
2013-14 EGILEAK: Garazi Belaunzaran, Ane Burgete, Sonia Fernández and Idurre Tolosa 2013-14 GETTING TO KNOW OUR VILLAGE

Transcript of Project


Garazi Belaunzaran, Ane Burgete, Sonia

Fernández and Idurre Tolosa





1. Introduction and our topic´s

justificationTo carry out this project, we will focus in Arangoiti ikastola, a private school

that receives public funds. It is a rural school that is situated in Irunberri, a small village

near Iruña. This school offers the option to study preschool and primary, so between 2

and 12 years old.

We have to say that we have chosen a rural school because we think that it

gives more flexibility every day in the school working. This school is also in a natural

environment, which is very appropriate to work the topic we have chosen: The

environment, working in group. Irunberri has a rich natural environment, which offers

a lot of possibilities to work with children like the river, mountains, animals, colors, the

season… and it is important for them to know about what forms their village and

around it. So is a big opportunity for the children to know about the natural

environment of their village.

We think that the children work better if they work the topic that we choose

based on their personal experiences. That will help us to teach and learn english

better, provided that we work with useful things and taking into account the children

experience. So we think this school and its environment is a good opportunity for the

learning and teaching process. To carry out these, our project is inspired in some

methodologies we have seen during this lesson, and our principal objective is to have

happy children. For all of this, we have chosen children between 4 and 5 years,

because in this school children with these years are in the same class. In total, are 12

children and only one teacher. This teacher has Pre-school teaching studies and it has a

qualification in english.

To work on this project, we have spoken the follow point in this labor. First we

have centred on the different objectives we have got, but our principle objective that

we are going to have in account is to have fun in their learn english. Then there are

some contents that we are going to work in our activities.

We have explained the methodology that will be used for this work, so it is

explained the general methodological principles, the grouping it is used for the

activities, the time and space organization and finally the three resources we are going

to need, the materials, the space and the human resource. Then, it is important to

understand in which context is our school and their workers, pupils, the exposure etc.

Once we have seen all of this, there are the activities for children designed to

know their village and to learn english. Besides there is a evaluation of the project for

the future to change anything if it is necessary and the resources evaluation. Finally,

like a conclusion, that project we have explained a little bit about different example we

have based on.

2. ObjectivesWe have written this objectives taking in account that in our school we want to

have happy children.

To get that, we are certain what we don´t want in our project, for example:

- Not taking in account the children´s interests.

- Not respecting their rhythm.

- Not to hurry pupils up to learn.

- Not using boring methods to teach.

- Not learning languages only listening and in silent.

- Not using only grammar and reading exercises.

Taking this in account, now we have recollected the principles objectives to our


- To work English language, taking account all the aspects and spaces, namely,


- To learn in a practical way through experimentation we will change the

traditional quality. For this, we will base on active exercises, which we will work

speaking and listening with songs, plays, dancing, stories…

- To work in different groups, such as, different age´s groups, mixed groups...

- To promote the communication between pupils. For example, giving to

children time to speak between them in English.

- To understand the learning like a pleasure.

- To respect the rhythm that everyone has.

- To have flexibility with exercises, with term...

- To motivate all the children to don´t lose the interest.

- To believe in children.

- To base on children's interests.

- To use school´s surroundings, like village´s habitant, naturals surroundings,

etc. to learn different vocabulary.

- To know primary sector and work about vegetable garden.

- To work body's coordination with freedom in their movements.

- To promote children´s imagination and creativity

- To collaborate and coordinate with other teachers.

- To know about what forms their village and around them.

- To improve their English.

- To do their think about the rubbish consequences in the river.

- To collect different things for the mural.

- To start relating different objects with the English vocabulary.

- Having fun.

- To encourage respect to nature.

- Hear mother´s experience from her own experience.

- Work the rhythm.

3. ContentsThese are the contents that we are going to work in this project.

- Colours

- Foods

- Animals

- Different components of nature: rivers, leafs…

- Vegetable patch

- Recycling

4. QualityIn the following lines we will discuss the methodology we will carry out into our

project: General methodological principles, grouping, time and space organization and


4.1. General methodological principles

Is essential that between preschool´s different courses, levels, stages... have a

coherence. As a result of that, we must carry out and respect some ideas, like a

globalization principle, significant learning, children´s rhythm, encourage the

socialization and motivation, develop children´s game, working as a team, learn to

trust in the environment...

