Project Brief Saskatchewan Joint Use Schools Projects Project #1 Project/2014 07 31... ·...

Project Brief Saskatchewan Joint -Use Schools Projects Project #1 July 31, 2014

Transcript of Project Brief Saskatchewan Joint Use Schools Projects Project #1 Project/2014 07 31... ·...

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Project Brief

Saskatchewan Joint-Use Schools Projects

Project #1

July 31, 2014

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Saskatchewan Joint-Use Schools Project #1 Project Brief

July 31, 2014 Page i


1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Purpose of this Project Brief ....................................................................................................... 1

2 THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ......................................................................................................... 2

3 THE PROJECT ..................................................................................................................................... 3

3.1 Background ................................................................................................................................. 3

3.2 Project Vision and Objectives ..................................................................................................... 4

3.3 Project Site .................................................................................................................................. 5

3.4 The Authority and Project Team ................................................................................................. 6

3.5 Work Completed to Date............................................................................................................. 8

3.6 Project Elements ......................................................................................................................... 9

3.7 Compensation of the Partner .................................................................................................... 10

4 THE COMPETITIVE SELECTION PROCESS ................................................................................... 11

4.1 Transparency of the Competitive Selection Process ................................................................ 12

4.2 Partial Compensation................................................................................................................ 13

5 PROJECT SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................... 14

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Saskatchewan Joint-Use Schools Project #1 Project Brief

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This Project Brief, and all comments included in it, is intended only as a convenient summary of the

Saskatchewan Joint-Use Schools Projects (the “Project”), specifically Project #1 (as described herein),

the business opportunity and the anticipated competitive selection process.

The Project Brief is not included as part of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) or Request for

Proposals (RFP), and is not intended to be included with, or referred to in any way in interpreting

the requirements of, the RFQ, the RFP, the Project Agreement, or to in any way define or describe

any party’s rights with respect to the Project.

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The Ministry of Education (the “Authority”) is seeking to enter into a contract with a qualified entity to

design, build, partially finance and maintain three joint-use schools as part of Project #1, located in

Regina, Saskatchewan. The Authority is working collaboratively with SaskBuilds as well as the

participating School Divisions including Regina School District No. 4 (RSD) and the Regina Roman

Catholic Separate School Division No.81 (RRCSD).

Project #1 will be procured using a partnership approach. The partnership will use a Design Build Finance

and Maintain (“DBFM”) model to make best use of taxpayers’ dollars and to leverage private sector

innovation and expertise. The Authority expects that a single private partner will provide these integrated

services, assuming and sharing defined project risks and participating in the financing of Project #1.

Features of this business opportunity for Project #1 include:

(a) The design and construction of three joint-use schools (the “Facilities”) and supporting building


(b) A 30-year concession term, with the term and structure linked to availability and performance;

(c) Appropriate risk sharing and compensation;

(d) The opportunity to address a critical infrastructure need for the Authority;

(e) Strong government and public support; and

(f) An interactive competitive selection process in which shortlisted teams and the Procurement

Team will have the opportunity to discuss key elements of the Project including procurement

issues, design issues and documentation, and provisions of the Project Agreement such as

appropriate risk allocations and payment mechanism.

The Project has been approved to proceed to procurement by the Province of Saskatchewan (the

“Province”. Further Authority and Provincial approvals are expected to be required prior to Financial


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In October 2013, the Province announced the construction of nine new joint-use schools located in

communities experiencing unprecedented growth including: Regina, Saskatoon, Warman and

Martensville. Joint-use schools between Catholic and public School Divisions offer options for shared

programming opportunities for students, and have the potential to strengthen partnerships between

School Divisions. This Project Brief is focused on the schools located in Regina that form Project #1.

Overall, the Projects include the design, construction, partial financing and maintenance of nine joint-use

schools. The Projects will be procured in two components. Project #1 will include three joint-use schools

in Regina as described in Table 1 below. Project #2 will include six joint-use schools spanning three

municipalities in central Saskatchewan (a separate Project Brief is provided for Project #2).

The locations of the schools were determined through projected enrolments and population growth. The

capacity of neighbouring schools to accommodate growing enrolments was considered through

discussions with the School Divisions about their highest priorities related to the demand on their


The planning process has been customized to utilize direct input from front-line educators, curriculum

experts, facility representatives and students, to name a few. A Lean 3P (Production Preparation

Process) process was used to develop the indicative designs. The potential for collaborative and

supportive uses which enhance opportunities for learners and the community has been a major

consideration of this Student First Project.

