Project Report

i Hochschule Rhein-Waal Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Communication and Environment Degree Program Information Engineering and Computer Science, M. Sc. Mr. Irfan mirza Integration of Social Networking Platforms Term Paper SS 2014/2015 Module “Mobile & Interacting Computing” By Muhammad Ahsan Nawaz (18790) Mohammad Sozzad ()

Transcript of Project Report

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Hochschule Rhein-WaalRhine-Waal University of Applied SciencesFaculty of Communication and Environment

Degree Program Information Engineering and Computer Science, M. Sc. Mr. Irfan mirza

Integration of Social Networking Platforms

Term Paper

SS 2014/2015

Module “Mobile & Interacting Computing”


Muhammad Ahsan Nawaz (18790)

Mohammad Sozzad ()

Adnan Ahmad (20753)

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We hereby declare that the work presented herein is our own work completed without the use of

any aids other than those listed. Any material from other sources or works done by others has

been given due acknowledgement and listed in the reference section. Sentences or parts of

sentences quoted literally are marked as quotations; identification of other references with regard

to the statement and scope of the work is quoted. The work presented herein has not been

published or submitted elsewhere for assessment in the same or a similar form. We will retain a

copy of this assignment until after the Board of Examiners has published the results, which we

will make available on request. We tried our best to do all of our work by our own self. But

everything has possibility to have mistaken. So, apologize in advance

Muhammad Ahsan Nawaz (18790)

Mohammad Sozzad () &

Adnan Ahmad (20753)

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The use of Social Networking Services (SNS) – such as and – has

become a popular and integral part of everyday communication all around the world. The vast

majority are engaging on a daily basis with SNS via a computer or mobile phone. Research in

this area is an emerging field and studies identifying the negative impacts have tended to

dominate the popular media and much policy development. Although, the concept of social

application is supported so far only by Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Suppose, integrating an

application within the Facebook platform provides the opportunity for accessing the core

Facebook components while maintaining the same social experience into the intended service.

Today there are many applications on Facebook, with the social games leading on the leader


With the continuous growth of the number of smartphone users, brand owners are being faced

with new challenge: How to utilize smartphone technologies to effectively connect and engage

with consumers? As a result, many retail brands have focused on integration with social media

platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare, not only to create better shopping

experiences for their customers, but also to take advantage of the fact that by social media

integration they might increase the overall brand awareness.

This assumption is based on the fact that the likelihood of social interactions, such as “sharing”

and “liking”, might also increase by providing appropriate service, which in turn would increase

the brand visibility in the social space. This would lead towards achievement of the companies’

goal across multiple social media platforms.

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

1.1. Purpose of this project------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

1.2. Project Planning---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

2. Background----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

2.1. Ionic Framework--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

2.2. AngularJS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

2.3. Github------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

3. Proposed Solution-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

4. Implementation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

5. Conclusion & Future Work-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9


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1. Introduction:

The introduction of this report provides an overview of the entire report with purpose, objective,

scope & limitation, project planning, risk management and project outline.

The introduction of this documentation provides an overview of the entire SRS with purpose of

the SRS. The aim of this document is to gather and analyze and give an in-depth insight of the

complete app of the integration of the social networking platforms by defining the problem

statement in detail. It is a mobile app. The concept of social application is supported so far only

by Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Suppose, integrating an application within the Facebook

platform provides the opportunity for accessing the core Facebook components while

maintaining the same social experience into the intended service. Today there are many

applications on Facebook, with the social games leading on the leader games.

The popularity of a Facebook application measured by the number of users has attracted the

attention of companies and service providers who have started utilizing different approaches in

order to gain knowledge or increase the size of their community. The possible gain from this

approach depends solely on company’s creativity to exploit the benefits of the common

Facebook interaction possibilities, such as liking, sharing, commenting, etc. This in turn could

result into the well-structured IOSNP that could be directly linked to the targeted product. Both,

quantitative (likes, comments, shares) and qualitative data (product related comments) could be

obtained from this source of information.

With the continuous growth of the number of smartphone users, brand owners are being faced

with new challenge: How to utilize smartphone technologies to effectively connect and engage

with consumers? As a result, many retail brands have focused on integration with social media

platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, not only to create better shopping

experiences for their customers, but also to take advantage of the fact that by social media

integration they might increase the overall brand awareness. [4]

This assumption is based on the fact that the likelihood of social interactions, such as “sharing”

and “liking”, might also increase by providing appropriate service, which in turn would increase

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the brand visibility in the social space. This would lead towards achievement of the companies’

goal across multiple social media platforms.

1.1. Purpose of this project

Social media has changed the way content is generated on the web. Rather than being just

passive consumers, users became active participants by sharing information, experiences and

opinions with each other. In parallel, with the continuous growth of the number of smartphone

users, brand owners are being faced with the challenge of integration of social media and

smartphone technologies to effectively connect and engage with their consumers.

The purpose of this document is to collect and analyze the ideas due to which the system is

formulated, and the requirement with respect to consumer. Also, we shall predict and sort out

how we hope this product will be used in order to gain a better understanding of the project,

online concept that may be developed later, and document ideas that are being considered, but

may be discarded as the product develops.

The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed overview of our product, its parameter, goals,

Architectural Diagrams. It defines how our client and team see the product and its functionality.

