Projeto de Inglês (UFRJ)

Projeto de Inglês (UFRJ) Prof.: Carlos Peicy Texto I S C I E N C E Two modern gumshoes think they’ve solved the ancient mystery of the boy King’s untimely death By JEFFREY KLUGER and ANDREA DORFMAN The tomb of the boy King Tutankhamen created a sensation from the moment it was uncovered in 1922. One of the few royal burial chambers that survived the centuries relatively intact, it was by far the richest – filled with gold, ivory and carved wooden treasures, including what may be the world’s most famous funerary mask. But there was also something troubling about the way King Tut was buried – hints and omissions that suggested foul play. Tut was barely 18 when he died – young for Pharaohs, who always enjoyed the best nutrition and medical care in what was one of the ancient world’s most civilized kingdoms. What’s more, he is thought to have been the son of a controversial – in some quarters, hated – leader, which would have made Tut controversial too. But more than anything it was the state of the boy’s tomb – its diminutive size, its unfinished condition – hat suggested he had died unexpectedly. All of this raised suspicions that his demise may have been an unnatural, even violent one. And now a new case is being made that supports those who have long surmised that he was, in fact, murdered. TIME Magazine. RESPONDA ÀS QUESTÕES 1 E 2 EM PORTUGUÊS, COM BASE NO TEXTO I. Questão 1 Que objeto encontrado no túmulo de Tutancâmon tornou-se muito conhecido? _____________________________________________________________________ _____ Questão 2 Como é caracterizado o pai de Tutancâmon? _________________________________________________________________ _________ RESPONDA À QUESTÃO 3 EM INGLÊS, COM BASE NO TEXTO I. Questão 3 Find in the text: a) a synonym for the word ‘death’; _______________________________________________ b) the complete expression that describes the place where Tut lived.

Transcript of Projeto de Inglês (UFRJ)

Page 1: Projeto de Inglês (UFRJ)

Projeto de Inglês (UFRJ)

Prof.: Carlos Peicy

Texto I

S C I E N C ETwo modern gumshoes think they’ve solved the ancient mystery of the boy King’s untimely death


The tomb of the boy King Tutankhamen created a sensation from the moment it was uncovered in 1922. One of the few royal burial chambers that survived the centuries relatively intact, it was by far the richest – filled with gold, ivory and carved wooden treasures, including what may be the world’s most famous funerary mask. But there was also something troubling about the way King Tut was buried – hints and omissions that suggested foul play. Tut was barely 18 when he died – young for Pharaohs, who always enjoyed the best nutrition and medical care in what was one of the ancient world’s most civilized kingdoms. What’s more, he is thought to have been the son of a controversial – in some quarters, hated – leader, which would have made Tut controversial too. But more than anything it was the state of the boy’s tomb – its diminutive size, its unfinished condition – hat suggested he had died unexpectedly. All of this raised suspicions that his demise may have been an unnatural, even violent one. And now a new case is being made that supports those who have long surmised that he was, in fact, murdered.

TIME Magazine.

RESPONDA ÀS QUESTÕES 1 E 2 EM PORTUGUÊS, COM BASE NO TEXTO I.Questão 1Que objeto encontrado no túmulo de Tutancâmon tornou-se muito conhecido?__________________________________________________________________________

Questão 2Como é caracterizado o pai de Tutancâmon?__________________________________________________________________________RESPONDA À QUESTÃO 3 EM INGLÊS, COM BASE NO TEXTO I.Questão 3Find in the text:a) a synonym for the word ‘death’; _______________________________________________b) the complete expression that describes the place where Tut lived.___________________________________________________________________________

Texto II

Music SOUND DIDN’T ALWAYS TRAVEL at the speed of light. A century ago, every people and every place had distinctive musical idioms, crafted and passed down from generation to generation. That was before the planets circumference was shortened to a shout´s distance by radios, recordings, transistors, satellites and the Web. As the decades passed, some traditional genres mutated, hybridized and spread like viruses. Many others were left for dead on their home soil. In the United States, where the descendants of African slaves dreamed up jazz and the blues, sounds emerged that would conquer the world. A fewreturned home transfigured. In the 1960s, for example, a British quartet in love with Chuck Berry and Little Richard reinvented American music. Before the Beatles, “rock and roll” was a phase the world might eventually have outgrown. Afterward, rock was the mainstream.


