Project Report Commented

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  • 8/6/2019 Project Report Commented



    In the present day,almost all organizations, businesses and many individuals have websites. With the

    advent of E-commerce, most of the businesses have shifted their service transactions online. This

    involves secure transmission of confiden tial information over the internet. In general HTTPS( Hyper

    Text Transfer Protocol Secure ) which is a combination of HTTP and SSL/TLS is used for carrying

    out such secured transactions and communications. But in reality, the web-services and HTTPS are

    vulnerable in some way. This project aims to provide some details of the complex HTTPS protocol

    and its vulnerabilities using the MITM (Man in The middle ) attack and means to protect it. In the

    project we make use of freely available tools like Wireshark, dsniff, ssldump, DecaffeinatID, Packet

    Builder, SSLstrip on different operating systems like Windows and Ubuntu. The scope for further

    improvement could be to develop more secure protocols and better security measurements.


    Since the widespread reach of the internet many businesses and organizations have thought of

    reaching( extending their services) to their clients using Internet as an important medium. In the

    present day it is easy to configure and manage a website. The cl ients access the websites using easy

    to use web browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Firefox. But the mechanism and the

    underlying software implementation are very complex. HTTPS which is a client/server application is

    the protocol which has been used to provide secure communication for many years now. HTTPS

    refers to the combination of the application layer HTTP and transport layer SSL/TLS to implementsecure communication between the web-browser and web-server.

    SSL was first implemented by Netscape for their Netscape navigator web browser in 1994. Since

    there were many security flaws in the second version SSL 3.0 was developed.Later the Internet

    Engineer Task Force (IETF) standardized the TLS protocol (which is very much similar to SSL

    protocol) to be used as the transport layer protocol with HTTP for secure communication.

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    Implementat onof Hack ng HTTPS


    usesHTTPSand inorderto test thevu

    nerabilitiesofHTTPSwecreatedaGmail id


    email-idhave thefollowingdetailswhichareusedfortestingpurpose




    Inordertodecrypt theHTTPSmessagesusing theMan-in-the-middle-attackwehave tofollow the



    1 Arpspoofing Using thearpspoofcommandfrom thedsniffpackage spoofthe ip-addressoftheGateway

    routertobeat theMacaddressofthehackersmachine This isdone inordertoattain

    all themessagesfrom the target machine to therouter

    Openanew terminal anduse thecommand

    sudoarpspoof i interface t target ip-addressgateway ip-address

    After running this command

    the hacker machine will keep sending ARPreplies to the target

    machine telling the Gateway IP is at thehackersMAC addressThe target machinebelieves this

    andupdates its ARPcacheandwill thensend itsInternet traffic to thehackersmachine insteadof


    Comment [v1]:Hadingnotperfect orgram


    Comment [v2]:Formationnotperfect

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    2. IPFowarding-This isdone inordertoput thehackersmachine inforwardingmodeortomakeit act asarouter.Thereceivedpacketsareforwarded to thegatewayforfurtherrouting

    and the

    target machinedoesnot noticeanydifference.

    Openanew terminal anduse thecommand.

    sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    Onexecuting thiscommandthehackersmachinestartsforwarding theIPpackets to thegateway.

    3. DNSspoof-This ispart of thedsniffsoftwarepackageforUbuntu .ThiscommandstartsaDNSserveron thehackersmachine.Thehackersmachinespoofs theDNSaddressof therequested

    websiteby itsown ip-addressandprovides itsowncertificateforverification.

    Openanew terminal anduse thecommand.

    sudo dnsspoof i interface

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    4. Webmitm-This isalsopart ofthednsiffsoftwarepackageforUbuntu.Webman-in-the-middleisasoftwarewhichgenerates imitatedcertificates.Thesoftwareproduces X.509certificates.The

    certificateproduced isself-certifiedand is inresponse to thequeryof the targetmachine.Some

    Webbrowsersdonot accept self-certifiedcertificateswhich is theonlyway the target machine

    can tell thewebsite isbeing impersonated.