1.2. Project Planning

Project planning is very important in every project whether it is a software development project

or belongs to any other field like; (Electrical Engineering, Civil engineering etc.). Because in

every project, there are different resources that are used or consumed during the project

development process. If a project is not well planned then there can be many of risks like cost,

time, effort etc. can occur that can cause to the project over budgeted, late delivery of the project

and quality less product. So a project should be well planned and the project manager should

communicate with its team members in order to deliver the project in time. The proposed

project's planning is described in the below table:

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Table 1: Project Planning

Tasks Activity Time Required

Table 2: Project Management

Name ActivityMuhammad Ahsan Nawaz

Adnan Ahmad

Mohammad Sazzad

2. Background

Social media platforms also mine data and compile fine-grained user profiles based on online

activity. This information is being used for targeted marketing of commercial products, but it

also could be used by health communicators to reach users with high risk behaviors or health

concerns. A youth discussing testing on Facebook or seeking information through twitter,

Google can be targeted by local agencies using sponsored links and click ads to advertise sources

of good information and health services. This brings the public information they need at the

moment they are actually searching for assistance. However, the digital divide does exclude

specific demographics from participating in social media, and while this divide appears to be

rapidly disappearing, especially with the advent of cellphone-based social media applications,

public health organizations must take into consideration current technological penetration in their

locale when designing campaigns for specific audiences. 23 Another difficulty in implementing

social media campaigns is the current lack of evidence supporting a positive impact on desired

behavior changes. As described in this report, there is good evidence that these strategies

increase reach, and with user-generated content can improve confidence in messaging but little

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evidence connecting the use of social media platforms with behavioral changes. The lag between

the research cycle and the rapid evolution of social media platforms and norms in health

information seeking behaviors continues to pose challenges for evidence-based communications

strategies. Frequently it takes between six months and two years to bring a controlled study of a

communication intervention to press. Yet, social media trends are measured in months, not years,

and while some behaviors seem to be evolving slowly over time and relatively stable. [3]

We used ionic framework, Github in our android application. There are not any databases

involved in our application. We are just getting information from Facebook and upload it as we

are getting it from our application. In background i will describe all of the possibilities we used

in our application.

2.1. Ionic Framework

Ionic is an open-source - Framework for building mobile web apps based on HTML5. The focus

of the framework is on the side of the front-end and thus among users. It focuses on user

interface (UX), to improve the intuitive operation and to simplify the usability of the app. It is

especially in connection with AngularJS used with AngularJS created the structure of the app

while Ionic the look and feel, as well as the performance of the app realized.

Ionic sees itself as a front-end framework, using its mobile hybrid apps based on HTML5 can be

developed. Hybrid apps are using technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript realized.

These build Ionic up. It is thereby a so-called program library of HTML, CSS and JavaScript

components with which interactive applications can be programmed. It is with the Sass

(Stylesheet Language) built and is for AngularJS optimized. It was developed by Drifty, [4] an

independent bootstrap software companies. At the development, among other things, the

developers May Lynch, Ben Sperry, Adam Bradley and Andrew Jooslin were involved.

2.2. AngularJS

AngularJS - often simply referred to as Angular called - is a client-side JavaScript - web

framework for the creation of single-page Web applications for a Model-View-View Model

pattern. The software development and component testing can thus be simplified. It is as open

source - Framework from the US Company Google Inc. developed.

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2.3. Github

GitHub is a web-based company that offers code hosting services. It is a platform that allows its

users to discuss and share codes with friends, co-workers, classmates and complete strangers,

and track and assign issues to other teammates. In addition to code hosting services, GitHub also

offers a control system for the collaborative development of software; provides access to several


3. Proposed Solution

In our proposed solution we used rapid application development as a development life cycle.

RAD is mostly used for short term projects. In takes minimum time to complete all of the tasks.

In our project phase we have only three months to finish all of the tasks. So, RAD is one of the

development life cycles which used for such short term scenarios. In general, RAD approaches to

software development put less emphasis on planning tasks and more emphasis on development.

Figure 1: Rapid Application Development


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Figure 2 represent the rapid application development. In Rapid Application Development (RAD)

is an incremental software development process model that emphasizes an extremely short

development cycle. The RAD model is a high speed adaptation of the linear sequential model in

which the rapid development is achieved by using component-based construction. If

requirements are clear and well understood and the project scope is constrained, the RAD

process enables a development team to create a fully functional system within a very short period

of time. There are four different phases in RAD. [2]

1. Requirements planning phase – combines elements of the system planning and systems

analysis phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Users, managers, and

IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and

system requirements. It ends when the team agrees on the key issues and obtains

management authorization to continue. [2]

2. User design phase – during this phase, users interact with systems analysts and develop

models and prototypes that represent all system processes, inputs, and outputs. The RAD

groups or subgroups typically use a combination of Joint Application Development

(JAD) techniques and Case tools to translate user needs into working models.[2]

3. Construction phase – focuses on program and application development task similar to

the SDLC. In RAD, however, users continue to participate and can still suggest changes

or improvements as actual screens or reports are developed. Its tasks are programming

and application development, coding, unit-integration and system testing.[2]

4. Cutover phase – resembles the final tasks in the SDLC implementation phase, including

data conversion, testing, changeover to the new system, and user training. Compared with

traditional methods, the entire process is compressed. As a result, the new system is built,

delivered, and placed in operation much sooner. [1]

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3.1. Architecture Design

In architecture design, we are going to represent our project front end and there are many

Figure 2: Profile

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Figure 3: Integration with Facebook

Figure 4: Feedback of Facebook

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Figure 5: Share field

4. Implementation

5. Conclusion & Future Work


[1] Martin, James (1991), “Rapid Application Development”. Available: Macmillan.

pp. 81–90. ISBN 0-02-376775-8 [Accessed June 25, 2016]

[2] James martin, “RAD Method” Available: [Accessed June 25, 2016]

[3] Vance WH, Dellavalle RP. “Social Internet Sites as a Source of Public Health Information”

Available: Dermatol Clin; 2009; 27: 133-6 [Accessed June 25, 2016]

[4] Perey, C., “Mobile Social Networking: Communities and Content on the Move.” Available:

London: Informa Telecoms & Media, 2008 [Accessed June 10, 2016]





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