In addition, we know that learning orders a big intellectual effort. To get a

significant learning, students have to remember what already knew and connect it

with the new information. So that´s why student´s attitude is fundamental. What the

teacher offers and asks to their student, must make sense for them. For this, we must

take into account their characteristics, self-concepts, beliefs... because our objective is

the children´s motivation. But we have to be careful to this intellectual process carry

through not how it should. Like teachers, we must ensure that the learning is not as

something mechanical and repetitive. We should not pressure the students.

Therefore, we will base on a constructivist theory. Our learning is based on

participants interaction and encourage the environmental learning. We are going to

give importance to relations between students and between students and teachers.

We think that’s the key for a future. Also, we think that children have to learn the

importance on looking after the environment.

Consequently, our students will build their own learning. Therefore, our

methodology want to encourage personal growth, because we believe that the

development of people depends on the relationships that we have with our

surroundings and theirself. According to that, we must know our student´s priori

knowledge and we offer material with logic meaning which makes easier children´s


For all that, we will put in practice different activities to develop the

experimentation, work as team, the take part, autonomy, significant learning… The

child will be an active and dynamic subject and as they use the language they will

overcome different challenges. In consequence, teacher's principal role is to know how

is the children group and to be ready to help them.

To sum up, we have to say that with our project we offer the opportunity to

learn foreign language with oral activities, conversations… And when the students

answer in his mother tongue, we will repeat the same in english, for more


4.2. Grouping

Depending on the activity we are going to group children according on it. For

example, to collect rubbish on the river they are going to work together. So, the

different grouping we are going to do will be these: all the group together, the class

separated in some groups, little groups and working all the students between 4-12

years scrambled.

These grouping are organized because we see very important for children to

start working with some schoolmates and in a big group of children, to promote the


When we organized this grouping, we are going to repair on the diversity of

children, so the groups will be heterogeneous. For example working girls with boys, or

mixing children with different race, children who knows english with who’s not...

4.3. Organization of the time and the space.

Most of the activities will be in our classroom, in which are not given

importance of its different spaces designed to work on different activities, because

with this project we are going to centre more on different areas.

But the other ones will be in different places taking in account that our subject

is to know about our village. This will be explained on the point of different resources


If we speak about the time, we can't say more or less the time we are going to

use, because we are going to take the time we see necessary to work on this project,

and it will be worked while we continue the school projects. However we will have

flexibility with the time, prolonging or reducing an exercise according to children. So

we will base on an organization that respects children rhythm, because it is important

to give them the time they need to learn something.

There won’t be English class between we work on this project because they are

going to learn English at the time they work. So this language is going to be integrated

in the different activities and it would turn more common for them.

4.4. Resources

We are going to take there or carry the resources we need for an activity to

each space. In addition, children will have all the material they are going to use in

reach them, so it would be easily for them to work. The materials we are going to use

in different spaces out of the school it would carry out by the teacher.

Besides, to work on this project we are going to use these three different


a) Material: Generally, we use recycled and natural materials, like sticks, leafs,

receptacles, recycled papers… But for the other activities we are going to use these

materials: papers, crayons, music, rubbish bins and bags, posters boards, tail, scissors

and a story. Apart of this, in the visit to the canyon we will use videos and different

material given by them like videos or stories.

b) Space: Most of the activities will be in our classroom, because there children

will feel safe and this is good for them to speak a new language. But we are going to

use also the art class to do the poster board and have the necessary material. Also, and

connected with the subject, we are going to do some trips to visit new spaces near

their village like “Salazar river” and “Irunberri’s canyon”. We think that it is interesting

also to visit the vegetable garden they have in their school and work on it.

c) Human resources: For most of activity’s we only need the teacher of children

between 4 and 5 years old, because it is specialized in English language. But in some

other activity’s, we will have help of other teachers, like in the trips. Besides, for these

trips, we need a guide to explain information, and for another activity we will need the

participation of an English mother which is going to have dialogue with children.

