PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager,...

PROJECT OVERVIEW PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 National I-10 Freight Corridor Study Freight Corridor Study N A TIO N A L FR EIG H T CO R R ID O R

Transcript of PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager,...

Page 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.


FHWA Talking Freight SeminarFHWA Talking Freight Seminar

December 15, 2004December 15, 2004

Dilara RodriguezDilara RodriguezProject Manager, CALTRANSProject Manager, CALTRANS

National I-10National I-10Freight Corridor StudyFreight Corridor Study





Page 2: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Study AreaStudy Area

Page 3: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.


Step Two

Oct MarNov FebDec Jan Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Step One

Step Three

Step Four

Step Five

2001 2002 2003

Freight Demand and Related Issues

Understanding the Corridor

Solutions and Strategies

Positioning for Funding

Develop & Accept Plan

Page 4: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Time HorizonsTime Horizons

• BottlenecksBottlenecks• PhysicalPhysical• OperationalOperational


• StrategicStrategic• Innovative technologiesInnovative technologies• Operational solutionsOperational solutions

Mid-Term and Long-TermMid-Term and Long-Term

20082008 20132013 20252025

StateStateSpecificSpecific Corridor-WideCorridor-Wide

Page 5: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Ports of Influence along I-10 - Ports of Influence along I-10 - ContainersContainers

(20 foot equivalent units - TEU’s)(20 foot equivalent units - TEU’s)

Page 6: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Total Economic Impact Total Economic Impact I-10 Corridor Trade (2000)I-10 Corridor Trade (2000)

Trade Value: $1.38 Trillion

Jobs: 10.43 Million

Earnings: $339.41 Billion

Source: Wilbur Smith Associates

Page 7: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Level Of Service for the Base Case (Do Level Of Service for the Base Case (Do Nothing)Nothing)

Page 8: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Base Case NeedsBase Case Needs










2000 2008 2013 2025



Deficient Miles












2000 2008 2013 2025




Lane Miles Needed

Page 9: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.


Scenario 3: Truck/Auto SeparationScenario 3: Truck/Auto Separation

Scenario 4: Multimodal Rail CorridorScenario 4: Multimodal Rail Corridor

Scenario 5: Multimodal Waterway CorridorScenario 5: Multimodal Waterway Corridor

Scenario 6: Urban Truck BypassScenario 6: Urban Truck Bypass

Scenario 7: Truck ProductivityScenario 7: Truck Productivity

Scenario 2: ITSScenario 2: ITS

Scenario 1: WideningScenario 1: Widening



Page 10: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Needs Versus Expenditure Needs Versus Expenditure TrendsTrends







Anticipated Expenditures Anticipated I-10 Needs



0 B



FY '00-'03 FY '04-'25

$8.6 Billion

$21.3 Billion

$12.6 BillionShortfall

Page 11: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

FundingFundingIncreaseIncreaseFundingFundingIncreaseIncrease Make the Case for………Make the Case for………

This will not work without....This will not work without....

Freight SpecificFreight Specific

Comprehensive CongestionComprehensive CongestionManagement PlanManagement Plan

Page 12: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Does it make sense?Does it make sense?Freight


Page 13: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Impact of Freight on Congestion - Impact of Freight on Congestion - 20252025

Without Without FreightFreight


Page 14: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Comprehensive Congestion Management Comprehensive Congestion Management PlanPlan

Where FeasibleWhere FeasibleAdd More LanesAdd More Lanes


Traditional DOT StrategiesTraditional DOT Strategies

Where Makes SenseWhere Makes SenseTruck/Auto SeparationTruck/Auto Separation

Urban BypassUrban Bypass Truck ProductivityTruck Productivity

Potential DOT Freight StrategiesPotential DOT Freight Strategies


Entire CorridorEntire CorridorRail Intermodal DevelopmentRail Intermodal Development

Gulf StatesGulf StatesBarge Service DevelopmentBarge Service Development

Page 15: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

I-10 Partnership: Initiatives I-10 Partnership: Initiatives ForwardForward

• Multimodal ApproachMultimodal Approach• Need for Increased FundingNeed for Increased Funding• Transportation & the EconomyTransportation & the Economy• Drive freight innovationsDrive freight innovations

I-10 Freight Study: Address I-10 Freight Study: Address A Range of Policy Issues A Range of Policy Issues

Identify the State DOT’sIdentify the State DOT’sRole in FreightRole in Freight

Page 16: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

All modes All modes play an play an important important role in role in moving moving freight…..freight…..














Modal Splits for I-10 CorridorModal Splits for I-10 Corridor

Page 17: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Partnership Role: Partnership Role: Multi-jurisdictional FundingMulti-jurisdictional Funding

• Do not relinquish prerogativesDo not relinquish prerogatives with regard to Alliance decisions with regard to Alliance decisions



Coalitions Coalitions


Coalitions Coalitions

Act as ForumsAct as ForumsAct as ForumsAct as Forums • No controlling authorityNo controlling authority• No binding authorityNo binding authority


• No funding mechanismNo funding mechanism


Page 18: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

• Obligating Authority (release existing funds) Obligating Authority (release existing funds) • Funding for International TradeFunding for International Trade• User Fee IncreaseUser Fee Increase• Opportunities to Strengthen Existing ProgramsOpportunities to Strengthen Existing Programs• Innovative Funding Programs (non-debt)Innovative Funding Programs (non-debt)

Argue the Need for Increased Funding in TransportationArgue the Need for Increased Funding in Transportation

Funding OptionsFunding Options

Page 19: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Lessons from the I-10 studyLessons from the I-10 study

• The Interstate Highway System’s capacity forThe Interstate Highway System’s capacity forinter-regional goods movement and travel is vital inter-regional goods movement and travel is vital to the nation’s economic the nation’s economic health.