Each site will accommodate two schools (one public and one Catholic) and one central shared space to

form a single, cohesive joint use facility. The Project will offer educational programming for students

ranging from Pre-Kindergarten (PreK) to grade 8. The key attributes of the program and environment


1. Flexible learning environments for varied instructional use and class size;

2. Interdisciplinary, project based and inquiry based teaching and learning;

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3. A technology-rich environment that anticipates changes in educational delivery;

4. Teacher collaboration and support spaces integrated into learning communities; and

5. School commons space that allows students of all ages to gather and connect.

In addition, each joint-use school will feature a core space for shared joint and public use, integrating

school facilities with community programming for maximum use. The primary areas allocated for public

use are the 90 seat child care facility, community resource centre, and multipurpose room.

The table below describes the locations and enrolment estimates for each of the joint-use schools in

Project #1.

Table 1: School Locations and Estimated Stable Enrollment

City Location Public School

Division Stable

Enrollment Catholic School

Division Stable


Regina Harbour Landing

Regina School Division No. 4


Regina Roman Catholic

Separate School Division No. 81


Regina Skywood Regina School Division No. 4


Regina Roman Catholic

Separate School Division No. 81


Regina Greens on Gardiner

Regina School Division No. 4


Regina Roman Catholic

Separate School Division No. 81


Target Service Commencement for all schools is no later than June 30, 2017.


The goal of the Project is to provide safe, comfortable, sustainable and creative spaces for students and

early learners to achieve success, with a focus on the needs of students to ensure successful educational


The Projects were announced on October 22, 2013, to address school facility pressures due to

unprecedented growth in Regina. The School Divisions have been involved throughout the process

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through project direction and oversight roles and participation in Lean 3P work, technical meetings, due

diligence research, and site investigations.

The Authority has defined guiding principles that guide the process and inform the facility development

work. The guiding principles are:

Student First;



Respect Diversity;

Integrity and Trust;

Innovative; and

Open Communication.

Several videos have been produced that provide the Lean 3P context, showcase the extensive

stakeholder involvement, and highlight the importance of student input in the process. They also explain

the 3P process and show the positive impact of the process on the participants’ perceptions regarding the

education system and their role in it.

The videos can be found here:


The Project #1 sites will be located within the municipal limits of Regina. For the duration of the Project

Agreement, the Sites will be owned by, or leased to, the participating Schools Boards on behalf of the

School Divisions, and the School Boards will own the Facilities. The School Boards will provide access

and use rights to the Authority and/or Project Co for the purposes of carrying out their obligations under

the Project Agreements. Further information, including site plans and utility locations, will be provided to

shortlisted Respondents after the RFQ stage, who will become Proponents at the RFP phase. No

rezoning will be required prior to construction proceeding.

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The Authority is undertaking work to provide additional information including legal and topographic

surveys, Transportation Impact Assessments (TIA), Environmental Site Assessments and Geotechnical

reporting. This information is anticipated to be completed during the RFP period.


3.4.1 Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education provides leadership and direction to the early learning and child care,

Kindergarten through Grade 12 education, literacy, and library sectors. The Ministry of Education

supports the sectors through funding, governance, and accountability, with a focus on improving student


The Ministry of Education is committed to improving the learning success and well-being of all

Saskatchewan children and youth, and the enhancement of literacy for all Saskatchewan people.

Additional information about the Ministry of Education is available at

3.4.2 Saskatchewan School Divisions

The School Divisions included as part of Project #1 are:

Regina School Division No. 4

Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan is one of the largest school divisions in the province,

serving the educational needs of more than 20,000 students in 41 public elementary schools, nine public

high schools and three faith-based, associate schools.

Division No. 4 focuses on the continuous improvement of the educational services it offers students. To

direct this focus, the school division has organized its planning and operations around four priority areas:

1. Higher Literacy and Achievement;

2. Equitable Opportunities and Outcomes for All;

3. Smooth Transitions into and through the System; and

4. Governance and Accountability.

Additional information about Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan is available at

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Regina Catholic Separate School Division No. 81

Rich in tradition, culture, and history, the Regina Catholic Separate School Division No. 81’s humble

beginnings date back to the earliest days of the City of Regina. Division No. 81 currently serves over

10,500 students, making it the fifth largest school division in the province.

Division No. 81 serves its students in 29 schools, including 24 elementary schools, four high schools and

one trades-focused school, as well as a Kindergarten to Grade 12 alternative school, the only one of its

kind in Regina.

The Priorities of the Division are:

1. to help students demonstrate Christ-like behaviour;

2. to improve student learning outcomes; and

3. to create opportunities through community partnerships.

Additional information about the Regina Catholic Separate School Division No. 81 is available at

3.4.3 SaskBuilds

SaskBuilds was established by the Government of Saskatchewan in 2012 to provide advice and

recommendations for advancing major infrastructure projects through innovative approaches to

infrastructure development and alternative financing models such as public-private partnerships.