6. Context:In this point we are going to speak about the school environment that we have

chosen. Also about the location, history, environment characteristic and village

features. After, explaining that we will focus in the school characteristics (building), like

if it is state or private school, services, pictures, and also we will speak about what

languages offers this school. Then, we will speak about the children: their

characteristic, how many children are, the age and the role they have in the school.

And finally, we will focus in all the persons who are part of the school, like teachers,

their characteristic, director, specialists, careers advisors and different commissions.

6.1. Situation:

Irunberri, (Lumbier in Spanish), is a village in Spain and a municipality of the

Charted Community of Navarre (Comunidad Foral de Navarra), in the province and

community Pamplona, at 38km from is located in the western part of the

autonomous region of Navarre at an altitude of 467 meters above the sea level. Its

municipal area has an area of 98.565 km² and a population of about 1400. It stands on

the River Salazar in a region of natural interest. It also has interesting historical


About the language, at the present, is located in the non-basque-speaking area

of Navarre, though the place-name "Irunberri" is still used.

In this village, the topology is formed by two deep gorges (Foz) with rock faces

of up to 300 meters high. This has been created by the Rivers Salazar and Irati in the

foothills of the Sierra de Leire. The surrounding area consists of a wide valley with

wheat fields, low Mediterranean countryside and Holm oak woods. There is deciduous

and Common-pine woodland in the higher areas of Arangoiti (Sierra de Leire).

The principal economic activity had been agriculture up to now, but nowadays

industry and services are the principal wobs. So, people who work in agriculture has a

second job. In industry works the 60% of the population in Irunberri’s companies and

also in other villages.

6.2. The school:

Arangoiti School opened in 1980-1981 with only 5 students. One group of

parents created this cooperative and started working, because in that moment it

wasn't the possibility to study in Basque.

This project was guided both Zangoza school. First, this students performed

preschool in Irunberri center and primary in Zangoza school. In 1992, it was introduced

primary in Irunberri and the classes were imparted in town hall´s classrooms, but this

situation wasn't the best.

So over the years, Arangoiti School has fighted pro public learning and this

complaint has been brought to the town hall. But this fight wasn´t enough, but again

the answer was negative. After seen that the administration did not cover Basque

learning, they decided to make their own school. For this, in 2003 it was created

Nafarroa Oinez initiative.

Arangoiti school offers own services, as well as dining room, playing room,

library... Also it is equated with a vegetable garden where children can plant, care and

maintain some natural food like, cherries, strawberries, tomatoes, carrots…

Navarra´s some schools are confederate with Arangoiti.


The principal objective of this school is to enforce a comprehensive learning

and about the languages, basque will be the principal communication language,

although they opt for the multilingualism. They are a private school that receives

public funds concerted school since 2006.

The spanish surrounding concern in the basque language. But in this center the

class are given in basque and, spanish and english languages, are imparted like

subjects. Although Arangoiti promote basque language there isn't habit to speak in this

language out of the center...

6.4. Students:

Nowadays, with 70 pupils, Arangoiti ikastola is stabilized. From two years to

twelve years old, here they offer education of preschool and primary. Students are

separated in classes, but in each class there are two courses, for example, first and

second grade are together, third and fourth grade are together… In preschool also,

children who have 2 and 3 years old are together and in the same way, children who

have 4 and 5 years old. In each class are around 15 students and to do secondary

education they go to Zangoza.

In our class, there are 12 children between 4 and 5 years old. In generally, the

group is fairly homogeneous. The only differences between them are the age and the

mother tongue. There are some children who have basque parents, others have only a

mother or father that she/he know Basque, others have spanish parents, but there is a

child who has english parents. There aren't any children with special needs or any

foreign children. Also, all families have medium economic level, although we can find a

minority with low level.

The students have a very important role. They are very important, because the

teachers work depends on the interests and needs of children.

Consequently, we decide that the best age to start learning a third language is

between 4 and 5 years old. In many cases, people think that children are too young to

start with English, but they are able. It is the best period to start learning english, as

long as, activities sound rather inviting and entertaining. Also, with teaching English in

preschool we are preparing children to pass to primary and continue learning english.

Therefore, we should trust in our students!

6.4. Workers:

In this school we can find a lot of group of persons who are very important for

the properly functioning of the school. First of all, we can find a head group where they

are the director, study head and secretary.

