Project GL MBA4

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Transcript of Project GL MBA4

  • 7/31/2019 Project GL MBA4


  • 7/31/2019 Project GL MBA4


  • 7/31/2019 Project GL MBA4


    Procedure for Seeking Approval for

    the Project

    Once the topic is selected, the summary of the

    topic should be sent to the Project

    Coordinator for approval. The summary of the

    project is termed as Synopsis.

    Without getting approval of the synopsis, the

    project work should not be commenced as the

    approval of the project coordinator isimperative.

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    Procedure for approval

    The permission must be sought by submitting the

    synopsis of the project to the Project Coordinator

    and get written approval for the synopsis

    Once you get approval for your synopsis from the

    Project Coordinator, you can start your work on

    your project

    When the project is over, its soft copy should besubmitted to the Project Coordinator and get his

    written approval for your project

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    Approval of synopsis by the project

    coordinator is compulsory. Any project done

    without getting approval of the synopsis will

    be rejected

    Approval of final project is compulsory from

    the project coordinator. The study center will

    accept the original printed project only on thebasis of the submission of the approval letter

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    Project Guidelines The project should have a guide and the guide should

    have MBA degree ( for MBA in Healthcare, the guidecan be a doctor)

    The total number of pages of the project should not beless than 100 and not more than 150 ). The minimumsize of 100 pages should be exclusive of the forms,synopsis copy and other attachments.

    The page size should be A4, with line spacing of 1.5and font size of 12

    There should be minimum of 22 lines in each page

    (pages having image, pictures, charts etc excluded) The margins, alignments and spacing should be

    uniform as there is special rating for organizing thestructure of the materials

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    Project Guidelines

    The structure of the project is given below as guidelines

    Initial first 5 pages of the project are certain forms and thecopy of these forms will be released by the projectcoordinator

    After insertion of the forms, there should be TABLE OFCONTENT

    The TABLE OF CONTENT should have the following details Chapter Numbers of the project along with the content and

    page numbers

    The subheadings of the chapters also should be mentionedand page numbers should be given

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    An Executive Summary : be possibly one or two pages. Should not exceed two pages

    be written in language appropriate for the target audience

    consist of short and concise paragraphs

    start with a summary be written in the same order as the main report

    only include material present in the main report

    make recommendations

    provide a justification

    have a conclusion

    be able to be read separately from the main report

    sometimes summarize more than one document

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    Introductory Chapter


    Brief Introduction of the study

    Problem Identification

    Scope of study

    Methodology adopted ( brief within one page)

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    Literature Review



    Define or identify the general topic, issue or area of

    concern Point out overall trends in what has been published

    about the topic ( or conflicts in theory, methodology,evidence and conclusions or gaps in research andscholarship etc

    Establish the writers reason for reviewing theliterature ( point of view), explain the criteria to beused in analyzing and comparing the literature and theorganization of review

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    Literature Review


    Group literature studies, reviews, theoretical

    articles, case analysis etc

    Summarize individual studies or articles etc

    Evaluate the current state of the art of the body of


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    Company Analysis


    Since the study is based on an organizational issue,a detailed description about the organization

    should be given . For example, the project may be Working Capital

    Management , Launching a New Product in theMarket, Patient Complaints and Availability of

    Staff, Implementation of a New Technology andits Impact on Organization etc. Such a studyrevolves around an organization and hence, thatorganizations details should be furnished.

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    Company Analysis

    STRUCTURE OF THE CHAPTER Introduction to organization Mission , Vision, Values etc History of the organization

    Organizational structure ( can use management tools toexplain it, organizational chart can be shown)

    Management structure

    Description about various departments Details of products and services of the organization ( if

    needed, can use BCG Matrix, GE Matrix etc )

    Business strategy of the company ( can use gap analysis,sensitivity analysis etc )

    Assess the capability of the company ( Make SWOT Analysis ifneeded)

    Explain how the project is linked to the company and how itwill affect the company

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    Research Methodology


    The project is done with the help of data

    collected from the environment . Without data ,

    there is no project and hence data collection isvery important

    Two types of data are generally used for a

    project. They are:

    Primary data

    Secondary data

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    Research Methodology

    Your project should be based on both. If you depend

    upon secondary data only, there are chances of

    rejection of the project by the viva board.

    So the data should be collected from primary as well assecondary sources.

    Questionnaire should be used and the format of the

    questionnaire should be attached at the end of the

    project Viva board will ask specifically about the questionnaire

    and will verify the questionnaire

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    After conclusion, there should be annexure

    and in the annexure, attach the following:


    Attachment of other documents if any

    (Remember: Annexure is not a separate chapter)

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    IMPORTANT DATES The last date for the submission of Synopsis is 20.05.2012

    Approval of synopsis should be obtained from the centrecoordinator before commencing the work on the project.

    The last date for the submission of the final project is30.06.2012. Once the project is over, the soft copy shouldbe submitted to the centre coordinator on or before

    30.06.2012 and get is approved. Only after getting thewritten approval from the project coordinator, it can go forprinting. Sufficient guidelines will be imparted by theproject coordinator at the time of approval of the finalproject by him/her.

    The viva will be informed by the centre. At the time of viva,the hardbinded approved copy of the project should beready.