Progress and challenges towards delivering the IAPT mandate Regional Mental Health Meeting (Midlands...

Progress and challenges towards delivering the IAPT mandate Regional Mental Health Meeting (Midlands and East Region) 4 th February 2014 Kevin Mullins Els Drewek National Director Intensive Support Manager

Transcript of Progress and challenges towards delivering the IAPT mandate Regional Mental Health Meeting (Midlands...

Progress and challenges towards delivering the IAPT mandate

Regional Mental Health Meeting (Midlands and East Region) 4th February 2014

Kevin Mullins Els DrewekNational Director Intensive Support Manager

Designing the Offer of Intensive Support for IAPT services

Adult Roll Out - Remaining Challenges (1)

• Sufficient investment (prevalence, spend per head of population)

• Sufficient referrals

– GP awareness,

– self referrals,

– Attrition rates

– non-IAPT services

• Equity of access

– Older people (raised in the national NAPT Audit Nov 2013)

– Severity: Early intervention - Step 2 - Step 3

– Step 4 services: access and waiting times

– BME communities

Adult Roll Out - Remaining Challenges (2)

• Long Waiting Times (suppress referrals & poor patient experience)

• Clinical productivity & workforce

• Commissioner challenges

–How to increase referrals; Most services are set up to deliver current referrals rates.

–Deliver the IAPT Quality Standards

–Perverse incentives (casemix; encouraging referrals)

–Whole system promotion and marketing

• Reports, Reporting and Data Quality

Offer of Intensive Support(based on Elective IST and Emergency Care IST principles)

Intensive support for challenged Local Health Communities

•Provide expert diagnostic reviews, assurance and practical support

•Improvement and support rather than ‘inspection’ or performance management - only engage with clients following a direct invitation

•Provide high quality reports with clear, practical recommendations

•On-going guidance, assurance - tailored to local needs

Offer of Intensive Support(based on Elective IST and Emergency Care IST principles)

Support to networks / area teams

•Offer to co-produce network meetings

•Master classes and/or ‘surgeries’

•Desktop reviews (‘Health Checks’)

•Anything else?


•Produce good practice guides; self assessment check lists; practical


Local Performance The IAPT Atlas


Tabled - Local Data packs

•Management Performance Reports derived from HSCIC published data Q2 (18 lines) including:

- waiting times for first appointment- size of waiting lists first appointments- DNA rates- proportion of referrals aged 65 and over- ethnic breakdown



Waiting Times and Waiting lists for First appointments

1) Average (days) waited from referral to first appointment Q 12) The scale of the waiting list for first appointment at the end of Q1 - numbers waiting

at the end of Q1 as a function of number of first appointments seen (treated); Red suggesting the largest waiting list problem.

Designing the Offer of Intensive Support for IAPT services

IAPT website:

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