween them.

    He was tempted on earth just like you and me, for

    example when he was reviled, persecuted, prosecuted,

    stoned, spat on talked ill will about he did not again but

    committed himself to him that judge righteously. It must

    be understood that this relationship had to be unequivocally

    secure in order that the request to raise Lazarus fromthe dead would be granted by asking, mentored by a

    King is written for the sole purpose of bringing you in a

    right relationship with God to the place where you will

    be elevated beyond the immediate discomforts of life

    and become a refuge to others. Your relationship to your

    heavenly Father is critical because of the people and placeshe wants to take you to, and believe it or not we are living

    in a chaotic world and great questions are only answered by

    those who are committed to the principles found in a right

    relationship with Him.

    Like Father like Son is really about identifying the real

    truth about you so that you can make adjustments in yourrelationship with your heavenly Father, through your local

    church with a full commitment to your Pastors vision. This

    chapter will also give illumination and definition about what

    contributes to certain behavioral patterns, why do people do

    the things that that they do, Let us look at this text: if you

    abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what

    ye will and it shall be done unto you.Herein is the antidote for lifestyle change and the

    results you can expect, in this text there is a firm promise

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    and a commitment by the father to you, however the sons

    lifestyle must be under the watchful guard of the word,

    (Gods Word) when you make that commitment, you willexperience an abundance of favoritism with your Father.

    At this point I want to emphasize the extreme

    importance of cultivating and developing that relationship,

    through a practical commitment to your local church

    because you may be reading this book and enjoying it but

    still feel you are on the outside.

    In the following chapter we will go into more detailabout the acceptance process but for now I want to introduce

    this grand invitation to you John 1:12 But as many as

    received him to them he gave the right to become the sons

    of God even to them that believe on his name, believe it or

    not this open invite is for all mankind and you can do this

    through the process of adoption as we described in theprevious chapter and you do not have to let any one talk you

    out of this grand opportunity of son ship, because there are

    many secret privileges afforded to you.

    You may have done some horrible things in the past

    but if you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive

    you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9I must recognize that it is vitally important that I

    accept responsibility to ask forgiveness for the things I did

    deliberately or through ignorance so that I can lay claim to

    that perfect opportunity of representing him in the earth,

    Like Father like son, this about bringing you in alignment

    with a pure relationship with your Heavenly Father because

    although he has certain high expectations he is not goingto condemn you, but forgive you so that you can reflect the

    beauty radiance and newness of living.

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    Let us look at this text: any man in Christ is a new

    creature old things are past away and all things are become

    new 2cor 5;17. I believe that there is someone reading thisbook and finding new hope because this is about a total

    reconnection to the real you.

    The fact is you were created and design to be in

    fellowship with your King and to radiate his glory in the

    earth because there is a false sense of belief that is chipping

    away at your true value system that are appearing as true

    that is? If, and when you can accumulate or have such andsuch you will be happy.

    Let me re-echo this again as have already been stated

    that we should make man in our own image and likeness that

    the reality is you are more like your Heavenly Father than

    you are displaying and that there is true greatness, beauty

    and power in you than you are aware of, a commitmenton your part to discover that reality will definitely be

    overwhelming. By design you are a supernatural being, there

    are some who would differ with that assertion, but I believe

    that because of my make up, and the reality is you are a son/

    servant to some one right now, just check your own fruit,

    however the purpose of this chapter is to illuminate theinvitation process so that you will make a quality decision

    once you are exposed to proper information.

    The foregone is about emphasizing the fact that you

    have a true living and eternal King who is ready to receive

    you, help you, and change you into the person you were

    destined to be.

    The real you has been created and designed tofunction at a maximum capacity with the ability to make a

    remarkable difference amidst your challenges thus bringing

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    others into discovering a real relationship with your king as


    By now you may be experienci