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  • 7/28/2019 Project Proposal-robotic Prostheticdocx




    A Robotic Prosthetic for Lower Limb Amputees


    Index No. Name Contribution %

    080456A K.Sanjeevan 33.33

    080006V M.A.R Ahamed 33.33

    080571V J.C.W. Edirisooriya 33.33

    Total 100

    Advisors names and associations

    Dr. RARC GopuraDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University

    of Moratuwa

    Department of Mechanical Engineering

    University of MoratuwaSri Lanka

    23rd January 2012

    Group No: 07

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    A lower limb robotic prosthetic is a kind of device that redress the human leg which

    has amputation. Furthermore, it is a man machine combination in which the intelligence

    depends on human intelligence. It combines the human intelligence and the machine power

    so that the combined system enhances the intelligence of the machine and also the power of

    the prosthesis. Therefore, the limitations in artificial intelligence (AI) are overcome in these

    systems. The robotic prosthetic is designed as an extensor mechanical structure whose joints

    and linkages are corresponding to those of missing human joints and limbs respectively.

    Soon after the conclusion of the Civil War in Sri Lanka, perceiving the need for

    urgent remedy of war injured civilians such as lower limb amputation, including partial foot,

    ankle disarticulation, transtibial (below the knee), knee disarticulation, transfemoral (above

    the knee), and hip disarticulation. However, in Sri Lanka, such above technologies are not at

    a position to be used because such research and development have not been carried out in thisfield. Also hiring of such technologies and equipments are very expensive and it is not cope

    with our economic condition. Therefore, it is required to develop these technologies in house.


    There are a wide variety of prosthetics for the replacement of limbs made

    from various materials using a wide range of technologies. Conventional damped prosthetic

    legs use a pneumatic or hydraulic return mechanism to mimic the natural pendulum action of

    the knee. This mechanism is usually set by a prosthetics to work at the patients normalwalking speed requires and does not allow any room for variation in speed. Changes in

    a patients walking speed requires the patient to compensate for any delay in knee and

    ankle joint action through a variety of means including altering stride length and body

    position, among others. Such manoeuvres lead to an abnormal gait and require extra effort

    and concentration for what is normally an unconscious act [1].

    Microprocessor controlled lower limb prostheses use computer controlled knee

    mechanisms to detect step time and alter knee extension level to suit walking speed. More

    advanced models, such as the Otto Bock C Leg, have multiple sensors that gather and

    calculate data on various parameters such as the amount of vertical load, ankle movement,

    and knee joint movement in an attempt to mimic more natural leg function to provide

    stability and gait fluidity as needed on uneven terrains and or during sports activities.

    Eventoday's most sophisticated microprocessor controlled ankle-foot prosthetic

    devices are passive.They lack internal elements that actively generate power, which

    isrequired during the push-off phase of normal able-bodied walking gait.Consequently,

    lower limb amputees expend 2030% more metabolic power towalk at the same speed as

    able-bodied individuals. Key challengesin the development of an active ankle-foot prosthetic

    device arethe lack of high power and energy densities in current actuator technology [2].

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    Nowadays orthotic and prosthetic devices will no longer be separate but intimate

    extensions of the human body structurally, neurologically and dynamically. In this regard

    there are discussions going on scientifically and technologically to accelerate the merging of

    body and machine, including the development of actuator technologies that behave like

    muscle and control methodologies that utilize principles of biological movement. Since theforce-controllable actuator comprises of electric motors and mechanical transmission they are

    resulting in a heavy mechanism. As a resolution of this difficulty electro-active polymer-

    based artificial muscle technologies can be used in order to offer considerable advantages to

    the amputees [3], [4]. However in Sri Lankan context this kind of advanced technology does not

    cope with our economic as well as technical aspects and also it is difficult to handle by the



    There are limited research is going on developing robotic prosthetic lower limb using

    EMG signal control actuation lead with artificial intelligent system. Furthermore most of the

    prosthetic lower limb has not facilitated ankle joint actuation to the overall gait performance

    (support and forward progression). In Sri Lankan context, there are limited research and

    development done in biomechanical robotics field.

    As a result of civil war prevailed during last three decades, Sri Lanka having so many

    war casualties, most of them are lower limb amputees due to explosions of anti person land

    mines. Therefore, this design will be a good solution for such people.


    The aim of this study is to develop a robotic prosthetic limb for lower limb amputees to

    assist. Under the main objective followings are considered.

    Development of a robotic prosthetic for lower limb amputee.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed robotic prosthetic limb.

    Development of a hardware controller and algorithm for gait with different

    conditions such as standing, walking, up treading and down treading.


    Literature survey (Understanding the anatomy and the functions of human lower limb

    and review available literature).

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    Design a robotic prosthetic to perform the lower limb functions using 3D CAD/CAM

    software .(Conceptual Design)

    Carry out a computer simulation of motion generation.

    Optimization and enhancement of the overall design based on simulation results.

    Design the electrical circuit of the hardware and actuators.

    Design a mechanism to interface with the human body.

    Fabrication and verification of hardware according to the design..

    Design control algorithm for the robot so that the prosthetic device generate natural

    human lower limb motions

    Evaluate the effectiveness of motion generation of the prosthetic.


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    This is the mutual group statement of our final year project group for the undertaken projectof a robotic prosthetic for lower limb amputees.

    Group members:

    A.V.K.Sanjeevan Technical Manager 080456A

    J.C.W. Edirisooriya Financial Manager 080571V

    M.A.R Ahamed Project Manager 080006V

    We are honoured to work with each other as a group to make this project a success. We

    bound to give our possible maximum dedication to this project and make maximum out of

    this to fulfil the module objectives of making ourselves capable of engineering capacity.


    Item Price (Rs.)

    For controlling circuit 10,000

    For actuators 20, 000

    For other materials required for constructing mechanical parts 10, 000

    Estimated total budget 40,000


    [1] Lower limb prosthetic devices, September 12, 2011, Medical Policy Department

    Clinical Affairs Division.

    [2]Joseph K.H, Ryan. B, Matthew. H, Thomass G.S, Kevin W.H, September 2007 Design

    and Analysis of a Robotic Transtibial Prosthesis with Regenerative Kinetics ASME 2007

    International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in

    Engineering Conference, pp. 1587-1596
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    [3] Hugh. H, Kornbluh. R, New horizons for orthotic and prosthetic technology: artificial

    muscle for ambulation, The MIT Media Laboratory, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

    02139, SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park CA 94025.

    [4]Rino V, Anja D, Gerlinde L, Olivier P, Bram V, Georges P, Louis P, Dirk L, December

    01, 2008 A biomechatronical transtibial prosthesis powered by pleated pneumatic artificialmuscles Inderscience Enterprises Ltd Volume 4, Number 4/2008pp 394-405

    [5] Felix E. Z, Richard R. N, Steven A. K, 2002 Biomechanics and muscle coordination of

    human walking: Part I: Introduction to concepts, power transfer, dynamics and

    Simulations Department of Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanical Engineering Division,

    Stanford University, Stanford,