SaskBuilds, on behalf of the Authority, is managing the competitive selection process for the Project.

Additional information about SaskBuilds is available at

3.4.4 Project Advisors

The Procurement Team has also retained the following advisors to assist in implementing the Project:

Miller Thomson LLP (Fairness Advisor);

Aird & Berlis LLP;

Altus Geomatics Ltd.;

Crosby Hanna & Associates;

David F. Chambers Consulting, Inc.;

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Entuitive Corporation;

Group2 Architecture Interior Design Ltd;

ISL Engineering Land Services Ltd.;


Pacific Meridian Consulting Inc.;

Partnerships British Columbia Inc.;

Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc.;

Ritenburg & Associates;

SRG Security Resource Group Inc.;

SSA Quantity Surveyors, Ltd.;

Tetra Tech EBA Inc.;

The Honourable Justice William J. Vancise (Conflict of Interest Adjudicator);

Turner & Townsend;

TYZ Engineering Ltd.; and

Val’s Drilling Ltd.


The Authority, in collaboration with the relevant School Divisions, is in the process of completing its

programming, indicative design and drafting of performance specifications (the “Performance


The work to date has included two phases, involving the indicative design as well as specific

requirements for each of the school sites. Numerous meetings, workshops and Lean 3P events were

conducted, including technical meetings.

The Authority’s architects are in the process of validating and finalizing program components in order to

finalize the indicative design for the Facilities. It is anticipated this indicative design will incorporate

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significant portions of Lean 3P work. The Lean 3P work involves a design approach that creates more

efficient processes by having a cross-functional team create process diagrams and mock-ups, resulting in

safe, comfortable, sustainable and creative spaces for students and early learners to achieve success.

The output of the Lean 3P work is an internal building layout that informs the functional program,

indicative design and Performance Specifications.

The indicative design serves several purposes, including testing the functional program to ensure that it

fits within the available space, providing input to a quantity survey estimate to confirm affordability and

supporting the refinement of key adjacencies and work flows. The indicative design will be made available

to shortlisted Respondents after the RFQ stage in the RFP data room. The indicative design is not

intended to restrict Proponents in their design of the Facilities; it shows one possible form of a design

solution and is not to be interpreted as the ideal design for the current educational needs. The Authority is

particularly interested in, and encourages, innovative design solutions that meet the Performance

Specifications and offer benefits to the Authority and relevant School Divisions.


Table 2 identifies and describes the elements of the Project that will be delivered by Project Co, and the

elements that will be delivered, managed or owned by the Authority and/or relevant School Divisions.

Table 2: Project Elements

Project Element Description

Elements to be delivered by Project Co:

Design and Construction

Design, construct and commission the Facilities including:

Obtain all final building and development permits;

Site preparation; and

Management of the design development process.

Utilities Project Co will be responsible for the provision of utilities and other site services as required to support the Facilities, potentially including off-site works as required to connect the Facilities to existing City infrastructure.

FM Services It is anticipated that standard scope and related risk transfer found in Canadian DBFM projects for facilities management and lifecycle services will be part of the Project.

Equipment Project Co will be responsible for the procurement, delivery, installation, commissioning and maintenance of all fixed equipment and selected equipment

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Project Element Description

for the relevant School Divisions. This equipment will be specified at the RFP stage.

Finance Project Co will be required to provide debt and/or equity financing for the project. The Authority anticipates making progress payments of approximately 40% of the project capital costs during construction.

Handback Project Co will be required to undertake the handback works to ensure that the Facilities and Sites are returned in good working condition in accordance with the requirements of the Project Agreement.

Elements to be delivered, managed or owned by the relevant School Divisions:

Educational Programs and Services

The participating School Divisions will remain responsible for the delivery of educational programs and services for students. Access to and use of the new schools, once complete, will be managed by the School Divisions in the same manner as existing schools.

Facilities The participating School Boards will own, or be the primary leaseholder, of all Sites, buildings and other improvements on the Sites, subject to any licence or other rights to be granted to Project Co or third parties.

FM Services The participating School Divisions will provide ongoing delivery of day to day facilities management functions and activities that do not form part of the Project, including custodial services.

Equipment The participating School Divisions will procure, maintain and provide life cycle services to certain School Division owned equipment, except as identified in the Project Agreement.


In addition to the monthly progress payments during construction, an amount, bid competitively, will be

paid monthly to Project Co over the operating term of the Project Agreement, based on the availability

and performance of the Facilities, commencing upon the relevant School Division’s commencement of

occupation and use. Failure to provide services in accordance with the service specifications may result

in deductions from service payments as defined in the Project Agreement payment mechanism.

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The Procurement Team intends the competitive selection process to be a two-stage process as follows:

Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”); and

Request for Proposals (“RFP”).

