Progressive Consulting India Presentation By Nikolaj Kielland

Progressive Business Academy

Transcript of Progressive Consulting India Presentation By Nikolaj Kielland


Business Academy

Today's Progressive Business Academy There has never been a more exciting time to be at PBA. Progressive Consulting India has been transformed in recent years by new initiatives that have greatly enhanced the experience. Today's trainees come from all over the nation and the world to attend an extraordinary business academy that combines many aspects of an apprenticeship or a gurukul with the resources of an unparalleled business operation. This is unlike any other learning institute because it is run within a fully functional corporation. You will learn the art of business and will be assisting and advising some of the largest corporates in the world. We have strategic partnerships with the top accounting firms in India alone and work with more than 33 financial institutions globally. Our programme is designed to create success and wealth in all areas of your life. It is an exclusive programme with a limited intake. If you are accepted into the programme, you are guaranteed a position within our company, upon successful completion of the programme. In a limited timeframe, we will teach and train you in all aspects of business consulting from small medium enterprises to global multinational enterprises.

Progressive Consulting India Progressive Consulting India is the trade name of the business that is owned and operated by the House of Kielland, a trading family going back to 1668 in Norway. The House of Kielland dates back to 15th Century where the family took possession of the land by the Kiel. Through the centuries, the different Lords of the illustrious House of Kielland have assumed many titles and business endeavours. The House of Kielland was considered the richest family in Norway, and today, it continues its legacy of trade and finance by building its business empire and expanding its large international network. With its unparalleled fleet and multiple shipyards, the House of Kielland was trading with the Nordic countries, the Kingdom of Great Britain, the United States and the Russian Empire and even crossed the Equatorial Line on a trade expedition to colonial Africa. The family ventured into financing at the turn of the 18th century helping the King of Denmark with financial support. For its support to the Royal Houses of Denmark and Norway, members of the House of Kielland received the Order of St. Olav from the King of Norway and was decorated Knight of the Danish Order of Dannebrog as well as a Barony from the Danish King. After the introduction of democracy in Norway, the Lord of the House of Kielland assumed the mantle of mayor of Stavanger. Over the following century, this post was delegated to other family members, while the Lord of the House went on to be elected to the Parliament of Norway, a position that was to be held for 3 generations. The House has served the Kingdom of Norway as a trade house, as vice consul for Denmark, vice consul to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, vice consul for the city-state Hamburg, vice consul for the Netherlands, vice consul to Prussia, vice consul to the United States and the Russian Empire, contributed greatly in philanthropy and politics and today, it lends its support to the betterment of human kind through the works of the 8th Baron and current Lord of the House of Kielland His Lordship Nikolaj Kielland. Today House of Kielland forges on-going mutually beneficial relationships between the business, political and philanthropic leaders of the world while promoting cultural understanding, success and excellence on a truly international level. Progressive Consulting India connects people, products, governments and countries globally. In India, we specialize in the following services: Problem Solving, Hard to Get Financing, Funding & Finance, International Sales & Marketing, Commercial & Operational Due Diligences, Strategy & Planning, Contingency Management, Financial Analysis, Business Planning, Feasibility Studies, Mergers & Acquisitions and International Joint Ventures.

About Progressive Business Academy - PBA Since its founding in 1668, the House of Kielland has delivered more than 300 years of market leading results for its clientele. From this experience, a dynamic leadership programme has been developed. As the world economy continues to evolve so do the requirements for hands-on, result oriented, performance driven solutions. Progressive Business Academy is a powerful and transformative learning experience that explores the best business practices and latest strategies for sustaining a strategic advantage over the long term. You will graduate from PBA as a visionary leader equipped with the business expertise and global perspective to take your career with our organisation to the next level of success, culminating in you becoming a Consulting Business Manager, a Business Consultant or a Partner in the firm, depending on your course selection.

Applying to PBA PBA is committed to making opportunity accessible. Admission is based on suitability and commitment level. There is no formula for gaining admission to PBA. Candidates with vastly different credentials come from thousands of sectors and areas across the country and around the world. In the olden days, before modern education systems were invented, if you wanted to master a trade, you had to find someone who was a Master in that trade and become his apprentice. The apprentice would live and work with the Master until he became a Master himself. We follow this same logic; you become a Consultant when you can do what one of our Consultants does. Our programme takes you step by step, through every aspect of our business, which is a fully functioning business and teaches you each and every area that is required. What makes us truly unique is that we follow this logic: from the day you join, you will be actually training in a fully functioning corporation. You will be interacting with staff and clients from day 1, and, you will be taken step by step through every part of the business until you can do what one of our consultants can do. What unify our candidates is the desire to succeed and the willingness to learn the art of business from a more than 300 years old tradition of success and excellence.

What We Seek The PBA is for exceptional individuals. We will take you from where you are now and over the time of your course transform you to either a consulting manager, a business consultant or partner in our business. This will produce the following incomes:

Consulting Business Manager Rs 50,000 – 1 Lakh per month, Business Consultant 1 – 2 Lakh per month Partners 5 – 8 Lakh per month

This will take you to the top 5% of income earners in India. Then, over the next 2-5 years, we will continue to help and guide you to obtain the success and income that would normally take 10 – 20 years to achieve; this will put you in the top 5 percent of income earners in India. We seek people with enthusiasm, creativity and strength of character. We are looking for leaders, not just for employees. We want leaders who can go on to become consultants, who can actually consult, assist and advice small, medium and very large companies, somebody who is trainable, somebody who doesn’t mind hard work and is interested in a long term career. We take the best and make them better.

