Project plan WaterWorX - Myanmar Water Portal

Project plan WaterWorX Partnership MCDC - Vitens Evides International Phase 1: 2018 - 2021 20/11/2017

Transcript of Project plan WaterWorX - Myanmar Water Portal

Project plan WaterWorX

Partnership MCDC - Vitens Evides International

Phase 1: 2018 - 2021


WOP program with MCDC

• Technical assistance programs, financed by ADB & VEI• WOP1 program: 2014 - 2015• WOP2 program: 2016 - 2017

• Objective: improve MCDC’s operational capacities in delivering water services to Mandalay’s population

• Methods: on-the-job training, technical assistance

WOP2 program

• 4 trainers working with MCDC

• Training topics:• Laboratory training & water


• Deep Tube Wells design, monitoring, maintenance, asset management

• Financial management and tariff setting, commercial NRW

• Distribution: EPANET, leak detection and Water Safety Planning

WOP2 program

• Project-closure workshop 24 Nov 2017

• Results:• Laboratory staff now capable for

an-organic analyses and SOPs• Deep Tube Wells: 1 well

regeneration, Well Information system complete

• Good estimate of operational costs 1 m3 water, input for tariff

• Water Safety Planning: first pilot started in May already yielding results in mitigating measures

• What follows now?

WaterWorX program

• Netherlands Government is developing new financing tool: WaterWorX program

• WaterWorX contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6): safe water and sanitation for all

• WaterWorX is a joint initiative between all 10 Netherlands water companies and Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

• WaterWorX project plan for MCDC has been approved

WaterWorX aims to increase sustainableaccess to water and/or sanitation facilities, by:

The aims of WaterWorX

improving the financial, technical and social sustainability of 24 water companies around the world

strengthening the enabling environment of water utilities in terms of policies, laws & regulations and financing

increasing access to investment finance, by • developing investment proposals

and • engaging with financing

organisations and banks (e.g. ADB, JICA, World Bank)

WaterWorX programme

• WaterWorX is: Long term partnership from 2018 – 2030 • Three phases: Phase I approved by NL government: 2018 –


• WOP between MCDC & VEI, support by Netherlands Embassy• Budget for MCDC: 2.25 million EUR = 3,600 million Kyat• 90% Netherlands grant <-> 10% MCDC own contribution

Phase I 2018-2021

Support Financial,

Technical and Social sustainability of

local partner

Phase II 2022-2026

Continue supporting capacity


Start implementation of funded investment


Phase III 2027-2030

Continue supporting capacity


Implementation of funded investment


How will the program work?

• VEI Technical Assistance (training and investments) in various fields: o 2,700 new connections & pro-poor

strategyo Maintenance of Booster Pumping

Stations & Tube Wellso Energy reduction programmeo Laboratory testing & samplingo Water Safety Planningo Leadership development programmeo Large proposals to ADB / World Bank /

others for more water supply & sewerage connections

• Trainings, exposure visits regional and Netherlands water utilities

• 1 MSc at Unesco-IHE for MCDC talent• Investments in distribution system &


WaterWorX – Budget Phase 1 (2018-2021)


Work Packages TotalInvestment &services

MCDC 10%

People & organization 258,068 41,500 6,700

Investment proposals, climate resistant water supply and MIS 241,271 100,000 -Operation & Maintenance / Energy efficiency 354,148 103,000 40,000

Pro-poor access to water 653,013 439,000 105,500

Water quality & water safety 274,800 31,500 7,000

Overarching costs 466,000 90,000 65,500

Total 2,247,300 805,000 224,700

• 1 October: Finalize project plan & budget

• 30 October – 3 Nov: Amsterdam International Water Week

visit to NL by Dr. Ye Lwin and U Myo Thant

• November: WaterWorX, MCDC & MRG review project plan & cooperation agreement

• December – June?: Approval project plan by Myanmar National Government

• 1 January: Project start-up (light)

• After signing: Real project mobilization

WaterWorX preparation

Cooperation with Netherlands Embassy

2. Strengthening the enabling environment of water utilities in terms of policies, laws & regulations and financing

3. increasing access to investment finance, by • developing investment proposals and • engaging with financing organisations and banks (e.g. ADB,

JICA, World Bank)


Ideas: access to investment finance

• Clear opportunity in DRIVE proposal Ballast Nedam for Pyigyitagon:• 30,000 connections, significant financing• Second long term engagement with MCDC• Netherlands water sector assumes balanced position

with France & Japan in Mandalay

• Support lobby for DRIVE both at Myanmar government and RVO

• During 2018 – 2021: Support VEI to investigate and convince other IFI’s: ADB, EIB, etc.

• How?

Enabling Environment

• Enabling Environment for Water Supply in Myanmar weak:• Responsibility fragmented: Min. Health, Min Construct,

MCDC• National Water Policy not yet approved• No regulator for water supply companies• No benchmark for water supply companies• Water supply not ring-fenced (MCDC, YCDC)

• WaterWorX activities:• 2019: Prepare benchmarking data MCDC (within WWX

progr.)• 2020: Benchmarking workshop with 5 or more main

water supply companies in Myanmar• including YCDC and Naw Pyi Daw• relevant ministries and MRG

• Support to contact & motivate other water