Grow the PieGrow the Pie

• Analysis of mobility demands and ways to meet Analysis of mobility demands and ways to meet those demands, clearly indicate a need for increasing those demands, clearly indicate a need for increasing

maintenance and enhancement funding to expandmaintenance and enhancement funding to expandgoods movement capacity across the I-10 corridor.goods movement capacity across the I-10 corridor.

• Increased funding should not be “categorized”, Increased funding should not be “categorized”, so that states can tailor the mix of capacity so that states can tailor the mix of capacity increasing improvements to those that are feasibleincreasing improvements to those that are feasibleand work best in any given area. and work best in any given area.

Page 20: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Lessons from the I-10 study Lessons from the I-10 study (cont’d)(cont’d)

• Technology strategies (e.g. ITS/CVO) show high Technology strategies (e.g. ITS/CVO) show high Returns on Investment and should be a componentReturns on Investment and should be a componentof any capacity improvements.of any capacity improvements.• Implementing a standard architecture through-Implementing a standard architecture through-

out the corridor will accelerate the impact of out the corridor will accelerate the impact of

technology innovationstechnology innovations

Technology AcceleratorsTechnology Accelerators

• Innovations in highway development Innovations in highway development (e.g. auto/truck separation) and in truck mobility/(e.g. auto/truck separation) and in truck mobility/

operations (mass flow concepts) should be acceleratedoperations (mass flow concepts) should be accelerated

through research, investment and deployment.through research, investment and deployment.

Page 21: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Lessons from the I-10 study Lessons from the I-10 study (cont’d)(cont’d)

• All system elements; interstate and state highways, All system elements; interstate and state highways, local streets and roads, railroads, airborne and local streets and roads, railroads, airborne and waterborne conveyances satisfy certainwaterborne conveyances satisfy certainmobility demands most efficiently. mobility demands most efficiently.

From Each Mode According To Its Ability, From Each Mode According To Its Ability, To Each Mode According To Its NeedTo Each Mode According To Its Need

• Each element must continue to contribute to overall Each element must continue to contribute to overall mobility and should be enhanced as feasible. mobility and should be enhanced as feasible.

• Prevent inappropriate intermodal shifts of mobility Prevent inappropriate intermodal shifts of mobility burdens (such as using the Interstate System toburdens (such as using the Interstate System tosatisfy local circulation needs and using trucks to carry satisfy local circulation needs and using trucks to carry bulk commodities best moved by rail or barge) bulk commodities best moved by rail or barge) can delay the need for, and reduce the magnitude of, can delay the need for, and reduce the magnitude of, Interstate System capacity improvements.Interstate System capacity improvements.

Page 22: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Future Roles for the I-10 Future Roles for the I-10 PartnershipPartnership

• Promote the lessons learned from the I-10 Study.Promote the lessons learned from the I-10 Study.

• Develop and implement a consensus ITS architecture, Develop and implement a consensus ITS architecture, integrated with improvement efforts on other corridors.integrated with improvement efforts on other corridors.

• Help shape the FSHRP (Future Strategic Highway Help shape the FSHRP (Future Strategic Highway Research Program) agenda.Research Program) agenda.

• Serve as a forum for sharing successes, challenges, Serve as a forum for sharing successes, challenges, innovations, and war stories.innovations, and war stories.

Page 23: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

A Corridor-Wide ITS Vision:A Corridor-Wide ITS Vision:

Integrated – Transportation Integrated – Transportation Exchange Network (I-TEN)Exchange Network (I-TEN)

Page 24: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

A Corridor-Wide Architecture……A Corridor-Wide Architecture……• ……Goes beyond a regional or statewide instantiation of the Goes beyond a regional or statewide instantiation of the

national architecturenational architecture• ……Addresses sharing of information…Addresses sharing of information…

• Between statesBetween states• Commercial-vehicle infoCommercial-vehicle info• HazmatHazmat• Emergency coordinationEmergency coordination

• Between shipper nodes and carriersBetween shipper nodes and carriers• More Efficient ConnectivityMore Efficient Connectivity

• Real-Time System Management Information Real-Time System Management Information Program Program

Page 25: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Integrated – Transportation Integrated – Transportation Exchange Network (I-TEN)Exchange Network (I-TEN)

• Element 1:Element 1:

Establish corridor-wide communications system Establish corridor-wide communications system capable of providing real- time information for capable of providing real- time information for management and operations in the corridormanagement and operations in the corridor

Page 26: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Integrated – Transportation Integrated – Transportation Exchange Network (I-TEN)Exchange Network (I-TEN)

• Element 2:Element 2:

Support long range real-time transportation Support long range real-time transportation network monitoring needsnetwork monitoring needs

Page 27: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Integrated – Transportation Integrated – Transportation Exchange Network (I-TEN)Exchange Network (I-TEN)

• Element 3:Element 3:

Support inter-jurisdictional architecture Support inter-jurisdictional architecture needs, e.g. (Center-to-center (C2C) needs, e.g. (Center-to-center (C2C) communications communications

Page 28: PROJECT OVERVIEW FHWA Talking Freight Seminar December 15, 2004 Dilara Rodriguez Project Manager, CALTRANS National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.

Thank YouThank You