project UNITE - Intro Presentation

Melisa Le Rue and “Be the change, you want to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi project


a global initaitive to UNITE people through music.

Transcript of project UNITE - Intro Presentation

Melisa Le Rueand

“Be the change, you want to see

in the world.”~ Mahatma Gandhi


Half Filipino, half British and culturally inspired, Melisa Le Rue is a singer song-writer whose style is uniquely intriguing and soulfully enriched. Her music lies at the crossroads of Liberal arts and Soul. Beautiful, charismatic, quirky and powerfully driven to express herself through her music. With all that is going on around the world, from war to political battling, Melisa came into her creative space and started writing. At the end, a song was written based on a simple yet powerful notion, UNITE. This message evolved and became something greater than the song, a movement, a global initiative to UNITE people through music, with UNITE the song leading the movement in message that we are all one human race.

Mel i sa Le Rue

UNITE is a great song that calls for us to celebrate each other as one human race and to see how that there’s no difference between us in that one significant bond we all share.

We are excited about having one of the worlds most harmonic and powerful voices featured on UNITE. This journey in creating a message that celebrates unity, life and happiness took a very emotional turn the day of the recording in Johannesburg, South Africa. The great vibes that filled the room from all in attendance to the prayer that took place right before the recording that filled the room with such an amazing spirit.

We always knew we had a great song, now, we know we have an amazing song that will touch the hearts of many people around the world and filling them with an amazing positive spirit.

Recording day: m3 Studios at the SABC withMelisa Le Rue, Jus Rolle and the Soweto Gospel Choir.

The song UNITE by Melisa Le Rue will inspired many things, and one of the first inspirations to develop is project UNITE. project UNITE is a platform to bring people together through music, starting at the educational level. Our goal is to use music education as an avenue in a unique way to connect different groups of students from around the world to each other through live video conferencing and online communication videos, that allow students to learn from one another, teach each other about their cultures and music. Nelson Mandela has said “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.” We are driven by that and believe that if the opportunity is there for the youth of the world to learn more about other cultures, we can start to erase the ignorance, misconceptions and fear of the unknown.

We’re starting off slow and have partnered with one school in the Bronx, NY as well as working with an organization in South Africa to be the first of what we hope to be many connections around the world.

project UNITE doesn’t just end there, we are equally excited about producing great live concerts and other musical and entertainment platforms that will bring people together through music, building and restoration projects.

What is project UNITE?


“Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.”

~ Nelson Mandela

S o u t h A f r i c a

One of the many amazing things to come from our trip to South Africa in addition to recording a great song is visiting Nkosis Haven. This organization houses HIV mothers and their children as well as children who are orphans.

Our goal at Nkosis was simple, to meet and greet with the organizers and children for the first time and get to know a little about them, with hopes to work with them in the future. We had no idea that we would walk away with our hearts full and the burning desire to return stronger to provide assistance to help the needs of the organization and to have Nkosis Haven as one of the first groups of students that we bridge the gap to the students in the Bronx, NY.

The spirit of life and the honest thought that, despite what they have been through, they are blessed and thankful. We left that day knowing that our responsibility, not only to the children of Nkosis Haven, but, to the children around the world is to provide the opportunity and educate them to learn about each other and bridge that gap between cultures so in time it erases ignorances, fear and the unknown and provides a white canvas for the many beautiful colors of the world to paint a picture of unity that is created hand and hand, from generation to generation.

S o u t h A f r i c a

100% of the mothers at Nkosis Haven are HIV positive, over 40% of the children are HIV positive, over 60% are orphans... Yet, the children there taught us how to smile.


micheck™ entertainment is a very small company with global ideas. At the beginning of our planning for South Africa, we set out to drive a lil promotion on our trip. I used one of our banners for my Facebook billboard image and as the days went by, more and more people started to tag themselves on my banner and use it as their banner as well. They loved the bold message of UNITE and wanted to be a part of it... I thought, if people naturally felt this desire to be a part of something that calls for everyone to be UNITE and come together through music, imagine how facebook and social media can explode with this message if we were able to get the message out to the masses. Imagine how we can start to erace the ignorance, misconceptions and fair of the unknown.


the symbol of music lovers worldwide.