    Openanew terminal anduse thecommand

    sudo webmitm.

    Nowall thepacketsfrom the target machine to thegateway

    routerpass through thehackers

    machineandareforwarded to thegateway. Thesummaryofoperations thusfaris:

    Thehackersmachinesends ARP replies to the target machinewhichupdatesits ARPcacheand

    sendsall itsInternetpackets to thehackersmachine.Thehackersmachinereceives therequests to

    connect to a website and it replies with its own ip-address and the self-generated certificate.The

    originalpacketsareforwarded to thehttpswebsiteas thehackermachine isset toforwardingmode.

    Target MachineHackersMachineGatewayWebsite

    In order to keep track of all of the communicationand decrypt the datawehave to record all the

    packets for further analysis. This canbe done usingpacket sniffing softwareWireshark and SSL


    5. Network sniffing-In order to sniff

    capture the databeing sent we use wireshark which is anetworksniffingsoftware. Inanew terminal weopenwiresharkby thecommand.

    sudo wireshark

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    A GUI pops up from whichwe have to select the required interface for monitoring. Wireshark then

    starts capturing data.

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    6. On the targets machine,which is a windows machine, now open Internet explorer. In thatbrowser, go to We will see a security warning that the certificate is not genuine, but

    as most of the users are unaware of what it is, press con nue o he webs e.

    7. When we reach the Gmai website login, login the website using the following detailsUsername


    Password siueece595

    Then presss Sign in

    Comment [v3]: Not proper grammar

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    This will send the username and password to Gmail. The man-in-the-middle attack is not

    perfect, so the login process will not complete and Internet Explorer will just hang. However, it

    goes far enough to send the entered username and password to the hacker.

    8. After Wireshark has captured a sufficient amount of data ( the username and password) , i.e.,after a considerable amount of time, it is halted by pressing the stop button and the dump file is

    saved in the root directory using the filename feb18.

    9. Decryption We use ssldump software in order to decrypt the SSL/TLS encrypted messages.The input for this command would be the saved wireshark dump file, the webmitm certificate

    and for the output we have to specify the output filename.

    In a new terminal type the command

    sudo ssldump r

    lename k key

    led > ou




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    where the filenamehere is thewiresharksaved file and the keyfile is the certificatewhichwill beusedby ssldump to decrypt themessages. Thed option is to decrypt application

    datawhichcontains theusernameandpasswordandotherdetails.

    Afterexecutionof thiscommand"

    thehackersdecrypts thehttpsmessagesandwrites them

    to an output file. In order to obtain the required details likepassword#

    username" we can

    searchforthemusing thepatternmatchinggrepcommand


    cat outputfi$e | grep Passwd/Emai


    The grep commanddisplays the lines containing the required expression to the standard



    1. Arpspoofing Using thearpspoofcommandfrom thedsniffpackage % spoofthe ip-addressoftheGateway


    routertobeat theMacaddressofthehackersmachine.This isdone inorderto

    attainall themessagesfrom the targetmachine to therouter.

    Openanew terminal anduse thecommand.

    sudo arpspoof i interface t target ip-address gateway ip-address

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    2. IPFowarding-This isdone inordertoput thehackersmachine in forwardingmode.ThismakesourUbuntumachine intoarouter.Therecievedpacketsareforwarded to thegateway

    forfurtherrouting ' and the target machinedoesnot findanydifference.

    Openanew terminal anduse thecommand

    sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    Onexecuting thiscommand thehackersmachinestartsforwarding theIPpackets.

    3. Port Rerouting-Thiscommandsetsup the iptables in Ubuntu toredirect http trafficfromport80 toadesiredport, in thiscase8080whichwillbe listened tobysslstrip.