Also, in pre-school education are two teachers. One teacher is in the first cycle

(between two and three years) and the other teacher is in the second cycle (between

four and five years). One of them has work in this school from thirty years, and the

others not so long, but they are professionals too. In primary education there are three


Apart from this, they are two specialists. One is specialist in music and the

other in English. Also, in the school they have a career advisor who takes over to guide

the rest of the workers and students. As well they have different commissions:

- Pedagogy commission: It works with the staff in themes like pedagogy and education.

- Economy commission: They occupy about the administration and economy of the


- Party commission: They organize all the parties.

- Mountain commission: They organize all the trips to the mountain; also they occupy

to take care of the environment (garden, plants…)

- Dining room commission: They occupy of all the themes associated with the dining

room (functioning, paperwork…)

- Maintenance commission: They do the maintenance work of the school.

7. ActivitiesWe must take into account that our activities, must to be meaningful, so the

pupils have to learn with the activities. In our case we are going to center our activities

on learning about their environment and at the same time learning English.

Taking advantage of our space, we will use the good weather to carry out some

activity in the nature, most of all in spring.

1. Initial knowledge’s

Explanation: Like presentation to this project we think it is important to speak with

children about this subject. So in this activity, we will do a meeting in which the

teacher is going to do some question for children to speak.


Materials: Any material is necessary for this activity.

Space: The class

Human resource: The tutor

Duration: 20 minutes.

Grouping: All the class.

Languages: We will explain them simply in english for them to understand, but if they

have problems to understand we can change to basque.


- To know about what forms their village and around them.

- To improve their english.

- To start relating different objects with the english vocabulary.

Evaluation: We aren't going to center in evaluate who knows more or less in this

subject, so in this case what we are going to evaluate is the participation of the

children and if they have used english and if they have used how they managed it.

2. Story

Explanation: The teacher tell the children this story in

english: what does it mean to be green? The teacher can use

a video to tell the story or also the book. Meanwhile and

after telling the story, to make sure that they understand the

story, the teacher makes questions to the children. The

reason to do questions to the children is that the story is in english so maybe they have

more difficulty to understand the story.


Materials: The story.

Space: The class.

Human resources: The teacher.

Duration: 10-15 minutes.

Grouping: The class of 4-5 years all together.

Language(s): The main explanations will be in basque and the rest will be in english.


- Encourage respect to nature.

- Improve their english.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they receive more concepts in english.

- If they understand properly the story.

3. A trip to “Salazar” river

3.1. To collect all that it is not nature

Explanation: We are going to visit the river of this village, so first of all we are

going to try children thought about the rubbish consequences in the river and

for that we are going to find some litter in this place. Then we are going to give

one person of each group some bags for the rubbish for them to pick up..


Materials: Bags for the rubbish.

Space: The River and what it is around it.

Human resource: The teacher.

Duration: 15 minutes.

Grouping: All the group, but they are going to work in groups.

Languages: In basque.


- To do their thing about the rubbish consequences in the river.

- To work in groups.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- To check the bags out to know if they have participated. The most important

thing is to participate and feel like saving the river and what it is around it.

3.2. Picking up all the objects in the nature

Explanation: We are going to ask them to pick up different objects that are in

the river after it is clean. We are going to explain them that with the object

they collect, we are going to do a mural.


Materials: Bags for the objects they picked up.

Space: The river and what it is around it.

Human resource: The teacher.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Grouping: The bags will be also in groups.

Languages: The explanation will be in basque but we can start telling them

different vocabulary in english like for example telling them that what it have in

their hands it is a leaf, a stick…


- To work in groups.

- To collect different things for the mural.

- To start relating different objects with the english vocabulary.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- The participation in the activity.

- If they pay attention to the new vocabulary.

4. Meeting

Explanation: In this activity we are going to see the different objects that children

collect in the river. We are going to put them in groups to count them easily and

remember their name in english.


Materials: The objects that children collect in the river.

Space: Our classroom

Human resource: The teacher

Duration: 15 minutes

Grouping: All the group together.

Languages: We are going to speak all the activity in english, and we will speak in

basque only if it is necessary for children to understand.


- To remember vocabulary in english.