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Questão 4O que caracterizava as expressões musicais há cem anos?___________________________________________________________________________Questão 5Qual foi a dupla contribuição dos Beatles para o “rock and roll” ?___________________________________________________________________________

Texto IIINot long ago, mentioning Brazil conjured images of street children or mountains of

foreign debt or, at best, a lady in a tutti-frutti hat. For all the world knew, or cared, Brazil was just another big, affable Latincountry – Mexicoon steroids – tucked away somewhere below the equator. Even some heads of state seemed clueless. “It’s nice to be in Bolivia,” Ronald Reagan told an audience on his first state visit to Brazil in 1982. His hosts took it sportingly. “The people of Bolivia welcome the president of Canada,” read the next day’s newspaper. But beyond the gaffes and guffaws was a major hole in the mappamundi of the Western mind.

No longer. Though the number of foreign tourists to Brazil has increased only modestly in the past several years, Brazilians – or Brazilian culture – now reach nearly every corner of the world. Forget Gisele or Ronaldo, who are well on their way to becoming universal properties. Whether it’s the caipirinhas flying off the bar at Sushi Samba in lower Manhattan, samba diva Elza Soares bringing down the house at London’s Jazz Café, capoeira classes in Toronto or the sun-kissed sylphs dominating catwalks from Milan to Guangzhou – almost anywhere you turn, there’s a bit of Brazil in the air.

RESPONDA ÀS QUESTÕES 6 E 7, EM PORTUGUÊS, COM BASE NO TEXTO III.Questão 6Cite duas imagens às quais o Brasil era associado no exterior.___________________________________________________________________________Questão 7O primeiro parágrafo menciona um incidente ocorrido com um ex-presidente americano em 1982.a) Qual foi o incidente?_______________________________________________________b) Qual foi a resposta dada por um jornal? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TEXTO IVWhat Is Time, Anyway?

Saint Augustine of Hippo, the famous fifth-century theologian, remarked that he knew well what time is – until somebody asked. Then he was at a loss for words.

Because we sense time psycholo-gically, definitions of time based on physics seem dry and inadequate. For the physicist, time is simply what (accurate) clocks measure. Mathema-tically, it is a onedimensional space, usually assumed to be continuous, although it might be quantized into discrete “chronons,” like frames of a movie.

RESPONDA ÀS QUESTÕES 8 E 9, EM PORTUGUÊS, COM BASE NO TEXTO IV.Questão 8Com base no Texto IV, diga como o conceito de tempo é definido:a) pela Física; _______________________________________________________________b) pela Matemática.___________________________________________________________

Questão 9Por que as definições da Física e da Matemática nos parecem áridas ou inadequadas?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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UFRJ 2009

TEXTO IAid With Less Baggage


The last thing you’d probably expect to see a Malawian drought victim do is whip out her ATM card and pull cash out of a machine. But that’s exactly how some aid recipients in this beleaguered African nation now receive their monthly entitlements. […]

It’s a novel development idea that’s catching on around the world. Until recently, most of the world’s relief aid came in the form of material goods like food, water, blankets, medicines or building materials, delivered by international staff that parachute into disaster areas, or local NGOs funded by rich donors. But in recent years, as the nonprofit world has increasingly come under fire for inefficiency, mismanagement and even corruption, there has been a push for new strategies. Cash aid, which has been delivered to about 100,000 aid recipients in countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Ethiopia via pilot programs, is one of them.

The idea behind cash aid is to cut the cost of aid delivery, reduce opportunities for corruption and theft of goods, and empower aid recipients by giving them more control over their own well-being. […]

(Newsweek, June 11, 2007: 35.)

