Project Reprt Shray

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  • 7/30/2019 Project Reprt Shray


    Lavasa ProjectThe CAG view and MOEFs stand

    In the light of Lavasa controversy, we have taken the endeavor to find

    out the main causes of the dispute and identify the stand of various

    parties involved, namely, the business, the government, the political

    environment and the society at large. In this report, I would like to

    highlight the governments stand by the findings of the Comptroller and

    Auditor General of India (CAG) and the actions taken by the Ministry of

    Environment and Forests (MOEF) and there implications.

    Lavasa Project Overview

    Lavasa is a private, planned city being built near Pune. A 25,000 acres

    (100 km2)

    or 8,000 acres (32 km

    2) project being developed by HCC, this

    as-yet-incomplete city has been controversial for multiple reasons

    including procurement of land, harm to the environment, and loans

    acquired through political corruption. In late 2010 the Indian

    Environment and Forests Ministry ordered that construction cease

    because the project violated environmental laws. As of late 2011, this

    order has been rescinded, but the project's scale may have been

    reduced and an IPO may not occur.

    CAG Report

    Claiming that the Lavasa project was driven by private interests rather

    than the public one, the CAG report said that expression of interests

    were not invited by the government for the development of Lavasa,

    thus made the process non-transparent. The report also stated that the

  • 7/30/2019 Project Reprt Shray


    government had planned to develop all the six hill stations in Pune and

    not considered the other hilly areas in the state, thus proving that the

    development was in the interest of the developer. The report stated

    that Lavasa had purchased the 22.47 hectare land at Mugaon village

    from four tribals, when acquisition of tribal land was not permissible

    legally. Slamming the government for the irregularity in issuing

    environment clearance to the project, the report said: The

    government avoided clearance from the ministry of environment and

    forests (MoEF) on the grounds that the development would not be

    beyond 1,000 meters. But looking at the huge ramification in terms of

    eco-sensitive area on which it was being developed, a MoEF sanction

    was a must.

    MOEFs Stand

    The MOEF ordered the construction cease because no environment

    clearance from Centre was taken. Since the area is rich in

    environmental resources and cultural heritage of the tribals, this cease

    was said justified. Also, one more reason was the misinterpretation of

    the MOEF directives by the environment department. This cease was

    enforced in late 2010.

    By 2011 end, the MOEF gave the go ahead for Lavasa under certain

    restrictions, such as-

    1.Stopping the hill cutting activities2.Building sewage treatment plant3.CSR initiative for the displaced villagers

    This move has been seen as the result of political pressure on MOEF.

  • 7/30/2019 Project Reprt Shray