- To count the objects in english.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they have learn the vocabulary.

- If they participated counting numbers.

5. Mural

Explanation: With the material we have collected in the river, and after classifying it,

we're going to the art class to make a mural. The teacher draws in a big paper different

mountains, rivers... that is, a landscape. Then the students should color it and decorate

with all natural materials. Kids will use the colors that they choose; they will place the

materials where they like, etc. In this way, the landscapes that are out of our class, we

could enjoy them from inside.


Materials: Sheets, photographs, crayons, leaf and sticks that we find in the


Space: Art class.

Human resources: Tutor.

Duration: 15 minutes.

Grouping: The class of 4-5 years old together.

Language(s): English above all.


- To work colors in english.

- To name natural objects in english.

- To develop fine psychomotor activity.

- To promote children´s creativity and imagination.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they have positive attitude.

- If they get involved.

- If they learn new english vocabulary.

6. A trip to The Canyon of Irunberri

To continue knowing our environment, we will make a more enriching trip: We will go

to see Irunberri´s canyon. Trip´s duration will be all the morning and all students have

to take part. But this trip is going to have three different activities:

6.1. To learn a new vocabulary and to remember what we know

Explanation: we are going to learn children new vocabulary in English that will

be useful for the trip. To do this we are going to show them different images

with their names written below the image. First we are going to ask them what

they see and help them knowing the new vocabulary in English. Then they can

see the pictures and speak about them in little groups.


Materials: Images (for example of the vulture, sticks, canon…) with their

names in English written below.

Space: Our classroom.

Human resources: The teacher.

Duration: 20 minutes.

Grouping: all the group together and then they can see the pictures and speak

about them in little groups.

Language(s): English, we are going to use basque only if it is necessary.


- To learn new vocabulary in english.

- To speak in English.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they have pay attention to the new vocabulary.

- If they have participated and speak in English

6.2. Visit the canyon´s interpretation centre of Irunberri

Explanation: First of all, we will go to see canyon´s interpretation centre. To do

that, instead of going from the school to the centre, we will agreed that we will

meet in the main square because the centre is situated in that square. Once

there, workers will explain canyon´s flora and fauna, they will show a mockup,

they will offer different plays... which will be in different rooms, such a play

room, mockup room, video room... Therefore, our students will divide in

groups, which will be of different ages, to help each other.


Materials: Canyon´s interpretation center’s videos, plays, mockup…

Space: Canyon´s interpretation center.

Human resources: All the teachers and guide.

Duration: Half of a morning.

Grouping: all the students between 4-12 years old.

Language(s): Basque.


- To know canyon´s flora and fauna.

- To interact and learn between students of different ages.

- To learn to pay attention.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they pay attention to the explanations.

- If they learn the different types of animals.

- If they take part in the activities planned.

6.3. Getting to knowing Irunberri´s Canyon

Explanation: After we know something about the canyon, we are going to get

there in bus and we will see our village´s canyon. Here, the guide will explain

some information about canyon. For example, how it created, what type of

animal live here... for this, each tutor will take the responsibility to look after

her/his students.


Materials: Bus.

Space: Canyon.

Human resources: All teachers and guide.

Duration: Half of a morning.

Grouping: The class of 4-5 years old together.

Language(s): Basque.


- To know canyon´s flora and fauna.

- To interact and learn between students of different ages.

- To learn to pay attention.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they pay attention to the explanations.

- If they learn the different types of animals.

- If they taken part in the activities planned.

7. Vegetable garden

7.1 Before discovering the vegetable garden…

Explanation: To perform the next activities it is important to know and to

practice some contents in English. For this, we are going to use some cards in

which will appear the elements of our vegetable garden: fruits, vegetables and

some colors (red, green…).

First, the teacher will put all the cards face down in the floor. The pupils

will make a circle around these. The play will consist in this: each pupil will have

two chances to raise a card with the objective to find the couple of vegetable

and its color. Each time that some pupil raises a card, the teacher will say and

repeat the name of these. Finally, when the children have joined all the

couples, will say the name of the couples they have. Like in the next activity, all

the pupils will take part on it, this will make in all the class with their teacher.


Materials: 2 cards for each child.

Space: The class.

Human resources: A teacher.