    Onanew terminal type thecommand

    iptab(es -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

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    Weareforwarding thepacketsfromport80 toport 8080as thesslstripsoftware isgoing to


    4. SSLstrip-SSLstrip is thesoftwarewhichstrips thessl part of thecommunicationbetweenthe target machineandhackermachineandconverts into just normal HTTP.Not manyusers

    takenoticeoftheabsenceofhttps in the linkaddressand thepadlockin theirbrowsers.

    Inanew terminal, enterassuperuserandenter into the root folderand thenenter into the

    sslstrip-0.7folderusing thecommand



    sudo python ./ss ) a ) 8080where a is to listenforall trafficand

    -l specifies theport numberto listenon, in thiscaseport 8080

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    This command executes apythonscript writtenby Moxie Marlinspikewhich establishes a

    http connectionbetween the target machine andthe hacker machine and at the other side

    establishes a https connectionbetween the hacker machine and the web server. The

    webserverwill stillbe thinking it is indirect connectionwith the target machine.

    Thecapturedandencrypteddata isstored in thesslstrip.logfile in thesslstrip-0.7folder.

    5. On the targets machine, openInternet explorer. In that browser, go to weobserve the link in the addressbar we will see that the connection is no longer a HTTPS

    connection.Most oftheusersdonot realize it andfall inthe trap.They just continueentering


    6. Whenwereach theGma0 lwebsite login, login thewebsiteusing thefollowingdetailsUsername:projecthttps


    ThenpresssSign in

    Comment [v4]:Notpropergrammar

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    Hereweareable to login into theaccountbut in thehttpversion, which isvisuallyalmost the

    same.Wecanobserve thehttp linkin theredcircle.

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    7. Grep.-Inordertoobtain therequireddetails likepassword1 usernamewecansearchforthemusing thepatternmatchinggrepcommand


    cat ss2strip.

    2og | grep Passwd/Emai


    The grep command displays the lines containing the requiredexpression to the standard


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    HTTPS Attack Protection scheme.

    In order to safeguard confindential data which is being transmitted on the web we implemented four

    simple defender techniques. The first technique uses Static ARP Tables ,the second technique uses a

    freely available software for windows called DecaffienatID which is similar to Arpwatch for linux

    systems. The third and fourth techniques scan for active NIC cards in promiscuous mode.

    Using Static ARP

    We can observe, in both the methods we used to hack the HTTPS communication, we used

    arpspoofing.It is done to trick both the target machine and the Gateway. MITM attack is one of the

    major threats in any network which have to be avoided. This can be avoided by using static arp

    tables. As most of the modern networks are switched networks it is enough to configure the switch.

    But if it is not a switched network it has to be set on each machine on the network.

    To statically set the ARP table on a windows machine.

    1. Run the command prompt as an administrator.2. Type ne 3sh c 4 n 3 er5 ace 4pv4 6 3. The prompt will change to netsh interface ipv4.4. Then type add neighbors Local Area Connection IP-Address MAC address

    In our case ip address 7 MAC Address 7 00-a0-c9-08-83-e1

    Which can be verified using the command arpa in another command prompt shell.

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    Once the ARP entries on the target machines are set to static they dont update their caches. So any

    attempt to arp spoof these machines will fail.

    Using DecaffeinatID

    DecaffeinatedID is a simple software which keeps track of changes. It keeps monitoring the ARP

    cache and if it finds any changes in ARPto-IP mapping it notifies a message . This software can be

    set up at the target machines side where it notifies if there is any change in the ARP table.

    The message obtained when the MAC address of the router/Gateway is changed this message pops

    on to the screen.

    This helps prevent spoofing and it will inform the administrator of which machine is trying to spoof.

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    The disadvantage of this is it sometimes is unreliable and in the situation where, a NIC card goes

    faulty and is replaced but it still uses the same IP address it gives a warning.

    For this software to work, install it and run it asan administrator. It keeps the logs of the events in a

    text file.

    Using ICMP (Echo) request.