COM BASE NO TEXTO I, RESPONDA ÀS QUESTÕES 1 E 2 EM PORTUGUÊS E À QUESTÃO 3 EM INGLÊS.Questão1No que diz respeito à maneira como a ajuda humanitária internacional é implementada, explicite:a) o procedimento convencional;________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________b) o procedimento inovador. ___________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________Questão 2Cite dois problemas que esse novo procedimento visa evitar. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Questão 3Transcreva do texto os termos que foram substituídos por:a) “their” (linha 3); ___________________________________________________________b) “them” (linha 12). __________________________________________________________

TEXTO IIA decade ago, the globalization of commerce promised to be a boon to low-wage

workers in developing nations. As wealthy nations shed millions of jobs making apparel, electronics, and other goods, economists predicted that low-skilled workers in Latin America and Asia would benefit because there would be greater demand for their labor – and better wages.

In some ways, globalization delivered as promised. But there was an unexpected consequence. As trade, foreign investment and technology have spread, the gap between economic haves and have-nots has frequently widened, not only in wealthy countries like the U.S. but in poorer ones like Mexico, Argentina, India and China as well.

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Many economists now say that the biggest winners by far are those with the education and skills to take advantage of new opportunities, leaving many lagging far behind. Incomes of low-skilled workers may rise, but incomes of skilled workers rise a lot faster.

(, access on Sep. 8, 2007)

COM BASE NO TEXTO II, RESPONDA, EM PORTUGUÊS, ÀS QUESTÕES 7 E 8.Questão 4O processo de globalização prometia benefícios aos países em desenvolvimento. Identifique:a) a parcela da população que seria especialmente beneficiada;_______________________

_______________________________________________________________________b) os benefícios esperados.____________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________Questão 5Que situação não prevista o processo de globalização acabou gerando?__________________________________________________________________________

Texto III20 Ways to Get and Stay Happy

As experts gather to explore the techniques for achieving peace and happiness at the 2nd International Conference on Happiness & Its Causes, TIME looks at proven ways to find more joy in life.

Trecho ASurvey after survey shows that people with strong religious faith — of any religion or denomination — are happier than those who are irreligious. David Myers, a social psychologist at Michigan’s Hope College, says that faith provides social support, a sense of purpose and a reason to focus beyond the self, all of which help root people in their communities. That seems reason enough to get more involved at the local church, temple or mosque. For the more inwardly focused, deep breathing during meditation and prayer can slow down the body and reduce stress, anxiety and physical tension to allow better emotions and energy to come forward.

Trecho BWhether it’s getting comfy with a Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel, dancing at a Japanese Obon festival or scarfing down a hot dog at Coney Island, embrace your culture. Appreciating one’s culture creates and strengthens bonds with others who share that culture and also allows one to identify and appreciate cultural difference. A recent study showed that adolescents of Mexican and Chinese ethnicity maintained feelings of happiness despite daily stress when they had a strong sense of cultural identity.

Trecho CStop putting off seeing the aurora lights, warming up in the hot springs of Greenland or learning a new instrument — just do it. If you often do one thing that makes you happy, then try another. Psychologist Rich Walker of Winston- Salem State University looked at 30,000 event memories and over 500 diaries, ranging from durations of 3 months to 4 years, and says that people who engage in a variety of experiences are more likely to retain positive emotions and minimize negative ones than people who have fewer experiences.

Trecho DGo ahead. It won’t hurt you. It might actually make you happier, too. Based on the psychology that a person feels whatever emotion they are acting at the moment, you will probably feel better if you smile. To avoid what is called cognitive dissonance, in which our thoughts and actions don’t match up, our minds react to the change in our facial expression to bring our beliefs in line with our behavior. And, like laughter, it’s contagious. If you smile, chances are that those around you will too.

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COM BASE NO TEXTO IV, RESPONDA EM INGLÊS ÀS QUESTÕES 6 E 7.Questão 6De vinte sugestões para ser feliz, tema de artigo da revista TIME, foram selecionadas as quatro que compõem o texto III. Dos títulos elencados a seguir, identifique aquele que corresponde a cada trecho.

SmileMove Your BodyLaugh BigIdentify With Your HeritageUse a Happy Memory as a GuidePlay the Part of an OptimistTry New ThingsNurture Your Spirituality

Questão 7Transcreva do texto a palavra que corresponde a cada um dos seguintes termos:a) do trecho A – cut down (on); ________________________________________________b) do trecho B – ties; ________________________________________________________c) do trecho C – expected; ___________________________________________________d) do trecho D – indeed. ______________________________________________________