Duration: 1 hour shared out 3 or 4 days.

Grouping: All the class of the center, each in it class.

Language: English


- To know some contents related with the vegetable garden.

- To differentiate and to identify the vegetable´s names.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they participate in this activity.

- If they have respect their turn to speak.

- If they have respect to the nature.

7.2. Vegetable garden in group

Explanation: In this activity the children will learn some content about the

vegetable garden. First we are going to our vegetable garden, using real

elements the teacher will repeat the name of them and the qualities of some

products, for example this is a carrot and we use that to cook some purees, it is

very good to the eyesight... This activity will be repeated during different days.


Materials: Vegetable gardens products and materials.

Space: Vegetable garden.

Human resources: All the teachers.

Duration: 1 hour shared out 3 or 4 days.

Grouping: The class of 4-5 years old together.

Language: English


- To know the contents related with vegetable garden.

- To differentiate and to identify the vegetable´s names.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they participate in this activity

- If they have respect their turn to speak

- If they have identify vegetable´s name

7.3. Caring and loving our vegetable garden

Explanation: To perform this activity, all the center´s pupils were part of it; we

will do different groups of distinct ages. In total we will do 10 groups of 7

children and each group will deal every week the vegetable garden. In this way,

the oldest will help to youngest to create reciprocity, but it is also very

important teacher´s help. It will go on the entire course.

The exercise will base in the care and the field of the vegetable garden.

The teacher will take advantage of this to go over the contents learned in 7.1

activity, making questions like what was the name of this vegetable?, and to

equal some contents, the teacher will speak all time in English giving name to

all the actions of the pupils.


Materials: Vegetable gardens objects and materials.

Space: Vegetable garden

Human resources: All teachers

Duration: All the year. Every week a group. They can stay the necessary time.

Grouping: 10 groups of 7 children

Language: English


- To care the vegetable garden

- To respect the nature

- To work in team


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are


- If they respect the nature.

- If they participate in the actions of this.

8. Let´s go to create our own vulture

Explanation: In this activity we will create our own vulture, so the teacher has to bring

the vulture´s parts drew and cut. The teacher will say them in English, encouraging to

students to repeat the contents. We will have different groups and each group will

have a part of the vulture what will paint part and finally the parts will be pasted for all

the pupils to create a vulture. The teacher will take advantage of this to explain some

contents of this animal.


Materials: Posters boards, tail, scissors and crayons.

Space: The class

Human resources: One or two teachers

Duration: 30 minutes.

Grouping: Groups of 6 children

Language: English


- To know and identify the different parts of the vulture.

- To practice the fine-mobility.

- To work in groups.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they respect the nature.

- If they participate in the actions of this.

- If they identify the parts of the vulture in english language.

9. Recycling

Explanation: First of all we will put in class three rubbish bins: one blue, other green

and the last yellow. This can be a good pretext to work the colors in English: Blue,

green and yellow. Then we will ask children to bring different materials, for example, if

they eat yogurt they can bring it to class, instead of pour the bottle to the rubbish.

Also, we will work different vocabulary in english associated with different material:

carton, paper, plastic, glass.

After bringing them to class, we will check again the rubbish bins colors in

English and we will explain which materials we can put in the different bins. After

doing that, we will start putting the materials that they bring into the rubbish bins of

the class. We will do all the class together, so if anyone doesn’t know where he/she

has to put the material, the others can help him/her.


Materials: Different material and rubbish bins.

Space: The class.

Human resources: The teacher.

Duration: 20-30 minutes.

Grouping: The class of 4-5 years all together.

Language(s): The main explanations will be in basque and the rest will be in english.


- Work the colors in English.

- Realize recycling importance.

- Know what material we have to put in different rubbish bins.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they are able to say the rubbish bin´s color in english.

- If they know what material they have to put into different rubbish bins.

- If they know the positive side of recycling.

10. Singing a song

Explanation: During two weeks, every day, we will listen to a song. They have to pay

attention to the lyric because we have to learn it. After learning the song all the class is

going to older children class to sing it. The older children, also, learn it so we will be

able to sing a song all together, the youngest children and the oldest children.


Materials: Music reproductive.

Space: Our class and older children class.

Human resources: Our Teacher and older children teacher.

