PROJECT "eTAXI VIENNA" Participating in live operation Taxi 40100 and project team information event...

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Smart City Wien 3 Objectives for resource-saving mobility – Strengthening CO 2 -free modes of transport (walking, cycling) – Reducing motorised, private transport (MPT) in local traffic to: – Electric mobility by 2030: Displacing MPT on new drive technologies by 2050: Inner-city MPT without conventional drive technologies Implementation: „Fachkonzept Mobilität“ Baseline Modal Split MPT 2014: 28%

Transcript of PROJECT "eTAXI VIENNA" Participating in live operation Taxi 40100 and project team information event...

PROJECT "eTAXI VIENNA" Participating in live operation Taxi and project team information event 05 February 2016 Smart City Wien Website:2 Smart City Wien 3 Objectives for resource-saving mobility Strengthening CO 2 -free modes of transport (walking, cycling) Reducing motorised, private transport (MPT) in local traffic to: Electric mobility by 2030: Displacing MPT on new drive technologies by 2050: Inner-city MPT without conventional drive technologies Implementation: Fachkonzept Mobilitt Baseline Modal Split MPT 2014: 28% PROJECT "ETAXI VIENNA" Project information Success factors for eTaxi Vienna Charging infrastructure Area covering quick charge stations Availability 7x24 Station status display Reservability eTaxis Ideal vehicles for business Sufficient number of eTaxis eTaxi driver preparedness Efficiency for entrepreneurs Customer demand Order feature "eTaxi" CO2-neutral mobility eTaxi locations Many corporate customers Location partners Participants in a successful implementation Vienna taxi companies Taxi industry/dispatch center Cooperating partners Consortium partner Vehicle leasing /acquisition Vehicle leasing /acquisition eTaxis as a contribution to Smart City Vienna Vehicles Scientific sub-partners Vehicles Charging infrastructure & power supply Project management/coordination Insurance Project phases - taxi operations Phase 1: up to 120 eTaxis and 10 charging stations Phase 2: up to 250 eTaxis and 20 charging stations Demonstration project Promotion project end Operating preparations Market maturity approx. 1-2% of all taxis approx. 5% of all taxis Charging infrastructure Vienna energy service package Consulting & implementation & "home" charging (on-site) as well as at existing, public charging stations 8 Regular charging Sped up charging Fast charging Plug Electrical strength 3.6 11 kW AC11 22 kW AC>22 kW DC/AC Duration6-8 hours1-3 hours20 60 min. (from 25% to 75% in 20 min) Cost Info: No on-site charging, only at charging stations at specific eTaxi locations! Specific fast-charging stations for eTaxis 10 new eTaxi-charging locations in Vienna + 1 at the airport till march 2016 especially for eTaxis independent from eTaxi stands Range: 1 to 2 x charging/taxi-shift O > breaks 20 minutes well-distributed and accessible locations Starter-package: 1 year TANKE-power for free at the eTaxi fast-charging stations Afterwards: Attractive prices for charging : ~30c/kWh home-charging (company ground): 11-20c/kWh Operation costs -> max. 6/100 km 9 Special Taxi fast charge infrastructure Activation 10 Reservation eTaxi Vehicles Types: all e-vehicles with taxi license Vehicles: 11 Best suitedWith reservationsNo fast charge option Nissan LeafVW e-GolfMercedes B class Nissan e-NV200Tesla Model SFord Focus BMW i3Renault Kangoo eTaxi: vehicles (middle-class) 12 Vehicle comparison (medium class): Cost/km e-vehicle: /km Fossil fuel vehicle /km Operating cost advantage for taxi businesses with the Promotion as well as attractive charging price 13 Operation 14 when buying or leasing Less operational costs than with vehicles run on fossil fuels or hybrids Free electricity at eTaxi fast charge stations, exclusively for the first 120 eTaxis in the first year of operations. eTaxis are 100 % CO2-neutral Vehicle conditions that meet taxi operation needs (high mileage performance) Now 8,000 Euros offer & free electricity Are you looking for qualified eTaxi drivers? Collaboration mit waff and AMS "Job market" - Merging offer and inquiry: AMS-Sign up for registered taxi drivers in search of work AMS Employment program 50plus: Absorbtion of loan costs waff qualifications program: Training costs 50% covered (50% cost recovery through businesses) Your advantage? waff handles the application process! Currently 26 people trained for 7 businesses Contact us! 15 Increased customer demand possible thanks to project: Direct order of eTaxi for customers Incentive use of image: Businesses as (new) customers Eco-friendly & CO 2 -free Higher visibility for customers: new, special eTaxi locations in collaboration with the City of Vienna (planned) Comprehensive Communication with eTaxi 16 Customer demand TAXI Information on our procurement offer 18 Support of radio-taxi Dispatched with ordering code eTaxi eTaxi-drivers achieve more points per direct eTaxi- order which can be used for order prioritisation to compensate charging times Cooperation with radio-taxi is considered for compensating busy eTaxi capacities Supporting the communication and marketing activities of the eTaxi-project Pros and cons of e-taxis ProsCons Less expensive fuelHigh initial costs Coolness factorLimited range Low service costsLong charge time Environmental responsibility Major urban planning changes necessary 19 40100 design proposal 20 40100 design proposal PROJECT "ETAXI VIENNA" Summary Further steps toward the eTaxi 23 e-Taxi start START Offer Financing Order Production/delivery/ marking Registration Mount Advertizing package E tankTraining We are looking for more Vienena eTaxi pioneers Currently participating in the project: Several Vienna taxi businesses with a total of 50 vehicles Many other taxi businesses have shown interest We offer support in decision making via info events individual consultations regarding use of eTaxis in respective businesses (vehicle use and charging concept) Vehicle tests: Nissan Leaf and e-NV200 by NeuMo [location: Erdberg, TownTown] Nissan e-NV200 by Taxi [location: Zetschegasse 15 Leihtaxi (lease taxi)] One Stop eTaxi, 05/11/15: all participants in one place 24 Difficult times require new solutions An attractive package for Vienna eTaxi pioneers: EUR 8.000,- promotion Low operating costs: low energy needs & affordable energy prices Special eTaxi fast charge stations 1 year free electricity at the Vienna Energy eTaxi fast charge station Future-oriented: The most environmentally friendly taxi in the world Increased revenue thanks to an increasing number of environmentally conscientious customers 1 year taxi advertising with certain proceeds for eTaxi partners Sufficient battery guarantee for eTaxi operations 25 Advantages for taxi drivers and businesses 26 eTaxi Vienna Start in March 2016 Website:Information: