Project TAKEN Newsletter

TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH Where to begin? Perhaps it’s best to start by making you aware of how your support has impacted missions training and the mission field this year. What a year 2014 has been for our family and this ministry. We knew we were making an impact in the safety and security of our missionaries. However, it wasn’t until we sat down and started mapping out the “fingerprint” of this ministry on a globe that we discovered the amount of territory our missionaries have traveled to with the courage and wisdom of making the right decisions on the battlefield. As we began to highlight the various countries we have trained missionaries to step into, we saw over half the countries of the world light up. This was humbling to say the least. Especially considering how this entire thing was birthed from a burden we had for two missionaries sitting at our dining room table over 8 years ago. One of the most important factors in all of this for us has not been the number of missionaries we’ve trained, or how many countries we’ve reached. Rather its finding a way to radically redefine the mission field by imparting courage through the marriage of wisdom and grace. Incredibly, we are finding this isn’t only being applied in foreign lands, but right here at home as we watch our missionaries unlock victory in their own lives and circumstances as they take ownership of the authority they have been given as a sons and daughters of the living God. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of haven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heavenMatthew 16:19



Transcript of Project TAKEN Newsletter

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Where to begin? Perhaps it’s best to start by making you aware of how your support has impacted missions training and the mission field this year. What a year 2014 has been for our family and this ministry. We knew we were making

an impact in the safety and security of our missionaries. However, it wasn’t until we sat down and started mapping out the “fingerprint” of this ministry on a globe that we discovered the amount of territory our missionaries have traveled to with the courage and wisdom of making the right decisions on the battlefield. As we began to highlight the various countries we have trained missionaries to step into, we saw over half the countries of the world light up.

This was humbling to say the least. Especially considering how this entire thing was birthed from a burden we had for two missionaries sitting at our dining room table over 8 years ago. One of the most important factors in all of this for us has not been the number of missionaries we’ve trained, or how many countries we’ve reached. Rather its finding a way to radically redefine the mission field by imparting courage through the marriage of wisdom and grace. Incredibly, we are finding this isn’t only being applied in foreign lands, but right here at home as we watch our missionaries unlock victory in their own lives and circumstances as they take ownership of the authority they have been given as a sons and daughters of the living God.

“I will give you the keys to the kingdom of haven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be

loosed in heaven” Matthew 16:19

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In November we trained a missionary couple with five children who are moving to Djibouti in 2015. Their ministry consists of the husband sneaking into

Somalia in order to raise up pastors that will run the underground church. For months his wife stayed awake at night as she played out every imaginable worst-case scenario in her mind. The fear was consuming her to the point she didn’t want her family to go. We were able to spend three days with them. At the end of their training she was completely set from the fear. She physically felt it lift off of her body. She saw her husband overcome situations with us that she didn’t think he was capable of handling and became confident in his ability to stay safe. And now they are courageously stepping into new territory.

“In all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:37

What ‘s ahead? We strongly believe 2015 is a year of promises and visions fulfilled. We believe it’s a year of new revelation from God in how we can provide solutions and creativity in navigating the Great Commission through training. One of our biggest visions has been to obtain a piece of land that we could conduct every facet of safety and security training possible, and a place missionaries can retreat and be ministered to. We have found that land! It is 196 acres just outside of Redding that has the capacity to run advanced missions training and serve as a place of complete rest and refilling for our mission teams. Additionally, it supports room for growth. We are currently raising the funds necessary to purchase this piece of land and immediately begin hosting training programs and mission retreats. We have set up a private viewing for you to see more details on this property and the vision we have for it in a separate attachment.

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Email: [email protected]


1095 Hilltop Dr Suite 245

Redding, CA 96003

For us, and our missionaries, there has always been a delicate balance of raising awareness and support for Project TAKEN while remaining discrete in “who” we train, “what” we train, and “where” we go. So often, given the nature of the work our missionaries do, we don’t get to share the details, because it could have very serious repercussions on the work they are trying to accomplish, as well as ours. With that being said, we thank you for your unyielding support and trust in us to steward well the resources we have been given, even when we can’t share every testimony and circumstance. And, we say thank you to those we have trusted with the things the rest of the world cannot know. We love you all massively. TO THE ENDS OF EARTH

In Him,

The Gamble’s

“The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but

victory rests with the Lord.” Proverbs 21:31