
Hi, we are 6 girls from Argentina who have the same dream: Meet Justin Bieber. He made us happy and we want to tell him how much we love him.





We are 6 girls from Argentina who have the same dream: Meet Justin Bieber. He made us happy and we want to tell him how much we love him.

Three girls of this team had meet and greet for November 10 in Argentina but it was canceled and we are very sad, we cried a lot and we still want to meet him because we love him so much.

One girl couldn't go to his concert. And the others 2 girls have the same dream that the

rest of the group: Meet him and tell him how he saved his lifes.

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Now we are going to show you our stories:2


Candela Antunez:It all started in 2009 , had spoken on TV about a guy named " Justin Bieber" was to launch his video One Time. It was a matter of waiting . When I first saw "One Time" , I felt something , many things, even emotions. Yo, small . With just 9 years old, he had said " it will be my idol," laughed because my parents could not believe what he said. But so, he is my idol. At that time I did not feel any doubt , I knew it would be "forever" And I've not mistaken. To this day I feel many things when I hear his songs. It's about putting on my headphones and feel that Justin is with me.Had the opportunity to go to 2 concerts in Argentina . But the last, November 10, 2013 , Justin has not completed their concert.Despite the insults, attacks and their own mistakes I'm here . I am proud to be 2014 and belonging to the Fandom, "Beliebers " My love is a promise. Since 2009 until forever.



Oriana Chiodi: Is this day I remember in 2009 when a girl at school named me his name , " Justin Bieber" . I had never liked that much a name! It caught my attention so much, that when I returned to my house the first thing I did was Google it . Thousands of things appeared to me but I only touch one. Youtube was a channel called “Kidrauhl “. I watched a video, and all the other videos he had. My eyes could not believe what i was seeing the wonder. I felt the need to search all his life for internet to know enough and necessary. Gradually, I began to realize that what I felt was not only the “fanaticism “was a complete and true love. In every song, every word, every thing that makes me conveys such passion , joy, everything. When my hopes died when my strength was exhausted, he came. In the saddest moments listening to their songs made me feel alive. Its amazing how one person can influence me and make me see life differently. You only need to hear his voice or see his eyes that lights up my day and become more special.



The brings out the best in me and makes me start each day with a smile , because it is part of me and even if it is not here with me ... his music touches me so deeply that always makes me feel better, that is why he smiled at the worst times . Because every time I hear his name, I can not help but get excited. He has its flaws like every human being, but for me it is perfect in every way. Happy to see it is like touching the sky with my hands. Hear him speak is like getting lost in paradise. For me he is the man of my dreams, my prince without a crown, is my hero without a cape. Justin grabs my hand when I'm about to touch the floor. Since I was little, I pursue a dream and that is to meet him. When I was only 9 years old, clutched their journals and acted as if he was in front of me and I could hug him. I participated in all kinds of competition to meet him, I didn´t win any one but one day, I bought a Meet and Greet . Everyone congratulated me because almost everyone knows how much I love him, admire him and need him. It came the big day , my heart stopped beating at each time I approached it, until I got the worst news in the world, Justin was sick and could not make the Meet and Greet . My world fell down for a long time, I felt that I was killing me . Spend as much time dreaming about that day arrives, to hug him, telling him I loved him. But my bubble broke.



Him, that person who helped me build my shield to withstand everything bad that happened to me hit me in the back. Do not kill me, but something died in me that day. I had to walk BY to support him in his time of being sick. I will always support him no matter what. It's horrible to think that is so unattainable for me. You know it sounds naive, but something tells me it's true, that someday I will find it . Do not know when I arrived, perhaps when you stop waiting ... My destiny was to be with him, but of course, the future is not the same destination. “There is always a person that you want, but you can not have." I 'm still waiting for my new day to meet him, to hug him and tell him how much I love him. “God had not given us the ability to dream , if these dreams could not come true ." My dream is that one day become reality.



Camila Chiodi: I was going to see him, i was going to be closer to you because God gave me the possibility to be closer than the concert you did before. After 2011 when I saw you in River Plate (the biggest stadium in Buenos Aires) the 12 of October. I started to save money from that day, to see you closer than that time. When you were coming to Buenos Aires, Argentina again I had my ticket and everything I needed for the concert, I was very excited because I was going to my idol, i had never been so close to meet the person of my dreams, because in 2011 I was far away from you. One day, I was in school, and my teacher told me the days I was going on my graduation trip, because the never told me before. The days I was going were 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of NOVEMBER, which meant I could not go to see you the 9 of November. My world was going down, I didn´t know what to do or what to say, my Belieber friends were very sad like I was, it was a very sad situation.