Duration: 10-15 minutes per day.

Grouping: The class of 4-5 years all together and the class of 8-9 years.

Language(s): The main explanations will be in basque and the song will be in english.


- Having fun.

- Work the rhythm.

- Encourage team work.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they feel good singing to older children.

- If they realize the song rhythm.

- If they help each other.

11. The mom's visit

Explanation: We are fortunate because one of the parents of our students are English.

We will use this opportunity to let children know english customs, culture, food, flags…

Therefore, we will know personally an English person. We think that is important to

know another country person experiences, because probably is very different to our


Is important to say that before the visit, the teacher will meet with the mother

to speak about what explanation can be appropriate, because maybe if the english is

very technical the children won´t be able to understand that. Is better if the mother

use vocabulary that we previously work in class.


Materials: Nothing.

Space: The class.

Human resources: The teacher and the mother.

Duration: 20 minutes.

Grouping: The class of 4-5 years all together.

Language(s): The main explanations of the teacher will be in basque and the mother

explanations will be in english.


- Improve their english.

- Having fun.

- Hear mother´s experience from her own experience.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they understand mother´s explanation.

- If they feel good with the visit of schoolmate´s mother.

12. Create a story

Explanation: Using the previous exercise (the story), we will ask to the children if they

want to do their story. During two weeks they make one drawing per day. When the

children finish drawing the teacher have to write what the children do. For example,

the children can paint a person putting the rubbish into the river. After children

explanation, the teacher writes it in the drawing. After two weeks all the drawings will

put together, creating a story.


Materials: Papers and colored pencils.

Space: The class.

Human resources: The teacher.

Duration: 10-15 minutes per day.

Grouping: The class of 4-5 years each one in her/his own work.

Language(s): The main explanations will be in basque and the story will be in english.


- Encourage respect to nature.

- Work the imagination.

- Having fun.


To evaluate this activity, we will let´s see if the following things are completed:

- If they create interesting stories.

- If they feel good creating their stories.

8. Evaluation8.1. Project evaluation

The evaluation is a way to know if the process of learning and teaching is being

positive and effective. Because of this, the evaluation would be an important

instrument for us. The evaluation we think that it have to be a process which, also,

have to be educable, constant, systematic and general. We think that is important to

evaluate all the learning-teaching process not only the final result. In pre-school

education work in a global and constant way, so we think that is important have this

side in account to do an appropriate evaluation. Also, is important to take into account

all the special features of the children, we can´t evaluate all the children in the same


After say that, the main technique that we are going to use to evaluate the

children will be the observation. We think that this way of evaluation, is the best to see

children advances and backwards, so we can get a lot of information of them. Apart

from this, we will do an analyze of the contents.

To carry out an educative evaluation we will share out it in three different


Principle evaluation: To start we will make some conversation and share some

ideas. In this way, children will can express her/his hypothesis, with that, we can know

the level which pupils have to get a good learning

Continuous evaluation: Every day we will observe children´s behavior and

works with the objective to following their advances.

Ending evaluation: In the end of this sequence, we will analyze if we have get

the objectives that we have suggested. For that we will use the follow tool:





get it

He/she is in the

way to get it

Has the pupil learn to pay attention?

Has the pupil interact and learn between

students of different ages?

Has the pupil learn to pay attention?

Has the pupil interact and learn between

students of different ages?

Has the pupil know canyon´s flora and fauna?

Has the pupil know canyon´s flora and fauna?

Has the pupil promote children´s creativity and


Has the pupil develop fine mobility?

Has the pupil name natural objects in english?

Has the pupil work colors in english?

Has the pupil start relating different objects with

the english vocabulary?

Has the pupil collect different things for the


Has the pupil work in groups?

Has the pupil start relating different objects with

the english vocabulary?

Has the pupil improve their english?

Has the pupil know the forms of their village?

Has the pupil know some contents relationated

with the vegetable garden?

Has the pupil differentiate and to identifies the

vegetable´s names?

Has the pupil work the colours in english?

Has the pupil realize recycling importance?

Has the pupil know the material that we have to

put in different rubbish bins?

Has the pupil work the rhythm?

Has the pupil encourage respect to nature?

Has the pupil work more concepts in english?

Has the pupil encourage respect to nature?