PBA Highlights What we are offering is an unparalleled opportunity to succeed with the guarantee of a full-time position in our company, upon completion of an intensive training programme. In today's world what other courses can guarantee success upon completion?

100% guaranteed position in our company upon completion Practical experience in fully functional operational business in India owned and

operated by foreigners Learning by doing; you will be working in a fully functional business from day 1 of

your training 6 months for Consulting Manager 12 month for Business Consultant 24 months for Partner Investment 6 Lakh / 12 Lakh / 24 Lakh ROI within 6-12 months of completion guaranteed A Program for each stage of your growth in the company Exposure to all areas and departments of the business 3 Programs, 8 modules, 36 fields of study, and a median batch size of 12 A unique atmosphere filled with history and tradition A holistic Approach to Business Physical exercise and healthy diet

You can start on one course and then at the time in the future you can then progress on to the next course in the company, you may be working with us for a year or two and decide to become a senior consultant or eventually a partner in the firm

Your Course of Study By examining a range of management concepts from various perspectives; customer and product markets, evolving geopolitical influences, and current capital markets, you will discover how to develop strategies for winning in today's global economy. PBA offers three comprehensive programs, each which train and prepare you for a leadership position within our global organisation, leading to opportunities not only within India but in any of the 48 countries that we currently do business with.

MBA versus PBA What we are offering is an unparalleled opportunity to succeed and unlike the conventional education institutions, we guarantee you a full-time position in our company. In today's world, MBA courses are highly sought after; however they all have one thing in common they cannot guarantee success upon completion.


Less than 30% will get a job within their desired area

100% guaranteed position in our company upon completion

Takes 2 years

Takes 1 year for Business Consultant and 2 years for Partnership Program

Theory based education in classroom setting

Practical experience in fully functional operational business in India owned and operated by foreigners

Learning from books

Learning by doing

Investment 5 – 15 Lakh

Investment 6 Lakh / 12 Lakh / 24 Lakh depending on course

ROI 3-5 years

ROI within 3-6 months of completion guaranteed

What You Can Expect Unlike traditional classroom and theory based training; at PBA you are immediately immersed in a fully operational business which becomes your class room. This is a real-life, on the job training, unparalleled in the world. The result will be that you end up with a guaranteed position in our company as a Consulting Manager, a Business Consultant or Partner of our firm. We are going to train you to be successful, why because if you are successful we are successful. Our training takes a holistic approach to business and life.

Who Is Right for the Training PBA brings together a broad selection of people committed to their careers and futures; these people have made a decision to succeed, achieve and to become part of an elite global organisation committed to excellence in all areas of life. A limited yearly intake makes the successful applicants an extremely exclusive group of individuals. To be considered, you must complete and submit your application and include a confirmation that you have read and understood the terms and conditions. PBA offers three comprehensive routes to success, each of which trains and prepares you for a leadership position within our global organisation, leading to opportunities not only within India but in any of the 48 countries that we currently do business in.

The Programs Program (CBMP) Consulting Business Manager (6 Months)

The CBMP is a management training programme within our company. This is a 6 months traineeship programme which will lead to a fulltime position within

our international business consulting firm. The Programme Fee is Rupees 6 Lakh. Once the course is completed and final exams passed this will lead to a monthly

remuneration between 50,000 to 1 Lakh Rupees.

Program (BCP) Business Consultant (12 Months) Under graduates and post graduates, who are interested in a long term career within

our international business consulting firm can apply. We have limited positions available for our internal traineeship program which will lead

to a fulltime position as a consultant in our firm. The Programme Fee is Rupees 12 Lakh. Once the course is completed and final exams passed this will lead to a monthly

remuneration between 1 to 2 Lakh of Rupees.

Program (PP) Partnership (24 Months) At least 3 – 5 years’ experience in the corporate sector is required Undergo our 24 month internal training course within our company. This will qualify you for a prestigious position as a partner of our international business

consulting firm. The Programme Fee is 24 Lakh Rupees. Once the course is completed and final exams passed this will lead to a monthly

remuneration of between 5 to 8 Lakh Rupees.

Terms and Conditions This is a full time course six days a week. At the end of the training period, you will be given the opportunity to further your career by beginning training for the next position. This means that if you wish to apply for the Business Consultant Position but don't currently have the programme fee, you could start in the Consulting Manager Programme, and on the successful completion of this training period, your earnings would easily cover the programme fee of the next position. At the end of the training period there will be a final examination; upon passing this you are guaranteed a full time position in our firm. Please send us an email stating that you are applying for Progressive Business Academy and that you have read and understood all the information in the pdf file. Please include the following information:

1. Programme applied for 2. Name 3. Place of origin 4. Email id 5. Working / Studying 6. Contact Number 7. Date you can start

How can I join?

There are a limited number of positions for suitable applicants. Send in an expression of interest to [email protected] and we will contact you to schedule your 1st round interview. For further information please visit

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