I was going to Cordoba on my graduation trip, you were going to Cordoba the 8 of November, we were going to be in the same place, but I was far away from where you were going to sing. I tried to change the days we were going to stay at Cordoba, but I couldn´t. I really want to see you more than anything in the whole world. When I was travelling to Cordoba I was thinking how your concert would be.. Every single Belieber singing with you all together? They were going to see you dance wonderful…and I was going to be on another place, and could not see you like the rest lucky Beliebers. The 8 and 9 of November, my friends Beliebers and I, were singing your songs for not to be sad, we were trying to imagine us in your concert, with you, trying to feel your voice with us. That was the closer I had you…I am Belieber since 2010. I perfectly remember that i was in the car coming back from school, and in the radio they started playin “Baby” for some reason I felt in love with that song, I loved it a lot, when the finished playing the song the girl that was talking in the radio said “And this is the new singer Justin Bieber” I can remember the exact melody that she did when she said that. When I got back home I asked my brother If he could search for that song on Youtube, I saw the boy in the video and I felt in love, he was perfect, his voice was like an angel´s voice, i loved his songs and I couldn´t stop watching his videos, I search about his life. I told my friends about him,I was crazy in love with that perfect boy. Since that day I am a true Belieber, I will never let him fall, thank you Justin for coming to my life... 8


Julieta Baldo Duarte:It all started in 2010, when I saw one video called 'Baby' on TV, I fell in love with video’s boy at that moment, but I don't knew who he was. Then I started to hear all the people speak about him and i started to feel much things, like love. One year later (2011) I started to be a Belieber, I realized I love him with all my soul, and he became everything to me. He changed my life in all the ways, he made me a better person and you have no idea how I'm thankful, before I knew about him I was nothing, I don't knew who I was but now I know i was born to be a Belieber because I know it's not a game I'm not joking , this is real, this is forever. I Had the opportunity to go to 1 concert in Argentina to 'Believe Tour' 8th November 2013. I'm still here no matter what will happen I'll never leave Justin, he saved me I AM SO GRATEFUL. Belieber is a promise. Being a Belieber is literally the best decision I have ever made and I do not regret. BELIEBER NOW, BELIEBER THEN, BELIEBER UNTIL THE WORLD ENDS.



Camila Olivera: I had Meet and Greet for November 10. When I bought it I thought that one of my dreams was going to be reality. But that dream collapsed because you cancelled that M&G. I was so excited because I bought that M&G that I cried, shouted and jumped because of my emotion. I was counting the days, preparing my clothes, practiced the pose was going to do, and after much waiting, the day had arrived. I waited for hours to enter the stadium, Ryan gave me my bracelet and when I entered to the preshow, I felt that I would be the happiest day of my life.We waited many hours, sang, ate, danced. I made friends there, everything was so perfect, until Ryan came to tell us that our Meet was canceled. My world collapsed and at that moment the first thing I did was cried and ask WHY? Why I couldn't meet the guy who I idolize since 2010? The guy who I loved and supported. That was the saddest day of my life and that is why I want to try again. I want to try meet him again. Please Justin, I want to meet you and hug you. It's my biggest dream and if it comes true, I'll be the happiest girl in the world.



Aldana Villada:Everything started at the last part of the 2009 year when I heard for first time talking about JB, I remember that at the moment I saw him for the first time I thought that he was a really cute guy and the most important part was that he had an amazing voice . My reaction was searching him on the internet . Without realizing that that kid would be the person who made me fall in love. He teach me how to be strong, that I have to fight for my believes, he teach me if I wish something with all your heart you have to reach it, but the most important thing I learned from him was to believe. Nowatday Justin is not just my idol, is the person who make me stay strong everyday of my life and that is normal to make mistakes because I human and that how I learn how to be a better person with the people who is around me and it helps me to discover myself and be more confident with the people I love without hurt in them. The November 10 was the best/worst day of my life, I was full of hope and a had illusion that could hug him thighly and tell him a simple ‘thanks, I love u with all my soul’, but it was the day that knocked me down too. My biggest dream is to hug him and tell him that everything will always be alright because he is not alone anymore. I will always be here for him. FOREVER.



Thank you for taking this little time to read this. It's important for us.