Has the pupil work the imagination? Is he/she


Has the pupil having fun?

Has the pupil care the vegetable garden?

Has the pupil respect the nature?

Has the pupil work in team?

Has the pupil work in team?

Has the pupil know the different parts of the


7.2. Evaluation of resources:

In this point we will evaluate the different resources we use in the exercises.

For this evaluation we will use a evaluation-table. In this table appear a questions

which help us to do a reflection about adaptation or non-adaptation of the resources.

Evaluation- table:


We have enough material?

Is the material in good condition?

The material adapt to children age?

We need more material for another time?

Are the materials secure?

Are the spaces appropriate?

Work in different spaces help in the learning process of the children?

Are the human resources enough?

The resources help in the active attitude of the children?

The resources help in the motivation on the children?

5. ConclusionTo carry out our project, we based on two keys: Quality (methodology) and

exposure (contact with the language). With this in mind, we have tried to create a

good project, which involves different methodological principles. Also, we have tried to

learn a language as a natural communication, without pressure and taking in account

children´s characteristics, rhythm, special features… That is, we based on the interests

of children.

Our project is multilingual, but our children won’t have an English subject. Like

we are going to explain below, English is going to be used like Basque or Spanish in a

natural situations and activities, because we think that it is important to use it natural.

Therefore, we can say that our project is CLIL (Content and Language Integrated

Learning). In the first place, our project also is global and interdisciplinary. Our

activities involved different aspects of languages, mathematics, psychomotor activity…

and it has in mind to children´s feature psycho-evolutive. In the second place, this

project sees language as the best to learn using in different purposes at different

times. Also, in our school is very important to have fun and be happy. Thus, our project

improve the communicative competence, offer the opportunity to learn contents from

other areas in english, conceive english as way of natural communication and it

encourage the intellectually and emotionally development. As a final thing, because

depending on the activity, we will work in groups (in little groups, all the group


In summary, our project integrated many aspects based on students’

knowledge, such us, family, language, context and contents. In this way, children learn

about different topics working on various aspects.

Also, in our opinion, our project is related with “Actions for success in schools

in Europe” article (Author: Included), because for us is so important the parent´s

collaboration to get a good learning for the pupils. In this way we have created some

activities specifically run to the participation of the parents.

Besides, the families manage Arangoiti´s school. Therefore they are part of the

center actively. Although we don´t explain it in this project, our center has some

special programs runed to support. Also our center organize activities in the class

taking account levels of ability, using a personalize curriculum and avoiding low

performance of pupils.

We also related our project with the Artigal text. It consists on dominating a

language with children between 3 and 6 years old. But, it isn’t the objective the

language; it must be a tool to do interesting activities in class.

We can think that it is difficult to use a language that we don’t know, but if the

conditions are appropriate, it can be used in little groups. Working in groups, from the

first moment they are going to share with their schoolmates some knowledge.

So, in 3-6 years old, to absorb a new language that´s so important to use this

from start like a useful and motivating instrument. In this way, the children will feel the

need to communicate. In this age that´s so important to understand and to have a

context to use it.

We are so agree with Taeschner author; he told that the best way to learn and

use a language is to have a good context.

This project is also related with the Sansomendi text we red. This speaks about

different methods of working with students, and we have used this: “More than one

teacher in each class and if it is no possible some voluntary people like parents,

grandparents, youth people of the school (for example in secondary grade) and any

voluntary will be accepted. We think this is important not only to help the teacher with

the children, also to interact and play with them, and have another example. In one

activity a mother is going to class to explain them the english culture, and in another

activity our children are going to work with the other students of the school.”

References- Hezkuntza proiektua. Erabilgarri:

- Arangoiti ikastola. Erabilgarri:

- Coyle, Hood and Marsh. (2010): Content and Language Integrated Learning.

- Riera Toló, M. R. : CLIL in Preschool: An Interdisciplinary approach. CEIP ESPAI 3, Sant

Joan Despí

- Erabilgarri:

- Artigal, J.M. (1990): Uso/adquisición de una lengua extranjera en el marco escolar

entre los tres y los seis años. Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación.

- (2012): Proyecto de intervención global. CPI Sansomendi IPI, Vitoria-Gasteiz