The accompanying RFQ is being issued by the Procurement Team for the purpose of inviting interested

parties to submit Responses to the RFQ indicating their interest in, and qualifications for, either Project #1

or Project #2 or both Project #1 and Project #2. Based on these Responses, the Procurement Team

intends to select, in accordance with the terms of the RFQ, a shortlist of no more than three Proponents

to be invited to participate in the next stage of the competitive selection process, the RFP stage, for each

of Project #1 and Project #2.

The RFP phase will be managed as two separate procurements and will include two separate RFPs and

Initial Draft Project Agreements. Respondents to the RFQ will be required to identify in their RFQ

Response whether they are submitting for Project #1, Project #2 or both Project #1 and Project #2.

Table 3 provides an outline of the competitive selection process.

Table 3: The Competitive Selection Process

Project Stage Description

Request for Qualifications

Identify and select Respondents who will be invited to respond to the RFP.

The RFQ sets out the information requested from Respondents, and the evaluation criteria that will be used to evaluate Responses.

Respondents will identify whether they are submitting qualifications for Project #1, Project #2 or both Project #1 and Project #2.

The Procurement Team intends to shortlist no more than three Respondents for each of Project #1 and Project #2 who will then be invited to submit proposals based on the specifications that will be included in the respective RFP.

Request for Proposals

The RFP phase for Project #1 and Project #2 will be run as separate procurements.

Proponents will be invited to submit proposals based on the Performance Specifications, the Final Draft Project Agreement, and requirements included in the RFP.

The RFP will detail the business opportunity that Proponents are invited to

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submit proposals to.

The RFP will include a financial affordability ceiling.

The Procurement Team anticipates the RFP to contain scored elements that, based on point scoring, will contribute to the calculation of the adjusted net present cost of the Project.

Collaborative Discussion Process

The Procurement Team expects the RFP process to include a series of collaborative meetings with each Proponent.

Collaborative meetings will be held separately for both Project #1 and Project #2.

The purpose of such meetings is to aid Proponents in submitting quality proposals that effectively address the needs of the Authority and participating School Divisions.

Meetings will typically include three topic areas: Educational/Design, Facility Management, and Commercial/Legal.

Project Agreement The Initial Draft Project Agreement will be included with each RFP.

Proponents will be invited to provide comments on the agreement and the Procurement Team will respond to these comments prior to the close of the RFP.

Prior to the close of the RFP, the Procurement Team will issue a Final Draft Project Agreement to which Proponents will be expected to provide a proposal.

If a Proponent has elected and is selected to provide RFP submissions on both Project #1 and Project #2 and is subsequently selected to be the Preferred Proponent for both, the Procurement Team, in its discretion, may combine the two Final Draft Project Agreements into one Project Agreement.


The RFQ and RFP will be public documents, although only shortlisted Respondents will be invited to

respond to the RFP. The names of shortlisted Respondents will be made public.

At the completion of the competitive selection process, the Procurement Team will prepare a summary

project report that describes the competitive selection process and the expected benefits of the project.

The Project Agreement, subject to certain limited redactions for privacy and commercial confidentiality

reasons, will be disclosed publicly.

The Fairness Advisor will issue reports documenting the procurement process from a fairness perspective

and give an unbiased opinion on the fairness of the entire competitive selection process.

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Both the project report and the Fairness Advisor’s reports will be released publicly.

The entire process is subject to The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

(Saskatchewan), the Saskatchewan Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

and the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


The Procurement Team will not provide any compensation to Respondents for participating in the RFQ

stage of the competitive selection process.

If the competitive selection process continues into the RFP stage, the Procurement Team intends to

make provision for partial compensation in the amount of $300,000 being payable to each unsuccessful

Proponent in accordance with the terms of the RFP.

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Table 4 provides the Procurement Team’s estimated timeline for the competitive selection process and

the Project.

Table 4: Project Schedule

Activity Timeline

RFQ issue date July 31, 2014

Introductory Projects Meeting August 13, 2014

RFQ Submission Time September 11, 2014

Announce Shortlisted Respondents Late-October 2014

Issue RFPs and Initial Draft Project Agreements to


Late-October 2014

Sites Visit and Business to Business Networking Session –

Project #1 (Regina)

November 2014

Collaborative Meetings November 2014 – March 2015

Interim Financial Submissions January 2015

Issue Final Draft Project Agreements March 2015

Submission Time for Technical Submissions – Project #1 Early-April 2015

Submission Time for Financial Submissions May 2015

Selection of Preferred Proponent(s) June 2015

Early Works (If Required) June 2015

Financial Close August 2015

Target Service Commencement No later than June 30, 2017

Schools Opening Date September 2017

All dates in the above timeline are subject to change at the discretion of the Procurement Team.