    Decrypting HTTPS is accomplished by running ARP Spoof and capturing the data. Most of the data

    capturing softwares put the NIC card into promiscuous mode. Promiscuous mode is a special

    reception mode where the network card ignores the destination M AC address and sends all packets

    received to the kernel for processing.In this technique we try to detect the NIC cards which are in

    active promiscuous mode by fooling the NIC card to respond to a packet which is not destined for

    that particular NICs MAC address.The technique would be to send a packet to every IP address;

    while specially crafting the MAC address so that it's value is certainly non-existent on the network.

    We did this with the help of Packet Builder which is a packet editing software.

    1. Open the Colasoft Packet Builder software.2. Press the Add button, for which a Add packet window pops up.3. In the Select Template menu select IP packet, then press OK.4. In the Decode Editor Window you will get a IP packet module.5. In the Destination Address field enter 01 8 01 8 01 8 01 8 01 8 01 as the MAC address.6. In the Source Address field enter your Interface MAC address. In our case it is

    008 23 8 5A:B4:F0:04.

    7. In the Protocol field of Internet Protocol section enter 1 which corresponds to a ICMPpacket.

    8. In Source IP field enter your IP, in our case it is In Destination IP field enter the Hackers IP, in our case it is146. the Type field of the ICMP section enter 8. It makes the packet a ICMP Echo packet


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    11.Press the Adapter Button and select the suitable interface on which the packet has to be sent.12.Then turn on Wireshark and start the capturing mode on the same interface.13.Then select the ICMP packet from the Packet list and Press Send repeatedly.

    If the capturing software is not turned on the hackers machine we will not get any response

    to the ping messages as shown in the following figure.

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    14.Now turn on the Packet sniffing software on the Hackers Machine and repeat step 13.The Hackers machine now responds to the ping packets as its NIC card has been set to

    promiscuous mode.

    We can observe that, even though the packe is not addressed to the Hacker machines MAC id which

    is 00:1b:21:6e:18:c7, the NIC card forwards it to the operating system. The O perating system

    responds to the ping packet as it contains the correct IP address. For a general scan of the network,

    this would need to be done for each possible IP in the network to detect machines running sniffing


    Using ARP Request.

    In this technique also we try to detect the NIC cards which are in active promiscuous mode by

    fooling the NIC card to respond to a packet which is not destined for that particular NICs M AC

    address. Generally all the ARP requests are broadcasted with a destination address of FF-FF-FF-FF-

    FF-FF so that all the machines on the networklisten to it and send it to the operating system ,but

    only the machine with the matching IP address responds to it. In order to detect the machine in

    promiscuous mode we will generate an ARP request packet with a destination MAC address not

    being FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF but some random address which is certainly non-existent on the network.

    If the machine is in promiscuous mode it ignores the destination address and further processes it.

    We implemented this technique using Colasoft Packet Builder.

    1. Open the Colasoft Packet Builder software.2. Press the Add button, for which a Add packet window pops up.

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    3. In the Select Template menu select ARP packet, then press OK.4. In the Decode Editor Window you will get a ARP packet module.5. In the Destination Address field enter 01:01:01:01:01:01 as the MAC address.6. In the Source Address field enter your Interface MAC address. In our case it is


    7. In Source IP field ofARP section enter your IP, in our case it is 14 In Destination IP field enter the Hackers IP, in our case it is And the Type field in the ARP should be 1 forARP request.

    10.Press the Adapter Button and select the suitable interface on which the packet has to be sent.11.Then turn on Wireshark on the target machine and start capturing packets on the same


    12.Then select the ARP packet from the Packet list and press Send repeatedly.If the capturing software is not turned on the hackers machine we will not get any response

    to the ping messages as shown in the following figure.

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    13.Now turn on the Packet sniffing software on the Hackers Machine and repeat step 12.The Hackers machine now responds to the ping packets as its NIC card has been set to

    promiscuous mode. Observe the packets captured on wireshark. We can see that now we get

    ARP replies stating that is on machine 00:1B:21:6E:18:C7.

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