Progressive Presidents

Rooseve lt

Transcript of Progressive Presidents



Square deal

He vowed not to favor any group of

Americans but to be fair to all

Square is fair

Three demands (3 C’s):

◦ Control of corporations

◦ Consumer protection

◦ Conservation of natural resources

Control of Corporations

Was not pro-business

Distinguish good businesses from bad

◦ Products vs money

Defended the right of labor to organize

The Roosevelt administration filed

forty-three trust-busting suits

Known as the “Trust Buster”







is the




Hepburn Act

Interstate Commerce Commission


◦ Was created to ensure railroads were


◦ weak agency, didn’t have much authority

Empowered the ICC

Set maximum railroad rates and

allowed inspection on railroad

companies’ financial records

Consumer Protection

The Jungle

Pure Food and Drug Act

Meat Inspection Act

Federal inspection of meat products and prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated food products.

Conservation of natural

resources As president, Roosevelt provided federal

protection for almost 230 million acres of land◦ an area equivalent to the entire Eastern

Seaboard from Maine to Florida.

He sat aside 150 national forests, the first 51 federal bird reservations, five national parks, the first 18 national monuments, the first four national game preserves and the first 24 reclamation, or federal irrigation, and projects.

Roosevelt also appointed as the first Chief of the U.S. Forest Service the visionary Gifford Pinchot

He convened four study commissions on conservation for policymakers and leading authorities to shape thought about the then-new field of conservation.

Thank you TR!

Which came first?

Foreign Policy



◦ What was this?

◦ Where did we

see this?


Japanese War

Nobel Peace



Governor of the Philippines under


Was handpicked by TR to be the next


Initiated at many as 80 trust-busting


◦ Almost twice as many as TR

16th Amendment

The 16th Amendment allows

Congress to tax income without

basing it on population.

◦ It is based on how much you make

The amendment is the constitutional

law empowering the government

enforce income taxes on Americans.

17th Amendment

Direct election of


Instead of state

legislatures providing

jobs and voting for

their friends, the

people could elect

someone who they

felt would do the

best job

Trust-Buster Started off strong

Twice as many trust-busting suits as TR◦ Standard Oil Company

◦ The American Tobacco Company

U.S. Steel◦ TR accused him of being unable to tell the

difference between “good” trusts and “bad” trusts

Found himself surrounded by conservative business men, and soon backed off his trust-busting efforts

Foreign Policy

Dollar Diplomacy

◦ What was this?

◦ Where did we see this?

End of the friendship

Taft fired Pinchot,

head of the

Department of

Forestry, and


personal friend

Split the

Republican party

in two

Election of 1912

TR returned and announced he was

running for President

Roosevelt lost Republican seat

Knowing what we know about TR,

how do you think he handled the loss?


Bull Moose Party

New Nationalism vs. New



Clayton Anti-trust Act

An amendment passed by the U.S. Congress in 1914 that provides further clarification and substance to the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890.

Prevented companies from making exclusive contracts, rebates, inter corporate stock holdings, and price cutting.

This act was very influential because it did not inhibit unions from forming or carrying out their plans for reform.

Keating-Owen Act Sought to address child

labor by prohibiting the sale in interstate commerce of goods produced by factories that employed children under fourteen

mines that employed children younger than sixteen

Any facility where children under sixteen worked at night or more than eight hours daily.◦ 60 hours a week


The Keating-Owen Act was

considered unconstitutional

Hammer v. Dagenhart

State vs. Federal powers (10th


◦ Can Congress regulate commerce?

Decision reversed in 1941

Adamson Act

Established an eight-hour workday,

with additional pay for overtime work,

for interstate railroad workers.

Foreign Policy

Moral Diplomacy

◦ the system in which support is given only

to countries whose moral beliefs are

similar to that of the nation supplying help.

Help democratic countries

◦ Possible allies

Injure non-democratic countries

◦ Possible enemies

Latin America He also hoped to increase the number of

democratic nations, particularly in Latin America


Monroe Doctrine

Panama Canal Act

Apologized for Roosevelt’s actions during Panamanian Revolution

Nicaragua ◦ Haiti

◦ Dominican Republic

Mexican Revolution

Victoriano Huerta

Wilson refused to recognize violent

dictators who overthrew a government

in pursuit of their own agenda

Gave Huerta’s enemies weapons

Constitutionalist Venustiano Carranza

Pancho Villa

Columbus, New Mexico

End of the Progressives (?)